How Managing Your Anxiety Can Make You a Better Leader
发布时间 2023-04-11 13:00:16 来源
The business world has increasingly begun to recognize the importance of mental health, but we still have a long way to go in openly acknowledging our challenges with it. Writer, entrepreneur, and podcast host Morra Aarons-Mele says that when we take the time and energy to better understand and talk about our own issues, we can actually harness the learnings to become better managers and colleagues. She says that there are a number of ways to stop anxiety from spiraling and instead use it for good. She also has recommendations for organizations trying to enhance the mental health of their workforces. Morra Aarons-Mele is the article "How High Achievers Overcome Their Anxiety" and the book The Anxious Achiever: Turn Your Biggest Fears into Your Leadership Superpower.
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Welcome to the HBR Idea Caste from Harvard Business Review. I'm Allison Beard. The global pandemic did a lot of damage, physically, economically, socially, but at least one positive change that has come out of it is greater awareness of and more public discussion about the importance of mental health. Big name athletes, Michael Phelps, Simone Biles, Naomi Osaka, have pushed the conversation forward by talking about their own struggles, and we've seen an explosion of corporate wellness programs as well as businesses focused on therapy, meditation, or mindfulness.
欢迎来到哈佛商业评论的Idea Caste。我是艾丽森·贝尔德。全球大流行病对身体、经济和社会造成了很多伤害,但至少有一个积极的变化是对心理健康的重视和公共讨论变得更加普及。像迈克尔·菲尔普斯、西蒙娜·拜尔斯和大坂直美这样的知名运动员,通过谈论他们自己的挣扎,推动了这场对话。我们也看到了企业健康计划的爆发,以及专注于疗愈、冥想或正念的企业的出现。
Today's guest welcomes that progress but says we still have more work to do, especially when it comes to our professional lives. She wants to see us do a better job of normalizing things like anxiety and depression, and says that leaders in organizations should not only talk more openly about mental ill health, but also acknowledge the ways that people grow and learn from these challenges, if they figure out how to manage them correctly.
Moira Aaron's Mealy is a consultant, podcaster, and the author of the new book, The Anxious Achiever, turn your biggest fears into your leadership superpower. Hi, Moira.
你好,Moira。Moira Aaron 的麦利是一名顾问、播客主持人和最新书籍《The Anxious Achiever》的作者,将你的最大恐惧变成你的领导力超能力。
Hi, Allison. So as I said, although there's a lot more awareness about the prevalence of mental ill health, there's still stigma around it.
Why are you turning that on its head and calling it a superpower?
Moira Aaron's Mealy is a superpower. I think it's time to reframe anxiety, depression's tougher. So let's just focus on anxiety. Sometimes anxiety is a superpower because anxiety activates us, right? It can give us tremendous energy, it can give us focus. We all know that feeling of being about to walk onto a stage or about to give a presentation or do something we really care about, and we feel anxious. And this is good. This means that we bring a level of energy and purpose to the work. On the other hand, anxiety can be awful. It can be debilitating, it can be painful. It can cause you to lose focus, lose joy, and worry all the time. That's not a superpower.
Right. But when you stop burying, ignoring, or acting out anxiety and take the time to learn from what it's telling you, it's data, you become so much stronger and more resilient in many different ways. And I believe that's when you get the leadership superpower. And I think that people can understand this concept of anxious achiever never thinking you're good enough, always planning for worst-case scenarios. All of these things can turn you into a terrific performer because you're terrified of failing, right? So you're going to do everything you can to not.
好的,但是当你停止掩盖、忽视或者用行动来对抗焦虑, 并且花时间从中吸取教训,将它当作数据,你变得更加坚强和有韧性,从而以多种不同的方式发挥领导力超能力。我认为人们可以理解这个焦虑的成就者从不认为自己足够好,总是为最坏的情况做计划的概念。这些事情都会使你成为一个了不起的表演者,因为你害怕失败,所以你会尽一切努力去防止它。
And you are a self-described anxious achiever. How do you start to find the right balance, embracing that good anxiety, but making sure you don't let it get to the debilitating side?
That's the life's work. And I interview lots of high achievers who often say that for them, the anxiety is like their oxygen, right? And that for as long as they can remember the sense of, I have to do more, I have to be the best. I can't stop now. If I fail, I'm not worth it. The high stakes they put on themselves, they often credit for a lot of their achievements, as you said. On the other hand, this takes a toll. It takes a toll on their mental health. It takes a toll on their joy, on their relationships, on all the good things, right? Our physical health. And so that's the challenge, right? Is how do you develop a relationship with your anxiety? Such that you can say, all right, I need you now. Let's do this. We're on a deadline. And then when anxiety shows up in a place that is not helpful, like when you flood a number in your presentation and you instantly think, oh, that's it, I'm going to get fired, you have the muscles built and the skills to say, go away right now. Not helpful. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So talk a little bit about your own experience in recognizing that you were suffering from anxiety and needed to do something about it, you know, that it was helping you in certain areas, but you needed to tame it in others.
Yeah, I mean, I would say that for me, my anxiety disorder has been with me my entire adult life. I first was clinically diagnosed with anxiety at age 19. I was also very depressed at the time. And often on since then, it's been a defining factor of my career and my life.
So I had no choice but to not ignore it. It was in my way. I was in therapy. I took different meds. I tried lots of different jobs. It was only until my thirties that I realized I had to make peace with my anxiety at some level.
I'm wired this way. I would get up every morning and I'm like wired for a 12. And that's who I am. And I like that. But at the same time, when I'm tipping over into dysfunctional category or I'm limiting what I can do because of my anxiety, that's when I need to look at it. And I need to take care of myself.
And you are not a trained psychologist, but I'd love to ask you how does someone make the decision that they can handle this on their own or they really do need professional help?
Yeah, I mean, I'll say right now, my bias is that therapy is a life skill and I wish everyone had access to it. I think that anything that leads you to greater self-awareness is such a gift.
And we know that from leadership's study that self-aware leaders are the kind of people we want to work for. And so when you examine your mental health, you gain tremendous self-awareness.
But we can't always access that. I think the key and anxiety exists along a spectrum. All of mental health does, right? At one level, you might have anxiety that is debilitating, right? That is, I can't leave my bed. I'm having panic attacks. I can't even go to work because I'm so anxious. I can't function. You definitely need professional help and a lot of support.
At the other end, you have very little anxiety. Maybe you're just lying on the couch watching Netflix. Or maybe you have that good anxiety, that activating anxiety. I think a lot of us right now are in the middle. We have moderate anxiety that we walk around with. We notice it's getting in our way a lot. And it's also pushing us forward. And we're trying to figure out what is my relationship with this going to be.
在另一端,你几乎没有什么焦虑。或许你只是躺在沙发上看 Netflix。或者说你拥有那种好的焦虑,可以激发你积极行动的焦虑。我认为现在很多人都处于中间地带。我们有一些适度的焦虑让我们随身带着。我们注意到它经常阻碍我们,但也在推动我们向前。我们正在努力找出与它的关系会是如何。
And where I see the need to understand this from a corporate level, from a business level, is that so many people act out their anxieties mindlessly at work. And we take it out on each other in its contagious. And that's why it's imperative that we start talking about anxiety in the context of work because we bring our whole selves to work. And sometimes that whole self is really anxious. And sometimes it's a jerk.
So as someone who wants to do better myself at work or lead a team, how do I diagnose that anxiety is becoming a problem needs to be talked about more, needs to be better harnessed?
I think for yourself as a leader, becoming really tuned in and open to when you get anxious, what it feels like in your body and in your brain. And the specific situations that might trigger you is hugely valuable. Anxiety is normal. We all feel it. It's part of leadership. It's part of taking risks and doing new things.
And I think the key is being a little bit willing to sit in the discomfort and say, this is making me really anxious. Why am I avoiding calling this person back? Why do I get nauseous when I see this person's name pop up in my email inbox? We've all had that experience.
And sometimes we might slam the laptop and say, that's it. I'm going out. I'm ignoring this. Sometimes we might get perfectionistic and we might spend an hour crafting a response to this person because we're so anxious about it. The magic is in being able to say, wow, this is making me really anxious. I'm reacting in this certain way. Am I reacting in a way that helps me? That's adaptive for me.
有时候我们可能会摔上笔记本电脑,说:“就这样吧。我要出去了。我要忽略它。” 有时候我们可能会变得完美主义,我们可能会花一个小时来构思对这个人的回应,因为我们非常焦虑。魔力在于能够说:“哇,这让我感到非常焦虑。我会以这种某种方式作出反应。我在以一种对我有益,有适应性的方式作出反应吗?”
We can't control who's going to make us anxious. We can't control life's stressors. Every morning when I look at the news, when I hear of layoffs, when I see what's happening with the banks and the climate, I'm beset with a sense of anticipatory anxiety of, oh my god, I have no control. Everything is so uncertain. We can't control that.
What we can do is say, this is making me anxious. Instead of slamming that inbox, shot, or grabbing a snickers, or reaching for the vodka, or going and running 10 miles, or calling my assistant and screaming at my assistant, I'm going to take a beat and choose how I respond.
So what is a more adaptive response? What's a better way to respond to that feeling of dread? I mean, the better way is what works for you. It's all personal, right? And we're all human. And our brain is actually trying to help us when we reach for that snickers bar. Our brain senses that we're anxious, we're uncomfortable, and it has learned over time, oh, that if she eats something sweet, she feels better.
So let's go reach for that snickers bar, and then she'll feel better and I'll have done my job. And that's great. We all need some snickers sometimes. But if that becomes your pattern, instead of actually dealing with what's making you anxious, that can be not adaptive. And so I think the question is to ask, am I eating the snickers consciously? Is this a reflexive reaction that I've been doing for years?
A lot of us, we launched into perfectionism because that's what we've been doing for years when we feel anxious. And it's rewarded us. It's rewarded us. So it's a cycle. We learn that when we perform, we're good. And so the next time we're anxious that we're not going to be good, what do we do? We overperform. And so that's the question of sort of breaking that reflexive reaction and saying, what would be actually good for me right now? And also good for my team.
And so we've talked about self-awareness, but what about being aware that this is happening to people you work with, people you manage? How do you get inside their heads and try to help them? I'll never forget I had a guest on my podcast, Steve Koss, who's a pastor, and he said, man's plating is anxiety. Tell me how. And he said, well, you know, a lot of men feel they need to be the smartest person in the room and they get very anxious when they feel that being challenged. And so what do they do? They man's blame. And so my point here is that it's always helpful for leaders to start with that self-awareness. How am I acting out my own anxiety? Because it is contagious.
So it could be really helpful. And again, this takes a lot of practice and awareness to say, what's my anxiety doing to other people? I knew for years that I had a problem with my team when I would get anxious about whether a client was happy or not. I would get all up in my team's inboxes. How's it coming? Can I see a draft? Are we going to make that deadline? Micro-managing, classic anxiety reaction. That was not serving my team.
I think the next piece is having productive conversations in a team. There's a third piece. And this is about understanding and acknowledging the system that you work in. Mental health is very intersectional. Those of us who work in organizations, work in organizations that probably have long held biases, inequality, racism, patriarchy, you name it. And when you are perhaps an other in the organization or you're an only or you don't have much status, you face anxiety for real.
And when you work in an organization where customer service is the number one value, and that means that you're not allowed to go to the bathroom and take breaks, you're probably anxious. And so our organizations and the systems we work in have a big piece of it too. And so the leader who really wants to tackle this looks at their own actions. They help their team have helpful conversations. And they also take account of the system and culture in which they work and how that affects people's mental health because it really does. Yeah.
So let's talk more about those conversations. If I'm someone who is struggling with anxiety and I want to talk to my manager, how do I do that? And then we'll do the flip and talk about how a manager should talk to their team. Yeah. And there's definitely no one size fits all. And I think that this is in the field of workplace mental health. I mean, all of this is evolving so quickly.
Managers have had to skill up so quickly in this area. And it's very challenging. You know, but I think if you're an employee and you are really struggling with anxiety or your mental health in general, such that it is impacting your ability to deliver great work. Pick a time one on one and you can talk to your manager and you can say, I'm struggling. I've been having a hard time. You don't need to give them the details. A lot of us myself included feel like we need to over explain. Mm-hmm. Very good at that.
经理们在这个领域需要迅速提升技能, 这是非常具有挑战性的。你知道,但我认为如果你是一名员工,如果你真正感到焦虑或你的整体心理健康状况非常糟糕,以至于影响了你提供优秀的工作,那么可以找一个时间单独与你的经理谈一谈,告诉他们你有困难,你一直很难过。你不需要详细说明。很多人,包括我自己在内,都感觉需要过度解释。嗯,这是非常好的建议。
Yeah, you don't understand. I feel this way and then I went to my psychiatrist and it says, you don't need to do that. I'm struggling. I'm having a hard time. I think I need to adjust my schedule. Get more time on a deadline. Take a couple days off. If you don't feel like your manager is someone safe, you can go to HR. That's their job. Or you can, if you have a sort of a trusted ally who can help you, you can do that.
I think the conversation gets scary for managers when they think that they're going to be in a staff meeting and everyone is just going to start talking about their anxiety in the meeting and it's going to feel out of control and there's no boundaries and oh my gosh, I feel like this is group therapy, but I'm not therapist. Nobody wants that. So I think really doing it in the appropriate setting and from a framework of this is what I need without giving away too many details is powerful. If you're leading a business today, one thing certain, tech is fast moving and sometimes confusing.
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Now let's talk about managers who, as you said, have had to become therapists over the past couple of years and I think there's a greater realization that that's part of your job is to care about the emotional lives of your employees, but it can feel overwhelming. How have you seen people figure out a way to have these conversations with their team members but then not be doing what you said, you know, in psychoanalysis for everyone on one meeting?
Yeah. And a manager should not be their team's therapist. That's not appropriate. It's not what they're trained for. You know, they're not that's not the job and so, you know, one of the things that I like is that at the team level, I am seeing more training for this stuff. Like literal conversation training because a lot of this stuff is about powerful communication and that's what's awesome about it because when you have better communication, you have better teamwork, you have more psychological safety, you have all the good things. So I think that companies are being proactive and trying to give managers tools that said it's really a difficult conversation and it takes practice. And, you know, I think what managers may not be being given as time, to actually fit this in. But I think that what all the literature says is that modeling mentally healthy practices is the first step. And so so much of this, like psychological safety happens at the team level.
So a manager comes in and they're like, oh man, I didn't sleep so well last night. What they're really saying is they're being vulnerable. They're opening the door to a conversation about how other people are feeling and signaling that it's okay. We can share now, you know, that's a simple way to do it. A lot of managers now are putting their therapy appointments on their schedules. That's a bold move. Yeah. But if you're not ready to do that, you could put your workout on your schedule showing that you take time. And so there are lots of ways that don't scream therapy and psychoanalysis for managers to show that they value mental health and they value mentally healthy practices.
So you mentioned organizational systems. What can HR or even the C-suite do to ensure a more mentally healthy workforce? HR is sort of whether rubber meets the road. Right. In terms of making sure there are benefits in place, making sure that people are aware of systems. You know, so many companies for years have had employee assistance programs, but the utilization rate on them is so low. How can we actually get people using this? And I think that's something that's really changed. And certainly the innovation of corporate subscriptions to things like talk space and Lyra Health, you know, and services that are at the enterprise level is really good.
所以你提到了组织系统。人力资源或者高管应该怎么做来确保员工心理健康呢?人力资源是决策和执行的关键。嗯,在确保福利制度有所落实和让员工了解系统方面,就需要人力资源的负责了。许多公司多年来一直有职工援助计划,但他们的利用率非常低。我们应该如何让人们真正使用它们呢?我认为这方面已经有了很大的改进。而且,订阅类似于Talk Space和Lyra Health这样的企业级服务的创新真的很不错。
So HR should be responsible in a larger organization for making sure mentally healthy benefits are in place and then employees know about them. The other thing, and I've talked to a lot of HR leaders about this very topic, the other thing that HR can be really helpful for. And it can be challenging because in a lot of organizations, there's not a lot of trust in HR. But when it comes to mental health, HR exists for a manager to facilitate sort of a safe transition of an employee over to HR. And so if you're a manager and you have a team member who is in crisis, who people are saying this person's not okay or who comes to you and says, I'm not okay, it's okay for you as the manager to call your HR partner and they're meant to come step in and facilitate.
So how should a manager make a decision about whether it's time to hand off to HR? I think that if it's a problem, the manager can't solve or that feels needs more you know, urgent attention than they are able to give. That's when HR can play a really valuable role. When I interviewed Daisy Oje Dominguez, she said something really great, which is you know, you don't want the employee to feel like you're just wiping your hands of them, especially if they're struggling. And so you could say, can I walk you to HR? Can we set up a meeting together? Whatever you feel is appropriate so that the employee knows that you as the manager aren't just trying to get rid of them, but that you really want to facilitate them getting help. And that you also want a professional to advise on you know what the appropriate response is to this particular need?
那么,一个经理该如何决定是否应该交给人力资源处理呢?我认为,如果经理无法解决一个问题,或者认为这个问题需要更紧急的关注,而他们自己无法提供,那么这时候人力资源可以发挥重要的作用。当我采访Daisy Oje Dominguez时,她说了一些很好的话,即你不希望员工觉得你只是想撇开他们,特别是当他们面临困境时。因此,你可以问:“我可以陪你去人力资源吗?”或者:“我们可以一起安排一个会议吗?”你可以根据情况选择适当的方式,让员工知道你作为经理并不是想要摆脱他们,而是真的希望帮助他们获取帮助。你也希望专业人士建议你对特定需求的适当反应是什么。
Absolutely. And then at the C-suite, and this is where my total passion lies, is where we start talking and we break the stigma and the stereotypes.
I still have a really hard time after all these years I've been doing the anxious achiever getting people in charge of publicly traded companies or people with big jobs to come on my show and say, I have an anxiety disorder. I've been depressed. Why?
It's conflated with weakness. Right. They're worried the stocks going to tank or the board won't be confident in them. Nothing is really going to change about workplace mental health until that story changes.
Yeah, but you have seen as I mentioned in the intro some really high profile athletes take time off. You've seen John Fetterman, the US Senator from Pennsylvania right after being elected, post-suffering a stroke, check himself in to Walter Reed for treatment for depression. So why do you think that it's been so hard for the stigma to fall away in business when it's clearly falling away in these other fields?
I had an executive on my podcast just recently Jimmy Horowitz who's the vice chairman of business affairs at NBC Universal. Big job. Yeah. Big job. 20, 47 billion market cap. He does all the deals.
我最近在我的播客上采访了Jimmy Horowitz,他是NBC Universal商务事务的副主席。他的工作非常重要,市值高达2047亿美元。他处理所有的交易。
And Jimmy suffered from clinical depression in silence at work for almost a year. And he said to me, the creatives are allowed to talk about mental health, but I'm a business guy. I'm a charge of our balance sheet. If I say that I'm depressed, will people trust me? And then one day he realized, I can't hide this anymore. I have to tell people. And he told people and it was fine.
And so again, it's about breaking long held stereotypes of what a leader is that has to change. And so I really encourage people who have status within an organization who have influence, who have power to tell their stories.
And they don't have to say again, I checked into a hospital, but they can say, you know, it's a really difficult time right now. The markets all over the place layoffs are happening. Like we don't know what's going on. Like uncertainty is the number one cause of anxiety for many people. Address uncertainty and how it's impacting you.
It's obviously harder when you're from a minority group in an organization as to be vulnerable in that way. So what advice do you give to people in those categories about sharing their own stories?
I think it's a really personal choice. I mean, if you feel that sharing your story, even if there's a price to pay, is what you want to do if it's within your value system, I think that's great. I also think you don't have to.
I think that there are a lot of ERG groups, employee resource groups, and safe spaces increasingly at companies, where people can come together. And I think that if you feel comfortable sharing your story with your manager, that's great too.
But I think that, you know, I just spoke with the Stanford Sociologist Marian Cooper about this. She looks at status with an organization and how that affects equity and promotion and leadership and all this stuff.
And she said to me, you know, our society's unfair and corporations are biased. And if you are from a group that traditionally has less status or for whatever reason, you are holding less status. It's not your job to disclose. Unless you want to.
You talked about layoffs, market dynamics. So when the anxiety is coming from the building, so to speak, you know, the organization itself is causing the anxiety. How should managers deal with that?
I just had this great visual of the whole organization, like the building, wincing. You know, I think this is a time for real leadership. It's an opportunity to say, these are really tough times.
I have a great example in my book of a leader Avallera during the pandemic when it first started. And everyone was wondering, am I going to lose my job? Am I ever come back to work like, you know, all the questions, so much uncertainty, so much anxiety.
And she had a staff meeting for her team and she said, look, I cannot tell you what's happening six months from now. I don't have a crystal ball. I'm anxious too. But I've got this half hour with you. We're going to put it all in the table.
I'm going to take it away and I'm going to make a plan. We can only control what we can. A lot of anxious leaders try to control everything. But the powerful leadership lesson of right now is, how can I control what I can show that I'm vulnerable to, but have that competency that makes people trust me?
Yeah, it is a really difficult time. And I think of everyone's responses to the pandemic. And to some degree, it was very much an anxious achiever response in that we all really threw ourselves into work because we didn't quite know what else to do. But you can only sustain that for a certain amount of time.
So for organizations who are dealing with sort of crisis upon crisis, upon crisis, what are you seeing the best managers and leaders do to make people feel better and protect people's mental health?
One of my guests said we're not just burnt out or burnt crispy. Yeah, exactly. No. And I think for a lot of sectors, it's never, it's just never let up. And I think we've also come to the place where we realize that inbox zero is not the cure.
我的一个客人说我们不仅仅是疲惫不堪或烤焦了。是的,确实如此。而且我认为对于许多行业来说,问题从来没有消失。 我们也意识到,清空收件箱并不是解决办法。
And so I think companies need to take a step back and refocus expectations. So much of anxiety is driven by expectations. Either the expectations we feel are placed on us because that's how we were raised, the expectations other people put on us. And when we modulate expectations, people can breathe a little bit. And so I think it really comes down to setting boundaries, setting clear goals, defining what's successes.
So people really know what's successes and aren't anxiously overworking to try to get there and reigning things in a little bit. Wonderful.
Well, thank you so much. It's been a pleasure talking to you. I hope that we've helped some other anxious achievers out there. Thank you so much. That's Mora Arons-Mili, a podcast host, consultant, and author of the new book, The Anxious Achiever. Turn your biggest fears into your leadership superpower.
非常感谢您。和您聊天真是太愉快了。我希望我们能帮到一些其他焦虑的成功者。再次感谢您。这是Mora Arons-Mili,一位播客主持人、顾问和新书《The Anxious Achiever》的作者。把你最大的恐惧变成你的领导超能力。
And we have more episodes and more podcasts to help you manage your team, your organization, and your career. Find them at slash podcasts or search hbr in Apple podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen.
我们有更多的剧集和播客帮助你管理你的团队、你的组织和你的职业。你可以在上找到它们,或者在Apple podcasts、Spotify或你喜欢听的任何地方搜索HBR。
This episode was produced by Mary Doe. We get technical help from Rob Eckhart, our audio product manager as Ian Fox, and Hannah Bates is our audio production assistant. Thanks for listening to the HBRIDA cast. We'll be back with a new episode on Tuesday.
这期节目是由玛丽·多制作的。我们得到了罗布·埃克哈特技术支持,他是我们的音频产品经理,以及伊恩·福克斯和汉娜·贝茨作为音频制作助手。谢谢收听 HBRIDA 播客,我们将在下周二带来新的一期节目。
I'm Allison Beard.
Hi, it's Allison. Before you go, I have a question. What do you love about HBR? I worked at newspapers before I came to HBR and the thing that has impressed me most is the amount of attention and care that goes into each and every article. You know, we have multiple editors working on each piece. They put their all into translating these ideas typically from academia or from companies in practice into advice that will really change people's lives in the workplace.
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