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FSD Beta v11.4 Release Notes Leaked, Giga Mexico Timeline, Volkswagen & Others Lose EV Tax Credit

发布时间 2023-04-18 02:02:50    来源


➤ FSD Beta v11.4 release notes leak with some significant updates ➤ Earnings week ➤ Giga Mexico timeline updates ➤ EV tax credit changes are published ➤ Model 3 Long Range RWD returns ➤ Tesla pricing comparison by country ➤ Renault comments on Tesla price cuts ➤ Tesla shares Megpack-powered Supercharger ➤ Huawei discusses vehicle castings ➤ Volkswagen shares ID.7 details ➤ Starship test flight rescheduled 0:00 TSLA / Calendar 0:47 FSD Beta v11.4 6:42 Giga Mexico 9:02 EV tax credits 9:59 Rear-wheel drive LR Model 3 11:00 Pricing comments 12:36 Supercharging 13:00 9000T casting 13:28 Volkswagen ID.7 13:52 Starship Shareloft: https://www.shareloft.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/teslapodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tesladailypodcast Tesla Referral: https://ts.la/robert47283 #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Editing assistance by Jasem Ashkanani Music by Evan Schaeffer Image(s) and/or footage used under license from Shutterstock.com Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob Marrow here and today we are going to be talking about release notes for FSD beta version 11.4, a new version already making its way out to employees. We've also got updates on Gigamexico, the EV tax credit and more. Quickly looking at the stock Tesla kicking off the week up 1.1% to close at $187.4, while the NASDAQ was up 3.10% on the day.
大家好,Rob Marrow在这里。今天我们要谈论一下FSD beta版本11.4的发布说明,这个新版本已经开始流传给员工们了。我们还会谈论Gigamexico、EV税收抵免等等的最新消息。快速看一下Tesla股票,这一周开盘以1.1%的涨幅收于187.4美元,而纳斯达克指数当天涨了3.10%。

Looking at the calendar for the week ahead, of course we'll have some macroeconomic reports as we can see here, but really this is earnings week. A number of major companies reporting earnings this week and next week and those reports can influence how Tesla trades. Certainly, and then of course most importantly, Tesla's earnings on Wednesday after market closed, so I'll be doing my usual live streaming that day, we'll do a preview episode tomorrow. So a lot to look forward to and probably around the time this is being published, there will also be that Elon Musk Fox News interview tonight as well.

Alright, getting into Tesla news, I want to start off with an update on FSD beta, according to Winters Eschalan on Twitter, who has previously been one of the first to post release notes for new FSD beta versions. There is a new update rolling out to employees right now. This is FSD beta version 11.4. While we have over the last few weeks been seeing pretty quick successive releases of FSD beta updates, many of these have had the same release notes from prior versions, so more indicative of minor updates, but this time around we've got a whole new set of release notes.
好的,我们来谈谈特斯拉的新闻。首先,我想更新一下全自动驾驶测试版(FSD beta)的最新情况。根据之前在推特上发布过FSD beta版本更新说明的Winters Eschalan的消息,目前员工正在接收新的更新。这是FSD beta版本11.4。虽然在过去几周中我们已经看到了相当迅速的更新,但许多更新说明与之前的版本相同,更多表明是较小的更新,但这一次我们有了全新的更新说明。

Before we even get into those though, right off the bat, the version number is interesting here because we can see that it is updated to 2023 from the previous FSD version 11 beta's that have been on the 2022 software stack. So this update should pull FSD beta up to feature parity for the non FSD related software features.
在我们深入讨论之前,首先要注意的是版本号很有意思,因为我们可以看到它更新到了2023,这与之前的FSD版本11 beta不同,而它们都基于2022版软件栈。因此,这次更新应该可以使FSD beta与非FSD相关的软件特性相同。

As for the FSD beta updates, version 11.4 seems to be predominantly focused on lane management. Over half of the release note bullets have to do with lanes in one way or another. And I think for me, one that sticks out the most is Tesla saying that they have improved the lane guidance module to feed in long range routing quote unquote hints to the network for which lanes ego needs to be in to reach its destination. Tesla says they've also significantly improved the per lane routing type auto-labler, and these changes combined resolve 64% of all interventions caused by bad routing type.

So on the first piece of that, the routing hints that Tesla mentions, I think that's basically what we had talked about in a prior episode when Greeny only had discovered that Tesla was drawing on some internally collected mapping data that they layer on to information that they're also using from Google Maps to help with things like alternative routing and presumably FSD. So maybe some of the things that Greeny was seeing weren't quite active yet.
那么,在特斯拉提到的路由提示的第一个部分上,我认为这基本上就是我们在之前一期节目中谈论的内容,当时Greeny只是发现特斯拉在利用一些内部收集的地图数据,将其叠加在他们从Google Maps获取的信息上,以帮助进行一些类似于替代路径和可能的FSD的事情。因此,Greeny看到的一些东西可能还没有完全启用。

Maybe that's being turned on now or maybe Tesla just continuing to build on some of the things that Greeny was seeing and in combination with more robust data from the auto-labler, this version should hopefully see a pretty dramatic reduction in lane selection issues.

Now obviously one of the questions that comes up with an update like this is does this send Tesla down a path of becoming too reliance on mapping type of data? We talked more about that when we got this initial update from Greeny, so I don't want to go all the way down that path again, but I think the short version of my thoughts on that would be that if Tesla's got the data and a scalable way to collect and utilize that data might as well be taking advantage of it. And I don't think that's going to take away from Tesla working towards a solution that isn't fully reliance on mapping data like this. This can be something that just improves the system when that information is available, hopefully making it safer or even just a little bit smoother.
现在显然出现了一个问题,就是这样的更新是否会让特斯拉过于依赖地图数据?当我们从 Greeny 得到这个初步的更新时,我们已经讨论过这个问题了,所以我不想再深入思考这个问题,但我认为我的看法可以简单概括为:如果特斯拉有数据和可扩展的方法来收集和利用这些数据,那么最好利用一下。我不认为这会妨碍特斯拉朝着不完全依赖这种地图数据的解决方案努力。当可用的信息可用时,这可以是一种只是改善系统的东西,希望它能更安全或者甚至只是更顺畅一些。

The next update on lanes that also stuck out to me, Tesla says they have improved long-range path blockage detection and control on city streets. Ego will now be able to perform lane changes due to upcoming path blockages earlier. This one stuck out to me a bit because it reminded me of some of the changes that we heard about in the first iterations of version 11, where Tesla talked about seeing further ahead for high curvature situations. I think there were some other things as well. So somewhat similar to what we're hearing about with this point where Tesla is seeing and recognizing things earlier and reacting accordingly.

Next, Tesla says they have improved geometric consistency between lane, line, road edge and restricted space detections by retraining our networks on the same data set with the latest version of their lane guidance module and by using common feature space to predict line, road edge and restricted space.

This one reminds me of early versions of FSD beta where you would have lane lines, stop lines, whatever else, just really jumping around a lot.
这个让我想起早期的FSD beta版本,在那里你会看到车道线、停车线和其他一些东西,它们会跳来跳去的。

We've clearly seen significant improvement on that and I think this is one more step along that way, just a better understanding of exactly where things are.

All right, going through the rest of the lane points a little bit more quickly, Tesla says they've improved turn performance and dense unstructured city environments, doing things like turning in front of parked cars, avoiding turning into bus lanes, and they say they've improved their understanding for when to use bus lanes and when you avoid them.

They've also improved the speed control during lane changes through better consideration of upcoming navigation deadlines required back-to-back lane changes and presence of vehicle behind ego.

Lastly, on lanes, although this one is a little bit more of a general item, Tesla says they've improved recall and precision for vehicle cut-ins by increasing their auto-label data set by 80,000 clips and it sounds like as those clips get added, that can improve the accuracy of the auto-labeling system itself.

So it sounds like a win-win on that, both a better output and a better model and I think probably a lot of what Tesla is doing shares that characteristic.

All right, a couple of main ones left, there were updates on VRUs or Vulnerable Road users, Tesla's improved the decision to assert or yield for pedestrians at more crosswalks by evaluating multiple possible futures in the joint space of Ego's actions and the pedestrians response.

So we've seen Tesla give examples of things like this before examining multiple different future possibilities, mostly those examples have been from unprotected left turns, I think, but sounds like a similar situation here for pedestrians, and then Tesla's also improved the Ego's behavior near VRUs, using their kinematic data to estimate how likely it is that they would cross the vehicle's path.

Finally, some other general improvements, Tesla says they have added a new vision speed network to infer the typical driving speed on a given road. They say that'll help with things like parking lots or residential roads.

Also, speed-related Tesla says they are mitigating hydroplaning risk by making maximum allowable speeds in autopilot proportional to the severity of the detect road conditions, possibly using things like wetness of the road, tire spray from other vehicles, rain intensity, tire wear estimation, or even other risk factors to indicate that the vehicle is near the handling limit in those conditions, to warn the driver and reduce speed, and presumably limit the speed for autopilot like already happens today.

And then, final bullet point, Tesla says they have improved developer productivity with better code diagnostics and C++20 features by upgrading the compiler, and they also say that this reduced the input to output or photon to vehicle response latency by 2%.

So overall, it does seem like version 11.4 is a decent sized update, and it's nice to see this relatively quickly.

Hopefully, an early sign that the pace of improvement is increasing, especially now that version 11 is out there, and Tesla can fully focus and optimize on that full stack.

Alright, next up, we've got some possible updates on Gigamexco.

This is from an interview of the Governor of Newy Baleone, of course, was at investor day and has been relatively public through this process.

He's now shared some of his current thoughts on the timeline for Gigamexco saying that quote, in the beginning, there was talk that they wanted to break the 9 month Shanghai record, but with the meetings we have been having, the model they want to bring out, which is the economic model that is going to be sold massively, is going to require a whole new production line.

Right now, that production line is in the workshop, rather working on workshops, to have a rendering and start the construction, so now we estimate that it could take between 12, 14, 15 months due to the large space that it will occupy that production line.

So the timeline for Gigamexco has always been a little bit unclear from the information that we have been able to piece together so far, and unfortunately, I'm not sure that this really adds any clarity to that.

They could be talking about those timelines with slightly different bookends.

I think we've always kind of heard maybe three months or so for groundbreaking, and the 9 month timeline that we previously heard that was, I think, always about groundbreaking to production because that's what Gigashang had was able to do.
我想我们一直听说打地基可能需要大约三个月左右,我们之前听到的九个月时间表,我认为,一直是关于从打地基到生产的,因为 Gigashang 能够做到这一点。

So that puts the total timeline to 12 months already, and it kind of sounds like based on his other context that he's providing here, that he is talking about more of that total timeline. So just this alone doesn't give me confidence that Tesla has somehow stepped their plans back at all. They've always kind of known that this was going to be the deal with Gigamexco. So maybe they're thinking it takes a little bit longer now, but they're obviously going to try to do this as quickly as possible, and this is really in the same ballpark, so it doesn't really change my expectations at all.

In the interview, he did add a couple of other interesting comments. He said, quote, we are ready. We have to wait for the final render to then adapt, polish, and start the projects that Nuevo Leon has been ready to start since November, and as soon as Tesla tells us to go ahead, we will start. End quote. So it sounds great that they're ready to roll, but of course that would be contingent on some of the things that Tesla needs to provide, and that could cause things to change a little bit. Finally, he also commented on what the size of Gigamexco will be, saying quote, obviously we are still waiting for the official information on what will be the largest plant in the world, but clarifying that is not only from Tesla, it is from all the world companies. This is going to be the largest Gigafactory in dimension worldwide, even bigger by far than the one in Texas, which is the biggest today. End quote. So you may remember there's been a little bit of uncertainty on that based on the rendering that we had seen so far, so good to hear a little bit more about those plants.

All right, next up we finally seem to have some finality on the structure of the EV tax credit with the changes from a couple of weeks ago going into effect tomorrow, April 18th. The fuel economy.gov website has been updated to show how the vehicle credits are going to be structured beginning tomorrow, and while I suppose it could still change, maybe some manufacturers haven't gotten their information in yet, it does look to be pretty final now. And for Tesla, as we expected, Tesla's retaining the full credit on all versions of the Model 3 and the Model Y except for the rear wheel drive standard range Model 3, which Tesla had previously announced would be reduced to half, so $3,750. So it's good to have that confirmation, and we do also see other interesting updates in here. Rivian, Volkswagen, Nissan, they've had the credit since January. All the current offerings for those manufacturers for the time being reduced to zero. For GM, it looks like they'll retain the full credit on their eligible lineup, and then for Ford, the Ford Mustang Mach-E, notably, will decline to that half credit as well.
好的,接下来,我们最终似乎已经有了关于电动车税收抵免结构的确定性,因为几周前的变化将于明天,即4月18日生效。Fuel economy.gov网站已更新,显示明天开始汽车抵免将如何构建,虽然我认为这可能仍然会有所改变,也许一些制造商尚未提交他们的信息,但现在看起来相当确定了。对于特斯拉来说,正如我们所预期的那样,除了标准轮驱动标准续航Model 3之外,特斯拉将在Model 3和Model Y的所有版本上保留全额抵免,而该车型的抵免将被减半,即3750美元。所以这是一个好的确认,我们还看到其他有趣的更新。Rivian、大众和日产自1月以来一直有抵免。这些制造商的目前所有产品都将暂时降至零。对于通用汽车来说,它看起来将保留其合格产品线的全额抵免,而对于福特来说,福特野马Mach-E将纳入减半抵免的范畴。

Next, we've got a pretty interesting update on the Model 3 internationally. Tesla is bringing back the rear wheel drive long-range Model 3. This is sort of the longest range configuration Model 3 that we have seen historically. Tesla hasn't offered this for a while, but according to a LinkedIn post from a Tesla account manager, Tesla is bringing back this configuration to quote, accelerate the electrification of Europe's B2B business to business fleet. End quote. Sounds like in the UK, this will start at about 47,000 pounds, and as implied there, this seems to you for the time being only be a business to business offering. We do actually see a sign of this in the Netherlands as well, with a Tesla partner called Mr. Green now marketing this offer, despite this configuration not being available on Tesla's website. So interesting, not something that we've really seen Tesla focus on too much in the past. Maybe this is just a prelude to this returning for individuals sometime soon. We're obviously still waiting to see what Tesla does in the US for that long-range non-performance spot. For these vehicles though, it would seem very likely that these are being produced in Shanghai.
接下来,我们有一个关于Model 3国际版的非常有趣的更新。特斯拉将重新推出后驱长续航版Model 3。这是我们历史上看到的续航最长的配置Model 3。特斯拉已经有一段时间没有推出这个配置了,但是根据特斯拉帐户经理在LinkedIn上的发帖,特斯拉重新推出了这个配置,以引领欧洲的B2B商用车队的电气化进程。听起来在英国,这将从约47,000英镑开始,并暗示目前似乎仅为企业间提供。在荷兰,我们确实也看到了这样的迹象,特斯拉的合作伙伴Mr. Green现在正在推销这个优惠,尽管这个配置在特斯拉的网站上不可用。非常有趣,这不是特斯拉过去非常关注的东西。也许这只是一个预兆,很快个人也能够买到这个配置。我们显然还在等待特斯拉在美国针对长续航非性能车位的动向。对于这些车辆,很可能是在上海生产的。

Next up, we've got a couple of different things on pricing. No price changes this time around, but seemingly in reaction to the reaction of Tesla's price changes, one of Tesla's China's VPs has posted a recap of Tesla's pricing on their vehicles in China compared to the pricing of those vehicles in other countries.

So CNEV posts recap this nicely. They say that this was presented without comments, but perhaps meant to try to deter expectations of possible further price cuts going forward. So we won't go through these item by item, but feel free to take a look at these different graphs put together again by CNEV posts that show the differences, which I think is pretty nice to have recapped in this way. Obviously, prices in China can afford to be a little bit lower with domestic production.

Separately on pricing, we've got some more commentary from other automakers on Tesla's price cuts recently. This time from the CEO of the Renault brand, who has said that quote, it's clear that Tesla cutting prices is a challenge.

Starting with the cost side of things, it's a warning we are looking at, end quote, and adding that Renault will analyze country by country, market by market, the level of competitiveness that is needed to be able to stay in the game. Which if you read that verbatim, it kind of sounds like they're considering maybe even leaving some markets. I think he's more referring to price changes market by market, but interesting either way and shows the sort of trickle down effect that Tesla's pricing can have industry wide, which we have talked about quite a bit. Elon commented on this in a roundabout way on Twitter over the weekend, saying that Tesla isn't starting a price war, which could have connotations of selling below cost or something like that just to gain market share. Elon saying rather we're just lowering prices to enable affordability at scale.

All right, last few updates, kind of a fun one from Tesla charging on Twitter over the weekend, noting that they have added 36 stalls in Indigo, California as Coachella has been going on. And then they also said that they've got a little extra powered by Megapack. So I'm not sure if these are temporary chargers that Tesla is making available in this spot for this period of time, but that kind of seems to be what they're implying, which would be a pretty cool demonstration of what Tesla could do if that is the case.

Next, we've got an interesting update from Chris Jong on Twitter saying that Huawei has just debuted one of their new vehicles and they claim to be using the industry largest 9000 ton die-casting machine for this vehicle. So we had talked about a 9000 ton press from E-DRA going from Italy over to Asia, but we didn't know where that was going. It seemed like it would be Tesla based on it matching a Tesla color scheme. And I think that's maybe still a possibility, but perhaps that press was destined for Huawei.
接下来,我们从Twitter上的Chris Jong得到了一个有趣的消息,他说华为刚刚推出了他们的新车型,并声称他们将使用行业最大的9000吨压铸机制造这辆汽车。所以我们曾经谈论过一台从意大利运往亚洲的9000吨压力机,但我们不知道它将去哪里。它似乎能与特斯拉的颜色方案匹配,所以我认为这仍然是有可能的,但也许这台机器注定要去华为了。

As for other upcoming vehicles, folks wagon today releasing a lot more information on the ID7. They say that this is going to have a range of up to 700 kilometers, 435 miles, on the WLTP to cycle. Pricing has not yet been announced, but folks wagon says this will be the top of the ID line and that the launch is scheduled for Autumn 2023 for Europe and China in North America in 2024.

All right, last item for today, hopefully by now everyone very well aware of this, but of course this morning the first fully integrated test flight for Starship was scheduled ended up being converted into a wet dress rehearsal as at about 10-15 SpaceX had an issue with the pressure at Valve, so had to hold off on the launch but still a lot of good learnings from today. And they are now targeting no earlier than Thursday, of course April 20th for the next launch attempt.

So the exciting week carries on, but that will wrap it up for today. As always, thank you for listening, make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. Also find me on Twitter at Tesla Podcast and we'll see you tomorrow for the Tuesday, your probably the end episode on Tesla Daily. Thank you.
所以这个激动人心的一周还在继续,但今天的节目就到此为止了。如常,谢谢您的收听,确保您已经订阅并开启通知。还可以在 Twitter 上找到我,账号为 Tesla Podcast,明天我们会再见,周二的可能是 Tesla Daily 的最后一集。谢谢。