Laid Off Employee Discovers a Goldmine!
发布时间 2024-09-23 17:00:25 来源
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Brandon and Carter transformed a typical cleaning service into a reliable and trendy option in various parts of the US. And now they make over $58K per month all by owning a cleaning business startup.
Resources: - Gain Free Access to the UpFlip Academy Today! - Grab Your Free Window Cleaning Startup Checklist! - Own a Pink’s Franchise Today!
Brandon and Carter got their start in owning a business together when they were both laid off from their jobs during COVID. Brandon and Carter worked in customer experience and event production. While they both enjoyed what they did, they also realized how dispensable their jobs were prior to starting their own cleaning business.
Their idea for the cleaning business began by wanting to bring life back into the blue collar business with a more positive perception of professionalism and reliability. The pair can recount numerous times where help has shown up late or the problem that was called in never got solved. By starting their own cleaning business, they’re focus is a modern approach that also drives back trust for the people working in your home or business.
In this episode, learn how to land your first customers, breaking ground in social media, and how to define and choose potential markets. They also explain how to overcome the stress, pressure, and growing pains of starting a new business, especially if you don’t have a big background in the chosen industry.
00:00 - Start
00:55 - About the business
01:52 - Services offered
02:23 - Paul’s cleaning lessons (in uniform!)
03:11 - Tips for landing the first customers
05:17 - Margins: Residential vs Commercial
05:54 - Revenue through the years
06:20 - Marketing
07:04 - Unique ways to attract more clients
07:58 - Beginner challenges
08:44 - Concept behind the van
10:20 - Importance of branding
11:21 - Merch as free advertising
12:30 - The team
14:44 - Handling stress and pressure
15:52 - Two sides of the business
16:56 - The idea of franchising
17:49 - Revenue before ResiBrands
18:17 - Pink’s “territories”
18:48 - Fan blitz
20:20 - Partnership dynamics
21:29 - Relationship with ResiBrands
22:40 - Measuring success beyond numbers
23:33 - Important KPIs
24:18 - Taking the first step (and breaking free!)
25:35 - Pricing services
26:34 - Motivating the team
27:02 - Growing pains and lessons learned
28:50 - Spotting “perfect” franchisees
29:31 - Franchise fees
30:25 - An unconventional “office”
31:23 - From layoff to startup
32:42 - Busting a business myth
33:48 - Switching from “sexy” to “grind”
34:47 - Advantages of having fresh eyes
35:22 - Mentorship from a YouTuber
36:39 - White-collar vs. Blue-collar
37:50 - The cornerstone of Pink’s
38:53 - Scale of each territory
39:42 - Breaking ground in social media
40:24 - Social media ad spend
40:53 - Defining and choosing potential markets
41:48 - Diving in without a background
43:21 - KPI breakdown
45:39 - Leadership style evolution
47:29 - A startup hack
48:48 - Maximizing closing ratios
50:47 - A timeless uniform
52:36 - Outro
#cleaning #cleaningbusiness #cleaningbusinessstartup