Tesla's Targeted Expansion / That Didn't Last Long / VW Copying...Everyone ⚡️
发布时间 2024-10-26 02:39:41 来源
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It's still, I'm off the controls now. I'm also going to be impressed if it passes this bicyclist again. It's picking up. Okay, the bicyclist has signaled me. She said that, thank you. She said that go around them. You know what? My last 12 years of our fraud experience just went out the window. The truck will now, well, we're not at the hardest parts yet, right? But maybe just likes doing this. Wow, now it's holding butt. Let's slow down. Let's slow down. Do you see this? Oh, wow. Wow. It made that turn. Look at that. Welcome to electrified. It's your host Dylan Loomis. So pretty cool video of Cybertruck and FSD in an off road environment where Cybertruck engineer West clarified there has been zero training to make it very clear. If it's not already filled to one who works at Tesla said we have unified our software stack starting with 12 dot 5 dot 6 releases end to end is now running on both city streets and highway one stack to rule them all. He continued four years after the initial release were completely end to end. Something tells me this will be an important milestone or dichotomy into the future. So just remember 12 dot 5 dot 6 is end to end on the highway and city streets.
现在一切静止,我已经不再控制了。如果它能再次超过这名骑自行车的人,我会感到很惊讶。它正在加速。好的,骑自行车的人向我示意。她说谢谢,她让我绕过去。你知道吗?我过去12年的欺诈经验瞬间蒸发了。卡车现在……好吧,我们还没到最难的部分,是吧?但也许它只是喜欢这样做。哇,现在它正在快速前进。让我们慢下来。你看到了吗?哦,厉害。它成功转弯了。看那,欢迎来到电动车的世界,由Dylan Loomis主持。这是一段非常酷的视频,展示了Cybertruck和全自动驾驶(FSD)在越野环境中的表现,Cybertruck工程师West澄清说到目前为止没有进行过专门训练。这很明确,有特斯拉员工透露说,我们自12.5.6版本开始统一了软件系统,城市道路和高速公路可以使用同一套系统。四年后的今天,我们已经完全实现了整体端到端。直觉告诉我这将是未来一个重要的里程碑或分水岭。所以记住,版本12.5.6在高速和城市道路上是完整的端到端系统。
There are some interesting things going on with the FSD trials right now. Some users are getting emails letting them know that their trial has been extended. I've been subscribing to FSD personally for most of the year, but I just got an email saying that I'm getting a 30 day complimentary trial of FSD. My original subscription was set to expire December 20th. So it just bumped it out another 30 days. Don't forget as Tesla mentioned on the call, they're going to do these 30 day trials regularly whenever they feel they've made a significant improvement with FSD. We are quickly running out of time on this one, but Tesla did say that version 13 is supposed to come out by the end of October. So there's a chance Tesla wants more people to experience this next version.
Say what you will about global warming, but one thing you can't deny when it comes to electric vehicles and the benefits is the ability to breathe cleaner air, the more of them that are on the road. On X Lars from Tesla was trying to make that point showing those pictures from before and after lockdown. But have any of you actually looked at these two pictures because the way I see it, they are quite different. The one on the right, you have a street going right through here and on the picture on the left, you can't really see that anywhere. Even the skyscrapers in the back of the image don't really light up well with each other. So personally, I would just be careful with this picture and I would not get super dogmatic about using this to justify your arguments. I think a far more effective picture would be this one where it has different dates and it actually shows us the NO2 or nitrogen dioxide levels. So if you take a majority of the gas cars off the road in just one year, you can see how significantly those levels are reduced. Joe Tett-Mayer shared a quick video of Tesla's cooling unit for the Cortex Supercomputer at Gigataxis. It's not quite fully operational, but progress is being made. If you look closely, you can see two of the fans in the middle are indeed spinning, so testing preparations are underway. Thought that was a good segue for this one.
关于全球变暖,你可以有自己的看法,但关于电动车的一个不可否认的好处就是,随着路上电动车的增多,我们能够呼吸到更清洁的空气。特斯拉的Lars在X平台上尝试展示这一点,展示了封锁前后对比的照片。但是,你们有人仔细看过这两张照片吗?据我看来,它们相当不同。右边的照片中,有一条街道贯穿其间,而左边的照片中却看不到这样的街道。甚至背景中的摩天大楼在两张图片中看起来也不太对应。所以我个人会对这张照片保持谨慎态度,并避免过于固执地用它来证明观点。我认为更有效的图片是那种显示不同日期的图片,可以展示出二氧化氮(NO2)的水平。如果你在一年内减少大多数汽油车的数量,就能看到这些水平显著降低。Joe Tett-Mayer分享了一段关于特斯拉在Gigataxis的Cortex超级计算机冷却单元的短视频。虽然还未完全投入使用,但进展正在进行中。如果仔细观察,你可以看到中间有两个风扇确实在旋转,因此测试准备正在进行。认为这是一个不错的过渡。
We have Tesla's engineering HQ in Palo Alto, spilling green chemicals into the Palo Alto Creek. This quick video showing this fluorescent green material was shared by a local resident. The substance was identified as sodium hydroxide and additive used in cooling systems. Officials are saying the liquid does not pose a risk to life or health. The fire department said the fluid was used to cool the Tesla AI Supercomputer. But then things get confusing later in the article. They say testing is still underway to identify the material. Mike Snyder, who goes by Megapack Mike on X, got a promotion at Tesla. This month he was promoted to the VP of Energy and Charging, where previously he served as the Senior Director for the Megapack. In somewhat of an odd move, Tesla has decided to add the Cybertruck to the referral program in the United States. So for consumers, it's awesome, but given we just got access to the $80,000 Cybertruck, we would hope that Tesla doesn't think more incentives are already necessary for the truck. Definitely don't want to read too far into it, but I'll be watching these sales figures closely in the weeks ahead.
我们在帕洛阿尔托的特斯拉工程总部发生了绿色化学品泄漏到帕洛阿尔托溪的事件。一位当地居民分享了这一绿色荧光物质的短视频。该物质被鉴定为氢氧化钠和用于冷却系统的添加剂。官方表示,这种液体对生命或健康没有风险。消防部门指出,这种液体是用来冷却特斯拉人工智能超级计算机的。然而,文章后面的内容有些令人困惑:他们说测试仍在进行中,以确认这种物质的成分。一个名叫迈克·斯奈德的人,在X平台上被称为Megapack Mike,在特斯拉获得晋升。本月,他被提拔为能源与充电部副总裁,此前他担任Megapack的高级总监。有些奇怪的是,特斯拉决定在美国将Cybertruck加入推荐奖励计划。对消费者来说,这是个好消息,但考虑到我们刚能买到8万美元的Cybertruck,希望特斯拉不要认为更多的激励措施是必要的。我不想对此过多解读,但我会在接下来的几周密切关注这些销售数据。
Tesla has been doing some significant expansion into parts of New York as of late, this time around they're leasing 150,000 square feet in college point queens. Tesla has been doing some expanding into parts of New York over the past few months, this time around they're leasing 150,000 square feet of a former shopping center, which is located in college point in Queens. This entire site was going to be raised until Tesla started showing interest. All they're saying is they're going to retrofit the former theater and retail structure into a new two-story facility for Tesla. About 775 parking spaces are expected on site. The word is this may become Tesla's biggest sales delivery and service center in the world. As part of that parking lot figure, it's supposed to have 20 EV charging spots as well. You may remember earlier this year Tesla bought a 40,000 square foot parking lot in Miss Beth Queens and the expectation is they're turning that into a supercharging site. Given the physical limitations of New York and the fact that the city encourages drivers to go electric and the popularity of rideshare in that market, this site makes a lot of sense. Tesla kind of already called this out in their Q3 report, but the Model Y was indeed Europe's best selling car of any type in September. Some images of what's believed to be Tesla's project Juniper over in Shanghai are making their rounds on the internet. Given the camouflage and the pixelation, it's tough to really tell what's going on here, but the one takeaway may be the headlights. They are separated with this covering so we can't tell for sure, but this top light may be that single light going all the way across the front. There are rumors out there that it's supposed to have a light bar like this, the one that we see on the cyber cab. So possibly the Model Y gets something like this just with a bigger fog light or something below. I guess there's a chance this could just be one giant headlight, but we'll see soon enough. Here's another picture of the back, this one is pretty tough to tell anything about the rear bumper given it's all covered up. And here's just one more showing the side profile. I talked about this at length on Tuesday when it turns out I was talking to myself, but just real quick in case you missed it, this is what we wanted to see from Tesla for a long time. This site dubbed Oasis in California is going to have 168 supercharging stalls, only 1.5 megawatts of grid service ahead of a future expansion, 11 megawatts of ground mount solar and canopies on 30 acres of land, and 10 Tesla megapacks with 39 megawatt hours of storage. Plus as you can see in the image some drive through stalls as well. Tesla is planning to open the site by the middle of 2025 saying when you stop by, he'll be powered up by locally generated sunshine.
特斯拉在其第三季度报告中有提到,Model Y在九月份确实成为欧洲最畅销车型。关于特斯拉在上海的“Juniper项目”的一些图片正在网络上流传。由于伪装和像素化,目前很难看出发生了什么,但一个值得注意的可能是前灯。它们被这个覆盖物分开,所以我们无法确认,但顶灯可能是一整条灯带贯穿车头。有传言说它可能会像我们在网络出租车上看到的那样有一个灯条,因此可能Model Y也会有类似设计,只是下面会有更大的雾灯之类的。我猜还有可能这只是一个巨大的前灯,不过很快就会揭晓答案。这里有另一张车尾的图片,由于全部遮盖,很难辨别后保险杠的任何细节。还有一张显示侧面轮廓的图片。
There's been a lot of talk about plug-in hybrid sales over the past 6 to 12 months, and in some regions like in China they are selling well. However, in the United States, between January and August this year, plug-in hybrids represented just 1.9% of total US new car sales. That's compared to 10.7% for conventional hybrids and 9.4% for full EVs. JD Power also said during that time there were 41 plug-in hybrid models available in the US compared to 39 hybrids and 60 EVs. As we've talked about in the past, there have been some studies that show most of these plug-in hybrids don't actually get plugged in regularly, meaning they pollute a lot more than advertised. After about a 2-year wait, scout motors has finally unveiled its upcoming vehicles for 2027, a pickup and an SUV. VW did confirm this brand will be fully electric. The SUV is called the traveler and the pickup is called the Terra. VW is also claiming the scout brand will be a wholly American independent startup.
过去6到12个月里,关于插电式混合动力车(PHEV)销售的讨论很多。在一些地区,比如中国,插电式混合动力车销售情况不错。然而,在美国,今年1月至8月期间,插电式混合动力车仅占美国新车总销量的1.9%。相比之下,传统混合动力车占10.7%,纯电动车(EV)占9.4%。JD Power还指出,在这段时间内,美国市场上有41个插电式混合动力车型,而混合动力车有39个,电动车有60个。我们过去也讨论过一些研究,这些研究显示大多数插电式混合动力车并没有经常充电,意味着它们造成的污染比宣传的要多。在经历了约2年的等待后,Scout Motors终于推出了其计划在2027年发布的车型,包括一款皮卡和一款SUV。大众确认这两个品牌将是完全电动化的。SUV命名为Traveler,而皮卡命名为Terra。大众还声称Scout品牌将是一个完全独立的美国初创品牌。
The brand has designed and engineered these vehicles in Michigan and they plan to open a production facility in South Carolina. Their CEO Scott Kiyo said the brand is going for a rugged, versatile vehicle lineup capable of off-road adventure and family duty. Both vehicles will have a body on-frame chassis and more than one foot of ground clearance. Now for reference, the Cybertruck can go between 8 and 16 inches of ground clearance depending on the suspension setting. They're touting 0-60 times of 3.5 seconds and a range of up to 350 miles is possible. They're also talking about a range extender model which can take the range up to around 500 miles and they'll do that by including a small internal combustion engine as a generator.
They're calling that the Harvester. The good news for consumers is these vehicles will have a NACS port as standard and an 800 volt architecture allowing charging up to 350 kilowatts. They're saying 10,000 pounds of towing capacity for the truck and 7,000 for the SUV. You can put down a $100 deposit now to secure your place in line and the word is these vehicles will start around $60,000. The expectation is that these vehicles will qualify for the federal tax credit. But by 2027, who knows what that's going to look like? And is it just me or do these designs remind you an awful lot of Rivian? Especially when you factor in the rugged off-roading Do-Anything ethos?
Kinda looks like an R1T and an R1S to me. Honestly, though, one of the more interesting things to watch when it comes to this whole scout story, they did just say that the pickup and the SUV will be sold direct to consumers bypassing the VW dealer body. Thus, Scout has likely opened the door to legal action by National and State Dealer associations that have voiced frustration by a lack of communication over the brand's retail plans. This is where things are going to get murky. What's the actual distinction between VW and this scout brand? That's because a VW group spokesperson just said that Scout is separate from the VW brand. And they most likely did that as a way to bypass the dealership model.
Scout said the company plans dedicated retail spaces and said it will establish one-to-one relationships with customers via an app that will handle reservation, sales, delivery, and service, with vehicle purchases completed in minutes. Sounds awfully familiar. Scout said customers will know what they're paying and can expect full price transparency. You know how Tesla has gotten so big that anything with Tesla in the headline now gets clicks? Well, unfortunately, the same thing happened with AG1 and I wanted to address this comment. But before I do, let me be clear, nothing I recommend on the channel is going to be a perfect fit for everyone. We all have different microbiomes and genetics and deficiencies and the list goes on.
But first, on AG1 not being certified organic, that doesn't have to mean what you think it does. First, there are endless stories of nonsense products getting fraudulent organic labels, so for me, I look at specific testing and AG1 has a page laying out their testing that goes above and beyond. For things like heavy metals, allergens, pesticides, herbicides, microbes and toxins, residual solvents, and a list of banned substances. I also think the proprietary blendfud is a bit overdone. Many of the ingredients aren't proprietary and are actually clearly listed. And just because a company doesn't want to lay out exact amounts after conducting its own research to determine what's best doesn't mean it has to be sketchy. And finally, value and what's a good deal always will lie with the consumer, so at the end of the day, AG1 again won't be for everyone. I just prefer getting the basics that, by the way, I know exactly how much I'm getting, you can see it right here. And I've talked to their team enough and I've read through their reports enough to feel great about the sourcing of their whole food ingredients.
So if you'd like to try it for yourself and support the channel, you can get five travel packs and a one-year supply of item in D3K2 at drinkag1.com.com or using the QR code on the screen. Data from S3Partners is saying that Tesla short sellers ended up losing $3.5 billion on Thursday alone. The article says even worse, I may argue even better. For Tesla fans, their year-to-date profit of $1.7 billion was erased and now shorts are down $1.8 billion for the year. A chief strategist at IB said Tesla's guidance was extraordinary. At least for yesterday, the market was willing to trust Elon's assertions about sales growth. We'll see how things play out, but this could be an accurate summation of the situation.
They said now, with at least some faith, restored that the worst part of the slowdown in EV demand may be over and the company is making steady progress on developing a fully self-driving car. Investors are piling back into the stock. Personally, I would add Tesla's cost of goods sold continue to hit new record lows, paired with margins trending back up. And as we showed yesterday, that's still the case even if you normalized four or take out altogether the deferred revenue recognition. As we also said in yesterday's video, that was a big sentiment shifter for Tesla.
Costco is getting more in the game when it comes to offering EV chargers to its customers. They just installed the first DC fast chargers at a store in Ridgefield, Washington. They'll be dual dispenser chargers capable of powering up four EVs at once. The chargers are from a company called Electric Era and they will have battery storage on site as well. The stations have a 32-inch display for customer info and will have contactless payment as well. Costco and electric era are in ongoing discussions regarding the potential expansion of these stations.
Costco 在为顾客提供电动车充电服务方面变得更加积极。他们刚刚在华盛顿的 Ridgefield 的一家门店安装了首个直流快充设备。这个充电设施配备了双分配器,可以同时给四辆电动车充电。充电设备来自一家名为 Electric Era 的公司,并且现场会配备电池存储设施。充电站还配有32英寸的显示屏,用于显示顾客信息,并支持非接触式支付。Costco 与 Electric Era 正在持续讨论扩大这些充电站的可能性。
Costco did also recently launch a pilot fast charging site in Denver, which has 650 kilowatt electrify America stalls. The EU and China have agreed to have even more ongoing talks about these upcoming tariffs. These EU tariffs are set to go into effect next week, but they're also discussing possible minimum price commitments from Chinese producers or investments in Europe as an alternative to tariffs. But the European Commission did say they've already held eight rounds of technical negotiations with Chinese counterparts and said there were significant remaining gaps. Waymo put out a blog post with some safety data and some new mileage updates. They're now over 25 million rider-only miles. The breakdown is just over 1 million in Los Angeles, over 7 million in San Francisco, over 17 million in Phoenix, and 28,000 in Austin. Waymo has had its fair share of hiccups and maybe embarrassing moments, but overall they've managed to stay out of the headlines for negative reasons and they are continuing to expand.
Costco最近在丹佛启动了一个试点快速充电站,其中有650千瓦的Electrify America充电桩。欧盟和中国同意就即将实施的关税问题进行更多的持续对话。欧盟的这些关税计划在下周生效,但他们也在讨论从中国生产商那里获得最低价格承诺或在欧洲投资,作为对关税的替代方案。不过,欧盟委员会表示,他们已与中国对口进行了八轮技术谈判,并称仍存在重大分歧。Waymo发布了一篇博客文章,提供了一些安全数据和最新的里程更新。他们目前只载客行驶里程已超过2500万英里。其中,洛杉矶的行驶里程刚超过100万英里,旧金山超过700万英里,凤凰城超过1700万英里,奥斯汀为28,000英里。尽管Waymo经历了一些困难和可能令人尴尬的时刻,但总体上他们设法避免了负面新闻,并继续扩展业务。
Today they announced they raised $5.6 billion in an oversubscribed investment round. The funding will enable its ongoing rollout of Waymo 1 in San Francisco, Phoenix, LA, and soon Austin and Atlanta. Remember those latter two cities are in partnership exclusively with Uber. The rides in Austin and Atlanta are set to begin in 2025 using the electric Jaguar IPs. In April of this year, Waymo partnered with Uber Eats to deliver food across neighborhoods in Phoenix, including Chandler, Mesa, and Tempe. Bloomberg put together an article about Tesla's upcoming diner in Hollywood. They didn't tell us anything we don't already know, but they did have a nice high quality image, so I wanted to pass that along. There's still no official opening date, but based on the progress and the photos, I think quarter one is reasonable. Tesla stock closed the day at $269.19, up 3.34%, while the NASDAQ was up 0.56%. It was another very high volume day for Tesla trading about 79 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days.
今天,他们宣布在一次超额认购的投资轮中筹集了56亿美元。这笔资金将支持Waymo 1在旧金山、凤凰城、洛杉矶以及即将在奥斯汀和亚特兰大推出的运营。请记住,后面两个城市的项目是与Uber独家合作的。奥斯汀和亚特兰大的乘车服务计划于2025年开始,使用的是电动捷豹汽车。今年四月,Waymo与Uber Eats合作,在凤凰城的几个社区(包括钱德勒、梅萨和坦佩)送餐服务。彭博社写了一篇关于特斯拉即将在好莱坞开设的餐厅的文章。文章没透露什么新信息,但有一张质量很高的图片,所以我想分享一下。目前还没有官方的开业日期,但根据进度和照片,我认为第一季度开业是合理的。特斯拉当天收盘时股票价格为269.19美元,上涨了3.34%,而纳斯达克指数上涨了0.56%。特斯拉的交易量非常高,当天交易约7900万股,远超过去30天的平均交易量。
So, including today, year to date, Tesla stock is now up 7.64%. Don't forget, if you're interested and you'd like to support the channel, you can check out AG1 using my link below to get those freebies. Hope you guys have a wonderful and a safe weekend. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X, linked below, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters. Thank you.