Model 3 Refresh Possibly Leaked, Megapack Production Rate Info

发布时间 2023-04-14 00:06:56    来源


➤ Image appearing to show new Model 3 design posted to Reddit ➤ PPI report below expectations ➤ Insight on Tesla’s Megapack production rate: ➤ China sales start strong in second quarter ➤ Twitter partners with eToro ➤ SpaceX gets closer to Starship test Shareloft: Twitter: Patreon: Tesla Referral: #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Editing assistance by Jasem Ashkanani Music by Evan Schaeffer Image(s) and/or footage used under license from Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob now we're here and today we are talking about a possible leaked image of Tesla's expected upcoming Model 3 update also known as Project Highland.
大家好,我是Rob,今天我们要讨论一张可能泄露的特斯拉预计即将推出的Model 3升级的图片,也被称为高地计划。

We've also got some new information on the production rate for Megapack out of Tesla's Megafactory in Blathrup and we'll take a look at today's PPI report and a couple of other items.

So following that PPI report which we'll talk about in a second pretty strong day in the markets the NASDAQ up about 2% on the day Tesla up almost 3% to $185.90.

Just like last month's report the producer price index or PPI came in below expectations.
和上个月的报告一样,生产者价格指数或者 PPI 低于预期水平。

The total index so the headline number came in at a 2.7% increase from last year which was about 30 basis points lower than consensus expectations.

So really good to see that it's also the most significant drop from one month to the next in year-ever year change for the PPI that we have seen in I don't know how long at least the last couple of years.

Now obviously as we head into months that start to compare to significant increases in the PPI last year. It should be pretty expected for these year-over-year numbers to come down pretty quickly.

We've talked a lot about that.

So perhaps more importantly is looking at the month-over-month changes that can give us a little bit better of a feel for how things would look going forward if we were to annualize out those month-over-month changes and for the month of March headline PPI declined half a percent from February.

That is the biggest month-over-month decline in almost 3 years.

The total index of course includes food and energy and those can be a little bit more volatile so looking at core PPI.

The year-over-year increases are shrinking there as well.

Core up 3.4% year-over-year and then again more importantly looking at month-over-month.

Actually saw a 0.1% decline compared to expectations of a 0.3% increase.

So this is actually the first time since October of 2020 that the core PPI has declined month-over-month.

So overall here seems like pretty good news for inflation.

Obviously that can influence interest rate decisions going forward.

Although the CME Group Fedwatch tool not really showing much of a change today for interest rate expectations for the May meeting.
虽然 CME Group Fedwatch 工具今天并没有显示出 5 月会议的利率预期有太大变化。

Alright, getting into Tesla updates, the one getting the most attention today is an image that was shared on Reddit last night by user FFAARPG with the title of simply Model 3 Refresh.
好的,现在开始谈论特斯拉的最新消息。其中一个引起最多注意的是 Reddit 用户FFAARPG昨晚分享的一张图片,标题简单地写着“Model 3 刷新版”。

The image is of a vehicle that is about half uncovered by a car cover.

It looks a lot like a Model 3, especially on the sides, but different wheels, different front end, different headlights, maybe some changes in the interior, although it's a little bit difficult to make that out with the reflection.
它看起来很像Model 3,特别是侧面,但是车轮、前端和前大灯都不同,内饰可能也有些许变化,尽管由于反光有点难以确定。

The question that we're then left with with this image is if this might be the heavily rumored Project Highland Refresh of the Model 3.
我们现在面临的问题是,这张图片是否可能是 Model 3 的高地刷新项目,这个谣传已经流传很久了。

We've seen a number of photos over the last few months of Tesla testing out Model 3 vehicles with the front end covered up, including these from the kilowatts on Twitter.
在过去的几个月中,我们看到了许多特斯拉测试Model 3车型的照片,前端都被遮盖起来了,包括这些在Twitter上发的照片。

You'll want to even like some of those tweets, so alongside the rumors it seemed to pretty clear like Tesla was working on a new design.

However, we have not yet seen any where that front is uncovered until possibly this new image.

Whenever we get something like this, there's always the possibility that it's not what the original poster says it is, maybe this is just an aftermarket front body kit.

But there is one specific detail in this image that suggests that maybe this is an accurate leak after all.

So if we look at a side by side of this new image, next to those previous photos of Tesla's test mules that had the camouflage in the front, we can try to compare and see if there are any details that might validate this new image.

So if we zoom in really closely and we look at the hardware and the design around the front repeater camera, although it is a little bit difficult to tell these seem to have the same design, which notably is different than the current design if we bring that in.

We can see that the body lines for the current Model 3's housing for the side repeater camera, that stops short of the door seam.
我们可以看到,当前Model 3侧循环器摄像头的外壳的车身线条,在门缝处截止。

The previous photos of these test mules out driving around, it is a clearly different design where that body line goes into the door past the seam.

If we look at the new image on the left, it looks pretty clearly to have that same design as those prototypes out driving around where that body line again goes past the door seam.

That dramatically reduces the probability in my mind that this is some sort of aftermarket body kit or something like that.

So my best guess is that this really is a leak, this really is one of the vehicles that Tesla is testing out for Project Highland.

Now one of the questions around this would be if this is one of those vehicles, why are there so many bugs on the front of the vehicle?

If Tesla is keeping this covered when it's out testing, how is that happening?

Could easily be testing this at night where there's less of a risk of someone seeing this, taking photos of it. So I don't really view that as anything that should add to the skepticism around this image. If this is a Tesla prototype, which I think seems more likely than not, it is possible that Tesla could have multiple different prototypes that they are considering. So there's no guarantee that this is exactly what a refresh might look like, especially for things like wheels that can be easily changed. But hopefully we're not too far away from seeing it from Tesla. So far the feedback that I've seen online seems to be pretty positive, so that's a good thing. I think it's just in general a little bit too early to judge, you know, we talk about this whenever we see photos like this, whether it's Cybertruck or any other vehicle, lens distortion is going to have an impact and that's pretty clearly affecting this photo as well. So I'm pretty much just going to withhold judgment, especially because we can't even see the full vehicle in this photo. That said, feel free to share what your thoughts are in the comments today if you would like, and we'll see what comes of this. Sometimes things like this can tend to spark up a little bit more information, whether that's confirmation or something else, we'll see if anything else comes out in the coming days.

All right, next up we've got some really interesting information on MegaPak production rates for Tesla's Mega Factory in Lathorpe, California. This is from Bradford Ferguson. I'll put his video link down in the description, but basically him and a few others took almost a week out of their schedule to sit and watch the factory and see how many MegaPaks were leaving over the course of that time. So when they began this endeavor, they counted the number of MegaPaks in the factory parking lot. That number was 67 at the beginning. And over the next six days, watching 24 hours a day, they counted 42 MegaPaks leaving the factory. Then at the end of the period, they did that same count on number of MegaPaks in the parking lot, and that count was 83. So you had 42 leave, you had the number of packs in the parking lot increase by 16. So a total of 58 MegaPaks may have been produced during that six day window. Obviously, that depends on if some were stored out of view or inside that were then relocated outside, or if maybe the count was off during that period, they could have missed some that left that they didn't see. But it should be a pretty good approximation for production over that period.
好的,接下来我们有一些非常有趣的有关特斯拉位于加利福尼亚州拉斯索普的巨型工厂的MegaPak生产率的信息。这是Bradford Ferguson提供的。我会在描述中放上他的视频链接,但基本上他和其他人花了将近一周的时间坐在那里观察工厂,并记录那段时间内有多少个MegaPak被制造出来了。所以当他们开始这个项目时,他们记录了工厂停车场内的MegaPak数量。一开始数量是67。在接下来的六天里,他们日以继夜地观察了24小时,他们记录了42个MegaPak离开工厂。然后在这段时间结束后,他们对停车场内MegaPak的数量进行了同样的统计,这个数量是83。所以有42个离开,停车场中的包数增加了16个。因此,在这六天内,可能总共生产了58个MegaPak。显然,这取决于是否有一些存储在视野外或存储在室内然后被转移到室外的情况,或者在这段时间内统计失误,他们可能错过了一些他们没有看到的离开的MegaPak。但这应该是对那段时间内的生产情况的很好近似。

So call it 10 MegaPaks a day, that's about 38 MegaWatt hours of MegaPaks each day, or over 90 day quarter, about 3.4 MegaWatt hours per quarter. And if you assume each MegaPak is selling for about $2 million, again you're talking $20 million per day, or about $1.8 billion in MegaPaks being produced per quarter. So that's starting to drive some pretty serious revenue, that's about $7 billion per year, and this is only about 33% of the final capacity of 40 GigaWatt hours per year, that laythrupp should scale up to, hopefully, pretty quickly. So it's really nice to have some insight on that production rate.

Obviously this could have been a faster week or a slower week than normal, compared to the average for a quarter. Obviously a quarter could have a week with some downtime. Maybe there was some downtime within this week, so the production rate per day could even be higher. So even with great data like this, still plenty of unknowns, but exciting to see it ramp and hopefully we're not too far off from having that same excitement for Tesla's new Mega Factory in Shanghai.

Speaking of, we do have new China-insured vehicle numbers for the week of April 3rd. I mentioned this yesterday, but that number has now been confirmed. So for the first week of this second quarter, there were 6,973 Tesla's insured in China. So it's a huge decline week over week, but that is pretty much what we always see from Tesla in the first week of any new quarter. If we compare this week versus the first week of the last two quarters, this week was significantly higher with both of those at about 2000 vehicles a piece. So with that context, it's a very solid start to the quarter, but obviously early just one week and a long quarter to go. Going forward, it sounds like we may not be getting these China-insured weekly numbers anymore. CNEVPose saying that the sources for this information have stopped sharing it, Moneyball and Twitter saying something similar. So we'll see on that going forward, we may not have this level of granularity anymore.

Alright, last couple of things here for Twitter and SpaceX. The NBC today reporting that Twitter has partnered with ETorro to let users trade stocks in crypto, which kind of points to the expanded feature set as well as the 4A and a finance that Elon has alluded to in the past. But from reading the article, it doesn't sound like this is heavily integrated. Kind of sounds like it's just Twitter putting in some links to ETorro in some areas. So I think it's more of an advertising thing than anything for ETorro towards Twitter, so probably some nice revenue for Twitter on this deal.

Alright, lastly then on SpaceX, we continue to have some more positive signs towards a possible Starship test flight next week. Eric Burger on Twitter this morning saying that multiple sources saying that SpaceX is likely to receive a launch license from the FAA today. Later on in the day, we heard about road closures set for Monday, April 17th, the 18th and 19th as backup dates with Eric then noting that that would obviously still require FAA approval, but saying that that may then come tomorrow instead of today. Either way, it is getting very, very close at this point. It looks like we might be set up for an extremely exciting week next week with a possible Starship orbital test flight plus Tesla earnings. So keep a close eye on Starship.
好的,最后关于SpaceX,我们继续看到更多积极的迹象,可能在下周进行Starship的测试飞行。Eric Burger今天早上在Twitter上说,多个消息来源表示,SpaceX很可能会在今天收到FAA的发射许可证。当天晚些时候,我们听说道路将在4月17日、18日和19日关闭,备用日期。Eric随后指出,当然仍需要获得FAA的批准,但可能会在明天而非今天获得。无论如何,在这个关键时刻,它看起来已经非常非常接近了。下周可能会是一个非常令人兴奋的一周,可能会有一个Starship轨道测试飞行和特斯拉的收益。所以请密切关注Starship。

And then before we wrap up just a quick note, I may have another work conflict tomorrow, so there might not be an episode I think there will be, but wanting to give a heads up just in case.

Alright, that'll wrap it up for today then as always, thank you for listening, make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications. Also find me on Twitter at Tesla 5Gast and hopefully see you tomorrow for the Friday, April 14th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.
好的,今天的节目就到这里了,感谢大家一如既往的收听,请确保您订阅并启用通知。此外,您也可以在推特上找到我,我的账号是Tesla 5Gast。希望明天(4月14日)再与大家见面!谢谢。