Live: Tesla Q1 Earnings Call 2023 (TSLA)

发布时间 2023-04-19 23:18:16    来源


Listen to Elon Musk and Tesla management discuss Tesla's Q1 2023 financial results and answer questions from investors and analysts. Join Rob Maurer of Tesla Daily for a live blog highlighting key information, followed by reaction to the call and earnings report. For reaction to Tesla's shareholder letter and earnings report: 0:00 Call begins 0:55 Elon Musk opening remarks 6:07 Zach Kirkhorn opening remarks 8:54 Investor questions 20:26 Analyst questions 1:01:43 Post-call reaction Shareloft: Twitter: Patreon: Tesla Referral: #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Vika, VP of Invest Relations, and I'm joined today by Elon Musk, Zachary Kirkhorn, and a number of other executives. Our Q1 results were announced at about 3 p.m. central time in the update deck we published at the same link as this webcast. During this call, we will discuss our business outlook and make forward-looking statements. These comments are based on our predictions and expectations as of today. Actual events or results could differ materially due to a number of risks and uncertainties, including those mentioned in our most recent filings with the SEC.
大家好,我是投资关系VP Vika,今天和我一起参加本次研讨会的有埃隆·马斯克、扎卡里·柯克霍恩和其他的高管们。我们在中央时间下午3点左右宣布了本季度的业绩,我们发布了一个更新的演示文稿,链接与本次网络研讨会相同。在本次通话中,我们将讨论我们的业务前景并做出前瞻性声明。这些发言是基于我们今天的预测和预期作出的。实际事件或结果可能因许多风险和不确定性而有所不同,包括我们最近提交给SEC的文件中提到的那些。

During the question and answer portion of today's call, please limit yourself to one question and one follow-up. Please use the raise hand button to join the question queue. But before we jump into Q&A, Elon has some opening remarks.

Elon? Thank you, Martin. So just a Q1 recap. Model Y became the best selling vehicle of any kind in Europe and the best selling non-pickup vehicle in the United States. And this is in spite of a lot of challenges in production and delivery. So it's a huge credit to the Tesla team for achieving these great results. It is with pointing out that the current macro environment remains uncertain, I think I'm telling anyone that anything you already know, especially with large purchases such as cars. And while we reduce prices considerably in early Q1, it's with noting that our operating margin remains among the best in the industry.
马丁,感谢你。简单回顾一下第一季度,Model Y已成为欧洲任何类型车型中的最畅销车型,也成为美国最畅销的非皮卡车型。这是在生产和交付过程中面临许多挑战的情况下取得的成就,这是特斯拉团队的巨大功劳。需要指出的是,目前的宏观环境仍然不确定,这个任何人都知道,特别是在涉及大型购买如汽车的情况下。虽然我们在第一季度初大幅降低了价格,但值得注意的是,我们的运营利润率仍然是行业中最佳的。

We've taken a view that pushing for higher volumes and a larger fleet is the right choice here versus a lower volume and higher margin. However, we expect our vehicles over time will be able to generate a significant profit through autonomy. So we do believe we're like laying the groundwork here and then it's better to ship a large number of cars at a lower margin and subsequently harvest that margin in the future as we perfect autonomy. This is an extremely important point.

Let's see, regarding the cyber truck, we continue to build alpha versions of the cyber truck on our pilot line for testing purposes. It's a great product. And we're completing the installation of the following production line at Giga Texas. And we're anticipating having a delivery event, a great delivery event, probably in Q3. As with all new products, it'll follow an S curve of production stops out slow and then accelerates. So the cyber truck is no different. So it's, you know, there's trust on a demand for the product, obviously. And it might be a fantastic product, a whole a favor. But as with all new products, it takes time to get the manufacturing line going and this is really a very radical product. It's not, it's not made in the way that other cars are made.
关于赛博卡车,我们正在我们的试生产线上不断制造赛博卡车的Alpha版进行测试。这是一款很棒的产品。我们正在Giga Texas完成以下生产线的安装,我们预计在第三季度有一个交付盛会,非常盛大。就像所有新产品一样,生产将会呈S形曲线缓慢开始,然后加速。因此,赛博卡车并没有什么差异。很显然,这个产品一定有市场需求,并且可能成为一款很棒的产品。但是就像所有新产品一样,需要时间来启动生产线,而这是一个非常激进的产品。它不是像其他汽车那样生产的。

So let's see, we've got to Megapack, we're making great progress. Our energy storage deployment reached nearly 4 gigawatt hours in Q1. It's by far the strongest quarter ever. And this growth was achieved thanks to the ongoing ramp at our Megapack tree in late through California. This is some way to go to reach the full run rate of 40 gigawatt hours per year. And then we additionally announced the start of a new Megapack tree in Shanghai. So we were, as we've expected, the stationary storage growth actually will significantly exceed the vehicle growth.

Regarding auto-powered and full-subdriving, we've now crossed over 115 million miles, driven by full-subdriving beta. And this number is growing exponentially. We're, I mean, this is a data advantage that really no one else has. Those who understand AI will understand the importance of data, of training data, and how fundamental that is to achieving an incredible outcome. So yeah, so we're also very focused on improving on neural net training capabilities. As is one of the main limiting factors of achieving full autonomy. So we're continuing to simultaneously make significant purchases of NVIDIA GPUs and also putting a lot of effort into Dojo, which we believe has the potential for an order of magnitude improvement in the cost of training.
关于自动驾驶和全自动驾驶,我们已经通过全自动驾驶beta驱动了1.15亿英里,而且这个数字正在呈指数级增长。这是一个数据优势,其他人真的没有。了解人工智能的人会明白数据、训练数据的重要性,以及实现惊人成果的根本性。因此,我们非常专注于改善神经网络训练能力。这是实现完全自主的主要限制因素之一。因此,我们同时在大力购买NVIDIA GPU,并投入大量精力开发Dojo,我们相信它具有成本训练方面的数量级提高潜力。

And it also has the potential to become a sellable service that we would offer to other companies in the same way that Amazon Web Services offers Web Services, even though it started out as a bookstore. So I really think that the Dojo potential is very significant. In conclusion, we're taking a view that we want to keep making it so many cars as we can, despite this being an uncertain macro environment. This is a good time to increase our lead further and we'll continue to invest in growth as fast as possible. Once again, I'd like to give the huge thanks to all test employees worldwide for doing an incredible job again and yeah, super appreciated.

Thank you very much and Zach has some remarks as well. Thanks Martin.
非常感谢,Zach 也有一些评论。谢谢,Martin。 意思是对某人表示感谢,并且Zach也有一些话要说。最后再次向Martin道谢。

I want to start by congratulating the Tesla team for record vehicle production and deliveries and I also want to congratulate our energy stores team for record volumes as well. There's three main points I want to make.

First, automotive growth margin and operating margin reduced sequentially, but as Elon mentioned these remain at healthy levels. In particular, automotive growth margin was impacted by a few factors since our discussion on the last earnings call, which include additional action taken in the second half of the quarter to improve vehicle pricing and one time items most notably warranty adjustments on older SNX vehicles as well as increased effort revenue for certain autopilot features as we transition technologies progress on vehicle cost reduction continued in Q1 with meaningful improvements on logistics and the beginnings of some commodity cost reduction starting to be realized per unit cost for Austin and Berlin improved as well driven by record volumes. However, these factories still provide a margin headwind and will likely continue to do so until after we reach and stabilize at our intended volumes. Note that Q1 was our third quarter and our multi quarter plan to move to more regionally balanced mix of build and deliveries. As I've mentioned previously, this results in lower deliveries than production within a quarter due to a higher volume of cars and transit at the end of the quarter and has an associated impact on quarter ending free cash flows. This was particularly prevalent in Q1 for SNX as we began exporting cars for international deliveries.

Second, our storage business is starting to take shape and this is exciting to see after many years of investment in focus. This business is growing as a percentage of the businesses of the company's revenue and reached its highest level yet in Q1 driven by an increasing rate of deliveries for our mega pack products. We are also making progress on storage profitability generating our highest gross profit yet in the quarter.
其次,我们的储存业务开始慢慢成型,这令人兴奋,这种成果是在多年的专注投资之后取得的。这个业务作为公司收入的一部分正在不断增长,并在 Q1 创下了历史最高水平,这是由我们的 Mega Pack 产品递送率的增加所驱动的。我们在盈利方面也正在取得进展,在这个季度实现了历史最高的毛利。

Third, I want to reiterate the philosophy by which you are operating the business this year. Our approach is to grow volumes as quickly as possible in both our vehicle and energy businesses. We plan to continue to invest heavily into our future plans which include the cyber truck, next generation platform, in-house self-production, energy storage business, and our autonomy and AI enabled products. And we plan to do this while keeping the business financially healthy and industry leading. To accomplish this, we need to remain focused on cost efficiency and working capital and in particular unwinding the strategic inventory buildup left over from the pandemic.

I want to conclude by thanking the Tesla team again as well as thanking our suppliers and our customers. Thank you very much and let's go to

The first one is what is the process to make auto pricing adjustments? What variables do you consider? How frequently do you review pricing? Do you want to take that Elon or do you want me to take it?

My apologies, sir. I was on mute. Yeah, I think this is not something that we can really talk about. It's just we do our best to evaluate the production output macroeconomic conditions and we want to make a decision. Unless it's something you'd like to add to. I think that's right. I mean, as a team, we review where we stand globally on a weekly basis and certainly can't get into the details of the reasons why certain decisions are made. But it is something that's very actively managed by a subset of the leadership team. Thank you.

The second question is, do you still believe Tesla Energy will be bigger than auto and when will you provide more formal guidance on mega pack and overall Tesla Energy?
第二个问题是,您是否仍然相信特斯拉能源将比汽车产业更大规模,并且您何时会提供有关Mega Pack和整体特斯拉能源的更正式的指导意见? 意思是询问特斯拉公司是否认为特斯拉能源业务会比汽车业务更加重要和有前途,并且询问该公司什么时候会发布更详细的有关Mega Pack和整体特斯拉能源的指导方针。

Yeah, I should just clarify, bigger than auto from standpoint of total gigawatt hours deployed. So it's possible, automotive revenue may be higher, but gigawatt hours I think will be probably higher with stationary storage.

If you just look at what's needed to transition the world to a sustainable energy economy. There is more stationary energy storage needed than there is mobile energy storage. So and we are seeing growth of our stationary storage while in excess of automotive. So that is in line with expectations.

Yeah, and on the guidance part of the question, maybe Martin, we can combine this with the next question, which is on guidance from margins, just have a single comment there.

You know, I think we are going to we will get to the point where we as a company provide guidance on the storage business. I say storage is a combination of both the mega pack business and the power of all the things. But relative to total revenues of the company, it's still fairly small. And in the business has a lot of volatility currently, both in terms of volumes as well as financials, just given the small volumes and kind of diversification of the customer pool there. But as this business grows and smooths out, I don't think we're that far away from it.

You know, I think including these volumes on our day two production and deliveries release is something that we'll start doing. And then we can talk more formally as a business about our expectations over the coming year. I think it will be a few more quarters before we think that. Thank you.

The next question, as you said, was already answered. So let's go to the battery question.

So just one of the thing I wanted to mention on margin, you know, while we're not providing specific guidance there, we just just said expectations of where we think this business will go in terms of margins, you know, probably generally in the ballpark of what we've seen historically on the vehicle business. You know, we generally look to mid 20% gross margins for any program that we launch. And so we're not there yet on this business, but that's what we're working towards. We're hopeful to get there later this year, but that's not a promise that's an aspiration. Thank you.

The next question is how well are 4680 sales meeting the expectations described on the battery day? How long will it be until the sales meet those goals?

True. Yeah. On battery day, we established a cost down rub map through 2026 across five areas of effort. There was the cell design we discussed. Annerndon Catholic materials, the structural pack concept and the cell factory itself.

We've been making progress across all these aspects since then for the cell factory that the Texas 4680 factor, we, you know, are part way through building and commissioning and installing and operating will be 70% lower cap X per gig watt hour than typical cell factories when fully ramped in line with what we described on battery day.

And we're continuing to further pursue densification and investment reduction opportunities in future factory buildouts like in Nevada. On the cell design, we're in production with not only the first generation tablet cell, we unveiled on battery day, but a second more manufacturer version in Texas today.

On the cathode material side, we have a number of activities underway per the battery day road map for lithium, our corpus Christi lithium refinery breaks ground this may. Our goal is to start commissioning portions of the facility for the end of the year.

The refinery uses the sulfate free spodium refining process with reduced process cost, no cast acid or cost agree agents lower embodied energy and actually produces a beneficial byproduct that can be repurposed in construction materials. We discussed all of these concepts on battery day.

Same with cathode precursor, we've set successfully just demonstrated a lower process cost, zero waste water precursor process that we described on battery day at both lab and pilot scale and are in the detailed design phase for incorporating this technology into the front end of our Austin cathode facility.

On cathode production, we are 50% equipment, 75% utilities installed at our new cathode building in Austin with our goal to begin dry and wet commissioning this quarter and next quarter with the target to produce first material before the end of the year.

We saw big improvements with pack manufacturing with the 4680 cell in the structural pack concept, 50% lower capex and 66% smaller factory for the same output in gig watt hours per year. We do believe structural as a concept is a good one. It's simpler. We'll continue to structurally load the cells and use the pack as the floor of the vehicle while iterating the design to closer to B level execution of this pay level architecture in future programs.

And zooming out for the 4680 team, Q1 was all about cost and quality. We made significant improvements in both areas. On Texas production increased 50% quarter of a quarter, three yields increased 12% in KDO, P-grade increased by 20% and three yields improved by 20%. Altogether the team accomplished a 25% reduction in cogs over the quarter and we are on track to achieve steady state cost targets over the next 12 months. And going forward for the rest of the year, the priority one is yielding cost for the 4680 program as we steadily ramp production ahead of Cybertruck next year. Thank you very much.

The next question is, what do you anticipate 2023 automotive growth margins X credits will be at the company's current pricing levels? Yeah, I can start off on this one. This is a difficult environment to make a projection like this. There's a lot of macro uncertainty. There's also headlines and tailwinds. This is basically a question I think that's asking about our viewpoint on where costs will go. And within cost, there's a set of costs in which we do control, the set of costs in which we're kind of subject to what's going on in the macro world. Within the bucket of things we control, the most of the costs down that we're working on is around ramping our Austin factory, stabilizing that, and then doing the cost optimization work once we get to our intended volumes there. And a part of the cost journey in the Austin factory is as Drew mentioned, the 4680 sell, which is an input into our Austin colleagues. And so, as the 4680 program improves over the course of the year on cost, as Drew mentioned, and then the non-self portion of the factory improves. We see a pretty good trajectory in the Austin facility. But a similar story exists in the Berlin factory. It does not have 4680 as an input, but for that factory, the journey to complete localization is still ongoing. And so, over the course of this year's volume increases, more localization occurs. We do see a good path to cost reduction in the Berlin factory as well.

In existing factories, too, we talk about this on every cost, we don't need to rehash it. But the expectation is that every existing factory improves all of their key metrics, and we continue to see the progress there. There's also a handful of other costs in which we have influence. The philosophy here is that we're aggressively going across every cost bucket that we can. Within the world that we don't control, the two major costs there being logistics, which fortunately is moving in our favor. And I think our supply chain team is doing a great job, both on logistics optimization and taking advantage of reduced spot rates where they can. So thank you to our supply chain team. And then there's the commodities world, which has been a huge page point in our cost structure over the last, say, two years or so. And we're still kind of at the maximum of pain for commodities in our cost structure. It kind of maximized, it maxed out in the second half of last year. We did start to see in Q1 a little bit of improvement. We think there'll be a little bit more improvement in Q2. But the theme has dropped a lot. It's worth mentioning that the way the slow theme has dropped significantly. And that's the piece that we expect to see more impact from in Q2. And generally as a company, we do expect commodity prices to come down and have a more meaningful impact in the second half of the year. So this is our approach, how that nets out. I mean, just just a lot of risk and we'll have to see how the year progresses. Thank you.

The next question is, how has global order intake tracked since the most recent round of price cuts? I think the overall thing we can say is that orders are in excess of production. Thank you.

And maybe the last question from investors, can you give updated specs and pricing for cyber truck and NNU features that will make it to production? Well, I think we'll save that for the cyber truck handover, which will hopefully be around the end of Q3 this year. And one thing I am confident of saying is that it's an incredible product. It's a whole of favor, I think. And a product like this only comes one once and a long while. So people will not be disappointed at all. That's amazing. Great. Thank you very much.
也许这是投资者最后一个问题了,您能否提供Cyber Truck和将到生产的NNU功能的更新规格和定价?好的,我想我们会把这些内容留给Cyber Truck的交付仪式,希望能在今年第三季度末左右举行。但我可以自信地说,这是一款难以置信的产品。我认为这是一款非常受欢迎的产品,这样的产品往往难得一见。所以大家一定不会失望的。这太棒了。非常感谢。

And let's go to analyst questions. We'll start with Alex Potter from Piper Sandler. Alex, go ahead and unmute. Can you hear me? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Perfect. So first question was on laythrupp. Obviously, that's, it's great to see the growth there. Just wondering when you think that facility might be closer to full utilization. Are you just sort of deliberately working your way up the S curve there? I'd demand obviously isn't the limitation. So what are one of the steps, I guess, to unlocking full utilization there?
接下来我们来回答分析师的问题,先由Alex Potter从Piper Sandler开始。Alex,请发问前先解除静音。你能听到我说话吗?可以。好的,那太好了。所以第一个问题是关于Laythrupp的。显然,Laythrupp的增长非常好,我想知道你们什么时候认为这个工厂会接近充分利用。你们只是按照S曲线谨慎地进程增长吗?需求显然不是限制因素。那么解锁全部利用的步骤是什么呢?

Sure. There are some classic factor ramp aspects of what's going on in laythrupp. We actually have two phases of the cat fix there. We've faced some of the general assembly parts of the facility. But in addition, we also have ramps with our suppliers that we are following. So both on the cell side and on the power electronic side. And we will see that unlock in the latter half of this year, which was both those inputs. So the overall facility was phased with the second phase of cat fix coming off time towards the end of this year.

Okay. Great.

And then I guess my second question is on your ability to serve other markets out of Shanghai. Obviously the facility in Berlin should be opening up your ability to, I guess, allocate more vehicles to Southeast Asia, Australia, other areas. I'm just wondering what are the regions you think you're maybe not yet serving effectively? What are your timelines for addressing some of those gaps in your regional exposure?

Thanks. Yeah, that's a good question because there are still many parts of what we're doing. So we're not yet so with respect to vehicles, especially. So we do expect to open up new markets around the world. And while those markets are not necessarily individually gigantic, they do add up to, you know, if you add up a whole bunch of markets, they do collectively sum up to something significant. So it's high time that Tesla offers cars to the rest of the world. And that is something that we intend to do.

Okay. Thank you very much. Let's go to the next analyst, George from Kenned Court. Go ahead and unmute.
好的,非常感谢。让我们接下来听来自肯尼迪法院的分析师George发言,现在可以解除静音状态。 意思:好的,非常感谢您。接下来请来自肯尼迪法院的分析师George发言,可以打开麦克风。

Hi, thanks for taking my question. I was wondering, first of you could discuss your FSD take rates and whether you've seen any significant positive or negative change there. And also, given that you've reduced the prices for your vehicles, do you think you need to do that for FSD as well?
大家好,感谢回答我的问题。我想知道,首先,您能谈一下您的FSD接受率以及是否看到了任何重大的积极或消极变化。另外,考虑到您已经降低了汽车的价格,您是否认为您也需要为FSD降价呢? 简单来说:这个人想知道特斯拉自动驾驶(FSD)的市场接受率和价格变化。如果价格降低,是否会提高市场接受率。

谢谢。 请提供具体内容以便进行翻译。

Well, I'll be clear to answer the details on the FSD take rate. But it's a tricky price in question because the value of a car that is autonomous is enormous. So in a way, the price right now is an option value on an autonomous vehicle. And that value is that we ultimately be very significant. And it's really really, I mean, for those that are using the FSD beta, I think you can see the improvements are really quite dramatic. You know, there'll be a little bit of two steps forward, one step back between releases and for those trying to beta. But the trend is very clearly towards full self-driving, towards full autonomy. And I as I say to say this, but I think we'll do it this year. So that's what it looks like.
我会清楚地回答有关全自动驾驶(FSD)系統的细节问题,但价格问题很棘手,因为无人驾驶汽车的价值是巨大的。因此,目前的价格实际上是对无人驾驶汽车的期权价值。而这个价值最终将非常重要。对于使用 FSD beta 的人来说,改进非常显著。虽然在发布的版本之间会有一些两步向前,一步向后的问题,但趋势非常明显朝着全自动化的方向发展。虽然我很不好意思,但我认为我们将在今年实现这一目标。这就是目前的情况。

Yeah. Thank you.

Maybe on the dramatic change we've seen in EV related commodity prices. Do you think that's a reflection of any recent overcapacity in mining and refining, or is that sort of a coincidence indicator on global EV demand? And how do you expect those prices to kind of track over the next several quarters?

Thank you. And I wish I had to crystal bowl to answer your question. I don't know if we can provide a question that would have any value really. I think we're in uncertain times. And if somebody's got a crystal bowl like the land, me, I really like to borrow it. I think that's a, you know, these are uncertain times. You know, my guess is this, it's, you know, economics told me whether for about a year or so. And then it will fall for roughly 12 months. And then this is my guess. I'm just pure speculation. It's told me whether for about 12 months. And then provided there are not no major geopolitical wild cards that show up. That is things start getting sunny around spring next year. The only thing I would say on the like EV materials markets, they're not all super liquid. And some of them, for example, like less than like single digit percentage of the market is actually traded on the spot market. And not only are they not super liquid, there's not like storages and particularly fast all for all of the materials. So like small mismatches and supply and demand drive like large price wings, not really real price wings, but just like temporarily large price wings. So it's hard to read into those price wings.

I'm not kind of you.

Well, this is one about what we are saying, you know, as you all mentioned, quite a bit of softening in the lithium carbonate market. This was, you know, six months ago, we were trading at like $85,000 a ton. And today's spot price is about 26. So there's been a dramatic decrease in that.

Of course, we were able to take advantage of low lithium pricing earlier on with fixed price contracts. And we find that this is going to be another opportunity, opportunity moment that basically extends that into the later after the decade. But you know, we had the quantities we're procuring. We're not as impacted by the spot market because we have those contracts in place. And we're just going to be going and doing more of that.

The other thing that's happening is because of the price spike, a lot of the companies that are in this business are becoming more ambitious about finding more upstream resources and exploring locations in Africa as well as South America. So that's also helping the macro situation with pricing.

Yeah. But just on the lithium front to emphasize the, the choke point is more, much more on refining capacity than it is on mining. So lithium is actually is very common throughout the world, including in the US and really never ever. It's just a very common elements on on earth is lithium. So it's much more a question of where is the refining capacity and can the refining capacity keep up? That's really what what matters more than where it, where is the lithium or it's everywhere basically.

I think that's the same question also extends to refining of the cathode and to some degree refining of the anode. And that's why we've at Tesla we're building our lithium refinery capability at Corpus Christie and our cathode refinery outside Austin. Yeah, I hope other companies do the same thing. We will have by far the most lithium refining capability and the most a cathode refining capability in North America.
我认为同样的问题也会延伸到阴极的精炼,甚至是阳极的精炼。这就是为什么我们在特斯拉正在Corpus Christie建设我们的锂矿精炼能力以及在奥斯汀市外建设我们的阴极精炼厂。希望其他公司也能做同样的事情。我们将拥有远远超过北美其他公司的锂精炼能力和阴极精炼能力。

I think probably more than everyone else combined by a lot. So can other people please do this work that would be great. We're begging you. We don't want to do it. You know, can someone please like instead of making a picture sharing app, please refine lithium mining and refining heavy industry. Come on. It's fun. It's actually fun. Yeah, yeah, exactly.

He's real. You have a question. We're here. Ready to buy.

Yeah, it's.


We have a lot of.
我们有很多。 这句话的简洁明了的表达了“我们有许多”的意思,但是缺乏具体的情境或背景,因此无法进一步理解或解释。

We have a lot of fish to fry. Obviously, but we're doing it because others aren't doing it and we wish others would do it.

Awesome. Thank you very much.

Let's go to a manual Rossner from Deutsche Bank.

Hey, manual. Can you hear me?

Yeah, we can. Perfect.

Thank you so much for taking my question.

Maybe your first question for Elon on your pricing strategy. So you find the send your message. You're saying, you know, Tesla feels it's worth maximizing the volume increasing the size of the fleet. As fast as you can because you'll be able to monetize this over the life cycle of the vehicle. Can you be a little bit more specific around ways you would be able to monetize or like this existing fleet in the future?

Obviously, a single tournament seems to be a big piece of it by minus, minus, standing was that robot taxi would probably be for the next generation vehicle, not not the existing one. So I guess in which ways would you monetize it? Sorry, the robot taxi technology can be a bit confusing because that that's sort of like a generic term for our next generation vehicle. And we obviously are working on next generation vehicle.
显然,单个比赛似乎是整个事情的重要组成部分,但减去、减去、停滞不前的是,机器人出租车很可能是下一代车辆,而不是现有车辆。那么,您认为如何将其货币化呢? 抱歉,机器人出租车技术可能有点令人困惑,因为这是我们下一代车辆的一种通用术语。我们显然正在研发下一代车辆。

I can be very compelling. This is just not the time to talk about it in details product. So we internally call it robot taxi, but really all of the vehicles that have hardware three, which is the best majority of our fleet. We believe will achieve full autonomy. So they will be a robot, they will be a a wrote like a model three or model why would be a robot taxi, a robotic taxi. So yeah, that's the best amount of knowledge that we believe that the current hardware can achieve full autonomy.
我可以很有说服力。但现在不是详细讨论产品的时候。我们内部称之为机器人出租车,但实际上所有配备硬件三的车辆(这是我们大部分车队所配备的)都将实现完全自主。因此,它们将成为机器人,就像Model 3或Model Y一样,将成为机器人出租车。因此,我们相信当前硬件可以实现完全自主,这是我们的最佳认识。

Understood. And then maybe a question for Zach back on the automotive growth margins. I think I guess a few months ago, you know, even after major price cuts, you felt pretty strongly that, you know, 20% or more of gross margin was still, you know, probably reasonable floor.

Obviously, the macro has gone worse and additional price cuts have happened. Is there anything else that has changed in terms of the outlook? Is it just the macro deteriorating? Is it the competitive landscape? Anything else that sort of like makes you think differently around, you know, the full year and is there is their way, therefore to frame a floor.

Yeah, you know, about, you know, about half of the mist against that previous conversation last quarter is attributed to adjustments we made in pricing in the second half of the quarter. I guess you could argue that that lowers the floor in a sense. We've also made pricing adjustments so far this quarter, you know, so that brings brings it down further. About the other half of the miss in Q1 was attributed to things that are not recurring.

So I mentioned these in my opening remarks. It's a warranty adjustment for cars that were previously produced, but not part of the pedigree of cars we're building now. And in some autopilot related deferrals as we make some technology changes here that this deferral should get recognized once some of the software catches up. So those two things are not repeating. So hopefully that helps answer your question.

There's really two macro factors that are tricky. The biggest thing the interest rate. So if there's a very high fed rate or interest rates are very high that that is, every time that the bed raised interest rates, that's that's equivalent to increasing the price of a car. It makes the cars less affordable because people are able to buy cars as a function of what they can afford on a monthly basis. So that that's that these are just it almost directly equivalent to a price increase is any kind of interest rate increase. Then the other factor is whenever there's uncertainty in the economy, people will generally postpone your new big new capital puts is like a new car. This is a natural human reaction. If people are reading about layoffs and whatnot in the press that like well, they might be worried about they might be laid off. So then that they'll be naturally a little more hesitant.

They would otherwise be to buy a new car. Now this is just the nature of the water industry that you know it. But there is there will be a transparent pent up demand for new cars. So. But it goes through cycles.

Thank you. Let's go to Ben Kalo from Baird. Ben, go ahead and unmute. Thank you guys. You know what you know when you talk about many fish supply, you talked about dojo being a product that you can sell outside Tesla. How do we rate all the things you're out going on and then in the economic environment? I mean like he pumps and everything else you have going on versus. Investing in the vehicle business. There's that not the right way to look at that.
谢谢。现在去Baird的Ben Kalo。Ben,请解除静音。谢谢各位。当你们谈论许多鱼类的供应时,你们提到了Dojo是一种可以在特斯拉之外销售的产品。我们如何评估你们正在进行的所有事情以及经济环境?这与投资于车辆业务有何不同?这种看法是否正确?

I'm not sure if we'll understand you question, but the you know I'd look at dojo as like kind of a long shot bet. But if it's a long shot bet that pays off, it'll pay off in a very, very big way. But potentially, you know, yeah, potentially in a very, very big way like, you know, in the multi hundred billion dollar level. But it, but they think it's like, you know, they'll put it in the long shot category, but long shot with a multi hundred billion dollar. You know, potential outcome.

And so it's a bit worth making, but not one you can take you can sort of say like, you know, take it to the bank type of thing. Although these days take it to the bank. It's maybe not as secure as it used to be. So, um, obviously we believe in heat pumps. You know, and that is on all this that over time is to do a really good heat pump for homes and commercial offices and stuff. And we have a technology. It's really good. But it's still it's a background right. You know, folks is very much on vehicles autonomy, stationary storage, basically as solving sustainable energy and solving autonomy would be.

From, you know, like says, solving autonomy. If we're able to have a fleet of several million vehicles that with a software update. But can can be potentially what several times their original value that's that that that will be if that happens, that will be the and I think it will happen. That'll be the biggest asset value increase in history, I think.

Thank you. So pricing a lot of pundits talk about the pie and losing share or game share and, uh, but how do you guys look at pricing versus the EVs or the ice vehicles or does that not come into the equation. Sorry to ask about pricing again.

Thank you. No, it's really just like, you know, we're every day we get a daily real time update of how many cars were ordered yesterday, how many costs were produced yesterday. We must have I, if there's a company that's got more real time data than then Tesla. I'm not sure I'm not sure there's any company on earth that has better real time data than, than Tesla except maybe SpaceX starling.

So, um, because because we don't have to, you know, for the other car companies, they will make the cars, send them to the dealers, then the dealers will sell the cars and, you know, and then it takes quite a long time for them to get the data back to actually figure out how many cars are sold. Whereas we know how many cars were ordered yesterday throughout the world. So our fingers on the pulse is real time and does not have latency, whereas the other car companies have a lot of latency in their data. As does the government, the government has a lot of latency in their data. So, so we're just looking at and saying, okay. You know, what, what, what does it take to achieve a clearing price for our vehicle production. And then we make a pricing change and we see what happens immediately. And adjust course. So we're adjusting course. And we're thinking about it literally every day, seven days a week. I'll look at that email and so's the rest of the team. And we try to make the least dumb decision that we can. You know, on balance, I think our decisions are pretty good. Sometimes they'll be, you know, dumb, but on average, they're, I think better than the rest of industry.

Just to add on the question about EV market share ice. This comes up a lot. I think a lot of the public debate is around this concept of EV market share. You know, we don't look at it that way. We look at it as car market, not the EV market. The mission of the company requires internal combustion engine cars to be switched over electric vehicles. So that's what we pay attention to. Yeah, I said that last time too. We got us, you guys got to stop looking at it as the EVB, the market. There's so many cars are we. So just start looking at it that way. All cause, all cause will be EVs is, you know, it's going to, you know, set this for a long time. We'll look back. I don't know, assuming civilization still around 20 years. We'll look back on internal combustion engine vehicles. The same way we look back on external combustion engine vehicles, which like a steam engine, a steam engines and external combustion engine vehicle. Just a few around their kind of quirky and, you know, kind of cool collector's items. That's that's how gasoline cars will be in the future.

Thank you. And let's go to calling the rush from up inheimer. Colin, go ahead, go ahead and unmute please. Thanks so much, guys. Can you talk a little bit about how much of the actual cost structure is variable? You know, on these vehicles. And if you could give us a range on plus or minus the lithium cost within those contracted volumes that they're seen. Well, I think you're good. I'll, again, you would really love to have a crystal ball here, but we don't have it. Depending on what time scale you're looking at, most of the car is variable. So most of the cost is variable. And probably, if I would guess, I think we will see improved costs from suppliers. Yeah, I think we will. That's our expectations. And we're already starting to see that. I think you mentioned before we anticipated crashing the lithium prices. And some of that has flowed through by way of lithium carbonate reductions into battery cost. And the same thing will happen with lithium hydroxide. The length of the supply chain matters also because what we're talking about is is very far upstream. So by the time it makes it into the battery that's in a car, it'll be several months. But beyond just commodity pricing, as Zach mentioned earlier, we're also very focused on other metrics that make production very efficient. So for example, extension and the marriage air expedites. I think our air expedites are down 90% detention and the merges down 93% from the peaks. That can be hundreds of thousands of dollars per vehicle. So we're sort of attacking all vectors and becoming very efficient.
谢谢。接下来让我们打电话给Upinheimer,Colin请发言。谢谢大家。能否谈一谈这些车辆实际成本结构中有多少是可变的?如果你能给出合同量中锂的费用的上下限范围,那就更好了。 嗯,我想,现实是我们不可能知道未来的。不过,如果你考虑的时间范围越长,车的成本就会更多的是可变成本。 另外,我们还预计会从供应商那里看到成本改善。我们已经开始看到了。我们预期锂的价格会下降。这已经在锂碳酸盐减少到电池成本中得到体现。锂羟化物也会发生同样的事情。供应链的长度也很重要,因为我们谈论的是非常上游的东西。因此,当它最终成为汽车电池时,可能已经过了几个月。除了商品价格之外,就像Zach先前提到的,我们也非常关注其他能使生产变得非常有效率的指标。例如,展期和婚姻航班加速。我们的航班加速比峰值下降了90%,展期和婚姻航班下降了93%。这会修改每辆车数十万美元的成本。所以,我们攻击了所有的因素,变得更加高效。

Okay. And then my phone up is really around stationary storage demand on the utility scale. I mean, obviously there's the gigantic queue for interconnection in the US. And we talk about the volume of quotation you're seeing at this point around a stationary storage for that renewables queue on a global basis. And how how much of that is converting to actual sales.

I drew you want to take that. Yeah, I don't that's also not exactly how we look at it really. We're not like, yeah, we're not engaged in the interconnection queue. Like we're focused on ramping mega pack as quickly and efficiently as we can. And we have, you know, visibility into the pipelines of, you know, a variety of different real energy and just pure stationary storage developers. And we also develop our own projects. And we're mostly just going, we're being selective in trying to pick the products that projects that best fit our mission and our objectives.
我画了一张图,你想要看看吗?嗯,我认为这并不完全是我们的关注点。我们并没有像你想象的那样,致力于互联互通队列。我们主要是专注于尽快高效地扩大Mega Pack,我们可以看到各种真实能源和纯静态储存开发商的管道情况,并且我们也正在开展自己的项目。我们主要是有选择地挑选符合我们使命和目标的最佳项目。

Yeah, this. Again, this is not a product call, but we will have something. I mean, this, we're making improvements on on on many fronts, including mega mega pack. So I think some of those improvements will improve the speed of which you can connect the mega packs to the grid. Thank you.

The next question is from Mark Delaney from Goldman Sachs. Yes, thank you for taking a question. Do you still see two million units as an upside case for volume this year? And is the gating factor for reaching 1.8 million or two million units in 2023 still supply chain as was mentioned on your last conference callers are more about demand at this point.

Well, you know, if you're a crystal bowl, you can let me back to the crystal bowl situation. These are volatile times from production standpoint. If things go well, we've got a shot at 2 million vehicles is here. But that is the upside case. And we feel comfortable with 1.8. And we'll have to see how this year unfolds.

That's helpful. Thanks. And then the company has spoken at the investor day and then for the past conference calls about opening up its vehicle charging network. Can you speak to some of the feedback you've been getting from both Tesla owners and non Tesla owners and how the ramp of the charging network may progress from here. Thanks.

That drew you want to go on? Yeah. So as you may have seen, we opened our first before before posts in Europe and and our magic doc posts in North America and q1. And that is, you know, indicative of the direction we're heading with, you know, universal compatibility for all vehicles of, you know, no matter where the charge for it is, etc. In all major markets. And we're going to continue to roll out those sort of improved offerings as we build new stations.
你想继续了解吗?是的。正如你所见,我们已经在欧洲开设了我们的第一家“before before posts”,在北美和Q1开设了我们的“magic doc posts”。这表明了我们正在迈向的方向,即为所有车辆提供通用充电兼容性,无论它们在哪里充电等等,在所有主要市场。随着我们建造新的充电站,我们将继续推出这些改进的服务。

We're always balancing like our ability to serve our own customers with our ability to serve new customers when doing that. I think we've been able to balance it rather well, for example, in Europe, 50% of all of our super charging stations are open to all EVs. And we've been able to do that without any increase in wait times at all for anybody. So we're going to continue to take a similar approach as we do this in North America and China over the coming quarters.

Okay. Thank you very much. Let's go to road latch from wolf research. Hi, everybody. I just wanted to first just follow up on your comments in your letter about leveraging your cost position as other struggle with unit economics and also taking into account the lifetime revenue. Actually, in a way that most other automakers will will never see just given your service network and super charging and other attributes. Can you just maybe give us a sense of how far you'd be willing to take this are there brackets around the range of initial margin that you'd be comfortable with.

And again, any any color that you might provide on the updated range of margins that you'd expect in the in the auto business. I think we may have to answer this question or try to ask this question a few times, but it's difficult to say what the the module will be depends on how on what if what the macroeconomic environment is is like. For example, if the bed were to lower the rates, that would be super helpful for demand. If they keep raising that's that's you know, that just raises the interest cost that buyers have to pay for to buy a car so it reduces affordability and therefore reduces demand. So it's maybe if you know like if we look past say this year or we're like to go you know.

Sometime next year middle next year, so I think they're looking really I think you're like said. Well, you know, we'll best off the if there's some you know major geopolitical wildcard that turns up, but the absence of that I think. I'll be very optimistic about. You're middle next year and the next year.

Yeah, just that just to add to you on comments. Just two other points, you know what what's really important for us this year in addition to just managing the day today of the business, but is also investing in as Elon mentions about 2024 and 2025 will look like. And so you know using the cash generated from the sale of products today and we investing that this is very important for us.

I think that what happens to margins over the next couple of quarters. Only matters in the context of what that means for our ability to reinvest into 2024 and 2025. And we have a lot of space before that becomes something that we have to revisit our investment plans. And so, you know, we're planning to keep the business healthy. But I just want to caution folks about reading too much into what happens over the near term here is we're very focused as a company on making sure that when we exit this macro economic situation, this company is positioned in the best possible way.

Exactly. Just to elaborate on that point though that the revenue, the long term lifetime revenue that you're targeting from each vehicle is massive. So if you took that to the extreme, you it would seem that you'd be comfortable with a relatively low initial margin and am I. Right. And so, you know, the same thing that you're targeting that or is that that exactly right and and just right.

Okay. And the normally in in a recession when consumers feel less financially secure, actually price elasticity deteriorates. Just based on your pulse taking of the consumer. Do you have a view on elasticity of demand?
好的。通常情况下,在经济衰退时,消费者感到经济安全感降低,实际上价格弹性会变差。这只是基于您对消费者进行的脉搏检查而言。您对需求弹性有什么看法吗? 意思是说,在经济衰退时,消费者的经济安全感降低,反过来也导致价格弹性变差,这是通过对消费者进行调查等方式得出的。然后问对方对需求弹性有什么看法。

I can't emphasize enough that the whole just fundamental question of affordability. For the full most people, the their ability by a car is a function of can they make the multi payment or not. And, you know, so like said, if it's straight to really high like there are right now. Then, you know, in some cases, people can't get alone at all. You know, so it's it's a and I think probably banks are are pretty.

Not not leading forward in providing loans. I expect these days. So. You know, so that's but like that there is. There is a lot of powerful stories here when you.

You know, going back to me, it was literally to the moment ago, I'll mention a moment ago that Tesla is in a uniquely strong strategic position. Because we're the only ones making cars. Technically, we could sell for zero profit. For now. And then you'll actually tremendous economics in the future. But don't pick up through autonomy. No one else can do that.

I'm not sure how many people will appreciate the profundity of what I've just said, but it is extremely significant. Thank you. Let's go to Adam Jonas from Morgan Stanley. Hi, everybody.

So first Elon, good luck with tomorrow's launch of Boca Chica. We can't have too much luck in the rocket business. That's for sure.

Incredible. We got to know the Twitter architecture. Kind of intimately well past six months. What can you tell Tesla stakeholders about how an X dot com or super app could be potentially accelerated to Tesla's business model?

Well. I don't know. I guess you could make it. Tens to make it easier to buy cars. So, but we are, we're going to string somewhat of copy here. Okay.
嗯,我不知道。我猜你可以做到。几十年来,让购买汽车更加容易。但我们会在这里略微复制一些内容。好的。 意思:我不太确定,但我觉得你应该可以做到。我们一直在努力让购车变得更加方便,但我们还需要在这方面进行一些工作。

Alright. I think there's some benefit. I think probably there's some benefit. Let's, let's, I get it, Elon.

So just as a follow up on manufacturing, I, you're a student of history. I think that back in 1913 Henry Ford introduced the moving assembly line in Hydeland Park, Michigan. And the price of a Model T, which would have had already, you know, been undercutting cars around the time fell another 70 or 80% and hundreds of rival car companies went bust.
关于制造业,我想跟进一下。你是一个历史学家,我觉得1913年亨利·福特在密歇根州海德兰公园推出了流水线制造,Model T的价格已经比其他汽车便宜了。价格又下降了70%至80%,导致数百家竞争对手的汽车企业倒闭。

I'm wondering if, if history is repeating itself here, Elon, and that the recent pattern of cuts with you is way ahead of the cost curve compared to competition art. Is this, it seems like it's a calculated strategy. Not, not just, not just in reaction to competition or changing supply demand in the market, but you're, you know, could we, could we catalyze some Darwinian forces in the EV market?

Well, I mean, we're not trying to say take, take pricing actions in order to be deliberately, you know, to deliberately undermine competitors or anything like that. We really don't think about competitors that much. We just look at, you know, do people like our cars? How can we make a park better? Can they afford our cars? And, you know, the sort of things like improving service and whatnot.

But, but like we do have this unique strategic advantage that that we haven't, we're making a car that. Autonomy pans out and we think it will, where that that asset is actually will be worth a hell of a lot more in the future than it is now. So it's taking the possible sell it at zero profit, but still have the net present value of future cash flow associated with that asset. Be very significant.

And service and charging and insurance and all of these other ongoing revenue streams that other companies don't have. Yeah. Certainly we want all TVs to succeed too. We're not in like some malicious attacks to try to just. Definitely not. We're like opening up super chargers. We're made up patents available for free. So it's like we're trying to be helpful here. You know, so. We're not trying to, we're not out to the story of competitors or anything like that. We're trying to help competitors frankly. And anyway, we can.

Thank you. Let's go to then Levi for from Barclays. Hi. Good. Good evening. Thank you.

First question. You're ramping supply at Austin and Berlin. So, I want to understand just how critical it is to further increase volume at those plants just to get the vertical integration benefits in the face of the sort of market with some demand questions and just broadly. I mean, historically, you've been operating at the pace at which your supply allows you to produce as opposed to gauging to demand. Should we generally expect that you're going to continue to produce at your whatever the max capacity to your lab within your supply constraints, regardless of what the broader economic environment is just to continue to get that volume out there. That is. Yes, I mean, there's they could be like obviously a macro shock that is so severe that, you know, people just stop buying cars for some reason. But in the absence of that, we will continue to grow output at a rapid clip.

Great. Thank you. And then just on the margin associated with Austin and Berlin, you mentioned Austin Berlin to have a margin drag until you reach intended volumes. And then maybe you could just remind us of what the margin profile of Austin and Berlin will look like versus Shanghai. Once you get the vertical integration benefits in place. Well, probably one have be quite as good as as Shanghai is hard, you know, has as a very efficient cost structures. Obviously, I love his construction well. But we do expect to be make mixing improvements in Austin and Berlin and continue to make improvements in premarrow. So.

So we've increased this is Russian by the increase our localization efforts. So that will then drive down a days and on hand requirements. We made 10% quarter quarter, you know, improvement and days and on hand. So we continue that path as a localization improves. Okay. Thank you very much.

And our final question comes from Philip Pushwap from Jeffries. Yes, good evening. Thanks for taking a question. It's a slightly longer term. I completely agree with your comments that we should look at Tesla in terms of no auto market share and not eating market share. But I'm just wondering as you build up the market share globally, is there a limit to the direct selling business model as you practice it. And should we think about going forward, you need to look into the agency or using in quarters to basically develop market share more smoothly, I guess globally. And so in other words, no, is there a candidate fell by date for the direct business model as you as you practice it today.
我们的最后一个问题来自Jeffries的Philip Pushwap。晚上好,感谢您回答问题。这是一个稍微长远的问题。我完全同意您的观点,应该从没有汽车市场份额的角度来看待特斯拉,而不是抢夺市场份额。但是,当您在全球建立市场份额时,您实践的直销业务模式是否存在限制?未来是否应该考虑采用代理或使用内部来更加顺畅地开拓全球市场份额。换句话说,今天的直销业务模式是否存在失效的时间点呢?

It seems to be working well so far. Because we hear different feedback from customers who miss the human interaction or unhappy with the service. And I'm just wondering if, if you see some growth pains in there that would lead you to change, you're not seeing that. I mean, since we always going to have some growing pains where times and it depends on which geography we were talking about where sometimes service is behind sales, sometimes it's ahead of sales. This is, I mean, Tesla is growing. I believe faster than any company in history that has that has that makes a large complex manufactured object. So, you know, these are trying to max is always difficult to match exponentials.

So but I think it is helpful to have the feedback with with our service because that means we feel the pain of service and and then we can adjust the design to make the car need less service. And I think that gives us the right incentive structure. Because the best service is no service. The car doesn't break. And, you know, whereas if you have say a deal in network that is relying upon services revenue, then you arguably have misalignment of incentives where they, you know, they're making money on service. Actually, we want to, you know, the best thing for the consumer is the car doesn't need servicing.

And in the front if I can follow up, have you have you worked out, I mean, for many of your traditional competitors, the fair amount of profits for them comes from sending spare parts and servicing. And you don't have that in your in your structure. And have you have you worked out the deficit you have compared to your peers.

Yeah, actually, this one, something I could wax on about for a while because really people have didn't understand that the best short telling argument against Tesla for the longest time was the fact that Tesla does not have an existing fleet. And that the auto industry, the reason in comments succeed and newcomers fail.

The biggest reason is that the incumbents have a large fleet and they're able to sell new cars at close to zero margin. And then sells spare parts at a very high margin. Sort of, you know, razors and blades type thing. And so the only way to actually succeed for newcomers succeed is to have a product that is so compelling that people are willing to pay a premium over the incumbent product. And in the absence of electrification and autonomy, I don't think in newcomer can succeed.

Very much everyone. Unfortunately, that's all the time we have for this quarter. We'll see you again in three months from now. Thank you.

All right, hey, everybody stay tuned here and we'll go through what we heard on that call. Give me a second and I'll just the audio. Let me know how it is right now. Maybe a little bit quiet.

And we'll just go through kind of what we heard on the call. And should be a pretty quick recap as I think we heard a lot of the same stuff as I felt like the same question got asked time and time again. Obviously analysts wondering about demand, wondering about pricing, wondering about the effect on margins as Tesla goes forward and Tesla basically just saying, hey, we don't really care. We can sell the cars as we can sell them.

So, all right, if we're going too far into it, just want to make sure the thought is good. Let me close this out.

All right. For some reason, I'm not seeing any chats right now audio good. Okay.

So, as I was saying, I think we just heard a lot of the same stuff from most of those questions, I think probably more than half of the analyst questions were relating to what was going on with pricing.

You know, it sound like from Tesla's answers, they kind of gave up, I guess, on giving guidance for pricing. So, or for margins, rather.

So obviously last quarter, we had talked about last quarter, Tesla talked about that 20% automotive gross margin, X credits, X leasing.

I felt below that this quarter probably to around 18% have to go back calculate those exact numbers, exact saying half of that miss was due to, let me scroll back up here, but half of that miss due to non recurring items.

And then half of that basically due to the pricing adjustments that they made in the second half of the quarter.

So, you've got those pricing adjustments in the second half of the quarter. And then as we move into Q2 here, we've already had pricing adjustments.

So, we need to understand that with those pricing adjustments, that's going to continue to lower the possible margin floor.

So, it's not going to be a pretty picture financially for a period of time here, but Tesla is telling us that it's just not something that they care about.

I think obviously Wall Street's reaction to that is probably not going to be super positive.

So, Wall Street tends to care a lot more about what exactly is going to happen over the next two quarters.

Then what's going to happen two years from now and Tesla is the exact opposite.
那么两年后会发生什么?而特斯拉恰恰相反。 即将发生的事情是指某种未来情况或事件,而“特斯拉恰恰相反”可能表示特斯拉与这种未来情况或事件有着不同的态度或预测。

Tesla doesn't really care what happens over two quarters.
特斯拉并不太在意未来两个季度发生的事情。 意思是说,特斯拉对短期的业绩并不是很在意,更注重长远的发展和目标。

I mean, you pretty much heard Zax say it there.
我是说,你几乎已经听到了Zax说的话。 这句话的意思是说,对方已经听到了 Zax 所说的,现在再重复一遍可能就有点多余了。

As long as they've got enough capital, as long as the business is financially healthy, and they can continue to reinvest as they need to for what they're targeting for future years, they're kind of fine with that, right?

Like who really cares what the exact earnings number is this year, whether that's, you know, a couple billion dollars difference.

It doesn't make any difference to Tesla, to be honest.

It makes a difference to investors and to Wall Street because people use that as a basis to extrapolate from.

But I think the last 12 months have shown us that that is a poor way of modeling the business, because that's what people were doing, right?

And me myself, you know, using sort of the margins that we had at that point in time in that high.

High 20s range even approaching into that 30% range and looking at that and saying, oh, you know, Tesla grows vehicle production by 30% even if price come down a little bit.

If they're still in that margin range, then, you know, these are kind of the earnings expectations that you could put on top of that.

But then you get into this year and it's completely different.
然后进入这一年,情况完全不同。 意思是,相较于之前,当前有了很大的变化。

Right. So I think that's what's Tesla's Tesla is saying is that, you know, OK.

Right now we're going to not as strong margin position, but at the end of this as we continue to scale, which is our sole focus or our primary focus.

That's going to improve our cost structure fundamentally.

It's going to improve the way that the business can be operated, even if the margins during this period are a little bit lower.

So ultimately comes down to you if you believe that on the other side of this, Tesla will be in a better position or if you think that this is kind of the new normal and Tesla is going to continue to have to cut prices margins are going to continue to climb.

And there's no upside later on whether that upside is through autonomy or continuing to improve the cost structure to the point where prices come back in line costs come back down far enough that the margin can continue to be in that mid 20 range.

And you heard Zach talk there about how they think about their products trying to target that mid 20s range.

So in short from all of that, I think that's it's not going to be a call that's very well received from Wall Street because Tesla is saying there that we don't care, you know, we're going to sell as many cars as we can at whatever price we can.

And that's just that's one of it is at the end of the day.
这只是其中之一,最终来说。 这句话的意思是,这只是其中的一个事情,而在最终决定时会有更多因素需要考虑。

And Elon mentioned a few times that that unlocks potential future revenue from being able to sell autonomous services to being able to sell super charging service.

Other things like that insurance.

So Wall Street probably doesn't believe in that right like no one no one trust Elon that they're going to have a robot taxi out at the end of the year.

And I think you want reiterated again that that's his best guess, you know, it's been wrong a number of times in the past, but he continues to think that's, you know, towards end this year, there's going to be some full autonomy.

So under that circumstance, you know, obviously you don't care if you're selling the cars for zero.

And that's because you can then earn a lot of revenue later on, but Wall Street's not going to believe in that until it's happening. So in that interim period, it's not going to be great for the stock. I don't think obviously things can change, but that's just sort of my perception on how Wall Street's probably going to take the information that we heard today on the call.

So we are down a little bit more I'm just looking at the stock here and sorry that kind of jumped around a little bit, but you can see we're down now down about 5% I think heading into the call we're down around 4%. So it's not like it's a huge swing. I'm actually surprised it's not a little bit more because I don't think that well, you know, investors probably heard exactly what they hope to hear. But I think in general Tesla. Communicated clearly what they're going to do.

So now it's just a matter of I guess getting through that period of time. So outside of that, obviously that was the majority of the call. I was getting a little bit frustrated at the end as a couple comments here saying I look looks at or something. This isn't my normal setup, obviously. So I think part of that is lighting and that's just sort of my demeanor or not my demeanor, but just kind of how I look, but I'm not sad. Just to be clear on that.

But just going back through here and we'll see kind of, you know, if there's any major comments to call out here. So this is kind of like opening comments from Elon. Delivery of that for cyber truck potentially towards the end of end of Q3. So obviously that could change, you know, they still get a lot of work to do before that point.

But that's really exciting to hear that reiterated. I think people probably just kind of assume that that'll be a little bit delayed and moved in a key for maybe even the key one next year. But for Elon to continue to say, you know, it's looking good for Q3. That's super exciting on the cyber truck. Obviously storage where do you talked about in the shareholder recap. So flip over that if you didn't have a chance to watch that video, we go through all the financials and all the good stuff that we heard from the earnings report or all the information we learned from the earnings report.

The X comments really talking about, you know, things that we kind of know about some materials cost improvements starting to hit but not a huge driver this quarter. Hopefully that improves in Q2. But it really sounded like from his comments. It's going to be the second quarter or the second half of the year. So again, when we think about the cost changes that Tesla said this quarter so far.

We probably need to be expecting relatively low margins here in the second quarter, probably another sequential decline. Even with continued improvements on cost from Berlin ramping Austin ramping improvements on 4680s sort of all the stuff there that we've talked about. All right. So process on price and adjustments, nothing to you to new there will energy be bigger than auto total gigawatt hours deployed for energy might be bigger.

I'm interesting because I believe at battery day Tesla talked about two terawatt hours for automotive and one terawatt hour for energy. So I mean that obviously gives us information on revenue, you know, which business is going to be bigger and be automotive in that case.

But it sounds like this is a little bit different than maybe what they had said there with potentially, you know, an even higher outlook for energy storage than what we had previously heard. Obviously the opposite there would be a lower outlook for automotive, but I don't think that is really the case. So guidance for margins, you know, they will provide some margins margin guidance on energy storage and we got a little bit of that today saying that over the longer term they're targeting that mid 20% range.

So hopefully that helps like pull back in expectations a little bit. Obviously there's been, you know, a lot of excitement on Twitter about what energy storage margins can be. I think I've talked quite a few times on tempering those expectations. So hopefully in this audience, there's nothing too crazy out there.

Obviously that should be a little bit by the inflation reduction act battery production credits. Unfortunately, we didn't get any questions on that like how that's being reflected how impactful that was this quarter, at least that I recall. So that would have been nice to hear about, but you know, hey, ask about pricing for the fifth time. Battery day.

So Drew said a lot of stuff. I didn't even able to catch it. He clearly had some prepared remarks on that and sadly I'm just not fast enough at typing all that stuff out. So we're just going to have to come back to that. But in general, sounds like they're continuing to make pretty good progress on 46 a.m. which no surprise given that we had the 4680 model Y added back to the design studio.
德鲁说了很多话,但我没有听听完全。显然他已经准备好了一些发言材料,但我打字的速度还不够快,无法全部记录下来。因此,我们只能回头再听一遍。总的来说,听起来他们在 46 上继续取得了相当不错的进展,这一点也不奇怪,因为我们在设计工作室中又看到了 4680 Model Y。

Production in Texas.

I believe this was for 4680 increase for 50% quarter of recorder should be still a pretty low base. But obviously that's a really strong quarter of recorder number probably annualized us like a what I don't know.

3 400% increase year over year after that compounds have to do the math on that. But big growth.
一年后增长了3400%,在那之后有许多合成的数学问题需要处理。但是增长非常快。 意思是,该数据经过一年后增长非常之快,增长了3400%。但是此后涉及到复合计算,需要做一些数学问题。

How do you anticipate 2023 out of gross margin X credits will be so yeah, just difficult to know.

Logistics moving in their favor commodities have been a huge point. Paying point again reiterating still max paying pretty much.

But starting to see that come down. They talked about locking in new contracts for lithium as the spot prices have gone down significantly. So feel like it's a good time to sort of renegotiate and lock in those longer term contracts for the middle and perhaps later part of the 2020s.

So although maybe periods of time like this are a little bit painful it does provide opportunities that realize get realized over time which you know again long term perspective. I think a lot of us understand that but sadly it's just not always perceived in that way.

So the ramp up to phases for the later factory and drew said the second phase of the cap X would come online towards end of this year so I wasn't sure if that meant spending in terms of that cap X or if that meant the cap X that is being spent would come online towards the end of this year.
因此,后续工厂的阶段性加速和Drew说,Cap X的第二阶段将于今年年底推出,因此我不确定这是否意味着该Cap X的支出,还是指正在支出的Cap X将于今年年底推出。

I'm hoping the latter because I think based on where they're at the ramp already. That would sort of be the timing that makes sense so we'll see on that but.

Good to have some commentary on how that ramp might look.

So going to expand to new markets we've already seen some of that happen I think most recently with turkey so Tesla will continue to do that.

FSD take rates didn't want to answer that but again this is where it started to get into just talking about autonomy and how that's going to add revenue to these vehicles and they can sell them for zero profit if they need to.

You know Elon had already previously said that on a Twitter space I think back in December so maybe it's new for people that only listen to the earnings calls but you want philosophy on that has been clear for a while so that's why I was you know again a little bit frustrated why this question keeps getting asked because Tesla has said many many times what the strategy is including on the call.

Robo taxi stuff margin stuff dojo multi hundred billion dollar level business okay I don't know that we kind of expected it to maybe have that sort of potential you know we've talked about the AWS sort of potential there for dojo potentially moving into that type of service for dojo with a training.

But obviously Tesla still seems like they've got a decent chunk of a ways to go on on dojo and you learn still viewing it as a little bit of a long shot of a bet but he was a little bit more positive I think there has been a little bit more positive on dojo in recent months I think there was maybe on the Q3 call or something he kind of seemed like it was almost being written off at that point but seems to progress a little bit since then at least in terms of the commentary.

Eat pumps pricing again you know get orders obviously this can lead into a whole conversation on if Tesla should be doing other things other than the pricing adjustments to try and increase those order rates as you want really saying pricing as a function of the order rates so if that's the case you know there are other things that can be done to help those order rates other than just pricing.

So obviously that can be another conversation for another time.

Cost structure stationary storage 2 million nothing really soon you in there.
成本结构,固定储存需2百万,不需要太快,您在其中。 意思是一个固定储存项目需要2百万成本,但不需要立即完成,你可以参与其中。但是句子表达不够清晰和完整,需要根据上下文进行解释。

The animals questions had been getting a little bit better but I gotta say I'm super disappointed this time around.

I mean come on so unfortunately you know we just didn't quite get enough or we didn't quite get the information I think that we could have gotten from this call that's that's probably the extent of it so.

Just not a lot of learnings but I guess what we learned is that Tesla is going to continue to just keep cutting prices as much as they feel like they need to to drive those orders to clear their production so.

I guess we'll kind of wrap it up there I'll just take a quick look and see if people have some questions here.

So I'm seeing one here that is good if FSD is repeatedly promoted as a revenue stream do I feel it's fair to investors to not provide take rates.

So I actually do think it's fine because we can work in the math right like it's not some huge range where we're not sure if it's like 80% or like 10% it's obviously much closer to that 10% range just based off of margins and average selling prices so.

We don't have to you know worry too much about what the exact take rate is like I don't I don't care if it's 10% or 20% necessarily doesn't really affect anything.

It's very clear that FSD as a product is still something that needs to be developed to unlock the full value of it so once that values unlocked then obviously the take rates going to increase so the take rate today doesn't matter and I think that's why Tesla just says you know. It's almost like why you've been asking right it's a question that if you're asking it you're probably not thinking about it in the correct way or in the way that at least Tesla is thinking about it.

Now obviously be nice to know and it's like easier to model stuff but it just I don't think it's really that important what's important is can Tesla actually make the progress on it that they want to and think that they can make that's that's much more of an important question. Just looking through chat again to see. There are other questions.

So in general I mean I shared a lot of my thoughts before in the shareholder and earnings letter I'll just kind of read a rate a couple of key points I think obviously really good progress on the energy storage business. I'm excited to see that tremendous progress sequentially and year over year I think there were maybe up like 50% or something sequentially perhaps even a little bit higher than that and up 360% year over year like that's phenomenal. So a lot of things to be excited about there with the energy business obviously the big concern that was going to be on a lot of margins you know as we talked about so I think the number of questions asked on that make it clear what people are worried about and I don't think doesn't give much.

I'm not expecting this to be a super fun quite super fun quarter for the stock pending you know what else happens. Okay well I suppose we can wrap it up then so thanks to everyone that tuned in you know I definitely appreciate you joining as we can see there the stock continuing to fall so again I don't think super surprising based on the stock. I think super surprising based on on what we heard on the call it's just it's not what Wall Street wants to hear whether that's you know everyone left to make their own decision on that if you get a long term view.

It's not super important and Tesla does but that being said you know as Tesla goes through this period there's not going to be super high confidence in in the business returning to the profitability that it wants that until we see things change right so just kind of is what it is for now I know that's not like the most exciting thing but just kind of where we're at. I know I said I was going to wrap it up I just want to make sure that no other thoughts come to me in the in the meantime.

Yeah I mean I feel like there's going to be comments that I'm like super disappointed in this and I think that's again just like part of how I look but I actually I'm actually not really that disappointed in this. I think this is like a obviously turned into some huge controversial thing in the Tesla world like whether or not Tesla should be doing advertising and it's actually shocking that that no analyst ask about this because it's like literally a key point in all their questions that they're asking like why are you not asking at all about if there are other things Tesla can be doing to help generate demand.

Since that's the focus of all your questions so super weird that that was not a part of it but I think it's fair question to be asking you know I think Tesla's talking about having this amazing data but has not taken the opportunity to even try this out I don't think anyone that is in favor of advertising is saying like hey you need to be doing advertisements like forward does you know where it's just like a truck driving around.

Like that's not what people are asking for it's just I think people are looking for something that tells people like hey this is actually what the price of a Tesla is because you probably didn't know this there's the $7500 tax credit you probably didn't know this you can save a thousand dollars a year and gas probably didn't know this there's thousands of charging stations there's probably one within like 50 miles of you if not closer so I think that's what people are asking for and I think that kind of makes sense.

But at the same time, on the other end of the argument, it's, it is, I think, I don't know if like noble, or that's not really the right word, I can't really think of the right word, but there is something to be said for being so focused on getting affordability as attainable as possible. And obviously, although advertising costs don't add to cost of production, it's a cost of the business.

So I think there is something to be said about that's, and you know, obviously there's a little bit of cashier that comes with not having ever advertised. So I don't know, I didn't mean to start down this path, but we'll talk more about that in future days because you know that's going to continue to rage as a conversation, especially with just the commentary that I think was shared on the call today.

So that is where we're happy for today, as always thank you for listening. Make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications. You can also find me on Twitter at test a podcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the Thursday April 20th episode of Tesla daily. Hopefully, we see a starship launch as well, everyone make sure to check that out if the launch does happen tomorrow.
今天就讲到这里,感谢您一如既往的收听。请务必订阅并开启通知。您也可以在Twitter上找到我,我的账号是test a podcast,明天我们会为大家带来4月20日星期四的特斯拉日报。希望明天我们也能看到星舰的发射,如果明天确实有发射,请大家务必关注。

So we'll see on that but until then hope everyone has an enjoyable.