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Will abortion pills stay legal?

发布时间 2023-04-12 06:21:30    来源


Late Friday, two conflicting rulings threw a key abortion medication’s FDA approval into question. Today on Post Reports, we break down the legal confusion and talk about what could happen next.  At the center of this unprecedented legal clash is mifepristone, a drug that is part of a two-step abortion pill regimen used by millions of people. A federal judge in Texas blocked the FDA’s longtime approval of the drug. Less than an hour later, another federal judge, in Washington state, ordered that the drug remain available in a swath of states. The dueling cases are creating confusion and questions about the future of medication abortion in America. Today on “Post Reports,” legal affairs reporter Ann Marimow walks through the cases and what they mean. Read more: A Texas abortion pill ruling threatens the FDA.Can I still get a medication abortion?In a divided nation, dueling decisions on an abortion pill. Don’t miss a chance to experience “Post Reports” live! “Post Reports” senior host Martine Powers will be in conversation with author Curtis Sittenfeld at Sixth & I in Washington at 7 p.m. on April 13. Get tickets here.



What were you doing on Friday evening when you learned about the decision from Texas? I was actually just pulling in to my home. I was sitting in the driveway and suddenly my phone started to blow up. Melissa Grant is a co-founder of Carrofem, a network of abortion providers that also offers telehealth services. She was sitting in her driveway Friday night when Texas federal judge Matthew Kismaric blocked the FDA's approval of a key abortion drug.
当你得知德克萨斯州的决定时,周五晚上你在做什么呢?我当时实际上正在回家的路上。我正坐在车道上,突然手机开始不停震动。Melissa Grant是Carrofem网络的堕胎服务提供者和远程医疗服务的合伙人之一。上周五晚上,当德克萨斯联邦法官Matthew Kismaric阻止了FDA批准一种关键的堕胎药物时,她就坐在自己的车道上。

Even though abortion providers across the country had been bracing for a decision, few expected it to come so late on a Friday at the start of a holiday weekend for a lot of people. Dr. Sarah Wallet is an OBGYN in Michigan and chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood there. I had finished working in one of our health centers and I had left to go away for the weekend with my kids to visit family for the Easter holiday. And I got a text message while I was in the car driving that the decision had come out and it wasn't good.
虽然全国各地的堕胎服务提供者一直在准备应对这种决定,但很少有人预料到它会在很多人开始度假的周五晚上这么晚才公布。Sarah Wallet博士是密歇根州的妇产科医生,也是那里计划生育组织的首席医疗官。我已经在我们的健康中心之一工作完了,正打算离开去和孩子们一起参观复活节的家人度周末。当我在车里开车时,收到了一条短信,说这个决定已经出来了,而且不好。

But then another ruling came. This one from a federal judge in Washington state who said, wait a minute, the drug methapristone is safe and effective and should remain available. Here's Melissa Grant from Carrofem again. It felt to some degree almost like Whiplash. It's like, okay, we looked one direction. Now we're looking the opposite direction, both across the country and in terms of the ruling. And again, to some degree, it wasn't a surprise though. Interesting, it could happen so fast. In the meantime, lawyers, doctors, the Biden administration and people seeking abortions are all trying to figure out what these two conflicting rulings mean. And so is our legal affairs reporter Ann Marimo.

I've never seen anything like that before. Yes, we were all waiting for Judge Casmeric in Texas to rule and there was a distinct real possibility that he would suspend FDA approval of methapristone. But to have less than an hour later, the contradictory ruling from Washington state, it was like Whiplash. We knew that the Washington state case had been filed. There had been a hearing the week before, but the timing was just unlike anything I'd ever seen before from the federal courts.

From the newsroom of the Washington Post, this is Post Reports. I'm Lidi Casey, your guest host today. It's Tuesday, April 11th. Today, we tease apart these two conflicting rulings on a key abortion pill and what they mean for abortion access across the country, even in places where it's fully legal.
我是今天的客座主持Lidi Casey,来自Washington Post的新闻编辑室。今天是4月11日星期二。我们将详细阐述这两个相互矛盾的关键堕胎药物判决,并讨论它们对全国范围内的堕胎访问,甚至在堕胎合法的地方的影响。

At the center of these two cases is this drug, Mifapristone. It's been legally used in the United States for abortions for 23 years. Mifapristone was approved back in 2000 as safe and effective by the FDA. The studies have shown 99% of the people who use this pill have had no major adverse consequences. There's bleeding and cramping that happens as part of the process, but people are not ending up in the hospital. It's one of two medications used to terminate pregnancies. Mifapristone and then Misaprostole. If Mifapristone is taken off the market, abortion providers are saying that they could rely solely on the second drug, Misaprostole. But Mifapristone has been controversial from the beginning and there have been people trying to challenge its approval. The FDA has been asked time and again to do new approvals and they have and they have loosened restrictions on the medication. It used to be that you had to show up in person at a doctor's office or a hospital and now you can get the drug from a pharmacy and take it at home.

All right, and let's step back. Because this is confusing, I really want to hear you explain the ruling. Explain what the first ruling was, what it was, what it means, and then we'll go to the second one. So, in Texas, Judge Kessmerich took the unprecedented step of suspending FDA approval after 23 years of the abortion medication Mifapristone, which is used in more than half of all abortions nationwide. The FDA has time and again approved this medication as safe and effective. The judge said at the FDA did not follow its own guidelines and regulations for showing that it was safe and effective. He said that these anti-abortion groups that challenged the medication had standing or legal grounds to sue and he suspended FDA approval.
好的,让我们退一步。因为这很令人困惑,我真的想听听你解释判决。请解释一下第一项判决是什么,是什么意思,然后我们再看第二项判决。所以,在得克萨斯州,Judge Kessmerich采取了前所未有的措施,暂停了堕胎药物Mifapristone的FDA批准,这种药物在全国超过一半的堕胎中使用。FDA一再批准这种药物是安全有效的。法官说FDA没有遵循自己的指南和规定来证明它是安全有效的。他说,挑战这种药物的反堕胎团体有立场或法律理由起诉,并暂停了FDA的批准。

And how massive is it for a judge to halt the approval of a drug that the FDA approved more than 20 years ago? So the judge is now telling the FDA how to manage its approval process. How big is that? It is unprecedented, a single judge in a single district in Texas, upending the nation's regulatory process for approving drugs has never done something like this before. And that's why you see DOJ and the drug maker saying this will have massive implications for the way other drugs are approved or potentially taken off the market that people rely on. And again, this was 23 years ago in 2000 and the FDA has time and again approved it and loosened restrictions and said this is safer than many other drugs.

So within the hour, a different federal judge, this time in Washington State, ruled the opposite basically and tried to ensure that Mitha Pristone, the drug in question, would be available to people in 17 states and the District of Columbia.
在一小时内,华盛顿州的一位联邦法官做出了相反的裁决,试图确保问题药品Mitha Pristone在17个州和哥伦比亚特区的人们手中可得。

They explained that. This was really a defensive lawsuit filed by 18 attorneys general from Democratic states.

They went to court asking a Washington State judge to loosen restrictions and make access to Mitha Pristone easier.
他们去法院,请求华盛顿州法官放松限制,使得访问Mitha Pristone更容易。

The judge did not grant the attorneys general what they wanted, but he did say while the case continues, the status quo has to remain.

He said FDA, you can't do anything to change access to this drug.
他说 FDA,你不能做任何改变这种药物使用权的事情。

So that decision is in direct conflict with the judge in Texas, Judge Kess Merrick saying FDA, you need to suspend approval.
那个决定直接与德克萨斯州的法官Kess Merrick相冲突,他说FDA需要暂停批准。

And that's why there's confusion and why the Justice Department is asking for some clarification and why the Supreme Court may ultimately have to get involved.

Do we know if the federal judge in Washington State, Judge Rice, did this on purpose to counter the Texas decision?

Judges don't tell us about their thinking and timing.

All we know is what is written in the ruling.

He is known for being very efficient and quick, but the hearing really was just the previous week.

And this came out pretty quickly and the timing is just incredible.

So what does this all mean right now in terms of what the Justice Department is trying to do, what the drug maker does, and how are they now given the opportunity, as you said, to appeal and try to get a second glance at what Judge Kess Merrick in Texas has decided?

Judge Kess Merrick recognized how consequential his decision is and said, I'm going to put my ruling on hold for seven days to give the parties a chance to appeal.

So his order does not take effect until midnight Saturday.

In the meantime, the Justice Department and the drug maker have asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the fifth circuit, which includes Texas, to please stay the Judges order by noon on Thursday so that they have time to then go to the Supreme Court if they don't get the answer they want.

So this could really get to the Supreme Court this week?

It could, yes.

Usually the court system moves pretty slowly and deliberately, but here they are asking for things to move quickly.

Critics of the lawsuit in Texas accused the anti-abortion groups of judge shopping, like specifically going to Amarilla, Texas because they knew they would get this judge, Judge Kess Merrick.

Very conservative has a record of being anti-abortion, Trump appointed.

But after him, it goes to the fifth circuit, which is also a very conservative circuit court.

Can you talk about how they make decisions?

Sure, this has become a tried and true path for conservative groups to identify one of a handful of conservative judges in these single judge districts in Texas.

That means that they know when they file there, they will get a judge who they view as sympathetic to their perspectives and policy preferences.

And then they know after that judge rules that if the case is appealed, it will go to the conservative leaning fifth circuit, again, that has a big crop of Trump nominated judges, but also has been conservative for many years.

So that really allows them to sort of guarantee or have a good chance of success.

And then the Supreme Court decides whether or not to leave those rulings in place or to say that they made a mistake.

We'll return to our conversation with Anne, but I also wanted to know how are abortion providers experiencing this moment?

We had provided abortions all day on Friday with Mifapristona Misa Prostal, as well as in clinic with procedural abortion and waking up on Saturday, we would do that again.

Melissa Grants Group, Cara Femme, has abortion providers in Georgia, Tennessee, Illinois, and the Washington, D.C. area, and does telemedicine appointments too.
梅利莎·格兰特的团队——Cara Femme,在乔治亚州、田纳西州、伊利诺伊州和华盛顿特区设有堕胎提供商,并提供远程医疗预约服务。

And she says it's been really confusing for everyone.

She wanted to send a clear message to patients that they were operating as usual for now.

The main message to get across to my staff, to any patients that had appointments with us, and to the community at large is that we are still open, we are still providing care, and we look to continue to do that in whatever way possible for the foreseeable future.

You know, I hear you saying that your message to your clinics and your team was, nothing changes.

We keep going forward.

And what happens if Mifapristona is no longer approved by the FDA, or if there is a stay, and Judge Kazmerik's ruling stands, what do you do?
如果Mifapristona不再被FDA批准,或者有任何阻止措施使Judge Kazmerik的裁决生效了,你会怎样做呢?

If Mifapristona becomes unavailable, we do know that there are other medications that can successfully cause an abortion that are available now and will continue to be available.

Cara Femme started to offer an alternate option for medication abortion, which uses Misa Prostl, one of the two drugs that generally is used to gather Misa Prostl to cause an abortion, and it works on its own.
Cara Femme开始提供另一种药物流产的选择,使用的药物是Misa Prostl之一,通常用于收集Misa Prostl以引起流产,而且它可以单独起作用。

And we've been offering it as an option to our clients since the year 2020. We will pivot and continue to offer that option to as many clients as choose medication abortion should we lose Misa Prostl. But we shouldn't have to.

You know, I think this was my worst fear in that I hoped that something like this wouldn't happen, but it appears that access to Mifapristona really is at risk across the United States. And if nothing changes before Friday, that we could all lose access.

In Michigan, Dr. Sarah Wallet with Planned Parenthood says she has been readying for hard conversations with confused patients during this uncertain time. Abortion medication is often the best and only option for people at home who may have trouble getting into an actual clinic.

All of it just is infuriating because I'm a doctor. My job should be to take the best care of my patients possible. And I know for people who have chosen a medication abortion or who need treatment for a miscarriage that Miffy Prostone is that best thing possible for them. It is the most effective, it is very, very safe. And the fact that all of that seems up for debate is infuriating because it's not clinically medically. The right thing for me to do is to provide that medication for my patients.

Dr. Wallet agrees that using Misa Prostl on its own can work and is safe. But she says it's not ideal. It's a protocol that the World Health Organization supports. But it's not the best one. And I worry about what that means to switch to a less effective regimen, what it means for people who already have less access.

When you say less effective, can you give me a sense of that? Yeah. Using the combination of Miffy Prostone and Misa Prostl to end an early pregnancy is about 95 to 99% effective. Using Misa Prostl only is about 85 to 95% effective. People often also have more side effects from using a Misa Prostl only protocol. And the timing of when they'll experience those side effects can be really variable and more difficult to predict, which makes it harder for patients to figure out when to use it or how to use it around all of the rest of the things that are happening in their lives.

After the break, we'll hear more about how the Biden administration and drug manufacturers are responding to these rulings. And we'll talk about how the courts are being used in a post-row world. We'll be right back.

What's the White House saying about this and how are they going to pursue this case? You know, a couple of Democrats floated the idea that they should just ignore Judge Kismaric's ruling. Right. The FDA has something called enforcement discretion. They can decide, you know, even if they are ordered to suspend approval of the drug that they won't, you know, enforce or go after physicians or clinics that dispense the medication.

Yesterday, we heard from Biden's press secretary who said that the administration would challenge this ruling in court and not ignore a judge's order. We stand by FDA's approval of me for Preston and we are prepared to have a legal, a long legal fight here. That is our commitment to women out there. That is our commitment to Americans across the country.

But I'll say this, you know, it is danger. But as a precedent, as a dangerous precedent is set for court to set aside the FDA's expert judgment regarding a drug safety and efficiency, it would also set a dangerous precedent for the administration to disregard a binding decision. So they're going to go through the process of appealing to the Fifth Circuit and to the Supreme Court, if necessary.

So who is this group that brought the lawsuit and what were their allegations about Mephyrstone? This is a group called the Alliance for Hypocratic Medicine and papers filed with the Secretary of States Office in Texas show that they registered as an organization in the state with an agent in Amarillo or the court houses just a few months before the lawsuit is filed.
那么,这个提起诉讼的团体是谁?他们对Mephyrstone有什么指控?这个团体叫做 Hypocratic Medicine 联盟。在德克萨斯州秘书处递交的文件显示他们在州内注册为组织,并在阿马里洛有一个代理人,就在几个月前才提出这项诉讼。

They are represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom ADF, which has led many of the challenges to abortion, a conservative legal organization, and those were the lawyers representing this group in court. It includes some anti-abortion physicians and anti-abortion medical groups, again, who say that they have to treat patients who have used the medication and they say have psychological issues, have side effects, and that's a burden on their practice to have to treat these patients and that they're concerned that it's not a therapeutic drug, you know, it's something that terminates a pregnancy and in their view, a life.

They say that this drug is dangerous to women and girls and that the FDA did not follow the proper approval process and that approval should be suspended.

What is the evidence for that? So these groups cherry-picked data and relied on unproven scientific articles to make the case that the medication is not safe.

When, in fact, the FDA has repeatedly approved the medication as safe and effective and relied on numerous clinical studies involving thousands of pregnant women to show that the drug is effective and really does not have these major complications or side effects.

But what about the people who've taken Mithopristone to have an abortion? Are they part of the lawsuit making complaints about the drug?

So there are five million women in the United States since this was approved in 2000, who have had successful pregnancy terminations and this is the argument that justice department and the drug manufacturer have made that the groups challenging the medication don't have a direct injury that would allow them to continue with this lawsuit.

This is called standing and organizations need to have a direct injury in order to proceed in court and the justice department and the drug manufacturer are saying there's no direct harm to these groups and they should not be allowed to continue because they are not the people directly affected by the medication.

So how much do we know about what Judge Kismaric weighed as he was making his ruling?

Judge Kismaric did seem to accept most of the arguments from the Alliance for Hypocratic Medicine and quoted extensively from their briefs in his ruling and discounted the many clinical studies and tests done on thousands of pregnant women over time that showed that the medicine is safe and effective.

Did he wrestle with the implications of his ruling in terms of access to abortion by medication and also the FDA's regulatory process?

He did say in his ruling that he doesn't take lightly that he's second-guessing the FDA but that he feels the agency did not follow its proper process. And he also, Judge Kismaric has a long history of anti-abortion beliefs and he did adopt a lot of the language of the anti-abortion movement referring to doctors who terminate pregnancies as abortionists and extensively using terms like unborn human as he talked about what the medication does.

And what does this tell you about the ways that courts are being used to decide abortion access in the United States right now?

Yeah, it was really striking to see the way this one group sort of targeted Judge Kismaric in the single Judge District in Amarillo and filed there, you know, being familiar with his views over time. And on the flip side, you had the 18 attorneys general from Democratic States and DC went to Washington State to file sort of a defensive lawsuit, but I want to be clear where the group's challenging Mifapris Stone in Texas went to a single Judge District. The attorneys general filed in a district in Washington State that has nine different judges including two nominated by Republican presidents. So, they did not know which judge would be reviewing their case.

So are you allowed to walk away from your computer right now, Ann? Or your phone because every hour, it seems like there's a new twist in this and an update.

What are you watching in the next day and the next week?

Yeah, it's been a whirlwind of a week. We're expecting more filings today. The deadline is midnight, but I imagine it will come before that. We're waiting for the Washington State Judge to clarify how his ruling interacts with the Texas Judges order. And then I expect quickly we may see some action at the Supreme Court.

If it makes it to the Supreme Court, which could be soon, what could that court do?

Yeah, it's unclear how the justices will respond to this, but there are some recent examples of cases involving the FDA and involving this very medication in which conservatives on the court, including John Roberts, talked about the importance of deferring to the FDA's expertise.

So, as you know, the court now has a super majority of conservative justices, but this is not sort of a clear case just about abortion. It's also about the FDA's regulatory abilities. We saw yesterday a coalition of pharmaceutical executives come out and say how problematic and destructive this ruling is if it's allowed to stand on the entire marketplace for drugs and research in the United States.

So, what's happening this week in terms of people accessing Mithapras' tone and what might happen next week?

So, Judge Kazmerich put his ruling on hold for seven days. So, the status quo is in effect until midnight on Saturday and the Justice Department has asked the Fifth Circuit to rule by noon on Thursday, so I don't expect anything to change before then.

And thank you so much for explaining all of this, especially when it's such a complicated legal situation.

Thanks for your interest. Anne Marimo covers legal affairs for the post.
谢谢你的关注。Anne Marimo负责报纸的法律事务报道。

That's it for post reports. Thanks for listening.

Today's show was produced by Alana Gordon. It was mixed by Sean Carter and edited by Maggie Penman. Thank you to Rachel Rubin.
今天的节目由Alana Gordon制作。由Sean Carter混音,Maggie Penman编辑。感谢Rachel Rubin。

And don't forget to grab a ticket for Martins live event. It's on April 13th at 6th and I in DC. But you can also stream it online. It's with the author of the new book Romantic Comedy. We'll have a link to all the information you need in our show notes.

I'm Libby Casey. We'll be back tomorrow with more stories from the Washington Post.