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New "Mass Adoption" Policy / Weird Things at Giga Berlin / Jeep's Laughable EV Comments ⚡️

发布时间 2024-09-27 00:41:06    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, a quick channel update. There will be no video for me tomorrow on Friday as we have a wedding this weekend, and then after that, we're actually taking our first proper cross-country road trip in the Model Y. So starting next week, I'll be coming to you from a new location for a bit, and as long as travels go according to plan, I should be back uploading either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
欢迎来到Electrified频道,我是你的主持人Dylan Loomis。给大家一个简短的频道更新。明天星期五我不会发布视频,因为这个周末我们要参加一个婚礼,然后之后我们会开着Model Y进行首次跨国自驾游。所以从下周开始,我会在一个新地点给大家更新内容。如果一切顺利的话,我应该会在下周二或星期三恢复上传视频。

When it comes to Rivian, I've seen some questions out there if they're going to open up their adventure network to other automakers and at a recent event in New York, RJ Scoringe let us know. RJ said, and our network were about to open up, so today it's Rivian only. I'm really excited to open it up so that there are two great networks being built in the United States. The other one he was referencing was Tesla's, and he said Tesla's been a great partner to us on this, and he confirmed Rivian engineers work closely with Tesla to ensure compatibility and seamless charging.
关于Rivian,我看到有人问他们是否会将他们的充电网络开放给其他汽车制造商。在最近纽约的一个活动中,RJ Scaringe告诉我们,Rivian的网络即将开放,但现在只对Rivian用户开放。他说,他非常期待开放网络,这样美国就会有两个优秀的充电网络。他提到的另一个网络是特斯拉的,并且他说特斯拉在这方面一直是Rivian的好伙伴。他确认,Rivian的工程师与特斯拉紧密合作,以确保兼容性和无缝充电。

For now, the adventure network is still CCS, but Rivian is saying that it should be open to other automakers later this year. Some local reporting in Korea is saying that Tesla Korea has entered the certification process to sell the Cybertruck in the domestic market. If Tesla Korea receives the sales certification for the Cybertruck, it will be able to establish a domestic sales base. Tesla Korea has not yet officially announced the domestic sales schedule for the Cybertruck.

Yesterday, Tesla North America posted the first Cybertruck deliveries have begun in Mexico with a little kickoff event. Back to Korea, the Cybertruck did actually start a tour over there on September 6th. If this happens, it would be the first market outside of North America to open up for public Cybertruck sales. Some other countries have of course been importing the vehicle privately. Another Korean source said, the vehicle was sent directly by Tesla for the certification process highlighting Tesla's direct involvement.

I certainly was not expecting a market outside of North America so soon, so we'll keep an eye on this one. I'm sure most of you have seen by now that the Invites for Tesla's Robotax event on October 10th have begun going out, and it's titled We Robot. The invite has a similar graphic design to the press to hold for some in-button that we saw in the potential Tesla app for the Robotaxi network. Elon is doing us no favors when it comes to keeping our expectations in check, saying on X this will be one for the history books.
我确实没想到北美以外的市场这么快就出现了,所以我们会密切关注这一点。我相信你们大多数人都已经看到了,特斯拉在10月10日的机器人出租车(Robotaxi)活动的邀请函已经开始发送,活动标题是"我们是机器人"(We Robot)。邀请函的图形设计与我们在潜在的特斯拉机器人出租车网络应用程序中看到的按键图案相似。埃隆在控制我们预期方面可没有帮上忙,他在X(社交平台)上说这次活动将载入史册。

I'm hearing that some people are able to bring A plus one, but then others are not. Tickets are non-transferable, you have to be over 21 to attend, there will likely be alcohol there, IDs will be checked, doors open at 5pm, and check-in begins at 5.30, remarks begin at 7pm. I don't want to go crazy with speculation with the robot, it's optimus involved. In the back, in this lens looking design, you do see some ones and zeroes, some binary. And Steven Mark Ryan had some interesting thoughts about these dots, potentially representing the number of riders, and then the lines being the length of a trip.
我听说有些人可以带一位陪伴,但其他人不可以。票是不可转让的,参加活动必须年满21岁,现场可能有酒精饮料,会检查身份证明。活动在下午5点开门,登记从下午5点30分开始,发言在晚上7点开始。我不想对机器人和Optimus大肆猜测。在后面这个类似镜头的设计中,你会看到一些零和一的二进制代码。Steven Mark Ryan 对这些点有一些有趣的想法,他认为可能代表骑行的人数,而那些线则可能表示骑行的距离。

For we, will there be multiple vehicles unveiled? I love all of the speculation, let us know your best guesses, but ultimately I'm just going to wait the remaining roughly two weeks. Curious what you guys think about what Jason Calicanis said about Tesla and Autonomy, he said there are a dozen folks who will solve Autonomy in the next three years. Part of the problem with a statement like this is, what do you mean by Autonomy because generalized Autonomy and then geofenced Autonomy are very different animals. For me, I still don't see any world where anybody else other than Tesla actually solves for generalized Autonomy in the next three years.
我们会看到有多款新车发布吗?我喜欢各种猜测,大家可以告诉我你们的最佳猜想,但在剩下的大约两周时间里,我最终会等待答案。想知道你们对Jason Calicanis关于特斯拉和自动驾驶的看法。他说会有十几个人在接下来的三年里解决自动驾驶问题。然而,这样的表述有一个问题:你所说的“自动驾驶”是什么意思,因为通用自动驾驶和地理圈定的自动驾驶是完全不同的概念。对我来说,我仍然觉得在未来三年里,除了特斯拉,没人能真正解决通用自动驾驶的问题。

And frankly, you can make the argument that Tesla might not solve it in the next three years. I'm not saying I would make that argument, but I do think it's a fair one. Jason said Tesla does not have to partner, but partnering is the quickest way to reach the 10,000 plus cities Uber operates in globally, which is true. And I've said in the past, I think there's a chance Tesla does actually partner with Uber like we've seen other companies do. However, if Tesla believes there's a more efficient way to vertically integrate and control more of the process in house, then I think they're going to take it, not only just to have more control over the experience, but to ultimately keep more of the revenue coming in.

Jason said partnering, let's Tesla Waymo crews BYD focus on car production and software while Uber focuses on operations and cleaning the cars. I'd also add partnering with Uber would actually expose more people to both Tesla and FSD faster as well. There's obviously pros and cons and trade offs both ways, but hopefully two weeks from now will have a lot more information to go on.
Jason 说合作是指:让特斯拉、Waymo 和 比亚迪 专注于汽车生产和软件开发,而让优步 专注于运营和清洁汽车。此外,与优步合作实际上还能让更多人更快地接触到特斯拉和全自动驾驶技术。显然,这种合作有利有弊,但希望两周后我们会有更多信息支持。

Keys gave us another update on the latest with the regulatory environment for autonomy in Europe. He said system initiated maneuvers on highways will become the new standard meaning Tesla's technology will be further optimized for hands off driving on the highway. But that means some countries are still pushing to limit that to the highway, meaning the city streets driving for FSD supervised would have limitations. Not all of the documents from the latest meetings are public yet, so we still have to wait for a lot of this to become finalized. But it's looking promising at least on the highway for those system initiated maneuvers, so things like lane changes would not require driver confirmation.
Keys 给我们更新了关于欧洲自动驾驶监管环境的最新情况。他说,高速公路上的系统自动操作将成为新标准,这意味着特斯拉的技术将在高速公路上进一步优化,实现无须手动操作的驾驶。不过,这也意味着一些国家仍在推动将其限制在高速公路上,即在城市街道上使用完全自动驾驶(FSD)时需要有一定限制。 最新会议的所有文件目前还没有公开,所以我们仍需等待这些规定的最终确定。但至少在高速公路上,系统自动操作看起来前景不错,比如变道这种操作将不再需要驾驶员确认。

There's some new drama at Giga Berlin between Tesla and E-Game at all, one of the trade unions. In recent weeks, Tesla has dispatched managers to check up on about two dozen employees who have drawn their pay packets while claiming to be too sick to work over the past nine months. They're saying it's not uncommon for more than 15% of the plant's workforce to be absent because of an illness and on occasion the rate has been above 30%. Naturally, the union is arguing that this stems primarily from stress, overwork, and a culture of fear. But Andre Tieric, Tesla's plant manager claimed some workers were taking advantage of Germany's generous labor protection laws and were unnecessarily calling in sick. In his analysis, some phenomena have become obvious. On Fridays and late shifts, about 5% more employees take sick leave than on other weekdays. It suggests that the German social system is being exploited to some extent.
特斯拉和一个名为E-Game的工会最近在柏林超级工厂发生了一些新纠纷。近几周,特斯拉派遣经理检查了大约二十名员工,这些员工在过去九个月中声称因病无法工作,但仍然领取了工资。他们表示,工厂超过15%的员工因病缺勤是常见现象,有时这个比例甚至超过30%。 自然,工会辩称,这主要是由于压力、过度工作和恐惧文化所致。但特斯拉工厂经理安德烈·蒂里奇表示,一些员工在利用德国宽松的劳工保护法,不必要地请病假。在他的分析中,一些现象变得明显。例如在周五和晚班,比其他工作日多大约5%的员工请病假。这表明德国的社会系统在一定程度上被滥用。

Tieric said the company had identified about 200 members of staff who were still being paid but had not turned up for work at all this year. They submit a new sick note from the doctor at least every six weeks. And finally, he insisted that the home visits were common practice in the industry and the firm just wanted to appeal to the employees work ethic. That just reiterates the fact that optimists cannot come soon enough. Also at Giggabrelin, Tesla has begun the next phase of the expansion. They're working on a construction road that'll be used to transport materials and alleviate traffic on nearby public roads. But get this, the clearing of the forest for this phase was under police protection because you guessed it, those protesters in the camp are still there. The reason given for Tesla starting to clear some of these trees in the middle of the night was that it allowed the workers to get machinery on site and begin operations without delay. For the protesters, the police have indicated they will not evict them as long as the demonstrations remain peaceful.
Tieric表示,公司已经找到大约200名员工,他们今年完全没有来上班,但仍然在领工资。这些员工每隔六周就会递交一份来自医生的新病假条。此外,他强调到家庭探访是行业内的常见做法,公司只是希望通过这种方式来呼吁员工的职业道德。这再次表明,乐观的态度不能来得太早。 同时,在Giggabrelin,特斯拉已经开始了扩张的下一个阶段。他们正在修建一条施工道路,用来运输材料并缓解附近公共道路的交通压力。但你猜怎么着,这个阶段的森林清理是在警察保护下进行的,因为抗议者依然驻扎在那里。特斯拉选择在半夜开始清理一些树木的原因是,这样可以让工人们尽快把机械设备带到现场并开始作业。对于抗议者,警方表示只要示威保持和平,他们不会驱逐他们。

Axios just put out some data saying that overall 49 out of every 100,000 insured cars are stolen every year. By contrast, only one out of every 100,000 insured Tesla Model 3s was stolen. When it comes to United States thefts, the GMC Sierra was the number one most stolen vehicle with 227 per 100,000. The lowest theft claims come from versions of the Tesla Model 3 and the Model Y. Even as the volume of EV thefts has increased over time, it's still extremely low in comparison to gas-powered vehicles. The two reasons they gave, one, the technology in EVs is not yet common knowledge for the thieves, and two, oftentimes EVs are parked in a garage or kept near the home for charging purposes, which makes them harder to steal. Plus, if thieves were smart, they would know about things like Century Mode and Tesla's ability to track the vehicle from the mobile app and all of the other safety features.
Axios 发布了一些数据,显示每年每10万辆投保的汽车中有49辆被盗。相比之下,每10万辆投保的特斯拉Model 3中只有一辆被盗。就美国的盗窃情况而言,GMC Sierra是被盗次数最多的车辆,每10万辆中有227辆被盗。盗窃案件最少的是特斯拉Model 3和Model Y的版本。尽管电动汽车的盗窃数量随着时间的推移有所增加,但与燃油汽车相比仍然极低。他们给出的两个原因,一是盗贼对电动汽车的技术还不太熟悉,二是电动汽车通常停在车库或靠近家里充电,这使得它们更难被盗。此外,如果偷车贼足够聪明,他们会知道像“世纪模式”、特斯拉通过移动应用程序追踪车辆的能力以及所有其他安全功能。

Bloomberg NEF, in partnership with the Smart Freight Center, just put out a pretty detailed report on the electric semi-market around the world. Zero emission truck sales were close to 38,000 units globally in the first half of 2024 and are set to be over 1.5% of total sales in 2024. But sales in China account for more than 80% of global volume with adoption approaching 5.5% in the first half of 2024. In Europe, sales are concentrated in a handful of countries, while the US market shows only limited market growth. Encouragingly, battery electric trucks accounted for more than 90% of zero emission, medium and heavy truck sales in the first half of the year. The rest are primarily fuel-cell trucks that have been mostly sold in China, where subsidies and availability of hydrogen fuel have supported the market. They said electric trucks are quickly becoming economically competitive to equivalent diesel vehicles starting with shorter routes. Even before 2030, heavy-duty long-haul battery trucks can also reach total cost of ownership parity. Bear in mind, they're using data for all electric trucks, so if Tesla was singled out, they clearly have the best efficiency so the numbers would be different.
彭博新能源财经(Bloomberg NEF)与智慧货运中心(Smart Freight Center)合作,刚刚发布了一份关于全球电动半挂车市场的详细报告。2024年上半年,全球零排放卡车的销量接近38,000辆,预计2024年全年将占总销量的1.5%以上。然而,中国的销量占全球总量的80%以上,2024年上半年普及率接近5.5%。在欧洲,销量主要集中在少数国家,而美国市场的增长则相对有限。值得鼓励的是,电池电动卡车在今年上半年占据了90%以上的零排放中重型卡车销量。其余的主要是燃料电池卡车,这些卡车大多在中国销售,因为那里有补贴和氢燃料供应支持市场。报告指出,电动卡车在短途运输中的经济竞争力正在迅速赶上柴油车。甚至在2030年之前,重型远程电池卡车的总拥有成本也可以达到相同水平。需要注意的是,报告中使用的是所有电动卡车的数据,如果单独考虑特斯拉,他们的效率显然最好,数据会有所不同。

China and the United States are by far the largest truck markets globally, accounting for between 17 and 22% of total 2023 and first half 2024 sales. Just so you know, in the report, they account for medium and heavy-duty commercial vehicles and exclude light-duty commercial vehicles like delivery vans and buses. The global truck fleet, including medium and heavy-duty trucks, exceeded 83 million vehicles in 2023, growing just under 3% from the year before. The US is home to most medium and heavy-duty trucks at about 18% of the global fleet. The global market for low and zero-emission trucks has steadily been growing the past three years and the first half of this year it was more than 16 times larger than in the same period in 2021. The US market for zero-emission trucks is small, with about 1,000 units sold in the first half of 2024. The market lacks supply of suitable models and a few startup manufacturers have failed yet to scale up production. Translation, it's still a blue ocean out there for the Tesla Semi. And you can see on the chart in the second quarter of this year for the first time global sales of Zev trucks is over 20,000 units, the majority of which are full battery electric. Here you see the pattern for adoption rates in different countries, no surprise China leading the way but a large portion of that is driven by fuel cell vehicles. Overall though, E trucks were just under 2% of total truck sales in the second quarter.

This right here though was probably the most surprising thing I read since 2022, the share of LFP battery cells has grown rapidly and now accounts for more than 80% of capacity deployed in the sector globally. You would think that higher density chemistries like NMC or NCA would be used more often but apparently that's not the case. It's a very in-depth report I'll have the whole thing linked below if you want to check it out but clearly the market is still in its infancy, progress is being made but so much opportunity up for grabs. One of the most frustrating things for me recently has been the realization that by and large the media has become narrative pushers rather than fact presenters. If this reality is as frustrating to any of you as it is to me I would strongly encourage you to check out ground news. They do sponsor the channel but the truth is this fight against narrative pushers is far bigger than just my channel. Ground news is out to fix our broken media ecosystem by not using manipulative algorithms. They're affiliated with precisely zero corporate media or tech companies and you can access breaking news on the go with their mobile app in addition to their website and browser extension. And you can check them out at ground.news slash electrified which is linked below. Lately I find myself using the my news bias a lot more often.
这段话可能是我自2022年以来读到的最令人意外的事情——磷酸铁锂(LFP)电池的市场份额迅速增长,现在在全球范围内已经占到了该领域投放容量的80%以上。你可能会认为像NMC(镍钴锰氧化物)或NCA(镍钴铝氧化物)这样的高密度化学电池会更常用,但事实显然并非如此。这是一份非常深入的报告,我会将完整版的链接放在下面,有兴趣的话可以看看。但显然,目前市场还处于初期阶段,虽然取得了一些进展,但依然有大量机会等待开发。最近让我感到沮丧的是,媒体大多已经变成了情节推动者,而不是事实呈现者。如果你和我一样对这种现状感到沮丧,我强烈建议你看看Ground News。他们确实赞助了这个频道,但实际上,这场对抗情节推动者的斗争远不止于我的频道。Ground News致力于修复我们破碎的媒体生态系统,他们不使用操纵性算法,没有任何企业媒体或科技公司的关联。你可以通过他们的移动应用程序、网站和浏览器扩展来即时获取新闻。你可以通过下面的链接访问他们的官网ground.news/electrified。最近,我发现自己使用他们的“我的新闻偏见”功能频率越来越高。

Here's a snapshot of the past week for me. I realized only 6% of the articles I read were local and local reporters usually have the best on the scene reporting so that's an action item for me going forward. Even if you don't like politics like myself I believe it's our duty to be informed and to vote. Ground news is down my favorite way to achieve this because you can instantly see the political bias of each source with these tags as well as who owns each source which can tell us a lot. Plus the blind spot feature is as critical as ever showing stories disproportionately reported by both sides.
这是对我过去一周生活的简要总结。我发现我读的文章中只有 6% 是本地新闻,而本地记者通常有最好的现场报道,所以未来我需要多关注这方面。即使你像我一样不喜欢政治,我也认为我们有责任了解情况并投票。Ground News 是我最喜欢的获取信息的方式,因为你可以通过标签立即看到每个来源的政治偏向以及它们的所有者信息,这能告诉我们很多。另外,盲点功能也非常重要,它显示了两方不成比例报道的故事。

I know many of you have already signed up for the ground news vantage plan which is the one to get unlimited access and here are just a few messages from you guys I've seen as of late. So if you haven't already and you'd like to support a company doing what I believe to be crucial work you can get 40% off the vantage plan at ground.news slash electrified or you can use the QR code right on the screen. It looks like Sawyer got a message that Tesla has launched yet another virtual power plan this time with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power the largest municipal utility in the US. In the communication Tesla sent out join the VPP now to earn up to $350 per power wall in your first full year of participation. On the Tesla shop you'll find a new wireless portable charger for $130 that allows you to charge up to two Qi enabled devices at the same time. It's magnetic with wireless charging and has a 5000 milliamp hour capacity. You're definitely paying a premium but they do look pretty cool and you can charge them in your Tesla.
我知道你们中很多人已经订阅了Ground News的Vantage计划,这是一个可以获得无限访问权限的计划。以下是我最近看到的你们发来的一些留言。如果你还没有订阅并且愿意支持一家我认为正在进行重要工作的公司,你可以在ground.news/electrified上享受Vantage计划的六折优惠,或者使用屏幕上的二维码。 看起来Sawyer收到了消息,特斯拉又推出了一个虚拟电厂计划,这次是和美国最大的市政公用事业机构洛杉矶水电局合作。特斯拉在通知中写到,立即加入虚拟电厂计划,在第一个完整年度内每个Powerwall最多可赚取350美元。 在特斯拉商店里,你会发现一个新的无线便携充电器,售价130美元,它可以同时为两个支持Qi标准的设备充电。它具有磁性无线充电功能,电池容量为5000毫安时。虽然价格较高,但外观相当酷,而且你可以在特斯拉车内为其充电。

AI driver just put out a video with some new actually smart summon clips so want to share a highlight. The way that this version is seemingly able to predict the intention of other drivers is just seriously next level. Like you can see this person backing out of their parking spot here and it stops and gives them plenty of room to feel comfortable but watch how early it starts proceeding because it knows they're about to take off and move again. This is definitely starting to feel a lot more like full self driving where there's definitely some end to end stuff going on here. For the usual toward the end of the quarter some Wall Street analysts are coming out of the woodwork to increase their expectations for Tesla's Q3 deliveries. Dan Levy from Barclays is actually now expecting 470,000 for the quarter. The analyst consensus is hovering right around 460,000.
AI 驾驶刚刚发布了一段包含一些新型智能召唤功能的视频,想分享一下其中的亮点。这一版本能够预测其他司机意图的能力真是达到一个新水平。比如,你可以看到这个人在这里倒车出停车位,而系统停下并给他们充足的空间让他们感到舒适,但你可以注意到系统多么早就开始继续行驶,因为它知道他们即将再次启动并移动。这感觉真的越来越像完全自动驾驶了,其中显然有一些端到端的操作。 按惯例,每季度接近末尾时,一些华尔街分析师会纷纷提高对特斯拉第三季度交付量的预期。巴克莱的丹·利维现在预计本季度交付量为47万台,而分析师的普遍共识大约是46万台。

This screen was shared for the Cybertruck light bar software options and you can see three different settings. There are ditch lights, flood lights and then you can have them both on it once for max output. The ditch lights increase the light on the side so you can see off the side of the road and the flood lights focus the light on the center so you can see puddles and things ahead of you. There are some third party light bars out there but as far as I know they don't get access to that software control. I'll just put one fact for you which I think really underscores why the current EV tariff negotiations in Europe are so important. Almost 60% of all Chinese EV global exports are actually going to date to Europe. That's why the current negotiations in Brussels over the high tariffs are so tense and really still just hitting up right now. Those duties, those tariffs could be as high as about 35% on addition to the 10% tariffs that are already existing.
这张屏幕演示的是Cybertruck车灯条的三个软件选项,分别是侧灯、泛光灯和两者同时开启。侧灯可以增加道路两侧的照明,而泛光灯则集中照亮中央区域,让你能看清前方的水坑等障碍物。市面上也有一些第三方的灯条,但据我所知,它们无法访问这个软件控制。 我想讲一个事实,来强调为什么当前在欧洲的电动车关税谈判如此重要。实际上,近60%的中国电动车出口都销往了欧洲。这就是为什么布鲁塞尔关于高关税的谈判充满了紧张气氛,而且一直在升温。那些关税可能高达35%,加上已经存在的10%关税。

The breaking use today is that we understand the EU and China will continue negotiations even as the EU looks to perhaps pass through these tariffs as soon as the beginning of next month. What is missing is the affordable supply of electric vehicles in Europe by European manufacturers? Rivian is now doing its best century mode impersonation with what they're calling gear guard live. They said you can now see what's happening in and around your vehicle from almost anywhere right from the palm of your hand through the Rivian mobile app. Hungary has a new subsidy scheme to encourage mass adoption of battery storage. However they're starting from a very small base they have about 40 megawatt hours of battery storage on the grid but they're looking to bump that up to over 1.3 megawatt hours over the next few years. A huge jump but still quite small given that some projects around the world are bigger than this number alone.
今天的重要消息是,我们了解到欧盟和中国将继续进行谈判,即使欧盟可能在下个月初就开始实施这些关税。目前缺乏的,是欧洲制造商提供的经济实惠的电动汽车供应。Rivian公司正在模仿最佳模式,推出他们称之为"Gear Guard Live"的功能。他们表示,通过Rivian的移动应用程序,用户现在可以几乎在任何地方通过手掌中的手机查看汽车周围的情况。匈牙利推出了一项新的补贴计划,旨在鼓励电池储能的大规模采用。不过,他们的起步基数非常小,目前电网中仅有约40兆瓦时的电池储能,但他们计划在未来几年内将这一数字提高到1.3兆瓦时以上。这个增长幅度很大,但考虑到世界上一些项目的规模,比这个数字还要大,匈牙利的增量还是相对较小的。

The prime name that Toyota has been using for some plug-in hybrids is going away starting with 2025 model years. Instead they're just going to call these vehicles plug-in hybrids. The blue halo is also going away. Jeep is now going to consider traditional hybrids as a more cost effective alternative to plug-ins and full electrics. They'll focus on these HEVs in a range of segments because the technology does not require the costly batteries used in plug-ins and EVs. Between plug-in and HEV there's quite a bit of associated cost as we have the engine and a fairly good sized battery within the plug-in hybrid. For reference those costly HEV batteries the average size of a battery for last year in an HEV was about 1.3 kilowatt hours. Translation Jeep still has no idea how to have a cost effective electric supply chain. As I keep saying over and over these EV supply chains for these legacy OEMs are not going to build themselves eventually they're going to have to take the step and work through the hard challenges. The longer they put it off and use these hybrids as a crutch to maintain profitability the more it's going to hurt years into the future. And yeah it's probably going to take a while because consumers are for whatever reason loving the hybrid options right now but that's not going to last forever the way I see it. It's not just cars, trucks, bikes and boats but we also have excavators and bulldozers that are also being electrified. This company Fort Tisku just signed a $2.8 billion deal that includes the purchase of 360 autonomous battery electric haul trucks. The 240 ton haul trucks and the dozers will use electric power and propulsion systems developed by Fort Tisku and they'll also supply the hundreds of giant batteries needed for the machines. They said it's an important step to eliminate emissions from our Australian iron ore operations by the end of the decade. The announcement came the same day that Fort Tisku also announced an agreement to develop battery electric trains with Australia's downer which will eliminate emissions on the lengthy routes from mines to port. And Fort Tisku also developed a fast charging solution which can provide up to 6 megawatts of power and charge the current battery electric T264 in just 30 minutes. The CEO of Fort Tisku said we have more than 200 autonomous trucks across our mine sites traveling the equivalent of two trips to the moon and back Cox automotive just put out its quarter three report for this year for the US. I like this chart showing the Fed funds rate the past 20 years because you can see despite the recent rate cuts were still near the highs of the last 20 years. For the dealer sentiment this quarter the political climate is now a more important factor that's holding back business having an 8% jump quarter over quarter. Looking at OEM performance we'll focus on the year to date column you can see that Tesla is down 7.3% for the year.
丰田从2025款车型开始,将停止使用他们一直为一些插电式混合动力车使用的主要名称。取而代之的是,他们将这些车辆直接称为插电式混合动力车。另外,蓝色光环标志也会取消。Jeep现在认为传统的混合动力车是比插电式和全电动汽车更具成本效益的替代方案。他们将专注于在各个细分市场推出这些HEVs(混合动力车),因为这种技术不需要插电式和电动汽车所需的昂贵电池。 在插电式混合动力车和HEV之间存在相当多的关联成本,因为插电式混合动力车配备了发动机和相当大的电池。参考一下这些昂贵的HEV电池,去年HEV的电池平均容量约为1.3千瓦时。 总结:Jeep仍然不知道如何建立一个具有成本效益的电力供应链。正如我一再强调,这些传统OEM的电动汽车供应链不会自行构建,最终他们需要迈出步伐,克服艰难挑战。拖得越久,越用这些混合动力车作为维持盈利的拐杖,未来他们受到的打击就会越大。尽管现在消费者对混合动力车的需求非常大,但我认为这种情况不会永远持续下去。 不仅仅是汽车、卡车、摩托车和船只,挖掘机和推土机也在电动化。Fortescue公司刚刚签署了一份28亿美元的合同,包括购买360辆自动驾驶电动自卸卡车。这些240吨的自卸卡车和推土机会使用Fortescue开发的电力和推进系统,他们还将提供这些机器所需要的几百块巨型电池。他们表示,这是在本十年结束前消除我们澳大利亚铁矿石作业排放的重要一步。 这个公告与Fortescue宣布与澳大利亚Downer公司合作开发电池电动火车的协议同日发布,该电池电动火车将消除从矿山到港口的长途运输排放。另外,Fortescue还开发了一种可以提供高达6兆瓦功率的快速充电解决方案,可以在30分钟内为当前的电池电动T264充电。 Fortescue的CEO表示,我们在矿场有超过200辆自动驾驶卡车,它们的行驶距离相当于两次往返月球。Cox Automotive刚刚发布了本年度第三季度的美国市场报告。我喜欢这张显示过去20年美联储基金利率的图表,因为尽管最近有利率下调,我们仍然处于过去20年的高位。关于本季度的经销商情绪,政治环境现在成为阻碍业务的一个更重要因素,季度环比增长了8%。看看OEM的表现,我们关注年初至今的数据,可以看到特斯拉今年下降了7.3%。

The only brand on this list doing worse is Delantis down 17.3%. When it comes to the ED market share it looks like we're going to come in just shy of 9% for quarter three and compared to quarter three of last year we're looking at an 8% growth rate year over year. It's pretty clear from the end of last year the ED market share really has been stagnant. I guess the silver lining though would be ice sales are now down to 81.6% whereas in 2021 they were still up around 93% but it's the hybrid electric vehicles that are growing a bit faster than the fully electric. If you're wondering why the ED growth is stagnating well this is a huge part for the US market the average transaction price for a new EV in August was $56,500.

The South China Morning Post reported that the Chinese automakers are finally turning the page when it comes to autonomy and making sure their latest vehicles have the best technology. We've said in the past to date BYD really has not done very much on the autonomous front but now the expectation is there will be around 1 million EVs in China that will have level three capabilities by 2026. And companies like BYD and Li Auto have launched new models with 8-ass software with level three but Beijing has yet to approve the use of level three and higher. An employee from Li Auto said based on my experience more Chinese customers are looking at autonomous driving tech before making their car purchase decisions. Yet another reason why Tesla getting FSD approved in China will be such a big deal.

The CEO of Stellantis Carlos Tavares is now calling all of these tariffs a trap arguing they'll hurt legacy automakers by shielding them from the reality that Chinese rivals make EVs for about a third or less. He said the best way to compete is instead to try to be Chinese ourselves. We know Stellantis recently bought a 21% stake in LEAP Motor to produce some of their technology and Jim Farley recently said we believe many of our competitors will turn to Chinese companies to use their platform globally. Tavares said the tariffs are a major trap for the countries that go on the path because they will not allow Western automakers to avoid restructuring to meet the challenge from lower cost Chinese manufacturers.
Stellantis的首席执行官卡洛斯·塔瓦雷斯现在称这些关税为“陷阱”,他认为这些关税会伤害传统车企,因为它们会让这些车企无法面对中国竞争对手生产电动车成本仅为其三分之一甚至更低的现实。他说,最好的竞争方式是尽力成为“我们自己的中国人”。我们知道,Stellantis最近收购了LEAP Motor 21%的股份,以生产他们的一些技术,Jim Farley最近也表示我们相信很多竞争对手会转向中国公司,使用他们的平台进行全球化生产。塔瓦雷斯说,这些关税对于选择这条道路的国家来说是个大陷阱,因为它们不会让西方汽车制造商避免重组,从而无法应对来自成本更低的中国制造商的挑战。

When you fight against the competition to absorb 30% of cost competitiveness in favor of the Chinese there are social consequences but the governments the governments of Europe don't want to face that reality right now. He said we're not talking about a Darwinian period we are in it. Adding the price battle with Asian rivals would be very tough. What Carlos meant about being Chinese he said it means instead of being purely defensive. Visevi the Chinese offensive we want to be part of the Chinese offensive. I think he's right about the tariff trap though it's just going to kick the can down the road and give these automakers time to drag their feet when it comes to transitioning to fully electric and figuring out how to do so in a cost effective manner.

Reason being it may give these companies a few years but these Chinese are quickly looking to set up local manufacturing across the EU and in Mexico. So there are definitely ways around these tariffs and let's not forget we have all of these CO2 targets around the world that are set to kick in over the next five to 10 years. Ford has just announced a new version of its hands free blue cruise. Based on internal testing blue cruise 1.4 the latest version will stay engaged in hands free mode on average five times longer than the most recent version. They've added enhancements that automatically and smoothly adjust the vehicle speed and curves. There's greater in lane stability unlocked by an all new motion controller which means less ping ponging in the lanes and longer hands free engagement in inclement whether like rain or direct sun.

It'll be available on select 2025 Ford and Lincoln vehicles from the factory and additional vehicles to follow. It'll roll out via a software update to select vehicle lines in the future. Tesla stock closed the day at $254.22 down 1.09 while the Nasdaq was up 0.6%. It was a normal volume day trading about 11 million shares below the average volume the past 30 days. Don't forget to check out ground news linked below grab that 40% off if you want to push back against all of these manipulative algorithms. And remember the next video for me should be Tuesday or Wednesday next week depending on how the travel goes. Hope you guys have a wonderful and a safe weekend. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.
它将于2025年的部分福特和林肯车型上首次亮相,并会在以后的其他车型上发布。将来会通过软件更新推出,适用于特定车型。特斯拉股票当天收盘价为$254.22,下跌了1.09点,而纳斯达克指数上涨了0.6%。这一天的交易量正常,大约为1100万股,低于过去30天的平均交易量。别忘了查看下方链接的Ground News,如果你想反击这些操纵性的算法,现在可以享受40%的折扣。记得我的下一个视频应该在下周二或星期三发布,这取决于我的旅行情况。希望大家周末过得愉快、安全。如果喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以在下方找到我的X账号链接,特别感谢所有支持我的Patreon用户。