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E1044 Ask Jason! Starting companies in a crisis, no-code perception, solving unemployment surge

发布时间 2020-04-11 00:30:20    来源


Ask Jason! Starting a company in an economic crisis, bringing on & compensating startup advisors, scaling diligence as an angel investor, Jason's thoughts on solving the unemployment surge & more! 0:01 Jason previews today's Ask Jason & drops some hints about the Super Secret TWiST Slack room 2:29 Aaron asks how investors view no-code startups 6:33 Andrii asks if an economic crisis is a good time to start a company 9:52 Jesse asks if he should start trying to raise a round of funding now, or wait until this crisis passes 14:48 Juan asks how he can leverage his first committed angel investor to attract more 19:11 Marcel asks how he can use a "startup mentality" to effectively run his small private school 23:28 Matt asks how to bring on advisors and how he should compensate them 29:46 Mike asks what % of revenue a company should spend on brand & marketing 35:27 Peter asks how much diligence is appropriate for an Angel Investor writing small checks ($5K & under) 41:52 Talha asks what COVID's economic impact will be on Cloud Kitchens, UberEats, DoorDash, etc. 47:56 Ryan asks for Jason's thoughts on solving the unemployment issues due to COVID-19 A HUGE Thanks to our generous Patreon supporters: Stefan Samne, Niall Dennehy, Tom Meagher, Abdel Bioud, Carlos Aguilar, Podcast Notes, Mike Jonas, Tasneem, Vin Dowling, Stefano Vettorazzi, Mikael Pawlo, Luke Mroz, Tim-Kress Spatz, Dith Na, Jeremy Davidson, Clayton Memele, Scott LaVictor, Kirstan Barnett, David Wolkin, Darius Vasefi, Liron Shapira, Hassan Albalawi, Dominik Faber, Anthony Holley, Blaine Tanner, David Bailey, Marc Cyr, Monika Norwid, Ron Berkes, Russell S Holmes, Nicholas Wickman, Ryan Morrison, Robera Geleta, Barrie Heptonstall, Eric Dewhirst, Tony Bova, Bob Wilkinson, Ashon, Victor Izmaylov, Igor Ostrovsky, Alistair Palmar, Brian Kearns, Straight Cash Homie, Gordon Gooch, Said Saad, Ron Theis, Florian Schwarz, Scott Gay, Andy Vinh, Almuhtada Smith, Dave Rimmer, Arnaud Devie, Tim Shnaider, Brian Kearns, Dave, Steve Bernat, Cynthia, Ayo Dele, Chris Swain, Space Mining, Jack Reichert, Zen Lenon, Pam, Nick, Miguel Solano JJ, David Daily, Mark John, Tolu, John Malatras, Steven S, Franco Vargas Golac, CJ, Steven Kimbrough, Prakash Chandran & @moaz!!! https://www.patreon.com/twistartups

