What we know — and still don’t — about the coronavirus

发布时间 2020-04-29 20:30:00    来源


Leonard Bernstein on what we know (and still don’t) about the coronavirus. Laura Meckler explains the changes schools might have to make to reopen in the fall. And Anna Fifield on Kim Jong Un, missing in action.Read more:What you need to know about the coronavirus.Alternating schedules. Lunch in the classroom. Students in masks. No football. School districts will have to change things up if they want to reopen in the fall.Where is North Korea’s leader?Vote for Post Reports in the Webby Awards: https://vote.webbyawards.com/PublicVoting#/2020/podcasts/individual-episodes-mini-series-specials/news-politicsSubscribe to The Washington Post: postreports.com/offer

