Bernard Hudson: New Orleans Attack, Cybertruck Explosion, CIA Corruption, & Tulsi Gabbard

发布时间 2025-01-03 18:40:00    来源


Permanent Washington is trying to prevent Tulsi Gabbard from becoming Director of National Intelligence. Bernard Hudson ran counterterrorism at CIA, and says the country needs her. (00:00) Life in the CIA (07:00) The Invasion of Iraq Was a Complete Disaster (20:00) Why the Establishment Fears Tulsi Gabbard (35:44) The Unchecked Power of Our Intel Agencies (44:20) Are the Most Powerful People in DC Being Blackmailed? (58:16) Why Won’t the Intel Community Declassify the JFK and 9/11 Files? Paid partnerships with: PureTalk: Get 50% off first month at Levels: Get 2 extra months free at https://Levels.Link/Tucker Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

