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A Major Tesla Update Explained / Insider on Tesla's Culture / New Tesla Market ⚡️

发布时间 2024-09-17 00:55:59    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my new or updated patrons, Douglas M and E3. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Another thank you to the most recent two of you who decided to use my Tesla referral link to MythicC and Megan B. Congratulations on your new Tesla. And finally, in the spirit of gratitude, it's long overdue for me to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who have ever interacted with any of the sponsors of the channel or supported me on Patreon or X. To emphasize this point, Jordan from the limiting factor recently shared he crossed 10 million views over the past five years and he shared his ad revenue of about 83.6 thousand dollars over that five year period. We all know how much work Jordan puts in and he averaged over that five year period $1,500 per month from ad revenue alone. I wanted to share this to emphasize my point that all of the insilary support that you guys can offer outside of just watching and liking my videos goes a lot further than I think you may understand. Another way of saying it, if I didn't have channel sponsors and Patreon and a little bit on X, my wife would have a lot more questions about how I'm choosing to spend my time. So I mean it when I say had you guys not been so generous over the past few years in supporting electrified in those ways, the channel wouldn't exist as it does today. I know the sponsors can feel less than ideal but in this season of the channel they really are quite essential. I try to make them as educational and valuable as possible but seriously to anybody that has ever checked out any one of those companies I cannot thank you enough. And Jay if you happen to see this I'll say it again, congratulations my friend we all greatly appreciate all of your work.
欢迎来到Electrified频道,我是主持人Dylan Loomis。首先,向我的新赞助者或更新了赞助的观众致敬:Douglas M和E3。谢谢你们选择支持这个频道。另外,感谢最近使用我特斯拉推荐链接的两位朋友:MythicC和Megan B,祝贺你们购买了新特斯拉。 在感恩的氛围中,我需要借此机会感谢每一位曾与频道的赞助商互动或在Patreon或X上支持我的观众。为了强调这一点,Jordan从The Limiting Factor最近分享了他在过去五年中的视频观看量达到了1000万,并且他公开了这五年期间的广告收入,大约是83,600美元。我们都知道Jordan付出了多少努力,他在这五年里仅广告收入平均每月是1500美元。 我分享这些是想强调一个观点,那就是你们在观看和点赞视频之外提供的额外支持,远比你们想象的要重要。换句话说,如果没有频道赞助商、Patreon以及X上的一点儿收入,我的妻子会对我如何选择花费时间提出更多问题。所以,当我说如果没有你们在过去几年的慷慨支持,Electrified频道就不会像今天这样存在时,我是认真的。我知道赞助商的加入可能有时不够理想,但在这个频道发展的阶段,它们确实非常必要。我尽量让这些赞助内容具有教育意义和价值,但真的,感谢每一个曾关注过这些公司的观众。 最后,Jay,如果你恰好看到这个视频,再次恭喜你,我的朋友,我们都非常感谢你的所有工作。

Over the weekend Tesla posted produced our 100 millionth 4680 sell across all of our factories. Let's make some sense of this number. Now I know a lot of people like to look at pretty graphs so they can find the S curve in the data but in my opinion those can easily be manipulated to look any type of way. So for me personally I like sticking with the raw data. Running through this table we have the date that the announcement was made by Tesla, the actual milestone for the number of sells produced, then we have the days between each announcement. For example for Tesla going from 1 million cells produced to 10 million it was 484 days which is also 16.1 months. Then we have the additional cells produced during that time period so this would mean Tesla produced an additional 9 million cells during that 16.1 month period. Then we have the cells per month run rate based on that time period of data and here we have the number of Cybertruck packs per month that Tesla could produce given the current cell run rate. And finally I plugged in a formula assuming 95 watt hours per 4680 cell. So this number is the annual gigawatt hour run rate again for the snapshot of time between each announcement. Now yes I'm fully aware that back in 2023 and prior Tesla's 4680s were not around 95 watt hours per cell but they are today and I wanted this number to be uniform going back through each announcement.
在周末,特斯拉宣布我们在所有工厂中生产了第1亿个4680电池。让我们来解读这个数字。我知道很多人喜欢看漂亮的图表,以便在数据中找到S曲线,但在我看来,这些图表很容易被操纵以呈现任何类型的效果。所以对我个人而言,我更喜欢看原始数据。 通过这个表格,我们可以看到特斯拉发布公告的日期、电池生产数量的里程碑,然后是每次公告之间的天数。例如,从特斯拉生产100万电池到生产1000万电池用了484天,也就是16.1个月。接下来,我们有在这段时间内生产的额外电池数量,这意味着在那16.1个月期间,特斯拉额外生产了900万电池。 然后是基于那段时间的数据,每月的电池生产速率。这里我们有特斯拉基于当前电池生产速率每月可以生产多少Cybertruck电池组。最后,我输入了一个假设每个4680电池95瓦时的公式。因此,这个数字是每年在各次公告之间时间段内的千兆瓦时生产速率。 是的,我完全清楚在2023年及之前,特斯拉的4680电池并没有达到每个95瓦时,但现在已经达到了,我希望这个数字在回顾每次公告时是统一的。

The first thing to point out, this announcement Tesla called out across all factories whereas with the prior three announcements every time they said specifically at Gigatexas. And then the first milestone back in 2022 there was no call out but the photo was from Kato Road. And obviously Gigatexas was just opening in the summer of 2022. I totally understand if you want to argue these numbers should be a bit lower removing for any cells produced at Kato Road but personally we don't know for sure and honestly I don't really care where the cells are coming from because they're being made one way or another. And a few years from now 10 million cells here and there is not going to make that big of a difference anyway. It's been 101 days since we got the last announcement which is 3.4 months so in that time Tesla has produced an additional 50 million cells meaning during that time they're making about 14.9 million cells per month which would be enough for about 11,050 Cybertruck packs per month. We know that right now Tesla is likely selling around 15,000 Cybertrucks per quarter so the current run rate for 4680s is indeed well ahead of the Cybertruck ramp. And again assuming roughly 95 watt hours per 4680 cell the annual gigawatt hour run rate for Tesla during this snapshot in time is 16.9 gigawatt hours per year which clearly is a massive update from the 4.3 gigawatt hour annual run rate that we were dealing with with the last announcement.
首先要指出的是,这次特斯拉的公告是在所有工厂范围内发布的,而之前的三次公告每次都特意说明是在得州超级工厂(Gigatexas)发布的。2022年的第一个里程碑公告没有特别说明地点,但照片来自Kato Road工厂。当时,得州超级工厂在2022年夏季刚刚开业。如果你想认为这些数字应该去掉在Kato Road生产的电池,会是合理的,但我个人认为我们并不确切知道这些电池具体来自哪里,而且坦率地说,我并不在意这些电池的具体生产地点,因为无论如何它们正在被制造出来。在几年后的将来,1000万块电池的差异也不会有多大影响。 自上次公告以来已经过去101天,大约是3.4个月。在这段时间内,特斯拉又生产了5000万块电池,这意味着他们每月生产约1490万块电池,足以支持每月生产约11,050个Cybertruck电池包。据我们所知,特斯拉目前每季度大约销售15,000辆Cybertruck,所以当前4680电池的生产速度确实远超Cybertruck的生产速度。再假设每块4680电池容量大约为95瓦时,那么特斯拉在这个时间点上的年化电池生产速度是16.9吉瓦时,相比之前公告时的4.3吉瓦时年产速度有了显著提升。

Just to quickly zoom out I do have to call out that at Tesla's battery day they were expecting to be producing 100 gigawatt hours per year by 2022. So have they fallen woefully short of those expectations? Yes they have but are they now starting to make real exciting progress? The answer is also yes. A quick aside that's why personally I wish Tesla would stop putting timelines on things because that just removes one attack vector for critics to complain about the company. Of course as an investor and for the channel I love Tesla being forthcoming with timelines but if I had to choose I'd be fine without them. But check this out in just over 3 months Tesla has nearly quadrupled the gigawatt hour run rate. Further in my handy notes Tesla is retooling for the Gen 2 cell in quarter 4 of this year at Gigat Texas. They're adding 4 more lines which will be in addition to the first 4 lines. Those are to be installed starting in quarter 3 of this year and they've been under construction since quarter 3 of last year. This means this increase in cell production was largely from the phase 1 or the first 4 lines and we have another 4 set to come online by the end of this year.

The last update we got about Giganavada and Tesla and Panasonic making 2170 cells was that their annual capacity is between 35 and 40 gigawatt hours. Thus Tesla's captive 4680 production largely from Gigat Texas and some from Kato Road is nearly half of that number. And Tesla and Panasonic at Giganavada have been working on those lines for nearly a decade. For more context Toyota is setting up a factory with Panasonic set to open in 2025 and the annual capacity of that one is set to be 30 gigawatt hours. You can see in terms of a run rate Tesla added over 12 gigawatt hours over the past 3.4 months so assuming no S curve and just linear growth even if they were to add another 12 gigawatt hours for each 6 month period that would be 24 over the next year which would hypothetically put them at roughly a 40 gigawatt hour annual run rate. If it's not clear this is a big deal because those numbers don't even factor in Tesla's plans to start producing full dry battery electrodes for the anode and the cathode. Hopefully they start that by the end of this year.
根据我们最后的消息,Giganavada、特斯拉和松下公司合作生产2170电池的年产能在35到40吉瓦小时之间。而特斯拉在德州超级工厂(Gigafactory Texas)和Kato Road工厂生产的4680电池产能大约是这个数值的一半。同时,特斯拉和松下在Giganavada的生产线已经运营近十年。 为了提供更多背景信息,丰田正在与松下合作建立一座新工厂,计划在2025年投产,年产能预计为30吉瓦小时。 从特斯拉的产能增长速度来看,他们在过去的3.4个月中增加了超过12吉瓦小时的产能。因此,即使按照线性增长模型计算,如果每6个月再增加12吉瓦小时,那么一年内总产能能够增加24吉瓦小时,这样他们的年产能大致会达到40吉瓦小时。 值得注意的是,这些数字还没有包括特斯拉计划在今年年底开始的干电极生产(针对阳极和阴极)。显然,这是一个非常重要的进展。

Recently we highlighted that the energy density of Tesla's 4680 is now on par with much of the competition for nickel base cells and they're clearly now hitting some legitimate scale figures starting to ramp up that S curve which over time will bring down the cost. Earlier this year who knows if the report is actually true but the word was that Elon told the team if they don't address certain issues preventing production from being scaled up before the end of this year the project would be abandoned. The project being 4680s. Pair that with a tone on recent conference calls being that yes Tesla is making progress with the 4680s but they're still going to be heavily reliant on their suppliers which is definitely still the case but I think there's a case to be made that over the past year Tesla has been sandbagging a bit when it comes to the 4680 status.

Last thing I'll say because I could easily drag this out again Tesla is expected to deliver around 15 000 Cybertrucks per quarter right now and given this most recent snapshot their monthly run rate of Cybertruck packs is in the neighborhood of over 33 000. So hypothetically Tesla could double Cybertruck deliveries overnight and they would still be making enough 4680 cells. Anything can happen but if I look forward two three four years and Tesla does make full dbe cells and they add some silicon and they continue to add lines there's a real case to be made that Tesla could be one of the premier battery manufacturers on the planet. Not yet in terms of overall gigawatt hours per year but in terms of energy density and the cost per cell. I really wanted to emphasize this point because it feels like over the past year a lot of people including Wall Street have begun brushing off the 4680 project and writing it off as more of a side project for Tesla that may never really materialize into anything like they thought it could be. But in my opinion with this update and analyzing the numbers I absolutely think that narrative should be changing.

Tesla scopes shared a new Tesla software update 2024.27.10 this one does have fsd I just got it on my hardware for vehicle today. The word is this is also going out to hardware three vehicles but this one does not yet have actually smart summon. The Department of Energy put out an infographic highlighting that a typical EV is 87 to 91 percent efficient compared to 30 percent for a conventional gas vehicle. The figures for EVs is indeed after taking regenerative breaking into account. I think most of us here already understand this principle but I wanted to let you know I'll have this linked below in case you need a resource to share with family and friends.

If you go to the Tesla careers page and search Philippines you will find a few different job postings specifically in to gig. There are 15 positions listed as of today and one of them is indeed store manager. It appears as though Tesla is set to make its official debut into the Philippines there are some Teslas in the area but they've all been imported privately. Tesla is likely setting up a physical location for vehicle sales in the next few months. The EV market in the Philippines is absolutely still in its infancy they need a large build out of infrastructure but Philippine auto sales for 2023 were over 441,000 units. 75% of those were commercial and 25% were passenger. For last year Toyota held an astounding 45% market share. The top luxury brand last year was Lexus selling 1,843 units. If Tesla can split that difference over the next few years and eventually hit a 10% market share that would be an additional 40,000 units per year. This is from yawn in the EV universe newsletter he was highlighting in Canada we got the results for the first half of this year.

Just over 84,000 EVs were sold during that time period up 41% from the first half of 2023 and full EVs now have a 9.1% market share of all cars sold up from 7.2% over the first half last year. And how about Hong Kong over the same time period they had just over 20,000 EV sales which is up 51% year over year and full EVs now make up over 83% of the overall auto market share. So Norway has a bit of competition. Just two quick data points to further dispel the myth that full EV sales are dying. Cybertruck Engineer Wes shared a post on X talking about Conway's Law and his experience at Tesla.

Basically Conway's Law he said is organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations. Translation the more silos you have across company and separate divisions the less efficient your overall end product and design will ultimately be. He shared a story about how Tesla ended up moving to the structural pack but we've talked about that in the past so pause the screen if you'd like to read. I just wanted to share he said someone just needs to question if there's a better solution in a team open to criticism. This mindset to work together to make the best product regardless of ego is where you end up with the most innovative products.

He then went on to list a few examples in the Cybertruck specifically and concluded saying the excitement and motivation by everyone involved to work across boundaries and actively break down Conway's Law is one of the many reasons I love working at Tesla. It's this right here which is why I've often said even if these other companies hire great AI and engineering talent and even if it's from Tesla that does not mean that the culture and the mindset of the organizations at large at these other companies will be able to immediately mimic what Tesla has been doing. In the comments West said there are so many examples because it's ingrained as a mindset in all the teams and encouraged by our leadership.

That is a culture that's built into the Tesla ethos that cannot be duplicated no matter what in a short amount of time at other companies. That's part of why Jim Farley has said this year that their skunk works project in California is effectively an entirely different company or subsidiary under Ford. He didn't want that team to be burdened by all of the structures that have been put in place at Ford over the past few decades. It's true many of these OEMs have finally realized that they have to make drastic changes to their business model to ever make EVs that are attractive and that they can make a profit on. But to truly have an agile manufacturing and engineering company where every employee is fully bought in and trained to think like this that's going to take years and years if not decades.

The Tesla semi is officially set up and ready to go for the IAA event that has started today and Dan Priestley will be giving his keynote tomorrow on Tuesday. Some people from the Tesla community like yawn will be there going to the event so we're likely to get some nice details in the next two or three days. Larry Ellison, a close friend of Elon, had some interesting comments about AI. In Nobu Palo Alto, I went to dinner with Elon Musk, Jensen Wong and I went to dinner and I would describe the dinner as oracle and me and Elon begging Jensen for GPUs. Please take our money. Please take our money. Take no, no, take more of it. You're not taking enough that we need you to take more of our money. Please go. He said it worked, which is encouraging, but for Elon is that for Tesla or XAI. I'm not sure. Has anything like this ever happened before?
特斯拉的电动卡车已经正式准备好参加今天开始的IAA活动,丹·普里斯特利将在明天(星期二)做主题演讲。特斯拉社区的一些人,比如Yawn,也会去参加这个活动,所以我们可能会在接下来的两三天内获取一些不错的细节。 埃隆·马斯克的密友拉里·埃里森对人工智能有些有趣的评论。他说,在诺布帕洛阿尔托餐厅,我和埃隆·马斯克、黄仁勋一起吃晚饭,我会形容这顿晚餐是Oracle(甲骨文公司)和我及埃隆恳求黄仁勋卖给我们GPU。我们说:"请收下我们的钱。请收下我们的钱。不,收更多的钱。你收得不够,我们需要你收更多的钱。" 拉里说这招奏效了,这挺令人鼓舞的,但他不确定埃隆是为特斯拉还是为XAI买GPU。类似的事情以前有没有发生过?

You know what basic stakes is? You know what it costs to build a frontier model? Anyone know over in that's three, three years? Yeah, a hundred billion. That's kind of gets you in the game. A frontier AI model like he said is really just a cutting edge model at the time. In a few years, the entry point just to get in the game could be a hundred billion dollars. I would add that's one more reason for the camp that argues Tesla should not do a stock buyback because they may need a lot more capital than I think people are expecting right now just for AI compute. James Stevenson shared a great chart highlighting net income as a percent of revenue comparing Tesla to BYD. Dating back to 2017, the high watermark metric for BYD was five percent. Whereas for Tesla last year, this number hit 17 percent. More importantly though, you can see the trend line for Tesla is steadily increasing, whereas the trend line for BYD is largely staying flat. I did ask James if he thinks BYD is unprofitable without subsidies because the internet in articles will give conflicting information. He said I don't follow them closely enough to understand the magnitude of their subsidies, but his intuition is the Chinese government has prioritized goals other than BYD shareholder wealth maximization. Translation BYD is really focused on unit growth and maximizing economies of scale.
你知道什么是基本需求吗?你知道开发一个前沿模型要花多少钱吗?有人知道要花三年时间吗?对,可能要一千亿美元。这只是你进入这个领域的起点。像他说的那样,一个前沿的人工智能模型就是当时最先进的模型。几年后,想要进入这个领域,起码需要一千亿美元。我还要补充一点,这也是为什么有人主张特斯拉不应该进行股票回购,因为他们可能需要比现在人们预期的更多的资金来进行人工智能计算。James Stevenson 分享了一张很棒的图表,比较了特斯拉和比亚迪的收入净利润百分比。追溯到2017年,比亚迪的最高纪录是5%,而去年特斯拉的这个数字达到了17%。更重要的是,你可以看到特斯拉的趋势线在稳定上升,而比亚迪的趋势线基本保持平稳。我问了James,他是否认为比亚迪在没有补贴的情况下是不盈利的,因为网上的文章会给出相互矛盾的信息。他说他没有仔细跟踪比亚迪以了解其补贴的具体情况,但他的直觉是,中国政府优先考虑的目标不是最大化比亚迪股东的财富。换句话说,比亚迪真正关注的是单位增长和最大化规模经济。

Monroe and the team have a new business line. Apparently in partnership with Armin, they have started their own business designed specifically for Tesla vehicles. They now have their own lineup of wheels that are lighter, stronger, and more aerodynamic than anything else on the aftermarket. On their website, they currently have options for the Model 3, the Model Y, and the Cybertruck. The latter of which they're saying is bulletproof. All of these start at over $3,700 for a set of four. Wanted to get that on your radar, it's Monroe Delta Wheels dot com.
Monroe和他的团队开辟了一条新的业务线。据说他们与Armin合作,专门针对特斯拉车辆开创了一家新公司。他们现在推出了一系列新的车轮,重量更轻、强度更高、空气动力性能更好,比市面上其他的改装车轮都要优越。在他们的网站上,当前有适用于Model 3、Model Y和Cybertruck的车轮。尤其是Cybertruck的车轮,据说是防弹的。这些车轮的价格都在$3,700以上(四个一套)。我想提醒你注意一下,可以去Monroe Delta Wheels网站看看。

I've seen some folks saying there are now more EVs on Norway's roads than petrol vehicles. This in terms of the overall fleet. However, that data point conveniently leaves out the roughly 1 million diesel cars that are on Norway's roads which are in addition to the number of petrol cars. So yes, by the end of this month, there will be more EVs than just petrol alone, but that excludes diesel. Separately I found with almost 370,000 more diesel cars than BEVs, analysts estimate it'll take three to four years for BEVs to overtake diesel vehicles as well.

We got an update on the Tesla diner from 24-7 Tesla and they're currently doing some grading for the lot before putting down the concrete or the pavement. He also highlighted all of the LED lights strips that are being added to the outside of the building. That will be pretty cool at night, and he said for the interior, they still haven't made too much progress. But for the interior, he said they're waiting until they can close up the exterior and entirety before starting that.

Tesla owners Mexico shared that the first Cybertruck deliveries are about to begin in Mexico. And the Cybertruck program manager said that Cybertruck deliveries to Canada are likely to begin late October. Tesla just submitted plans to install a sculpture at the southwest corner of their engineering HQ in California. The concept is a stylized, low-poly California grizzly bear meant to combine Tesla's design language with California's bear and highlight the common message of strength and unyielding resistance. The bear would be 16 feet in 5 inches long and 11 feet in 5 inches tall. Tesla is also preparing to install glowing spotlights around the bear. The RGB lights would allow Tesla to control luminosity, intensity, temperature, and color and allow the company to change the lighting based on the season or special events and holidays.
墨西哥的特斯拉车主分享说,首批Cybertruck即将开始在墨西哥交付。而Cybertruck项目经理表示,向加拿大的交付可能会在十月底开始。 特斯拉刚刚提交了在加州工程总部西南角安装雕塑的计划。该概念是一只风格化的、低多边形的加州灰熊,旨在结合特斯拉的设计语言与加州灰熊,突出力量和顽强抵抗的共同信息。 这只熊长16英尺5英寸, 高11英尺5英寸。 特斯拉还准备在熊周围安装发光聚光灯。这些RGB灯将允许特斯拉控制亮度、强度、温度和颜色,并允许公司根据季节或特殊事件和假期改变灯光效果。

A little tidbit for FSD in China, Tesla has now added FSD to the user interface, but the option is still grayed out. However, it is now finally visible. Bloomberg highlighted it took BMW more than two years to discover the extent of a braking system fault that's expected to cost the company $1.1 billion. Customers began complaining about faulty brakes back in June 2022, but it wasn't until last month when BMW realized as many as 1.5 million cars might be impacted. It's pretty wild that a software update for Tesla to change the icon size by a millimeter is going to get more attention than a billion dollar brake fix from BMW.

Tesla stock closed today at $226.78 down 1.52% while the Nasdaq was down 0.52%. It was a low volume day for Tesla trading about 21 million shares below the average volume in the past 30 days. Hope you guys have a wonderful day, please like the video if you did. You can find me on X-linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.