Behind the product: Duolingo streaks | Jackson Shuttleworth (Group PM, Retention Team)
发布时间 2024-12-15 12:00:41 来源
Jackson Shuttleworth is a Group PM at Duolingo, where he leads the retention team and the powerful streak feature. The streak ...
Doolingo is a $14 billion company. It's hitting all time highs too. It just keeps going up. I think it doubled in value in the past six months. Streaks is the most impactful feature. We have right now over 9 million users with a year plus streak. If you look at the numbers, I think has been our biggest growth lover. But Doolingo really focuses on is, you know, how do we help users build habits around language learning? Getting users come back the next day is the biggest problem to solve. Let's get into the mother load of learnings from the journey of Streaks.
Talk about the key lessons in sites and also wrong turns along the way. I'd say like test everything. We've run in the last four years over 600 experiments on the street. So every other day, we've actually set up really good infrastructure for copy testing. We used to say continue are like standard CTA's continue. And we changed that to commit to my goal. And it was like a massive win. There's so much human psychology that you all learn through all these experiments of just like how to motivate people, what motivates would be motivated.
Say that you played a mobile game that you've done it for 3000 days in a row. I don't know. Maybe that hits a little bit different than you've learned Spanish for 3000 days. Today, my guest is Jackson Shetterwirth. Jackson is a group product manager at Doolingo, leading the retention team. This is a different kind of episode that I'm experimenting with, where we spent the entire conversation focused on the journey and lessons of a single feature. In this case, Doolingo streaks.
假设你连续3000天玩了一款手机游戏。我不知道,这种感觉可能和你连续3000天学习西班牙语有些不同。今天,我的嘉宾是Jackson Shetterwirth。他是Doolingo(多邻国)的一位产品经理,负责用户留存团队。这是一种全新的实验性节目,在整个对话中,我们专注于探讨一个特定功能的发展历程和经验。在这期节目中,我们讨论的是Doolingo的"连击"功能。
Doolingo is a $14 billion business. Just over the past six months, they doubled in value. They're hitting all time highs in usage and market cap. They're also one of the very few successful and also the single biggest consumer app business in the world. And as you'll hear from Jackson, the streaks feature is the single most impactful feature that most contributed to this growth and success. In other words, you could argue this one feature created billions of dollars of value, which to me means it is worth studying in depth.
In our conversation, Jackson shares the history of the streaks feature, all the biggest wins and wrong turns they've taken along the way, what he and his team have learned about what works and doesn't work with a streaks mechanic, and also how they set up their teams to operate in a way that allows them to run over 600 experiments on this product and continue to find big wins. I hope to do more episodes like this on features and products that you'd love to hear more about.
So leave a comment, either on YouTube or on Substack and tell me which product or feature you'd love to see me cover. And if you enjoy this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and follow it in your favorite podcasting app or YouTube. It's the best way to avoid missing future episodes and it helps the podcast tremendously. With that, I bring you Jackson Shattleworth. Jackson, thank you so much for being here and welcome to the podcast. Yeah, thank you. Long time listener, first time caller. So I appreciate it.
请在 YouTube 或 Substack 上留下评论,告诉我您希望我介绍哪个产品或功能。如果您喜欢这个播客,请不要忘记在您最喜欢的播客应用或 YouTube 上订阅和关注。这是避免错过未来集数的最佳方式,并且对播客的帮助非常大。接下来,我为大家介绍 Jackson Shattleworth。Jackson,非常感谢你来到这里,欢迎参加这个播客。是的,谢谢你。我是长期听众,这是我第一次打电话参与,所以我非常感激。
So this is going to be a really interesting conversation. I've never done an episode like this before where we basically spend like an hour and hour and a half going into one feature of one product. But this is a very special feature. It's a very special product. Have you ever spent like an hour and hour and a half just talking about this one feature with anyone? Well, internally, when we onboard new folks to the team, we'll do I actually just did this with somebody that joined the team recently where we spent. And I was like, hey, let's spend an hour just talking about the streak. We got through an hour and I got through about 30% of what I wanted to share. There's just so much.We'll talk about this, but there's so much that we've learned over the years. But never anything externally like this. I think we've shared bits and pieces of learnings, but this will be like the the mother load of learnings, hopefully, how dueling goes built the street. We should title this the mother load of learnings of dealing with streaks.
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Okay, so for people that don't know anything about what Duolingo streaks are, can you just first give a brief explanation of what is Duolingo streaks? What does this feature all about? Well, presumably people know Duolingo is a language learning app. The Duolingo streak tracks currently, anyway. How many days in a row you've done a lesson? So you come to Duolingo, you do a lesson. Your first lesson, you'll start a streak, and then every consecutive day that you come, use the app, you'll extend your streak. And I should actually put an asterisk around how many days in a row, because we also have built flexibility into the features.
So we have these things called streak freezes. It's like insurance for your streak. So it's a pretty simple feature in theory. But over time, we've layered on challenges and goal setting and rewards and social features. A lot of our notifications are tied to the streak. So pretty simple feature to understand, but it's been a really rich feature for us to build on top of. Some people might be hearing this be like, who Duolingo streaks? What's the big deal? There's other people that are like, holy shit, I want to learn everything. I can possibly learn about Duolingo streaks. So many companies are trying to copy what you've learned from this.
我们有一种叫做连胜冻结的功能。可以理解为连胜的保险。这一概念本身很简单。但随着时间的推移,我们在其基础上增加了挑战、目标设定、奖励和社交功能。我们的许多通知都与连胜有关。所以这个功能很容易理解,但它是我们扩展和发展的一个重要基础。有些人可能会想,“这是什么,Duolingo 的连胜有什么大不了的?”而另一些人可能会想,“哇,我想了解Duolingo连胜的一切”。许多公司正在努力模仿你们从中学到的经验。
Give people a sense of the impact that this one feature has had on Duolingo's success in group. This is not just the subjective retention PM talking. I think this is our biggest feature with the exception of the lessons. And I think it's actually worth start that. Stricts are a great engagement hack. I'm kind of of the opinion that any team, any app out there can introduce a streak. And if you figure it out, it probably works to retain users. But at the core, you have to have an app that people want to use. And people really like using Duolingo. It's fun. It's delightful. You learn something. And so it allows us to layer an engagement mechanic on top of that.
Like the streak is really powerful. So it ships a disgusting amount of DAUs. Again, it is just, it is, it is our one of our golden geese. And again, what's cool is that like, you know, you look at notifications. Notifications for Duolingo is massive. I mean, you know, us sending better, you know, whether it's copy or timing. So many of our notifications work because they reference the streak, because users care about the streak. And so not only is it itself, us iterating on the streak, a huge driver of DAUs, but it's also something that enables other really high, you know, valuable features.
I was looking up some stats before I came on. And it's pretty crazy. So we have right now over 9 million users with a year plus streak. So 9 million of our users have had used Duolingo every year, almost every day for, you know, well over a year, which is pretty, which is, I don't know, it's, I like to imagine things in terms of like, you know, okay, well, like if you put all these people in a city or, you know, in a place where it would be and like, ah, it's like a very large city. 9 million people. So for a year have been have a year long streak. That's incredible.
I was just looking at the, the stock of Duolingo. So Duolingo is a 14 billion dollar company at the time of recording this. It's hitting all time highs too. It's like, just keeps going up. I think it doubled in value in the past six months, something like that. And what I'm hearing from you is streaks is this other than just like the core learning feature, which is just like the product of Duolingo. This is the most impactful feature in terms of growth and in that retention specifically. I mean, if you look at the numbers, I think pretty objectively has been our biggest growth lover for, for driving DIA use and also say a lot of it's just related to how we think about growth at Duolingo. And a lot of what we try to do is organic growth, you know, we think about growth, you know, just as much as bringing new users onto the platform is not losing them. If you're just bringing people onto the platform and they churn, that's not going to be sustainable. And so as much as we can do to keep our users coming back and actually retaining as users, it's going to make it, it's going to give us a much easier base to continue growing DIA use off of. Perfect. Okay.
Talk about how this feature originally came to be. What was the original version of it? Was the original insight that led to be one? Yeah. So the oldest streaks are as old as Duolingo itself. We, when we launched Duolingo, we launched with the street. And I say we, I was like just graduating undergrad when Duolingo launched. So this is well before my time. But we launched with a streak feature. The, you know, the initially how the, how the feature worked was you'd come to Duolingo and you'd set a goal for yourself. And it was an XP based goal. So Duolingo, a little bit of like, you know, nomenclature, we have an experience point in space, system that drives a lot of our features in the app. And the way you'd set it is you'd say, you know, based on what your language learning goal was, you know, maybe you have a 10 experience point goal versus a 50 experience point goal. And so extending your streak would be, hey, can you hit 50 experience points if that's what you said your goal to be. And this worked well. I think this also speaks to like how Duolingo initially grew. You know, we were, Luis launched it with a TED talk. You know, we probably had a more tech forward user base, you know, initially. And so this whole idea of like an experience point space streak system made sense.
But what that also meant is that you could have a user come and use the app, do multiple lessons a day. Maybe they just set too hard of a goal for themselves and then lose their streak, which I don't, you know, you don't need to be an expert in streaks to understand that's probably not good. You know, the nice thing with how we initially set it up though is it really did connect with what your goal was. So if you were serious, let's track how good you are at being a serious language learner. But I'd say one of the most impactful experiments we ran was about, this is actually as I was joining, we had or just after I joined, we had run this experiment was to move it from a XP based streak to just do one lesson a day and you'd extend your streak. And you know, the risk that you can sort of imagine is, well, then users kind of care less about it because it's not connected with their goal. And we saw none of that. I mean, this was huge driver of D.A.U.s just making it, making it easier to extend your streak. But I think really importantly, it's still meaningful, right? Like the unit of use, and you know, as you're thinking about building a streak, like I think it's really important to think about like what the unit of use of your app is. The unit of use for Doolingo is like doing a lesson. And so if what we care about is users coming back every day and doing a lesson, because it shows that they're actually engaging with the app, then it doesn't hurt us to make our streak focus on just do one unit versus multiple. And so that was like probably the big seed change experiment that we ran, you know, at the time was moving from an XP based streak to a one lesson streak. It's also simple. And I think that's like one of the things to think about with streaks. It's always easy as a PM to like over, you know, have a million goals or objectives for what you want your feature to be and potentially build a more complex feature. You know, one lesson streak, it's just easy for more users to understand.
Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say. And just for folks that aren't super familiar with XP, it's basically experience points and you get them from like doing things. It's like, yeah, you do stuff on Doolingo and then based on what you did and how well you did it, we give you experience points. This actually drives a number of our features in our app. So leaderboards is the big one. You know, we have a leaderboard system where you try over the course of the week, battle with 29 other people and you want to win. That's all driven by XP. So we do have other features in the app that really benefit from this XP system. The streak is just no longer one of them. Awesome.
Okay. So I want to talk about the journey from that point to what it is today, but a quick tangent. I saw Louise tweet just this week, someone asked them, how do you decide whether to optimize for learning or engagement? And he's like, no question. Everything we do is focused on engagement because you won't learn anything if you're not coming back to the app. As an engagement PM, that was like the coolest thing he could have ever tried. It's, well, again, very much as a subjectively, I guess, as an engagement PM.
好的。我想聊一下从那时到今天的历程,但先插一句。我刚刚看到 Louise 发的推文,有人问他如何决定是要优化学习还是参与度。他的回答是毫无疑问,我们所做的一切都是专注于参与度,因为如果你不回到这个应用程序,你什么都学不到。作为一名专注于用户参与的产品经理,这对我来说真是太棒了。当然,这也是我作为一名注重参与度的产品经理的主观感受。
I mean, that's how I've, you know, I'm sure my learning, the learning folks at Doolingo cringe when they hear it. Like I see myself as a learning PM as much as an engagement PM because the easiest way not to learn on Doolingo is not to come back the next day. And so if we don't make the app retentive, you will have no opportunity to engage with our learning features. Now, I do think that there is a long tail of learning where if you start to dumb down, and honestly, this is something we wrestle with the streak as well, you start to dumb down the experience and your users aren't actually learning, they're not going to care. I mean, streaks were best when they're sitting on top of an app, you know, that users care about. But yeah, I mean, if you can't come, you know, if you don't come learn on Doolingo, you know, if you don't come back to Doolingo, then you're not learning.
So, you know, we, I mean, we track a lot of this with, you know, the work that we do, we make sure that as we're making changes to the streak, we're not hurting the learning experience, and we don't have a ton of interaction with it. So we're constantly thinking about this, but thank you, Luis, for saying that. It makes sense to me.
Okay, so let's get into the mother load of learnings from the journey of streaks. So the first version went from XP to one lesson. Talk about the key lessons in sites and also wrong turns along the way to what we see today. Doolingo has very much, you know, has a strong like test it philosophy. You know, we're willing to test a lot of different, honestly, we'd much rather test it than like debate it for, you know, days and days. So we actually followed up this experiment with, and this is a little bit later with, hey, what if we make it even easier to extend your streak? And so we actually tested, hey, if you do one exercise, just one exercise in a lesson, we'll extend your streak. In a lot of, like, the insight was good. Like you look at the funnel, hey, there's a lot of users who are starting, but not finishing lessons or not extending your streak. The loss of version doesn't kick in. They don't, you know, come back.
So this kind of followed that train of thought. What we realized when we ran this experiment is, you know, DAU's moved not one bit. And what we were doing by, and this, if we go back to like a unit of measure, you know, we had dumbed down the unit of, and nobody thinks about, I just want to come, you do one question on dual-income. Nobody thinks about that. So we had more like a less clear unit of measure that we were basing our streak around. And the users that we were capturing with our streak, you know, you come, you do one or two questions on dual-income, then you leave. We're like the least engaged users imaginable. And so, you know, I think that's something else to think about as you're building your streak, is like, what is the user that you're solving for? So not only what is the kind of habit that you're building for, but like what is the level of commitment?
That was an example where we over-indexed on a type of user who we honestly just weren't going to keep. That was a very easy shutdown, shutdown decision. That's an awesome story. I just, just to comment on that real quick, just like you went, like let's just go to the extreme and make it just like streaks. Yeah, get everyone going streaks forever. And then I love that it turned out and it's not bringing users that you want, and it's dumbing down the experience. It makes me think of Farmville, where you have to go and like harvest your crops every whatever hour, and just like, like that lasts for a bit. And then eventually people are like, what the hell am I doing with my life? Exactly. No, we, I mean, and we test every, so we, I was looking at the numbers as well. We've run in the last four years, over 600 experiments on the streak. So every other day, effective 100, we're running an experiment. And they range from big like this, like changing how the mechanic works to like, let's swap a string with another string and see if that copy is better, you know, for, for users. So, so we're constantly testing on, on everything.
I do think that like, I'd be more careful running that experiment now. Like at some point your streak gets big enough that, again, I got 9 million users on the streak. I got to be really careful. Those are our best retaining users. You know, you got to be careful, but in the early days of the streak, I'd say like, test everything. I mean, see what, don't get, don't get super caught up and it has to be like this. Just test a bunch of stuff and see what speaks most to users. Because I think, you know, again, you will constantly be surprised by the, the insights that you get from whether you, we, we shut down about half of our experiments. So half of our big, of our experiments lose. We still learn a ton by virtue of, of running them. So super, super valuable. That's actually a good success rate. A lot of companies have only 20% of experiments be positive. What's your policy on is if it's neutral, do you ship it or do you kill it? Really depends if, if we're adding something and it's, and it's neutral, we tend to, to shut it down because it's just more cognitive load. It's something that we're going to have to start building around a new UI element that we have to figure out if it's in your system.
I'd say when we do ship a neutral experiment is something that, that we have real conviction around, okay, yeah, maybe this was neutral, what it's going to give us a new platform to then build on top of. So that experience might be neutral, but now we can build these DAU positive experiments. It might general take there as though in that case, build that in as part of your V one so that, you know, you make sure that like at least your hypothesis around this roadmap, you know, has play, you know, should probably be the case. But in general, shutting down a neutral experiment so you don't introduce more complexity to the app is, is, is the way we tend to go. Make sense. All right. What else? What else have you learned along the journey?
Well, I mean, maybe I can talk about a few different ways that we structure, you know, a few different themes that I think we, we lean on. So the first is focusing on the zero to seven day user experience. And I would say this is, if you look at the kind of, you know, whatever breakdown of experiments are, we run definitely more than average number of experiments on getting users to go from a zero to seven day streak. And a lot of this is because we've looked at the data for, you know, our retention curves. And what we found is that once you get to seven days, Lasha version kicks in and you retain. So going from a one to a two day streak, huge jump in retention, two to three day streak, slightly less, but still huge. And it's up until day seven. Once you hit day seven, it flattens out. And it's not to say that like, you know, if you're a, you have a 30 day streak, you're way more attentive than day seven, but not in the order of magnitude that it is from from day one through seven. So we do a ton of work to get users to that point where Lasha version kicks in and then they don't want to, they don't want to leave the app.
One of the fun ones that we did, and it's honestly as much about process as it is about the feature itself was we have a feature called street goal. And it is, again, so much of the stuff seems so obvious in retrospect. But, you know, it was really novel at the time. You know, we had this idea of like, hey, maybe we'll just goal users to hitting a certain street clang. As you can imagine, this is pretty powerful, you know, user psychology. And we started with the simplest version of this. And this is how Duolingo does a lot of our testing. You know, rather than design the big complex feature for V one, just do like the simplest encapsulation of what that feature can be. See if it has legs and then just add to it iteratively over time. This is partially how we get to, you know, 600 plus experiments on streaks. They're not all big ones, but we started and it was funny. We actually took a learning from our modernization team.
So one of the strings that they had, the pieces of copy that they had worked really, really well was, I think it was your like 5.6 times more likely to finish the course if you subscribe to plus. It's sort of, you know, now it's super our subscription. And it was a really good hook that if you, if you really cared, you'd sign up. And so we ran a similar, we had a similar thought where it's like, oh, let's just tell you how much more likely you are to finish the course if you get a 30 day streak. And so we started with that. And I think it was like, you're seven times more likely to finish the course if you have a 30 day streak. And just that message when you started your streak, I was telling you that was awesome. Huge win. You know, indicating an outcome and like Duolingo doesn't have, we don't, but we have a gem economy, but we don't actually have like, you know, it's just, it's all you learning, but being able to actually talk about it in terms of the outcomes that a user would think about. In this case, trying to finish the course was a huge win. So this is where we started and we're like, ah, goal setting. All right, we should go much harder on that. Found some.
他们用过的一条文案非常有效,我记得当时是这样的:“如果你订阅了Plus,完成课程的可能性将提高5.6倍。”这是个非常好的吸引点,传达的是如果你真的在意,就应该订阅。所以我们也有了类似的想法,比如告诉你如果连续学习30天,你完成课程的可能性会有多大提高。我们从这个开始,数据显示如果你坚持30天学习,完成课程的可能性会提高7倍。这个信息在你刚开始“连续学习时长”时传达出来,效果非常好。取得了巨大的成功。虽然像 Duolingo 这样的平台没有直接涉及结果导向的功能,比如宝石经济,但能够从用户关心的结果,比如完成课程的角度来谈论学习带来的效果,是一次巨大的进步。因此,我们意识到,在目标设定方面,我们应该更加努力,并取得了一些成果。
Found a thing. And now let's just beat that kind of it. So we followed that up with another experiment where we tested different lengths. So we test 14 days and 50 days and we found that they were all good, but they they appealed to different users. And so we started to realize, all right, well, we probably need to be more thoughtful about who we give, you know, these different options to. And and so then we followed that experiment up with, all right, let's start with 30 days and then we're going to let you opt out. You know, we'll say, no, I don't think I can hit it. And our thinking was, and then if you say, no, we'll hit you with an easier goal. Because we just wanted to get you to commit to a goal. And this was a fascinating one because it was a good win to give users that easier goal to try to capture, capture them before they said no. But it was almost just as big a win to add that opt out button.
So we tested separately and I'm a huge fan of testing, like way too many arms for an experiment, just to like be able to isolate your hypotheses. But but we captured, you know, just what happens if we add an opt out button? And adding an opt out button, when you would think like as a PM, oh, I'm like, you know, now users might not engage with my feature. That's a bad thing. But it was a huge win to let them do that. And and the learning here was that this intentionality of saying, no, I want it previously, it was just a continue button. But now it's like, no, I want to hit 30 days and having that be an intentional decision for them. Yes or no, even though again, this had no impact, no, no, or no impact past this screen. Everything that I'm talking about now was, you know, just that screen that day and then was all thrown out. So that optionality was was was, you know, a huge insight.
And so because of that, we built a goal setting feature where you could choose between different goals, giving users that optionality was was likewise a huge win. I'll say one, one final learning on this. Again, you talk about like friction and good and bad friction. We thought once we built, you know, a goal picker screen where you could pick between different street lengths, we were like, oh, well, let's like recommend that users do a hard, you know, a harder goal thinking that, okay, well, harder goal is going to be better retention and we'll pre select the harder goal for them. And this based on all the learnings that I just shared with you, you probably imagine lost pretty significantly. We realized that like, yes, we could speed users through the screen more by virtue of picking a goal for them. But like that act of selecting, I think it's 30 days, I think it's 14 days was where we were getting so much of the engagement from this feature.
There's so much human psychology that you all learn through all these experiments of just like how to motivate people what motivates would you motivate? It was like, you guys should write a book on human psychology and motivation. I feel very much like a amateur armchair psychologist with everything that at least as far as people who want to learn languages on their phone go. Right. Right. I really understand those folks. So one, one kind of theme I'm hearing here so far is you guys are basically just like mining for gold, just like looking for like a vein in some mine. And once you hit it, you're like, oh, this worked. You just go crazy on just testing all kinds of things to see how far you can take that one little thread. Yeah.
And I think, you know, I shared that that the how this idea came partially from, you know, modernization, win that they had. I think there's a lot of, you know, because Duolingo runs, you know, I don't know what percentile we're in, but it's got to be a very high percentile of, you know, per capita experiments run for a company. You know, based on company size, we're just constantly learning so many things. And there's a really great cross sharing of monetization. Say, Hey, this thing worked for us. Is that something you can use? So I'd say it's rare that we go into something where it's just like, right. I was just, let's just try something. Typically we have some insight because of all of these experiments that we've run that, Hey, if we do this, I don't know, it's one here or it's worked here. It's driven this user engagement. If we, you know, sort of massage that and make it, you know, try in this, you know, scenario or like a different screen, you know, we come in at least with the strong hypothesis of this will work.
A lot of times we do look and we're like, you know, a lot of the apps that we look at actually are games themselves. So it's like, all right, you're playing Royal match or, you know, there's the new Pokemon trading card game that I'm spending way too much time on. You know, you, you, you look at these games and see what they're doing. And it's really good fodder for what we can do. But a lot of times you're at least going with a strong hypothesis based on what you've seen work elsewhere. You got it. So just to double down on that point, it's not like just random experiments. It's here's a hypothesis. We were fairly confident or has a chance to be true. Let's try it. It's not just just try everything. And I think that like how strongly you feel about the hypothesis directly ties to how hard that experiment is like with copy, for instance, we, we've actually set up really good infrastructure for copy testing. And I'm of the opinion that companies should run as long as you have a user base to do it, like copy test constantly, like the amount of copy test that we've had that is just like that of one and you, I don't know, you just, you just try things and you figure out when is is definitely legion and if ship like massive whens from little copy changes.
很多时候,我们观察应用程序时会发现,其实很多应用本身就是游戏。比如说,你可能在玩《皇家比赛》或者是我花了太多时间玩的新的《宝可梦交易卡牌游戏》。你观察这些游戏,看看它们在做什么,这为我们提供了很好的启发。但是,大多数情况下,我们至少会基于其他地方成功的案例形成一个强有力的假设。你懂的。 我要强调这一点,我们不是在进行随机的实验,而是在这里有一个假设,我们对其有信心,或者认为它有可能成立,然后我们去尝试。并不是漫无目的地尝试所有事情。我认为,你对假设的信心程度直接关系到实验的难度。比如在文案测试方面,我们实际上为文案测试建立了非常好的基础设施。我认为,只要公司有用户基础,可以不断进行文案测试,因为我们进行的文案测试就像一次次的实验,你会发现,这些小的文案变化可能会带来巨大的成功。
Is there an example of that? Or just like the impact going back to that goal screen. We used to say continue our like standard CTA is continue. And we changed that to commit to my goal. And it was like a massive one, even just, you know, and again, it was like, okay, users tapping on that. What are we asking them to do commit to the goal? What is that going to lead them to do commit? Not, you know, churn. Just that little copy change that one time right there led to huge wins and copy changes are so cheap. Like it's just your translators, you know, for us, you know, we have a lot of users all over the world in the UI languages. So, but like just come up with a bunch of ideas, translate some strings. This is one where, you know, the feedback that you'll typically get from Louisa. So all of our changes at Duolingo go through product review that, you know, are reviewed by Louisa reviews every single change that, you know, we propose or every experiment that we run.
To believe with copy, he's just like, I don't know, tested like there's nothing better than be told by Luis. I don't think this is going to win, but sure, if you want to. And a lot of times, you know, to his credit, he's right. And a lot of times, you know, our intuition was right, but it's just so cheap to do it. I think when the lift is smaller, it's great to have hypothesis, but, you know, you don't need to beat it up too much.
So on this threat, I didn't realize Luis reviews everything you're planning to change. And this may be the answer to the question I was going to ask, which is one of the criticisms of running a product and company this way of just experimenting constantly with all these micro improvements and changes as it can lead to something. Like a monstrosity of a product and experience that isn't consistent and cohesive. And just like that often happens is the solution to that having the founder basically review all the changes. Is there anything else you all do to avoid it moving and becoming farm bill or whatever is a good example?
Yeah, our product review structure where we've got our head of product design, one of the lead, you know, the product management leaders and then Luis and PR. And because they see everything, you know, they have a really high product bar. And so that helps. I think over time, we just as PMs have to look at, OK, where is our feature headed? And so, you know, we do this with the streak, at least on a quarterly basis to look at, OK, well, what have we learned? You know, how is our streak developed and how do we imagine this going in your future?
I don't think, you know, it's easy to do, you know, and end in some sort of awful local maxima. If you're not constantly looking at your roadmap and thinking, you don't have a clear strategy, you know, for me, it's like. If you have a clear strategy for where your feature is going, hopefully all of those A.B. tests are not just done, you know, to get some cheap gain. They're done with a long term goal in mind. I do think though, and we do this every now and then with the streak, eventually you just hit a local maxima and you say, like you talked about lunch and neutral experiments. This is a great example. It's like, all right, cool. Now we need to throw a bunch of this stuff out based on all the learnings. Can we reset this real estate? Can we reset this UI, reset this feature in such a way that is just as good as what we have now, but is way more plain or simple that we can, again, start to layer on those are those are really hard experiments to get when to win, obviously, because they are so optimized, but they're really important to do.
Otherwise, yeah, you just end up with a kitchen sink of a feature. One other tidbit I just want to mention, something that the advantage you all have that other companies don't have is people want to learn like they want to learn the language. And so getting pushed to come back to an app for something that they want to do is not an advantage a lot of products have. So anything you want to add there of just like, this is why doing go might be a little different from what you're working on. I mean, that is definitely a benefit if I had an app that this is actually why I think a lot of mobile games do streaks differently because, you know, to say that you played a mobile game and somebody who plays a lot of mobile games, you know, that you've done it for 3000 days in a row. Like, I don't know, maybe that hits a little bit different than you've learned Spanish for 1000 days in a row.
I think the comparison set is much larger, though, than a lot of companies give them credit for themselves credit for. And I think that there's a lot of ways that companies think about their very few companies I imagine out there in the world saying, oh, we don't do some degree of good for our users. Even if it's like a game, it's like, I don't know, you're like making your given somebody a moment away from the craziness of their lives. And so I do think, though, that is contingent on companies who are going to figure out if a streak works for them to figure out how can you frame the streak in such a way that a user can do it. A user does feel good about it. And it's easier for, you know, a Duolingo, but, you know, I think there's creative ways to phrase this for users.
You know, the other thing, maybe just on that, that I'll say is the streak works really well for Duolingo because with language learning, it's really hard to see day to day progress and becoming more fluent, like become an influency is not even the right word. It's like becoming better at Spanish or whatever. It is a year's long process for someone to get better at a language. I mean, Duolingo makes it easier, but you still got to put in thousands of hours if you're going to reach, you know, see one or see two fluency. And that is really hard to track on a day to day. And so the streak works really well for us because we might not be able to tell you, hey, you now know 0.0, you know, 1% more Spanish, but we can show you, hey, like, you've gotten your streak a little bit higher. And so I think this works particularly well when you're at apps that is doing something that's going to be sensed or felt over a longer term to help contextualize that progress in a way that makes more sense, or at least feels more tangible to a user.
Great. That was a great context empowering to a lot of companies that aren't necessarily doing language learning. OK, so I took us on a long tangent away from lessons and experiments you ran along the journey of iterating on the streak. So a few things you've shared so far is just like it started being like started with this XP idea and then went to like a lesson. Then you iterated on ways to make it simpler, maybe harder. You had it's three goals where you commit to like I'm going to hit a certain goal of streak. What else? What else have you found that has worked didn't work lessons learned?
You know, again, sticking with this one to seven days streak, you know, it is the idea of a streak, particularly probably to this audience is like, obviously, like, oh, it's a streak. It, you know, goes. It just counts how many days we've realized over time that a lot of users do not understand how a streak works. And it can be as big as, you know, as small as, well, I don't understand how streak freezes work or I don't like my mom the other day was talking to you about. She's like, oh, my, I like didn't use Duolingo and I come back and my streak still there. So like there's like certain elements of the feature that, you know, we can do better at explaining. But even like what a streak is, it's, it's tracking how many days that I've used the app. Yeah.
The more that we can make the feature easily comprehensible to users, the more retentive it is. And it, and, and we've run a number of experiments to this, you know, as simple. You talked about, you asked about early, easy copy changes that we made. So this is my first win experiment when I joined Duolingo was when you start a streak, we use, we have a little copy at the bottom of the screen that just, I don't know, it's kind of like flavor copy. We use it to celebrate you or give you context. And I ran some tests that just like tried to and eight words, explain what a streak was. That was it. And it was a massive win because it really required like it really dumb down here is exactly how the streak worked. And it really helped users just understand what they needed to do. And I think this is something that's like, you kind of constantly got to remind yourself, particularly if you work in tech and you're building cool tech features, but you're user base is not a bunch of tech workers to like think about, all right, who is my audience? And for us, it's not just like tech workers, I people in America, people all over the world of all ages of all cultures. And so making sure that your, your, your feature is even something as simple as the streak is understandable. It's critical.
What was the actual copy? Do you remember? It was still, I think it's still in the app. Like started a day to extend your streak, but miss a day and it resets something like that. Makes sense to be very clear. Yeah. It words. I love that. Okay. And then when you say massive wind, by the way, just to give people a reference point, what do you, what does that look like? What is a massive win in this scale? Well, and it's, and it's funny. I mean, this was, and this was four years ago, but I think it was like in the order of magnitude of over 10,000 DAUs for us. And actually maybe this small bit of context. So Duolingo really cares about the metric cur current user retention rate. And actually our first ever Duolingo post with Lenny was the newsletter that our former head of product wrote, Jorge. The still the single most popular newsletter post of all time in my newsletter across 300. I would highly recommend that if you are interested in this, give it a read.
Um, you know, to summarize, basically what we found is that. If we wanted to drive DAUs and Duolingo cares, you know, our growth North Star is DAUs, the metrics that is most. Effective, you know, where a percentage change that metric is most effective at driving DAUs is current user retention rate. And this is just users who are not new or resurrected, getting them to come back tomorrow. And so most of the work that our teams do, our retention based teams do is focused on cur. And so the retention team that I lead focused on cur just so happens to streak is the best feature at driving cur.
And so this was this experiment was the biggest cur when that we had had. I was like a top three cur when anyway for us, just this little coffee, right? And as always, they like to have coffee a thousand different ways. Sometimes it's not the big, beautiful feature, you know, that's going to drive the huge gains, huge gain. Sometimes it's just something simple as a few words. I love this. Uh, okay. So when you said 10,000 days, I think that references you guys measure incremental impact and absolute numbers of new daily users you're going to drive with attributed to that experiment. So yeah, and we do both. I mean, we'll also look at like a lot of times I'll look at, you know, for retention day one versus day seven versus day 14. A lot of what I'm looking for is for us to have a better day 14, excuse me, better day 14 impact than better day day one impact. Because it means that users are retaining better over time. This is particularly for users that would see a future multiple times. I just like absolute Dau numbers because as long as you're controlling for, you know, different biases, like a recency bias or a novelty bias, it's a really easy way to just have an absolute comparison. You know, you start to look at percentage changes and then it's influenced by who your treatment, you know, how many users saw the experiment. But at least, you know, an absolute number is easier in my mind to start comparing again.
They're a doubt, you know, they're pitfalls with it, but we find that that's pretty useful way. That lesson comes up a lot on this podcast and that approach to experiment. So yeah, you're a good, you're in good company, quick tangent. If there's not an answer to this, no problem. Coming back to the idea of just like experimenting like crazy and not creating a product that nobody wants to use anymore long term. Is there an example of an experiment that was positive that you all decided, no, we don't actually think this is what we want in the product, they ended up not shipping.
You know, retention doesn't only work on the streak, although, you know, you would you would think we'd most of our work is the streak. We've touched a lot of different surfaces over the years and there was one experiment that we launched that, you know, we talked about XP earlier. In the lesson, the only UI elements are a progress bar at the top and then how many hearts you have, right? So we keep it really simple and this very much speaks to the design, you know, philosophy of Duolingo, which is simpler. The UI is better and we decided, hey, let's add XP in there. And so let's show your XP ticking up as you're going, you know, through a lesson and that's going to make the user feel good. It's going to give, you know, show you what you've earned. You're going to be less likely to quit. All of these good reasons to do it.
And then you finish the lesson and then we'll show you've collected all this XP and it and it won. I mean, the hypothesis was a good one. But we realized and I remember having this conversation with Louise is like, cool, this is our most important screen in the app. It is our lesson is where users learn and the focus here is on learning. And now you've added this other thing up there to distract, you know, that could be distracting for users. And I think the question, you know, we talked about roadmaps and strategy here, the question that he had for me and I didn't have a good answer for at the time was like, so what else are you going to do with us? Like, what's your iteration ideas? Where is this going to go? Is this going to make the, you know, lesson experience more gamified or in what we realized is that like, honestly, it was kind of just you know, an easy engagement when idea, but we had touched our most, you know, sacred space in the app to do that.
And so that was a case where it's like, yeah, it was a nice win, but we had added that UI element and, you know, at least at the time, it was less clear what we would do with it. And we realized that like long term, it was just going to get in the way and we'd rather for simplicity sake, pause that, you know, shut it down and keep the lesson, you know, to be a little bit of learning. And sanctuary was now it's funny. Nowadays, I think we actually have enough XP based mechanics and fun things that we can do that like, I think actually a lot of our, you know, the beliefs about the lesson experience have changed such that something like that could work. But at the time, you know, didn't feel good to keep that around. That is an awesome example.
Hopefully we have time to talk about how the team operates, where my mind goes as like, oh, but you have all these PMs and teams that want to show impact and the performance reviews and all that stuff. And you're shipping something that we did away. So I want to chat about that later. But let's keep going on things you've learned and things that didn't work on the journey. The other thing that I'll call out with the streak is, you know, it's like we have the image of the streak is this flame, right? And, you know, we have the streak flame and it's very much corduroyconography. It's important to acknowledge that that's a metaphor for a retention mechanic, like the idea of keeping a flame lit.
And again, if you think we've established the flame as, you know, for a lot of users as sort of their understanding of a streak, which is great. But there's a lot of people, you know, in different cultural context and different, you know, stages of life where the idea of like keeping a flame lit to show your commitment to something makes less sense. We did some UXR in India many years ago, and this was something that just like did not resonate at all there, which was, which was a really interesting learning. And that's something it's like, again, depending upon what your user base is, like, the more global UXR you can do to understand how users are actually understanding and experience your feature the better, because you just, again, encounter insights like this.
And so even our screen design, you know, we used to have a flame. It was just it was mostly this flame that would like light up every day. But again, it was like an indication of a metaphor for a mechanic. And when we redesigned it, we did this. Kurt, our one of our animators did this awesome odometer animation where it's like your number would tick every day. It looked kind of like look good. But from a product perspective, what was cool is we actually focused the design on the screen to show your number going up. And then it would say, you know, like seven day streak, eight day streak.
And I think that as you're thinking about designing around a streak, don't get too bought up, you know, or caught up into like what is this, you know, like the beautiful story that you're trying to tell at the expense of it being a really comprehensible feature. And so as you're thinking about product design, making that product design a clear distillation of this is what we're actually tracking, you know, form should follow a function here. You know, was a was a learning for us. And you'll see that now in a lot of places where we're showing streak, we're really leading with the number, not necessarily the flame. That's all. That's a theme that I'm hearing again. And again, is clarity.
Don't obsess with making into thought like clever and don't ever think it just like clarity has a big impact. Clarity also doesn't have to come at the expense of delight. And this is something where, you know, you hit a milestone and duo gets the, you know, it becomes, we call him a Phoenix duo and he becomes awesome and you know, lights on fire. And I think there are things that you can do to still make the experience really exciting and delightful and celebratory. And I would, I would not lose that, but just don't do it at the expense.
And I think it's also about figuring out for what, you know, you can get away with doing more of this for users who are deeper into their streak experience than users who are starting where it's like your goal for the one day street users just to make sure do they understand how this feature works. I mean, even something again, just like another random experiment at the bottom of the street screen with a calendar. And over the years, it just looks more and more calendar like, and that is simply because we find that the more we make it look like a calendar days on top, you know, little circles, the check, like more, we make it look like calendar, the more that people realize, hey, this is a day, a daily mechanic.
And so think about the screen holistically, but every single thing that you're doing on the screen, how can you use it to communicate? What is the point of this feature? How does it work? This episode is brought to you by Koda. I use Koda every day to coordinate my podcasting and newsletter workflows. From collecting questions for guests to storing all my research to managing my newsletter content calendar, Koda is my go-to app and has been for years. Koda combines the best of documents, spreadsheets and apps to help me get more done.
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Head over to slash Lenny and sign up to get six free months of the team plan. That's slash Lenny to sign up and get six months of the team plan. slash Lenny. I imagine one of the biggest wins was just giving people flexibility along the journey, like streak freezes on all these things. Is that a big vein of opportunity discovered? It is. It is. Actually, I'm going to show you the one of the thoughtful guests that anybody has ever given to me. This is our Duolingo serenity or streak serenity prayer, my co-ed.
At Koda. It's like it's like it's for me. It's amazing. And so it says, Luis, grant me the serenity to accept the flexibility I need, the courage to reach perfection when I can and the wisdom to celebrate regardless. And that actually is like kind of our strategy with the streak. So the show and tell, by the way, that was great. Yeah, I will.
Well, I guess for podcast listeners, we'll have to get an image somewhere. This idea of like flexibility versus perfection and then regardless celebration is core to how we think about the streak. Because I think for the streak for us, it's very much a bend not break. If you're going to miss a day, I'd rather you come back having missed that day to an intact streak. But if you don't have to miss a day, I'd much rather you don't. I'd much rather you come back and use the app every day. And so that thing on flexibility, though, that's almost certainly been the biggest, you know, from a canic perspective, the biggest DAU driver. You know, one of the earliest experiments we ran was going from you still only be able to have one streak freeze. And then we let you have either two or three.
So we tested two different arms. It was a none again, another huge DAU win. This actually is funny. It was something that this is again kind of a call back to that growth model post from from Jorge. It actually was really bad for Kerr because we were basically saying, hey, you can take a day off. You know, that's OK, but it was really good for this is going to be like alphabet soup. I war an active weekly active user retention return rate. So basically users who had taken a day off, we were getting them to come back more at higher rates. And so it made up for our losses and curve.
我们测试了两个不同的方案。结果再次令人惊讶,每日活跃用户(DAU)有了很大的提升。这件事其实挺有趣的,这又让人想起了Jorge关于增长模型的帖子。对Kerr来说,这方案其实非常不利,因为我们基本上是在告诉用户:“嘿,你可以休息一天,这没关系。” 但这对于“字母汤”(译者注:指一大串缩写)来说却非常有利。我指的是每周活跃用户的留存率和回流率。基本上,那些休息过一天的用户,我们让他们以更高的比例回来了。因此,这弥补了我们在Kerr方面的损失。
But effectively what this meant is that, you know, why two streak freezes work better than one was, I don't know, sometimes people just need a lot more flexibility than one day. But one of the again, the really interesting inside of this experiment was that three streak freezes was actually no better than two streak freezes. And there were two competing things here. And I think this is important if you're going to build a streak, you know, to figure out what your flexibility mechanic is. We are getting more users to return after longer times away to an inact, you know, to an intact streak.
But if you start taking three days off from any habit, it's just going to be less likely that you return even four days later. And so we had these competing things where users might more users might be returning to a streak. A lot of users were also just not coming back. We were training them to, you know, take more time off. So that flexibility, what's the right amount of, I mean, we've again, this is another area we've run. Hundreds of experiments on what is the right number of flexibility? What is the right amount of flexibility? And we, we are constantly surprised here. We we don't, I still don't have the answer for at every point in your street journey.
How much flexibility you need. One thing that I can say with certainty though is give more flexibility when a user is starting their streak. Again, one of our biggest street freeze experiment wins, I feel like I'm constantly saying this, one of our biggest wins, but they all were really, really big.
One of our biggest street freeze wins was when you start a new streak, we give you two street freezes. And again, it's so funny to think back. It's like, how are we not doing this to begin with? But at the time, the street freeze was kind of an overly gamified mechanic. You had to buy them with gems. That's our in app currency, you know, because we wanted the whole idea of, you know, this to feel like you, like it was really, you know, something you earned that, you know, there was a little bit of pain to getting that streak freeze.
And so we tested though, what if we just give users when they start off their streak to streak, streak freezes and holy smokes to that win. And it's sort of obvious now, you know, in retrospect, but if you have a one or a two or a three day streak, it's really easy just to let it die and reason. You start, you know, again, you need to get to seven days that what we've seen in the data for it to really lock in.
And so giving users more flexibility so it's harder to lose their streak initially and then conversely, and this is what we keep learning. Eventually, once people get on long streaks, you kind of don't want to give them as much flexibility, you know, because there's a lot of times where, yeah, users don't add, I'm like this, I've got like a 400 day streak. Note that that is a lot less time than I've been at Duolingo. I have lost and restarted streaks a lot of times at my time at Duolingo. But you start getting on long streaks and you really care about this feature. You really care about your streak.
为了增加用户的灵活性,我们希望在一开始尽量降低他们失去连续使用记录的难度。不过,反过来说,我们不断学习到,一旦用户建立了长时间的连续记录,就不想给他们太多的自由度。很多时候,用户没有添加新的学习内容,比如我有一个400天的连续记录,但我在 Duolingo 的使用时间比这要长得多,因为我曾多次失去并重新开始记录。但是,当你开始形成较长的连续记录时,你会非常在意这个功能,你会非常关心你的连续记录。
And most people, as long as you're not like backpacking through, I don't know, you know, the backcountry of Utah, you know, you'll, you'll be in a place where you can get service. And so figuring out where is the, you know, who is the user that actually could use Duolingo and not conditioning. And then the reason why, you know, I think that you can, you know, make a difference between them to start taking days off that they didn't otherwise need to do is important to figure out sort of where that line is for your future.
It was fascinating. You can also buy a streak, right? Like with money, that's a feature. Yeah, you can. It's funny. This is also something that you buy. Yeah, you can buy a streak. Or free. Sorry. Not a street. Yes. You can buy a streak freeze. And the way it works is you can buy gems and then you can use those gems to buy a streak. And this is something we wrestle with. We're actively working on experiment right now that's having a small hit revenue, but it's a really nice one for retention.
And I think it's actually worth thinking about from day one as you're building a streak. Do you see this more as a modernization feature? Or do you see this more as a retention feature? What's the role of modernization in this? What's the role of retention? And I think for us, it started out much more organically. And so we have a lot of like modernization hooks that, again, as the retention PM, I would love to get rid of. But again, it's sort of part of how the streak works right now.
And so we always have this tension of, hey, if we start to make it harder to buy streak freezes, then fewer people buy them, buy gems to buy them. And so there's this more convoluted series of impacts that happen. I love that people wanting to buy streak freezes, like the ultimate sign of how much streaks matter. Yeah, it's streak. Streak freezes.
The other big one that we've recently demonetized or introduced a free option for is getting back a loss streak. So used to lose the streak, we had a feature in the day, you know, back in the day called Streak Repair. We'd give you your streak back. You had to pay gems. But we found out worked way better was a feature called Earnback. And this is basically where you would have to do a certain number of lessons as long as you came back within a window soon after losing your streak. Do a few lessons and we just give you your streak back. And that was such a retention winner. And again, what we thought about was it feels like you've earned it so much more when you've done like you deserve to have your streak back.
We haven't cheapened the streak because you've done something. And in this sense, this idea of cheapening the streak is something like from a philosophical philosophy of the street from a philosophical level. We wrestle with all the time of cool. We're giving out more streak freezes. At what point do we cross the line and users start to realize their streak means nothing? Now, everything that we've seen users are totally cool with using streak freezes and still thinking about the streak is this meaningful thing. But my co lead Antonio who made that awesome cross stitch for me, she is sort of the keeper for us of the sanctity of the streak. And a lot of times is we and I think this is a is just really important to have as you're thinking about building your streak. You can almost always get engagement wins up to a certain point by just cheapening the streak, making it easier to extend. Letting users have more flexibility. But you kind of got to hold the line at some point. It's not clear where that line is. And once you like you talk about one way doors or two eight doors, there's a point where you go too far and it's a one way door. And all of a sudden those users, those nine million users on one year streaks don't care about their streak anymore. And that is, I don't know, again, retention PM perspective, that'd be an extinction level event for us.
I don't I don't want all of these users to stop caring about their streak. And so to have somebody who is invested in the sanctity of the streak and for us, it's Antonio and Luis. He's very good about this is really important, just so you make sure you don't go too far. That's an awesome insight. So to protect and personal notifications, I think are another example. This in general for companies like how much is too much? Because everyone's just like, let's just send another push. It's fine. Just one more. And so your solution to that is a person is like the keeper and the gate, almost the gatekeeper plus the founder of how far is too far. That it's good if you can if you can have that. I think push notifications are also easier because, you know, there's a lot of things you can do around. All right, we'll set a budget cap for how many notifications will sound. You know, you can you can create a policy. Yeah, policies. But I think with a lot of things, it's it's hard, at least for the streak. It's harder to create policies for in the same way. A lot of it has to be done based on feel. And so you kind of just got to use your best judgment of times. Sweet. OK, any other maybe like one or two more lessons from this journey of what streaks has become today. I mean, I can you mentioned notifications. I've mentioned this a few times. What it's funny, you tend to think of exactly as we say, you just always send another notification. It's going to be some win. And at some point, you know, it'll it'll be a bad experience, but it's tough to see that. There's actually a notification that we so we send two notifications relating to your course streak each day.
The first is a practice reminder. We send it. This is actually an interesting insight. 23 and a half hours after you practice the day before. Whoa, that is a half. OK. So basically if you practice at noon today, we'll send to you in 11 30 AM tomorrow and we have done it because it's like, assuming they were free in that time the day before, maybe they'll be free the same time. And we actually moved. We used to let users set this practice reminder time and, you know, are thinking was cool. You're going to say 7 PM. That's when I really want to set my streak each day. And then you know what? I said, this is somebody with two kids. Life gets in the way. Life always gets in the way. And when you think you're going to practice will change, your life will change, whatever. And what we realize is the best indicator of when you should practice was when did you practice the day before we get almost certainly get more detailed. We have tried a bunch of ways to have much more complex logic and what always wins is 23 and a half hours. So it's a revealed behavior versus. Yeah, exactly. Um, so, so again, we send this practice reminder 23 and a half hours later.
The other thing that we'll do though is we'll send it what we call a streak saver. And this is at 10 o'clock at night. If you have not extended your streak, we'll send you a message saying, Hey, you know, like it's, it's your last chance. This is, this is it. If you don't extend your streak and you would think that like, that's kind of spammy. That's, that's kind of annoying to get a notification from an app at 10 PM. But what we found is because people care about their streak. Their streak is this good thing that they attach positive emotions that they don't really want to lose that notification, reminding them, Hey, come back and like people see this by and large as a positive notification and on a negative notification. Obviously, it serves our purpose as well of getting users to come back and not lose their streaks. But again, I think if you can think about your notification strategy related to what is the feature that it's tied to? How do users perceive that you can almost certainly get a, not get away with more, but you know, you could be thoughtful about notification. You could load in wind, decent notifications.
And again, for us, this like late night message that's also highly impactful, super good, you know, is actually something that could be perceived as spammy, but a lot of our users really do. I could somebody who it's often late at night to come and I work here and I'm like, Oh, forgot to do my, you know, I was thinking about doing all day. You know, here it is. 11 15. And I saw it done a, that message is really powerful. Yeah. It has saved me many times. I totally know that message. And I love that it's like a late night message from an app. Very rarely do you actually are happy about that.
对于我们来说,这种像深夜发来的消息虽然很有影响力、非常好,却可能被理解为垃圾信息。但实际上,我们的很多用户却很喜欢。我就是其中一个,经常半夜工作到一半,才忽然想到,哦,我整天都在想着要做的事还没做。然后在晚上11点15分的时候收到这样一条信息,感觉特别有用。 这样的消息帮过我很多次。我完全理解这样的感受,我很喜欢这个应用在深夜发来的信息,而这种情况下能让人高兴的情况并不多见。
And I love that this actually is a good example. We're like, it's really, it's really funny. All of the stories that you hear about people extending their streak, you know, if you look around a Duolingo party, you know, where it's like 10 11, 30, 11, 45, all the Duolingo employees that are like doing their lesson at the last minute. You always see these like pictures of people in the club doing or like at a concert doing Duolingo and yeah, because it's like. Otherwise that you're going to use a streak freezer. God forbid people lose your streak. And so funny. OK, anything else? And if there's like more than one more, definitely share, but any other really interesting lesson, the wrong turns or insights.
You know, I talked about streak freezes and we've done a lot with streak freeze, but I think if you're going to make flexibility a thing, it's probably also useful thinking about how do you celebrate perfection. And so we have a feature that we have. It is the simplest thing in the world. It's called perfect streak. And it's just if you don't use a streak freeze for a few days, we make your streak look gold and we make your little progress bar on the calendar. Just look a little bit nicer. There's no reward for doing it. You don't get anything other than this nice little indication and it is awesome. It is it is it is a simple feature. It is ultra not complex and it is really powerful, not only for getting users to, you know, as a bit of a reward, they be, hey, you know, get to seven days, you know, without using a street. You know, your streak becomes perfect, but it's also a really nice indication of users who aren't using streak freezes.
Here is the thing that if you, you know, if you don't use a streak freeze, which again, candidly, I would love for you never to use a streak freeze. If you don't use a streak freeze, your streak will stay, you know, perfect. It's funny. We actually just, you know, we're constantly, you know, responding to bug reports about the streak, you know, it is. I swear to God, we we have that we have the best infrastructure around this feature because it is so important. We had an employee who lost her. Like a four month perfect streak and, you know, it was a big deal for her because she, you know, because she like did her a lesson and she was crossing international date line and there was like a bunch of stuff going on that was like, it was just kind of weird in our back end. But like people start to care about perfection as much as they do their streak and, you know, for that person, it was it was a big deal and they lost their perfect streak. And so, you know, this is just an example of, like, if you're going to, if you're going to go after flexibility, which is good, finding a way to pull users back into perfection is a really important counterweight to have.
What I'm imagining is you guys need like an Amazon style chat bot that just gives you the streak back. It's just like, okay, here you go. We have very much, so we have if people lose their streak, you know, there's ways to get in contact with us, but we've actually thought about that where it's like, okay, we should just like build a self service feature. And if you're, if we think that your excuse is good enough, whatever, we'll just, yeah, yeah. Because again, it's for us to ship it back. I'm much rather than you beyond, you know, be honest streak than, you know, have lost it particularly if it's, you know, but it also can't feel that easy.
我想象的是你们可能需要一个类似亚马逊的聊天机器人,能够直接把你们的连续记录还给你们。就像,“好吧,给你。” 我们非常理解这点,所以如果人们失去了他们的连续记录,是有办法联系我们的。不过我们确实考虑过这个问题,觉得我们应该建立一个自助服务功能。如果我们认为你的理由够好,那么我们就会恢复连续记录。因为对我们来说,将连续记录还给你,比你失去它要好,特别是在某些情况下。但这也不能看起来太容易。
I love this. I also love this point about just the power of the animation and user experience having impact. That's really interesting is that something you find often just like make like celebrating and making it feel really amazing without like copy or, you know, or like any feature. It's just like, holy, you're awesome. This is another thing where it's like when users care about the feature using not only animation, haptics, sound effects using it's funny. We don't have sound effects on the streak.
I, this is probably something we'll look at and then not too distant future, but like haptics or like something we have done a lot of testing on the phone vibrating. Yeah, exactly. You know, like they're being a really cool haptic pattern as you extend your streak. All of this stuff wins. And it's cool because I think it wins. There's a few reasons. One is it just makes you feel good, right? You know, you get some cool moment in your streak and, and we celebrate you and we celebrate you in this visual way and your phone's buzzing. It just like feels awesome.
The other thing it does is it like causes you to pause on that screen. And I think there's this desire as you think through a lot of, you know, as, as PMs think through like, oh, how can I get users to do this funnel as painlessly as possible? And I talked about good and virtually. There's a lot of times where I don't, I want you to stop. When you just stop and like land on the screen, you got to be careful not to do this for too many screens, right? But like, but the one big ones, sometimes I just want you to pause there and enjoy the moment. Um, because if I can get you to enjoy the moment more, you're going to care more about your streak and you're going to be coming back tomorrow. And so animations that are cool and that cause you to like really soak it in haptics, you know, that feel good. All of that comes together to make you really focus on that moment. Um, all of that just gets users more connected to their streak. So animation in the right times works well.
Um, and it's something we've had when quite a lot of who designs the haptic stuff. Is there like a haptic designer? For the longest time, it would be a product designer or it initially started as like the engineer would be like, all right, you know, would cobble together haptics, um, based on what they felt good. Then it became a product design, um, role where they would kind of use their best judgment. We actually just recently required an animation studio, uh, Hobbes and Detroit and how they are the sort of keepers of, you know, they're do a lot of motion design where a haptics very close to that. And so they do a lot of that. I do remember trying to hire for a while a haptics, like contractor, like haptics design. And it was the saddest hiring I've ever taught because it was just like, I don't know, like it was such a specific like, I just went through a lot of people who,
嗯,这个问题我们已经讨论过很多次了,涉及到谁负责设计触觉反馈。有没有专门的触觉设计师呢?在很长一段时间里,这个工作通常由产品设计师承担,或者最初是由工程师根据他们自己觉得不错的方式拼凑出触觉反馈。后来,这成了产品设计的一个环节,设计师会用他们的最佳判断来完成。而我们最近收购了一家动画工作室,Hobbes and Detroit,他们主要负责很多运动设计,而触觉设计与此非常接近,所以他们也开展了许多这方面的工作。我记得我们曾试图招聘一名专门的触觉设计承包商,这也是我经历过的最艰难的招聘之一,因为这种角色非常专业化,因此我们面试了很多人,却一直无法找到合适的人选。
uh, you know, it's just a really tricky. It's a very tricky space of like kind of sound effects, kind of motion design, sort of technical. Yeah. Um, so it's not a unique role. Very unique, specific skill set. Right. And there's very few apps that really need this, this deeply. So you're almost creating this person. Yeah. That is fascinating. I don't want, I'm going to, that's like a whole podcast on its own. By the way, I was going to say, as you're talking about this, I love that.
Uh, it's a win to celebrate people that don't lose their streak. Like you introduced this way to make it flexible. And that's a big win. And then you could go the opposite direction of if you don't use this feature, you also feel even better. Well, and it's funny, you, like you talked about the, the danger of feature bloat. We sort of talked about the danger of feature bloat. This is actually something I'm constantly thinking about with this. Like we have the streak, but then we also have the perfect streak and we can count how many, we count how many weeks you've had a perfect streak.
All of a sudden we have two streak numbers that are kind of competing with each other. It's funny. We actually don't introduce the concept of a perfect streak until after you've hit seven days. And some of this is just because the cognitive load of additional streak features, a lot of our, like, cooler streak features, you got to get on a long enough streak. And not to say we haven't tested it because we haven't because we've done everything, introducing these features earlier. But what we've found is that pretty universally they lose when we introduce too many things, too many concepts to users to early in the experience. It's just hard for them to manage. Okay. Sweet. I know that we can go down this track for hours and hours. There's endless learnings about all the things you all have done along the journey. I'm going to shift to talking about how your team operates. So there's a lot of threads you touched on of just how a team can do this so well. Ship 600 experiments, as you said, continue to find opportunity. What are some maybe lessons or advice you'd have for folks that are like, Oh, wow, I want to work more like this. From your team's experience, how do you use your team to operate that folks can learn?
Yeah, maybe just a little bit of context. So we're doing go cares a lot about metrics. So most of our teams are metric based teams. So we do the most work with streak, but, you know, are the metric. What we really care about at the end of the day is cur and and D. A.U. If you see that D.A. U.S. hit cur. And so when you can be really laser focused on my goal, each quarter is to make this metric go up. I think it's much easier to make sure that you're working on the highest ROI thing. I think when you think more about like, Oh, I want to make this feature better. I think it's easier to get lost and what better means and how you think about better. And so I do think that like having a really strong degree of focus, you know, as a team on, you know, what is the metric that I'm caring about? And how is that directing my efforts is versus feature oriented. So basically your teams are structured around a metric slash a goal slash outcome versus we own this.
So retention owns streak, I guess, but that's only because we've seen streak drive cur better than any feature. But we are not. I mean, we have this, you know, I P hook with our streak freeze purchases. There are other teams that work on, you know, that can and have worked on the streak because it's not ours to say, no, no, we do all the iterations here. We just know that it drives our metric better in the same way that like leaderboards, you know, we have a team that focuses on how much time you spent. We want users to spend more time on doing this. So they're learning more leaderboards is the best vector for doing it. So that team does a lot of leaderboards work. But every now and then I have an idea that I think we highly retent it and I will go in and I will pitch to them and then we'll do some change the leaderboard to make it more attentive. And so, but I do think having that clear metric of we're trying to drive. Curr, not we're trying to just make this feature better helps at least make sure, you know, give the team clear marching orders and that focus, I think is really good for part. I'm not advertising backlog.
Cool. This is a really important point. This is the same way Airbnb worked when I worked there for a long time is it's here's a goal that we want your team to be responsible for. You can work on any product you need to hit this goal. As you said, often, like various products are most connected to what you're doing, but what you're describing is like, even though teams kind of like, I imagine you own it from a bug perspective and you kind of like, or the shepherd of this part of the feature because it hits your goal helps your girl most. But any other team can come in and be like, Jackson, we need to work on some streak stuff to help with learning. You know, like go for does that just a tangent there? Do they like work really closely with your team? If they want to do some work in the code, is it like, how does that work?
好的。这是一个非常重要的观点。这就像我在Airbnb工作时的情况一样:我们会设定一个目标,让你的团队为之负责。为了达成这个目标,你可以开发任何产品。正如你所说的,通常会有一些产品与你正在做的事情最相关,但实际上,尽管团队可能对某个功能负责,比如从修复bug的角度来看,你也许是这个部分的负责人,因为它最能帮助你达成目标。但是,任何其他团队都可以加入进来,比如说:“Jackson,我们需要做一些关于积极性提升的工作,以帮助学习。” 那么,他们会和你的团队密切合作吗?如果他们想在代码上做一些工作,这个过程是怎样的呢?
Yeah, if if if you're again, this is where I say there's soft ownership, we're not against teams doing things to the streak. But if we're going to do something, given, you know, we probably have multiple quarters worth of a roadmap around the stress. I'd say probably we do multiple quarters of roadmap for what we can do to the streak. If other teams want to come and mess with it, okay, we got to just figure out how is that going to work with, you know, what what our plans for the streak were. How do we make sure a lot of times when teams are coming in thinking, hey, let's do this to the streak. They're like in context that we might have. And so there's as much of like a much simpler version of what we're doing now, a bit of a knowledge sharing of saying, all right, well, this is what we think about the streak is what we've seen work hasn't worked. How does that influence some of the hypothesis that you have? And so I think getting that really. Making sure the juice is worth the squeeze. Good old fashioned product management work right there. Cool.
好的,如果您要参与其中,这是我所说的软性所有权,我们并不反对团队对 streak (某个连续的项目或计划)进行调整。但是,如果我们要做些什么,考虑到我们可能已经有多个季度的计划路线图来应对压力,我想说我们也会有多个季度的计划路线图来应对此 streak。如果其他团队想来干涉,我们需要弄清楚这如何与我们的计划相适应。很多时候,团队会以我们可能有的背景来进行调整。因此,有时候我们需要做一个简化版本的信息共享,比如说:“这是我们对 streak 的看法,这是我们看到的有效或无效的东西。”这些信息如何影响他们的一些假设。我们要确保付出的努力是值得的,这就是老派产品管理的工作。不错吧。
What else is interesting about how you all operate and how you'll work to achieve the sort of success? Again, my team-laid runs is Antonio runs like the most, you know, really process. If you're going to run this mini experience, you have to be really process oriented and really thoughtful about which experiments am I going to run when? How is that going to set up the next one? We, you know, there's there's heavy Jira automation. I think sometimes the Atlassian suite makes my eyes bleed, but like there's a lot of times where that degree of process helps the team unblock engineers and make them move really fast. And so making sure that you have really good process around how are you going to run so many experiments. It's, you know, it's worth investing in. Can you follow that thread actually? Just what do you, when you say that, what does that look like? What are some elements of that process to make this work efficiently?
你们团队的运作方式还有哪些有趣的地方,以及你们如何努力实现成功呢?我的团队中,Antonio 非常注重系统性。如果你想进行许多实验,一定要有很强的流程导向,认真思考每个实验的运行时机,以及如何为下一个实验铺路。我们团队在项目管理上使用了大量的 Jira 自动化。我有时觉得 Atlassian 套件让人眼花缭乱,但这样的流程有时能帮助团队为工程师扫清障碍,让他们能更快速地前进。因此,确保在进行大量实验时有一个良好的流程体系是非常值得投入的。可以详细说明一下这个流程吗?你所说的那些具体操作有哪些关键要素,以确保高效地开展工作呢?
All the way down to like really detailed roadmaps around, all right, we're running this experiment is based on the results of this experiment or might, you know, hook into an element of this feature. How do we make sure that we're lining up implementation on this so that as soon as this thing runs and we're ready to go, we can start rolling out the next one. You know, I hate features just sitting around and us not again continuing that thread. And so it's not just thinking about what's our engineering bandwidth, but also what's the design bandwidth to make sure that we have the next iteration of this feature ready to go. You know, we're planning months out as we think about these feature iterations, even small ones, you know, feature iterations because again, you just, you lose when you lose cycles, you know, not pushing on a feature. It's just sort of lost opportunity. And so everything from managed, you know, being thoughtful about engineering roadmaps to design roadmaps to product roadmaps. All of that needs to come together in a system.
So essentially mapping dependencies across function. And you're saying, and Jira, you can do this. You can do a lot of it in Jira. There is a non zero amount of Google Docs that we have that sometimes does things. Yep. A little bit. I don't know. Sometimes it just looks a little bit nicer. It's a little more possible. But Jira is our it is where the mother load of process is. Great. OK. What else?
好的,基本上就是对功能之间的依赖关系进行映射。你提到在 Jira 上可以做到这一点。在 Jira 上可以做很多这类事情。此外,我们还有一些 Google 文档,有时也能发挥作用。嗯,有一点,有时看起来更好看,也更方便。不过,Jira 是我们主要处理流程的地方。好的,还有什么?
Like another thing that I'll just say is like we really resist the urge to do the big V one. And I think this is, you know, I shared the the the street goal example where a lot of times when we're exploring something, we will say, OK, well, like that's cool. How do we strip away a bunch of stuff and figure out what our core hypothesis is and then just ship that thing first is a V one because it's easy.
And I've found this time and time again. It's easy to add things to features that make them win. Like I work in retention engagement long enough. I can like add enough like things to pull and bells to add and whistles and to, you know, to make something when but. You know, there's a lot of times where it's like cool. They don't want to go to the whistles you added and not because of what your core hypothesis was.
And a lot of times, if you can just really simplify what the feature is, it's also much easier to ship. It's easier to design. You're not designing for a whole system. You're designing for, you know, something something much simpler. And so getting everybody to think that way ends up allow, you know, allows us to end up shipping faster, shipping simpler, you know, designing faster, getting faster, approval, getting insight.
And then doing what I talked about with street goal, being able to run iteration after iteration after iteration, add these things iteratively. And then, you know, you not only by doing this, are you able to move faster, but you get confidence at each step of the way that. Hey, my series of my policies, you know, is actually born out or if it's not cool, then we're going to drop that part of the feature and then just ship what actually matters.
If I can try to summarize kind of the broad lesson so far that I'm hearing and maybe you, you would have shared this, but I'm just thinking like if I were to. Try to design a company to operate that we all operate, you essentially map all the levers that drive the business. So you have kind of this mapping of all the metrics that drive up to growth and and daily active users.
You, Kerr ended up being the biggest specific metric to move to drive growth long term. So there's like, imagine a tree of all the opportunities you could work on. You found like this is what is most connected to our growth long term. You basically just start mining. I don't know if mining is the right metaphor, but just like looking for things that move that specific metric, you just like look and poke and explore.
And then once you find one, you just go real deep on trying a lot of different, you could come up with a hypothesis and a strategy of here's how we think we can do this and how we can move this. And then you just try a bunch of stuff. There's also this element of the rest of development quote. There's always money in the banana stand. It comes to mind where it's just like keep working on see, there's more, there's going to be more opportunity.
And when this when I joined Duolingo, the PM that I took over for Anton, who used to lead the retention team, I remember saying. Dude, the streak, like it just counts up. You guys have been tested on for years. How much more work can we do on the streak? And he was like Jackson, you child, he didn't say exactly this, but this is how I felt it. Like Jackson, you child, there is.
当我加入 Duolingo 的时候,我接替了 Anton 的工作,他曾负责用户保留团队。我记得我说过:“伙计,这个连续登录天数(streak)就是在积累天数。你们已经测试好多年了,我们还能对这个连续登录天数做多少改进呢?” 他就像是在说:“Jackson,你这个小朋友。”虽然他并没有这么说,但我当时的感觉就是这样。他的话意是说,还有很多事情可以做。
So we're not even 30% of the way optimized. And four years later, I say that with like such conviction, we are so far away from what I mean, we've made a ton of strides, but we are still so far away. And every quarter where we ship a ton of wins and you know, improvements to the streak, it just continues to prove to me that like there is so much more to be done.
So I think your framing of it is, and I would say there's a lot of thought that goes into, you know, again, you know, I talk about the strength, the hypothesis that you have, you know, you have to have as you start to build. That larger, you know, future strategy. I do think it's really important to not just do a bunch of random stuff, but do it with intent, you know, with a goal in mind.
Otherwise, you do end up in these local, you know, local maximas, but yeah, I mean, there's still a bunch of stuff that we haven't tried the, you know, I think we have high confidence and, you know, working out. And so we'll keep doing that. Are there any other say lasting lessons from this journey that if someone were to try to operate this way, build streaks into their product, anything you'd recommend?
Yeah, I really do think it starts with, you know, streaks are an engagement hack. You know, you can, you can make your app more retentive. I'm almost positive. Almost every app out there can make it more attentive. It is loss aversion. That is, you know, again, armchair psychologist Jackson, like it's just a human thing that works on humans.
But if your, if your app is not something that users want to use every day or whatever, you know, cadence you want your app to be, you know, to work on, it's going to be you're only going to get so much from that streak. And honestly, it's probably going to distract you from what really should matter, which is making your app something that people want to use every day. And so if you start focusing on the streak, but you haven't made that a enjoyable experiment experience, you're just going to waste a lot of time, honestly.
And so I think making sure that you have your core loop of your app figured out that that it is giving value to users is something that they want to come back to every day. That really sets the stage for something to layer a streak on. So resist the temptation. If you haven't, you know, if you don't think you've reached that point to go too hard down the, you know, the path of streak. That's a really good point. Just like a streak is not going to solve your problems if people don't actually care about the core value you're providing.
No, and honestly, it'll probably cause more problems. If what you end up focusing on is how do I make the streak highly engaging, but your app is on? I mean, you're just, you're, you're, you're wasting time that could otherwise be, you know, better spent on solving more or critical problems. So that's, that's one learning. You know, the other thing that I'll say is, and we, we met with one of our board members, um, Bing, Bing Gordon. A few weeks or a few months ago, rather, and he had this comment where he was just like, the reason why users care about your streak so much is because you care about your streak so much, you being dueling.
不,这样做可能会导致更多问题。如果你只专注于如何让连续打卡更具吸引力,但是你的应用本身并没有创新呢?这简直是在浪费时间,这些时间本可以用来解决更重要的问题。这是一个教训。另外,我想说的是,我们最近与我们的董事会成员之一聊过,几周或几个月前吧,他叫Bing Gordon。他提到的一点是,用户之所以如此在乎连续打卡,是因为你们(指你的团队)也非常在意这个。
Like the reason why users care about our streak so much is dueling. Go cares about the streak so much. We're like, what do you mean? Well, he's like, well, after every session, you see a big streak screen and it's animated cooler than almost any other screen in the app. And then sometimes you see some other screens and there's all these other feet. Like you don't let a user forget it. You talk about them and messages. And, and so I think it's worth thinking about. Look, if you're going to build a streak and then you're going to second it off into the corner of your app, uh, you know, where users aren't going to see it.
Like they're probably not going to care about it as much and which might be fine because there might be other lovers that you think are more important to pull on. But there's a reason why, you know, we focus as much on the streak, you know, as, as we do. And that's because we want it to be top of mind for, for users and it's not by accident done that users start to care about. And so I think just as you're thinking about building the streak, making sure that you're giving it the visibility it deserves. If you want it to have the kind of impact the dueling go has, um, you know, it's, it's sort of an important hierarchy principle to think about as you design things.
That's such a good point. Like you look for cues to the app of tell me what I should pay attention to, what's important if you're just like fire explosions, you made a streak. Oh, maybe I should pay attention to this feature. And then the push notifications, obviously encourage you there to anything else along those lines. Maybe final thing is, look, we ran so many tests on our dueling go streak to figure out what work. I mean, we have a, we have a philosophy of dueling go have tested first. You know, we are a lot of times willing to test things.
那是个很好的观点。你在寻找应用程序中的提示,告诉你应该关注什么、什么是重要的。如果程序只是有火花效果或爆炸效果,你就会想,哦,也许我应该注意这个功能。然后推送通知显然也会在这方面鼓励你。最后一个想说的是,我们对我们的多邻国(Dueling Go)连胜进行了很多测试,以找出什么有效。我们多邻国的理念是先测试。我们很多时候愿意去测试不同的东西。
I really think that if you're going to, you're going to try to introduce a streak or you want to improve on the streak you have, like, don't get too caught up in the, the, the philosophy of everything. I mean, make sure your hypotheses feel like they're good. But my recommendation is just try things. And this is again, you said it earlier. It's like, this is much human psychology is anything. And as soon as that becomes the case, like you kind of just got to understand what users respond to. And the easiest way to do that is to stop spending time, you know, batting around ideas in a conference room and just try some stuff.
So huge recommendation to like, if you're going to invest in a streak, try and figure out what works through testing with users rather than trying to get it perfect on the first step. Say someone's listening and they're like, should we do streak? Because it's worth doing. What's your take on just like the chances that a streak feature would be helpful to another consumer? I am well known for saying in the company that I think every street, every team, every app could benefit from a streak.
Now, how you implement it is very different. And I think you got to like, what is your users use case? Like if they're going to come use, I don't know, tax software. OK, you know, not that I say this tax software to be a hard one, but maybe it's all about, you know, you need users to come back every day during the tax season or how many times, I don't know, you know, now that I say this out loud times you have blood, you're you're. Not a hard.
Yeah, that is hard use case. But I say the vast majority of companies, I think, have a good idea of like, all right, here is my ideal use case. I want users to come here three times a month. That that would be ideal. You know, our four times a month, you can build a streak to work. I mean, Peloton has has weekly streaks because the idea of doing a Peloton, you know, work out every single day is hard for a lot of was hard for this user during COVID.
You know, it's just like every now and then you get on the Peloton. That was great. But the idea of a weekly streak was something that I could keep up. And so I think figure out what your usage pattern is is a user and then build your streak around it. But, you know, as long as you're not, you know, the like a release, again, the text example is probably a good counterfactual. But as long as you have some degree of frequency in your in your use, I think almost anything in a, in a streak.
So Dooling gets again, a $14 billion company. This feature possibly the most contributing factor other than the core, you know, product to that level of success and market cap. And it's hard to imagine another just feature of a product that has had this much impact on on growth and revenue and building this sort of business. So I love that we spent this much time on it. The motherload, the motherload of advice and insights. So thank you again for giving you a very fun with that.
因此,Dooling 又一次获得了一家价值 140 亿美元的公司。除了核心产品之外,这一功能可能是成功和市值达到如此高水平的最大贡献因素。很难想象还有其他产品功能能对增长、收入和业务构建产生如此大的影响。所以我很高兴我们花了这么多时间讨论这个功能。这真是满满的建议和见解。再次感谢你们在这方面给予的乐趣。
We reached our very exciting lightning round. Are you ready? I'm ready. First question. What are two or three books you recommended most to other people? All right, I'll start with a guide to Midwest conversation. So I'm based in Kansas City. I'm a proud Midwesterner and us Midwesterners talk in a certain way. I think, you know, you hear about Minnesota. Nice. But we tend not to say what we mean. And it is a very funny primer into what Midwesterners actually mean when they say what they say. So highly recommend reading that.
I like that they give that to people just like, here's what I might be telling you, which you may not read. About my wife is German and I gave it to her. So you can see German being the opposite of that. OK, very different. Another book. This is a good one. Fate is the hunter's. This is a really cool book. It's a memoir of one of the early commercial airline pilots. And it is wild to hear the stories about what flying was back in the day. You know, I'm former management consultant. I flew every week for almost six years. And I never once had to worry about, am I going to make it to the other end of this flight live? That was not the case back then.
我喜欢他们把这东西给大家,就像是:“这是我可能会告诉你的事情,但你可能不会看。” 我妻子是德国人,我把它给了她。你可以看到德国人完全相反,非常不同。还有一本书,这本不错,叫《命运是猎手》。这本书非常有趣,是关于早期商业航空飞行员的回忆录。听他们讲述过去飞行的故事简直让人惊叹。我之前是一名管理顾问,差不多六年间每周都要乘飞机,但我从来不用担心能否安全到达目的地。那时候可不是这样。
And so some of the stories about what it used to be like to be a pilot on some of these planes before modern aviation technology is fascinating. It makes you really appreciate what we have. It feels good to read a book like that being a software PM or engineer, whatever, like how different that life is hard hardware is hard or different. Oh, man, it's not happy design. Okay, next. Unless there's any other books you're going to share now.
Ok great. What's a favorite recent movie or TV show you really enjoyed? So I have two kids. I watch a lot of bluey. It's really good. It's where it's it brings me no shortage of joy. But adult show that I or show not meant for four year olds that I have watched. I just finished the latest season of Emily in Paris. Man, wonderful. I realize it's not the highest brow of television, but just like beautiful people and beautiful cities solving problems that are not, you know, earth-shattering. Sometimes it is nice to just tune out. Also, I'm learning French on Duolingo, a slight plug for the app. I can understand a lot of the French that is being spoken.
And there is no better joy than having invested as much time as I have in French and actually being able to use it. So huge fan of Emily. That is so funny. What a fun event diagram of interests. My mother loves Emily in Paris. I saw someone tweeting about like, what what these issue on? How is she still in Paris? Yeah, you bet. Just not ask questions. There's a lot of questions for the show that are better. I'm not sure. Do you have a favorite product you recently discovered? Did that you really like other than Duolingo? Last week, I went to Home Depot and I bought a new ladder and ladder innovations. You don't think, you know, of often, but you can make one of the legs go a little bit further than the other leg.
没有什么比投入大量时间学习法语并真正能用上它更令人开心的事情了。我是Emily的超级粉丝,真是太有趣了。这么多兴趣交集的事件,我妈妈非常喜欢《艾米丽在巴黎》。我看到有人在推特上发文提到那些剧情问题,说艾米丽怎么还在巴黎。你最好别去想那么多问题,这部剧有太多细节无法解释。我不太确定。你最近有发现特别喜欢的产品吗,除了Duolingo?上周,我去了Home Depot,买了一个新梯子,梯子的创新设计很有意思。你可能不常想到,但你可以把其中一条腿拉得比另一条更长。
And somebody like myself who has a house that is built on a slight slope. Every time I go up in my ladder, I take my life in my hands. But with this ladder, I'm always even I clean my gutters twice last week, just because of how awesome this ladder has how much this ladder has changed my life. So ladder innovation, I don't think it gets talked enough about. And so I'm happy to give it the spotlight it deserves. I appreciate you doing that. And this is the first ladder recommendation we've had on the podcast.
Two more questions. You have a favorite life motto that you really find useful in worker in life. They share with folks. This probably will not be much of a surprise based on how I've talked about our willingness to test things, but you miss 100% of the shots that you don't take. I'm a big fan of just trying things even if your possibility of success is not 100. Because you learn a lot along the way. So final question. Do you have any fun traditions at Duolingo amongst either the PM team or the company in general? That might be delightful to share. We have way too many traditions to count. Um, I will share the weird tradition that we do at every retention stand up.
And this started during the pandemic. You know, we obviously used to stand up in person and then when we went remote, we did this thing where whoever's the last person to go would count down three to one. And then we'd all try to clap at the same time, which was kind of fun and dorky, but we fell in love with it. And four years later, we're still doing it. Recently, we've added, we all say yee ha in unison afterwards. I can't tell you why. Um, but trying to synchronize a clap via zoom and then all shouting yee ha. I did this in a phone booth the other day and after I came out, someone told me, you know that those aren't as soundproof as you think, but, you know, when you get a good opportunity to give a yee ha, you kind of can't pass up on it.
这件事始于疫情期间。你知道,我们以前显然是亲自站出来,而当我们变成远程工作时,我们就做了这么一个事情:每次轮到最后一个人发言时,他就会倒数三二一,然后我们所有人努力在同一时间拍手,这有点有趣和傻气,但我们爱上了这个活动。四年后,我们仍然在坚持这样做。最近,我们又加了一项内容,就是在同时拍手后齐声喊“yee ha”。我不能告诉你为什么,但我们用Zoom同步拍手并一起喊“yee ha”。有一天我在电话亭里这样做,出来后有人告诉我,你知道那些电话亭的隔音效果没有你想的那么好,但你知道,当有机会喊一下“yee ha”时,你真的很难拒绝。
So I love these little things. Like they're so, you know, they sound so minor, but they're such important elements of team culture and tradition and so important for PMS to find ways to just have fun and do something ridiculous. I will say it took a while to get people behind shouting yee ha. But now that we have people doing it, you can't, you can't take it away from there. We all love it. Oh, man, I called our all hands for a while. Y'all hands. Feel free to steal that. You get it. You get it, Lenny. Yeah, I get it. Jackson. This is incredible. I feel like people are going to listen to this with no books and just like, okay, here, here's a bunch of ideas we should try with whatever we're working on, whether it's streaks or not.
所以,我非常喜欢这些小事。虽然它们看起来很微不足道,但却是团队文化和传统中非常重要的元素,尤其对于产品经理来说,找到一些可以放松和做一些荒唐事的方法非常重要。我得说,让大家一起喊“yee ha”花了点时间。但现在大家都参与了,你就不能把这个拿走。我们都很喜欢。哦,伙计,有段时间我把我们的全员大会叫做“Y'all hands”。随便拿去用。你明白的,对吧,Lenny?是的,我明白了,Jackson。这太棒了。我感觉大家会认真听,然后说:“好吧,这里有一些我们可以尝试的想法,不管我们正在做什么项目,都可以试一试。”
Thank you so much for being here. Two final questions. Working folks find you online. If they want to reach out, learn more, learn more about Duolingo, you know, you're hiring product managers to share more there. And finally, how can listeners be useful to you? Yes. You can find me on LinkedIn. That is where most of my online social media is. So Jackson, shuttle earth. And then how people can be useful to me. Yes, as you said, we are hiring. We're actually hiring for my team. Are you interested in thinking about streaks as much as we do? You know, we might be the right home for you. So please, you know, you can plan our website. We're also hiring for a number of other product management roles and they're all as thrilling as this work is. And then, you know, I'm always interested about how other companies have implemented streaks and what they've learned.
您可以在LinkedIn上找到我,那是我主要使用的线上社交媒体平台,我的名字是Jackson Shuttleworth。至于大家能如何帮助我,正如您所说,我们正在招聘,特别是我的团队正在招人。您是否对"连击"(streaks)的概念感兴趣和我们一样?也许我们就是适合您的地方。所以请访问我们的网站,我们还在招聘其他多个产品管理职位,这些职位都和这份工作一样让人兴奋。我也一直对其他公司如何实施"连击"以及他们学到了什么感兴趣。
And so what I'd say is if you're a company who's implemented a streak, maybe in a different way than Duolingo has or, you know, you found a whole ton of success and, you know, another vector, another element to the feature that we didn't talk about today, I would love to know more. I used to catalog basically every streak I found out there. And as it's become more of a popular feature, it's just been hard to keep up on. So, you know, if you have interesting streak insights to send my way, I would love to hear them. I love that. A collection of all the best ways of doing streaks.
Jackson, I just want to say congrats to your team and you for having so much impact. This is like the dream of a lot of PMs and teams is to see this much impact and continue to ship wins. And so congrats. Nice work. Thanks for your attention. And with that, Jackson, thanks so much for being here. Yeah, thank you, Lenny. This was a lot of fun. Same. Bye, everyone.
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