- Startups - TWiST Berlin Meetup- TWiST #233

发布时间 2012-02-18 05:24:19    来源


0:00-1:00 Welcome to the first TWiST Berlin meetup! 1:00-2:00 Today, we're excited to bring you the next in our global meetup series that includes London, Paris, Seoul, South Africa and Chile. 4:30-7:00 We're excited to announce a new sponsor today: LiquidWeb! Everyone go to http://bit.ly/TWiST100 to get $100 in free hosting. 7:00-10:00 Radek, are you there? What's going on in Berlin? 10:00-12:00 What's the tech scene like there? 11:00-12:00 Jan Mechtel pitches KeyRocket, the keyboard shortcut learning system. Check it out at veodin.com. 12:00-14:15 Great pitch, thank you Jan. 14:15-14:45 Tyler: I think the pitch was quite good, but I felt like you could have provided some data points about time saved using shortcuts. 14:45-16:00 Jason gives the presentation a 7.5 and Tyler gives it an 8. 16:00-16:30 Tyler: This product was made for you, Jason. Who is your target user? 16:30-17:00 Jason gives the product a 9 and Tyler gives it an 8. 17:00-18:00 Next up is Hermann Frank pitching Fashionism, the location aware fashion discovery app. Go to http://fashioni.sm to see more. 18:00-19:00 Tyler: Sorry, this wasn't a good pitch. I give it a 5. 19:00-19:45 Jason gives the pitch a 6. 19:45-21:45 Tyler and Jason give examples of how to reword the pitch. 21:45-22:45 Hermann, is this a website or an app? 22:45-23:15 Jason: I could see my wife really using this. I give the business a 9. 23:15-24:30 Is there a map view? 24:30-25:30 Tyler also gives the business a 9 or 9.5. 25:30-27:30 Thank you to Sourcebits for sponsoring the show. Everyone thank @Sourcebits! 27:30-30:00 Shermin Vohmgir pitches Cinovu, a community that is like Soundcloud for independent films. Go to www.cinovu.com to see more. 30:00-30:45 Jason: The pitch has high on concept but low on exact details. I give both the pitch and business a 6. We need specifics. 30:45-32:15 Tyler, what is your take on it? 32:15-33:30 Shermin: I disagree, I think that filmmakers don't wait for funding to make their films. 33:30-35:00 Can't filmmakers just put their film up on YouTube? 35:00-36:30 Tyler rewords the pitch. 36:30-38:30 Jason: There are some clever features and I think it's a good looking website. 38:30-39:15 How much do I get for $5? 39:15-40:45 When is the website going to launch? 40:45-41:00 Jason gives the videos a 10, the pitch a 6 and the business an 8. Tyler gives the pitch a 6 and the business an 8. 41:30-44:00 Phillipp Mayer pitches SquadMail, a free app for email collaboration. Go to squadmail.com to see more. 44:00-46:15 Tyler: I don't understand exactly what it does. 46:15-47:00 If I reply or delete an email, does it do that across the board, in everyone's mail? 47:00-48:30 Jason gives the pitch a 7 and business a 7.5. Tyler gives the pitch a 6. 48:30-49:00 What's the payment structure? 49:00-51:00 Discussion of the evil Samwer brothers. 52:30-54:00 Last up, we're going to hear from MeineSpielzeugKiste (translation: MyToyBox). Pitching the online toy subscription service is Florian Spathelf. Go to http://meinespielzeugkiste.de to check it out. 54:00-55:15 Jason gives the pitch an 8.5 and the business a 9.5 and says that it's a great idea. 55:15-56:00 A tip for startups: always have a hidden "whale" level for people who want to pay more money for better service or more/higher end goods. 56:00-58:30 Tyler gives the pitch an 8.5/9 and the business a 9. 58:30-1:02:00 Jason and Tyler review the pitches to pick a winner. 1:02:00-1:04:30 Jason's top three are KeyRocket, MyToyBox and Fashionism. Tyler's top three are KeyRocket, MyToyBox and SquadMail. 1:04:30-1:05:15 And the winners are... Jason chooses KeyRocket and Tyler chooses ToyBox so it's a tie! 1:05:15-1:05:30 All five companies will get a free table and five free tickets to the LAUNCH Festival! 1:05:30-1:07:00 The winners make their acceptance speeches. 1:07:00-1:08:00 Radek, you did a spectacular job and I'm thrilled with the quality of the companies. 1:08:00-1:08:30- Long live German innovation, thanks everyone! Special thanks to the sponsors in Berlin who helped make this meetup possible: AHOY! Berlin Co-working & Innovation KinderFee.de TagesAngebot.de Xantera ProDigitalis Medien Techberlin.com VentureVillage.eu Support This Week in Startups and independent media by joining the TWiST Producer Program at TwistList.co! Multilingual? Translate this episode of TWiST into another language and email the transcript to translate@thisweekin.com FOLLOW ON TWITTER Jason: @jason Tyler: @steepdecline Radek: @radekrybs LiquidWeb: @liquidweb Sourcebits: @sourcebits

