The court that Mitch McConnell built

发布时间 2020-10-26 20:30:00    来源


Mitch McConnell’s Supreme Court victory. The future of the Affordable Care Act. And a shift in the White House’s thinking on how to tackle the coronavirus.Read more:Trump’s conservative imprint on the federal judiciary gives Democrats a playbook — if they win.‘ACB vs. ACA’: Why Democrats keep bringing up Obamacare during Barrett’s confirmation hearing.With just over a week until Election Day, the White House has signaled that it’s done trying to contain the spread of the coronavirus, setting its chips on therapeutics and vaccines. And, as White House reporter Toluse Olorunnipa explains, that shift in attitude can be seen in how Vice President Pence’s office is handling its own outbreak.Check out The Washington Post’s How to Vote guide for information on your state.Subscribe to The Washington Post:

