E865: Nextdoor Nirav Tolia: 90% US neighborhoods, 100m users globally w/organic growth, hard choices
发布时间 2018-10-16 21:13:01 来源
E865: Nextdoor CEO & Co-founder Nirav Tolia on getting to 90% of US neighborhoods & 100m users globally with organic growth & hard choices, shares thoughts on parody, possible IPO, & becoming the unique social network that protects, as well as connects, its members.
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Show Notes:
1:19 Jason brings up parody account “Best of Nextdoor” and how Nirav finds it humorous.
3:52 Nirav discusses the idea of Nextdoor postcards and how it came to him.
8:37 Jason thanks our sponsor Blinkist. Visit www.blinkist.com/twist to start your free trial today
10:38 Nirav continues to talk about the authenticity of Nextdoor postcards and how they have helped grow neighborhoods.
12:43 Nirav dives into the use of SEO in his past businesses and its effect on Nextdoor.
13:59 Nirav describes the slow and steady growth of Nextdoor neighborhoods built over 8 years.
17:32 Jason and Nirav discuss Nextdoor’s privacy laws and if they can kick people out of communities.
20:50 Jason thanks our sponsor Campaign Monitor. Go to campaignmonitor.com/twist to try Campaign Monitor for free and receive a free t-shirt.
23:18 Nirav and Jason debate Facebook and Nextdoor as social media platforms. What are the dangers of social media?
27:44 Jason asks Nirav what he thinks of the developers at Facebook and if they are being careless when it comes to user design.
32:11 Jason thanks our sponsor, LinkedIn Talent Solutions. Visit Linkedin.com/twist to receive a $50 credit towards your first job posting.
34:29 Jason asks Nirav what advice he’d tell his younger entrepreneurial self if he could go back in time.
36:54 Nirav talks about his growing concerns with Silicon Valley.