Tesla's Latest FSD Impresses / Major Tesla Charging Update: Not What You Think ⚡️
发布时间 2024-11-15 02:01:48 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patrons, Barry C and Jeff H. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. There's a lot going on right now with tax credits and charging and we'll definitely talk about that, but we can't lose sight of what matters most for Tesla right now and that's FSD progress. With a shock saying that FSD12.5.6.3 has now shipped widely to AI4, I figured it'd be time for some highlights. This is the version with the end-to-end network on the highway and don't forget when you have less heuristic code, it should be much easier and more efficient to actually scale. And to get the message out there, as Scott has been saying on X, I do agree it would be awesome to be able to select your own custom route, especially in your hometown. Where I live at home to get into town, it always takes a terrible route going through a ridiculous intersection and I would love to have the ability to not disengage at the same point every time. JC on X shared a long video of his experience with and there was a pretty impressive clip on the highway. I mean, I wouldn't do anything different here, zero. And we got a slower car in front of us, so now we're going to get over to the right. Now I don't know if we're getting over to the right because of that slower car or because our exit's in a mile and a half. And maybe I think it's probably because of our exit. So we're getting over from the exit sooner. That was at about one and three quarter mile if that was the reason it was getting over. I like that. It's getting over for the exit sooner. Yeah, we're going to get off on the North Park Drive exit here in about a mile. Somebody's got their left blinker to get instead. We get over here. All right, but now we're going to have to work our way back over. Whoa, okay, this is going to be really, really interesting because we have gone all the way back over to the left plane and we got to get all the way back over to the right in a half a mile. I'm going to stay quiet here per second and see if it can do this. All right, made it over two. We got to get over two more and you've got 0.1 mile. Holy crap. Wow. Wow. Wow. You got to love the clap. I know that is super relatable and for what it's worth, he was on the hurry profile.
欢迎来到Electrified频道,我是你的主持人Dylan Loomis。首先感谢我最新的赞助者,Barry C和Jeff H,谢谢你们选择支持这个频道。目前关于税收抵免和充电的问题存在很多讨论,我们绝对会聊到这些,但我们不能忽视目前对特斯拉最重要的事情,那就是FSD(全自动驾驶)的进展。令人震惊的是,FSD12.5.6.3版本已经广泛发布到AI4,所以我认为我们应该来看看一些亮点。这是带有高速公路端到端网络的版本,别忘了,减少启发式代码后,实际扩展应该会更加轻松和高效。正如Scott在X上所说,我同意能够选择自己的定制路线会很棒,尤其是在自己家乡的情况下。我住的地方去市区时,总是经过一个很糟糕的路口,我真希望在同一个点不用每次都脱离自动驾驶。
JC在X上分享了他使用12.5.6.3版本的长视频,其中在高速公路上的一段相当令人印象深刻。我在这里不会做任何不同的事情,完全没问题。前面有辆慢车,现在我们要向右边变道。我不知道我们是因为慢车变道,还是因为我们的出口在一英里半外。我想可能是因为我们的出口。所以我们提早从出口变道。如果这是变道的原因,大约是在一英里又四分之三的地方。我喜欢这样,提前从出口变道。是的,我们将在大约一英里后的North Park Drive出口下车。有人打了左转信号灯,我们改到这里。但是现在我们得重新变回去。哇哦,这会非常有趣,因为我们已经完全变到了左车道,而我们必须在半英里内变到最右边。我现在保持安静,看它能否完成。好了,成功变过去两个车道了,还有两个要变,还有0.1英里。天哪!太棒了!这令人兴奋,不是吗?我知道这种情景很有共鸣,而且值得一提的是,他使用的是加急模式。
I had the chance to test this latest version earlier today for about two hours and overall it was really good, but I wanted to show you a few clips. You're about to see this green car doing some squirrely driving. You may have missed it, but it did go through that yellow light without hitting the brakes. So that was a welcome change, but here, luckily, there was nobody behind us. So I could let this scenario play out. As you can see, it was about to go around, but then it slammed on the brakes. So just one more time, if I was driving, I already would have been in the right lane and just would have cruised around it, but it really wanted to stay in that center lane for some reason and did end up coming to a complete stop, which is certainly not ideal. You can see right here at this point, the speed limit was 45. Most of our drive was pretty uneventful, very smooth, but it is still driving too slow on the city streets. I did have my profile in hurry mode. I don't think it really matters much for city streets with speed limits less than 50 miles per hour.
But again, overall, very early first impressions were certainly positive. It was handling these two lane roundabouts with ease. Granted, there wasn't as much traffic as there usually is. But I had no problems with a lane selection or anything like that. Here, it was extra cautious for this woman crossing the street, not on a crosswalk, gave her plenty of space, slowed down in plenty of time. And the last clip that I wanted to share, you'll see when this light turns green, it properly waits because there are some pedestrians that are coming, so it was again very cautious. Let them go ahead rather than taking the right of way which it had with the green light. And once they were out of the way, proceeded through. I'm hoping to have some more time to test it with more traffic this weekend, but I'm guessing a lot of you have already received it, so let us know below if you've had a chance to try it out.
There's currently a major shift taking place in the media industry as we have some famous CNN anchors that are now leaving for the streaming and podcasting world. Comcast has reportedly put MSNBC up for sale. And after Trump's victory, the viewership of MSNBC has dropped by half. And elsewhere, the ratings are crumbling as well. If you haven't been paying attention, the reason this is happening is because the media has largely become a propaganda machine and not at all concerned with objective reporting of the facts. We've seen millions of people under the influence, if you will, of these programs, and it's time to put the final nail in the coffin. If you want to do your part, I'd strongly encourage you to check out Ground News to sponsor of this video. It's a platform that has the sole focus of keeping us informed without biased algorithms and by exposing any political leaning of every source. Take this report about nearly 2 million people getting sick from air pollution, for example.
目前,媒体行业正在经历重大变革,一些著名的CNN主播正在转战流媒体和播客领域。据报道,康卡斯特公司已经将MSNBC挂牌出售。而在特朗普胜选后,MSNBC的观众人数减少了一半。在其他地方,收视率也在下降。如果你还没有注意到,造成这种情况的原因是媒体在很大程度上已经变成了一个宣传机器,对客观报道事实不再关注。我们看到数百万人受到这些节目的影响,现在是时候敲响最后的丧钟了。如果你想尽自己的一份力,我强烈建议你了解一下本视频的赞助商Ground News。这是一个专注于不使用带有偏见算法的信息平台,并揭示每个来源的政治倾向。比如,这份关于近200万人因空气污染而生病的报告。
Of all the sources covering it, 30% lean left and just 4% lean right. Using Ground News, I can check my own news bias every week to see the political leaning of the articles I'm reading. Ground News has also saved me a ton of time, avoiding puff pieces as 82% of the articles I read have high factuality. That's because when I'm looking for breaking Elon and Tesla news, I can see these tags for every source. It tells me who owns the publication, the factuality level, and the political bias. And I know many of you have already signed up, but for those that haven't, you can actually get the best deal that Ground News will offer all year at 50% off the vantage plan for unlimited access at ground.news. or you can use the QR code right on the screen.
在所有报道中,30%倾向于左派,仅有4%倾向于右派。通过使用Ground News,我可以每周检查自己获取的新闻偏向,以了解我所阅读文章的政治倾向。Ground News还为我节省了大量时间,避免了阅读空洞文章,因为我阅读的文章有82%具备高度真实性。这是因为,当我寻找有关Elon和特斯拉的最新消息时,我可以看到每个来源的标签。这些标签告诉我出版物的所有权、真实性水平以及政治倾向。我知道很多人已经注册了,但对于尚未注册的人,现在可以在ground.news以5折优惠获取全年最佳价格,订购无限访问的vantage计划,或者可以使用屏幕上的二维码。
Once again, there seems to be a lot of confusion out there right now about another Tesla update from Tesla charging about the new V4 cabinets that are finally here. To make the distinction, the cabinets are the back end, whereas the posts, or the stalls, or the dispensers, are what you're actually interfacing with when you go to supercharge your car. So the cabinets are what actually supply the power to the posts, stalls, or dispensers. We know there are already V4 locations out in the wild and active, but those all still had the version 3 cabinets, meaning the charging speeds were effectively the same. But today, Tesla announced the V4 cabinet capable of delivering up to 500 kilowatts for cars and 1.2 megawatts for semi.
And this is where things get confusing, they say supports 400 volts to 1000 volt vehicle architectures, including 30% faster charging for the Cybertruck. Let's say current Cybertruck charging speeds are 300 kilowatts peak, and that may be on the high side, 30% higher than that would only be 390 kilowatts, not 500. So I think what they mean with this line is that the overall charging curve or the overall charging time will be 30% faster, meaning something like the 10% to 80% overall time, because if they meant the peak charge rate would only be 30% faster, that really wouldn't be up to 500 kilowatts. Then they say the sexy vehicles enjoy 250 kilowatt charge rates they already experience on V3 cabinets, which by my interpretation means we should not be expecting any major upgrades here for the current sexy lineup.
这就是事情变得混乱的地方。他们声称支持 400 伏到 1000 伏的车辆架构,包括为 Cybertruck 提供 30% 更快的充电速度。假设目前 Cybertruck 的充电速度峰值为 300 千瓦,这也许已经是最高值了,增加 30% 也只是达到 390 千瓦,而不是 500 千瓦。因此,我认为他们这句话的意思是总体充电曲线或充电时间将快 30%,类似于从 10% 到 80% 电量所需的时间,因为如果他们指的是峰值充电速率提高30%,那么就达不到 500 千瓦了。然后他们提到“sexy”系列车辆的充电速率已经在 V3 充电柜上达到 250 千瓦,这根据我的理解意味着我们不应该指望这个系列会有任何重大升级。
Of course, with a future software update that could always change, maybe they can push 300 kilowatts with the current hardware, but that's TBD. So at least for now, it sounds like this upgrade will be the most beneficial for the Tesla semi, the Cybertruck, and then other non Tesla vehicles I'm thinking about Lucid, Hyundai, Kia, those on the 800 volt architecture, and we'll see what Tesla wants to do with project Juniper, maybe we see a higher voltage for that new vehicle. The new V4 cabinet powers 8 posts, which is twice the number of the stalls per cabinet relative to version 3. It has a smaller footprint and less complexity, so more sites can come online faster. The next gen hardware allows for cutting edge power electronics designed to be the most reliable on the planet with three times the power density enabling higher throughput with lower costs.
Our first sites with V4 cabinets are going into permitting now, first openings in 2025. Max from the supercharger team said posts can peak up to 500 kilowatts for cars, again adding to the confusion, but we need less than one megawatt across eight posts to deliver max power to cars 99% of the time. No more DC busbar between cabinets, the power comes from a single V4 cabinet to eight stalls, easier to install, cheaper, and more reliable. Even some of the small incremental improvements matter, the V4 cabinet has a 2% efficiency improvement. Superchargers already deliver over 5 terawatt hours per year, so that's 100 gigawatt hours per year in waste heat that can be saved.
And to keep things simple, it was that DC busbar on the V3 cabinets that allowed the power sharing between those cabinets. Now if you divide one megawatt which is 1000 kilowatts across eight different stalls, that would be 125 kilowatts per stall if they're all used at the same time. And the reason that breakdown delivers max power 99% of the time is because throughout the charging curve, you're only at those peak speeds for a very short period of time. Or if you use the number for the Tesla semi, which would be 1200 kilowatts divided by eight, that would be 150 kilowatts per stall if they're all used at the same time. Which apples to apples would actually be an improvement from the V3 cabinets, because let's say those had a max output of 350 kilowatts divided by four stalls, that's about 87.5 kilowatts when they're all being used.
So going from that shared rate of about 88 kilowatts on version three, bumping that up to even 125 on the lower end, that would be roughly a 42% improvement. Again, in that scenario where all of the stalls are being used at the same time, another big point to make here is it sounds like the Tesla semi is going to use the same V4 cabinet as the cyber truck and future Tesla vehicles. And of course, having the same back end will lead to better economies of scale, a simpler supply chain and all of that efficiency. But my biggest question right now is will Tesla be able to retrofit all of the existing supercharger locations with these V4 cabinets? Not only is it possible, but does Tesla plan to actually do that? And remember, Max did say these V4 cabinets are cheaper. So maybe these are actually cheaper than version three, which would be quite impressive better capacity, better output, and more reliable. That would all explain the reason Tesla has been waiting to make this announcement. I'm not an engineer, but I can't imagine the amount of work it took to have better output speeds across double the number of stalls relative to version three, we just cannot gloss over that fact.
Now, of course, it's going to take time for Tesla to complete this rollout. The first sites won't be online until next year. We have the question about retrofits for existing sites. And again, I'm not expecting any major charging improvements for the current sexy lineup, but at least it's now possible with a future software update. But the TLDW, the already best charging network in the world by far just got even better. We already talked about the possibility and likelihood of this happening last week. So you can go back and catch that video if you missed it.
But it sounds like Trump's team is looking to end the tax credit for EVs. They did say representatives of Tesla have told a Trump transition committee they support ending the subsidy. Elon did say earlier this year, killing the subsidy might slightly hurt Tesla sales, but would devastate its US EV competitors. Members of the energy transition team expect the Republican Congress will deploy a legislative measure known as reconciliation to avoid relying on democratic votes. Ironically, Biden used the same tactic to get the IRA bill passed.
看起来特朗普的团队正在考虑取消电动车的税收抵免。特朗普的过渡团队表示,特斯拉的代表曾向他们表示支持结束这一补贴。Elon Musk 今年早些时候曾说,取消补贴可能会稍微影响特斯拉的销售,但会严重打击其在美国的电动车竞争对手。能源过渡团队的成员预计,共和党国会将使用一种名为“和解”的立法手段,以避免依赖民主党的投票。有讽刺意味的是,拜登也使用了同样的策略来通过《通胀削减法案》。
I really don't want to beat a dead horse here. I went into more detail in other videos, but just know in the short term, this would absolutely be a negative thing for Tesla's profitability. Even though Elon has said in the past, take away the subsidies it will only help Tesla also remove subsidies from all industries. And this is one of the points I wanted to make how this could help Tesla. Tesla had to jump through all kinds of hoops to make sure their vehicles would qualify. So now all of those requirements are out the window, really opening up the supply chain for Tesla. And yes, this is all hypothetical the tax credits have not been successfully repealed yet, but it's looking like they will be eventually.
But in that case, Tesla can now source whatever battery materials they want, whatever battery packs they want, they can price their vehicles as they see fit without having to worry about any price cap limitations. So don't get me wrong, I'm not at all trying to argue that those few things somehow outweigh the negative impact taking them away will have. But I do believe in the long term, even the next three plus years, this will ultimately boil down to be a nothing burger. The biggest changes I see happening legacy automakers will spend even less R&D and less time on electric vehicles and they'll shift back toward making more ice vehicles, which obviously clears the runway even more for Tesla in the EV world.
I will say though, for the overall EV transition in the United States, this is definitely a negative there are no mental gymnastics you can do to turn that into a positive for the overall EV industry. And now the route to profitability for any company not named Tesla just became that much harder. On the topic, I did see this screenshot for a Cybertruck lease deal for the all wheel drive. And at the bottom, you'll see additional credits, a lease incentive of $7,500. For now, it looks like the tax credit is being applied to the Cybertruck lease. Don't go crazy out there though, just because the credit is included does not mean this lease is a good deal.
Speaking of the Cybertruck, Tesla has officially ended the in house rap service. And if you go to Tesla's inventory, you will now find the Cybertruck is available right now, it's just the foundation series in the all wheel drive or cyber beast. There is actually a new physical recall for the Cybertruck Tesla will replace the affected part, which is the drive inverter for free starting on or after December 9th. This recall affects just over 2,400 Cybertrucks.
Starting on November 20th, the Cybertab will be going on tour across Europe. So if you're over there, I'll have a link down below so you can check out each location. It'll be in London, Paris, Amsterdam, Oslo, Stockholm, and Berlin. CATL did say it would consider building a US plant if Trump opens the door to Chinese investment in the EV supply chain. Their chairman said originally when we wanted to invest in the US, the US government said no. Remember at least for now it sounds like the manufacturing or the production tax credit is going to be safe, so this would obviously be a lucrative deal for CATL.
Jason, Camisa, and Hagerty put out a new video on the Model 3 performance and they did an old school comparison with the BMW M3 competition. Spoiler alert, they chose the Tesla Model 3 as the winner. I would love to play some clips for you, but I don't want any copyright strikes from Hagerty, which has happened in the past, so I'll have the video linked below if you want to check it out. Tesla stock closed the day at $311.18 down 5.77 while the NASDAQ was down 0.64%. The volume was 24% above the average volume in the past 30 days.
Jason、Camisa 和 Hagerty 发布了一段关于特斯拉 Model 3 性能的新视频,并与传统的 BMW M3 竞赛版进行了对比。剧透一下,他们选择了特斯拉 Model 3 为优胜者。我很想给你播放一些片段,但不想因为版权问题而受到 Hagerty 的警告,之前就发生过这样的事,所以如果你感兴趣,可以点击下方链接观看视频。特斯拉股票收盘时价格为 $311.18,下跌了 5.77,而纳斯达克指数下跌了 0.64%。交易量比过去30天的平均交易量高出24%。
Don't forget, check out ground news linked below, take advantage of that new discount of 50% if you're interested.
Hope you guys have a wonderful day, please like the video, if you did, you can find me on Xlinked below, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.
别忘了,查看下面链接的Ground News,如果你感兴趣,现在有50%的新折扣可以利用。希望大家都有美好的一天,如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以在下面找到我在X平台的账号,特别感谢我所有的Patreon支持者。