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Tesla's Mainstream Partnership / Wall St. Has a Plea for TSLA Investors⚡️

发布时间 2024-09-10 01:30:56    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my updated patron gort. Thank you for continuing to support the channel. Friday turned out to be a newsletter day, and to those of you that have not yet joined the list, what are you doing? It's free, I'm not going to send you any spam. It's the same news you would get here on the channel, just in a more bite-sized package. And I will periodically mention this. God forbid my channel ever gets taken down or censored for whatever reason you never know in how a day is. I would like an avenue to let everybody know how I plan to continue to deliver the electrified videos if this channel is taken down. Honestly, at this point, I have no plans to monetize this, so I really just want to keep providing value and of course have a more reliable way that I have a bit more control over to get in touch with everybody again if something were to happen to this YouTube channel. It's electrifiednews.com.
欢迎来到 Electrified,我是你们的主持人迪伦·卢米斯。首先感谢我的更新赞助人gort,感谢你持续支持这个频道。周五成了发送通讯的日子,对于那些还没有加入我们邮件列表的人,你们在等什么?这是免费的,我不会发垃圾邮件给你们。这里只是把你在频道上获得的新闻,以更精简的形式发给你们。我会不时提到这个。天知道如果我的频道因某些原因被封或遭到审查,我希望有个方式告知大家我将如何继续发布Electrified视频。老实说,现在我没有计划通过这个盈利,我只是想继续提供有价值的内容,并且有一个更可靠、更可控的方式与大家保持联系,以防这个YouTube频道发生意外。访问 electrifiednews.com。

If you didn't know, today September 9th is World EV Day. So, for those that celebrate, enjoy. There's actually a lot of ground to cover today, so get ready, we're going to be moving. On X, replying to whole Mars, Elon said that we're opening a lot more superchargers in response to whole Mars saying we need more. Elon asked what regions Tesla was missing and a bunch of people provided great input. When it comes to more pull-through sites at supercharger locations, the Cybertruck program manager said it's already in work, including showing these on the UI. Not only will you be able to see how many stalls will be available when you arrive, but you'll soon be able to know how many have a pull-through stall.
如果你不知道,今天是9月9日,也就是世界电动车日。所以,对于那些庆祝这一天的人,享受吧。实际上,今天有很多事情要处理,所以准备好吧,我们会忙起来的。 在X社交平台上,埃隆·马斯克回复Whole Mars的帖子时说,我们正在开放更多超级充电站。Whole Mars提到我们需要更多的充电站,埃隆询问了哪些地区特斯拉的充电站还不够,很多人都给出了很好的建议。 关于在超级充电站增加直通车位的问题,Cybertruck项目经理表示,这项工作已经在进行中,并且会在用户界面上显示。不仅你会看到到达时有多少充电桩可用,很快你还会知道其中有多少是直通车位的充电桩。

We've already known Tesla has plans to spend around $500 million expanding the supercharger network this year, but right now with the public sentiment, we need this message to spread far and wide. Panasonic has finalized preparations at the revamped factory for 4680 production that will largely be for Tesla, and who doesn't love a generalized battery promise they're saying these cells will have five times the capacity of 2170s. Panasonic intends to kick off production after getting the green light from clients at the factory in Japan. It's even more exciting because we have to remember Panasonic has a factory opening in Kansas set to begin production of 4680 cells next year. At the plant in Japan, Panasonic will initially be aiming for an annual capacity of several gigawatt hours, and at that site, they'll be trying out processes that it could implement at other battery factories around the world. Obviously, more 4680 supply makes it even less likely that the Cybertruck hits a production bottleneck that's directly because of 4680 production. But for whatever it may be worth, I'm also with Jordan at the limiting factor in that we think there's no reason to switch every Tesla vehicle to 4680s as soon as possible. The main reason Tesla has the best global EV supply chain of any company on the planet, and I don't think it's particularly close. You can argue BYD if you want, I guess, but we have to remember a majority of their EV sales are still in the Chinese market, they're only now just beginning to trickle into Europe and North America.

As promised, Vision Auto Park for Cybertruck has begun rolling out to customers with software 2024.32.5. There are some early videos out there like this one from Holmar showing the Cybertruck parking itself, I think most of us are largely aware of this feature, it's just now the Cybertruck can do it too. But Elon did add, we should change that so the yoke is stationary as it's not mechanically coupled to the wheels, same goes for when it's on autopilot. It's fair to wonder how disengagements would play out if the squirkel were to just stay in place. As always though, just because Elon said Tesla should do something doesn't guarantee that they will. And in case you missed it, Tesla also released a new hands-free frunk feature, but it's only for select models. Those being vehicles with ultra wide band support which is the new Model S and X and the 2024 Model 3. Chris from Dirty Tesla showed a quick video of this in action.
正如承诺的那样,Cybertruck 的自动泊车功能已经开始通过软件版本 2024.32.5 推送给用户。网上已经有了一些早期视频,比如 Holmar 发布的一个,展示了 Cybertruck 自行泊车的画面。我认为我们大多数人对这个功能并不陌生,只不过现在 Cybertruck 也能实现这个功能了。不过,Elon 补充说,我们应该改动一下,使方向盘保持静止,因为它并没有机械地与车轮连接,这在自动驾驶时也是一样的。有理由去猜测,如果方向盘在不动的情况下,人工干预会是什么样的结果。但一如既往,仅仅因为 Elon 说了 Tesla 应该做些什么,并不意味着他们一定会去做。另外,如果你错过了,Tesla 还发布了新的免手操作前备箱功能,但仅适用于部分车型。这些车型需要支持超宽带技术,包括新的 Model S 和 X,以及 2024 款的 Model 3。Dirty Tesla 的 Chris 还展示了这个功能的简短演示视频。

Alright, here's your first look at the auto frunk, so you have to have an iPhone 11 or newer, hopefully it'll come to Android later. But you just stand here, I heard three beeps, and it opens automatically so it just basically detected I was standing there waiting for it to open, the hands are full, put the stuff in, and then you can close it. So that works pretty nice. As Wes highlighted, UWB helps your vehicle pinpoint your phone with much better accuracy. Fun fact, currently around 45% of the time the frunk is opened using the exterior button, this on the cyber truck. Wes did say UWB is currently working only on iPhone. And a pro tip from Wes, he said you can also close the frunk with the emergency release button which is right down here on the right side of the frunk when you're looking from the front.
好的,这是你第一次看到自动前备箱,所以你需要一部 iPhone 11 或更新的型号,希望以后也能支持 Android。但你只需要站在这里,我听到三声蜂鸣,它就会自动打开,所以它基本上是检测到我站在那里等待它打开,双手被占满,把东西放进去,然后你可以关闭它。所以这非常方便。正如 Wes 强调的那样,超宽带(UWB)技术可以帮助你的车辆更准确地定位你的手机。一个有趣的事实,目前大约 45% 的时间,前备箱是通过外部按钮打开的,这个是在 Cyber Truck 上的情况。Wes 还说目前 UWB 仅在 iPhone 上工作。另外一个来自 Wes 的小贴士,他说你也可以使用紧急释放按钮关闭前备箱,从前面看这是在前备箱右侧的地方。

Android users, you'll have to be patient, but Tesla is now also offering the option to exclude home when using these hands-free features. If you're out in your garage at home, maybe standing by a tool bench doing something, it will not automatically open your frunk or your trunk with that option disabled. The Wall Street Journal had a report talking about a potential licensing deal between Tesla and XAI. Elon said he did not read the article, but the above is not accurate. Tesla has learned a lot from discussions with engineers at XAI that have helped accelerate achieving unsupervised FSD, but there's no need to license anything from XAI. The XAI models are gigantic, containing incompressed for most of human knowledge and couldn't possibly run on the Tesla vehicle inference computer, nor would we want them to.
安卓用户,你们得耐心一点。不过,特斯拉现在也提供了在使用这些免提功能时排除家庭位置的选项了。如果你在家里的车库里,可能在工具台旁边做什么事,禁用这个选项后,它不会自动打开你的前备箱或后备箱。 《华尔街日报》有一篇报道提到特斯拉和XAI之间可能的授权交易。Elon说他没读过那篇文章,但以上内容并不准确。特斯拉从与XAI的工程师交流中学到了很多,这有助于加速实现无人监管的完全自动驾驶,但没有必要从XAI获取任何授权。XAI的模型非常庞大,包含了大部分未经压缩的知识,不可能在特斯拉的车载推理计算机上运行,我们也不希望它们运行。

The Tesla AI models have incredibly dense in a good way intelligence as they compress video of reality into driving commands, but must operate on a 300 watt computer with memory size and bandwidth far lower than say an H100 GPU. Tesla Real-world AI also has a vastly larger context size than an LLM as the combined video history from all cameras is several gigabytes in size. Elon said how many fake articles have you seen about Tesla at this point? 100? 1000? Maybe several thousand? Wall Street Journal is talking nonsense. And remember, just because today there's no need for Tesla to license anything from XAI does not mean there won't ever be in the future.
特斯拉的人工智能模型在某种意义上具有高度密集的智能,因为它们将现实视频压缩成驾驶指令,然而必须在一个功耗为300瓦的计算机上运行,其内存大小和带宽远低于例如H100 GPU。特斯拉的真实世界人工智能相比大型语言模型(LLM)有着更大的上下文容量,因为所有摄像头的合并视频历史数据有几千兆字节。埃隆表示,到目前为止,你看过多少关于特斯拉的虚假报道?100篇?1000篇?也许有几千篇?《华尔街日报》的报道简直是胡说八道。并且要记住,即使现在特斯拉没有必要从XAI获取任何授权,也不意味着未来永远不会需要。

S&P Global actually put out a positive article talking about autonomous progress so far this year in the United States. However, they largely touted progress at Waymo, which definitely deserves some credit and they said cruise despite suffering some setbacks that may only propel them to be a better company going forward. Some updated data, Waymo has nearly 800 vehicles in operation and is the only company actually charging fares for autonomous rides. Their Gen 6 system features a more cost-effective sensor setup with better resolution, range and compute power. It's a modular system that allows for swapping out of sensing components to adapt to specific environments. Gen 6 is designed to operate reliably in a wider range of inclement weather conditions like heat, fog, rain and hail.
标准普尔全球发布了一篇正面文章,讨论了今年迄今为止美国在自动驾驶方面的进展。然而,他们主要夸赞了Waymo的进展,确实值得称赞。同时他们提到,尽管Cruise遇到了一些挫折,但这些挫折可能会促使它成为一个更好的公司。 一些最新数据表明,Waymo目前有近800辆车在运营,是唯一一家实际收取自动驾驶费用的公司。他们的第六代系统采用了更具成本效益的传感器配置,具有更高的分辨率、更远的范围和更强的计算能力。这个模块化系统允许更换传感组件,以适应特定环境。第六代系统设计旨在在更广泛的不良天气条件下可靠运行,如高温、雾、雨和冰雹。

When it comes to cruise, we know earlier this year they canceled or delayed their origin shuttle project. But they're still talking about a level 4 system on personal transportation, both in the context of cruise and on a Cadillac concept car. And Tesla might need to delay its 10-10 event yet again because GM is planning their investor day for October of this year. As the leader in the EV revolution, I think GM may steal the show. And I won't read it to you, but their update on Tesla was very short, not nearly as in-depth and overall didn't have a positive tone. Now look, this wasn't an overly technical article to begin with, but they did highlight some of the things that Waymo was doing with the removal of sensors and cost reductions. But they didn't highlight any of that for Tesla, they didn't even talk about the vision only system, nothing about the end-to-end network.
在提到 Cruise 时,我们知道今年早些时候他们取消或推迟了原定的班车项目。但是他们仍在讨论一套用于个人交通的四级自动驾驶系统,这既包括 Cruise,也包括一款凯迪拉克概念车。而特斯拉可能需要再次推迟其10月10日的活动,因为通用汽车计划在今年10月举办投资者日活动。作为电动车革命的领导者,我认为通用汽车有可能成为焦点。我就不详细说了,但他们对特斯拉的更新非常简短,不是很深入,整体语调也不太积极。现在看,这篇文章本身并不太技术性,但他们确实强调了Waymo在传感器移除和成本削减方面所做的工作。然而他们并没有提到特斯拉的相关工作,甚至没有讨论仅用视觉系统的方案,也没提及端到端网络。

Again, that's probably not their specialty and that's understandable, but it's pieces like this from companies like S&P that have so many people still thinking that Waymo is ahead of Tesla. But as I always say, they are just playing different games. We got the official numbers for Tesla China for both domestic and export for the month of August. Looking at the year-over-year figure for domestic sales, Tesla China is down 0.6%. And looking at the export number year-over-year, Tesla China January through August is down 15%. If you want a quick dopamine hit that says this was the best month for Tesla China domestically all year, that is indeed accurate. However, I think zooming out and paying attention to the year-to-date numbers paint a more accurate picture. There was some news on X that was touting the foolish figure of EV market share and how it was declining for Tesla in China, trying to paint a bleak picture of Tesla's prospects in China thanks in part to having a stale lineup. Elon responded to that saying believing the news is silly. Our Shanghai factory is running at max capacity. A quick fact check on Elon, Tesla's Q2 slide deck had their Shanghai capacity at over 950,000 per year. In the first half of this year, Gigas Shanghai has produced, we'll call it 415,000 vehicles. If Tesla had the same production rate for the second half of the year, that would lead to around 830,000 vehicles produced. But if you added an extra 15-20% for the second half, that would actually bump the total to closer to 900,000. I know a 15-20% boost may be high, but typically the second half of the year is busier than the first half. That guarantees nothing but if we used that 900,000 vehicles produced figure and divided by the stated capacity, that would mean Gigas Shanghai operating around 94.7% of capacity in this hypothetical projection for the end of this year. Plus given downtime and repairs and unexpected supply chain hiccups, usually factories operating between 80, 90, 95% of stated capacity could be classified as operating at full capacity. In part, it's due to a semantics game and just depends on how true you want to be to the actual term.
再次,这可能不是他们的特长,这是可以理解的,但正因如此,类似S&P这样的公司的报告让很多人仍然认为Waymo领先于特斯拉。但我总是说,他们只是玩着不同的游戏。 我们得到了特斯拉中国8月份国内和出口的官方数据。看看国内销售的同比数字,特斯拉中国下滑了0.6%。再看看出口数字,同比来看,特斯拉中国1月至8月的出口下降了15%。如果你想快速得到一个“这个月是特斯拉中国全年国内销售最好的一个月”的兴奋感,这确实是准确的。然而,我认为放长远来看,关注年初至今的数据会更准确。 X平台上有些新闻在宣传电动车市场份额下滑,以及特斯拉在中国市场前景黯淡的愚蠢说法,部分原因是产品线老旧。埃隆对此回应说,相信这些新闻是愚蠢的。我们的上海工厂在满负荷运转。 来对埃隆的话做个快速事实核查,特斯拉的第二季度报告显示,他们在上海的年产能超过95万辆。今年上半年,上海超级工厂生产了约41.5万辆汽车。如果特斯拉在今年下半年保持同样的生产速度,那将生产约83万辆汽车。但如果下半年增加15-20%的产量,总数将接近90万辆。我知道15-20%的增幅可能有些高,但通常下半年比上半年更忙碌。这不保证什么,但如果我们用90万辆的生产数据除以声明的产能,这意味着上海超级工厂在假设的年末预测中大约以94.7%的产能运转。此外,考虑到停机维修和意外的供应链问题,通常工厂在80%、90%或95%的声明产能范围内运行,可以被视为满负荷运转。这在一定程度上是语义游戏,只取决于你对实际术语的忠实程度。

I gotta be honest, the past few weeks after having the illness, I just haven't felt like myself. So I just want to say, in as much as it's up to you, please take care of your body and don't take overall health and wellness for granted. And that message is part of why I'm still happy to talk about AG1, the sponsor of this video years after first trying it out to support my guy Lex Reedman and also Sehil Bloom. Just know there's a ton of disinformation about AG1 out there, largely because it's become so popular, similar to Tesla FUD actually. Full transparency, I get paid $0 for AG1 commission from any sales, so that's a lie that's being spread. There's also people with competing products that are saying they know how much AG1's ingredients actually cost. But there are indeed some proprietary blends in AG1, which means unless this person has insider information, they don't actually know that answer. But more important than that, however, you decide to get your daily baseline of nutrition, just make sure you're getting the highest quality of ingredients. From all of my research, AG1 really was the company that seemed to go above and beyond when it comes to supply chains sourcing. There's 75 vitamins, minerals, and probiotics in every serving. I enjoy the taste, I know that's subjective, it's great at home and on the go, and it's certified by NSF. With Andrew Huberman and Peter Atia as part of the AG1 company, personally, I actually trust that they are pursuing a science-backed approach. If you'd like to try it out, you can get five travel packs in a one-year supply of vitamin D3K2 for free at drinkag1.com slash electrify the link below, or using the QR code on the screen.
我得坦诚地说,过去几周生病之后,我一直感觉自己不太像自己。所以,我想说的是,在你力所能及的范围内,请好好照顾自己的身体,不要把整体健康和保健视为理所当然。这也是为什么即使在第一次尝试AG1支持我的朋友Lex Reedman和Sehil Bloom几年之后,我仍然愿意谈论AG1的原因之一。 要知道,关于AG1有很多错误信息流传,主要是因为它太受欢迎了,这点其实和特斯拉的FUD(恐惧、不确定性和怀疑)类似。完全透明地说,我从AG1的任何销售中都没有收到任何佣金报酬,所以这是一种谣言。还有一些竞争产品的人说他们知道AG1成分的实际成本。但实际上,AG1中确实有一些独家配方,这意味着除非这个人有内部消息,否则他们并不知道答案。 但更重要的是,不论你选择哪种方式获取每日基础营养,请确保你得到的是最高质量的成分。从我所有的研究来看,AG1确实是一家在供应链采购方面表现出色的公司。每一份AG1都含有75种维生素、矿物质和益生菌。我喜欢它的味道,我知道这是主观的,无论是在家还是在外都很方便使用,而且它通过了NSF认证。有Andrew Huberman和Peter Atia参与AG1公司,我个人确实相信他们在追求科学支持的方法。 如果你想试试,可以通过下方链接或屏幕上的二维码,在drinkag1.com/electrify免费获得五个旅行装和一年供应的维生素D3K2。

This Eaton company, which is an intelligent power management company, has announced a new collaboration with Tesla. It's designed to boost the functionality and adoption of home energy storage and solar installations in North America. Targeting early 2025, Tesla's Powerwall would support Eaton's new Able Edge smart breakers and make it easier and faster for installers and homeowners to achieve intelligent load management functionality, which should help extend the backup duration during a grid outage.
Eaton公司是一家智能电力管理公司,近日宣布与特斯拉展开新的合作。这次合作旨在提升家庭能源存储和太阳能系统在北美的功能和普及率。计划在2025年初,特斯拉的Powerwall将支持Eaton的新款Able Edge智能断路器,使安装人员和家庭用户更容易、更快速地实现智能负载管理功能,这将有助于在电网停电时延长备用电力的持续时间。

Eaton said they're planning on bringing this solution to the mainstream market. We'll fact check that soon. The solution will help reduce complexity by enabling homeowners and installers to use Tesla's app to install, commission, and control both technologies. This partnership could also be a sign of things to come for the future, as Eaton also makes products for data centers, utility, industrial, commercial, residential, and aerospace markets.

But here's the thing, Eaton is not a small company. Last year, they did over $23 billion in revenue, and they have customers in more than 160 countries. Simply put, this partnership should make it much easier for customers to install both solar and battery storage. Plus, it should make those systems even more efficient.

We got a new Tesla stock note from Morgan Stanley. A recent investor survey said the AI theme is more deterministic to Tesla's share price than electric vehicles by roughly two to one. I don't think we should be surprised if we see Tesla begin trading a bit more in line with some of the main AI names. They said the value of Elon's non-Tesla stakes may be reaching parity or exceeding the value of his Tesla shares. We urge Tesla investors to expand their analysis of the company's operational and strategic outlook to include scenarios that may potentially involve Elon's other interests outside the company.

Which is just another way of saying what we've been saying for a long time, and that Tesla is absolutely going to benefit from advancements at companies like XAI and SpaceX. Mobileye has chosen to end the internal development of LiDARs for use in autonomous and highly automated systems. We now believe the availability of next-gen LiDAR is less essential to our roadmap for iZOFF systems.

This decision was based on a variety of factors, including substantial progress on their iQ6-based computer vision perception, increased clarity on the performance of their internally developed imaging radar, and continued better than expected cost reductions in third-party LiDAR units. The move has no bearing on Mobileye's commitment to develop their in-house imaging radar, which is meeting performance specs, based on samples and is expected to enter production next year. The LiDAR R&D unit will be wound down by the end of this year, affecting about 100 employees.

On X last year, I called this Elon's bet of the decade and listed all of the companies that at the time were relying on LiDAR. LiDAR is a fool's errand, and anyone relying on LiDAR is doomed. Responding to Sawyer sharing the same video, Elon said, in fuel cells and hydrogen combustion cars make LiDAR look smart. If he wanted to classify this as a company, maybe waking up to the fact that LiDAR is a fool's errand, I can understand why you would.

However, to be fair, there's at least a chance that Mobileye will continue using LiDAR heavily just more reliant on third parties, because maybe the costs are actually coming down. But this absolutely could transition into a more vision-only approach from Mobileye. There's this site Car Finder Zone, which basically aggregates many of the used Teslas for sale into one platform, allowing you to search across multiple platforms in a pretty easy to use tool. They have listings from Hertz and others all across the country.
然而,公平地说,Mobileye 未来仍有可能继续大量使用激光雷达,只是更多地依赖第三方供应商,因为激光雷达的成本可能确实在下降。但也完全有可能Mobileye会转向只依赖视觉的解决方案。有一个叫做Car Finder Zone的网站,它基本上把许多在售的二手特斯拉汇总到一个平台上,让你可以通过一个比较容易使用的工具在多个平台上进行搜索。他们的列表包括Hertz和全国各地的其他供应商的车辆。

But reading their website, they said, we track dealers to offer shoppers a consolidated search experience. And one of the key metrics we follow is how often prices are adjusted in response to market changes. Tesla stands out as the most active dealer in our sample. In August this year, Tesla's used inventory prices were adjusted an average of 7 times per listing. Compare that to Carvana and CarMax, which only made two price changes per listing in the same period.

Tesla's dynamic pricing shows they're always fine-tuning to stay competitive. It's pretty clear Tesla is using some sort of algorithm to adjust their pricing. The price changes tend to be small, but frequent, with daily nudges being common. This flexibility allows Tesla to react quickly to market shifts, whether demand is cooling down or heating up. This is what I mean by the Tesla algorithm that most people won't be talking about.

It does a great job of tying back into the theme of Tesla using its real-time data and its own warp drive enterprise software system to make things so smooth and quick when it comes to Tesla's operations. It's all of the seemingly little things like this that Tesla has built up over years that allows them to be so agile and flexible in the face of all of this uncertainty and really better serve to handle that uncertainty than anybody else.
它把特斯拉如何利用实时数据和自主研发的“warp drive”企业软件系统,使操作流程变得顺畅快捷这一主题进行了很好的回归。正是这些看似微小的细节,特斯拉多年来不断积累,才能够在面对各种不确定性时表现得如此灵活和敏捷,并且能够比其他任何公司更好地应对这些不确定性。

Lucid announced a pretty large software update of their own. They're calling it UX 2.4, which is largely focused on new advanced driver assist features. Dream Drive Pro will now have Lane Change Assist, 3D Lane Visualizations, and Curve Control. There will be a new Lucid Voice Assistant, and more than a dozen other updates, enhancements, and fine-tuning. You'll see the driver initiated Lane Change Assist certainly mimics some Tesla features. And the new 3D Lane visualization also looks very familiar.
Lucid 发布了一个相当大的软件更新,称之为 UX 2.4,主要着重于新的高级驾驶辅助功能。Dream Drive Pro 现在将包括变道辅助、3D 车道可视化和弯道控制。这次更新还引入了一个新的 Lucid 语音助手,以及超过十二项其他更新、增强和优化。用户会发现,新版的变道辅助功能显然模仿了特斯拉的一些功能。而新的 3D 车道可视化也看起来非常熟悉。

To that point, Devall who works on autopilot and AI at Tesla said, kind of amazing how Tesla pioneered this UI for autonomy in customer cars and everyone else's is just a different theme of it. I also always love highlighting all of the Tesla ripple effects I call them that are currently going through all of the industry. Tesla is shaping the auto industry way more than the average consumer gives them credit for. I'll have this link below if you're interested in the rest of the features, now we just have to see it out in the real world.

This company, EY, put out a new press release saying, in the US, consumers are now less likely to buy an EV this year compared to last year. Of the US consumers planning on buying a new vehicle in the next two years, only 34% intend to buy an EV down from 48% in the survey last year. Despite a focus on infrastructure and EV education, consumer site, expensive battery replacement and concerns about public chargers as major deterrence to buying an EV.

This is a global survey of about 20,000 consumers from 28 countries. They said, while we've seen substantial increases in interest in purchasing of EVs since 2020, this year's survey shows dips in the demand for the first time. In this case, when I say EY, it's referring to one of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global. However, important contexts you have to keep reading to find, they did say the US-specific findings account for 1,500 respondents.

Thus, most of the 20,000 respondents are not actually from the US. So this data being heavily weighted toward responses across Europe has this data making a lot more sense. A fun one for Australia, there's been a new, all-time, maximum instantaneous national electricity market renewable energy share of 73% that was recorded today. The share of renewables continues to take over and the share of coal continues to diminish. They said the figure could potentially hit 75% in the next few months. Australia's main grid is making some great progress using solar, wind and battery storage.

The website Car Sales just dropped its best electric cars of 2024. They gave the best family EV to Tesla's Model Y specifically the rear wheel drive. On X, Alex shared a picture of the new Model 3 just for Mexico with the leather and fabric interior combo. Over the weekend, SETI Park highlighted four different Tesla patents that all have to do with Tesla's upcoming, we think, wireless charging technology.
网站“Car Sales”刚刚公布了2024年最佳电动车排名。他们将最佳家庭电动汽车的称号颁给了特斯拉的Model Y,特别是后轮驱动版。在X平台上,Alex分享了一张专门为墨西哥市场生产的新款Model 3的图片,图片显示的是皮革和织物内饰的组合。周末,SETI Park重点介绍了四项不同的特斯拉专利,据我们猜测,这些专利都和特斯拉即将推出的无线充电技术有关。

As always, with these, just because we have patents does not guarantee we ever see these things in production. However, when there's multiple, usually that's a good indication that a decent amount of time and manpower is being allocated to solving that problem. Plus, in this case, with Tesla and Y-Firion and leaks in past shareholder decks, this all makes a ton of sense. I'm confident there's enough evidence out there that Tesla is indeed working on wireless charging and we're most likely going to hear a lot more on 10-10.

This is not news, but I really enjoyed looking at it this Reddit user shared two images saying Country EV life. Oh, the places you can go. In a new joint study between Hear Technologies and SPD Automotive, they're saying nearly every state fails to meet the optimal ratio of chargers to EVs. Specifically, 47 states fall short of their target ratios. Only the District of Columbia and three states Vermont, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island have the prime ratio.
这不是新闻,但我真的很喜欢看这个Reddit用户分享的两张图片,他说“乡村电动车生活,哦,你可以去的地方”。根据Hear Technologies和SPD Automotive联合进行的一项新研究,他们表示,几乎每个州的充电桩与电动车的比例都未达到最佳标准。具体来说,有47个州未达到目标比例。只有哥伦比亚特区和三个州——佛蒙特州、马萨诸塞州和罗德岛——达到了最佳比例。

They said the ideal ratio of registered EVs to public level two and fast chargers across the US is 9 or 10 EVs per charging plug. But each state has its own target ratio based on road networks, population, rate of EV adoption, and the current fleet of EVs. This brings up the chicken and egg problem that I think many companies are having. Do you build out the chargers now and hope that people will come and your utility rates will be good enough to maintain a legitimate business? Or do you wait for more companies to sell more EVs and then work on building out the chargers?

It's obviously a problem if you build too many chargers and you don't have enough people utilizing them, you can easily overshoot your ideal ratio. A principal at SPD said we are a bit concerned in some European countries that they've already overshot and it's becoming too difficult as a business to be a charge point operator. In the US we don't have that problem yet but it could become a problem in the future. I think we'd all agree there are plenty of factors that would impact the optimal ratio of chargers to EVs but at least from this report most states do need more.

RBB24 has reported that Gigabrelin is actually paying for yet another form of transportation for employees. They can now ride a bus that Tesla has established a new route for specifically to Gigabrelin. It runs six times each day so far I haven't been able to officially confirm if it's electric. NHTSA just proposed some new safety standards to better protect pedestrians. The standard would establish test procedures simulating ahead to hood impact and performance requirements to minimize the risk of head injury. NHTSA estimates the new standard would save 67 lives a year. NHTSA will be accepting public comment for 60 days.
RBB24报道称,Gigabrelin公司实际上在为员工提供另一种交通方式。他们现在可以乘坐特斯拉专门为Gigabrelin公司开设的新线路巴士。该巴士每天运行六次,不过我还无法确认它是否是电动的。 美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)刚刚提议了一些新的安全标准,以更好地保护行人。这些标准将建立模拟头部对引擎盖冲击的测试程序和性能要求,以尽量减少头部受伤的风险。NHTSA预计新标准每年可以挽救67条生命。NHTSA将在接下来的60天内接受公众意见。

I've seen a few different anecdotes out there of people saying that the performance of actual smart summon on hardware 4 and hardware 3 is largely the same. There may be minor differences but they really should be mostly unnoticeable. Swedish battery maker NorthVolt is now working to halt a financial tailspin, pausing some production at its flagship factory and cutting jobs. They're also considering seeking new partners. They said we're having to take some tough actions for the purpose of securing the foundations of NorthVolt's operations. This company already pushed back plans for an IPO to next year.

This is the company that BMW backed out of a roughly $2 billion deal with. And fun fact, NorthVolt was founded by two ex-Tesla employees and VW is a roughly 21% owner in the company. Tesla stock closed the day at $216.27 up 2.63% while the NASDAQ was up 1.16%. It was an average volume day trading about 11 million shares below the average volume the past 30 days. In case you need a perspective shift, I wanted to share this. Holmar said why is everyone so mad all the time? We're living through very exciting times, to which Elon said the most exciting times ever. I'll admit, I struggle with this because I do believe we're called to care for and to serve our neighbors, to love them, and to provide for those that are in need.

I also think it's important to be educated on what's going on in the world. We can know how to vote, how to pray, and all of those things. But we really are shaped and molded by the things that we spend the most time thinking about. So I just wanted to say if you're in a place where you're focused on the negative too much, do what you can to better control what goes in your ears and your eyes. You may need to look a little bit harder in 2024 to find all of the incredibly exciting things and the good that is still out there in the world, but it's out there if you look. Don't forget, check out AG1 linked below if you're interested, if you do as always, thank you in advance. Hope you guys have a wonderful day, please like the video if you did, you can find me on Xlinked below, and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.
我也认为了解世界上正在发生的事情是很重要的。我们可以知道如何投票、如何祈祷以及其他所有这些事情。但我们真正被塑造和影响的是我们花最多时间思考的事情。所以我只是想说,如果你发现自己过分关注负面的事情,尽量好好控制你耳朵和眼睛接收的信息。2024年,你可能需要更加努力地去寻找那些令人兴奋的事物和世界上的美好,但它们确实存在,只要你去寻找。别忘了,如果你有兴趣,可以看看下面链接的 AG1,如果你购买了,先谢谢你。希望大家度过美好的一天,如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以在文章下方找到我的 X 链接,非常感谢我的所有 Patreon 支持者。