Helen Greiner, Founder CyPhyWorks (iRobot, Roomba inventor) takes to the sky w/the LVL 1 drone

发布时间 2015-06-09 21:55:24    来源


It’s Drones Week and the official launch of This Week in Startups / Inside Drones podcast! Drones are becoming ready for primetime. They are safe, easy to fly, and are now able to do actual commerce in the world because regulations are becoming reasonable. Our first drones guest expert this week is Helen Greiner, Founder & CEO of CyPhyWorks (a drone robotics company), also Cofounder of iRobot and inventor of the Roomba vacuuming machine. Tune in as Jason and Helen have an exciting drone demo & discussion about what makes hexacopters far superior to quadcopters and helicopters, how CyPhyWorks was able to blow their Kickstarter campaign goal out of the water and raised more than $500,000 for their first hexacopter (which will retail for under $600!), how seeing R2-D2 in Star Wars for the first time is when Helen knew she wanted to build machines that were more than machines, why real-time social sharing is important with drone flying, how there has FINALLY been a proposed set of FAA commercial drone regulations that will make commerce possible, and how Helen wants her company to be the drones delivering packages to your home. Jason also gets a chance to live demo the CyPhyWorks LVL 1 drone! Join us! **** There's still time to get the LVL 1 Drone on Kickstarter! cyphyworks.com/LVL1 **** Never miss an episode! Subscribe in iTunes: Audio (http://bit.ly/TwiStA) || Video (http://bit.ly/TwiStV) Full show notes: http://goo.gl/i2llFF ============== Thanks to our sponsors. Click here to tweet your support (can edit before sending): http://ctt.ec/ymPQz Wistia. Video marketing tools for business with great analytics. Start your 2-week free trial today, no credit card required. http://wistia.com/twist HostGator.com, your one stop shop to getting your business online. Your domain name, your website, your website design, and even your marketing, they've got you covered. Have questions? Their team is there 24/7 via chat, phone, and email to help you. Start today for 30% off hosting with coupon code “twist.” ============== Follow: http://twitter.com/helengreiner http://twitter.com/cyphyworksinc http://twitter.com/jason http://twitter.com/twiStartups Launch Ticker: http://launch.co Launch Festival: http://festival.launch.co Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel Program! Show notes powered by The Podcast Wire. Subscribe here: www.thepodcastwire.com Top Show Links On Helen's Background On iRobot On Quadcopters Vs. Hexacopters On CyPhy's Kickstarter Campaign On Humans Flying In Drones On Drone Energy and GPS Systems Other Features Of The Hexacopter On Drone Regulation On Drone Delivery

