- Startups - Instagram Video, NSA PRISM, MakerBot, FAB, John McAfee- TWiST News Roundtable
发布时间 2013-06-21 22:48:27 来源
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Some highlights:
0:03:30 You spent over a year at Google?
0:03:45 What is Boxer?
0:04:45 Where are you, Anil?
0:05:00 What did you do after MovableType?
0:08:00 What is your take on the NSA, Anil?
0:09:30 Do you think it's overreaching?
0:10:15 Jason, is it disappointing that all the internet co's are embracing this?
0:13:00 Is the US hyprocritcal complaining about other countries spying on us?
0:18:00 Thanks to Snapterms for supporting the show!
0:21:00 Jason, what do you think about Fab's valuation?
0:24:15 Jason: You should double down on what you're good at & maybe you'll be great at it.
0:27:45 What do you think of 3D printing, Jason?
0:33:00 Will it make more sense for the average person to own a 3D printer when the technically gets better or incorporates metal?
0:35:30 Do they have 3D printing for fabric?
0:36:45 Big thank you to MailChimp for sponsoring our show.
0:40:25 What has Knowyo been up to?
0:41:15 What do you charge per person?
0:45:00 What is bathsalts?
0:46:15 Is this a good thing for McAfee?
0:47:15 What message board has John McAfee been on?
0:48:30 How many views does the video have?
0:50:45 How are you replacing Google reader?
0:51:00 Does the world need Google reader now that Twitter exist?
0:51:30 What was Marissa Mayer like to work with?
0:53:30 What grade do you give Marissa so far?
0:55:00 Anil, what is your thoughts on Marissa & the Tumblr move?
0:58:45 Should Google have shut down the RSS reader?
1:00:30 Google reader would have been Tumblr like?
1:02:45 Is it too hard for Google reader to spin it out?
1:03:00 Did Google reach out to you, Jason?
1:04:45 Jason, what do you think of Glass?
1:06:45 Which do you prefer: Vine or Instagram video?
1:13:15 What impact does Instragram video have on YouTube?
1:14:00 Can we make a Vine of the best moment of our show?
1:15:00 Are you for or opposed to video (Instagram 2011)?
1:16:15 What do you think? Quickie or Xobni?
1:18:45 Do you remember the first Quickie screenshots?
1:20:00 What grade do you give iOS 7?
1:23:45 How much is catching up to Android?
1:25:00 What does this say about Microsoft?
1:26:45 Did you see the battery swap on the Tesla?
1:28:30 What did FWD.us do that was so controversial?
1:30:15 Andrew, do you want to hear my Tesla story?
1:32:15 Thanks to MailChimp & Snapterms! And check out Boxer.com & ThinkUp.com
1:33:00 What is ThinkUp?
Show our guests some love!
Jason Shellen
Anil Dash
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