E767: Jason Goldberg (Pepo, Fab.com) intros Simple Token for apps to launch branded crytpo tokens

发布时间 2017-10-03 19:19:45    来源


Pepo & Fab.com founder Jason Goldberg introduces Simple Token for apps to build branded tokens, bridging the gap between consumer & cryptocurrency. Jason G. walks Jason C. through what he calls the most exciting project he's ever been involved with, now being a pioneer in the decentralized web as he was in the early day of e-commerce. With crypto can we finally fulfill the "power to the people" promise of the 1990s internet? The two also talk founder resiliency, soaring highs & devastating lows of entrepreneurship, Nick Denton & defunct Gawker, the dangers of raising too much money, the joys of living in Berlin, and much more.

