A Big Strategy Shift for Tesla / An Ominous Sign / Tesla Integrations Coming ⚡️
发布时间 2024-11-04 23:33:53 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Just so you guys know, I have a unique opportunity to spend some quality time with family being down here that I otherwise would not have, so that's exactly what happened on Thursday and Friday. And today I figured I'd aim for a slightly earlier upload since Elon did just say that he'll be hosting a digital town hall on X tonight at 8.30 Eastern Time. You may have seen some headlines about the Cybertruck indicating that demand is faltering, but when you actually trace the source of those articles, you'll see they're largely stemming from a few posts like this. On October 28th, Gabe Thompson said ordered a non-foundation truck on October 18th, and it's getting delivered on October 29th. Thus, from order to delivery for a non-foundation truck, it was 11 days. There are a few other posts like this that I've seen, but we have to be careful taking a few anecdotes and then extrapolating that to Tesla's overall Cybertruck demand.
欢迎收听《Electrified》,我是你的主持人Dylan Loomis。让大家知道一下,我现在有一个特殊的机会能在这里和家人度过一些美好时光,这是我原本无法做到的,所以这就是我在星期四和星期五的安排。而今天,我打算早点上传,因为埃隆刚刚宣布他将在今晚东部时间8:30主持一个在线市政厅会议。你可能看到了一些关于Cybertruck(赛博卡车)的头条新闻,显示需求正在下降,但如果你追溯这些文章的来源,你会发现它们主要来源于一些这样的帖子。10月28日,Gabe Thompson表示他在10月18日订购了一辆非基础型号的卡车,并将在10月29日交付。也就是说,从订购到交付仅用了11天。我看到还有其他一些类似的帖子,但我们在用少数几个案例去推断特斯拉整体的Cybertruck需求时需要小心。
But as I've said before, given Tesla just opened up the orders for the $80,000 Cybertruck, ideally you would see wait times longer than the current of November to December this year. But with that said, we have to keep in mind the Cybertruck still is not officially eligible for the consumer tax credit. Yes, the one for businesses on the commercial side is available, but the Cybertruck is still nowhere to be found on the fueleconomy.gov website for Tesla. Thus, some buyers are still likely waiting for that confirmation, and we have to keep in mind, Ford is now pausing its F-150 Lightning production until 2025.
正如我之前所说,鉴于特斯拉刚刚开放了8万美元的Cybertruck预订,理想情况下,你会希望看到比目前从11月到12月更长的等待时间。然而,我们必须记住,Cybertruck尚未正式符合消费者税收抵免资格。没错,商业用途方面的抵免是可用的,但在fueleconomy.gov网站上,特斯拉的Cybertruck仍然没有出现。因此,一些买家可能仍在等待这一确认。另外,我们还需要记住,福特目前暂停了其F-150 Lightning的生产,直到2025年。
This pause for Ford will be nearly two months from November 15th to January 6th. In fairness, the plant was already scheduled for a week of downtime starting on December 23rd. But Ford said we continue to adjust production for an optimal mix of sales growth and profitability. It also said it's doing this to better align production with consumer demand. I definitely think it's too early to panic on Cybertruck sales, but we'll definitely be watching the numbers for Q4 and Q1. It may not be the official Tesla App Store that many people are awaiting, but we're heading that direction as Tesla just launched third-party business to business tokens. Sloan-Sonelli, who works in fleet and business at Tesla, said third-party applications can now interact with cars they've been granted access to by Tesla for business admin. Tesla Fleet API is live in all regions and supports all types of Tesla devices.
If you're not familiar with APIs or application program interfaces, just think of these tokens like special passes or keys that Tesla's giving out to other businesses. These tokens or keys will allow those businesses to use Tesla's API in a more official and secure way. But if you look at the official page from Tesla, you can see this isn't just for businesses and developers, but it's for hobbyists as well. What it means is that more third parties will have secure access to Tesla's data through this API in the tokens and as a result, more people will be able to build software and apps that can enhance the Tesla experience for all owners that choose to use some of these third-party apps. On that front, here's an example of a Reddit user doing exactly that, perhaps a preview of the future. Can you navigate me to heavenly resort and make sure that I arrive with 40% battery levels at my destination? And can you also make sure that at one of my charging stops, there is a restaurant I need to stop for for lunch? You're all set for a trip to heavenly resort. The journey will take about three hours and 21 minutes with three charging stops along the way. Enjoy a tasty lunch at one of these restaurants near your charging stops.
Would you like me to send this route to your vehicle? Yes, please. That'd be awesome. I see we're going to 301 High Street. Do you want me to find you chargers or coffee on your way there or at the destination? Yes. Can you find me a coffee shop at my destination? I found a few coffee shops at your destination. Yeah, can you show me the menu for kupa cafe? Here's a taste of what's brewing at kupa cafe. Can you get me a medium latte? Your medium latte has been ordered and paid for. You can head over to kupa cafe, Litten, to pick it up. Ideally over time, Tesla will of course improve the voice commands natively, but until then, people are working on solutions.
您想让我把这条路线发送到您的车上吗?好的,谢谢,那就太好了。我看到我们要去301高街。您需要我在去的路上或目的地帮您找充电桩或咖啡店吗?是的,您可以帮我在目的地找到一家咖啡店吗?我找到了几家您目的地的咖啡店。好的,您可以给我看看Kupa Cafe的菜单吗?这是Kupa Cafe的一些饮品。您能帮我点一杯中杯拿铁吗?您的中杯拿铁已经点好并支付过了。您可以前往Litten的Kupa Cafe取走。理想着,特斯拉会逐步提升原生语音指令的功能,不过在这之前,人们正在努力寻找解决方案。
Another example over the weekend, the developer of the Tessie app has announced he now has a way to track autopilot and FSD usage. He said, just finished rolling this out to all iOS and Android devices. So these Tesla business tokens should continue to enhance the overall Tesla user experience.
在刚刚过去的周末,Tessie 应用的开发者宣布,他现在可以追踪自动驾驶和全自动驾驶(FSD)的使用情况。他表示,已经完成了在所有 iOS 和 Android 设备上的部署。因此,这些特斯拉业务功能应该能进一步提升整体特斯拉用户体验。
Today, the official megapack account posted on X, congrats to the megafactory team in Lathrop on building the 10,000th megapack. For some context, the groundbreaking ceremony for Lathrop took place in September 2021. Then from groundbreaking to the beginning of production, it was roughly one year. Thus, Tesla began production of the megapack around September of 2022, and about two years later, they hit the 10,000 units produced. It just so happens that 10,000 units of the megapack from Lathrop is the annual capacity.
Doing some back of the napkin math, 10,000 megapacks times roughly 1.5 million dollars per megapack would be 15 billion dollars in revenue from Lathrop in just about two years after starting production. Then if you just put a 20% gross profit on that, that gives you 3 billion dollars of profit in that two year period. And we don't have the official cost for Tesla's Lathrop factory, but it's likely that the profit they've generated in the past two years already exceeds that figure, whatever it actually is.
And we're likely to see an even faster production ramp from the megapack factory in Shanghai. Some of you may remember this video of Kim Yeji from the Olympics, to which Elon said she should be cast in an action movie, no action required. Well, who would have thought we'd fast forward just a few months, and now she has become Tesla's first ambassador in South Korea.
But as we know, this is really Tesla's first brand ambassador anywhere around the world that we know of. Yeji's agent said the relationship between Kim and Tesla developed after Elon mentioned her. She said I'm very excited to work with Tesla who have recognized me. I hope to convey a positive message together with Tesla. This really is quite a shift for Tesla from a marketing perspective.
据我们所知,Yeji 是特斯拉在全球范围内的首位品牌大使。Yeji的经纪人表示,Kim 与特斯拉的关系是在埃隆提到她之后发展起来的。她说:“我很高兴能与欣赏我的特斯拉合作。希望能和特斯拉一起传递积极的信息。”从营销角度来看,这对特斯拉来说确实是一个很大的转变。
It may be totally unrelated, but don't forget we talked about some of those EV fires in South Korea that have caused a lot of panic around EVs in general in the region. After that apartment complex fire, we talked about a few months ago, a survey found six of 10 EV owners now say their biggest concern is how to compensate victims if a fire starts in their cars. We also talked about the new certification scheme for EV battery packs in South Korea, where now automakers must disclose where the battery packs are coming from. So this is just my speculation, but perhaps Tesla now agreeing to work with Kim Yeji may be in an attempt to reverse some of that negative sentiment around EVs as of late in South Korea.
There were actually two pretty serious cybertruck crashes in Mexico over the weekend, the one that was worse was in Guadalajara and the other one in Mexico City. But looking at these images from the accident in Guadalajara, I think it's an absolute miracle that the four people that were in this vehicle at the time of the crash all survived. So far I have not been able to find any details about what actually caused a crash of this magnitude. But yeah, four people surviving this crash takes Tesla's safety to a whole other level that I wasn't even sure was possible.
We have another company from Australia getting it on the battery storage game, this time they're planning two separate projects, each which will be 400 megawatt hour systems. The company has already chosen its preferred technology, Tesla's lithium iron phosphate megapacks. It anticipates construction on both to start mid to late 2025. Across both projects, that's about 200 megapacks from Tesla, or roughly $200 million in revenue.
The community where Ashley and I are staying right now has many residents between the ages of 50 and 70, and I can tell you right now they've been asking about the Tesla, the most common question is how do you charge it? It's honestly been a very loud reminder that despite posts like this from the Tesla account on X that most of our audience would just gloss over about the supercharging network and the reliability and the ubiquity of it. Despite this info being second nature for us, for a group of the population that undoubtedly has money to spend and may consider a Tesla still has no idea about the charging network.
I know not everyone has software update 2024.38 yet, but with .44 we get some new improvements coming. This is not the holiday update just yet, but we get some more supercharging improvements in cold weather. You can now see if a supercharger has trailer compatible spaces, and if your vehicle is in tow mode, trailer friendly supercharger locations will appear at the top of the list. There's also a new blind spot warning when you're parked, so if you try to open a door while an approaching object is detected in your blind spot, like a cyclist or another vehicle, the blind spot warning will flash and audio warning will sound and the door will not open on the first press of the button. But that safety feature will be optional. There are some other smaller updates, but one of note is improved range estimation accuracy.
24 7 Tesla on YouTube gave us an update on the Tesla diner, and one of the screens has officially gone up. At long last, the first screen LED video panel is in. I haven't seen the LEDs firing yet. Word is the installers are working to complete the video downlink before testing. This is one of the two 45 foot LED screens in the parking lot of the diner. The screens will show 30 minute movie clips, scheduled to play in 30 minute intervals. The screens will be operational from 7am to 11pm, while the diner and charging stations will be open 24 7. The top level seating will include 77 seats where people can sit and watch the movies as they eat, or they'll be able to view and hear the movies from in-car charging.
在YouTube上的24 7 Tesla频道给我们带来了关于特斯拉餐厅的最新消息,其中一个屏幕已经正式安装好了。终于,第一个LED视频屏安装完毕。不过我还没有看到LED屏幕开始播放。听说安装人员正在努力完成视频传输,之后进行测试。这是餐厅停车场中的两个45英尺LED屏幕之一。屏幕将播放时长30分钟的电影片段,每30分钟间隔播放一次。屏幕的运行时间是从早上7点到晚上11点,而餐厅和充电站将全天候24小时开放。餐厅的上层将设有77个座位,人们可以一边用餐一边观看电影,或者在汽车充电时也可以看到和听到电影。
Now that I'm able to see the door in full light, it's a standard split double door with two half circle metal handles on each side. Honestly, I'm still wondering how Tesla compensated the owners and tenants of this building. As Marco RP highlighted in some filings, Tesla is planning a new 168 stall supercharger location, this one in Coalinga, California. This site will have restrooms as well as a large solar array and battery storage. Joe Tett-Mayer shared the boring company continues to prep the Gigatex's tunnel with the completion of the road surface panels, the interior with white stain and paint. Hopefully this will be operational by the end of the year.
现在我能够在全光下看到这扇门了,它是一个标准的双开门,每边都有一个半圆形的金属把手。老实说,我仍然好奇特斯拉是如何补偿这栋大楼的业主和租户的。正如Marco RP在一些文件中提到的,特斯拉计划在加州科灵厄新建一个拥有168个充电桩的超级充电桩站。这个站将配备洗手间、大型太阳能电池板和电池存储。Joe Tett-Mayer 分享说,无聊公司继续准备吉加州的隧道,已经完成了路面板,内部也进行了白色污渍和油漆处理。希望这个项目能在年底前投入运营。
We got the Tesla China wholesale number for October, it came in at 68,280. Comparing that to October last year, that number was 72,115, so we're down just over 5% this year. But more importantly, looking at the wholesale figure year to date, January through October, Gigashang High is down 3.6% this year, or down about 27,000 units. We don't yet have the domestic and export breakdown, so just looking at year to date, January through September, domestically, Gigashang High is up 5.7%, but from an export standpoint, they're down 18.7%. And overall production from Shanghai is down 3.5% January through September.
And don't forget the new export tariffs that just went into effect as of November 2nd officially. So we'll see if that has an impact in quarter 4 and beyond, but just keep in mind for quarter 3, Gigashang High did actually account for over 50% of Tesla's global deliveries. In quarter 3 globally, Tesla delivered just under 463,249.1,000 were from Shanghai. Finally, Tesla and the Philippines will be officially introduced on November 8th. This event will take place at the Uptown Mall in to Gig, and after the media introduction on the 8th, the showroom will be open to the public on November 9th.
不要忘记,11月2日正式生效的新出口关税。因此,我们会观察这是否会在第四季度及以后产生影响,但请记住,在第三季度,上海工厂的产量实际上占了特斯拉全球交付量的50%以上。第三季度全球交付量略低于463,249台,而其中1,000台来自上海。最后,特斯拉将于11月8日正式进入菲律宾市场。此次活动将在塔吉格的Uptown Mall举行。媒体介绍会将在8日举行,随后展厅将于11月9日对公众开放。
Still though, somehow, there's been no final word about what cars will be available at launch. NHTSA put out its filing for the part sourcing for automobiles for 2025. But I think the North American label is misleading, as this only considers parts from the US and Canada it excludes Mexico. Tesla actually ties for first place for American made parts with Honda, the Model 3 long range all-wheel drive, and rear wheel drive are in first place alongside the Honda Ridgeline all-wheel drive. Both have 75% of their parts created in North America.
尽管如此,目前仍然没有最终确定哪些汽车将在发布时可用。美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)发布了关于2025年汽车零部件采购的文件。但我认为"北美标签"有些误导,因为它只考虑了美国和加拿大的零部件,并不包含墨西哥。实际上,特斯拉和本田在美国制造的零部件上并列第一。其中,特斯拉Model 3长续航全轮驱动版和后轮驱动版与本田Ridgeline全轮驱动版并列第一,这些车辆的75%的零部件是在北美制造的。
Surprisingly, the Honda Ridgeline is actually the most American made truck with 75%, but the Cybertruck is in second place at 65%. Some other EV trucks of note, the Sierra EV is 36%, and the F-150 Lightning is down at 29%. Tesla ties for second place at 70%, with the Model 3 performance and the Model Ys. And then you have the Model S and Model X at 65% and 60% respectively. The Cybertruck takeover in Canada is officially underway. Deliveries have begun, and drive Tesla Canada said there are already over 400 Cybertrucks in Ontario alone, with another 600 on their way in the next few weeks.
令人惊讶的是,75%的本土化比例让本田Ridgeline成为最“美国制造”的卡车,而Cybertruck以65%位居第二。其他一些值得关注的电动卡车中,Sierra EV的本土化比例为36%,而F-150 Lightning则降至29%。特斯拉的Model 3性能版和Model Y本土化比例也达到70%,并列第二。而Model S和Model X分别为65%和60%。同时,Cybertruck在加拿大的交付也正式启动。据Drive Tesla Canada报道,仅安大略省就已有超过400辆Cybertruck,未来几周内还会有另外600辆运抵。
In case you missed it, Judge Kathleen McCormick did say I write to inform you I aim to issue that decision before the end of this year. That decision being too that she has to make when it comes to Elon's compensation plan. One decision she has to make is around the legal fee that Tesla may have to pay the lawyers for the other side. But don't forget she also has to decide if the Tesla shareholder vote was valid to overturn her previous ruling. Which would ultimately mean that Elon's pay package is finally restored. Less than two months and we may have some clarity. Now if this goes south for Tesla and Elon, then Tesla would have the opportunity to appeal this to the Supreme Court.
I'm sure most of you have already seen the bigger news from last week about Tesla's AI rollout. Just in case those of you that don't have X didn't see it yet, they did say the full rollout of the end to end highway driving to all AI4 users is targeted for early this week. Another one to highlight, actually SmartSummon, releasing to Europe, China and other regions of the world. And then as part of Tesla's V13 FSD package, they'll have new audio inputs for better handling of emergency vehicles. Not only that, but integrated unpark reverse and park capabilities. And support for destination options including pulling over, parking in a spot, driveway or garage.
我想大多数人已经看到了上周关于特斯拉人工智能发布的重大新闻。为了防止没有看到X(指某个平台)的朋友落伍,他们表示,本周初将全面向所有AI4用户推出高速公路自动驾驶功能。另外需要特别提到的是,SmartSummon(智能召唤)功能将在欧洲、中国及其它地区推出。作为特斯拉V13 FSD(全自动驾驶)套餐的一部分,他们将添加新的音频输入,以更好地处理紧急车辆。不仅如此,还集成了自动泊车和倒车入位功能,并支持目的地选项,比如靠边停车、选定停车位,以及车道或车库停泊。
Tesla was targeting to ship FSD version 13 to internal customers by the end of last week. But more importantly, they're targeting a wide release of FSD version 13.3, with most of the improvements in this post for AI4 vehicles around Thanksgiving. Remember for AI3 owners, Tesla has told us that they're going to start these software releases and then end up working to backport those to AI3. Thus for most AI3 owners, it's likely that you won't see FSD version 13 until sometime in December at the earliest. I don't need to explain why this is such a big deal, but a shock did say lots of work, but the team's aiming to get to feature complete for unsupervised FSD with the version 13 series.
Of course, there are no guarantees Tesla can actually pull this off, but to know that Tesla is aiming for this internally to make version 13 the one, the expectations for version 13 are going to be through the roof. Clearly, over the next 6 to 9 months, the FSD releases are going to be incredibly exciting. Tesla stock closed the day at $242.84 down 2.47% while the Nasdaq was down 0.33%. It was a lower volume day for Tesla trading about 11 million shares below the average volume the past 30 days. We'll see about a video tomorrow on Tuesday for US Election Day. I know it's really the only thing most people can focus on right now. I do understand that.
It may also be a light news day for Tesla because of that, so we'll play it by ear. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X-linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.