The Sunday Debate: Has the Political Establishment Failed America?
发布时间 2022-09-11 04:00:00 来源
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In this archive debate from 2017 produced in collaboration with the University of Chicago, we asked: has the political establishment failed America? In 2017, the view was that whether they voted for Trump or Sanders or none of the above, millions of Americans felt the answer might be yes – and that the system benefits the elites at the expense of everyone else. While others say that despite its flaws, the political establishment has been a force for unparalleled stability, prosperity and equality – and that it is the only thing standing between America and the abyss. Is it time for the old guard to come to the rescue or to make way for a new political reality? Arguing in favour of the motion were Michael Eric Dyson of Georgetown University and William Howell of UChicago. Arguing against the motion were Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post and Eric Oliver of UChicago. Our host for this event was Mary Ann Ahern, Political Reporter for NBC5 Chicago.
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