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"Need Urgent Action Now" / Scaringe: Only Choice Is Tesla / An Extremely Worrying Signal ⚡️

发布时间 2024-09-21 01:30:50    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to Wendy H. Thank you for using my Tesla referral link and congratulations on your new Tesla. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, better known as Urkot, has cleared a further 480 megawatts of battery storage capacity for commercial operations during August. One of the three projects recently cleared for operations is operated by Tesla, so yes, it's the Megapack Project at Gigatexis. It's a 130 megawatts standalone bus. Tesla first submitted an interconnection request with Urkot for the project back in April 2021. They did it through their Gigatexis Energy LLC subsidiary, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tesla Energy Ventures LLC. It's the latter of those that holds a retail electric provider certification, allowing the business unit to buy and sell wholesale energy in Urkot's market. According to the Interconnection Agreement, the Gigatexis Project comprises 68 Tesla Megapacks connecting to the Urkot grid. Thus, the Tesla Megapacks at Gigatexis can finally be put to work.
欢迎来到 "Electrified",我是你的主持人,Dylan Loomis。首先特别感谢 Wendy H.,谢谢你使用我的特斯拉推荐链接,并祝贺你购入新特斯拉。德克萨斯州的电力可靠性委员会(更为人熟知的是Urkot)已批准在八月份新增的480兆瓦电池存储容量开始商业运营。其中的三个最近获批运营的项目之一是由特斯拉运营的,也就是说,这是位于Gigatexis的Megapack项目。该项目是一个130兆瓦的独立锂电池组。特斯拉早在2021年4月就为该项目向Urkot提交了并网请求。他们通过其子公司Gigatexis Energy LLC提交申请,而这家公司是特斯拉能源投资公司(Tesla Energy Ventures LLC)的全资子公司。后者持有零售电力供应商认证,使该业务单元能够在Urkot市场中买卖批发电力。根据并网协议,Gigatexis项目包括68个特斯拉Megapack电池连接到Urkot电网。因此,Gigatexis的特斯拉Megapack电池终于可以投入使用了。

The Department of Energy has announced a new $3 billion round of funding to support domestic battery manufacturing and the battery materials required for those operations. The money is for 25 different projects across 14 states. The projects, once fully contracted, are expected to support over 8000 construction jobs and over 4000 operating jobs. Here is the map of the companies that have been selected for these awards, both for round one and round two. You can pause the screen and zoom in if you'd like to examine, but I did want to highlight Tesla is not on the list. Just a few companies that are, Alba Marl is getting over $67 The Dow Chemical Company is getting $100 million. Honeywell is getting over $126 million and solid power is getting $50 million.
能源部宣布了一项新的30亿美元拨款计划,旨在支持国内电池制造以及这些操作所需的电池材料。这笔资金将用于14个州的25个不同项目。这些项目一旦全面落实,预计将支持超过8000个建设岗位和超过4000个运营岗位。以下是获得此轮拨款的公司地图,包括第一轮和第二轮的名单。你可以暂停屏幕并放大查看,但我想特别指出,特斯拉不在名单中。 列出的一些公司中,Albemarle公司获得超过6700万美元,陶氏化学公司获得1亿美元,霍尼韦尔公司获得超过1.26亿美元,Solid Power公司获得5000万美元。

I did post the question on X, why wouldn't Tesla's Lithium Refinery be the recipient of any of these funds, given that we know Tesla has a track record of creating strong ROIs. Rohan Patel did chime in and we had a long back and forth before he ultimately ended up saying that basically there are a lot of hoops that the companies need to jump through to secure these grants. Rohan did say he didn't know for sure whether Tesla applied for these grants or not and unfortunately I have not been able to find that information, I'm not sure if it's public. But my argument was if some of these smaller companies can find the time and manpower to jump through some of these hoops then you would think that Tesla would have the ability to do so as well if they could get $100 million plus. Especially at a time when Lithium prices are low and any new Lithium project even for a well-capitalized company like Tesla is going to face challenges.
我在X平台上提出了一个问题,为什么特斯拉的锂精炼厂没有获得任何资金支持,鉴于我们知道特斯拉在创造强劲回报方面有着良好的记录。Rohan Patel回答了我的问题,我们讨论了很久,最终他表示公司需要满足很多要求才能获得这些资助。Rohan说他不确定特斯拉是否申请了这些资助,我也没能找到相关信息,不确定这些信息是否公开。但我的观点是,如果一些小公司有时间和人力去满足这些要求,特斯拉也应该有能力去争取这些资助,尤其是在锂价格较低的时候,任何新的锂项目即使对像特斯拉这样资金充足的公司来说也面临挑战。

Rohan then shared his own post quote posting mine and he did bring up some valid points that I wanted to share. He said many of these companies that did get the funds may eventually or may already be parts of the Tesla supply chain. And that a strong US supply chain helps Tesla enormously and could also help qualify for the full $7,500 tax credit. He said grant applications require a number of hoops and hurdles my team along with Drew's team looked into the program and I would not be surprised if the current team was also looking into these potential loans and grants. The one argument he made that I can't get on board with is that Tesla is already benefiting from the section 45x which is the manufacturing tax credit. If you follow the channel for any amount of time you will have heard me say Tesla is a huge beneficiary of those tax credits but I'm not sure how that's relevant to this specific tranche of funding for these grants. These are two totally separate programs. So my point was just because Tesla is benefiting from one doesn't preclude them from also benefiting from the other.

He did say Tesla will also be getting tax credits for the Lithium Refinery, the cathode materials, I responded and shared a few thoughts you can pause if you want but I inquired about the specifics of the credits for the Lithium Refinery. To which he said Tesla's Lithium Refinery will get production tax credits as well once it's in production. The calculation is a bit more complicated but it's a generous subsidy. It's not just paperwork, some of these programs have certain labor in reporting requirements or environmental reviews that must be undertaken. Depending on the project often speed is more valuable to Tesla and other companies and the tax credits provide a healthy subsidy once production is up and running. If you can get into production sooner the tax credits may even be more than the lost grant money and likely slower speed to scaled production.

That's why the IRA is so transformative and it would be boneheaded for Trump or the GOP to try to gut or kill it. And finally yes some of these project requirements for grants and loans should be re-examined and are not nearly as efficient as they should be. Certainly valid points from Rohan but I still have questions about how many of these small companies will actually still be in production 5-10 years from now. And despite the fact that Rohan and I definitely look at this from a different political angle knowing whether or not Tesla actually applied for the grant would really be a determining factor. And as far as I can tell that's not public so whether Tesla got snubbed or they just didn't apply because the requirements are too great we don't know for sure. All I was saying was I think it's fair to ask the question given everything we've talked about the past few years.

The last thing I wanted to share Rohan was also making a point that these grants are really for small startup type companies but if you look at the actual list of recipients companies like Dow Chemical and Honeywell are multinational large organizations. That by the way are also profitable. Just a quick look at Honeywell's financials dating back to 2017 they've been making more than 6 billion dollars in profit every year. And this table is for Honeywell International. Their net income has been right around 5 billion dollars for the last four years. So the argument these grants are only for small companies doesn't really check out in my book.

The many Tesla controversy aside don't get me wrong I'm obviously rooting for all of these companies to be successful. I just think Tesla's Lithium Refinery would be a deserving recipient of some of these funds and just because Tesla's been successful in other areas doesn't mean they should be punished for it. The weekly Tesla China number came in and it was another strong reading at 15,600 comparing that to the same week in quarter 2 that number was 11,700. Thus quarter over quarter Tesla China is now up 26%. In week 11 of quarter 3 last year the number was 8,500. So year over year Tesla China is up 20.3%. And if over the remaining two weeks of the quarter Tesla China can register over 13,950 per week they will set a new record quarter. The breakdown for this week was 3,000 Model 3 12,600 Model Y. Tesla China domestically is doing very well but they really should be given all of the incentives that have been available in that region for the quarter.
抛开特斯拉的众多争议不谈,请别误会,我显然是希望这些公司都能够成功。我只是认为特斯拉的锂精炼厂应该获得一些资金的支持,仅仅因为特斯拉在其他领域取得了成功并不意味着他们就应该因此受到惩罚。本周特斯拉中国的数字出炉了,又是一个强劲的表现,达到15,600辆,而在第二季度的同一周,这个数字是11,700辆。由此看来,特斯拉中国的季度环比增长了26%。去年第三季度的第十一周,数字是8,500辆。因此,特斯拉中国同比增长了20.3%。如果在本季度剩下的两周内,特斯拉中国每周的交付量能超过13,950辆,他们将创下新的季度记录。本周的分项数据是3,000辆Model 3和12,600辆Model Y。特斯拉中国在国内表现非常出色,但他们应该利用这个季度中该地区提供的所有激励措施。

But we just got data from the ACEA they said in August registrations of full BEVs was down 43.9% compared to the same month last year. It was driven by spectacular drops in the two biggest markets for BEVs Germany down 68.8% and France down 33.1%. January through August across the EU full BEVs made up 12.6% of the market. I know these tables may be tough to see but I'm just focusing on the far left column which is battery electric and it's going to be January through August year to date year over year. Belgium is up over 41% with over 84,000 registrations. But a large driver of the drop as we saw with the monthly data Germany year to date is down 32%. Denmark on the other hand is making nice progress up over 50% with nearly 52,000 registrations. But across the EU and the EFTA and the UK year to date registrations are down 5.5% for full BEVs. And yes the total auto market was actually up 1.7% over that time. And we'll also look by manufacturer also across the EU, EFTA and the UK. You'll see Tesla is indeed down 15.8% year over year sitting just over 201,000 registrations. Whereas last year over the same time they were at 238.9000. And Tesla's overall market share is down from 2.8% last year to 2.3% so far this year.

The only other manufacturer not by specific brand but the overall group that's down more than Tesla is forward down 18.1%. In response to that sales data they're saying it's sending extremely worrying signals to the industry and policy makers. In response European auto manufacturers are calling on the EU institutions to come forward with urgent relief measures before new CO2 targets for cars and vans come into effect in 2025. They're also urging the European Commission to bring forward CO2 regulation reviews for light duty and heavy duty vehicles that are scheduled for 2026 and 2027 into 2025. Basically so they can reduce the requirements. Because if they don't this raises the daunting prospect of either multi-billion euro fines which could otherwise be invested in the Zev transition or unnecessary production cuts, job losses and a weekend European supply chain. They said this data confirms the electric car market is now on a continual downward trajectory. The group is saying the industry cannot afford to wait for the review of the CO2 regulations in 2026. We need urgent and meaningful action now to reverse the downward trend. Restore EU industry competitiveness and reduce strategic vulnerabilities. These European automakers are begging for help as they're starting to see the writing on the wall with a lot of EV incentives having been removed and these looming CO2 targets that are feeling more and more out of reach for these automakers that will bring billions of dollars in fines.

The first thing she said every morning they both drink AG1. She calls it Tink and Drink. They cheers and have their AG1. I've told you guys before I've told certain family members about AG1 but my sister was never one of them so they found it on their own. And just a fun fact my sister is actually brilliant. She's a bit younger than me but we both graduated from the same school and our high school classes were about 700 people. I went first, I was in the top 3% or so of my class and for the effort I put in that was good with it. Then my sister rolls along a few years later and she's the valedictorian of her class. Now I'm not trying to argue you should all buy AG1 because it's working for my brilliant sister but it is indeed working for her and her husband. And yeah they're doing other stuff too but it's part of an overall lifestyle. Scott also commented on one of my videos recently saying AG1 is no joke, been taking it for over a year and it certainly boosted my energy while calming my nerves and anxiety. I wanted to share that because of this study on ashwagandha. As you can see on the AG1 label this is an ingredient in AG1 that most people don't know about and the doses started as small as 240 milligrams per day. Overall the studies found that ashwagandha significantly reduced stress and anxiety levels along with a host of other things as well. And a general rule of thumb anytime you introduce a new plant or herb or nutrient into your diet you typically want to start small let your body adapt and then work from there. So check the ingredients, look at the studies and decide for yourself and if you'd like to try it out for yourself you can get five travel packs and a one year supply of vitamin D3K2 for free at drinkag1.com slash electrified or by using the QR code on the screen. Enjoy.
她每天早上第一件事就是和他一起喝AG1。她称这个仪式为“Tink and Drink”。他们会碰杯,然后喝下他们的AG1。我之前告诉过大家,也告诉过一些家庭成员关于AG1的事情,但我从没告诉我妹妹,他们自己发现了这个产品。顺便提一下,我妹妹实际上非常聪明。她比我小几岁,但我们都毕业于同一所学校,我们的高中班级大约有700人。我先毕业,我的成绩大约在班级的前3%,对我付出的努力来说,这已经足够好了。几年后,我妹妹来了,她成了她那届的毕业生代表。我并不是想说大家都应该买AG1因为它对我聪明的妹妹管用,但确实对她和她的丈夫有效。是的,他们还做了其他的事情,但这是整体生活方式的一部分。Scott最近在我的一个视频下评论说,AG1真的很有效,他已经服用了超过一年,确实提升了能量,同时也平静了神经和减轻了焦虑。我想分享这个,因为有个关于冬虫夏草的研究。你可以在AG1的标签上看到这是一种大多数人不知道的成分,剂量起始每天仅240毫克。总体上,研究发现冬虫夏草显著减少了压力和焦虑水平,还有很多其他的好处。一般来说,引入新的植物、草药或营养物质到饮食中时,通常要从小剂量开始,让你的身体适应,然后再增加。所以查看成分、阅读研究,然后自己决定。如果你想自己试试的话,你可以在 drinkag1.com/electrified 或者使用屏幕上的二维码免费获得五份旅行装和一年的维生素D3K2供应。享受吧。

Just a quick one if you use slacker radio which in the Tesla UI to date has been the orange icon that just says streaming they're really one and the same. Due to ownership changes and some rebranding it's all going to be the same functionality but the icon may now be showing up in your Tesla vehicle as live one. As far as I know you should still be able to log in with all of your slacker information. The changeover has not yet happened in all Tesla vehicles but over time it's looking like that will be the case.
简单说明一下,如果你使用的是 Tesla 车载系统中的 Slacker Radio(之前是橙色图标,上面写着 "streaming"),现在它们其实是一样的。由于所有权变更和品牌重塑,功能保持不变,但图标可能会变成 "live one"。据我所知,你仍然可以用你所有的 Slacker 登录信息。虽然并不是所有 Tesla 车辆都已更换完成,但未来似乎都会这样。

Android Auto's most recent update brings improved support for EVs that use the NACS charging found at Tesla Superchargers. In July last year Android Auto got a new setting that allowed Google Maps to tailor the experience of EVs using specific types of chargers. To date NACS has not been an option but now support is coming however this support is for vehicles that are not Teslas because Tesla doesn't support Android Auto. But if your EV supports NACS and it's not a Tesla you'll soon have this feature. You can switch the toggle on that your car uses NACS and then you can use Google Maps to easily find charging stations on your route.

Last night Tesla scopes said FSD version is now going wide. Figured I'd share some quick clips from my recent testing of Here you'll see that it stops pretty far back from this four lane intersection that it needs to cross then slowly over time it creeps up and stops again. Granted it's a weird stop sign but it happens even at regular stop signs as well where it does the double stop thing and when there are people behind you it's less than ideal. I'll scrub through this part because I sat here for around two minutes but the good news it did take the first available opening so thought it handled that very well. Here it seems like it didn't recognize this speed bump at all it just sped right over it whereas it was certainly not comfortable but this next one it did actually slow down. One of two there. This was probably the most impressive thing I saw I do it makes this left turn and then slows down immediately and basically lets this truck come in and then we continued on. I wasn't sure if it was confused but once the truck pulled out it did slowly go forward and it's really almost exactly how I would have done it. Here you're about to see some lane indecision it's supposed to just stay in this far left lane but it's going to signal as if it's turning right then it actually starts to do it straddles the line and then goes back so that's not great. Then here it should have just stayed in the far right lane but for whatever reason it gets over to the left it's not passing anyone and then shortly thereafter goes right back to the right so room for improvement there nothing dangerous obviously. Around this biker I'm always extra cautious to give them extra room but here it gets far too close to this biker for my comfort and you can't see it because of the rear view mirror but he was shaking his head because I was too close. I don't have enough miles logged on to give a full-on review yet but stay tuned.

The Model Y is very close to becoming the best-selling vehicle in the United States. We know it was the global bestseller last year but number one in the US is a feat it's not achieved yet. They said Stellantis has a huge problem the Ram 1500 is building up on dealer lots and it dropped off experience list of the 20 best-selling models in the first half of the year after being number 10 in quarter one. The number one vehicle so far this year the Toyota RAV4 with a 2.8% market share and the Model Y is currently in the number two spot but they're also saying it has a 2.8% market share which is its highest share ever up from 2.6% in quarter one and the Ford F150 is down at number three at 2.7% and given that the RAV4 was up at 3.2% after quarter one that vehicle is trending down so the Model Y has a chance to end the year in the number one spot in the US. This one was more funny than anything Neo CEO said they're not planning to launch extended range EVs until Tesla adopts that approach. Given that the definition of most EREVs actually include some level of a combustion engine I think the answer for when Tesla will do this is never but there were also reports that Neo may be considering buying an Audi factory in Belgium to localize production to avoid tariffs. However William Lee their CEO denied that report saying they're cautious about investing in fixed assets.
Model Y 很接近成为美国最畅销的车辆。我们知道它去年已经是全球销量冠军,但在美国还未达到第一名。他们说Stellantis有个大问题,Ram 1500在经销商处积压,并且在上半年从前20畅销车型榜单上掉了下来,第一季度时它还排第10名。今年到目前为止排名第一的车型是丰田 RAV4,市场份额为2.8%,而Model Y 当前排名第二,市场份额也是2.8%,这是其有史以来最高的份额,比第一季度的2.6%有所上升,福特 F150 则以2.7%的份额排在第三。考虑到RAV4第一季度后市场份额是3.2%,这个车型的趋势在下滑,所以Model Y 有机会在今年年底成为美国市场的第一名。 这件事颇具讽刺意味,蔚来的CEO说在特斯拉采取这种方式前,他们不打算推出增程电动车。鉴于大多数增程电动车的定义实际上包括某种程度的内燃机,我想特斯拉采取这种方式的可能性基本为零。但也有报道称蔚来可能在考虑购买比利时的一家奥迪工厂以实现本地化生产,避免关税。不过,蔚来的CEO李斌否认了这一报道,说他们对投资固定资产非常谨慎。

The 2025 models of the Rivian R1s and R1c will now be shipping with a tri-motor variant. Previously these vehicles were only dual motor or quad motor. Plus the revised tri-motor variants will be using Rivian's own enduro motors made in house and I believe they're replacing the motors from Bosch. The refreshed quad motor variants will begin deliveries early next year. There was a report that Waymo wasn't talks with Hyundai to actually outsource some of the manufacturing for their next gen robotaxies. Specifically that Waymo was looking to replace the zieker vehicle they've been working on with the Ionic 5. However Waymo said in a statement we declined to comment on speculation but I can share we're working hard on validating the gen 6 Waymo driver on the zieker platform and intend to introduce it into the fleet when ready. Zieker said there's no change to ziekers partnership with Waymo and they're actively working together and Hyundai said nothing is determined at this stage about new business. That's three denials and one report so I guess I would lean with the former. To you Western Australians out there the Powerwall 3 is now available in your region. On the Tesla shop they're now offering some Model Y projection lights for $65. I've heard some of these third party putter light options have had some problems when it comes to warranty and how the windows function so hopefully direct from Tesla won't have those problems.
2025款的Rivian R1s和R1c现在将推出三电机版本。之前这些车型只有双电机或四电机版本。此外,改进后的三电机版本将采用Rivian自家制造的Enduro电机,我认为它们将替代来自博世的电机。更新后的四电机版本将于明年初开始交付。 有报道称,Waymo曾与现代商谈,打算将下一代自动驾驶出租车的一些制造工作外包。据称,Waymo正考虑用Ionic 5替换他们一直在使用的Zieker车型。然而,Waymo在声明中说:“我们不对猜测发表评论,但我可以分享我们正在努力验证基于Zieker平台的第六代Waymo Driver,并计划在准备好后将其引入车队。”Zieker表示与Waymo的合作伙伴关系没有变化,他们正在积极合作,而现代则表示关于新业务的任何事情目前都没有确定。这相当于三个否认和一个报道,所以我倾向于相信前者。 对于西澳大利亚的朋友们,Powerwall 3现在已经在你们的地区上市。在特斯拉的商店里,他们现在还提供售价65美元的Model Y投射灯。据说有些第三方灯的选项在保修和车窗功能上存在一些问题,所以希望直接从特斯拉购买不会有这些问题。

Redwood announced a partnership with BMW of North America to recycle lithium ion batteries from all electrified vehicles in the BMW group. They didn't share many details but they said unlike fossil fuels the critical minerals inside of a battery are infinitely recyclable and are not consumed or lost in their lifetime of usage in the vehicle. And from a recent study Redwood's processes have a significantly smaller environmental impact than conventional mining or other recycling tech reducing energy by 80% CO2 emissions by 70% and water by 80%. You may know Revel the ride hail company that uses Model Y's for its fleet. Well they have a new partnership with a company called Juice. They'll be installing smart cameras at its EV charging sites in New York City where the computer vision from this Juice company can identify the model and license plate of the vehicle in need of charging. Then after initial setup it'll initiate the charge without any additional work by the driver so they won't ever need to pull out their phone to charge again.
Redwood公司宣布与宝马北美公司合作,回收宝马集团所有电动车辆中的锂离子电池。他们没有透露太多细节,但表示,与化石燃料不同,电池内的关键矿物可以无限循环使用,不会在车辆的使用寿命中消耗或丢失。最近的一项研究显示,Redwood采用的回收技术对环境的影响要小得多,比传统采矿或其他回收技术减少了80%的能耗、70%的二氧化碳排放和80%的耗水量。 你可能知道Revel,这是一家使用Model Y作为车队的叫车公司。现在,他们与一家名为Juice的公司建立了新合作。Revel将在纽约市的电动车充电站安装智能摄像头,利用Juice公司的计算机视觉技术识别需要充电的车辆型号和车牌号。初次设置后,系统将自动启动充电,司机不再需要拿出手机操作。

Basically their way of enabling plug to charge. A lot of these charging companies like Electrify America, EV Go, ChargePoint require users to use their specific app and the connectivity is not always great. Revel sites are open to all models including Teslas. They're basically trying to get this to work similar to how Apple's Face ID works but with your car.
基本上,他们的做法是让插头可以充电。很多充电公司,比如Electrify America、EV Go和ChargePoint,都要求用户使用他们特定的应用程序,而且这些应用程序的连接并不总是很稳定。Revel的充电站对所有车型开放,包括特斯拉。他们基本上是想让这套系统像苹果的Face ID那样工作,但应用于汽车上。

The W's ID4 had a recent recall where the doors were not staying closed. In response the W has halted production of the ID4 in Tennessee because water was seeping into the door and shorting out the electronics, causing the circuitry to issue a faulty open command. Starting in three days they'll be furloughing 200 employees. Looking at the actual recall though the number of potentially involved vehicles was 98.8 thousand but the estimated percent with the defect was 1%.

RJ Scorinj just said today in an interview, I do believe there's an extreme lack of choice in the market. He actually suggested EV shoppers with a budget of no more than 50 thousand dollars only have one compelling choice, the Tesla Model 3. But most trims of the Model Y even without incentives are also under 50 thousand dollars. He also said I do believe we're going to see the cost curve get to the point that the most economic decision you can make is to buy an electric vehicle. And he highlighted the upcoming ability for Rivian vehicles to serve as whole home batteries. At Rivians investor day early this year they said that the previous version of R1T and R1S already offer DC capability and DC output, which can be exported out of the vehicle.
RJ Scorinj今天在一次采访中表示,我确实认为市场上选择非常有限。他其实建议,如果预算不到5万美元的电动车购买者,目前只有一个具有吸引力的选择,那就是特斯拉Model 3。不过,即便没有任何补贴,大多数版本的Model Y价格也在5万美元以内。他还说,我确实相信我们将看到成本曲线达到一个点,即购买电动车将成为最经济的决定。他特别提到,未来Rivian的车辆将能够作为整个家庭的电池使用。在今年早些时候的Rivian投资者日上,他们表示之前版本的R1T和R1S已经提供了直流电功能和直流输出,这些电能可以从车辆中导出。

They said the charger they're going to provide will provide about 24 kilowatts of power which is plenty for most homes. We don't have a specific date yet but bidirectional charging is set to becoming to Rivian vehicles. Just real quick on the economy I see a lot of people out there celebrating. Just remember whether it's rate hikes or rate cuts it always takes a few months for this to actually work through the economy. And when I say there are mixed signals for how strong the actual economy is I grab this chart from ReVenture Consulting.
他们说他们提供的充电器将提供大约24千瓦的电力,这对于大多数家庭来说已经很足够了。我们还没有具体的日期,但双向充电功能即将进入Rivian车辆。简要说一下经济状况,我看到很多人在庆祝。要记住,无论是加息还是降息,都需要几个月的时间才能真正影响经济。当我说经济实际强度有混杂信号时,我引用了ReVenture Consulting的这张图表。

This is what I mean. Some economic indicators are strong whereas others are weak. The only reason I'm sharing this is because I've seen a lot of sentiment that now the stock market is just going to rip the next six months because we're now lowering rates. Could that happen? Absolutely but it's not a guarantee like it feels like some people are thinking. Tesla stock closed the day at $238.25 down 2.32% while the NASDAQ was down 0.36%.

It was a higher volume day trading about 25 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days. Don't forget check out AG1 linked below for anybody that's interested and as always thank you if you do. Hope you all have a wonderful and a safe weekend. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.