Elon's Pay Package Rejected (Again) - What's Next / Tesla's FSD v13 / What Lease Buyouts Mean ⚡️

发布时间 2024-12-03 02:01:20    来源


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Welcome back to Electrified. It's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to Austin G in Trevor F Thank you both for choosing to use my Tesla referral link and congratulations on your new Tesla with the new Tesla referral program My link is active once again. So if you need one, I'll have mine in the description below Let's kick things off today with a bit of comedy Craig Irwin is all over the news a long time Tesla analyst He's been bearish on the company with a price target under a hundred dollars for quite some time plus five months ago He said this come on. It's just it's it's a non-starter There are some really big big things that need to happen between here and there You know that the pitch back then was hey, it's gonna be an over the error software update for the entire Tesla fleet and You'll be able to send your car out at night to go and make you money as a taxi It's hyperbolic It really I think is borderline reckless. I mean actually completely reckless the same Craig Irwin bumped his Tesla price target from $85 up to $380 a 347% increase and here's what he's saying now. I think now he's got a new pool of buyers Conservatives that might not have looked at EVs quite as closely in the past that allow an acceleration of demand in the core US market, right?

So that means we're looking at positive estimate revisions and I asked myself where the catalyst right? I don't see very many negative catalysts if estimates are going to positive revisions and their abundant Positive catalysts things are gonna look a lot like they did 11 12 13 years ago where they can literally invent their own milestones and knock them down all of these I think will Play to the positive for Tesla and I think this is something that can be sustained for a couple of years It's not like it's gonna happen over a quarter or two So, you know biases now to the upside not the downside and Market cap may be huge right 1.1 1.2 trillion is a big company. Yeah, but they're doing big things The use of LiDAR is not long-term Sustainable because of the cost out there. So, you know the cyber taxi. Yes, it's gonna be it's gonna be rolling in the middle of next year Right, we're gonna see incremental progress and people are gonna be able to have a tangible experience Right and that's what I think actually drives valuation in the stock and that's what drives, you know Enthusiasm to actually own this stock I still think as an analyst Craig Irwin is mostly a joke But the fact that somebody like Craig who has been a permabaire has now turned bullish on Tesla There's certainly some signal in that change Tesla's AI prowess is becoming more undeniable by the week
这段话的大意是: 这意味着我们的预期修订是正面的,我在想推动因素在哪?如果预估修订是正增的,那么我看不到很多负面因素,反而正面的推动因素很丰富,情况可能会像11、12、13年前一样,在这种情况下,他们可以创造自己的里程碑并且逐一实现。我认为这些都会对特斯拉有利,并且这种势头可以持续几年,而不是仅仅持续一个或两个季度。所以,现在的偏向是向上而不是向下。市值可能会很大,像1.1或1.2万亿是个大公司,不过他们正在做大事情。LiDAR(激光雷达)的长期使用不可持续,因为成本问题。但Cyber Taxi(无人驾驶出租车)将在明年年中推出,我们会看到逐步的进展,人们将能够获得实际的体验。这实际是推动股票估值和激励人们购买该股票的因素。我仍然认为分析师Craig Irwin是个笑话,但是像Craig这样一位长期看空的人现在对特斯拉持乐观态度,这种转变中肯定有一些信号。特斯拉在人工智能方面的实力每周都变得更加不可否认。

Tesla's 2024 holiday software update is going to start rolling out as soon as next week. It's confirmed you will be able to use your Apple watch as your phone key and you can view the battery charge, open the frunk, and turn on climate control, and potentially control some other features as well. I always have my Apple watch on and I'm hoping that this will eliminate those times when I walk up to my Tesla and try to open it and it does not automatically unlock because for whatever reason sometimes it doesn't recognize my phone.
特斯拉计划在下周推出2024年假日软件更新。已经确认的是,你将可以使用Apple Watch作为手机钥匙,并能够查看电池电量、打开前备箱、开启空调控制,还可能操作其他一些功能。我总是佩戴我的Apple Watch,希望这样可以解决有时走到我的特斯拉车前尝试打开但因为某种原因无法自动解锁的情况,因为有时车辆没有识别到我的手机。

You'll be able to save dashcam and century mode clips directly to your cell phone. Auto shift on the stockless model 3 can now automatically shift between drive and reverse to handle parking lot maneuvers and multi-point turns. Serious XM will now be available for model 3, why and the Cybertruck and one I've been waiting for for some time. You can now set a preferred battery charge level for when you arrive at your destination. With my travels over just the past few weeks, there were so many times when I wish I had this feature. I want to be at my destination with at least about 40% state of charge, significantly above the 20% threshold where century mode will still work.
您可以直接将行车记录仪和监控模式的录像保存到手机上。无排档杆的Model 3现在可以在停车场和多点转弯时自动在前进和倒车之间切换。Model 3、Model Y和Cybertruck现在也可以使用Serious XM,这是我期待已久的功能。此外,您现在可以设定到达目的地时的电池充电偏好。我最近几周的旅行中,多次希望拥有这个功能。我希望到达目的地时,电量至少保持在40%左右,远高于监控模式仍能工作的20%门槛。

It would be awesome if eventually you could set this for both supercharger locations and your end destination. That's because at supercharger locations typically you'd want to arrive with a lower state of charge, whereas when you get to your destination, people may want a higher state of charge. Another quite useful feature, you'll be able to view the precipitation directly on the map to check the weather at your destination. And it looks like you may be able to scrub through different times to see how the radar changes at different hours. When in reverse, your vehicle will alert you if it detects a pedestrian or vehicle crossing behind you. An audible warning will also play if a cross-traffic object is detected.

You'll be able to personalize your Cybertruck avatar in the UI with a custom wrap and license plate, but the word is eventually this feature will be coming to other Tesla vehicles as well. There are presets for this but you'll also be able to upload your own designs. The rear camera feed for the Cybertruck is now bigger and you can pinch to zoom in or out. Tune in radio is now much better and it's still free. You can now play games on the screen in the back seat of the Cybertruck. Santa mode is coming to the Cybertruck, you can schedule a light show from the Tesla app and there will be two new light shows with this update. There's a new game Boomerang Fu.

The emissions prank has a new feature on contact. The new seats control panel allows you to adjust the position of the unoccupied passenger seat, including second row seats. You can track maintenance items through the touchscreen. The rear screen now allows video playback controls in drive. You can find nearby parking at your destination or at any point of interest. One will touch on more shortly navigation will dynamically route around road closures. Vehicles without premium connectivity can now see traffic on their navigation route and when navigating to a supercharger, when you get there, you'll be notified on the touchscreen of any stalls that are out of service.

So what do you think? Better or worse than your expectations? I'm sure many of you have seen the big news over the weekend - Tesla did start rolling out FSD version 13.2 to limited external customers. In case you forgot, at the end of October; Elon Musk did say that the Tesla team is looking to get to feature complete for Unsupervised FSD with the version 13 series. This is literally and finally supposed to be the one. To touch on a few of the release notes, the first one with full res AI for video inputs. I saw plenty of people saying that this is the end of the road for hardware 3. I disagree. The plan has been the newest FSD updates will start with AI 4 and then in a few weeks or months time, Tesla will backport that version to be compatible with hardware 3.
你怎么看?这次发布是超过还是低于你的期望?我相信很多人已经看到了周末的大新闻:特斯拉开始向部分外部客户推出FSD版本13.2。如果你忘了,十月底时埃隆·马斯克表示,特斯拉团队希望通过13系列版本实现完全无人监管的FSD功能。这次发布真的应该是那个版本了。 简单谈几点发布备注,首先是对视频输入的全分辨率AI。我看到很多人说这意味着硬件3的终结,但我不这样认为。计划是最新的FSD更新会从AI 4开始,接下来几周或几个月内,特斯拉会将该版本调整为与硬件3兼容。

Now in fairness, the trend is moving toward Tesla needing to upgrade hardware 3 vehicles eventually. But for now, as far as we know, Tesla is still going to do everything it can to bring the latest FSD upgrades to hardware 3. Eventually, one of the biggest ones, in my opinion, the 5x training compute scaling enabled by Cortex. Which is exactly the chart I made a few weeks back showing you the different FSD version releases and how it lines up with Tesla's compute capacity. So in reality, version 13, this red circle should be bumped over to the beginning of December which would put us up here. Let's call it about 85,000 H100 equivalent GPUs that version 13 is going to be trained on. Well version 12.5, which has been very good broadly for AI 4 customers, was trained on less than 45,000 H100 equivalents. Now if you're wondering where the 5x in compute capacity comes from I believe they're referring to the first release of FSD version 12.1, which had about 15,000 H100 equivalents which would roughly give us that 5X in. compute capacity most importantly after version 13 goes wide Hopefully over the next week or two in the ensuing months We should see very rapid progress thanks to this extra compute
现在公平地说,目前的趋势是特斯拉最终需要升级硬件3的车辆。然而,就目前所知,特斯拉仍在尽一切努力为硬件3带来最新的FSD升级。最终,核心之一可能是由Cortex提供的5倍训练计算能力的提升。这正是我几周前制作的图表所展示的,不同FSD版本的发布以及它与特斯拉计算能力的匹配情况。实际上,版本13,这个红圈应该移到12月初,这会将我们推到这里。我们称之为大约85,000个H100等效GPU,版本13将在此基础上进行训练。而版本12.5,广受AI 4客户好评,是在不到45,000个H100等效GPU上训练的。如果你在想这5倍计算能力的来源,我认为他们指的是FSD版本12.1的首次发布,当时是约15,000个H100等效GPU,这正好使我们的计算能力翻了5倍。最重要的是在版本13广泛推出之后,希望在接下来的一到两周及随后的几个月中,我们应该能看到由于这额外计算能力带来的非常快速的进展。

AI driver highlighted that the steering wheel jitter is mostly gone Which could be because of the reduced photon to control latency of about 2x Everyone that thought FSD drove way too slow on city streets will be rejoicing because speed profiles are now available on city streets Some others have been covered widely, but one I think people are sleeping on the dynamic routing around road closures Which displays them along an affected route when they're detected by the fleet Translation this is where the vehicle to vehicle and fleet wide Communication comes into play think about all of the features that ways has to offer will now be able in theory to come to Tesla Vehicles so this feature will be starting with road closures being communicated but in time likely Hopefully other things like police detection Pot holes cars on the side of the road all of those things would in theory be able to be communicated through the Tesla fleet and here are the upcoming improvements I'm not going to go through them as this has been covered quite Extensively, but they're on the screen if you miss them to check back in on the AI timeline Tesla said on park park and reverse an FSD Along with version 13 would come in October in actuality We got it at the end of November, but still pretty good for Tesla
AI 驾驶员指出,方向盘抖动几乎消失了,这可能是因为控制延迟减少了大约一半。所有曾认为全自动驾驶(FSD)在城市街道上行驶太慢的人会感到高兴,因为城市街道现在有了速度配置。一些其他变化已经被广泛报道,但我认为人们忽视了路况动态绕行功能。当车队检测到路况异常时,该功能会在受影响的路线中显示。这体现了车与车之间,以及车队间的通讯,想想Waze应用提供的所有功能,理论上现在也能够在特斯拉车上实现。那么这一功能将从路况异常的通讯开始,但希望将来会扩展到其他方面,比如警察检测、路面坑洼、路边停车的车辆等都可以通过特斯拉车队来传递信息。接下来是一些即将到来的改进,我就不详细介绍了,因为这些已经被广泛报道了,不过如果你错过了,可以通过屏幕查看。在AI发展时间表上,特斯拉曾表示自动泊车和倒车功能以及FSD第13版将在10月推出,实际上我们在11月底才得到这些功能,但对于特斯拉来说,这仍然是相当不错的进步。

I'm sure many of you already saw this video from AI driver where FSD was using reverse to get out of a dead-end situation But I just wanted to highlight that Chuck Cook also had a video in a similar scenario where FSD would not to go into reverse And as whole mar said who is usually the most bullish with new Tesla software releases said FSD 13 is sick But not quite ready to go wide a few rough edges He said there are some regressions like handling a gate and sometimes it was throwing up the red hands alert meaning you have to take over immediately But Chuck Cook said I don't see any safety issues that would keep 13.2 from going wide It's better than Send it and Chris from dirty Tesla and his wife had a video where FSD actually backed into a parking spot right in front of GameStop and it left them both speechless This is the version where you just get in your car plug in your destination Press this button on the UI don't touch anything and you're off and a shock said they are working on parking options Including garages so with a future point release your vehicle should be able to take you from wherever you're at to your Destination and park and then bring you back home all the way into your garage without touching anything except the start button One of my biggest questions for parking outside of parking at my house will be if FSD will be able to interpret road signs for Different parking rules Yoon Tasai in AI engineer at Tesla said version 13 is probably one of the biggest Rewrites in years from when they began the journey of photon count four years ago John Kraus asked if it was a bigger leap Technically and experientially then version 11 to version 12 to which he said the first two We deleted the image processing tuning that has nothing to do with information The last two years simplified the control stack to make it more human-like finally we can clean up what's left version 13 is like Raptor engine version 3 and we know what Elon likes to say about the third iteration of a product That's really where you can hit the sweet spot for my visual learners Here's that photo of the Raptor engines So you could look at these like FSD version 11 version 12 and then here's version 13
我相信很多人已经看过 AI Driver 发布的视频,其中展示了全自动驾驶(FSD)如何通过倒车摆脱死胡同的情境。但我想强调一点,Chuck Cook 也有一个类似情境的视频,那里 FSD 并没有倒车。而 Whole Mar,通常对特斯拉新软件发布持最乐观态度的人,也表示 FSD 13 版本非常出色,但还没有准备好全面发布,还有一些小问题。他提到一些问题如处理大门时的回归现象,有时候还会出现红手警示,意思是你必须立即接管驾驶。不过,Chuck Cook 认为没有什么安全问题会妨碍 13.2 版本的普及,它比 版本要好。他建议尽快推送。 Chris 和他的妻子在 Dirty Tesla 的视频中展示了 FSD 版本实际上如何在 GameStop 前倒车入停车位,让他们目瞪口呆。这一版本只需进入你的车,输入目的地,按下界面上的按钮,不用触碰任何东西,车子就会自动行驶。Shock 提到,他们正在开发包括车库在内的停车选项,因此在未来的某个版本中,你的车辆应该能够从你所在的位置自主到达目的地并停好,然后带你回家直到进入车库,整个过程中只需按下启动按钮。对我来说,除了在家停车,最大的疑问是 FSD 是否能够辨识不同停车规则的路牌。 特斯拉的 AI 工程师 Yoon Tasai 表示,版本 13 可能是他们四年前开始开发光子计数以来最大的一次重写。John Kraus 问这是比版本 11 到 12 技术和体验上更大的跃进吗,Yoon 回答说,前两年我们删除了与信息无关的图像处理调节,过去两年简化了控制堆栈,使其更具人性化,终于可以清理剩下的部分。版本 13 就像猛禽发动机的第三个版本,我们知道埃隆对产品第三次迭代有什么样的期望,那就是能够到达最佳状态。对于我的视觉学习者,这里有猛禽发动机的照片,你可以把它看作 FSD 版本 11、版本 12,然后这是版本 13。

So the takeaway to keep in mind here with FSD progress It's not just about adding more and more data more and more compute We also have to keep in mind It's Tesla continually removing certain things that it no longer needs to continually make the software more efficient Just keep that in mind for competitors There's much more to the story than just having as much compute and data as you can get your hands on early drives with version 13 Have been very promising but I like to wait for the wider release to see how it performs over a wider geography And naturally with these releases there's so much excitement It can be pretty tough to discern what's actually going on and how much of an improvement it really is Experientially so personally I think we need at least another few weeks after the wide release to really have an opinion on version 13 But I have to say so far things are looking very promising And it's pretty incredible to think that after all of these years 2025 really is shaping up to be the year that Elon ends up being right about his FSD timeline And the main Tesla account shared an interesting thought your kids will probably never have to learn to drive
所以关于完全自动驾驶(FSD)的进展,这里需要记住的是,不仅仅是增加越来越多的数据和计算能力。我们还需要注意的是,特斯拉不断删除某些不再需要的东西,以持续提高软件的效率。对于竞争对手来说,事情远不止拥有尽可能多的计算能力和数据那么简单。 早期版本13的测试表现非常有前景,但我倾向于等到更广泛的发布,以观察它在更大地理范围内的表现。自然地,每次发布都会引起极大的兴奋,所以很难判断实际发生了什么以及改进程度究竟有多大。从个人体验来看,我认为我们需要至少再等几周,在广泛发布后才能真正形成对版本13的看法。 但到目前为止,我必须说情况看起来非常有前景。令人惊讶的是,经过多年努力,2025年似乎真的会成为马斯克在他的FSD时间表上正确的一年。而且,特斯拉的官方账号分享了一个有趣的想法:你的孩子可能永远不需要学开车。

If you like me have had concerns about the lack of front bumper camera and seeing things on the road There are now multiple clips out there of version 13 avoiding smaller objects in the road Here's one more video of version 13 avoiding something in the road this one from dirty Tesla I want you to think about things like your browsing history your search queries all of the personal information that you've shared and All of your real-time location tracking data now think about the fact that since 2017 internet service providers have been granted the right to sell all of that data to Basically anyone and worse even if yours promises not to they can still allow your data to be used Transferred and monetized by third parties Thankfully you can prevent all of this from happening to you and your family with this limited time offer at an unbeatable holiday price with surf shark VPN the sponsor of this video surf shark encrypts all of your online activity and Masks your real IP address so no one can track your activity features like camouflage mode and no borders mode Allow you to access blocked sites and services even in countries with heavy restrictions Surf shark will encrypt your online communication from surveillance and interception And it allows you to unlock entirely new libraries of content around the world plus surf shark works on an unlimited number of devices Meaning you can protect your entire family with only one account as mentioned the holiday pricing right now is exceptional So if you've been waiting now is your time you can head to surf shark calm slash Electrified for four extra months of surf shark at pricing that you won't be anywhere else the link is below today
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The US Energy Department said it's planning to loan up to 7.54 billion dollars to a joint venture between Stellantis and Samsung this to build two battery plants in Indiana for EVs This award still has to be finalized But Stellantis said the first plant would open early 2025 and the second in 2027 in addition to these two facilities in Indiana Stellantis would also build a gigafactory in Canada with LG the same Stellantis where the CEO Carlos Tavares Just unexpectedly resigned there were increasingly different views between him and the board of directors I don't know about you But it doesn't seem wise to give over 7 billion dollars to a company that has so many question marks about its future and this loan Proposal makes it even more ridiculous that so many people still think Elon and Tesla are the ones getting all of these government handouts Just real quick on the optimist video catching two balls I want to make it clear because there's some confusion out there this video was teleoperated Julianne bars a bot engineer said I forgot to mention but this is teleoperated and Milan Kovotz also confirmed it was teleoperated But this is the new hand and forearm that has 22 degrees of freedom up from 11 previously There's also three degrees of freedom on the wrist and forearm Milan confirmed this new hand and forearm is the one where all of the Actuation how you actually move the fingers has been moved to the forearm which has increased the weight and there's now an interesting challenge Around having enough squishiness and compliance and a protective layer on the fingers in the palm without affecting tactile sensing too much This video has been covered at length But what I wanted to touch on was the tele operation bit There's still the narrative out there that if anything is teleoperated that basically means it's a nothing burger And not that impressive but as I've been saying over the past few weeks, that's just not an accurate narrative Elon did say it's an easy move to connect AI vision with arm actuation to catch autonomously It will be done next quarter. We're just testing the actuation and sensor system in the video thus according to elon relatively speaking It's actually not that hard to get optimist to catch a ball autonomously What's really impressive here is that tesla's tele operation latency is so good and so low that they can actually react and catch a ball in real time
美国能源部表示,计划向Stellantis和三星的合资企业贷款最多75.4亿美元,用于在印第安纳州建设两家电动汽车电池工厂。虽然这一奖项尚需最终确定,但Stellantis表示,第一座工厂将于2025年初开放,第二座将于2027年开放。除了印第安纳州的这两个设施,Stellantis还计划与LG在加拿大建造一个超级工厂。不过,同一个Stellantis的首席执行官Carlos Tavares刚刚因与董事会观点不同而意外辞职。我不知道你怎么看,但在这种情况下,将超过70亿美元贷给一家对未来有很多疑问的公司似乎并不明智。另外,这个贷款提议让很多人仍然认为Elon和特斯拉才是那些获得政府资助的公司,显得更加荒谬。简单提一下关于机器人视频中抓住两个球的问题,需要澄清的是,这段视频是远程操作的。Julianne Bars和Milan Kovotz都确认了这一点。新手和前臂具有22个自由度,比之前的11个增加了不少,手腕和前臂有3个自由度。Milan确认新手和前臂将所有的驱动装置移到了前臂,这增加了重量。现在面临的挑战是如何在不影响触觉感应的前提下,为手指和手掌增加足够的柔软性、顺应性和保护层。关于这个视频的讨论已经很多,但我想提到的是远程操作这一点。有人认为如果是远程操作的,那就不算什么特别的成就,也没有那么令人印象深刻。但过去几周我一直在说,这种看法并不准确。Elon表示,将AI视觉与手臂驱动系统相结合,实现自动抓球是容易的事,他们计划在下个季度完成。视频中只是为了测试驱动和传感系统。据Elon所说,相对而言,让机器人自动抓球并不困难。真正令人印象深刻的是特斯拉的远程操作延迟非常低,可以实时反应并抓住球。

So as I've said before tesla's end game obviously does not include tele operation However, that does not mean that tele operation doesn't have a place in the real world Which means the better tesla can be at that It would just open up more opportunities if tesla ever chose to take those paths I won't get into that now But just think about any use case where it may not be safe for a human to operate a tele operated optimist could solve those problems And most importantly melon said it gives us confidence will very soon be making all new bots with the new hands I did want to touch on finally changing course when it comes to lease buyouts as they're now offering this option for new leases And it's also retroactive for current leases.

I saw so many different opinions out there Whether this was a great or a terrible signal for tesla's robotaxi prospects But the truth is there are just many different ways you could interpret this sure Maybe it's bullish for cybercab and production tooling is going well So the least fleet won't be needed for robotaxis early on or perhaps this is much more simple And it's just a demand lever that tesla is testing out for quarter four sales Or maybe it's bearish for autonomy because if robotaxis were right around the corner Tesla might want to keep these vehicles for themselves to deploy on the network Because the net present value of revenues would be higher with the vehicles owned by tesla However, it's also true that if those vehicles were bought out and owned by the customer Tesla would still get a portion of revenues if the customer adds those vehicles to the robotaxi network And in that scenario tesla doesn't have to deal with any of the maintenance or the overhead I've also seen some people saying this is proof that hardware three vehicles will never be capable of Unsupervised fsd because again if they were tesla wouldn't do this The problem with that line of thinking is tesla has plenty of hardware four vehicles out on lease right now as well Tesla started rolling out hardware four in some vehicles in quarter one of 2023 then separately from an ev adoption perspective I think it's great as this gives customers a way to try an ev from tesla And they still have the option to buy it if they so choose Or maybe tesla is getting ahead of the ev credits going away and tesla wants customers to be able to eventually buy a tesla Through the leasing loophole with this option customers can still benefit from the ev tax credit even after it goes away Honestly though for me, I'm not reading too much into this one This is something that customers have been asking tesla for literally for years So it could be as simple as tesla just giving the customers what they want and keep in mind tesla's lease program Isn't that big to begin with we're talking between 10 and 15 000 vehicles per quarter I did see this online I can't confirm if it's true But the word might be that you can request a buyout quote of your tesla lease from a lender at any time before your lease maturity date Which if true would mean you would not have to wait until the end of your lease to actually buy it out And that obviously would have impacts on the ultimate financing So it's nice to have that early option again if true
我看到大家对特斯拉的机器人出租车前景有很多不同的看法。有些人认为这是个好信号,有些则认为不好。其实,对于这个问题有多种解读方式。也许这代表着对Cybercab的乐观看法,并且生产工具运行良好,因此早期机器人出租车不需要特别的车队。或者,实际上这只是特斯拉为了测试第四季度销售而采取的一种需求调节手段。也有可能这是对自动驾驶的不利信号,因为如果机器人出租车即将面世,特斯拉可能会选择自有车辆投入网络,因为长期来看,特斯拉自有车辆的收益会更高。然而,也可以说即使这些车辆是由客户购买和拥有的,只要他们将其加入机器人出租车网络,特斯拉仍会获得一部分收益,同时无需承担维护和管理的成本。 有些人认为,这证明了第三代硬件无法实现无人驾驶的全自动驾驶功能,因为如果可以实现,特斯拉就不会这样做。然而,这种思维模式的问题在于,特斯拉现在也有许多第四代硬件的车辆正在进行租赁。特斯拉在2023年第一季度就开始在某些车辆中推出第四代硬件。 从电动车采用的角度来看,我觉得这很好,因为它提供了消费者尝试特斯拉电动车的机会,并且他们还有购买的选择。或者,特斯拉可能是在提前应对电动车购车补贴的取消,为客户提供通过租赁漏洞购买特斯拉的途径,这样即使补贴不再存在,消费者依然可以从中获益。 不过,就我个人而言,并没有对此过多解读。其实,这只是特斯拉响应了多年来客户的需求。而且,要知道特斯拉的租赁项目本身规模并不大,每季度大约是1万到1万5千辆。我在网上看到有这样的说法,但无法确认是否属实:你可以在租赁期满前随时向贷款方请求购车报价。若属实,这意味着你不必等到租赁期满才购车,这显然会影响最终的融资,但假如属实,提前购车的选项还是不错的。

We've all been waiting patiently to hear kathleen mccormick's decision about elon's 2018 pay package Well today we got her decision and she yet again even after shareholders Resupported the vote she decided to reject the package she decided to stick with her original finding in January that the company's board Was too much under the influence of elon i'll just come out and say it Kathleen seems to be way too much under the influence of someone and we need to figure out who that is This has such a strong feeling of corruption written all over it We spent almost a year going over all of the disclosures tesla hired people to put together that in-depth Report that informed tesla shareholders as thoroughly as one could about everything with regard to that pay package And then we revoted and Overwhelmingly had majority shareholders support

So effectively what kathleen is saying with this decision is that i see that but i don't really care I still think you're all wrong now before i go off too much on this the main tesla account on x Already said the courts decision is wrong and we're going to appeal So as expected this will be going to the dellaware supreme court Which means we're back to the waiting game, but if there's a silver lining here I did some digging in for the dellaware courts I found that the dellaware supreme court is known for being the most prompt appellate court in the nation The court has established goals for timely resolution of its docket last year The courts appeals were decided an average of 29.7 days from the date of submission to the date of final decision That's obviously just an average but hopefully sometime in the next few months we can get a final decision
实际上,凯瑟琳做出这个决定的意思就是:我看到了,但我并不在意,我仍然认为你们都错了。在我对此展开过多讨论之前,特斯拉在 X 平台的主账号已经表示,法院的决定是错误的,我们将提出上诉。因此,不出所料,这件事将上诉到特拉华州最高法院,这意味着我们又进入了等待阶段。不过,如果要找一点积极的方面,我查阅了一些特拉华州法院的信息,发现特拉华州最高法院被称为全美最快的上诉法院。去年,法院在提交上诉后的平均 29.7 天内就做出了最终决定。这只是一个平均数,但希望在接下来的几个月内我们能得到最终结果。

Further kathleen said even if a stockholder vote could have a ratifying effect It could not do so here and here's her reasoning for saying that She said we're the court to condone the practice of allowing defeated parties to create new facts for the purpose of revising judgments Lawsuits would become interminable meaning they would last a really long time Effectively without an end, but this idea of new facts is ridiculous the way I see it None of them were new they were the same facts that existed the first time around But again, what kathleen is effectively saying here is that she really doesn't care about the facts whether they're new or old She's just worried about these lawsuits not taking too long

So forget about justice or actually getting to the bottom of things You know getting to the truth We just need to wrap this up and get this over with and she also approved a 345 million attorney fee award for the lawyers that sued to void the plan I really don't see any world where this decision does not lead to a continued exodus of businesses Incorporations from Delaware as tessel said if this doesn't get overturned on appeal That means that judges and plaintiffs lawyers run Delaware companies rather than their rightful owners the shareholders Activist judges the law affair whatever you want to call it. It all needs to stop yesterday I have to say I will be shocked if tesla somehow Loses this appeal at the supreme court best case scenario tesla wins this appeal in the next few weeks Elan gets his pay package reinstated and we can finally put this in the past and move on worst case scenario This appeal drags out for six plus months and ultimately gets rejected yet again Which would mean tesla has to figure out a new way to compensate elan and no matter how they figure it It's going to be much more expensive for tesla and tesla shareholders So yet again, we'll wait and see

briefly the new jaggy war design Inspirations apparently leaked and this is what we're working with all i'll say is it's not my cup of tea If you take a look around the cracks are starting to show at many of these legacy oem's We talked about many problems with stellantis We now have two people from nissan saying that they have 12 to 14 months left two unnamed nissan Executive said the company has 12 to 14 months to survive which makes it less surprising that nissan's cfo has decided to step down It's not clear whether he's being demoted or leaving the company tesla stock closed the day at $357.09 up 3.46 While the nazdak was up 0.97 The volume was 22 Percent lower than the average volume the past 30 days Don't forget check out surf shark linked below elan has recommended vp ends in the past as we've shared and elan did chime in saying Absolute corruption about the cathleen mccormic decision Just don't forget there can be corruption with your internet service providers as well Thank you all for your patience over the last two weeks, but i'm finally back home and it's so good to be back Hope you guys have a wonderful day Please like the video if you did you can find me on x linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters You
最新的锯齿战争设计灵感似乎泄露了,这是我们目前的工作对象。我只能说,这不是我的菜。如果你仔细看看,许多传统原始设备制造商的问题已经开始显现。我们讨论了Stellantis的很多问题,现在有两名日产高管表示,他们还有12到14个月的时间。两名未具名的日产高管称,公司还有12到14个月的生存时间。这让日产的首席财务官决定辞职显得不那么令人惊讶。目前不清楚他是被降职还是离开公司。特斯拉股票以357.09美元收盘,上涨3.46%,而纳斯达克指数上涨0.97%。交易量比过去30天的平均交易量低22%。不要忘记查看下面链接的Surf Shark,Elon过去曾建议过VPN,我们也分享过,Elon针对Cathleen McCormic的决定表示绝对腐败。请记住,您的互联网服务提供商也可能存在腐败。感谢大家过去两周的耐心等待,我终于回家了,真高兴回家。希望大家度过美好的一天。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以在下面的X找到我,特别感谢我所有的Patreon支持者。