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Well, Tesla Was Sandbagging / Teleoperation: They Were Wrong / Tesla's Lithium Refinery ⚡️

发布时间 2024-10-18 01:25:32    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dile Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patron, Divergent Observer. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Apparently, Tesla was sick of hearing everybody rag on Optimus and the tele-operation at the event, so earlier today, they released a new video. Just in case a few of you haven't seen it yet, I am going to play it but without the sound because there's music. Just to point out a few things you'll see in the top right this autonomous badge for certain clips. But the clip for walking up the stairs, that badge went away. But Ashish, who is an engineer at Tesla said none of the video was tele-operated. And Julian, who also works at Tesla on Optimus, said none of these shots are tele-operated. And now I'm playing this video back at .25 speed, but we do need to remember that they did say Optimus was actually walking on its own at the Wii robot event. And tele-operation up the stairs would be quite difficult given the weight distribution for the tele-operator would be much different than Optimus.

I thought the charging bits were pretty interesting. Clearly they're going the wall charger route, so Optimus has a camera basically on the back, so it can hook up to this dock by itself. And actually, it looks like this hook allows Optimus to rest on it so the actuators can turn off. In another part of the video, they did say they were having some overheating problems, which was likely from the actuator, so this would help alleviate that to some degree. A lot of people were expecting wireless charging for Optimus maybe through the feet, but apparently that's not the plan for now. You can see the light on the head of Optimus likely to indicate charging, red for low, green for charged, white for operating normally, and they may have some others that were just not in the video. And if you watch the bottom right hand corner, you'll actually see that rear camera on the back of Optimus so it can actually see the charging port dock.

You'll also see this mini map, I like to call it, yes, I used to play a ton of Call of Duty, where Optimus is navigating through this brand new environment. It looks like the green and the visual are humans, so Optimus is learning to maybe be extra cautious around humans. If you zoom in a bit here, you can see green dots everywhere, that's apparently how Optimus is perceiving its environment and helping with depth perception. Optimus will be able to communicate these point cloud maps of the environment to others in the fleet so they can work together to map their surroundings. I'm really waiting for a similar feature with the vehicle fleet, the ability for cars to communicate with one another for real-time traffic data, or potholes, new construction, etc.
你会看到一个小地图,我喜欢这样称呼它,可能是因为我以前玩过很多《使命召唤》。在这个全新的环境中,Optimus 正在导航,看起来绿色的视觉元素代表着人类,所以 Optimus 学会在靠近人类时可能要格外小心。如果你放大一点,就能看到到处都是绿色的点,显然这是 Optimus 用来感知环境和帮助深度感知的方式。Optimus 将能够将这些环境的点云地图传递给其他机器人,以便它们能够协同工作来绘制周围环境。我真的很期待类似的功能能应用在车辆上,比如车辆之间相互交流实时交通数据、路面坑洼、新施工等信息的能力。

And the video says later, Optimus can tap into these for navigation, implying some recall. Picking up this tray of 4680s, it apparently weighs 11 kilograms, which is right around 25 pounds. And if you pause, you can see Optimus is basically holding this thing with its fingertips, really just applying pressure through its shoulders and arms. And we have to keep in mind that this is probably a generation 2.2 of Optimus, it's really Gen 3 that they're expecting to go into production with, so this version does not yet have the new hand that we saw at the Wii Robot event.
视频后面提到,Optimus可以利用这些功能进行导航,这意味着它具备一定的记忆能力。捡起这个装有4680电池的托盘时,它显然重达11公斤,大约25磅。如果你暂停视频,你会看到Optimus基本上是用指尖抓着这个东西,主要是通过肩膀和手臂施加压力。我们要记住,这可能是Optimus的2.2代版本,他们真正期望推向生产的是第3代,因此这个版本还没有我们在Wii Robot活动上看到的新手部设计。

I don't know how much it's really doing, but in this scene where Optimus is actually handing out some chips and drinks to people and responding to their gestures, Optimus is attached to a safety cable. If you look at this part right here, it's almost as if Optimus releases or opens its hand right before this person goes to grab the bottle, so are they doing it based on vision and not really a tactile sensation? Either way, I have to be honest, I really was not expecting this level of progress right now. On X Milan did share a post about this video, he said we've also started tackling non-flat terrain and stairs, and Optimus started learning to interact with humans, we trained its neural net to hand over snacks and drinks upon gestures and voice requests. And he said all neural nets currently used by Optimus run on its embedded computer directly, leveraging our AI accelerators.

I did want to add, don't forget this tele-operation tech is probably going to be the way that Optimus is able to collect all of the real world data that it needs to eventually become autonomous. Without Tesla learning how to do that very well in many different environments, how else is Optimus going to learn from the real world? Yes, they can watch video footage, but as we know, the real world is different. So I know everybody wants to rush to the point where tele-operation is out of the picture completely, just don't forget it's a critical piece of getting Optimus where it needs to go. And it is going to take a little bit of time for Tesla to do something that's never been done before. Just know this narrative that's now out there that tele-operation is somehow easy and basically erases any progress we're seeing is just not true.

Tim Zaman who used to work at Tesla said, tele-operation is a hard requirement for a lot of imitation learning. The quality of the imitation is constrained by the quality and functionality of the tele-op. Even if Tim was using the word hard to translate to necessary, again that's just my point earlier that this is how Optimus gets to where we want it to go. Translation? The better Tesla gets at tele-operating these bots across a diverse range of scenarios the faster they gather the data they need to learn to do it on its own. As I said on X, there's at least a chance that Optimus could have done a lot of what we saw at WeRobot. Autonomously, it's just Tesla decided to have the human assistance to make sure everything runs smoothly and the guests remain safe.
曾在特斯拉工作的Tim Zaman表示,远程操作对许多模仿学习来说是一个硬性要求。模仿的质量受远程操作的质量和功能的限制。即使Tim用“hard”这个词来表示必要,我早些时候的观点仍然是,这就是我们希望Optimus达到目标的方式。翻译?特斯拉在各种场景下进行远程操作的能力越强,它们收集到的用于自主学习的数据就越多,速度也越快。正如我在X上所说,Optimus至少有可能在WeRobot展示的很多方面是可以自主完成的,只是特斯拉为了确保一切顺利运行和保证客人的安全,决定进行人工辅助。

Because remember, the team only had three weeks knowing that Elon wanted Optimus as part of his presentation. So most likely Tesla wasn't faking Optimus to try to prove it's further along than it really is, it can actually do a lot of these things autonomously already, it just took the safe route. So if you think about it in a sense, Tesla really was kind of sandbagging when it comes to how far Optimus has actually progressed when it comes to autonomous operations. Now look, I'm obviously not a robotics expert, but I try to keep up where I can and you just don't have to be an expert to look back just two years ago to see when Tesla had bumble bee and to see how far Tesla has come in just the last two years. I mean, honestly going from this clunky behemoth on the left to that video we just watched in two years, if you ask me, that's incredibly impressive.

So far, Tesla may already have over 100 Optimus built and operating in some capacity. Again, they talked about around 1000 by next year, by the end of this year, they should have the new hand ready for production. So the 1000 number for next year should be Gen 3 with the new hand and maybe some other updates that we don't yet know about as well. Honestly, before this video today, I was pretty skeptical that Tesla would have anywhere near 1000 Optimus bots doing useful work at its factories by next year. But after this video, I think there's a real chance they have at least maybe dozens of these doing real jobs by the end of next year.

Maybe not anything groundbreaking, but like these guys in the background that are just standing there sorting batteries, I think Optimus will be able to do that and maybe carry them to the next location. Most of you probably are not tracking this, but more and more people are waking up to what's going on across the internet. Few people realize just how deep the data collection goes when it comes to data brokers. And the rise of AI poses the risk of even more personal information being scraped from the internet. And even worse, a majority of Americans 73% think they have little to no control over what companies do with their data. Luckily for all of us, that is not the case because companies like DeleteMe exist. And yes, they're the sponsor of this video, but they are an easy way out of this terrible situation.

There are thousands of data brokers with new ones popping up regularly. That means without DeleteMe, you would have to look up and call each and every one of these companies, request a removal, and then follow up on that removal. And then somehow you have to constantly stay on top of new data brokers when they come up. It's totally impractical, which is why DeleteMe has become so popular. They do all of that work and then some for you. They're an American company and this is all they do. They remove all of your personal info from all of these sites, they send you reports quarterly, and they constantly monitor for new data brokers to ensure your personal info stays off these sites and is not being sold around the world. This time around, DeleteMe reviewed 5,719 listings and removed 25, saving me over 74 hours of work.

You can see right here in October, it looks like a bunch of new data brokers have popped up. In the report for each broker, they tell you the status of each removal, whether it's in progress or whether it's clean and the next scan is upcoming. So if you'd like to protect your family's information and support a great US based company, you can get 20% off at join deleteme.com slash electrified linked below. Just use my coupon code electrified and you'll be good to go. Or if it's easier, you can use the QR code right on the screen. Tesla charging just announced they now have 60,000 charging stalls around the world. For context, Tesla announced 50,000 on September 7th, 2023. So in the last 13 months and three days, Tesla deployed an additional 10,000 doing the math that's about 769 stalls per month. Assuming 10 stalls per site, that would be roughly 75 sites per month.
在十月,我们可以看到似乎有许多新的数据代理商出现。在每个代理商的报告中,他们会告诉你每个删除请求的状态,无论是正在进行中,还是已经完成并等待下一次扫描。如果你想保护你家人的信息并支持一家优秀的美国公司,你可以在join deleteme.com/electrified上获得20%的折扣,链接在下方。只需使用我的优惠码electrified即可,也可以直接扫描屏幕上的二维码。特斯拉充电刚刚宣布,他们现在在全球拥有60,000个充电桩。为了提供背景信息,特斯拉在2023年9月7日宣布了50,000个,也就是说在过去的13个月零3天里,特斯拉新增了10,000个充电桩。简单计算一下,每个月大约新增769个充电桩。假设每个站点有10个桩,这相当于每个月新增大约75个站点。

Hopefully, posts like this continue to alleviate some of the fears about Tesla's supercharger network stalling out after the layoffs earlier this year. Heinrich Zane gave us a nice update on the Tesla semi. He believes these eight semis toward the bottom left of the screen right now are new right off the production line and he's estimating that in total, there may now be north of 200 semis produced total Pepsi may have their 100 already and these new ones are going to new potential customers some for testing. And of course, not just testing for other potential customers, but some of these will likely stay with Tesla as well for in-house use. So we may be as high as 250 Tesla semis produced in total and he did say they may be at a rate of around four per day, which was up from around two per day before. If you're not yet following Heinrich Zane on Twitter and YouTube, I'll have his information linked below. He's far and away the best source we have right now for Tesla semi updates to all of my Canadians.
希望这样的帖子能继续缓解一些关于今年早些时候裁员后特斯拉超级充电网络停滞的担忧。Heinrich Zane 给我们提供了关于特斯拉半挂卡车的最新消息。他认为,屏幕左下角的这八辆半挂卡车是刚刚下线的新车,他估计总共可能已经生产了超过200辆半挂卡车。百事公司可能已经拥有了100辆,而这些新车将交付给新的潜在客户进行测试。当然,不仅仅是为其他潜在客户测试,这些车中有一些也可能留在特斯拉内部使用。这意味着,我们可能已经生产了多达250辆特斯拉半挂卡车。他还提到,他们的日产量可能已经从之前的两辆提高到了四辆。如果你还没有在推特和YouTube上关注Heinrich Zane,我会在下面提供他的相关信息。目前,他是我们获取特斯拉半挂卡车最新消息的最佳来源。向我的加拿大朋友们问好。

The cyber truck deliveries are officially beginning. Some customers are reporting delivery dates as soon as the end of October. Looking at the sticker for the cyber beast foundation series, the total after destination fees, 168,740 Canadian dollars. As one of Sawyer's followers shared with him, some cyber truck owners are being notified that their wheel covers are finally ready. As we said was going to happen, here's a video from rapper DaBaby in his cyber truck using FSD posting this to his over 9 million followers. I believe though he may have taken this video down already. Obviously, this behavior is not recommended, but the point is many more people are going to be exposed to FSD through the cyber truck and all of these celebrities that own it. Joe Tett-Mayer shared a new video of Tesla's lithium refinery and an update. Here's a shot of what it's going to look like when it's done, and here's where we stand as of today.
赛博卡车的交付已经正式开始。一些顾客报告称,他们的交付日期最快在10月底。从赛博野兽基础系列的标签来看,加上目的地费用,总价为168,740加元。根据Sawyer的一位粉丝分享,一些赛博卡车的车主被通知他们的轮毂盖终于准备好了。正如我们之前所预料的,这里有说唱歌手DaBaby在他的赛博卡车上使用全自动驾驶系统(FSD)的视频,他将此视频发布给他的900多万粉丝。不过,我猜他可能已经把这个视频删了。显然,这种行为是不被推荐的,但重点是,通过赛博卡车和拥有它的这些名人,更多的人将接触到FSD。Joe Tett-Mayer分享了关于特斯拉锂精炼厂的新视频和更新。这里有一张完工后的效果图,以及我们目前的进展情况。

Where we can see those kind of trailers grouped in the middle of the screen, that's where the groundbreaking took place back in May of 2023. So what we are seeing here on the center left hand side of the screen is how the main plant itself is being designed. There's going to be a kind of a mirror of the items that you see on the left, and it'll be in the middle where you see that kind of rectangular pond at the moment. And in the distance is that large raw materials processing facility with some of the conveyor belts, and we will get a much closer view of that.

Now as I have mentioned on several previous videos, these large ponds that you see are not part of the lithium processing. These are not brine tanks. What they are is a kind of reservoir of water for the site since there are no water utilities out here, and they use this not only for the site itself, and there is a plant off to the left with those white trailers and some pumps, but they also use this to keep the dirt down and the dust down during the construction process. This is a nice look at the raw materials processing facility on the left. You also see a forklift coming out of that large receiving door, a pyrometallurgical processing part of the factory, and the large kind of rusty cylinder on the center of the screen is that rotating kiln, and you can actually see some of the mounts and the bearings that it is sitting on, and that is what allows that to turn while it is heating up the raw spodgy bean concentrate 6 in alpha format.
现在,如我在之前的多个视频中提到的,这些你看到的大型池塘不是锂加工的一部分,它们也不是卤水池。这们实际上是一种现场的水库,因为这里没有水务设施。这些水资源不仅用于现场本身,也用于左边那个有白色拖车和一些泵的工厂。此外,在施工过程中,还用来压制灰尘。这是一个原材料加工厂的美好景象,你可以看到一个叉车从那个大的接收门出来。这是工厂热冶金加工的一部分,屏幕中央那个大而略显锈蚀的圆筒就是旋转窑。你实际上可以看到它所依靠的支架和轴承,这让它能够在加热原料锂辉石浓缩物 6 的过程中旋转。

It still sounds like Tesla is working on opening the first half of the plant by summer of next year, and then the second half should be done with construction sometime in 2026. Now yes, keep in mind this is basically one year delayed from their original timeline, but as we've talked about the price of lithium has come way down, these projects are not as economical as they once were. And eventually the lithium hydroxide from this location will be sent to the Gigatexis cathode plant for use there. At this point I would say maybe there's a chance we get a low volume of production sometime by the end of next year, but if not then definitely into 2026. Slower than we'd like, but it is quite the operation and Joe if you see this, thank you for the work.

This video was shared on TikTok. This girl was summoning her Tesla from a parking garage, but I believe her vehicle was already on the ground floor, but it made me think would this work if your vehicle was on a story two, three or four. So I wanted to pose the question, have any of you tested that yet? And if not, I may have to go find a parking garage and find out for myself.

We have some more promotions for Tesla. Milan Kowats has been promoted to the vice president of Optimus up from the director of Optimus and autopilot engineering. The Wall Street Journal also said that Omiad Afshar who joined Tesla in 2017 is now vice president in charge of sales and manufacturing with senior execs in those divisions now reporting to him. He has assumed some responsibilities formerly held by Tom Zu, Tesla's senior vice president for automotive, who in May earlier this year went back to China. In Omiad's new position, he will still report directly to Elon. His LinkedIn job experience still just has Tesla for the past seven years in two months with the cowboy hat emoji. This guy is definitely one of the more mysterious Tesla employees. It's almost like he really is the fixer for Elon. It's been reported that Omiad has also held roles at SpaceX and X and he also oversaw the construction of Gigatexas. I'm sure many of you will remember that report about the glass house that Tesla was apparently buying special material for for a house for Elon. And the word was that Omiad was the guy behind planning all of that. That whole thing turned into a whole lot of nothing, but it is indeed the same guy.
我们为特斯拉准备了一些晋升消息。米兰·科瓦茨(Milan Kowats)从Optimus和自动驾驶工程总监晋升为Optimus副总裁。《华尔街日报》还报道,2017年加入特斯拉的奥米亚德·阿夫沙尔(Omiad Afshar)现在担任负责销售和制造的副总裁,相关部门的高级管理人员将向他汇报。他接替了一些此前由特斯拉汽车部门高级副总裁Tom Zu负责的职务,Tom Zu今年五月回到了中国。奥米亚德在新职位上仍将直接向Elon汇报。他的LinkedIn工作经历显示在过去七年零两个月中只标注了特斯拉,并带有牛仔帽表情符号。这家伙绝对是特斯拉较为神秘的员工之一,简直像是Elon的“解决问题专家”。据报道,奥米亚德也曾在SpaceX和X公司担任过角色,并负责建设了Gigatexas。相信很多人都会记得关于特斯拉为Elon的房子购买特殊材料建造玻璃房的报道,据说奥米亚德就是幕后策划者。那件事最后不了了之,但确实就是同一个人。

Rivian and RJ Skorinj posted a little teaser, it looks like they're trying to do it big for an upcoming software update, their Halloween version, and they've brought on David Hasselhoff to help debut it. But they did say these spooky features will only be available for a limited time. There was a report that Apple had been working with BYD secretly for years and that they really helped BYD with the Blade battery that now BYD uses for basically all of its EVs. But again, what does Apple have to show for all of this work? The answer is apparently not much. They said Apple does not own any of the tech used in BYD's Blade batteries. And BYD made it clear they hold complete property rights and patent rights for the Blade battery. But the pack design was informed by lessons from the Apple work.
Rivian 和 RJ Skorinj 发布了一个小预告,看起来他们正准备为即将推出的软件更新大做文章,这是他们的万圣节版本,并且邀请了大卫·哈塞尔霍夫来帮助揭幕。不过,他们表示这些恐怖新功能只会限时提供。同时,有报道称苹果多年来一直在秘密与比亚迪合作,并在比亚迪现在几乎所有电动车都使用的刀片电池研发中给予了很大帮助。然而,苹果从这些工作中得到了什么呢?答案似乎是没有多少实质性的东西。据称,苹果并不拥有比亚迪刀片电池中使用的任何技术。比亚迪明确表示,他们拥有刀片电池的完整产权和专利权。不过,电池包设计也从苹果的工作中汲取了一些经验教训。

After months of trying Audi is coming up empty trying to find a new buyer or a new solution for its Q8 ETRON factory in Brussels. None of the 26 interested parties and potential investors has offered a viable and sustainable concept. Now they're saying it's likely that the 3000 or so factory workers will lose their jobs. This could become the first VW plant to close in Europe in its 87 year history. The reason for the closure? Poor demand for the Q8 ETRON. Ford is offering a new incentive scheme for dealers but the main takeaway here is Ford is looking at a new distribution model for its electric vehicles. Ford is looking to use these RRCs or rapid replenishment centers.
经过几个月的努力,奥迪仍未能找到新的买家或解决方案来维持其位于布鲁塞尔的Q8 ETRON工厂。对于奥迪来说,目前没有26个潜在投资者和意向方中有任何一方提出可行且可持续的方案。现在,有消息称,该工厂的约3000名工人很可能会失去工作。若真如此,这将成为大众汽车在其87年历史中首次关闭的欧洲工厂。关闭的原因是什么?市场对Q8 ETRON的需求疲软。与此同时,福特为其经销商推出了一项新的激励计划,但值得注意的是,福特正在考虑一种新的电动车分销模式,计划使用快速补货中心(RRCs)。

Just think of them like a middleman between the factories and the dealers a quicker easier way for dealers to get access to electric vehicles as they need them. Because dealers will be able to get EVs from these RRCs within 7 days. The RRCs are spread throughout the US allowing dealers to reduce floor planning costs by stocking fewer EVs and giving customers quicker access to a bigger selection of inventory. Tesla stock closed the day at $220.89 down 0.2% while the NASDAQ was up 0.04%. It was another quiet volume day for Tesla trading about 28 million shares below the average volume the past 30 days.

Don't forget if you're interested check out Delete Me linked below, take your privacy back for you and your family and if you do, thank you in advance. Hope you have a wonderful day, please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.
如果你感兴趣的话,不要忘记查看下面链接中的Delete Me,为你和你的家人找回隐私。如果你决定这么做,提前感谢你。希望你度过美好的一天,如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以在下面的X找到我,特别感谢所有支持我的Patreon会员。