#AskJason - Do we need to have patience for the Apple Watch to dominate the market?

发布时间 2015-11-16 19:35:03    来源


WATCH FULL EPISODE: http://thisweekinstartups.com/askjason-mwiot-part3-janice-fraser/ Jason sits down with Janice Fraser from Pivotal to answer questions from fans about technology, Internet of Things, wearables and more! In this clip, Janice and Jason talk about the Apple Watch, where the tough part is that the Watch isn't displacing a current behavior and finding the compelling use case for the device. Today, it’s a special #AskJason: mobile, wearables & Internet of Things (IoT) edition, with special guest Janice Fraser, the Director of Innovation Practice at Pivotal. Jason and Janice lend insights to fans’ pressing questions on m/w/IoT, including why IoT is so important, the states of virtual and augmented reality, what the Apple watch really needs to succeed, whither mobile in emerging, global markets -- and will we still be driving cars in 5-10 years? This is the third in a series of special #AskJasons presented by Pivotal. LAUNCH & Pivotal teamed up to host Mobile, Wearables & IoT at Fort Mason in San Francisco, October 15-16. Learn more at launchmw.com and watch clips from the event at: https://goo.gl/2N7PZF Never miss an episode. Subscribe in iTunes: Audio (http://bit.ly/TwiStA) || Video (http://bit.ly/TwiStV) Thank you to Pivotal! Click here to tweet your support (can edit before sending): http://ctt.ec/gXOor Pivotal has helped the world's most recognized brands and startups learn and adopt the methods required to build reliable, scalable software products. For more info, visit pivotal.io and follow @pivotal. ============== Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pivotal http://twitter.com/clevergirl http://twitter.com/launch http://twitter.com/jason http://twitter.com/twiStartups LAUNCH-Pivotal Mobile, Wearables & IoT: http://www.launchmw.com Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel Program!

