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Tesla Developing New "Workhorse" Cells / A Story You Won't Hear Elsewhere ⚡️

发布时间 2024-10-04 00:24:38    来源


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Welcome back to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Umis, quick shout out to James D. Thank you for choosing to use my tesla referral link and congratulations on your new tesla. I still get a lot of questions if I don't upload for a little bit what's going on so one, just check the most recent video, usually I'll have an update in there toward the end or the beginning, or you can check the community tab on my page anytime.
欢迎回来收听《Electrified》节目,我是主持人Dylan Umis,先感谢一下James D.,谢谢你使用我的特斯拉推荐链接,并祝贺你购入了新的特斯拉。很多朋友在我一段时间没上传视频时会问我发生了什么,所以有几个地方可以关注:第一,可以查看我最近的视频,我通常会在视频开头或结尾更新一些动态;第二,随时查看我页面的社区标签。

There was a cyber truck recall today, but it's already being fixed with an OTA update. The problem? The rear view camera images were not showing up fast enough. The number of potentially impacted cyber trucks 27,185. So it's not official but from this weekend deduce that cyber truck deliveries so far cumulatively are right in the neighborhood of about 30,000 at the end of quarter three given that this report was submitted on September 26. The first cyber truck was delivered November 30th, 2023, so we're roughly 11 months in. I think a lot of people were expecting more than 30,000 at this time. The problem is I think too many people were underestimating the level of new technology in this vehicle and the level of new manufacturing techniques required to bring it to market.

On the bright side, that's around 30,000 foundation series models delivered when for a time people were only thinking it would be between one and 10,000. On that note, Tesla's Q3 numbers came in basically in line with expectations you can nitpick based on what the consensus was and all of that but in the grand scheme of things it's not that important. One thing to note if we assume Tesla delivered around 13,000 cyber trucks in quarter three that would leave less than 10,000 deliveries of the model s and x. And the fact that Tesla deployed 9.4 gigawatt hours of energy storage in quarter two and only 6.9 in quarter three should not be looked at as a bad thing because deployments will be very lumpy quarter over quarter. This is not a metric that we should expect to go up every quarter because of how these deployments are actually recorded and the timing of them.
从积极的方面来看,交付了大约30,000台基础系列的车型,而曾经大家认为只会在1到10,000台之间。就此而言,特斯拉的第三季度数据基本符合预期,虽然你可以根据市场共识挑剔细节,但从整体上看,这并不算什么大问题。值得注意的是,如果假设特斯拉在第三季度交付了约13,000辆Cybertruck,那么Model S和Model X的交付量就少于10,000辆。另外,特斯拉在第二季度部署了9.4千兆瓦时的储能,而在第三季度仅为6.9千兆瓦时,这不应被认为是坏事,因为储能的部署情况每个季度可能会有较大波动。我们不应该期望这个指标每个季度都增加,因为这些部署的记录和时间安排具有特殊性。

And looking at the chart Sawyer shared quarter one through quarter three of this year is already higher than the total deployment number for 2023. Looking at Tesla's company compiled consensus, I don't think we need to spend time on quarter three but looking at their expectations for 2025 may be worth our time. They're expecting just over 2 million deliveries for 2025 which based on their expectations for this year of 1.78 million for the year that's only implying less than 13% growth. Don't forget as Gene Munster highlighted in a note the broader auto industry declined in September with GM's DeLantis FCA Toyota and Ford all reporting an average 8% year over year decline in ice sales. With Tesla's quarterly data we have to keep the broader macro headwinds for the auto market in mind as well.

I'm sure many of you heard the story after Hurricane Holene of that Model X that caught on fire and caused an entire house fire. The word was the vehicle was sitting in flood waters specifically salt water and that led to the fire. Now it is true that salt water conducts electricity better than regular water and it can be more corrosive to all of the parts. But the point should be that any vehicle, electric or ice that sits in water of any type is going to be at a higher risk for fire and other damage. Evie battery packs are designed to be water resistant but if they just sit in water for prolonged periods of time the water is likely to find its way in there and can cause short circuits and other damage.
在飓风霍琳过后,许多人听说了一辆Model X引发火灾并导致整栋房屋着火的事件。据说这辆车当时浸泡在洪水中,尤其是盐水中,结果引发了火灾。盐水的导电性确实比普通水更强,而且对各种零部件的腐蚀性更大。然而,重点是,任何车辆,无论是电动车还是内燃机车,只要浸泡在水中,无论是哪种类型的水,都面临更高的火灾和其他损害风险。电动车的电池组被设计成防水的,但如果长期浸泡在水中,水可能会渗入其中,导致短路和其他损害。

Sadly the news won't cover stories like this one of our electrified community members reached out to me via email and he sadly had a garage battery fire but it was not caused by his Model Y that was in the garage when this all happened. He actually had some electric bikes that fell in roughly 3 feet of water in their garage. He took the batteries out, put them up on a high shelf but later they exploded and caused this fire. However throughout this whole garage fire where there was standing water in the garage and the Model Y was in there the Model Y battery pack never actually caught on fire. I wanted to share as it is a risk to be aware of again for EVs and ice vehicles but this notion that any time a Tesla vehicle comes into contact with any salt water is a guaranteed fire is just absolutely false.
很遗憾,新闻通常不会报道这样的故事。我们社区的一位成员通过电子邮件联系了我,他的车库发生了电池火灾,但并不是因为他当时停在车库里的特斯拉Model Y导致的。实际上,他有一些电动自行车掉进了车库里大约3英尺深的水中。他把电池取出,放到了一个高架子上,但后来电池爆炸,引发了这场火灾。然而,在整个车库火灾中,尽管车库里积水严重,Model Y依然没有起火。我想分享这个事件,因为要再次提醒大家,无论是电动车还是内燃机车,都存在风险,但是认为一旦特斯拉车辆接触到咸水就一定会起火的看法是错误的。

The Department of Energy is now offering Evie Go a conditional loan guarantee of up to $1.05 billion to expand their public Evie charging infrastructure. It would support their deployment of about 7,500 public stalls and doing the math that's $140,000 per stall. Compare that to one Tesla supercharger which is in the neighborhood of $40,000.
能源部现在提供给Evie Go一项最高达10.5亿美元的有条件贷款担保,用于扩展他们的公共充电基础设施。这笔资金将支持他们部署约7500个公共充电桩。算下来,每个充电桩的成本是14万美元。相比之下,一个特斯拉超级充电桩的成本大约是4万美元。

The head of the loan program office who would actually give out these funds said the key is helping the company really achieve far higher customer service scores. Evie Go which is not yet profitable currently has more than 3,500 fast charging stalls. These chargers are to be built over the next five years and more than 40% of the 350 kilowatt Evie Go fast chargers which are designed for all EVs are planned to be built in disadvantaged communities. Look we absolutely need companies other than Tesla deploying more public fast chargers. The problem is when you do the math if this same amount of money went to Tesla you'd be getting likely over 26,000 stalls as opposed to 7,500 from Evie Go.
负责贷款项目的负责人表示,关键在于帮助公司真正提高客户服务评分。目前尚未盈利的Evie Go公司拥有超过3,500个快速充电桩。这些充电桩将在未来五年内建造,其中40%以上的350千瓦Evie Go快速充电桩计划建在弱势社区。我们当然需要除了特斯拉以外的公司来部署更多公共快速充电桩。问题是,如果相同金额的资金给到特斯拉,那么可能会建造超过26,000个充电桩,而Evie Go只能建造7,500个。

If you missed it FSD12.5.5 has rolled out to cyber truck owners and it does include the end-to-end network on the highway. We also have 12.5.4 rolling out to some hardware 3 vehicles. As Brandon shared on X his Model 3 with hardware 3 auto parked into his garage. I did not expect to see a parking icon in my garage so out of morbid curiosity I have to see what happens. Don't hit anything this is insane it's in my garage it's gonna back into my garage. What? No freaking way. Hold on get anything. Don't hit anything. Holy. Wait dude. Oh nice this is cool. Wow. Okay cool. Just don't expect this feature to be working for everybody's garage at this stage but it's cool to see that it can work.
如果你错过了,FSD 12.5.5 已经推出给了一些 Cybertruck 的车主,并且包括了高速公路上的端到端网络。此外,12.5.4 也开始向部分搭载硬件3的车辆推送。正如Brandon在X上分享的,他的Model 3(配备硬件3)可以自动泊车进他的车库。我完全没想到在我的车库里能看到一个泊车图标,所以出于好奇就想看看会发生什么。千万别撞到什么东西,这太疯狂了,它竟然要倒车进我的车库。什么?这不可能。别急,别碰到任何东西。哦,天哪。哇,好吧,太酷了。不过,这个功能目前可能还不能在每个车库里都正常工作,但看到它能运作很让人激动。

Joe Barelli shared a clip of his cyber truck with 12.5.5 that actually didn't stop at a stop sign but it's not your average sign. Stop sign is shown in the visualization and here we go right through the stop sign. And as we've been saying for months once FSD rolls out to the cyber truck many big name people and celebrities are going to get to try it and they'll share it with their audience. Which yes is a double edged sword but one example of that Sarah Sanders who used to be the White House press secretary shared this video. A very quick clip but more people being exposed to the technology.

The release notes of FSD 12.5.5 have upcoming improvements as improved performance and parking lots, improved performance at intersections and stops and the introduction of speed profile. For what it's worth some users are reporting that the automatic speed on 12.5.5 is much better than prior builds. On X a shock said end to end on the highway is first shipping to cyber trucks. We're close to an early release build for remaining platforms and will release to internal employees in the next week or so. He said that on September 29th. Thus end to end on the highway for non-cybertruck vehicles should be coming in the next few days. So not only has Tesla now delivered FSD to the cyber truck on time we also have video from Heinrich Zane of Tesla now testing the Tesla semi. We know volume production of the semi is still about a year away but it would be awesome if Tesla can have FSD ready for when that time comes.
FSD 12.5.5的发布说明中提到了一些即将推出的改进,包括性能提升和停车场的改进、在交叉路口和停车时的性能改善,以及引入速度配置。一些用户报告说,12.5.5版本的自动速度性能比之前的版本要好得多。在社交媒体平台X上,有人表示,公路上的端到端功能将首先在Cybertruck(赛博卡车)上推出。我们即将在接下来一周左右时间内向内部员工发布一个早期版本,以提供给其他平台使用。这个消息是在9月29日发布的,因此针对非Cybertruck车辆的公路端到端功能可能会在几天后到来。 不仅如此,特斯拉还按时为Cybertruck交付了FSD功能,我们还看到了Heinrich Zane发布的视频,展示了特斯拉正在测试Tesla Semi卡车。虽然我们知道Semi卡车的量产还有大约一年的时间,但如果特斯拉能够在那时将FSD功能准备好,那就太棒了。

In case you missed it a shock said actually smart summon will come to legacy model SNX in quarter four. The information put out a new report about planning for new batteries in 2026 one for the robotaxi the lovely Alexandra Tesla boomer mama has shared the article on X. It says Tesla has embarked on an ambitious effort to design four new versions of its in-house battery to power the cyber truck its forthcoming robotaxi and other EVs. We've known about some of the problems Tesla's been having with the cathode production dating back to earlier this year. But as Tesla has told us in the past in-house cathode production should cut costs by between 12 and 15%. The biggest stumbling block has been the second version of the battery known as the 4680D which uses a new dry manufacturing technique to make cathodes DBE which we all know. The dry electrode powder doesn't easily spread uniformly especially at high automated speeds and it has occasionally damaged parts of the production equipment.
如果你错过了这一消息,其实智能召唤功能将在第四季度登陆旧款的特斯拉Model S和Model X。新消息显示,特斯拉计划于2026年推出用于机器人出租车的新电池版本。特斯拉的粉丝博主Alexandra,昵称Tesla Boomer Mama,在社交平台X上分享了这篇文章。文章称,特斯拉正在积极研发四种新版本的电池,这些电池将为Cybertruck、即将推出的机器人出租车以及其他电动车提供动力。我们早前了解到,特斯拉今年在阴极生产上遇到了一些问题。但特斯拉过去表示,内部生产阴极可以降低12%到15%的成本。目前最大的障碍是第二版本的电池,称为4680D,它使用了一种被称为DBE的新的干式制造技术。然而,干电极粉末在高速自动化生产过程中不容易均匀展开,有时也会损坏生产设备的部分组件。

Despite the low production yield for the dry cathodes Tesla is pushing ahead with plans to introduce them in cyber truck batteries in the middle of next year. To get there the company plans to move production of the 4680D from Fremont to its larger Austin Texas factory. Tesla has set goals of improving the dry cathodes yield to 90% by the end of the year and mass producing it by the second quarter of 2025. One source said the cost of production is coming down it's trending in the right direction. By next year Tesla aims to be making between 2 and 3,000 cyber trucks per week using 4680Ds more than twice the rate of its current production without dry cathodes. On that point recently Joe Tettmeyer did some excellent investigative work and he said on X I now know what the big deliveries at the cathode plant are. This is automation equipment critical to producing the cathode material and hints at an additional refinement away from cobalt. Joe shared this image of some boxes in Austin. As we talked about recently Tesla is moving away from cobalt and the current 4680 cells have adopted a 955 NMC chemistry but the next step is NMC 973 and this equipment plays a role in achieving that.
尽管干电极的生产产量较低,特斯拉仍计划在明年年中将其引入Cybertruck电池中。为了实现这一目标,公司计划将4680D的生产从弗里蒙特转移到规模更大的德州奥斯汀工厂。特斯拉设定的目标是到年底将干电极的产量提高到90%,并在2025年第二季度实现大规模生产。据一位消息人士透露,生产成本正在下降,趋势是积极的。到明年,特斯拉的目标是每周生产2000到3000辆使用4680D电池的Cybertruck,这一速度是当前无干电极生产的两倍多。关于这一点,最近Joe Tettmeyer进行了一些出色的调查工作,他在X上说,他现在知道电极工厂的大型交货是什么。这是用于生产电极材料的重要自动化设备,并暗示着进一步减少对钴的依赖。Joe分享了他在奥斯汀拍摄的一些箱子的图片。正如我们最近讨论的,特斯拉正在逐步减少对钴的使用,目前的4680电池采用了955 NMC化学成分,但下一步是NMC 973,而这种设备在实现这一目标中发挥了作用。

Back to the information article by 2026 Tesla plans to introduce four subsequent versions of the 4680 that used the dry cathode. One internally code named NCO5 NC stands for new cell and described as the workhorse will power the robotaxi. The battery timeline suggests the robotaxi won't be available until 2026 at the earliest which personally I think is a reasonable timeline to expect regardless of what's going on with the batteries but don't forget Tesla could always launch the robotaxi with a battery from a supplier at least to start. They said Tesla also plans to use the NCO5 to power the cyber truck, a tractor trailer cab which we know is the semi and a fourth unknown vehicle. So basically this report is saying that this new cell 05 would go into the cyber truck, the robotaxi, the semi and a fourth unknown vehicle. They don't really say anything about the chemistry of this NCO5 so that could be more of a form factor and then there are different chemistries under that form factor umbrella.

They continued another variant dubbed NC 20 will pack more energy than other versions the company intends to power an SUV the cyber truck and other future vehicles with the NC 20. If this report were to be true that would obviously mean a bifurcation in cells for the cyber truck some would have the NCO5 some would have the NC 20. Two other batteries under development the NC 30 and the NC 50 will introduce a material called silicon carbon for the first time into the anodes. This one would absolutely check out as it's something we've been expecting Tesla to do now for years. Tesla is introducing the silicon carbon in these anodes at a cautious concentration of only around 8% much lower than the mix of between 50 and 80% that can achieve the highest possible bump in range and the fastest charge. The company will use the NC 30 in future vehicles including the cyber truck and a sedan while the NC 50 is smaller and focused more on performance. Tesla plans to use the latter in a new generation of the roadster.
他们继续研发的另一种被称为NC 20的电池变体,比公司计划为SUV、电动皮卡Cybertruck和其他未来车型所用的其他版本更具能量。如果这个报道属实,那么这显然意味着Cybertruck将使用不同种类的电池——一些将配备NCO5,而另一些将配备NC 20。另外两个正在开发的电池,即NC 30和NC 50,将首次在电极中引入一种叫做硅碳的材料。这一举措完全符合预期,因为多年来特斯拉一直在酝酿此事。特斯拉在这些电池中谨慎地将硅碳的浓度控制在仅约8%,远低于50%到80%的混合比例,而后者可以实现最大程度的续航提升和最快的充电速度。公司计划在包括Cybertruck和一款轿车在内的未来车辆中使用NC 30,而体积较小的NC 50更注重性能,特斯拉计划在新一代跑车中使用这种电池。

First and foremost I think the specifics of each cell and what vehicle it's going into while we're all interested in that is not the main point the main takeaway here is that Tesla seems very confident again if these reports are true that 4680 production is about to scale very rapidly up the S curve. Not only that but it means Tesla seems more confident about the energy density and the cost per cell of their own batteries as opposed to getting them from suppliers for all of their future vehicles. Now there's absolutely a world where some of the entry models maybe have a new version of the 4680 like Tesla did with a Model Y for a time when the rest of the lineup has cells from suppliers. But the fact that Tesla apparently has plans to use a version of a new 4680 in the cyber truck the robot taxi the semi and an upcoming future vehicle is obviously an incredibly bullish report. It's true we absolutely have to be careful about reports like this from sources familiar with the matter. However as we talked about in the recent 4680 video update things are starting to get serious when it comes to the level of production for Tesla's 4680 program. It's also true Tesla has fallen well short of projections made at battery day both from timeline and gigawatt hours so keep that in mind with reports like this but certainly very encouraging nonetheless. The information is definitely not batting 1000 when it comes to reports like this so please keep that in mind but this one is definitely far too exciting not to at least share it.
首先,我认为每个电池的具体情况以及它将用于什么车辆,虽然我们都对此感兴趣,但并不是这里的重点。主要的信息是,如果这些报道属实,特斯拉似乎对4680电池的生产即将快速增长非常有信心。不仅如此,这也意味着特斯拉对自家电池的能量密度和每个电池的成本更加有信心,而不是依赖供应商为未来的所有车辆提供电池。 当然,也有可能部分入门级车型采用新的4680版本,就像特斯拉曾经在一段时间内为Model Y做的那样,而其他车型则使用供应商的电池。但特斯拉显然计划在Cybertruck、自动驾驶出租车、半挂卡车和未来的一款新车中使用新版的4680电池,这无疑是一个非常积极的消息。 没错,对于这种来自熟悉内情人士的报道,我们确实需要小心。然而,正如我们之前在4680视频更新中讨论的那样,特斯拉的4680项目生产水平已经开始变得相当严肃。特斯拉确实在电池日的时间表和吉瓦时的预测上大大落后,因此看到这样的报道需要牢记这一点,但无疑仍然是非常令人鼓舞的。 虽然关于此类报道的信息并不是百分之百准确,因此请保持谨慎,但这则消息实在太令人兴奋,值得分享。

The Swedish trade union EF metall has filed a second lawsuit against Tesla alleging Tesla failed to inform employee representatives of workplace changes. EF metall said Tesla had reorganized its branch in the Swedish city of Umea without informing the union. The battle in Sweden rages on but the good news is over the past year or so Tesla has still been able to increase its market share in the region despite all of these headwinds. The entry level model 3 which had the LFP batteries from China has been discontinued that model had 272 miles of range. It did not qualify for the tax credits and thanks to the new higher tariffs on materials imported from China. I can see why that model no longer made sense for Tesla to sell.
瑞典工会EF Metall对特斯拉提起了第二次诉讼,指控特斯拉未提前告知员工代表有关工作场所变化的情况。EF Metall表示,特斯拉在瑞典乌迈奥市的分支进行了重组,但未告知工会。尽管在瑞典的争斗仍在继续,但好消息是过去一年左右的时间里,特斯拉仍然能够在该地区增加市场份额,尽管面临重重阻力。入门级的Model 3车型搭载了来自中国的LFP电池,这款车型已经停止生产。它的续航里程为272英里,无法获得税收优惠,并且由于从中国进口的材料关税提高,我理解为什么特斯拉认为销售该车型已不再合适。

By the way when it comes to the whole McDonald's thing with Tesla personally I think it's nothing. Elon did start following the senior marketing director of McDonald's back in early August. But this whole 10 10 thing with McDonald's is probably not what you think. It's actually a collaboration between McDonald's and a very popular streamer and YouTuber. But obviously the 10 10 makes you think about it and then Elon did respond to the original posts from McDonald's with a laughing emoji. Of course anything is possible but I'm not expecting anything from this for Tesla.
顺便说一下,对于特斯拉和麦当劳的事情,我个人认为没什么特别的。埃隆·马斯克确实在八月初开始关注麦当劳的高级市场总监。但是关于麦当劳的这个“10 10”事情可能不像你想的那样。实际上,这是麦当劳与一位非常受欢迎的主播和YouTuber的合作。但显然,“10 10”让人容易联想到特斯拉,再加上埃隆确实用一个笑脸表情回应了麦当劳的原始帖子。当然,一切皆有可能,但我不认为这对特斯拉会有什么特别的影响。

Something will track in the weeks ahead about 45,000 dock workers along the east and Gulf coasts have gone on strike. It's the most significant strike this union has engaged in since 1977. On Tuesday of this week workers at 36 different ports stopped their work. Overall the affected ports handle about 50% of the imports and exports to the US. Toyota has now planning to push back production of EVs in North America to the first half of 2026 amid slowing sales. Toyota was planning to assemble a three row SUV in Kentucky in 2025 but recently told suppliers the start date will be delayed by several months.

Toyota will also cancel plans to begin producing new electric SUVs under the Lexus brand in North America by 2030. Instead they're going to ship finished vehicles to the market from Japan. Tesla stock closed the day at $240.66 down 3.36% while the NASDAQ was down 0.04%. It was an average volume day trading about 2 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days. I'm definitely still getting settled and trying to get caught up with everything in this new temporary location for the next few weeks so I appreciate everybody's patience over the past week and today.

Hopefully by tomorrow, Friday or Monday I'll be fully back in the swing of things. I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X-linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.
希望到明天、周五或者周一,我能完全恢复状态。希望你们都能拥有一个美好的一天。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以通过下面的链接在 X 上找到我,非常感谢所有支持我的 Patreon 会员。