Five Years on YouTube!
发布时间 2025-01-12 15:25:22 来源
Channel Sponsor: My Tesla Referral Link: (Use this if you're buying a ...
Welcome back everyone, I'm Jordan Geesege and this is The Limiting Factor. Well, it's been about five years since I started this channel. It's January 10th as I record this and I originally began the channel. I believe it was the 6th of January 2020. And in that time I've produced about 150 videos once every two weeks. Each of those videos, I've done the best job that I possibly could. Condensing information as dense as I possibly could to make the most the best UC year time. And surprisingly, as dry as this content can be compared to a lot of other channels, I've managed to build a pretty solid following more than I ever expected for content like this. I think I'm getting close to 130,000 subscribers now. And about two years ago, I finally got my play button, which that was quite an achievement. But I guess where are we at now? My original goal with the channel was to make it about five years. And here we are five years later. The reason five years was my goal is because there's so many different topics that I wanted to cover. And generally, when I do a job, I last about two or three years before I get bored or I make myself redundant within two or three years. It's my view that if you do your job well, you make yourself redundant. And to a certain extent, I have with this channel, I've covered a lot of the major topics and one of my original goals for the channel was to elevate the level of discourse around batteries, because there's so much hype out there around batteries. And I've tried to focus on the technologies as much as possible that I thought were viable. And a lot of the companies that people wanted me to cover that I didn't end up covering for that reason, they've gone belly up now. So even a lot of companies that I thought would succeed because I thought the technology was solid, haven't made it. And yeah, as I said, I feel like people, I feel like I've helped elevate the discourse. It's part of it, I think, is some of the content I put out, but a lot of it is, I think people have just, people who followed batteries closely over the past few years have learned to take everything with a grain of salt. Either way, there's people have grown less enthusiastic about battery technology over the past three to five years. And I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I think as people have learned about more about batteries, they have more realistic expectations, which is a healthy thing from my perspective. But during that time period, I've seen that happening and I've tried to shift my content slightly away from batteries. It's still going to be the core of the channel and my core expertise. But as you've seen, I'm covering things like nuclear energy and wireless charging and casting, et cetera.
But over the course of the past, that's probably 2022 when my channel peaked. That's when I was getting the most views and that's when Tesla stock peaked. And that's when, like my channel revenues from Patreon were the highest. I think it topped out at like $6,000 or $7,000 a month and like June of 2022. And it's probably about half that now. But luckily, you know, besides those individual contributions, which are hugely helpful for the channel, there's been, I got a sponsor, rebellioner. That's the kind of help backfill in that revenue that I've lost and also X. Since Elon allowed monetization on X, that's been a contributor as well. So probably half my income now is Patreon from individual supporters. And the other half is from a mix of a lot of different funding sources. Whereas previously, it was more like 80 to 90% Patreon revenue.
So as I say in every video, every dollar helps, every contribution people make helps. So I guess what I'm driving at here is I'm going to try to keep the channel going as long as I can. I think to a certain extent, I'm always going to be doing this channel. Occasionally putting out videos because there's things in my brain that I just need to get out. But, you know, we're probably getting to the autumn of the, autumn of the channel. There's, this is having a YouTube channel and doing it right is all consuming because there's so much information to keep up on.
就像我在每个视频里说的,每一块钱、每个人的支持都很重要。所以我想表达的是,我会尽量让这个频道一直继续下去。我觉得在某种程度上,我会一直更新这个频道,我脑子里总有一些想法需要与大家分享。不过,我们可能到了频道的“秋天”了。经营一个 YouTube 频道并做好它需要投入极大的精力,因为要跟上太多的信息。
And it takes a lot of time to put out quality content. So I'm going to try to keep going, you know, at least for another year or two. But there seems like there's less interest in the type of content I do. And I feel like I've delivered on the original goals of the channel. So at some point, it might be time to move on. Not yet though. Not yet. On that note, if you do, if you are able to support the channel, I appreciate it. That does encourage me to keep going as long as I can. And the best way to do that is either Patreon, which has a lot more options in terms of how much you can contribute and in terms of what sort of perks you get from me. There's also X and there's my Tesla referral code.
制作优质内容需要花费大量时间。因此,我打算继续坚持下去,至少再做一两年。不过,似乎人们对我所做的内容的兴趣逐渐减少。我觉得我已经实现了频道最初的目标。所以,也许在某个时候,是时候考虑转型了。但现在还不是时候,还不是。说到这儿,如果你能支持这个频道,我会非常感激。这能激励我尽可能长地坚持下去。支持我的最佳方式是通过 Patreon,这个平台提供多种支持选项和相应的福利。此外还有 X 和我的特斯拉推荐码。
I think only one person has ever used my Tesla referral code. And I don't think I got anything from it because it was during a time period when Tesla wasn't giving very many incentives for using the referral code. But generally, if you use my referral code, you get like $1,000 off your vehicle. If you've never purchased a Tesla vehicle before, and then I get a kickback as well. So I can use that for like supercharger miles or my monthly connectivity package. I'm not sure why people don't use my Tesla referral code.
I think people don't connect with me because I don't put my face up that often. So I don't think they think that I'm a real person. Maybe an AI disembodied voice. Or maybe it's just because most of the people who watch the podcast or the people who watch this channel, a lot of them, they're very deep into Tesla and they've already had Tesla vehicles for years. Either way, that's just one more way you can support me and I would appreciate it.
But getting back to the main topic of the video, there is so much that I've learned doing this channel. And that's for two primary reasons. First is the comments that I get from people, both on YouTube and on X. Those comments get me thinking. Even the unconstructive criticism, it gets me thinking and it kind of sharpens my blade. And helps me look at things from different angles. But the majority of the comments that I get are from people who often know more about these technologies than I do.
但回到视频的主要话题,我在做这个频道的过程中学到了很多东西。这主要有两个原因。首先是我在 YouTube 和 X 上收到的评论。这些评论让我思考。即使是那些没有建设性的批评,也会让我反思,让我的思维更加敏锐,帮助我从不同的角度看待问题。但大多数评论来自那些对这些技术比我更了解的人。
And I feel like I have one of the best audiences on YouTube and one of the best comments sections on YouTube. Because there's so many people that jump in. I think people can tell that I put a lot of work and a lot of effort into the video and I try to get things right. And I think experts see that and appreciate it and they add their two cents and that expands my view on things and gives me other topics to talk about and refines my thinking. And then it's also of course the experts that I'm able to talk to. Just having a platform like this is a real gift for a curious person like me. It gives me a platform to talk to people that I normally just wouldn't be able to contact out of the blue and pick their brains.
And I have people often contacting me wanting to share with me what they're doing. So overall, I've really enjoyed having the channel. It's given me an opportunity to interact with all of you and a lot of other different people. So thank you for tuning into the channel for the last five years, especially for everybody that tunes in every two weeks to watch my extremely information dense videos.
I hope I've provided information and insights that you don't get elsewhere and I hope I always get you thinking about things. And as always, thanks to my Patreon supporters, YouTube members, ex-subscribers, rebellion air, and everybody else who contributes to the channel in a number of different ways. Whether that's likes, comments, or the experts whose brains I get to pick to make the videos that I do.
我希望我提供的信息和见解是你在其他地方得不到的,并且希望我总能让你思考一些事情。一直以来,感谢我的 Patreon 支持者、YouTube 会员、前订阅者、Rebellion Air,以及所有以各种方式为频道做出贡献的人。无论是点赞、评论,还是那些让我能够交流经验、制作视频的专家们。
I think that's all. Happy five years to me. And we'll see how much longer we can keep it going. Thanks for tuning in. Thank you.