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Planet Labs CEO Will Marshall on how his daily imaging of entire Earth aids in disaster relief

发布时间 2016-04-12 02:19:55    来源


WATCH FULL EPISODE: https://youtu.be/LpMwSa6rgVU Will Marshall @wsm1 @planetlabs on how his satellite images aid disaster relief efforts w/@jason-THX @GoToMeeting FOR FULL SHOW NOTES: SIGN UP http://thisweekinstartups.com/about/# Filmed on the LAUNCH Stage at the 2016 LAUNCH Festival, Joe DeSimone of Carbon3D and Will Marshall of Planet Labs demonstrate why their companies go beyond the cutting edge in their respective industries. In this episode of This Week in Startups, Will Marshall brings in one of Planet Labs’ ultra compact satellites, which, having deployed over 150 into orbit, are creating a hyper-efficient Earth imaging system with virtually endless application possibilities. Then, Jason sits down with Joe DeSimone to find out what Carbon3D brings to the market, and how their innovative new approach to 3D printing is creating stronger, more sustainable products from higher quality materials.

