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New Project Juniper Details / Tesla Prepares for Robotaxi Launch / Tesla and PG&E ⚡️

发布时间 2024-12-20 02:26:21    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dilunumus, quick shout out to my newest patron, Carl S. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Dan Priestley chimed in on the Tesla Semi and Saya partnership we talked about yesterday saying they're a great customer with a high mileage duty cycle that matches the capability of the truck. Side note, they've been running these trucks for over a month and no one seemed to notice. There is a bit of camouflage on Saya's but if you're at West, here's what you're looking for. Dan also shared some photos of Gigan Nevada factory progress saying that they topped off the main area of the building with the last major piece of structural steel. He said fantastic design and execution by this construction team and our contractor partners. This factory is going to rock. He said no, there is another part of the building on an intentionally different timeline that has steel work remaining. Keep an eye out for progress there. There's at least a chance he's talking about what we believe to be the stamping press section which we talked about over the past few weeks.
欢迎来到《Electrified》,我是你的主持人Dilunumus。先感谢一下我最新的赞助者Carl S.,感谢你选择支持这个频道。昨天我们谈到了特斯拉Semi卡车和Saya的合作,Dan Priestley对此表示,他们是一个高里程工作周期的优秀客户,完全符合这款卡车的性能。此外,Saya已经运行这些卡车一个多月了,但好像没人注意到。在Saya的卡车上有些伪装,但如果你在西部,可以注意看看。 Dan还分享了一些Giga Nevada工厂进展的照片,说他们已经完成了建筑主体的最后一块主要钢结构。他称赞了这支建设团队和我们的承包商伙伴,设计和执行都非常出色,这个工厂将会非常棒。他还提到,建筑的另一个部分被故意安排在不同的时间线上,钢结构还在进行中,请密切关注那里。很有可能他是指我们过去几周谈论的冲压车间部分。

Earlier this week I said how Xiaomi would definitely be a brand to watch and write on cue Kyle from Out of spec put out a review of the Su7 not the Su7 as I called it. Spoiler alert, Kyle was very impressed with everything about the vehicle from the affordability to the material quality to drive performance to the software and the car has some pretty awesome features. This vehicle has a slide out mini refrigerator in the back seat that can also heat items as well. When there's an audible navigation instruction, it sends that sound only through the speakers in the driver headrest not through the entire sound system. I thought that was awesome because a lot of times when Ashley and I go on road trips she ends up falling asleep. Then when the navigation comes on it wakes her up. I know I can turn it down but either way I think that's a great feature.
本周早些时候,我提到小米绝对是值得关注的品牌,并且恰好Kyle来自Out of Spec发布了对Su7(不是我提到的Su7)的一篇评论。剧透一下,Kyle对这款车的一切都印象深刻,从价格实惠到材料质量到驾驶性能再到软件,车子还有一些非常了不起的功能。这辆车在后座有一个可以拉出的迷你冰箱,也可以加热物品。当有语音导航指令时,声音只通过驾驶员头枕上的扬声器传出,而不是整个音响系统。我觉得这很棒,因为很多时候Ashley和我去长途旅行时,她会睡着。然后导航声音响起时会把她吵醒。我知道我可以把声音调低,但无论如何我都觉得这是一个很不错的功能。

Well if our experience with the Su7 is anything to represent the Chinese car market it is astounding as to how great these cars are. And every time I drive a Chinese car they get better and better and better very quickly. The time from pencil to production the development cycle for a vehicle is compressed so highly. I think this is the best driving Chinese car ever but I think I know it is but if you look at what the Chinese people are actually paying for cars like this again regardless if it was subsidy money or a different sort of infrastructure and supply base to build the cars it is so much vehicle for the money. There's no denying that. If this was in the US right now it would be eating everyone's lunch. And yes that was the car that Jim Farley was recently raving about after he was testing it out and it's only been on sale for about six months for a company that has just gotten into vehicles. The competition in the Chinese market is next level as Kaya was saying a lot of the customers there are actually comparing the computer chips in these vehicles and they actually know what's in the cars. That's really not the case for most customers in the US. If for whatever reason you still were not on board I think it's time to officially say that the Chinese automakers are most certainly for real. And yes there are still questions about these vehicles and their long-term reliability and how long the Chinese government plans to subsidize the industry so heavily. But even if that goes away their supply chain is still going to be very advanced with the lowest cost labor so they're always going to have some competitive advantages.
如果我们用Su7来代表中国汽车市场的情况,这些车的出色表现真是令人惊讶。每次我开中国汽车,它们的表现都在快速提升。这个从设计到量产的开发周期被大大缩短。我觉得这是我开过的最好的中国车。而看看中国消费者为这样的车所支付的价格,即使不考虑补贴或者不同的基础设施和供应链,这车的性价比也是非常高的。这一点毋庸置疑。如果这样的车在美国销售,肯定会受到热捧。是的,Jim Farley最近也在测试这款车,并对其大加称赞,它才上市六个月,而这家公司刚刚开始涉足汽车行业。正如Kaya所说,中国市场的竞争非常激烈,很多消费者甚至会比较这些车里的电脑芯片,真正了解车辆的配置。这在美国的消费者中并不常见。如果你还没有意识到,那么现在是时候正式承认中国汽车制造商确实不容小觑。当然,这些汽车的长期可靠性以及中国政府计划在多大程度上继续补贴该行业的问题仍然存在。但即便没有补贴,中国的供应链依然非常先进,加上低成本的劳动力,中国汽车制造商总能保持一定的竞争优势。

If the subject of today's review the Avatar07 were sold in markets outside of China there would be zero vehicles from foreign automakers that could compete with it as an overall package. Savage Junkie is back again with a stress test of version 13 in New York City but this time in heavy rain. Stop sign here is going to stop. Yep it is nice. That's a funky one. This is an even worse stop sign. Oh man is it going to stop? It is. Let's let the other Tesla go. Should go quick. They have a stop sign also. Wow. Gotta make a quick right here. Let's mess this up in the past on previous versions. There's like no lane markings.
如果今天评审的对象Avatar07在中国以外的市场出售,那么外国汽车制造商将找不出任何一款能与之整体匹敌的车型。Savage Junkie再次在纽约市对13号版本进行了压力测试,这次是在大雨中。停车标志在这里,该停车了。没错,挺不错的。这是一处有些奇怪的停车标志。这是个更糟糕的停车标志。哦,它会停下来吗?停下来了。让另一辆特斯拉先走吧。它们也有停车标志。哇,这里要快速右转。以前的版本在这里常出错。这里几乎没有车道标线。

Stop sign. I didn't even see that which it looks like it's going to. And then it should just wait till people clear a traffic going left and it should sneak right in. Oh my gosh it just gets better every time. Gotta cut in front of the bus. Wow. This is so aggressive. Look at this. All right dude can you go any slower?

You know it's raining in New York. People are not really very courteous to people making right turns. Everyone wants to jut out in the middle. Look at this. Go right now. Go go go go yes. That's perfect. The car should not be doing this but I'm going to allow it just to see what it does. This is quite the illegal move. I'm pretty sure. It clearly does not tell. It cannot tell that this is not a lane but we're going to allow it. That's pretty unallowable. Another insane disengagement free drive in New York City.
你知道纽约在下雨。大家在转弯时并不太礼貌,所有人都想挤到中间。看看这个。现在右转。走走走,好的。虽然车辆本不该这么做,但我想看看它会怎样。 这动作明显是不合法的,我很确定。它显然不知道这里不是车道,但我们还是让它这么做。这样做实在不太合规。在纽约市又是一段疯狂的无干预驾驶。

I can't believe it was able to handle this. This was definitely harder than the one I did yesterday. I know plenty of people have their doubts about FSD in the elements. At least when it comes to rain I think some of those clips were quite encouraging but of course snow and especially on the road slippery conditions is an entirely different ball game. But there have been a few wrong or illegal maneuvers now that I've seen over the past few days. I'll share another one from AI driver and James Dalma.
我真不敢相信它能够处理这个。这绝对比我昨天做的那个更困难。我知道很多人对全自动驾驶在各种天气条件下的表现持怀疑态度。至少在下雨时,我觉得有些片段还是令人鼓舞的,但当然下雪,特别是路面湿滑的情况下,完全是另一回事。不过,过去几天我也看到了一些错误或非法的驾驶动作。我会分享另一个由AI驾驶和James Dalma提供的例子。

But for me it's starting to seem like one of FSD 13's biggest weaknesses is actually not the neural nets but it's the map data. We believe that Tesla uses Google Maps at least for the visualizations. But I've also heard that Tesla may be using Azure Maps which sources most of its data from Tom Tom or OpenStreet Maps. And given what we know about Tesla it's hard not to wonder why they don't have their own map system at this point.
对我来说,FSD 13 的一个最大弱点似乎其实不是神经网络,而是地图数据。我们认为,特斯拉至少在可视化方面使用了谷歌地图。但我也听说特斯拉可能使用的是 Azure 地图,这些地图大部分数据来自 TomTom 或 OpenStreetMap。鉴于我们对特斯拉的了解,很难不去想为什么他们现在还没有自己的地图系统。

We want to be in that far lane when we turn right. But this is the natural lane to turn into. That's why I picked this intersection. Because there's a restriction that makes it hard for us to do. It's going to get it wrong. I didn't even know that was a place you could go. Yeah. Wow. So now it's got this dilemma. It wants to turn left. The map tells that it can turn left and you can't turn left here. This is the other half of Freelon over there. Right.

Yeah. I think you found a stuck spot here. Yeah. Okay. So this is that this is an example of that of. Okay. As a human you get there. If you know the situation like we're talking so you weren't really paying attention. But if you know the situation that this is blocked and you've got to turn right away you would have realized I need to go up there and turn on the other side of this median. Right.

Yeah. If you'd been paying attention. So the question is like what does it take to get the car to be able to do that. Now ideally the car's like awareness planning horizon like it's what it sees overriding the map data and the other stuff should be like eventually it'll be enough to do that. And right now it's not it didn't get that you want to try it again.

Yeah. I'm gonna let it go. I want to see what it does. It's gonna keep going. It has a left turn signal. We still we could have the map the route says turn right. Yeah. What is it going to do here? Oh my god. Uh yeah that's illegal. Okay. It's also a thing people do. You saw that there's no it's completely look at this. It's still it's completely abandoned. All navigation route right now.

Yeah. Just FYI if you have AI for and you don't yet have version 13 you're definitely not the only one plenty of people still don't have it. According to Tesla scope the release has slowed down. We need to have a look at this chart. Many of you know about delete me a sponsor of the channel but this one graphic shows us everything that we need to know.
好的。仅供参考,如果你有AI,但还没有版本13,你绝对不是唯一一个没有这个版本的人。根据Tesla Scope的消息,更新的速度已经放慢。我们需要看一下这张图表。许多人知道"删除我"这个频道的赞助商,但这个图表向我们展示了所有需要了解的信息。

At this point it really should not be a secret that these data brokers are selling your personal information and somehow it's a legitimate business in the US. I started with delete me over a year ago and yet every quarter there are still new data brokers cropping up that have my personal information and I'll be honest there is no way I'm going to spend tens of hours every month searching for and calling all of these new data brokers one by one to ensure that my data stays removed which is part of why delete me has been such a valuable service for me and I think many of you will feel the same if you check it out.

I just got my December report and their work on my behalf saved me over 80 hours of headaches. Delete me shows you the status at every broker so you can go to that website to double check that your information has been removed if you so choose. Transparency in this industry is key and delete me is an American based company who does only this so if you'd like to take your privacy back you can head to join deleteme.com slash electrified to get 20% off using my code electrified linked below or by using the QR code on the screen. According to Bloomberg Tesla is in early discussions with the city of Austin about robotaxes from emails and public records they're saying a Tesla employee has been communicating with the city of Austin's autonomous task for since at least May this to establish safety expectations the employee said Tesla's still working to find a city within Texas to deploy Austin is obviously on the road map but it's not yet been decided where we will deploy as we have many options available the employee first reached out to Austin ahead of the company's robot taxi day expressing interest in joining the city's autonomous vehicle task force.
我刚收到12月的报告,他们为我所做的工作让我省去了超过80小时的麻烦。Delete Me 可以让你看到每个数据经纪商处的进度,这样如果你愿意的话,可以到相应网站进行双重检查,确保你的信息已被删除。行业内的透明度非常重要,Delete Me 是一家只专注于此的美国公司,所以如果你想重新掌握自己的隐私,可以前往 join deleteme.com/electrified,使用我下面链接的代码 electrified 或屏幕上的二维码,可享受20%的折扣。 根据彭博社的数据,特斯拉正在与奥斯汀市就无人驾驶出租车展开初步讨论。从电邮和公开记录来看,自至少今年5月起,就有一名特斯拉员工与奥斯汀市的自动驾驶工作组进行沟通,以建立安全标准。该员工表示特斯拉仍在寻找德克萨斯州内的合适城市进行部署,奥斯汀显然在计划中,但具体部署位置尚未确定,因为我们还有很多选择。这名员工在公司举办无人出租车日之前,首次联系奥斯汀市,表达了希望加入市自动驾驶工作组的兴趣。

Tesla was aiming to meet Austin's safety expectations and train first responders how to interact with the vehicles. This task force works with autonomous vehicle companies and residents to collect feedback and incident data and to establish safety training and procedures. The task force is largely made up of first responders and the city's transportation department it works with a number of autonomous vehicle companies that have been testing in the city like Waymo, VW, and Zooks. Tesla held an event in Austin on December 5th to train first responders how to work with Tesla's autonomous vehicles. The employee said Tesla was not yet testing on public roads in Texas only on Tesla's Austin Gigafactory campus but from Tesla's Q3 call we know they already have a pilot program with the robotaxes with employees in the Bay Area.

In Texas robotaxes must have their own licensing and the Texas Department of Licensing and Reg has yet to list Tesla as a licensee. It's always exciting to hear about these discussions but the truth is it should be no surprise if Tesla is going to launch next year then obviously there's going to be some legwork ahead of that. And there's at least a chance that Austin is not actually the first city in Texas to get Tesla's robotaxes. If you're wondering what VW is doing with autonomous testing in Texas they have their partnership with Mobileye when they launched some of their ID buzz vehicles with their technology in the summer of last year. In case you see one of these driving around Texas we know what's going on. In Texas autonomous vehicles are handled at the state level so cities can't actually have their own regulations or requirements which will make things easier. Plus there's no specific timeline or amount of hours that Tesla will have to demonstrate it really boils down to ability to obey the laws and ensuring that Tesla has the proper insurance and things like that but it should be a much easier process to get that license in Texas than it will be in California.
在德克萨斯州,自动驾驶出租车需要获得特定的许可,而德克萨斯州许可和法规部门尚未将特斯拉列为持证公司。听到这些讨论总是令人兴奋,但实际上,如果特斯拉计划明年推出自动驾驶出租车,那么显然需要提前做好一些准备工作。此外,奥斯汀可能并不是德克萨斯州第一个获得特斯拉自动驾驶出租车的城市。如果你想知道大众(VW)在德克萨斯的自动驾驶测试情况,他们与Mobileye合作,去年夏天推出了一些配备相关技术的ID Buzz车型。如果你在德州看到这些车在路上行驶,我们就知道是怎么回事了。在德克萨斯州,自动驾驶汽车是由州级进行管理的,因此城市不能制定自己的规定或要求,这会让事情变得更简单。而且,特斯拉不需要展示具体的时间线或驾驶时长,关键在于遵守法律并确保拥有妥善的保险等方面,但在德克萨斯获得许可的过程应该会比在加州更为简单。

Rafael shared a picture of a new Tesla supercharger in Spain but when you see the before picture it makes it that much cooler. This one was built on the site of a former Shell gas station. It'll have eight V4 stalls open to all vehicles. Tesla China put out a short video and Taolin said that all Tesla vehicles now use AMD chips with computing power of up to 10 teraflops. In the 2023 media test the Model 3 talked the list of mainstream smart car models with a response speed of 0.89 seconds and is the only model that is less than one second. Again highlighting generally speaking how savvy the consumers are in China and given that those consumers are very focused on the software features of these vehicles. On that note good news for Tesla owners originally people thought that the new radar map features would only be available in vehicles with the AMD rise in chip but not a Tesla app has confirmed that even the Intel based vehicles will get the maps with the radar and the full feature set.
拉斐尔分享了一张特斯拉在西班牙建造的新超级充电站的照片,但当你看到之前的照片时,会觉得更加酷。这座充电站建在以前的壳牌加油站的旧址上,将设有八个V4充电桩,对所有车辆开放。特斯拉中国发布了一个简短的视频,陶琳表示,现在所有特斯拉车辆都使用计算能力高达10 teraflops的AMD芯片。在2023年的媒体测试中,Model 3在主流智能车型的排名中,以0.89秒的响应速度位居榜首,是唯一一款响应时间不到一秒的车型。这再次强调了中国消费者的精明,尤其是他们非常关注这些车辆的软件功能。关于这一点,对特斯拉车主来说是好消息,原本大家以为新的雷达地图功能只会在配备AMD芯片的车辆上可用,但最新的特斯拉应用确认,即使是基于Intel芯片的车辆也会获得带雷达的完整功能地图。

Weather situation looks like let's try to find somewhere with some weather. So let's say if I go to Indiana or maybe go up to Michigan here if I hit this weather overlay. There we go. So I got a little action here. This will show me from now between 3 pm so it's going to do a three hour interval and I can see you're that's pretty cool. Sort of the different percentage of precipitation and all that and I only see if I zoom out I can actually see that over the whole map.

On the topic of older Tesla vehicles Tesla shared a new infographic highlighting all of the software updates that a Model 3 purchased in 2021 would have received for free over the years. I did save this image as I think this would be a cool one to share with family friends and your network so I'll have the link below if you want to do the same. But I think it's pretty awesome to slow down every now and then and look back and really understand how cool it is to get all of these features for free and we know a lot of other companies are now bragging about their OTA updates but they're really not at all comparable to what Tesla has done. In fairness I will give some credit to Rivian.
关于较早生产的特斯拉车辆,特斯拉分享了一张新的信息图,展示了一辆在2021年购买的Model 3多年来所收到的所有免费软件更新。我保存了这张图片,因为我觉得这是一张很酷的图片,可以分享给家人、朋友以及你的人脉。如果你也想分享,我会在下面提供链接。但我认为偶尔停下来,回顾一下这些免费获得的功能,真的很棒。我们知道很多其他公司现在都在宣传他们的OTA更新,但它们其实完全无法与特斯拉的更新相比。不过公平起见,我还是要给Rivian一些赞扬。

I know many of their customers are very happy with their OTA updates and software in general but outside of that it's not so great. Someone who works at a third party charging station gathered this information when they shared about a new Tesla location in Lithuania. Personally I would classify a few of these bullet points as rumors at best but for what it's worth he said the Cybertruck will not be for sale in the EU. It will first come to China and then the EU. He said the new Model Y project Juniper most likely we will see in Vilnius this winter. So perhaps sometime into quarter one and then he said the Model Q will most likely be the same size as the Model 3 but with a smaller battery and less functionality not smaller size as we thought. The Lithuanian market does between 30 and 50 thousand passenger car sales per year but it's nice to see Tesla finally set up a physical location in the region.
我知道他们的许多客户对他们的OTA更新和软件非常满意,但除此之外,就不太好了。一位在第三方充电站工作的人员分享了一些关于特斯拉在立陶宛新地点的信息。据他所言,我个人认为其中一些要点最多只能算是传闻,但他说,Cybertruck不会在欧盟销售。它将会先登陆中国,然后再进入欧盟。他还表示,新款Model Y项目Juniper很可能会在今年冬天在维尔纽斯亮相,可能会在第一季度某个时候出现。他还提到Model Q的尺寸可能与Model 3相同,但会配备更小的电池和较少的功能,而不是我们想象中的更小尺寸。立陶宛市场每年的乘用车销量在三到五万辆之间,不过看到特斯拉终于在该地区设立实体地点,还是挺不错的。

But substantiating some of those rumors we have the CNEV post talking about Project Juniper. They said Giga Shanghai will begin mass production of Project Juniper next month which would be January. The new Model Y will be similar to what Tesla did with the new Model 3, tweaks to the interior exterior battery capacity, motor performance and self-driving package. Just remember that self-driving package and how Tesla offers that is different in China than it is in the United States. Plus in addition to Project Juniper Giga Shanghai is expected to begin deliveries of a 6 seat Model Y in the fourth quarter of 2025. Of course the question becomes would that be two captain seats for the second row with the aisle in between? Ordinarily that's the most common configuration but I'll be honest it's hard to imagine Tesla doing something like that.
根据一些传闻的证据,CNEV Post提到了“杜松计划”(Project Juniper)。他们表示,上海超级工厂(Giga Shanghai)将在下个月,也就是一月,开始大规模生产“杜松计划”。新款Model Y将类似于特斯拉对新款Model 3所做的调整,包括对内饰、外观、电池容量、电机性能和自动驾驶套件的改进。需要注意的是,特斯拉在中国提供的自动驾驶套件与在美国的不同。此外,除了“杜松计划”外,上海超级工厂预计将在2025年第四季度开始交付6座版Model Y。大家可能会问,第二排会不会采用常见的两个独立座椅,中间有过道的配置?通常这是最常见的布局,但老实说,很难想象特斯拉会采用这样的设计。

There have also been reports that in Q4 2025 Tesla will begin delivering a 7 seat Model Y and that they've done before so that would make sense. There was that Reuters reports earlier this year where Tesla was asking suppliers to prepare for double digit growth in Model Y production from Giga Shanghai. This is back in the rumor category for me but we have a Chinese source saying that for the exterior for Project Juniper it may ditch the traditional SUV design elements and adopt a grille less design which is a hit to this report's credibility because Tesla has always had a grille less design. They said Tesla could introduce penetrating LED daytime running lights inside the new Model Y may come standard with a bigger 15.4 inch screen just like the new Model 3 but this one may be rotatable so you can actually angle it toward the driver or the passenger. In terms of power the new Model Y may be equipped with Teslas newly developed fourth generation motor system. As always with rumors here take all of this with a grain of salt but they also said that the prices will not change and for what it's worth there are some rumors that the new Model Y will have a front LED light bar.
在2025年第四季度,特斯拉将开始交付7座Model Y的报道也有出现,他们之前也这么做过,所以这听起来很合理。今年早些时候有路透社的报道说,特斯拉要求供应商为上海工厂的Model Y产量实现两位数增长做好准备。对我来说,这还属于传闻阶段,但有中国消息来源称,关于“Project Juniper”的外观设计,可能会摒弃传统SUV的设计元素,采取消失格栅的设计。不过,因为特斯拉向来有无格栅设计,这让这个传闻的可信度受到影响。他们表示,特斯拉可能会在新款Model Y中引入穿透式LED日间行车灯,并且可能标配更大的15.4英寸屏幕,就像新款Model 3,但这个屏幕可能是可旋转的,可以朝向驾驶员或乘客。在动力方面,新款Model Y可能会配备特斯拉新研发的第四代电机系统。如同所有传闻一样,需要谨慎对待,但他们还表示价格不会变化,据传新款Model Y可能会有前部LED灯条。

Whether the rumors are true or not it sounds like we might find out for sure here in the next month or two if indeed mass production does begin in January next year which does actually check out because you may remember a few weeks back we said that Tesla was doing some initial small scale testing on a pilot line of Project Juniper at Giga Shanghai and you know what they say about when there's smoke so this might be right around the corner. This one's pretty unfortunate in my opinion but the UAW and Rivian have come to an agreement that would make it easier to unionize Rivian's workforce. Contingent on Rivian ever reaching profitability. Under this confidential pact Rivian would adopt a neutral stance towards efforts to organize workers at the Illinois factory but this neutrality commitment will only take effect once Rivian reaches certain criteria including profitability metrics. In short this neutrality agreement really just means that Rivian is agreeing to not do anything to combat any unionization efforts.
不论这些传言是否属实,听起来我们可能会在接下来的一两个月内得到确定消息——如果确实从明年一月份开始大规模生产,这也符合之前的推测。你可能还记得几周前我们提到过,特斯拉正在上海超级工厂对Project Juniper进行一些初步小规模测试,俗话说“无风不起浪”,所以这件事情可能很快就会有进展。关于这个消息,我个人认为比较遗憾,但美国汽车工人联合会(UAW)和Rivian已经达成一项协议,这将使得Rivian的员工更容易加入工会。这取决于Rivian是否能实现盈利。在这个保密协议下,Rivian将在伊利诺伊州的工厂对组织工会的努力采取中立态度,但这种中立承诺只有在Rivian达到某些标准,包括盈利指标后才会生效。简单来说,这个中立协议实际上就是Rivian同意不采取任何措施来对抗工会化的努力。

And of course with that pledge being public I think a lot more employees may be free to speak up and actually say what they would prefer knowing that they should not be facing any backlash from Rivian. For Rivian the deal helped pave the way for that conditional loan of up to 6.6 billion dollars from the DOE for Rivian's new plant in Georgia. Which is the part of politics nobody likes because the word was Rivian's hostile relationship with the UAW was said to be a point of contention and funding discussions with the pro-labor Biden administration. Still there's no guarantee Rivian will perform well enough to trigger the new union friendly commitments. Step one here is obviously Rivian actually becoming profitable. And if they do for Rivian's sake hopefully its employees feel that they're being taken care of without the UAW. Just to make it clear again I'm not totally anti-union it's just the UAW specifically has a history of corruption and even if it didn't the way the UAW operates it's likely going to slow things down for Rivian and make things more expensive which is going to make it harder for Rivian to succeed and compete.

Honda just announced that it's going to unveil two dramatic new EV prototypes at CES 2025. They'll represent the next models in their Honda Zero series which are set to hit the market in 2026. These vehicles are supposed to have a brand new operating system. Not only that but Honda is planning to launch its automated driving technologies that will be featured in the Honda Zero series. And to top it off Honda is planning to introduce a new energy service that's scheduled to be launched along with the Honda Zero series models. Tesla Roddy shared that Amazon had reached out to them saying that Rivian has now delivered 20,000 of their electric delivery vans of the 100,000 contract. In March 2023 Amazon had just 3,000 Rivian EVVs in its fleet. Circling back to a Rivian update Quinn Nelson shared some video footage showing the new Google cast feature so from your phone you can cast your videos and movies right to the screen in the Rivian. Eventually decades from now the impact that Tesla has on the world will be studied. Hopefully things like this make it in that documentary. Look I don't have a tip with Elon Musk. He has built a great company. We're working closely with him and his company. They've been a great customer of ours and in fact together we have implemented some new what we call distributed energy resource management tools so we can build out their infrastructure faster.
本田刚刚宣布,他们将于2025年的CES展会上推出两款全新的电动汽车原型。这些新车将成为本田Zero系列的下一批车型,计划于2026年上市。新车型将配备全新的操作系统。不仅如此,本田还计划在Zero系列中引入自动驾驶技术。此外,本田还将推出一项与Zero系列车型同步推出的新能量服务。 与此同时,Tesla Roddy透露,亚马逊已经通知他们说,Rivian已交付20,000辆电动配送货车,这属于一份10万辆的合同。而在2023年3月,亚马逊的车队中只有3,000辆Rivian电动车。 回到Rivian的最新消息,Quinn Nelson分享了一些视频,展示了新的Google cast功能,现在可以通过手机直接将视频和电影投射到Rivian的屏幕上。 从长远来看,几十年后,特斯拉对世界的影响将被研究。希望这样的创新能出现在纪录片中。看,我对Elon Musk没有任何不满。他建立了一家伟大的公司。我们正在与他和他的公司密切合作,他们是我们的重要客户。实际上,我们已经一起实施了一些新的分布式能源资源管理工具,以便更快地建设他们的基础设施。

Tesla wanted a 3.8 megawatt charger station and by our traditional methods we told him you can have that in four years like that we were so slow and then we realized actually with the right tools and right dynamic load management we could get him that capacity that day. So we've changed the way we serve customers Teslas made us a better operator for sure. From four years to one day on X Scott shared some of the main takeaways from that Cybertruck Q&A that we talked about yesterday. Real world crash data from Tesla's fleet influenced additional safety features beyond regulatory requirements ensuring protection in non-standard crash scenarios. The Cybertruck battery pack was intentionally designed with a vent gap between the cells and the bottom of the pack. This ensures impacts to the underside during off-roading dent only the air gap leaving the battery cells themselves unharmed. Power share updates to enable solar compatibility are expected to roll out by late December this year or early January 2025. Future advancements in cell technology are expected to further increase range without requiring additional hardware changes. Tesla stock closed the day at $436.17 down 0.9% while the NASDAQ was down 0.1%. The volume was 17% higher than the average.
特斯拉希望建一个3.8兆瓦的充电站,按照我们的传统方法,我们告诉他需要四年时间,因为我们想得太慢了。然后我们意识到,实际上,使用合适的工具和动态负载管理,我们当天就可以为他提供这样的容量。因此,我们改变了为客户服务的方式,特斯拉确实让我们成为了更好的运营者。从四年到一天,X Scott分享了我们昨天谈到的Cybertruck问答的一些主要收获。特斯拉车队的真实事故数据促使了额外的安全功能,这些功能超出了法规要求,以确保在非标准碰撞情况下的保护。Cybertruck的电池组故意设计了一个通风间隙,位于电池与底部之间。这样可以确保在越野时对底部的冲击只会损伤空气间隙,而电池本身不受影响。为了实现太阳能兼容的电力共享更新预计将在今年12月底或2025年1月初推出。未来的电池技术进步有望在不需要额外硬件更改的情况下进一步增加续航里程。特斯拉股价收于436.17美元,下跌0.9%,而纳斯达克下跌0.1%。成交量比平均水平高出17%。

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