The battle over reopening schools

发布时间 2021-01-26 22:15:00    来源


The growing tensions between school systems and teachers unions. Plus, Biden's Cabinet may be “the most diverse in history,” but his pick for agriculture secretary has reignited criticism over the USDA’s treatment of Black farmers.Read more:Chicago teachers are deadlocked with the school district over their reopening plans, but Chicago is far from alone. Education reporter Perry Stein explains the growing tensions between teachers unions and school systems. On Tuesday, CDC researchers published a data review in the Journal of the American Medical Association finding that there has been little spread of coronavirus in schools when precautions such as masks and social distancing are in place.Producer Jordan-Marie Smith talked to reporter Laura Reiley about why Tom Vilsack’s nomination as agriculture secretary reopened old wounds for Black farmers.If you value the journalism you hear in this podcast, please subscribe to The Washington Post! We have a deal just for podcast listeners —- two years of unlimited access to everything The Post publishes for just $59 total. That comes out to about $2.46 per month. To sign up, go to

