Tesla: 2020 Outlook, Trading Strategies, TSLA Options, Model Y, and more w/ Matt Joyce & Rob Maurer

发布时间 2020-02-09 02:00:10    来源


Matt Joyce and Rob Maurer discuss the latest developments for Tesla and outlook for 2020. Topics include: ➤ TSLA trading strategies, options trading, and margin ➤ Matt's investment history ➤ Reaction to Tesla's fantastic Q4 ➤ 2020 Q1 and full year expectations, risks, and upside ➤ Short selling and stock price manipulation ➤ Tesla Model Y increased efficiency ➤ Gigafactory Texas ➤ Batching and unwinding the quarterly delivery wave ➤ Follow Toom on Instagram @toomdips and tag 3 friends for a chance to win some Toom! ➤ Follow Rob on Instagram @tesladailypodcast ➤ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/teslapodcast ➤ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tesladailypodcast Ludicrous producer Vincent Smith Executive producer Rob Gill Executive producer Rish Singh Executive producer Nick Wood Executive producer Fela Winkelmolen Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Bradford Ferguson Music by Evan Schaeffer Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives Disclosure: Matt Joyce is long TSLA stock

