Episode 40 - Questions
发布时间 2013-12-14 18:28:05 来源
I answer your 6th century questions from education to eunuchs and food to fleets. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Hello everyone, and welcome to the history of Byzantium. Episode 40. Questions. Thanks again to all of you who sent in sixth century questions. As expected, they cover all sorts of aspects of Byzantine life, some of which are hard to answer specifically just about this time period, and some of which are hard to answer at all. I've done my best to provide some insights, and I'll direct you to other sources where I can.
I've managed to fit a few questions into the last couple of podcasts, and there will be another batch in next week's episode. But today I will be tackling all those questions, which didn't fit anywhere else. So, listen to G asks, I recall a legend about Belisarius being blinded by a jealous Justinian. Could you talk about that story and how much, if any of it, is true?
我在最近几期播客中成功问出了一些问题,下周的节目中还会有一批问题。但是今天我将与那些无处安放的问题交手。所以,请听 G 问,我记得有一个有关于贝利撒留被嫉妒的君士坦丁残忍剥夺视力的传说,你能谈谈关于这个故事,还有多少是真实的吗?
Yes, you heard that correctly. A story appeared around the 10th century, as far as we can tell, that Justinian actually had Belisarius' eyes put out and left him to beg for a living in the streets. This story gained sympathy amongst writers and painters in the 18th century, drawing parallels with the repressive monarchs of their own time. You can see a couple of those paintings at thehistoryofbizantium.com or on Facebook.
What probably gave the story some credence is that Belisarius was named as part of a conspiracy to overthrow the emperor in 562, a couple of years before both men died. It was too minor an incident to mention on the podcast, but the sources say that Belisarius was placed under house arrest for a few months before Justinian restored him to favour. The suggestion that Belisarius was blinded is not mentioned by contemporary sources, and it would be very out of character for Justinian to so cruelly punish anyone, let alone a man he clearly held in high esteem.
There were several small assassination plots which came to light during Justinian's reign, but he never seemed to harshly punish anyone. It also seems highly unlikely that after decades of loyalty, Belisarius would suddenly decide to overthrow the emperor. Most likely, the conspirators had planned to offer the Diadem to Belisarius should they have succeeded in killing Justinian, knowing that the great general was someone the crowds might accept as their new sovereign. So my assumption, like that of most historians, is that the story is affiction. Its origins in the 10th century, when blinding was a more common punishment for usurpers, perhaps confirms its later creation. Actual stories were then written, building on this legend, where Belisarius tries to conquer Britain for Justinian, and then have him begging on the streets of Rome, rather than Constantinople. So yeah, nonsense.
A related question comes from listener N. L, who says, I was under the impression that Justinian was the last native Latin speaking emperor, but your introduction of Tiberius II makes it seem like he was too. As I mentioned in my introduction to both Justin II and Tiberius II, we just don't know whether they spoke Latin. We don't know anything at all about Tiberius' upbringing, or really where in the Balkans he was from. So it's just a guess that he might have spoken Latin since he got on so well with the House of Justinian.
Similarly, just in the second, may have been born in Constantinople, so he may well have spoken only Greek fluently, but we just don't know. So historians can only say that Justinian was the last native Latin speaking emperor, as far as we know. listener N. L also asks, is there any way of knowing how the 100,000 gold pieces that the Avars asked Maurice for compares with the 700 or 1400 pounds of gold that the Romans paid annually to Attila and his huns?
同样地,在第二个例子中,贾斯汀或许出生于君士坦丁堡,因此他可能会流利地说希腊语,但我们只是不知道。因此历史学家只能说,据我们所知,贾斯汀安是最后一位以拉丁语为母语的皇帝。听众 N.L 还问,我们有没有办法知道阿瓦尔人向莫里斯要求的 100,000 枚金币与罗马人每年向阿提拉和他的匈奴人支付的 700 或 1400 磅黄金相比如何?
Yes, absolutely. This is one area of history where we have enough information to be roughly accurate about these sums. Throughout the history of Byzantium, I've been referring to large payments in terms of pounds of gold. In part, just so you could compare the amounts to the 1400 Attila received and similar amounts mentioned on the history of Rome. But pounds of gold in practical terms meant actual gold coins, so we can work out the actual number of coins or no missma that were being handed over. Rather than explain the exchange rate though, for now I will stick with pounds of gold.
是的,绝对正确。这个历史领域我们有足够的信息,可以大致准确地了解这些金额。在拜占庭历史中,我一直用金磅来提到大笔付款。部分原因是为了便于您将其与1400年阿提拉和罗马历史中提到的类似金额进行比较。但是,实际上金磅指的是实际的金币,因此我们可以计算出实际转手的硬币或no missma的数量。现在我暂时不解释汇率,仍将使用金磅。
The Avars may have asked for more, but the most they received in a year was around 1,100 pounds of gold, while Attila had in his best year received 2,100 pounds of gold. So the Avars had one pretty good year but weren't consistently being paid as the huns had been. At the beginning of our podcast, Anastasia's had agreed to pay 550 pounds for peace with the Persians, and Tiberius had paid around 400 pounds a year during his truce with the Sassanids, but the single largest payment the Byzantines would ever make was by Justinian for the Eternal Peace, which ended up being 8 years long. That amount you may recall was 11,000 pounds of gold, so 10 times what Attila received. Large amounts indeed, but the whole Imperial budget was millions of gold coins strong, over 100,000 pounds of gold around this time, with most of that being spent on the army.
Listener S asks, did the Byzantines maintain a standing fleet at all times, where they arranged in different theatres, such as the Black Sea, Squadron, or the Mediterranean Fleet, and also in this period did they have Greek fire? Quick comment on that last part is no. What we understand as Greek fire has not appeared just yet in the narrative, but when it does, trust me, I will tell you about it. As for the standing fleets, well as you know, the Romans never cared about seafaring that much. It was always the soldiers in the land armies who got the attention and the glory.
To be fair though, between the Battle of Actium, when Augustus defeated Antony and the conquest of Carthage by the Vandals, the Romans didn't have any enemies in the Mediterranean. They controlled all the land around their sea, and so a massive navy was never a priority. Of course, some military vessels were always maintained, as you never know when civil war or piracy might break out, but sources are relatively thin on the ground for the Byzantine period. The evidence suggests that there were three main concentrations of naval forces, one around Constantinople, one in Ravenna, and one to patrol the Danube River. These were understandably the three places where naval forces were most needed. The Lombards had no navy, but warships were needed there to guard supply vessels that kept the Byzantine cities in Italy up and running. Meanwhile, squadrons had been patrolling the Danube for centuries now, looking out for hostile people trying to cross. In theory, if Roman soldiers could be transported up and down the river networks, they could surprise their enemies with an unexpected landing.
As far as we can tell, the navy was treated a little like the Limitaniai soldiers, the farmer soldiers who lived along the borders. So the men who staffed the navy were not commissioned officers, and were not paid at the same level as the field armies. Presumably, they were expected to make a living elsewhere, and will be paid allowances when the treasury could spare them. Our best guess for the size of the navy is based on the invasion fleet, which Bellissarius took to Africa. Procopius claims that there were 92 single decked warships, and this could represent most of the fleet. By this time, the fleet would be made up of droman warships as they were spelled or thromone, as they would be pronounced in Greek. These ships would have become the backbone of the Byzantine navy, and were known and named for their speed. They had a full deck, meaning the men rowing were protected from misal fire, and Latine sales, the triangular shape, as opposed to the half decks and square sales of the earlier Roman navy.
Lysna M asks, what did daily life look like for an emperor, while Lysna L.S asks what life was like for a typical citizen? Mike Duncan did a very fine job describing a day in the life of a city dwelling Roman back in the age of the Antonines, and what he said then remains true now, in that a typical citizen would have been a farmer whose life was out in the fields. So perhaps it's easier for me to just draw on a few of the changes in city life in the Byzantine era, and of course we largely covered these two episodes ago when we saw how the classical city was morphing into the medieval one.
So people were spending less time in the baths, and more time in church. But another major change in city life was the dominance of the calendar by religious services and processions. All sorts of special days were now commemorated.
Feast days, saints days, martyrs days, the start of the liturgical year, the anniversary of the emperor's reign, the birthday of the city, the commemoration of previous emperors or severe earthquakes or the opening of a new church. All these days would be the cause for processions or special services.
And another change of course was that the hippodrome had become a bigger feature of life, at least for cities that had one, with the disappearance of amphitheaters making the passion for chariot racing somehow even more all consuming than it had been. Hence the growth and the importance of the blues and the greens who were now responsible for most of the cities and attainment. Both these changes would have been part of the daily life of an emperor.
当然,另一个变化是,赛马场已经成为生活更重要的特征,至少对于有赛马场的城市来说是如此。随着圆形剧场的消失,战车赛的热情不知怎地变得更加占据所有人的心。 因此,蓝队和绿队的增长和重要性也随之增加,他们现在负责大部分城市和成就。 这两个变化都会是皇帝日常生活的一部分。
When he had the time he was expected to host the races and take part in church processions and services. In both cases it was seen as one of the emperor's responsibilities, to be seen to take part in public life, to provide the entertainment or to take communion with his people.
The rest of the emperor's day would likely be spent in the palace. Messages would flood in every day from every corner of the empire, which had to be summarized and brought to the emperor's attention. Letters from generals out in the field, so legal cases that the Praetorian prefects didn't feel comfortable making judgments on. There were meetings to attend with various advisors, senators or bishops, ambassadors to greet and entertain, banquets to host and of course a family to spend time with.
So the emperor was an incredibly busy man. I haven't read much about any of them getting any downtime since the Adosius II fell off his horse while hunting back in 450. But doubtless they did have hobbies they occasionally indulged, although the only man we know enough about would be Justinian, who spent his spare time reading religious texts.
Listener GM asks what kind of food would the citizens of Constantinople have eaten? Well, bread was still the key to most citizens' diet, whether provided as part of the public doll or bought on the open market. Many families would grow their own vegetables and keep chickens too. So that gave you eggs while the capital's abundant markets and stalls would provide cheese, fruit and wine if you could afford them. For those who couldn't, soup or stew might be your best bet, as boiling was the simplest way to cook. Perhaps with figs or walnuts to accompany it. Surrounded on three sides by water, the capital had access to tuna, macrolead and sturgeon, as well as fish from further afield.
There were animal markets, of course, but meat was less available than it is today. Pigs were slaughtered at the beginning of winter, so that sausages, salt pork and lard could be stocked up for the coming months. In finer circles, the Byzantine seemed to have enjoyed sweet dishes, if they could get their hands on them. Honey cakes, syrupy sweet meats, quince marmalade, rice pudding, and various bread dishes mixed with sugar and raisins went down a treat. That's just a quick summary, and obviously we have trouble dating any culinary inventions, so I'll stop there.
Listen to YP asks about unix. Where did they come from? What purpose did they serve? And how did the practice of employing them begin? To answer the last question first, unix have a long tradition as imperial servants, going back to ancient times, particularly in China and Egypt. But the need for Roman imperial unix developed with diocletians redefinition of the office of emperor.
Once the Augustus turned from princheps to dominus, it was important to limit access to the emperor as much as possible. But that put a lot of power in the hands of the few men who were allowed direct physical access to the emperor and of course his family. And so unix were seen as the ideal choice. They were unlikely to be physical threats, they were incapable of being a sexual menace, and they were unable to have families of their own, and so would be less likely to take part in conspiracies against the emperor because their loyalty lay with him.
Of course a Christian society could hardly tolerate the mutilation of young boys. So in 600 AD at least most unix came from beyond the frontiers. Boys captured in war, or sold into slavery, often from Armenia, or the various kingdoms in the Caucasus. Some though were free-born and castrated by their own families because it was considered that a better life awaited them that way than toiling in the fields.
Although they weren't quite as ubiquitous in 600 AD, the growing trend in Byzantium was to be far more welcoming to unix than most other states. It had almost become a necessity to be a unit to work as an imperial Chamberlain, and over time more and more jobs would appear within the palace reserved only for them. Most wealthy families would have some unix servants where they might serve the lady of the house or teach the children. The giving of castrated slaves was considered a prestigious and welcome gift. Unix were also welcome in the service of the church where their high pitched voices were a valued addition to the empire's choirs, but more than that they were allowed to become priests and even bishops. In many nunneries only unix were allowed to visit and perform the Eucharist or communion. We already saw in our narrative that Narciss was so trusted by Justinian that he was allowed to amass great wealth, lead armies, and even become ex-Arch of Italy. So despite the fear and revulsion that many felt toward them, unix really could lead a prominent and powerful life in Byzantium. The hypocrisy of accepting castrated men into imperial service despite banning the practice doesn't seem to have troubled anyone unduly.
We even hear the argument made that their chastity had been preserved through the act of castration. Listen to E says I'd love to hear something about the calendars in use at the time. As far as I know the Julian calendar as instigated by Julius Caesar was still the way the year was measured in 6th century Byzantium. It wasn't until a thousand years later that the Gregorian version would appear to correct the various eras it contained.
我们甚至听到有人辩称他们的贞操是通过阉割行为得以保存的。听E说:“我很想听听该时期使用的日历有关的事情。”据我所知,朱利叶斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)实施的朱利安日历仍然是6世纪拜占庭帝国衡量年份的方式。直到一千年后,格里高利历才出现,以纠正其中包含的各种历法。
Two wrinkles in the answer though are that many Byzantine documents date the world not BC or AD but instead from the date of creation. Using biblical accounts combined with what historical dates they were sure of, men calculated the date of creation as September 1st 5509 BC. There is some variation in different texts as to exactly when Adam and Eve walked the earth. And in Byzantium September 1st was considered the first day of the year, which adds a nice amount of confusion when trying to link up historical events across different civilizations.
Byzantine government documents were also dated by Indiction. Indictions originally referred to the reassessment of an area of land in Egypt, presumably to check what the land was producing for tax purposes. This seems to have been part of Diocletian's efforts to better organize the empire. By the late 4th century many other government documents were being dated by the year of Indiction. And Justinian issued an edict that all documents must be stamped with it. By the 6th century the Indiction was a 15-year cycle. So we find documents saying year one of the Indiction, year 12 of the Indiction, and so on. Clearly, it continued to be beneficial to Imperial bureaucrats for many centuries.
Lesson a TBD asked for more information on engineering and medicine. For engineering I will have to direct you elsewhere as it's a bit too complex to be able to deal with briefly. There are plenty of books on the subject and if I come across one I particularly like it will appear in the bibliography at thehistory by satanthium.com. On medicine, I can be a little more specific but let's start with the general. In the narrative you've already heard about the building of hospitals across the empire. Something I think we can call a Byzantine innovation as it wasn't part of the pre-Christian empire in anything like the same way.
TBD请求更多有关工程和医学的信息。对于工程,我必须把您带到其他地方,因为它太复杂了,无法简要地处理。有很多关于这个主题的书籍,如果我发现特别喜欢的一本,它会出现在thehistory by satanthium.com的参考书目中。关于医学,我可以更具体一些,但让我们从一般性开始。在您已经听过的叙述中,我们已经听说了整个帝国建造医院的情况。我认为这是拜占庭的创新,因为在基督教前的帝国中,这不像现在这样存在。
In Constantinople these institutions clearly preferred our own modern hospitals with a chief physician, nurses and orderlies. But even out in remote places monasteries would have often have areas designated for the healing of the sick.
This is one of the most obviously positive aspects of Christianity. Jesus healed people and he cared for everyone regardless of social background. This attitude to human health and well-being meant that the medical profession benefited from the Christianizing of the Roman world. It was a two-way street though with the great Greco-Roman writers such as Hippocrates and Galen being cherished and reproduced for generations of doctors to study and learn from.
Hospitals were run in different ways with the government, the church and wealthy citizens all providing the money needed. Care was offered free of charge to the poor while the well-off would be asked to contribute. Justinian began the practice of the state providing subsidies so that private doctors would work free of charge for at least some of the year. Around the capital was probably the best place to fall ill as the university there trained young doctors while hospices and leper houses sprung up to take care of those most in need.
It's difficult to talk about specific medical innovations from the sixth century but another advantage that Byzantium offered to the profession was its maintenance of libraries. Aribasius, the Emperor Julian's personal physician, compiled major medical works from ancient authors while in the seventh century Paul of Eginia would write a medical compendium in seven books that was massively influential on Islamic as well as Western European doctors for centuries to come.
谈论六世纪的具体医学创新很困难,但拜占庭还为这个行业提供了另一个优势 - 维护图书馆。朱利安皇帝的私人医生亚力巴修斯从古代作家编译了重要的医学作品,而在七世纪,伊格尼亚的保罗会写一本七卷本的医学大成,这本书对伊斯兰医生和西欧医生产生了深远的影响。
His work touched on all sorts of surprising things like gynecology, diet, treatment of the elderly and mental illness that we might think of as quite modern. The descriptions of surgery are also enlightening with even accounts of cataracts or cancerous growths being cut out of the body. Evidence from law also suggests a fairly modern attitude to the medical establishment with punishments for abuse, negligence and fraud. There was particular concern for inexperienced doctors giving treatment that they were not trained to provide.
We shouldn't forget though that many ordinary people sought out the divine rather than a doctor when they were ill. It was widely believed that relics icons and the sites of saints and martyrs could heal the body of various ailments. There were patron saints of epidemics, of pediatrics, of genital diseases, even of dental care. There were also numerous folk remedies, such as the wearing of special amulets that people clung to in the hope that it might heal them.
Nor should we overstate the performance of the Byzantine medical establishment. And without modern immunization techniques, child mortality remained as high as it always had been. And life expectancy for the poor remained around 40 in the sixth century.
Medicine like many other subjects is one that it's not easy to subdivide by century. Procopius didn't list off the medical care available to him as much as it would have been extremely helpful if he had. If we're all still here, come 1453, perhaps we can deal with topics like this in more detail. Listen to tea in a similar vein, asks about developments in science and maths, which would require much longer answers.
But he also asks whether there was a decline after the sixth century. For example, the year Sophia being such a triumph of mathematics and architecture, why did nothing else touch it for the rest of Byzantium's history? I've simplified the question, but I think you get the gist. And I think the answer in broad terms is that the Byzantine still produced great architects and great thinkers, and perhaps on another occasion we can touch on them. But after the sixth century, they would never have had the resources at their disposal that the men who built the idea Sophia did. First the plague hit, and then as we will come to, the Arabs will take the Eastern provinces. It's no surprise then that more mathematical and scientific innovations came from the Muslim world, as the caliphate would soon command the kind of resources that only briefly rested in Justinian's hands.
他还提出了第六世纪后是否有衰落的问题。例如,年份Sophia的数学和建筑的胜利,为什么在拜占庭帝国的历史剩余部分中没有其他东西能够接触它呢?我已经简化了问题,但我认为你能够得到要点。我认为以广义来说,答案是拜占庭仍然产生了伟大的建筑师和伟大的思想家,也许在另一个场合我们可以谈论他们。但是在第六世纪之后,他们将永远没有手头的资源,因为建造Idea Sophia的人拥有的资源只是短暂的。首先,瘟疫爆发,然后正如我们将要看到的,阿拉伯人将掌握东部省份。因此,更多的数学和科学创新来自于穆斯林的世界,因为哈里发即将指挥仅仅在贾斯汀尼安手中短暂休息的资源。
Byzantine architecture would of course go on with many innovative and interesting buildings being erected, but none on that scale. Listen to tea did also ask about education and whether it had changed since the rather brutal primary school lessons we heard about back during the history of Rome. Certainly primary teachers and grammarians were still found in towns in the sixth century, but I imagine practices were at least a little different in the east than they had been in Rome itself, and with fewer children being educated, the classroom practice that might describe was probably less relevant.
As we heard when discussing unix, the children of the wealthy may have been taught at home where they were treated far more kindly. The existence of the great universities of the east demonstrate that plenty of people had not had a love of learning beaten out of them just yet, and when men entered a monastery they would often be taught how to read and write.
Speaking of learned men, listener B.B asks, I'm astounded that so much information exists about this period of time. How was this achieved? Any writings on parchment or other materials would have disintegrated. Perhaps librarians perpetually rewrote them, but I assume that the number of literate persons was relatively small, so that there were only a handful of trained people that were capable of doing this.
And how were the parchment stored, indexed, or organized? How were these libraries paid for and who had the privilege of using them? Was the work performed by monks or scholars? How did such materials survive the ravages of war? And what kept such records from being purged by an emperor intent on changing history?
I include the whole question to give you a sense of all the issues. I don't actually plan on answering all of it. But as you can see, to answer it fully would probably need a whole new podcast, or if you want. There are plenty of good books on the subject. For example, scribes and scholars, a guide to the transmission of Greek and Latin literature by LD Reynolds and N.G. Wilson.
我把整个问题都列在这里,让你们对所有问题都有个概念。我实际上不打算回答所有问题。但是,你们可以看到,要完整回答这个问题可能需要一个全新的播客,或者如果你们想要的话。这个问题有很多好书,例如LD Reynolds和N.G. Wilson所著的《抄写员和学者:希腊和拉丁文学传承指南》。
Within the question, listener BB has answered many of his own queries. Anything written on any kind of paper will eventually decay. A few texts have amazingly survived centuries, but usually only because they were sealed or stored somewhere dry and out of the reach of human civilization. For the vast majority of texts, if they weren't copied, then they wouldn't survive.
In a way the real answer to this question is that listener BB shouldn't be astounded by how much survives from this period. We just about have the sixth century covered, thanks to Procopius, and yes, there are a few other writers from the same period, but actually I've quoted most of those authors during the podcast. That's maybe five or six men covering a hundred years of history. The reality is that so few texts did survive from antiquity that our knowledge of certain people and events is hugely biased because we only have one source to tell us about them.
Writers like Procopius would indeed have been copied by both scholars and monks. I'm sure many of you have heard of the work of Irish missionaries in copying Latin texts, or the great efforts by the Muslim scholars of Baghdad, or of those under Charlemagne to increase the available texts by great efforts of copying. In Byzantium the situation was similar. The universities had libraries which did some copying and plenty of monasteries which did the same. It's accurate to say that most of the time there were only a select number of men capable and available to do this, and they would of course select which texts they wanted to copy.
Many books are referenced in what survives that we no longer have copies of. How did these texts survive war? Many didn't. We know that when Constantinople fell in 1453 and leading up to that event many Byzantines fled west taking their books with them, but many did not, and so many texts were lost. Obviously the fact that Constantinople was not sacked for a good 900 years helped many texts to survive.
The Byzantines would often send books to foreign governments as gifts which helped in a small way to spread ancient writing, and the Theodosian walls did protect a good number of texts inside the city. Whether they be the university library, the palace library, the library of the patriarch, or of those wealthy citizens who cared to collect. Some books, therefore, did manage to survive both the Crusader sack of 1204 and the final fall in 1453, and the fact that wealthy men and various monasteries still valued ancient texts is another crucial point in their survival.
Despite the increasing Christianization, the Byzantines never turned on their past. In fact, elite culture continued to value many of the classical works of antiquity aiding their survival. Although these men would probably not copy out texts themselves, their interest in preserving the written word helped provide sponsorship and a market for the reproduction of texts. There were no public libraries, so we rely on the work of private state or church collections.
Finally, the question about an emperor editing history is an interesting one. Perhaps as I go along I will learn more about the emperor's direct involvement with collections that existed.
The point I'd make about that though is many of the histories which survive were approved by or written for an emperor. Procopius's accounts of the wars were published while Justinian was alive. Much of the criticism we perceive in them comes from comparing what he wrote for public consumption against the secret history where he was far harsher.
And the major accounts of the lives of say Constantine and Heraclius who's coming up next in our story were written specifically by their admirers who were glorifying the lives of their patron. So in many cases the empress had no fear of their own press and probably encouraged criticism of their predecessors or rivals.
But it would be hard for the emperor to edit the past once histories had been copied and passed outside the empress borders. And I think as we'll see the empress control of their own territory became increasingly insecure over the 7th and 8th centuries.
So it would be much harder than it was for say Augustus when he tried to have Mark Antony purged from the public record. Right that's all for the questions today.
Next week we reach the end of our 6th century question and answer session by looking at the issue of identity in Byzantium.
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