Why was Iran’s top nuclear scientist killed?

发布时间 2020-12-01 21:45:00    来源


The debate is not whether Israel killed Iran’s top nuclear scientist, but why. How the “Q” conspiracy theory went from an American curiosity to a transnational mess. And, the people who have covid-19 symptoms for the long haul.Read more:In the hours after the brazen assassination of Iran’s top nuclear scientist, the question quickly shifted from “who” to “why.” Jerusalem bureau chief Steve Hendrix explains why Israel might have been motivated to strike now. Reporter Emily Rauhala explains the global appeal and dangerous adaptability of QAnon’s conspiracy theories. Kelsey Ables is a reporter and editorial aide with The Post. She has delved into the life of covid-19 long-haulers: people who have symptoms and effects from the virus well after two weeks. She spoke with one woman, Chimére Smith, about what she’s facing.

