E962 Sophia Amoruso, Girlboss: new digital network for women, Nasty Gal lessons, inspiring women

发布时间 2019-08-06 18:57:33    来源


Sophia Amoruso, Girlboss CEO & Co-founder, shares the evolution of #Girlboss from book, podcast & TV series to recently launched digital network for ambitious women, her personal journey from a "freegan" dumpster diving anarchist to successful entrepreneur, tough lessons learned from Nasty Gal, & the inspiring growth of female founders 3:35 Sophia's journey from scrappy dumpster-diver to building Nasty Gal 13:03 Mistakes and lessons from Nasty Gal 18:40 Why she started Girlboss 30:27 Growth of female founders since Sophia started Nasty Gal 39:52 Building Girlboss from a business perspective A HUGE Thanks to our generous Patreon supporters: Stefan Samne, Niall Dennehy, Tom Meagher, Abdel Bioud, Carlos Aguilar, Podcast Notes, Mike Jonas, Tasneem, Vin Dowling, Stefano Vettorazzi, Mikael Pawlo, Luke Mroz, Tim-Kress Spatz, Dith Na, Jeremy Davidson, Clayton Memele, Scott LaVictor, Kirstan Barnett, David Wolkin, Darius Vasefi, Liron Shapira, Hassan Albalawi, Dominik Faber, Anthony Holley, Blaine Tanner, David Bailey, Marc Cyr, Monika Norwid, Ron Berkes, Russell S Holmes, Nicholas Wickman, Ryan Morrison, Robera Geleta, Barrie Heptonstall, Eric Dewhirst, Tony Bova, Bob Wilkinson, Ashon, Victor Izmaylov, Igor Ostrovsky, Alistair Palmar, Brian Kearns, Straight Cash Homie, Pam & Tolu!!! https://www.patreon.com/twistartups

