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Tesla Growth No One Is Talking About / Why Tesla Raised Money / The First EV "Gas Station" ⚡️

发布时间 2024-10-05 02:52:21    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to Mike M. Thank you for choosing to use my Tesla referral link and congratulations on your new Tesla. I got this comment on yesterday's video from Olivia. Her dad watches the channel and she said that he's been taking his Cybertruck neighbor to neighbor in Asheville, North Carolina, helping them get power. She said he just runs a line from the Cybertruck battery to their panel boxes, which of course would be an awesome story, but I'm asking the question how would this be possible because my understanding from what West said was that you need a switch to be able to disconnect a home from back feeding to the grid, and that you would need the universal wall charger unless you have a power wall in which case it doesn't matter. So I'm asking all you electricians if there is actually a way to use the Cybertruck battery pack to power homes that don't have any special equipment.
欢迎来到 Electrified,我是你的主持人 Dylan Loomis。先向 Mike M. 致以特别的感谢,谢谢你选择使用我的特斯拉推荐链接,恭喜你拥有了新的特斯拉。我在昨天的视频中收到了一条来自 Olivia 的留言。她说她的爸爸住在北卡罗来纳州的阿什维尔,他开着 Cybertruck 帮邻居们接电。她说他只是把一条电线从 Cybertruck 的电池接到他们的电箱上,这听起来很不可思议。不过我有个疑问,因为据我所知,按照 West 的说法,你需要一个开关来断开与电网的连接,才可以使用。而且需要一个通用的墙壁充电器,除非你有 Powerwall,否则是不行的。所以我想问问各位电工,是否真的有办法使用 Cybertruck 的电池组来给没有任何特殊设备的家庭供电?

A quick note on the battery fires from yesterday, one additional point, fire and road safety incident rates are higher for e-scooters and e-bikes. The higher risk for these devices is mainly linked to poor quality battery design and construction and the use of unapproved chargers. Obviously Tesla is going to have a more sophisticated battery management system than an e-scooter company. Here's the data from EV FireSafe. This is global data for the first half of 2023. Passenger EV fires during that time, 44 total, compared to e-bikes and e-scooters that were 500 plus fires during that time. I'm not at all trying to dissuade anyone from buying one of these devices, I'm just saying do your homework, be aware of it, know the manufacturer and its track record when it comes to battery fires.
关于昨天的电池起火事件,我想补充一点:电动滑板车和电动自行车的火灾和道路安全事故发生率更高。 这些设备的风险较高主要与电池设计和制造质量差以及使用未经批准的充电器有关。显然,特斯拉的电池管理系统要比电动滑板车公司更复杂。以下是来自EV FireSafe的数据,这是2023年上半年的全球数据。期间乘用电动车起火共44次,相比之下,电动自行车和电动滑板车起火事件超过500次。我并不是要阻止任何人购买这些设备,只是提醒大家要做好功课,了解清楚品牌及其在电池起火方面的记录。

Energy Sage just put out its marketplace report for October and they highlight some excellent growth from Tesla. If you're not familiar, if you're interested in solar and or battery storage at all, Energy Sage is a resource you should have on speed dial and bookmark. A few highlights, residential solar prices are near all time lows and storage prices are also hitting all time lows. Solar prices fell for the second six month period in a row, reaching $2.69 per watt and nearing the all time lowest quoted prices tracking the data in 2014. The percentage of homeowners nationwide buying a battery with their solar panels on Energy Sage climbed to 34% in the first half of this year.
Energy Sage发布了十月市场报告,重点展示了特斯拉的显著增长。如果你对太阳能或电池存储感兴趣,Energy Sage是你需要保存和随时查阅的资源。报告中的一些亮点包括:住宅太阳能的价格接近历史最低点,存储价格也达到了历史新低。太阳能价格连续两个半年期下降,达到每瓦特2.69美元,接近自2014年数据记录以来的最低报价。今年上半年,在Energy Sage平台上购买太阳能电池板同时配备电池的房主比例攀升至34%。

Part of that increase was driven by the Powerwall 3. Tesla gained the most share of quotes of any panel or inverter brand in the first half of 2023. The biggest mover in Energy Sage marketplace share was the Tesla branded inverter growing from 2% of quotes during that time to 12% in the first half of this year, a 500% jump year over year. And just so we're all on the same page, Energy Sage helps you find a trusted reliable solar installer in your area that offers the best pricing and it's a free service to you which makes it much much easier to go solar when Ashley and I were looking into it, this is the service I went to.
部分增长是由于Powerwall 3的推动。特斯拉在2023年上半年获得的报价份额超过了任何其他面板或逆变器品牌。在Energy Sage市场份额中,增长最大的是特斯拉品牌的逆变器,从同一时期的2%增长到今年上半年的12%,同比增长了500%。为了让大家都理解,Energy Sage是一个免费服务,可以帮助你找到一个值得信赖且可靠的太阳能安装商,为你提供最优惠的价格。Ashley和我在考虑安装太阳能时,就是通过这个服务进行的。

They have hundreds of pre vetted solar installers that are all competing for your business so there's a chance that you can save 20 to 30% compared to trying to do it alone. And no, this is not a sponsored segment, it's just an awesome service. Back to the report, solar panels paired with Tesla inverters were quoted over 15% lower than all but one of the remaining eight most quoted equipment packages on Energy Sage. Enphase and Tesla have long been the two most quoted battery brands on Energy Sage but their combined marketplace share exceeded 75% for the first time in the first half of this year, primarily due to Tesla.
他们有数百个经过预先筛选的太阳能安装商,这些商家都在竞争你的业务,因此你有可能比自己安装节省20%到30%的费用。这个不是一个赞助广告,只是个很棒的服务。回到报告中,与特斯拉逆变器配套的太阳能板报价比能源智囊网(Energy Sage)上其他八个被报价最多的设备包中所有设备低了超过15%。长期以来,Enphase和特斯拉一直是能源智囊网上被报价最多的电池品牌,但今年上半年,它们的市场份额总和首次超过了75%,主要得益于特斯拉。

Tesla's new Powerwall 3 started quickly increasing in quotes in quarter two and surpassed the Powerwall 2's monthly marketplace share in April. The Powerwall 3 is easier and cheaper for solar contractors to install which combined with low lithium prices has resulted in Tesla's affordable price point. It's around $1000 per kilowatt hour and that's almost half the cost of Generac, the 10th most quoted battery brand on Energy Sage. And Enphase, the top quoted battery brand is quoted at a 34% higher price than Tesla batteries. I'll have the report below but with a Powerwall 3 Tesla is quickly capturing marketplace share.
特斯拉的新款Powerwall 3在第二季度报价迅速增加,并在四月份超越了Powerwall 2的月度市场份额。Powerwall 3更易于安装且价格更低,这对太阳能承包商非常有利,结合锂价走低,使得特斯拉的定价非常亲民。每千瓦时约为1000美元,这几乎是Generac(一家在Energy Sage排名第10的电池品牌)的成本的一半。而被报价最多的电池品牌Enphase,其价格比特斯拉电池高出34%。我将在下面提供报告,但可以看出,凭借Powerwall 3,特斯拉正在快速抢占市场份额。

And just so you know, Energy Sage can help with more than just individual solar and battery storage, they can help with heat pumps, EV chargers and community solar. I've had many discussions with their team, their link is always in my description below and if you use it just tell them that electrified sent you and they'll give you the white glove treatment. Tesla charging posted in quarter three, we open 2.8 thousand supercharger stalls up 23% year over year. They delivered 1.4 terawatt hours and saved 150 plus million gallons I'm sure many of you have seen some reservation holders for the Cybertruck are now being invited to buy a non foundation series Cybertruck. Hopefully those of you that wanted this vehicle did not take Jerry Rig everything's advice to cancel your reservation. It starts at $79,990 which means yes it can qualify for the $7,500 federal tax credit. This trim will get up to 325 miles of range. This screenshot includes the five year estimated gas saving so don't get confused but the towing capacity 11,000 pounds and the zero to 64.1 seconds. There's a lot of confusion out there about what the foundation series offered that won't be on this new trim. To clear it up I want to run through it quickly. The laser etched foundation series badge foundation series cabin graphic. The 20 inch cyber wheels with the 35 inch tires. The tactical gray interior premium accessories. The power share home backup power share mobile connector. The universal wall connector full self driving and lifetime premium connectivity. Further those accessories included the off-road light bar. The Tesla shop voucher for the power share hardware. The 3D all weather interior floor mats. Gear locker dividers. The glass roof sunshade D rings. L track hooks. L track bottle opener. And the center console tray. So to everybody saying that the only difference with the foundation series is the laser engraving. You're wrong.
翻译如下: 请知晓,Energy Sage不仅可以帮助个人处理太阳能和电池储存问题,他们还可以帮助解决热泵、电动汽车充电器和社区太阳能问题。我和他们的团队有过多次讨论,他们的链接总是在我下面的描述中。如果你使用这个链接,只需告诉他们是electrified推荐的,他们会给你最优质的服务。特斯拉在第三季度表示,我们开设了2800个超级充电站,比去年同期增长23%。他们交付了1.4太瓦时的电量,节省了超过1.5亿加仑的汽油。我相信很多人已经看到,一些Cybertruck的预定者现在被邀请购买非基金会系列的Cybertruck。希望那些想要这款车的人没有听从Jerry Rig Everything取消预订的建议。它的起始价格为$79,990,这意味着它可以获得$7,500的联邦税收抵免。此车型的续航里程可达325英里。这个截图包括了五年的预计油费节省,所以不要混淆了,但拖曳能力为11000磅,零到60英里加速为4.1秒。很多人对基金会系列与新款车型的不同之处感到困惑。为了澄清这一点,我想快速讲解一下。激光蚀刻的基金会系列徽章,基金会系列内舱图案。20英寸Cyber轮毂搭配35英寸轮胎。战术灰内饰高级配件。电力共享家庭备用电力共享移动连接器。通用墙壁连接器,全自动驾驶和终身高级连接。此外,那些配件还包括越野灯条。Tesla商店为电力共享硬件提供的代金券。3D全天候内饰地垫。装备储物柜分隔板。玻璃天窗遮阳板,D型环,L轨钩子,L轨开瓶器和中央控制台托盘。所以,对那些说基金会系列唯一的不同是激光雕刻的人来说,你们错了。

As expected right now you cannot go to the Tesla configurator and buy this $80,000 model. You have to be invited. Tesla is offering the lower FSD pricing for early reservation holders of $7,000 $1,000 cheaper than the $8,000 current market price. You may remember this chart that peer fair you shared a couple months back. It shows us the average selling price for vehicles and the addressable market for each range. I know this chart has terrible quality but this small red slice right here that makes up 4% of an addressable market is vehicles priced over $65,000. So even with this price reduction the cyber truck is still going to be falling in a market that is less than 5% of the addressable market. But where people get confused this is United States data and even if we use 150 million people that are able to buy a vehicle and then take a 2% market share of that that's 300,000 potential buyers. Meaning with this price reduction for the cyber truck Tesla might be going from 1% of an addressable market up to 3%. So we're still in this small piece of pie but an extra 300,000 potential buyers is plenty for Tesla given its production levels of the cyber truck right now and I obviously used quite conservative numbers confirming what we talked about yesterday Troy Tesla made public that his official production tracker for cyber truck has 30,425 units produced cumulatively and he shared the breakdown by quarter which I think is helpful to look at and it's not quite official but Joe Tett Meyer did say from a drone flyover he thinks he spotted a group of non-foundation series cyber trucks already for delivery at Giga Texas. I'm very curious how low would the price of the cyber truck need to go before you would consider buying one.
如预期,现在你不能直接通过特斯拉的配置器购买这款售价8万美元的车型。你需要被邀请。对于早期预订者,特斯拉提供了更低的FSD价格,仅为7000美元,比当前市场价8000美元便宜1000美元。你可能还记得几个月前分享的这个图表。它显示了汽车的平均售价以及各个价格范围的潜在市场。我知道这个图表的质量很差,但这里这个小红色部分,只占潜在市场的4%,是指价格超过65000美元的车辆。所以即使在降价后,Cybertruck仍然属于不足5%市场份额的高端车型。然而,人们常常误解这是美国的数据,即便我们考虑1.5亿具备购车能力的人,并且占据其中的2%市场份额,也就是30万潜在买家。这意味着,随着Cybertruck的降价,特斯拉可能从仅占1%的市场份额提升到3%。虽然我们仍在一个较小的市场中,但增加的30万潜在买家对于当前Cybertruck的生产水平来说已经足够了。我显然采用了相当保守的数字,证实了我们昨天讨论的内容。Troy Tesla公布了其官方Cybertruck生产跟踪器,截至目前,总共生产了30,425辆。他分享了按季度的细分数据,我觉得这对于观察是有帮助的。虽然这不完全是官方信息,但Joe Tett Meyer从无人机航拍说,在德州超级工厂,他看到一批非Foundation系列的Cybertruck已经准备交付。我很好奇,Cybertruck的价格需要降到多低,你才会考虑购买一辆?

On the FSD front Elon said on X a smoothness upgrade is in the works for hardware 3 and perhaps controversially Elon replied to Holmar saying FSD will soon exceed 10,000 miles between critical interventions which is a year of driving for most people. As we've been saying it would great if Tesla would officially define what they believe is a critical intervention. We also need to remember that soon has a very ambiguous definition when it comes from Elon and this skepticism you're hearing in my voice is from a big Elon fan it's just in my experience with FSD this seems pretty far off. On X Zach has confirmed that actually smart summon does work in Mexico it's not geo-locked like FSD and navigate on autopilot.

I thought this was interesting data from Rome Ocean close to 70% of China's EV battery deployments year to date have been LFP. Meanwhile LFP shares in Europe and North America remain modest at 8 and 9 respectively. One of the things a most interested to see is if Tesla is indeed working on an LFP version of the 4680 cell that report from the information yesterday has me thinking that they might be. Rivian released its Q3 P&D report and they produced 13,157 and delivered 10,018. The fact set consensus expectation for deliveries was 13,000. Rivian said they're experiencing a production disruption due to a shortage of a shared component on the R1 and RTV platforms. Rivian also revised its annual production guidance down to between 47 and 49,000 vehicles from 57,000 before. Their delivery outlook for the year is roughly 51,000. A Rivian spokesman said the component causing the production problem is part of its in-house enduro motors. It's quite ironic though because here Rivian is trying to do the right thing and vertically integrate but to do that they still need a component for the vertical integration of these motors. If Elon was in this situation I can almost guarantee he would be thinking I wonder if we can produce this component in-house.
我认为这是一组有趣的数据:截至今年,中国电动车电池中近70%是磷酸铁锂(LFP)电池。而在欧洲和北美,LFP电池的占比分别为8%和9%。我最感兴趣的是,特斯拉是否真的在研发4680型号的LFP电池。昨天的信息报告让我觉得他们可能正朝这个方向努力。 Rivian发布了其第三季度生产和交付报告,他们生产了13,157辆汽车,交付了10,018辆。市场本来预计他们会交付13,000辆。但Rivian表示,由于R1和RTV平台上有一个通用部件短缺,他们的生产受到影响。他们还将全年生产目标从57,000辆下调至47,000到49,000辆之间,预计全年交付量约为51,000辆。Rivian的发言人称,导致生产问题的部件是他们自主研发的Enduro电机的一部分。这个情况颇具讽刺意味,因为Rivian试图做好垂直整合工作,但为了实现这一目标,他们仍然需要这个关键部件。如果是Elon处在这种情况下,我几乎可以肯定他会想,我们是否可以自己生产这个部件。

Oddly enough today Reuters is saying that Rivian has applied for a federal loan to enable the construction of its EV factory in Georgia. The very one that they recently put on hold. The facility is scheduled to begin partial operations in the third quarter of 2027. Here we have a powerhouse EV partnership between Toyota and Subaru. They will jointly develop an EV in Japan, the US and Europe in 2026. Production will begin January 2026 in Japan. They're expecting eventual production capacity of 15,000 to 20,000 per month. And we know that Toyota and Subaru have already teamed up for an EV in the past, the Toyota BZ4X and basically the same vehicle, the Subaru Solterra. The BZ4X is basically doing just over 1000 units per month in the US. And the story for the Solterra is basically the same. They still have not eclipsed 2000 sales in any month in the US. There's a headline out there that the Model Y was the fourth best selling car in the UK, but that's just one month of data for September. In the first nine months of 2024, the Model Y is the ninth best selling car in the country, ICE or EV, at about 23,500 units. But the Model Y is the only EV on the UK's top 10 best selling cars list. Check your local Tesla inventory as some listings are now being discounted at up to $2,500 and these are not just demo vehicles.
今天路透社报道称,奇怪的是,Rivian已经申请了一项联邦贷款,以便在乔治亚州建设其电动车工厂。这个工厂不久前刚刚被他们搁置。该设施计划在2027年第三季度开始部分运营。这里有一个强大的电动车合作伙伴关系:丰田和斯巴鲁。他们将在2026年共同在日本、美国和欧洲开发一款电动车。生产将于2026年1月在日本开始。他们预计最终的生产能力将达到每月15,000到20,000辆。我们知道,丰田和斯巴鲁过去已经合作推出了一款电动车,即丰田的BZ4X和基本同款的斯巴鲁Solterra。在美国,BZ4X的月销量刚刚超过1000辆,而Solterra的情况基本相同,其月销量仍未超过2000辆。有个标题称Model Y是英国第四畅销车型,但那只是9月份一个月的数据。在2024年头九个月,Model Y在英国是第九畅销车型,不论燃油车还是电动车,总销量约为23,500辆。但Model Y是英国畅销车榜单中唯一的电动车。你可以查看下当地的特斯拉库存,因为一些车现在降价高达2500美元,而且这些不仅仅是展示车。

Waymo and Hyundai have entered into a multi-year partnership. In the first phase, the companies will integrate Waymo's Gen 6 fully autonomous tech into Hyundai's electric Ionic 5. The Ionic 5 vehicles destined for the Waymo fleet will be made at the new Hyundai facility in Georgia. Then after that, they'll integrate Waymo's autonomous technology. Initial on-road testing with Waymo enabled Ionic 5's will begin by late 2025 and become available to Waymo One riders in the years to follow. If they're putting this in the press release, it sounds like 2026 at best, so we'll call it 2027. Honestly, I'm not sure I've seen any autonomous announcement that's actually came to fruition on time. They said importantly, this is the first step in the partnership between the two companies and we're actively exploring additional opportunities for collaboration.
Waymo和现代汽车宣布了一项为期多年的合作伙伴关系。在第一阶段,这两家公司将把Waymo的第六代全自动驾驶技术集成到现代的电动汽车Ionic 5中。用于Waymo车队的Ionic 5车辆将在现代位于乔治亚州的新工厂生产。随后,他们将集成Waymo的自动驾驶技术。配备Waymo技术的Ionic 5车辆将在2025年底开始初步道路测试,并在接下来的几年中向Waymo One乘客提供服务。如果他们在新闻稿中提到这些内容,最早可能是2026年,所以我们暂定为2027年。老实说,我不确定是否见过任何自动驾驶的公告能按时实现。他们还强调,这只是两家公司合作的第一步,双方正在积极探索更多的合作机会。

The Ionic 5 will be delivered to Waymo with specific autonomous ready mods like redundant hardware and power doors. Apologies from yesterday as I uploaded that video, of course the news broke that the port strike is at least temporarily being avoided. The union has agreed to a tentative deal on wages and have extended their existing contract through January 15th. They still need to finalize this new deal, but the workers are back to work for now. Also, one of the bigger storylines here, a lot of this has to do with future automation and the union trying to protect the workers, so with AI, I think it's something interesting for our future. A top software exec at GM is now saying that the company is working on a system that would allow drivers to keep their eyes off the road, aka a level 3 system similar to what Mercedes is offering. You know, the one that has all of the limitations with when and where you can actually use it. However, he conveniently did not provide a timeline for when such a system might become publicly available. And he played Koi as to exactly how far the company had progressed in this mission. Buddy said when we have level 3, I do think that's meaningful, I think that's a game changer.
Ionic 5将交付给Waymo,并配备特定的自动驾驶相关改装,如冗余硬件和电动门。对于昨天传递的视频给您带来的困扰,我们深感抱歉,当然,消息传出港口罢工至少暂时得以避免。工会已经同意了一项关于工资的初步协议,并将现有合同延长至1月15日。他们仍需最终确定这项新协议,但目前工人们已重返工作岗位。此外,这背后还有一个更大的故事,这很多与未来自动化有关,工会正试图保护工人,因此AI在我们的未来中变得有趣。通用汽车的一位高级软件高管现在表示,公司正在研发一种允许驾驶员无需注视前方的系统,也就是类似于奔驰提供的3级自动驾驶系统。你知道的,那种对实际使用时间和地点有限制的系统。然而,他很巧妙地没有提供关于该系统何时可能公开可用的时间表,并且对公司在这一任务中取得的进展程度保持模糊。那位高管表示,当我们达到3级时,我认为这意义重大,我认为这是一个改变游戏规则的创新。

Bloomberg is reporting that Tesla employees are being told Tesla's chief information officer Nagesh Saldi is leaving the company. No word on if he's being fired or choosing to leave. He joined Tesla back in 2012 and he became the CIO in 2018. Since then, he had been involved in the build out of Tesla's new data centers in Texas and New York. People love to argue, oh, this is a terrible sign ahead of Tesla's Robotax event, but the truth is sometimes Tesla executives leave after certain big milestones have been met. So maybe the core grunt work of these data centers and the planning and permitting has all been done and handled and can be handed off to the next team. I can't say from experience, but from everything I've heard over the years, working at Tesla for 12 years might be equivalent to working at any other company for 30 years.

Additionally, host Ding's who was in policy at Tesla has also left the company. This week on LinkedIn, he said today, seven years and eight months at Tesla are coming to an end. He said the timing feels right and the team is in great hands. His current title on LinkedIn is travel and career break. I have not confirmed this, but Jeff on X is saying Tesla now allows you to terminate your lease early if you take delivery of a new vehicle. There's a picture that looks like it's from Tesla saying when you place a new order, you can choose to return your lease when taking delivery of your new vehicle. I'm not sure how early you can do this, but Jeff did say he's doing it three months early.

Tesla is pre-marketing a $783 million debt sale backed by Prime borrowers car leases. Every time Tesla does this, I see people freaking out that Tesla's raising capital, they must need money. They're in trouble. That's absolutely not the case. It's really just Tesla transferring some risk and taking advantage of what's happening with interest rates. Tesla sold an ABS round earlier this year and it's something they've been doing now for years and years. As interest rates have started to come down, the spreads have narrowed and the demand for securities like this is actually near all time highs.

In the United States, a lot of companies are looking to borrow before the presidential election because that brings with it uncertainty. Plus, investors are looking to buy bonds before the Fed cuts rates even further. Just to prove this is something Tesla has done for a long time on Tesla's 10Q 4.2, their automotive asset-backed notes had an unpaid principal balance of $4.3 billion. It sounds like BMW customers will be waiting until late 2025 instead of early to have access to the Supercharger network. This from a bulletin that was sent to dealers.
在美国,许多公司在总统选举之前就希望借款,因为选举带来不确定性。此外,投资者也在寻找购买债券的机会,以便在美联储进一步降息前锁定收益。特斯拉长期以来一直这样做,在特斯拉的 10Q 财务报告中,其汽车资产支持票据未偿还本金余额为43亿美元。看起来,宝马的客户要等到2025年年底,才有机会使用特斯拉的超级充电网络,而不是像之前预期的那么早。这是从发给经销商的通告中得知的。

In addition to coming out with an adapter, it can give to its owners, BMW is also still working on a way for owners to pay to charge their vehicle through an in-car app. They're also still working on a way to provide their owners with directions to a Tesla Supercharger. I won't lie, I've been waiting for this one for quite some time. IANA has finally broken ground on its first re-charger they're calling it. This location is in Apex, North Carolina. They're transforming a historic district gas station into a new re-charger.

It'll provide 10 covered parking bays protected from the elements and accessible to both CCS and NACS. The ports will be capable of up to 400 kilowatts and 800 plus volts. The site will host an indoor driver's lounge offering secure access to bathrooms, coffee, food and beverage and wifi to relax or work while your vehicle charges. Additionally, outdoor and pet-friendly amenities will be just a few steps away. And look, of course I love the Tesla Supercharger network, but having just gone on a long road trip, I can tell you the public bathrooms we had to use basically at every stop were atrocious.

The whole time I was thinking I wish Tesla would have more flagship locations where they actually have a little lounge or a hub with some healthy snacks, maybe a ping pong table, whatever, just anything inside that's clean and nice and a quality experience. Hopefully IANA does this right as it would be a huge deal for EV adoption in the years to come. And on that note, check this out. Finally, a company is doing what I've wanted to see. The first EV gas station in California by a company called Rov. It'll have EV chargers, a car wash, a wifi lounge and even a mini gelsons or gelsons for food and snacks. Rov has everything you need, 40 fast chargers for all EV brands, free wifi, clean restrooms and a car wash.

They will also have service staff on site and security at night. You know you'll get help if you can't get the charger to work or you don't understand how it works. And it'll be a high-end convenience store operated by the premium grocery retailer Gelsons. We really wanted to focus on premium and healthy options for the customer. Rov officially opens on October 15th in Santa Ana. The next two locations are slated for Costa Mesa and Torrance. Here's a picture of one of their chargers. Here's a shot inside the store and the lounge. And one more for good measure.

The EU put out a statement today they just held their voting for the tariffs on Chinese EVs. They voted to impose tariffs as high as 45% on EVs from China. The commission can now proceed with implementing the duties which would last for five years. 10 member states voted in favor of the measure while Germany and four others voted against and 12 abstained. However, the EU and China will continue negotiations to find an alternative to the tariffs. Tesla has replaced the base Model Y in Canada with a long-range rear-wheel drive variant. Tesla has also added a new Model 3 long-range rear-wheel drive.
欧盟今天发布了一项声明,说明他们刚刚对中国电动汽车的关税进行了投票。他们决定对来自中国的电动汽车征收最高达45%的关税。委员会现在可以继续推进这一措施,关税将持续五年。10个成员国投票赞成,然而,德国和另外四个国家投票反对,还有12个成员国弃权。不过,欧盟和中国将继续进行谈判,以寻求对关税的替代方案。 特斯拉在加拿大用一款长续航后轮驱动版替代了基础版Model Y。同时,特斯拉还增加了一款新的Model 3长续航后轮驱动版。

So all of my Canadian friends be sure to check the Tesla configurator to see the latest changes. Tesla stock closed the week at $250.08 up 3.91% while the NASDAQ was up 1.22%. It was a normal volume day trading about 9 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days. Hope you guys have a wonderful and a safe weekend. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X-linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.