- Startups - Shervin Pishevar of Menlo Ventures - TWiST #212

发布时间 2011-12-07 10:54:16    来源


0:00-2:00 Welcome, very happy to have you on the show today, Shervin. 2:00-3:30 How do you describe yourself at this point? What do you do? 3:30-5:30 So you recently went to Egypt with Sean Penn? 5:30-11:15 Thank you to SurveyMonkey for sponsoring the program! 11:15-12:30 How does this relate to entrepreneurship, the situation in the middle east? 12:30-14:15 Didn't the Arab Spring start because a small business owner's livelihood was compromised? 14:15-16:30 Is entrepreneurship in a way a religious or spiritual experience for you? 16:30-18:45 So you gave a chunk of your stock to the charity Invisible Children? 18:45-20:15 It takes amazing sacrifices to make the companies, so how do you achieve a balance in life? 20:15-21:15 Are you an investor in Path or just a fan? 21:15-22:15 How much better is their second version? 22:15-24:00 How do you go from having your app panned just one year ago to now being the talk of the town? 24:00-26:15 How does an entrepreneur have the courage to admit that their an idea is a failure and put it to bed rather than flame out? 26:15-28:00 The genius of Path is that, where Facebook turned the world upside down and made everything public, Dave (Morin, the founder) said forget growth, we want privacy. 28:00-31:15 Thank you to MailChimp for sponsoring the program! 31:15-35:45 What was the toughest moment of your career? 35:45-36:30 So you've had some experience, gotten a thicker skin? 36:30-38:15 It's almost your brand to be relentlessly positive, isn't it? Were you always this way? 38:15-42:00 Can your parents even comprehend how much of an American dream you're living? 42:00-44:15 Tyler: I see you regularly checking in at the White House, Shervin. What's going on in those meetings? 44:15-47:00 Were you too tired to start another company? Is that why you became a VC? 47:00-48:45 When you're talking to an entrepreneur for the first time, how long does it take you to know whether or not you want to invest in them? 48:45-50:30 The story in the Wall Street Journal about there being too many incubators--true or not true? 50:30-52:30 So you think the incubators are catalysts, but they're not the sole way that companies should be--or can be--born? 52:30-55:15 Tyler recounts the first time that Jason and Shervin ever met--and didn't exactly get along. 55:15-55:30 Thank you so much for joining us today, Shervin. And thank you to MailChimp and Survey Monkey for sponsoring the show. Support This Week in Startups and independent media by joining the TWiST Producer Program at TwistList.co! Multilingual? Translate this episode of TWiST into another language and email the transcript to translate@thisweekin.com FOLLOW ON TWITTER Jason: @jason Tyler: @steepdecline Shervin: @shervin MailChimp: @mailchimp SurveyMonkey: @surveymonkey Keep up with the latest from our sister company LAUNCH: Excelade Video Analysis App Helps You Master All Sports, USA Olympic Skeleton Coach Loves It http://www.launch.is/blog/excelade-video-analysis-app-helps-you-master-all-sports-usa.html WTF PayPal? Zivity Account Shut Down and Reinstated, CEO "Uneasy" about Service Husband Helped Create http://www.launch.is/blog/wtf-paypal-zivity-account-shut-down-and-reinstated-ceo-uneas.html Facebook Security Flaw Reveals Zuckerberg's Private Photos http://www.launch.is/blog/facebook-security-flaw-reveals-zuckerbergs-private-photos.html Sick of Facebook Connect? Trove Promises Less Pain for Developers and More Control for Consumers http://www.launch.is/blog/sick-of-facebook-connect-trove-promises-less-pain-for-develo.html Zite Adds First Branded Section for Lululemon, But Still No Ads in App http://www.launch.is/blog/zite-adds-first-branded-section-for-lululemon-but-still-no-a.html Executive Producers Louis-Eric Simard, Benjamin Gifford, Jacek Artymiak, Octavian Mihai, Will Paoletto, Geoffrey Clapp, Jeff Hoffer, Kyle Lonzo, Austin Miller, Rashaun Sourles, Robb Kunz, Greg Berry, Sean Lynch, Mary Ann Halford, Jim Joyce, Morgan Howard, Margaret Johns, Kyle M. Brown, Paul Cole, Nick Duncan, Magnus Ingvarsson, Amir Ayalon, Carlos Zaidenweber, Avery Keitt, Joshua Shipsey

