Tesla Adds New Safety Features, Cruise Publishes Crash Data
发布时间 2023-04-28 23:11:48 来源
➤ Tesla adds new safety features in over-the-air software update
➤ First Republic reportedly headed into FDIC receivership
➤ PCE report for March
➤ Cruise publishes crash data for first 1M driverless miles
➤ Model Y 7-seat option price change
➤ Tesla updates scope of business in China
➤ Mr. Money Mustache orders a Tesla
➤ Calendar
0:00 Intro / TSLA
0:38 Banks / PCE
2:04 Safety features
3:44 Cruise safety data
9:32 7-seat Model Y
10:20 China scope of business
11:16 Mr. Money Mustache
12:33 Week ahead
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Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob Mauer here happy Friday. Today we are going to be talking a little bit about safety We have new features added over the air from Tesla Also take a look at a report from crews. They have surpassed 1 million mile 1 million driverless miles and have reported on their religion rates So we'll take a look at that and of course we have a few other items as well
大家好,我是Rob Mauer,祝大家周五愉快。今天我们将谈一谈安全问题。特斯拉通过空中升级增加了一些新功能。此外,我们还将看一下来自特斯拉车队的报告。他们已经跑了超过100万英里的无人驾驶里程,并报告了其可靠性情况。因此,我们将研究一下这些,当然还有其他几个项目。
We'll start off with the stock today nice day again for Tesla up about two and a half percent It closes $164 and 31 cents so a couple days in a row of good results here for Tesla following a couple of bad days There's a end the week last week in begin this week But the NASDAQ today up about seven tenths of a percent so nice over performance from Tesla on the day as well
One thing to keep an eye on in the macro environment first Republic Bank did fall significantly after market closed today Looks like that is going to be placed into an FDIC receivership report by Bloomberg here and by Reuters that that may be happening So it's been kind of on the fridge for a while now looks like that will probably Continue to happen so something to keep an eye on for over the weekend And we'll talk a little bit more about next week from a calendar perspective towards the end of the episode But I don't know watch there with first Republic and then we did also have the PCE personal consumption expenditures report this morning
So we'll take a look at that briefly the year over year number looks really great We can see the continued decline here with the March report remember this is you know about a month old data at this point But you can see your year over year coming down from 5.1 percent in February now to 4.2 percent for the March report However, if we look at the core PC the numbers look a little bit less positive there Core coming in at 4.6 so slightly above consensus estimates and not much of a decline from where we've seen it be for the last You know really five months or so As for the month of a month change that was 0.3 percent so 30 basis points and that was in line with expectations as well as being in line with the prior month
So would have liked to see something a little bit better there, but again, you know, this is data from March So a lot has changed since this would have come in obviously March being the month of a lot of stuff happening with banking
Which we're still seeing continue
Are getting into Tesla stuff we've got an update here from not a Tesla app they have taken a look at the owners manual From a tip from a reader and noticed a couple of changes to Tesla's automatic emergency braking
So Tesla and the owner's manual has changed the wording to now read that automatic emergency braking is Designed to reduce the impact of frontal and reverse collisions with limited functionality while in reverse previously I believe there was no mention of automatic emergency braking working in reverse so pretty cool to see Tesla having added this again over the air With software 2023.12 so pretty cool to see that they've also noted that's The automatic emergency braking functionality has now expanded in terms of what speed range it functions in so that go Not that now goes up to 124 miles per hour Previously that was capped at 90 miles per hour so Expanded range and functionality there again nice to see from it over the air software update
And hopefully we'll learn a little bit more about this reverse feature. This is coming after Tesla Back in February I believe so a couple months ago had introduced the functionality for automatic emergency braking to work in the case of a cross vehicle path or vehicle crossing the path rather than a vehicle just being in front of Ego or the Tesla vehicle so Again, just in the last couple of months we've seen pretty significant updates to automatic emergency braking
Which this should go to all vehicles kind of regardless of of FSD beta or anything like that
这个应该适用于所有类型的车辆,而不管是不是FSD beta等。表达的意思是无论车辆是否正在使用FSD beta或其他类型的软件,这个规定都要适用于所有类型的车辆。
So nice to see Tesla continuing to push forward on those safety features Always been a top priority for for Tesla
Kind of related here a little bit of a tangent but crews did publish their safety data for their first 1 million miles driverless vehicles we can go up here and see How their miles have accumulated so it is a big milestone for crews We're gonna talk about the safety data. I'm not trying to take anything away from crews With this of course we've reported on you know some of their successes some of the challenges that they have had
But they've published their collision rates so they say over the first 1 million driverless miles They have had 23 collisions just two where the collision was with primary contribution from the crews vehicle According to you of course crews and three that had collisions three collisions that had meaningful risk of Inter of injury according to crews now what's most interesting here is their comparison with You know what this would be like for human performance human drivers
They say that over these million miles there would have been 50 human collisions in San Francisco 25 with primary contribution so half basically saying that all collisions would involve another vehicle I don't know that that's an accurate reflection of things which we'll continue talking about and then they also say 11 of those collisions Would have had meaningful risk of injury
So right off the bat if you followed Tesla's safety statistics closely This data would look a little bit surprising. So if we look at some of the things Tesla has shared Of course just looking at the total US vehicle fleet. We've talked about the smetricolats But for each million miles driven Tesla says that Nitz says that there would be about 1.5 collisions Across the US vehicle fleet on average of course Tesla is much lower there at Tessels without safety features that you know 0.7 collisions over that million miles FSD beta 0.3 Winengaged and then autopilot winengaged obviously different driving domain there.
如果你密切关注特斯拉的安全数据,那么很快就会发现这些数据有些出人意料。如果我们看一下特斯拉公开的一些数据,当然,我们只是看了美国车队的总体数据,我们已经谈到了对称差集。但是,相较于每一百万英里的行驶里程,特斯拉说,Nitz说,在美国车队上平均会有大约1.5次碰撞。当然,特斯拉要低得多,在拥有为安全功能的特斯拉上,你知道,在这一百万英里内只有0.7次碰撞。在FSD beta 0.3 Winengaged的时候,当然是不同的驾驶领域。
So As we've talked about many times not directly comparable but 0.18 collisions per million miles Versus here if we go back they're saying there's 50 collisions Per million miles in the driving domain that would be San Francisco. So again 50 versus what Nitz is saying is 1.5 so It's a little bit perplexing. Why is Kru saying this? They talk about their methodology here. They say that you know the most often cited statistic in the United States Let me zoom in a bit here.
It's a little small That didn't help The most often cited in the United States metric as a measure of how well humans are used How well humans drive over? Millions of miles is given based on all driving environments by all drivers in a given year divided by the total collisions reported that year so based on that approach human drivers drive about 515,000 miles forever reported collision during 2021 So this is basically the Nitz statistic. This is what Tesla references if we look at again their safety data We can see this gray bar here is the United States average and you can see that that's about one collision every You know 500,000 miles or so
So Kru's is saying, you know, that's most commonly cited. That's what Tesla has cited in the past But they don't really agree with that. So they've been doing some research I guess to see what is a more realistic number We'll go through you know, we're not going to go through all that but they say they partnered with different universities and To come up with this based on a multi-year study And they say that because of the study they are estimating that the average frequency is not 515,000 miles but rather fewer than 20,000 miles per collision
So this is a very stark contrast to Nitz a data that Kru's is using to You know make their comparison with for their safety results so Obviously, you know without seeing these studies without going through them in too much detail It's difficult to know How accurate those would be how you know realistic those would be I think there's probably some middle ground between what Kru's is using here as their estimate and what Nitz is Using as their number because Perhaps that's under reported with you know some collisions not being reported to Nitz a I think that's a realistic assumption
But to assume that it's you know 50 times higher essentially, you know, maybe 30 times higher It seems like a little bit more of a stretch. So I'm not 100% sure about this baseline that they're using But even if we set that aside It does also give us a you know different comparison versus Tesla where okay if there's there's 50 here Tesla drivers on average You know based on Tesla's safety data would be way down here at less than one If you don't include safety features, they'd be like 0.7 and if you did they'd be down there at you know 0.3 so It just goes to show I think primarily what I'm the point that I want to make here is that When we see complaints about people testing FSD beta or autopilot and these things being unsafe You have to compare to what other driverless companies like Kru's are doing where the collision rate is so much higher And the point isn't that Kru's is doing something that's that's not safe or something like that It's more so that people make these criticisms of Tesla that saying it's not safe when there are other driverless companies out there that perhaps have a higher Uh collision rate obviously Teslas would be lower because there is a human there Monitoring things so it's not not trying to make a direct comparison saying Tesla is better than then Kru's because of you know XYZ statistic I'm just trying to say that's the path that Tesla's pursuing where you do have the human there Being able to monitor things is obviously significantly safer in its current form with the driver monitoring Then something like Kru's where there is no driver right now
但是假设事实上你知道这个数字要高出50倍,可能要高出30倍,这似乎有点牵强。所以我不确定他们使用的基线是否完全正确。但即使我们抛开这个不谈,它也给我们带来了一个不同的比较,与特斯拉相比,特斯拉平均每50名司机的安全数据要低于1,如果不包括安全功能,则只有0.7,而如果包括,则只有0.3。这也表明了我想要表达的主要观点,即当我们看到有人对FSD beta或自动驾驶进行不安全测试的抱怨时,我们必须将其与其他无人驾驶公司如Kru's的表现进行比较,其碰撞率要高得多。重点并不是Kru's在做不安全的事情,而是人们对特斯拉提出的这种不安全的批评,当时还有其他无人驾驶公司,可能有更高的碰撞率。显然,特斯拉的碰撞率更低,因为有一个人类在现场监控事情,所以不是要直接比较的意思,而是特斯拉采取的是一种比Kru's更安全的路径。因为它目前有驾驶员监控,这比Kru's目前没有驾驶员要更安全。
So hopefully that point isn't lost on people I think people will still complain about the comparison but um, I think it's interesting to see as well as just you know Hopefully informing people on what Kru's is actually doing here in terms of the the benchmark in the comparison that they're using All right, so we'll move on from that we do have a couple of other Tesla updates
The first here is that the seven seat model Y the option value or the option price on that uh configuration Has declined from $4,000 previously now to $3,000 for that seven-seat version I can't remember exactly when the price changes on this previously happened But I think Tesla may have raised that to a $4,000 option when the seven-seat version was the only one that was gonna be eligible for the EV tax credits up to $80,000 of course that is since changed So this may be just kind of a response to that happening and I'm sure Tesla at the time got a spike in seven-seat orders
这里首先是关于Model Y七座车型的事情,选配价值或者选配价格在这个配置上已经从之前的$4,000美元下调到了$3,000美元。我不确定之前的价格调整是在何时,但我认为当时特斯拉可能将价格调整为$4,000美元,因为只有七座车型才有资格获得高达$80,000美元的电动汽车税收抵免。当然,现在情况已经改变了。因此,这可能是对那个时期的反应,我相信特斯拉当时会接到大量七座车型的订单。
So they've maybe now worked through that uh bringing this price back down So that's kind of my my thoughts on on why they change there nothing too significant obviously just Small change in the option price
We did also have a report on Twitter then that Tesla has changed the scope of its business in terms of their filings in Shanghai uh Apparently now includes the sale of electric bicycles and the sale of wearable smart devices So you could take that as a hint that maybe Tesla is getting involved in those segments um It's possible. I mean Tesla's Teased in the past in some of their marketing something that looked like maybe they were working on an electric bicycle So could be but I think more likely they're just expanding the scope so that you know, they kind of have legal representation for that Uh kind of like trademarking would do So that other people can't you know use their brand in those those industries Obviously, I'm not super familiar with how the law applies in China on those things But uh that would seem a little bit more likely to me If we look at the um, you know investor day and we look at master plan three I think there's a lot of things that Tesla will probably focus on before uh focusing on on electric bicycles
我们收到了有关 Twitter 上的一份报告,称特斯拉在上海的申报文件中已经改变了其业务范围,其中包括电动自行车和可穿戴智能设备的销售。因此,您可以将其视为特斯拉涉足这些领域的提示。这是有可能的。特斯拉在过去的营销活动中曾暗示他们正在开发一款电动自行车。但我更倾向于认为他们是在扩大其业务范围以确保对这些行业有法律表述,类似于商标保护,这样其他人就不能在这些行业中使用他们的品牌。显然,我并不是非常了解中国法律在这些方面的适用情况,但这对我来说似乎更有可能。如果我们看一下投资者日和master plan three,我认为特斯拉在关注电动自行车之前将专注于许多其他事情。
Right next uh this one's kind of interesting for me personally Uh many of you actually probably know about Mr. Money Mustache It's I feel like there's probably a pretty significant overlap with uh Tesla investors But Mr. Money Mustache is just a really long time long-living blog on frugality And kind of interesting update uh yesterday that appeared on the blog uh Mr. Money Mustache has decided to order a model Y So as you can see the title here frugal man buys $50,000 car Y And then he goes through to explain, you know, why he made this decision some of the factors that he considered Uh ultimately he does say that the the model Y is simply the best deal right now for an electric vehicle For all the factors that we talk about day to day Uh, but I just think it's pretty noteworthy to just see You know something that is focused very much on frugality Recognizing the value that there is in a Tesla vehicle even with those higher prices so I don't really have much more to say on that but I just thought it was Google I've read Mr. Money Mustache You know not so much anymore, but used to for a long time, you know dating back probably to college But so I was I was pretty excited to see that you know, he's made that decision And again, I think it helps echo just the the benefits of Tesla and obviously highlighting The total cost of ownership throughout some of the the writing that he's done here
这篇文章讲述了一位特斯拉投资者和长期关注节俭的博主Mr. Money Mustache最近购买了一辆Model Y的决定。他解释了自己做出这个决定的因素,并认为在目前的市场上,Model Y是最具性价比的电动车。这一决定引起了人们的关注,因为Mr. Money Mustache一直以来都是很注重节俭的。但他也认识到了特斯拉车的价值,特别是通过总拥有成本来看,它的实际价值远远超过了价格。这是一个很有趣的故事,因为它表明特斯拉在市场上的影响力越来越大,即使对于那些原本非常注重节省的人来说,也能看到它的价值。
All right as we move your app things up just take a look at calendar for next week We will have the FMC meeting So we'll get the statement on that Wednesday couple hours before market close 30 minutes after that We will have the press conference Right now the CME Group Fedwatch tool does put expectations for a rate increase at 80% for 25 basis point increase 20% for a pause I definitely fall in the 80% camp, you know, that's my my thought right now Maybe first republic changes that but that's sort of been telegraph for a while now So probably not anything to major there that throws things off So I'd expect the 25 basis point increase and with that being the broader expectation um Probably more significant will be what the language is in the press conference and how they talk about whether they're gonna pause You know sort of next time around I think we'll see the hedge language again where they want to leave it on the table and probably make the market think that it's gonna increase so We'll see what the reaction to that is next week again. That is on Wednesday
And then a couple of things for tonight. Elon Musk will be appearing on a bill mar sorry about that Bill mar tonight I actually can't really say his name well. I know it's super close to my last name, but it's slightly different So it's close to bill mower not quite but someone criticized me for that that last time So regardless whatever the pronunciation there Elon will be on that tonight at 10 p.m. Eastern time and then A little bit for that. I believe this is now scheduled for the last update It's around 830 Eastern time So a little over two hours from now space x will be doing the second launch force Falcon heavy this year And then the second launch for space x actually today So kind of a big day for space x and always exciting to see the Falcon heavy launch as those are a little bit less frequent
今晚还有两件事情。埃隆·马斯克将在 Bill Mar 的节目上亮相,抱歉,我念不准他的名字。我知道它与我的姓氏非常相似,但略有不同。所以它更接近于 Bill Mower,但上一次有人批评我读错了。但无论怎样,无论如何念,埃隆今晚会出现在节目中,东部时间晚上10点。另外一件事是,我相信这现在已安排在最后一个更新的时间了,大约是东部时间晚上8:30左右。所以再过两个多小时,Space X将进行今年的第二次Falcon Heavy任务,也是今天Space X的第二次发射。对于Space X来说,今天是一个重要的日子,而看到Falcon Heavy的发射总是令人兴奋,因为这种发射类型比较少见。
All right, that'll wrap it up for today as always. Thank you for listening Make sure you subscribe to and sign up for notifications You can also find me on twitter at Tesla podcast And we'll see on Monday for the May 1st episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.
好的,今天的节目结束了,就像往常一样。谢谢你们的收听。请确保订阅并开启通知。你也可以在Twitter上找到我 @ Tesla podcast。我们周一会再见,到时会有5月1日的《特斯拉日报》。谢谢。