Ep. 230 - R.P. Eddy: Why Warnings Matter (A Podcast About the Future)

发布时间 2017-05-30 01:00:00    来源


HOW TO DISCOVER THE SECRETS IN LIFE The best things in life are born from coincidence. I am a firm believer in this. A year ago I was flying back from California. I started talking to the guy sitting next to me. Turns out he had  worked in almost every branch of government related to intelligence and diplomacy. Now he runs his own private intelligence company. He has information about every government in the world. He is paid a lot of money to reveal and analyze that information. But when we were on the plane, for basically four or five hours I asked him everything I could and got the most incredible detail about the state of affairs in the world. I'm almost afraid to reveal what we spoke about on the plane. Everything from "how to catch a liar" to "What is the Nigerian government specifically doing about oil prices" to "Will Trump win?" (and his answer turned out to be stunningly accurate). Then...a lost touch with him. He  was just a guy I sat next to on the plane for a few hours. We got off and went to live our separate lives. Until now. His new book is out: "Warnings" written with uber-diplomat Richard Clarke. What is he warning about? Everything. Where are the hidden potential catastrophes around the world. And how can we live with them. And how can we avoid them. And how can we figure out the warnings after these? He answers, he analyzes, he proves, and he does it from his 30 years of experience uncovering these things for the US government and now, through his company, for other governments and large institutions that can afford him.  The key is: "that  can afford him". Because now he comes on the podcast and just like the coincidence of meeting  him a year ago, he answers all of my questions again about his book. About the "Warnings". I love  when coincidence intersects real life. I saw his book, remembered him from our interaction, and we had the best time on the podcast. Read the book, listen to the podcast, and don't ignore the coincidences in your life. (But he is.) R.P. Eddy is the CEO or Ergo, one of the greatest super intelligent firms in the world. Governments hire him and his firm to spy on other governments. "Hopefully, I wasn't too indiscreet," he said, referring to the time on his plane.   I told him not to worry. "If you're not arrested by the end of this podcast, then you're okay." In his book, "Warnings: Finding Cassandras to Stop Catastrophes," R.P. covers all the major world catastrophes that could've been predicted and prevented: 9/11, Madoff, Fukushima, the financial crisis, AIDS, climate change. If we can learn to predict these, or at least learn how to figure out  how the correct experts are, then a lot of pain can be avoided. Experts warned us. But no one listened to them. R.P. calls these people "Cassandras." The name comes from greek mythology. Apollo (a god) wanted to sleep with Cassandra. She refused. So Apollo cursed her. "She could foretell any future disaster. She could see it in vivid color," R.P said. But the curse was that no one believed her. So she burned to death in a terrible attack. (An attack she knew was coming...) These people exist in real life. And R.P. wants us to notice them. So R.P, and his coauthor, Richard Clarke, started "The Annual Cassandra Award." They're giving away cash prizes (up to $10,000) to motivate people to find and nominate a true "Cassandras." This is the formula for spotting a "Cassandra..." How to detect a truth-teller (listen at [55:25]) The "Cassandras" featured in R.P's book are experts in their field. They have been for years. He told me about Laurie Garrett, the head of global health for the Council of Foreign Relations. She's the first...

