"Set to Smash Forecasts" / Is Giga Mexico Now Dead? / Tesla VP Opens Up ⚡️
发布时间 2025-01-07 01:50:59 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to Chidibir E and Sam F. Thank you for using my Tesla referral link and congratulations on your new Tesla. And a shout out to Ron H. Thank you for choosing to support the channel over on Patreon. Steve will financials transport analyst came out today saying that Tesla's current stock valuation is discounted. The main reason is nothing new, he just said it's thanks to the potential of FSD. He also highlighted the model too, or really whatever Tesla chooses to call this more affordable vehicle that should be coming in the next few months. Their new price target is $492 up from 411 before. I figured this would be a good time to remind everybody of TeslaPriceTarget's.com. I'll have the link below. This site is run by Stephen Bank, a member of the Electrified community. You can filter the analyst type, so currently I only have institutional investors ticked. I wanted to highlight that this new price target from Stiefel makes it the seventh highest currently on Wall Street. However, you can see that most of these Tesla stock price targets are listed in red, meaning the price target is below the current share price. And yes, that is largely irrelevant, mostly for comedic purposes.
欢迎来到Electrified,我是主持人Dylan Loomis。首先感谢Chidibir E和Sam F,感谢你们使用我的特斯拉推荐链接,并祝贺你们购买了新特斯拉。另外感谢Ron H,你在Patreon上的支持对我们频道帮助很大。今天,Steve,一位财务运输分析师表示,特斯拉目前的股票估值被低估了。原因并不新鲜,他说主要是因为FSD(全自动驾驶)的潜力。他还提到Model 2,或者无论特斯拉准备怎么命名这款更加实惠的车型,预计将在未来几个月内推出。他们将新的股票目标价格从之前的411美元提高到了492美元。我觉得这正是提醒大家关注TeslaPriceTarget's.com网站的好时机,链接我会放在下方。这个网站由Electrified社区的成员Stephen Bank管理,你可以根据分析师的类型进行筛选,目前我只勾选了机构投资者。我想突出的是,Stiefel的新目标价在华尔街目前是第七高的。不过你会看到,大多数特斯拉股票的目标价都是用红色标出的,意味着目标价低于现价。当然,这主要是为了搞笑,并没有太大实际意义。
On Tesla's Q2 call this year, Elon said that Giga Mexico was on pause. He was waiting for the election results because of the tariffs that Trump has planned for Mexico. Given the election results, today Mexico announced plans for a locally designed, affordable small EV. The cars will be manufactured through a public-private partnership and would cost between $4,400 and $7,400. It'll be the first Mexican manufacturer of many vehicles developed by Mexican engineering. The cars will offer Mexicans an alternative to foreign EV brands, which he called expensive and out of reach of Mexican families. They're still looking for an assembly site, but they hope to roll out the first model by June, 2026. This Mexican vehicle is clearly not in the same price bracket as a Tesla would be, but the sooner we get info on tariffs on Mexico, the sooner we can figure out what's going on with Giga Mexico. I still think it's too early to say that Giga Mexico is dead, but I do believe things are trending in that direction. And Tesla has plans now to make the cybercap at Giga Texas. Tesla can ramp production of the cybercap at Giga Texas throughout 2026 and 2027, get all of those new learnings, and then export those to the next factory globally, wherever that may be. This by shot of the new Model Y was shared, and it looks like the turn signal could be embedded into the front light bar, if indeed the vehicle does have a light bar all the way across the front. And this vehicle is likely to have the matrix headlights, which would make it less likely that Tesla includes fog lights on the upcoming project Juniper. And yes, that's exactly what Tesla did with the new Model 3, they removed the fog lights.
在今年的特斯拉第二季度电话会议上,Elon Musk表示墨西哥超级工厂的计划已暂停。他在等待选举结果,因为特朗普计划对墨西哥征收关税。根据选举结果,墨西哥今天宣布计划推出一款本地设计、价格实惠的小型电动车。 这些车将通过公私合营方式生产,价格预计在4400美元到7400美元之间。它将成为由墨西哥工程师开发的首款墨西哥制造的汽车。此举为墨西哥人提供了一种相对于外国电动车品牌的选择,因为后者通常价格昂贵,不在墨西哥家庭的承受范围内。 他们仍在寻找组装地点,但希望在2026年6月推出首个车型。
一张关于新款Model Y的照片被分享出来,看起来转向灯可能嵌入在前灯条中,如果车前确实有一整条灯条的话。这款车可能会配备矩阵大灯,这意味着特斯拉可能不会在即将推出的项目Juniper中安装雾灯。没错,这正是特斯拉对新款Model 3所做的,他们移除了雾灯。
Our set on X visited the Tesla diner in Hollywood and shared some new images and video. As it turns out, the Shanghai megapack factory has gone up faster than this diner in Hollywood, but based on what I read, permitting in Hollywood is quite the challenge. As you can see, there's still a decent amount of work when it comes to that back lot, as they're still installing plenty of superchargers. I was hoping for a Q1 opening, but it's trending like maybe this will be into quarter two. Just real quick, all Tesla vehicles have a built-in service mode that anybody can use, but they also have a service mode plus that does come with a subscription fee. To use it, you would download Toolbox 3 onto any laptop and connect it to your Tesla.
我们在X平台的团队参观了好莱坞的特斯拉餐厅,并分享了一些新的图片和视频。事实证明,上海的超级电池工厂建设速度比这家好莱坞的餐厅快得多,不过根据我了解到的情况,在好莱坞办理许可确实非常具有挑战性。正如你所看到的,后面的场地还有不少工作要做,因为他们还在安装很多超级充电桩。我本来希望它能在第一季度开放,但现在看来可能会推迟到第二季度。简单提一下,所有特斯拉车辆都有一个内置的服务模式,任何人都可以使用,但它还有一个额外的“服务模式+”,这需要订阅才能使用。要使用它,你需要在任何笔记本电脑上下载Toolbox 3,并将其连接到你的特斯拉上。
And now in that service mode plus Tesla has interactive wiring for the Cybertruck. In short, this allows anybody to figure out exactly what might be wrong with a particular system, as well as how to possibly correct it. I know most people don't go this far into the weeds, but it's a good reminder that Tesla is continually making the experience better for the DIY groups. Barons put out a new article reviewing Tesla's latest FSD, and even they can't deny the progress. In their first review, just over one year ago, they were saying it was driving like a mash of a teenager with a learner's permit and an octogenarian.
It was slow and steady, but unsure about all the situations encountered in daily driving. Fast forward to today, and in short, for version 13.2, they said, it's really good. The number of times I have to take over on the road is down substantially, and the driving is significantly better. FSD is starting to feel like a solid human driver. Ideally though, these journalists would not have lines like the enhancements include reduced photon to control latency, whatever that means. And look, in fairness, there are still some release notes that I don't understand, but this right here is one of the easier ones.
It's basically just better reaction time. The latency, or the time delay between when the car sees the video footage and actually is able to output a control based on that footage has been reduced, AKA better reaction time. Heinrich Zane got some nice footage of the Tesla Semi, and it was a first. We have two Tesla Semi's pulling tandem trailers. He did add that in Nevada, triples are actually legal, so we may see that tested in the future as well. Obviously, the tandem setup would allow a company to transport more goods at once, but not only that, you can also carry different cargo types or sizes in each trailer if they need to be separate. Dan Priestley, the head of the Semi Program chimed in saying, double the pleasure, double the fun.
这基本上意味着更好的反应时间。延迟,也就是从汽车看到视频影像到能够基于影像进行控制之间的时间延迟已经减少了,也就是说反应时间更快了。Heinrich Zane 拍摄到了特斯拉半挂车的精彩影像,这是第一次。他拍到了两辆特斯拉半挂车正在拉双联拖车。他还提到,在内华达州,三联拖车是合法的,所以我们可能在未来也会看到这种测试。显然,双联拖车设置可以让公司一次运输更多货物,不仅如此,如果货物需要分开放置,还可以在每个拖车中携带不同类型或大小的货物。半挂车项目负责人 Dan Priestley 也表示,这样做乐趣加倍,效益翻番。
Mr. Fundman shared this video of FSD in heavy rain, low visibility, and he said the car was literally hydroplaning paired with bad road markings in the area. A shock did actually end up reposting this, so it got a lot of traction, but in this scenario, I'll be honest, I'm probably not using FSD. But I am genuinely curious if the conditions are like this, are you trusting FSD to navigate? I really have not seen more than a few critical disengagement so far with version 13, which is why I think this video from Dirty Tesla is important. Here's the question, oh, it doesn't do the question mark. It's got plenty of room, oh my goodness. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh my gosh, it was just gonna drive right in front of that person, that holy crap. A friendly reminder, do not get complacent.
Fundman 先生分享了一段视频,展示了FSD(全自动驾驶)在大雨和低能见度的情况下的表现。他说车子在积水上打滑,而该地区的道路标记也很糟糕。一个叫Shock的人确实重发了这个视频,所以引起了很多关注。不过在这样的情况下,说实话,我可能不会使用FSD。但我真的很好奇,如果遇到这样的情况,你会信任FSD来导航吗?在使用13版本时,我迄今为止只见过几次严重的中断,所以我认为Dirty Tesla的这个视频很重要。这里有个问题:哦,它不会做出问号。它有足够的空间,天哪!哦不,不,不,不,不,不,不,不,不,不,哦我的天,这车差点直接开到那个人前面,真是吓人。在这里友好地提示一下,不要掉以轻心。
So far, overall, the feedback on 12.6 for hardware three has been very good, but there are still some challenges. There are many reports of the end-to-end net on the highway being leaps and bounds better than it was before, and really that's no surprise. For some cons, Black Tesla said, still has some DNA of 12.5 like phantom breaking and twitching turns. Based on everything I've read, I think this is a good summary. He said, think of it like version 13 light and temper expectations except for highway, which is worlds better than 12.5.
到目前为止,总的来说,对于硬件三版本的12.6的反馈非常好,但仍然存在一些挑战。有很多报告指出,在高速公路上的端到端网络表现比之前有了显著提升,这其实也不足为奇。在一些负面反馈中,Black Tesla 说仍然有一些12.5版本的遗留问题,比如误刹车和转弯不稳。根据我所读到的所有信息,我认为这是一个不错的总结。他说,可以把它想象成是版本13的轻量版,除了高速公路上的表现比12.5好了很多,其它方面要保持合理期待。
But as you may expect, other users are saying things like I've not had any phantom breaking and the only twitching I've experienced is in parking lots or turning into them. Just FYI, as far as I can tell, most Model 3 and Y vehicles with hardware three still have yet to receive version 12.6. It sounds like most people will be very pleased with the update, but there is still some work to do at the end of drives, which of course, is nothing.releases can't continue to refine. Understandably, many people were excited when James Dalma shared a picture of his Cybertruck UI showing 323 kilowatt charging speeds for his Cybertruck.
正如你可能预期的那样,其他用户表示他们并没有遇到“幽灵刹车”,唯一感受到的一点抖动只是发生在停车场或驶入停车场的时候。仅供参考,据我所知,大多数配备硬件三的Model 3和Y车型还没有收到12.6版本的更新。听起来大多数人都会对这次更新感到满意,但在行程结束时仍有一些工作要做,不过这也可以通过后续更新来不断完善。可以理解的是,当James Dalma分享了一张Cybertruck用户界面显示其Cybertruck充电速度达到323千瓦的图片时,许多人都感到非常兴奋。
I would note this was at a V4 location, but they still had version three cabinet. So this number will be even better as we head into 2025 and Tesla starts deploying true V4 cabinets. When that happens, 500 kilowatts is on the table. It'll likely be very short lived, but even for a moment, it'll be nice to see. And of course, most importantly, hopefully the charging curve is much improved. The Financial Times is saying EVs are expected to outsell ICE vehicles in China for the first time in 2025. China is set to smash international forecasts and Beijing's official targets for domestic EV sales, including both pure EV and hybrid.
Both of those categories are expected to total 12 million vehicles in 2025 and sales of traditionally powered cars are expected to fall by more than 10% this year to less than 11 million. And yes, this article was written at the end of December, 2024, hence the wording. A director at Wood Mackenzie said, they China want to electrify everything, no other country comes close to China. But listen to this, the forecast suggests Beijing's official target set in 2020 for EVs to account for 50% of car sales by 2035, will be achieved 10 years ahead of schedule.
And part of the reason GM and VW are seeing massive write downs on their Chinese business, as China's EV growth tracks for 40% growth in 2024, the market share of foreign branded cars fell to a record low of 37%. That number was down from 64% in 2020. Clearly a major milestone for China, and hopefully one that the United States can begin talking about sometime later this decade. In another inventory clearing sign for Tesla, they'll now introduce 0% interest rates on inventory model wise in Germany, that started on January 1st.
部分原因导致通用汽车和大众汽车在中国业务上出现大规模减值是因为中国电动车市场预计在2024年将增长40%,而外国品牌汽车的市场份额却降到了创纪录的37%,相比之下,这个数字在2020年是64%。显然这是中国的一个重大里程碑,希望美国能在本十年晚些时候开始对此有所讨论。作为清理库存的另一个迹象,特斯拉将在德国对库存的Model Y车型推出0%利率的贷款,这项措施从1月1日开始。
The VP of finance at Tesla, Sendil Pilani said on X, today marks 16 years since my first day at Tesla. And this year yet again, seems like it'll be our most exciting yet. Every now and then I love to step back and look at everything Tesla has accomplished when you look from a long-term perspective. In January 2009, Tesla had around 300 people, made one vehicle per day, and had enough cash to last about four weeks. Sendil said in 2025, we continue to pursue our mission with the same collaboration and urgency as always, and with a product roadmap that covers more areas than was ever possible in the early days.
特斯拉的财务副总裁Sendil Pilani在X平台上说,今天是我在特斯拉工作的第16个年头。今年又一次似乎将成为我们最激动人心的一年。我时不时喜欢退后一步,从长远的角度看待特斯拉取得的一切成就。2009年1月,特斯拉大约有300名员工,每天生产一辆车,现金只够维持约四周。Sendil表示,到了2025年,我们仍然以一贯的协作和紧迫感追求我们的使命,并且拥有一个涵盖更多领域的产品路线图,这在早期是无法想象的。
And if you stop and take a second and really think about what Tesla could look like, another 10 to 15 years from now, I'll just say it's a pretty incredible future. What do you think are some of the best cars to own for the average person out there? Um, honestly, I think that your model Y is a really, really excellent all around car. Just don't pay the high paid for it. Hey, Jack buys it, just do the opposite.
如果你停下来花点时间认真思考一下,十到十五年后的特斯拉会是什么样子,我只能说这是一个相当令人难以置信的未来。你觉得对于普通人来说,有哪些最值得拥有的车呢?嗯,说实话,我认为你的Model Y是一款非常出色的全能型车。只要不花高价买就好。嘿,杰克买什么,你就反着来就行。
Yeah, first Jack, sell it to me. Those model Ys are like excellent all around cars, which is proven by the fact that they're everywhere. They fit everybody. Like you got a family model Y, you got, you got, you just you model Y, you got a dog, you got a couple. Like they does a lot of stuff. If you're new to the story, Doug DeMiro has not always been the biggest fan of Tesla. So to hear that coming from him, definitely carries some weight. One of the biggest problems for Tesla in Sweden now has to do with the charging situation.
好的,首先,杰克,把它推荐给我。那些Model Y就像是全能车,这一点可以通过它们随处可见来证明。它们适合每个人。如果你有个家庭,就有个家庭版的Model Y;如果是你自己用,就有属于自己的Model Y;如果你有狗,或者是一对情侣,Model Y都能满足需求。它们能应对很多情况。如果你对这个故事不熟悉,Doug DeMiro过去并不是特斯拉的最大粉丝,所以听到他这么说,确实意义重大。特斯拉在瑞典面临的最大问题之一就是充电问题。
It's being reported that there are hundreds of Tesla's stuck in charging hues, and it's happening despite the presence of 35 brand new supercharging stations. Why? Because these sites are offline, thanks to the sympathy strikes. Max from the supercharger team at Tesla said, Swedish EV drivers are suffering and EV infrastructure is not keeping up unless superchargers get energized by the utilities, blocking them from getting energized. 100 plus stalls in Sweden would have been energized this winter if it wasn't for sympathy strikes.
Despite no clear path yet to getting turned on, we will also continue to invest and build sites for Swedish EV drivers. All of this drama started back in October of 2023, and now in this latest chapter, the new sites can't be opened for business because unions at utility companies are blocking connection to the power grid. And this actually started in April, but has been getting worse since, especially around the holidays. Even worse because these sites are supposed to be open to non-Tesla vehicles as well. If there's a silver lining, the Swedish energy markets inspectorate is now investigating the supercharger connection block. The investigation is expected to be completed by spring 2025.
The Department of Energy shared this chart of the median and maximum range of EVs offered for sale in the US by model year. Since 2021, the median range of EVs has gone from 239 up to 283 miles. Thus, over the past four years, the median number has gone up between 12 and 19 miles per year. But when it comes to the maximum range, we seem to be at a peak. 2022 was the high at 520, and that came down to 516 for the past two years. Waymo released its quarterly safety data report, and now the company has logged over 20 million miles in Phoenix, 10.2 million in San Francisco, 1.9 million in LA, and over 124,000 in Austin. All of that mileage is in rider-only mode.
Waymo said its vehicle showed an 81% reduction in airbag deployment crashes, a 78% reduction in injury-causing crashes, and a 62% reduction in police-reported crashes. This data compares Waymo's performance to that of an average human driver over an equivalent 33 million miles in Phoenix and San Francisco. The takeaway, they said, the Waymo driver is better than humans at avoiding crashes that result in injuries, airbag deployments, and police reports. Some online accounts were saying that over the past few days, there was some breaking news that Switzerland was now going to allow full autonomy on its roads by March 2025. However, this news actually came out nearly one month ago. Either way, if you missed it, these new rules will go into force on March 1st, 2025.
From that date, automated parking of a car will also be allowed without a driver in the vehicle, but only in designated parking spaces and parking garages. It'll also be possible to use driverless vehicles on specific authorized routes. However, they must be monitored by an operator from a control center. So yes, there are some caveats to this news that you don't see in the headlines only. We talked about Tesla now making some parts from its electronic parts catalog available direct to consumer so you and I can go online and buy some of these parts. This week, some in the media are now picking this up, but I wanted to add for now, shipping is only available to addresses in the United States, but it should roll out to other countries in the future.
Lucid released its Q4 results. They produced 3,386 and delivered 3,099. Looking at the past three years, deliveries have seen a steady uptick. 2022, they came in at over 4,300. 2023, they were 6,000. And 2024, just over 10,200. On the production side for quarter four, oddly enough, this was not the high watermark back in quarter four of 2022. They produced 3,493. But this was the first time Lucid ever delivered more than 3,000 vehicles in a quarter. I don't really have any major takeaways for Lucid's delivery and production chart, but in 2023, Lucid grew its deliveries by 37% and for 2024, they grew deliveries by 70%.
BMW has locked up some US supply for rare earth materials. This from Phoenix Tailing, that's setting up a plant in New Hampshire that's scheduled to start production in June of this year. But remember, Tesla's next gen drive train is supposed to be rare earth element free. And here's a quick look at Ferrari's F244, their first fully electric vehicle, supposedly coming soon. Which, if you ask me, looks a lot like a Hyundai. Today, the W said, we're getting access to Tesla's Supercharger Network in March, but we won't have official adapters available until early summer around June. On Tesla's website, the only company listed under coming soon is Mercedes Benz. So great news for the W owners, but they could not speak to timelines for Audi, Porsche, or Scout.
宝马已经锁定了一些美国的稀土材料供应。这些材料来自Phoenix Tailing公司,他们正在新罕布什尔州建立一座工厂,计划于今年六月开始生产。但请记住,特斯拉的下一代驱动系统预计将不含稀土元素。这里还有一个快速预览法拉利的F244,这是他们的首款全电动车,据说很快就会面世。如果你问我的话,这车看起来很像现代。今天,W公司宣布我们将在三月接入特斯拉的超级充电网络,但官方适配器要到初夏的六月左右才会有。在特斯拉网站上,列为即将接入的公司中,只有奔驰。因此,对于W车主来说是个好消息,但他们尚未给出奥迪、保时捷或Scout的时间表。
The only EVs VW is currently offering in the US, the ID4 and the ID Buzz. Tesla stock closed the day at $411.05 up 0.15%, while the NASDAQ was up 1.24%. It was an average volume trading day. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video, if you did, you can find me on X-linked below, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.
大众汽车目前在美国推出的电动车只有ID4和ID Buzz。特斯拉股票当日收于411.05美元,涨幅为0.15%,而纳斯达克指数上涨了1.24%。当天的交易量属于平均水平。希望大家拥有美好的一天。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以在下面的X链接找到我,特别感谢我所有的Patreon支持者。