#442 – Donald Trump Interview
发布时间 2024-09-03 16:24:11 来源
Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States and the Republican candidate in the 2024 US Presidential Election.
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(00:00) - Introduction
(09:19) - Psychology of winning and losing
(12:01) - Politics is a dirty game
(13:38) - Business vs politics
(16:15) - War in Ukraine
(18:03) - Kamala Harris interview on CNN
(18:46) - Trump-Harris debate
(21:43) - China
(23:57) - 2020 election
(32:13) - Project 2025
(33:03) - Marijuana
(35:24) - Joe Rogan
(39:04) - Division
(46:10) - Communism and fascism
(49:46) - Power
(51:47) - UFOs & JFK
(52:26) - Jeffrey Epstein
(54:05) - Mortality and religion
(55:35) - Lex AMA
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The following is a conversation with Donald Trump on this, the Lex Friedman podcast. And now a quick few second mention, a response. Check them out in the description. It's the best way to support this podcast. We got ground news for a nonpartisan news aggregator, uncored for unifying your machine learning stack, a sleep for naps, net suite for business and Shopify for e-commerce. Choose wisely, my friends. Also, if you want to get in touch with me for a multitude of reasons, could alexphremid.com slash contact. And now onto the full ad reads. As always, no ads in the middle. I try to make these interesting, but if you skip them, please still check out the sponsors. I enjoy their stuff. Maybe you will too.
以下是与唐纳德·特朗普在 Lex Friedman 播客上的对话。现在先快速提一下,回应。详细信息请查看描述。这是支持此播客的最佳方式。我们有 Ground News 作为一个无党派新闻聚合器,Uncored 用于统一你的机器学习堆栈,还有适合小憩的睡眠应用A Sleep,NetSuite 用于商业,Shopify 用于电子商务。朋友们,选择适合你们的。此外,如果你出于多种原因想联系我,可以访问 alexphremid.com/contact。现在开始正式的广告部分。按照惯例,中间不会插播广告。我尽量让这些广告有趣一些,但如果你跳过了,请务必仍然查看一下这些赞助商。我喜欢他们的产品,也许你也会喜欢。
This episode is brought to you by one of my favorite websites, ground news, a non partisan news aggregator I use to compare media coverage from across the political spectrum. The point is to see every side of the story, especially political stories and come to your own conclusion. We've been talking about it on this podcast, on many podcasts, just how biased specific media sources are, like most problems in the world. This can be explained by incentives. The funding is drying out for news organizations. So they more and more rely on clickbait journalism and clickbait journalism requires extreme polarization. So just like in the Soviet Union, when everyone knew the official sources was propaganda, you have to arrive at the truth by getting a lot of sources and integrating them yourself and understanding where exactly the truth lies because it often lies in the nuance in the details in the middle.
本集节目由我最喜欢的网站之一 Ground News 赞助。Ground News 是一个无党派的新闻聚合平台,我经常用它来比较来自不同政治光谱的媒体报道。这么做的目的是为了看到故事的各个方面,特别是政治故事,并自己得出结论。在这个播客和许多其他播客中,我们一直在谈论特定媒体资源的偏见问题。就像世界上的大多数问题一样,这可以通过激励机制来解释。新闻机构的资金在枯竭,他们越来越多地依赖吸引眼球的新闻,而这种新闻需要极端的两极分化。就像在苏联时期,大家都知道官方来源是宣传,你必须通过获取大量信息来源并自己整合,来弄清事实真相,因为真相通常隐藏在细节的中间地带、细微之处。
Anyway, all that said, it's obvious that this is a thing that can be solved with a tech solution. And that's exactly what ground news is. Every story they provide comes with a breakdown of political bias and reliability of sources. And it offers multiple perspectives. It's just a really, really nice website. Oh, and a cool feature. The blind spot feed shows discrepancies in media coverage and the left and the right. So go to groundnews.com slash Lex to get 40% off the ground news vantage plan, giving you access to all of their features that's ground, G.R.O. UND news.com slash Lex.
无论如何,说了这么多,很明显这是一个可以通过技术解决的问题。而这正是 Ground News 所做的工作。他们提供的每个故事都会附带政治偏见和来源可靠性的分析,并且提供多种视角。这是一个非常棒的网站。哦,还有一个很酷的功能,"盲点推送"会显示左翼和右翼媒体报道中的差异。所以访问 groundnews.com/lex 可以获得 Ground News Vantage 计划的 40% 折扣,让你可以使用他们的所有功能。这个网站是 G.R.O.U.N.D news.com/lex。
This episode is also brought to you by Enchord, a new sponsor. It's a platform that provides data focused AI tooling for data annotation, curation and management and for model evaluation and a much of other stuff, basically the whole machine learning stack. But what they do really well is focus on the data side of machine learning, which does not often enough get the love it deserves. Many of the things they do go under the flag of active learning. This is a topic that's always been fascinating to me, but they just they pull off the whole thing really well. I just have to celebrate them for doing a great job just on the interface, getting the annotation into face easy and natural and efficient is amazing. Like days after Sam to the meta segment, anything model to was released, they integrated it into their tooling. So you can run this real time object segmentation model inside their tool. And this works on both images and videos. And so provides you in initial segmentation that you can then adjust on top of that, they provide instructions on how you can fine tune the segment that you think model such that it can perform better based on the annotations that you provide.
本次节目也得到了新赞助商 Enchord 的支持。Enchord 是一个平台,提供专注于数据注释、整理和管理,并用于模型评估以及其他许多功能的 AI 工具,基本涵盖了整个机器学习的流程。他们的特别之处在于,非常注重机器学习中的数据部分,而这一部分常常未获得应有的重视。他们所做的许多事情都属于主动学习(Active Learning)范畴。这一直是一个令我着迷的话题,但他们真的做得非常出色。我必须赞扬他们在界面设计上的优秀表现,使数据注释变得简单、自然且高效。比如在 Sam 的 Meta Segment Anything 模型发布的几天后,他们就将其集成到了他们的工具中。这样,你可以在他们的平台上实时运行这个对象分割模型,而且可以应用于图像和视频,为你提供初步的分割结果,然后你可以在此基础上进行调整。此外,他们还提供了如何根据你提供的注释微调分割模型的指导,以便模型表现得更好。
You also have a bunch of other data management kind of features. For example, indexing, you can unify multimodal data from local and from cloud into one platform and you can do all kinds of stuff like visualize it. You can search it. You can do granular curation. I mean, it's just amazing. In fact, these folks put together the whole machine learning stack into one place. I just I don't know, feels new with joy. So thank you to them. And if you're a person or company that is using machine learning, go try out Encore to curate annotate and manage your AI data at encord.com slash Lex. That's encord.com slash Lex.
This episode is also brought to you by A sleep as pod for ultra. The night before I had a conversation with Donald Trump, I didn't sleep in my hate sleep. I wasn't home. And so I didn't sleep too well. I was going in my head through all the positive trajectories that conversation could go. But primarily there was a temperature issue. Because the bed wasn't cold, like it would be with a sleep. I just can't understand how amazing it is to have a cold bed with a warm blanket. It's an escape from the turmoil of the world. This temporary respite from the chaos, from the suffering that is life. And I wonder why it is that the world I saw on I wasca is not the world I've ever seen in my dreams. Where was it that I was able to go with the help of this rocket ship that I couldn't go while taking an app? What is the human mind capable of? That's what psychedelics make me think. What are the limits of my mind? The limits of my visualization capability, the limits of my cognition capability, the limits of my consciousness. I wonder. Anyway, go to hate sleep.com slash Lex and use code Lex to get 350 bucks off the pod for ultra.
这集节目还要感谢A Sleep as Pod for Ultra的赞助。头一天晚上,我与唐纳德·特朗普谈了一次话,但我没怎么睡好。我没在家,也没在我讨厌的睡眠中度过,因此睡得不好。我一直在脑子里想着那次对话可能带来的各种积极结果,但主要的问题还是温度。因为床不够冷,如果用了A Sleep就会不一样。我真的难以形容有一个冷床配上暖毯是多么美妙。这是一种从混乱世界中逃离的方式,是一种暂时远离生活纷扰和痛苦的慰藉。我不禁好奇,为什么我在使用伊瓦斯卡(一种迷幻药物)时看到的世界,从未在我的梦中出现过。借助这个“火箭飞船”,我能去到哪些地方,而这些地方我在午睡时无法到达?人类的心智到底有多强大?这就是迷幻药物让我思考的问题。我心智的极限在哪里?我的想象力、认知能力和意识的极限在哪里?我很好奇。总之,访问hatesleep.com/lex,使用优惠码Lex可享受Pod for Ultra 350美元的折扣。
This episode is also brought to you by NetSuite, an all in one cloud business management system. It's the machine within the machine of capitalism. It helps you manage all the disparate components of a company, financials, HR inventory, e-commerce and so on. I speak to it at the end of this episode in the AMA. All the amazing possibilities I have in my life to build, to create. And one of them is indeed running a company. Every time I talk about NetSuite, I'm pulled back into this thought. If for a brief moment, sometimes I feel like it is not me that decides where my life goes, but some kind of winds of fortune. More and more, I'm starting to realize that I'm less the guy who plans and more the guy who follows this instinct. But anyway, it does seem that if I get a chance to follow down this path, it will be difficult, but fulfilling one. And if you are walking down that path, join over 37,000 companies that have upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle. Take advantage of NetSuite's flexible financing planet, NetSuite.com slash Lux, that's NetSuite.com slash Lux.
本集特别感谢NetSuite的赞助,它是一款一体化的云端商业管理系统,是资本主义机器中的机器。它帮助你管理公司的各种分散组件,包括财务、人力资源、库存、电子商务等等。在本集最后的AMA部分,我会详细介绍它。我的生活中有很多奇妙的可能性可以去创造和建设,其中之一确实是经营一家公司。每次谈到NetSuite,我都会被拉回到这样的思考:有时候我感觉并不是我在决定自己的生活走向,而是某种幸运之风在推动。越来越多地,我开始意识到,与其说我是那个精心计划的人,不如说我是那个跟随直觉的人。不管怎样,如果有机会走上这条路,尽管会很艰难,但也会是充实的。如果你也在这条路上前行,请加入超过37,000家已经升级到Oracle NetSuite的公司。利用NetSuite灵活的融资计划,访问NetSuite.com slash Lux,那就是NetSuite.com slash Lux。
This episode is brought to you by Shopify, a platform designed for anyone to sell anywhere with a great looking online store. I, even I am selling shirts on Lexviva.com slash store. I've been wearing this shirt. That says birds aren't real. If you're not aware, it's a conspiracy theory that birds aren't real, like, like the name of the conspiracy theory suggests. And that in fact, the birds we see in the sky are drones used by the government to engage in mass surveillance of a citizenry. So I have actually two birds aren't real shirts. In one of them, it says birds aren't real and really big ladders and I wear it around town and I get to start conversations with some interesting people. I think the shirts you wear create opportunities for discovering interesting people. So think of it that way. Merch as gateway for conversation. And if you want to sell gateways of conversations or other kinds of products, you can sign up for a $1 per month trial period at Shopify.com slash Lex. That's all lowercase. Go to Shopify.com slash Lex to take your business to the next level today.
本集节目由 Shopify 赞助,Shopify 是一个让任何人都可以创建漂亮的在线商店并在任何地方销售的平台。我自己也在 Lexviva.com/store 上卖T恤。我一直穿着一件写着 "Birds Aren't Real"(鸟类不存在)的T恤。如果你不知道,这是一个阴谋论,认为鸟类其实是不存在的,就像这个阴谋论的名字所暗示的那样。实际上,我们看到的天空中的鸟是政府用来进行大规模监视的无人机。我有两件 "Birds Aren't Real" 的T恤,其中一件上面用很大的字写着 "Birds Aren't Real",我穿着它在城里闲逛,可以和有趣的人开始聊些话题。我觉得你穿的T恤可以为你创建发现有趣人的机会。所以,换个角度想,商品可以成为交谈的媒介。如果你也想销售这种交谈的媒介或其他类型的产品,你可以前往 Shopify.com/Lex(小写)注册,进行每月1美元的试用。访问 Shopify.com/Lex,今天就将你的业务提升到一个新的水平吧。
This is a Lex treatment podcast to support it. Please check out our sponsors in the description. And now to your friends, here's Donald Trump. They're getting smaller and smaller. They're getting smaller. Right. I mean, people do respect you more when you have a big camera for some. No, it's cool. And about 20 guys that you pay a fortune to. All right. Okay. You said that you love winning and you have won a lot in life in real estate, in business, in TV, in politics. So let me start with a mindset, a psychology question. What drives you more? The love of winning or the hate of losing? Maybe equally, maybe both. I don't like losing and I do like winning. I've never thought of it as to which is more of a driving force.
这是一个Lex Treatment播客为其提供支持。请在描述中查看我们的赞助商。现在,各位朋友,欢迎唐纳德·特朗普。他们越来越少了。对,我是说,当你有一个大相机和大约20个你花大价钱聘请的人时,人们确实会更多地尊重你。好吧。你说你喜欢赢,你在房地产、商业、电视和政治方面都赢了很多。所以让我先问一个关于心态、心理的问题。是什么更能驱动你,赢的喜悦还是输的厌恶?也许两者都一样,也许都是。我不喜欢输,但我喜欢赢。我从没想过哪个是更大的驱动力。
You've been close with a lot of the greats in sport. You think about Tiger Woods, Muhammad Ali. You have people like Michael Jordan who I think hate losing more than anybody. So what do you learn from those guys? Well, they do have something different. You know, the great champions have something very different, like the sports champions and you know, you have champions in other fields, but you see it more readily in sports. You see it over a weekend or you see it during a game and you see that certain people stand out and they keep they keep standing out. But it's there for you. It doesn't take a lifetime to find out that somebody was a winner or a loser.
And so the sports thing is very interesting, but you know, I play golf with different people and you have. There's a different mindset among champions. There's really a very different mindset. There's a different, there's a different thought process. You know, talent wise, sometimes you can't tell the difference in talent, but at the end of a weekend, they seem to win. And it's very interesting. Like as an example, a tiger or Jack Nicholas, he was a phenomenal winner. And he does have a different way about him. And Tiger has a different way about him. And Michael Jordan, and there's never one. You would think that there'd be one way Arnold Palmer was the nicest guy you'd ever meet. And then you have some champions that aren't really nice. They're just focused on doing their job.
So you have, you know, there's not one type of person. But the one thing I would say that everybody seems to have in common is they're very driven, they're driven like beyond. They don't seem to give up easily. They don't give up. They don't give up, but they do seem to be, you know, they have a passion that's maybe more than people that don't do as well. You've said that politics is a dirty game. Yeah, I just a dirty game. That's certainly true. So if it is a game, how do you win at that game? Well, you win at that game by getting the word out. And by using sense, you have to have a feeling where it's going. You also have to have a feeling of what's right. You can't necessarily just go what's popular. You have to do what's good for a country.
If you're talking about countries or, but you have to get the word out and you have to just continuously, like for instance, you have a great show. You have a great podcast. It's very well watched. And I'm sitting here and I do this. A lot of people see it and I do other things and a lot of people see that. And I go traditional also, you know, you have traditional television, which is getting a little bit older and maybe less significant could be less significant. I don't know. But it's changing a lot. The whole plane of platform is changing a lot. It's changed a lot in the last two, three years. But from a political standpoint, you have to find out what people are doing, what they're watching and you have to get it. You have to get on.
I just see that these platforms are starting to dominate. They're getting very big numbers. I did spaces with Elon and they got numbers like nobody's ever heard. Before. So, you know, this is, you wouldn't do that on like radio. You wouldn't do that. Those numbers, no matter how good a show, you wouldn't do tho
se numbers on radio. You wouldn't do them on television. You've been successful in business. You've been successful in politics. What do you think is the difference between gaining success between the two, the two different disparate worlds? Yeah, and it's different, very different. I have a lot of people that are in business that are successful. And they'd like to go over to politics and then you realize they can't speak. They choke. You know, it's hard to make a speech in front of that. Let's say you get talking about a big audience, but I get very big audiences. And, you know, for many people, it's virtually impossible to get up and speak for an hour and a half and have nobody leave.
You know, it's not an easy thing to do. And it's an ability, but I have many people that are very, very successful in business would love to do what I did. And yet they can't pull the trigger. And in many cases, I don't think it would work almost for everybody. It's not going to work. It's a very, it's a very tough thing to do. It's a big transition. And now if you talked about people in the business and politics going into business, likewise, that wouldn't generally work out so well either. It's different talents. It's different skills. I have somebody wants to go into politics so bad, but he's got a little problem. He's got stage fright. Now he's a total killer, but if he gets up into a stage in front of people, he doesn't do well to put it mildly.
Actually, I mean, he does badly. So you have to be able to make hard decisions like you do in business, but also be able to captivate an audience. Look, if you're a politician, you have to be able to speak in front of large crowds. There are a lot of people can't do that. I've seen it. They can't even think about doing it. And they don't. There are many people in business right now. I could name them, but I don't want to embarrass anybody. They've been talking about running for president for 15 years. And they're very big in business, very well known actually. And but it takes guts to run. Like for president, I can tell you, it takes guts.
To run. It's also a very dangerous profession, if you want another truth, but dangerous in a different sense too. But it takes a lot of courage to run for presidents, not easy, but you have, and you know, the same people as I do, there are a lot of people that would like to run for president that are very, very successful in business, but they don't have the guts to do it. And they have to give up a lot. One of the great things about people from the business world is they're often great deal makers and...
you're a great deal maker. And you've talked about the war in Ukraine and that you would be able to find a deal that both Putin and Zelensky would accept. What do you think that deal looks like? I think the deal, and I wouldn't talk about it too much because I think I can make a deal if if I win as president elect, I'll have a deal made. Guaranteed. That's a war that shouldn't have happened. It's terrible.
Look, Biden is the worst president in the history of our country. And she's probably worse than him. That's a, that's something that should have never happened. But it did happen. And now it's a much tougher deal to make than it would have been before it started. Millions of people, I think the number is going to be a lot higher when you see this all at some point to iron out. I think the numbers are going to be the death numbers are going to be a lot higher than people think.
When you take a look at the destruction and the buildings coming down all over the place in Ukraine, I think those numbers are going to be a lot higher. They, they lie about the numbers. They try and keep them low. They knock down a building that's two blocks long. These are big buildings and they say one person was mildly injured. No, no, a lot of people were killed and there are people in those buildings and they have no chance once they start coming down, there's no...
chance. So, so that's a war that absolutely has to get done. And then you have Israel and then you have a lot of other places that are talking war. The world is, is a rough place right now. And a lot of it's because of the fact that America has no leadership. And I believe that she'll be probably worse than by now, watching interview the other night. I mean, it was just a softball interview. So you would like to see her do more interviews, challenged more? I don't know.
I can't believe the whole thing is happening. We had a man in there that should have never been in there. They kept them in a basement. They use COVID. They cheated, but they use COVID to cheat and they cheated without COVID too. But you had somebody in there and now we have a woman that is not, I mean, she couldn't do an interview. This was a really soft interview. This is an interview where they give in a multiple choice. The questions, multiple guests, I go up multiple guests.
And I don't think she did well. I think she did very poorly. How do you think you'll do in the debate coming up? It's in a few days. So I've done a lot of debating only as a politician. I never debated. My first debate was the Rosio Donald debate, right? The famous Rosio Donald debate, the answer. But I've done well with debates. I mean, I became president. Then the second time I got millions more votes, I only got the first time. So I was told if I got 63 million, which is what I got the first time you, you, you would win. You can't not win. And I got millions of more votes on that and lost by a whisker. But and look what happened to the world with all of the wars and all of the problems. And look what happened with inflation because inflation is just eating up our country, eating it up. So it's too bad, but there are a lot of things that could happen. We have to get those wars settled. We have to get, I'll tell you, you have to get Ukraine done. You that could end up in a third world war. So could the Middle East. So could the Middle East. So maybe let's talk about what it takes to negotiate with somebody like Putin or or Zalinski. Do you think Putin would be willing to give up any of the regions that already captured? I don't know. I can tell you that this, all of this wo...
...uld have never happened and it would have been very easy because you don't have like that question wouldn't be asked. You know, that's a tougher question. Once that starts happening, because he has taken over a lot of territory. Now, I guess they're insurgents now too, right? So, you know, it's a little bit interesting that that's happening and that it can happen. And it's interesting that Putin has allowed that to happen. Look, that's one that should have never started. We have to get it stopped. Ukraine is being demolished. They're destroying a great culture that's largely destroyed. What do you think works better in those kinds of negotiations? Leverage of, let's say, friendship, the carrot or the stick? Friendship or sort of the threat of using the economic and military power? So it depends on who the person is. Everyone's different. Negotiations interesting because it depends on who the person is. And then you have to guess or know through certain know...
...ledge, which is, you know, more important, the carrot or the stick. And with some people, it's the stick and with some people, it's the carrot. I think the stick probably is generally more successful in that, you know, we're talking about war. But the kind of destruction that we're witnessing now, nobody's ever seen, I mean, it's a terrible thing. And we're witnessing it all over, we're witnessing it in all parts of the world. And a lot of things are going to get started. Look what's going on with China. Look at Japan, they're starting to rearm now. They're starting to rearm because China's getting, you know, taking over certain islands. There's a lot of danger in the war right now in the world. There's a lot of, and there's a great possibility of World War III. And we better get this thing done fast because five months with people like her and him, he's checked out. He just goes to the beach and thinks he looks good on a bathing suit, which he doesn't. He sorte...
...d of checked out. Hey, look, you know, you can't blame him. That was a coup. They took it over. They took over the presidential deal. The whole presidential thing was taken over in a coup. He had 14 million votes. He had no votes, not one. And nobody thought it was going to be her. Nobody wanted it to be her. She was a joke until six weeks ago when they said we're going to have to politically, they felt they had a picker. And if they didn't pick her, they thought they'd be a problem. I don't know if that's right or not. I actually don't think it's right, but, you know, they thought it was right. And now immediately the press comes to their aid. If we can go back to China, on negotiation, how do we avoid war with China in the 21st century? Well, there are ways now. Here's the problem. If I tell you how, and I'd love to do it, but if I give you a plan, like I have a very exacting plan how to stop Ukraine and Russia, and I have a certain idea, maybe not a plan, but an idea for China, because we do. We're in a lot of trouble. There'll be a lot of trouble too, but I can't give you those plans because...
if I give you those plans, I'm not going to be able to use them. They'll be very unsuccessful. You know, part of it's a surprise, right? Right. But they won't be able to help us much. So you have a plan on what to say to Putin. Yeah, I know. You take office. No, I had a very good relationship with him, and I had a good relationship with Zalinski too, but I had a very good relationship with Putin. Tough topic, but important. He said, lost by a whisker. I'm an independent. I have a lot of friends who are independent. Many of whom like your policies, like the fact that you're a deal maker, like the fact that you can end wars, but they are troubled by what happened in the 2020 election and statements about widespread fraud and this kind of stuff, fake electro scheme. What can you say to those independent voters to help them decide who to vote for? Right. I think the fraud was on the other side. I think the election was a fraud. And many people felt it was that and they wanted answers. And when you can't challenge an election, you have to be able to challenge it. Otherwise, it's going to get worse, not better. And there are lots of ways to solve this problem. Go to paper ballots and do it the easy way. I mean, the paper ballots and you have voter ID and you have same day voting. And you have proof of citizenship, which is very important because we have people voting that are not citizens. They just came in and they're loading up the payrolls. They're loading up everything. They're putting students in schools. I don't speak a word of English. And they're taking the seats of people that are citizens of our country.
So look, we have the worst border in the history of the world. We have coming into our country right now, millions and millions of people at levels that nobody's ever seen. I don't believe any country's ever seen it. And they would use sticks and stones not to make it happen, not to let it happen. We don't do anything. And we have a person who is the borders are, who now said she wasn't really the borders are, but she was the borders are, but she was in charge of the border. And we have her and she's saying very strongly, I did such a good job. She was horrible, horrible. The harm she's done, but we have people coming in from other countries all over the world, not just South America. And they're coming in from prisons and jails. They're coming in from mental institutions and insane asalums. And they're street criminals right off the street.
They take them and they're being given to our country, drug dealers, human traffickers. We're destroying our country. This is a sin what's been allowed to take place over the last four years. We're destroying our country and we'll see how that all works out, but it's not even believable. And now you see, you saw an Aurora, Colorado, a group of very tough young thugs from Venezuela taking over big areas, including buildings. They're taking over buildings. They have their big rifles, but they're taking over buildings. We're not going to let this happen. We're not going to let them destroy our country. And you know, when those countries, crime is way down. They're taking them out of their prisons, which is good because good for them. I do the same thing. By the way, if I ran one of those countries, any country in the world, I would make sure that America has every one of our prisoners. Every one of our criminals would be here.
I can't believe they're going so slowly, but some aren't. But they all are doing it. And we can't let that happen. They're emptying out their prisons and their mental institutions into the United States of America. We can't let that happen. So a lot of people believe that there was some shady stuff that went on with the election, whether it's media bias or big tech, but still the claim of widespread fraud is the thing that bothers people. Well, I don't focus on the past. I focus on the future. I mean, I talk about how bad the economy is, how bad inflation is, how bad things like, which is important.
Afghanistan was, in my opinion, the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to our country. And because of that, I think Putin went in. When he said, how stupid we were, Putin went in. But it was the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. I really believe that. But we left 13 dead soldiers. Think of it, 13 dead soldiers, many soldiers horrifically hurt with arms and legs and everything else gone. We left hostages behind. We left Americans behind. We left military equipment, the likes of which nobody's ever left behind before.
Billions and billions of dollars of equipment. They're now selling the equipment. They're one of the largest arms dealers in the world. And very sad, very sad. And we were there for a long time. I was going to get out. We were getting ready to get out. Then we got interrupted by the election. But we would have been out with dignity and strength. We were having very little problem with the Taliban when I was there because they knew it was going to be tough. I dealt with Abdul. Abdul was the leader. And we got along fine. He understood. But they were shooting. They were killing a lot of our people before I came down.
And when I got there, I said, I spoke to him. I said, you can't do it. Don't do it anymore. We went 18 months before this happened. This horrible day happened. We went 18 months and nobody was shot at or killed. What do you think that was? The character of this thing, in that case, in Afghanistan. The stick definitely is a stick. The threat of military force. That was the stick, yeah. It doesn't have to be, but that was the stick. Well, let me just link on the election a little bit more. For this selection, it might be a close one.
What can we do to avoid the insanity and division of the previous election, whether you win or lose? Well, I hope it's not a close one. I mean, I don't know how people can vote for somebody that has destroyed our country, the inflation, the bad economy, but to me, in a way, the worst is what they've allowed to happen at our border, where they've allowed millions of people to come in here from places that you don't want to know about. And I can't believe that there's going to be a close election. You know, we're leading in the polls, but it looks close. But I think in the end, it's not going to be a close election. What do you think is the right way to solve the immigration crisis? Is mass deportation one of the solutions you would think about?
Well, you've got to get the criminals out of here fast, right? The people from mental institutions, you've got to get them back into their mental institutions. No country can afford this. You know, it's just too much money. You look at what's happening in New York and Chicago and LA and lots of places, and you take a look at what's happening. There's no country can afford this. We can't afford it. And we've got to get the bad ones out immediately, and the rest have to be worked on. You know, it's happened before Dwight Eisenhower was sort of a moderate president, a moderate type person, but he hated when he saw people pouring into the country.
And they were nothing like now. You know, I probably got elected in 2016 because of the border. And I told people what was happening and they understood it. And I won the election and I won the election, I think because of the border. Our border is 25 times worse right now than I was in 2016. I had it fixed to I had it the last week of my, the famous chart that I put up was exactly that. You know, the chart when I looked to the right, I said, there's the chart being, that was not a pleasant experience. But the chart that I put up said, and that was done by Border Patrol, that was the lowest number that we've ever had come into our country in recorded history. And we have to get it back to that again. We will.
Let me ask you about Project 2025. So you've publicly said that you don't have any direct connection to. Nothing. I know nothing about it. And they know that too. The Democrats know that. And I purposely haven't read it because I want to say to you, I don't, I have no idea what it's all about. It's easier than saying I read it, then you know, all of the things. No, I purposely haven't read it. And I've heard about it. I've heard about things that are in there that I don't like. And there's some things in there that everybody would like. But there are things that I don't like at all. And I think it's unfortunate that they put it out, but it doesn't mean anything because it has nothing to do with me. Project 25 has, it has absolutely nothing to do with me.
You posted recently about marijuana and that you're okay with it being legalized, but it has to be done safely. Can you explain your policy there? Or I just put out a paper and first of all, medical marijuana has been amazing. It's been, I've had friends and I've had others and doctors telling me that it's been absolutely amazing, the medical marijuana. And we put out a statement that we can live with the marijuana. It's got to be a certain age. It's got to be a certain age to buy it. It's got to be done in a very concerted lawful way. And the way they're doing it in Florida, I think is going to be actually good. It's going to be very good. But it's got to be done in a good way. It's got to be done in a clean way. You go into some of these places like in New York, it's all, it smells all marijuana. You can't, the way you've got to have a system with this control. And I think the way they've done it in Florida is very good.
Do you know anything about psychedelics? So I'm not a drug guy, but I recently did ayahuasca. And there's a lot of people that speak to sort of the health benefits and the spiritual benefits of these different psychedelics. I think we would probably have a better world if everybody in Congress took some mushrooms, perhaps. Now I know you don't, you stay away from all of that stuff. I know also veterans use it for dealing with PTSD and all that kind of stuff. So it's great and it's interesting that you're thinking about being more accepting of some of these drugs, which don't just have a recreational purpose, but a medical purpose, treatment purpose. So we put out a statement today, we're going to put it on another one probably next week, be more specific, although I think it's pretty specific. And we'll see how that all goes. That's a referendum coming up in some states, but it's coming up and we'll see how it does. I will say it's been very hard to beat it. You take a look at the numbers, it's been very hard to beat it. So I think it'll generally pass, but you want to do it in a safe way.
Speaking of marijuana, let me ask you about my good friend Joe Rogan. So you had a bit of tension with him. So when he said nice things about RFK Jr, I think you've said some not so nice things about Joe, and I think that was a bit unfair. And as a fan of Joe, I would love to see you do his podcast because he is legit the greatest conversationalist in the world. So what's the story behind the tension? I don't think there was any tension. And I've always liked him, but I don't know him. I've only seen him when I walk into the arena with Dana and I shake his hand. I see him there. And I think he's good at what he does, but I don't know about doing his podcast. I mean, I guess I do it, but I haven't been asked and I'm not asking them. I'm not asking anybody. It sounds like a challenging negotiation situation. No, it's not really a negotiation. And he's sort of a liberal guy, I guess, from what I understand. But he likes Kennedy. This was before I found this out before Kennedy came in with us. He's going to be great. He's doing Bobby's going to be great. But I like that he likes Kennedy. I do too. He's a different kind of a guy, but he's got some great things going. And I think he's going to be beyond politics. I think he could be quite influential in taking care of some situations that you probably would agree should be taken care of.
说到大麻,我想问问你关于我好朋友乔·罗根的事。你们之间好像有一些紧张关系。当他对RFK Jr.说了些好话时,我记得你对乔说了些不太好听的话,我觉得这有点不公平。作为乔的粉丝,我很希望看到你上他的播客,因为他真的是世界上最棒的对话者。那么,这些紧张关系是怎么回事呢?
The Joe Rogan Post is an example. I would love to get your psychology about behind the tweets and the post on truth. Are you sometimes being intentionally provocative? Are you just speaking your mind? And are there times where you regret some of the truths you've posted? Yeah, I do. I mean, but not that often. Honestly, I do a lot of reposting. The ones you get in trouble with are the reposts, because you find down deep they're into some group that you're not supposed to be reposting. You don't even know if those groups are good, bad, or indifferent. But the reposts are the ones that really get you in trouble. When you do your own words, it's sort of easier. But the reposts go very quickly. And if you're going to check every single little symbol, and I don't know, it's worked out pretty well for me. I tell you, truth is very powerful. Truth, and it's my platform, and it's been very powerful, very, very powerful. It goes everywhere. I call it my typewriter. That's actually my typewriter. What are you doing usually when you're composing a truth? Like, are you chilling back on a couch? Cauches, beds. A lot of different things. Like late at night. And just. I'd like to do some later. You know, I'm not a huge sleeper. But whenever I do them, you know, past like three o'clock, they criticize you in the next day. Trump was up. A true thing. Okay? Trump was a true thing at three o'clock in the morning. And there should be no problem with that. And then when you think about time zones, how do they know that you're like, you know, in a time zone, like an eastern zone? So, but every time I do it after like two or three o'clock, it's like, why is he doing that? But it's gotten, I mean, you know, the truth has become a very successful platform. And I like doing it. And it goes everywhere. As soon as I do it, it goes everywhere.
The country seems more divided than ever. What can you do to help alleviate some of that division? Well, you can get rid of these two people that terrible, they're terrible. You don't want to have them running this country. They're not equipped to run a Joe, just Joe. It's a disaster. Okay. And Kamala, I think she'll end up being worse than him. We'll see. I think a lot's now, you know, the conventions over with. And I see them leading in just about all the polls now. They had their little honeymoon period, as they call it. And we'll see how that all goes. So, no. So.
For my personal opinion, I think you are at your best when you're talking about a positive vision of the future versus criticizing the other side. Yeah. I think you have to criticize though. I think they're nasty. They came up with a story that I looked down and I called soldiers that died in World War I. Suckers and losers. Okay. Now, number one, who would say that? And number two, who would say it to military people? Nobody. It was a made up story. It was just a made up story. And they like to repeat it over again. They know it was made up. I have 26 witnesses that nothing was said. They don't want to hear about that. Like she lied on McDonald's, she said that, that she worked at McDonald's. It's not a big lie, but it's a big lie. It's so, you know, I mean, they just went and they checked and unless she can show something, they don't talk about the presses, they're going to follow up with it. But I'll keep hammering it. But she never worked at McDonald's. It was just a, you know, sort of a cool thing to say, hey, I worked at McDonald's, you know.
But one of the worst was two days ago, I went to Arlington at the request of people that lost their children. They'll always be children to those people. You understand that? That's not politically incorrect, it's a thing to say. The mother comes up, I lost my child. But, you know, the child is a soldier and lost the child because of Biden and because of Kamala. Just as though they had the gun in their hand, because it was so badly handled, it should have been done at Bagram, which is the big airbase. It shouldn't have been done at a small little airport right in the middle of town where people stormed it. It was a true disaster.
And they asked me if I'd come and celebrate with them three years, three years, they've died three years ago. And I said, I'm going to try. I got to know them because I brought them here, actually. One night, they almost all came here. And they said, I wonder if Trump will actually come and see us. I heard that we were here. So we stayed for like four hours listening to music up on a deck right upstairs. Beautiful. And they were great people.
So they called me over the last couple of weeks and they said, we're going to have a reunion our three year union. Would you be able to come? It was very hard for me to do it logistically, but I said, I'll get it done. And I got there. And we had a beautiful time. I didn't run away. I didn't, you know, I didn't just walk in, shake hands and walk out. Like people do. And I wasn't looking at my watch like Joe Biden does. And it was amazing. So I did it for them. I didn't do it for me. I don't need the publicity. I mean, I get more publicity probably than anybody. You would know that better than me, but I think maybe more than anybody, maybe more than anybody that's ever lived. I don't know, but I don't think anyone could have any more.
Every time you turn on television, there's like nine different stories, all on different topics in the world. As an example, you interview a lot of people, good people, successful people. Let's see how you do with this interview versus them. I can tell you right now, you're going to get the highest numbers you've ever had by sometimes a factor of 10. But when a gold star family asks me to come in and spend time with them, and then they said, sir, we did a ceremony, and then we went down to the graves, which was quite a distance away.
They said, sir, would you come to the grave? And then they said, when we were there, it's very sad, actually, because these people shouldn't have died. They shouldn't have died. They died because of Biden and because of Kamala. They died because it, just like if they pulled the trigger, okay? Now, I don't know if that's controversial to say, but I don't think it is. Afghanistan was the most incompetently run operation. I think I've ever seen military or otherwise they were incompetent. But the families asked me if I'd go. I did go. Then the family said, could we have a picture at the tombstone of my son and we did? Son or daughter, there was a daughter too. And I took numerous pictures with the families.
I don't know if anybody else was in the pictures, but they were mostly families, I guess. That was it. And then I left. I spent a lot of time with them. Then I left and I get home that night and I get a call that the Biden administration with Kamala is accusing me of using Arlington for publicity. I was in use, just the opposite, just the opposite. And actually, did you see, it just came out, the families actually put out a very strong statement defending me. They said, we asked them to be there.
Well, politicians and the media can play those games and you're right, your name gets a lot of use. You're probably legit the most famous person in the world. But on the previous thing, in the spirit of unity, you used to be a Democrat. Setting the politicians aside, what do you respect most about people who lean left, who are Democrats themselves or of that persuasion, progressives, liberals and so on? Well, I respect the fact that everybody's in there and to a certain extent, life is what you do while you're waiting to die. So you might as well do a good job.
I think in terms of what's happening now, I think we have a chance to save the country. This country's going down and I called it with Venezuela. I called it with a lot of different countries. And this country is going down. If we don't win this election, the election coming up on November 5th is the most important election this country's ever had. Because if we don't win it, I don't know that there'll be another election and it's going to be a communist country or close.
And there's a lot of people listening to this, myself included, that doesn't think that Kamala is a communist. Well, she's a Marxist. Her father's a Marxist. That's right. And she's advocating for some policies that are towards the direction of democratic socialism, let's say. But there's a lot of people that kind of know the way government works and they say, well, none of those policies are going to actually come to reality. It's just being used during the campaign to, you know, grow cities that are too expensive. We need them cheaper. So let's talk about price controls and that's never going to come to reality. It could come to reality. Look, I mean, she came out with price control. It's been tried like 121 different times at different places over the years and it's never worked once. It leads to communism. It leads to socialism. It leads to having no food on the shelves and it leads to tremendous inflation. It's just a bad idea.
Whenever we use terms like communism for her, and I don't know if you know this, but some people call you a fascist. Yeah, they do. So I figure it's all right to call them a communist. Yeah, they call me a lot worse than I call them. They do indeed. It's just sometimes interesting though. They'll call me something that's terrible and then I'll hit them back and they'll say, isn't it terrible what Trump said? I said, wait a minute. They just call me. So I believe you have to fight fire with fire. I believe they're very evil people. These are evil people. You know, we have an enemy from the outside and we have an enemy from within.
And in my opinion, the enemy from within a radical left lunatics. And I think you have to fight back. Whenever there's a lot of fighting fire with fire, it's too easy to forget that there's a middle of America that is moderate and kind of sees the good in both sides and just likes one side more than the other in terms of policies. Like I said, there's a lot of people that like your policies that like your skill in being able to negotiate and end wars and they don't see the impending destruction of America.
You know, we had no wars when I was president. That's a big thing. Not since 78 years has that happened. But we had no wars when I was president. We defeated ISIS, but that was a war that was started that we weren't anywhere near defeating. But think of it. I had no wars. And Victor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, said the world has to have Trump back because everybody was afraid of Trump. Now that's what he said. So I'm not using that term, but I think they respected me. But he said, China was afraid, Russia was afraid, everybody was afraid. And I don't care what word they use. It probably that's even a better word if you want another truth. But let's use the word respect. They had respect for me. They had respect for the country.
I mean, I ended the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the Russian pipeline. Nobody else could have done that. I ended it. It was done. Then Biden comes in and he gave it. He approved it. So we're defending German in these other countries for peanuts compared to what it's worth. And they're paying the person would defending them against billions and billions of dollars for energy. I said, how does that work? And we headed out with them and it worked out good. They paid hundreds of billions of dollars or you wouldn't even have a NATO right now. You wouldn't have NATO if it wasn't for me.
As the leader of the United States, you were the most powerful man in the world. As you mentioned, not only the most famous, but the most powerful. And if you become leader again, you will have unprecedented power. Just on your own personal psychology, what does that power do to you? Does it? Is there any threat of it corrupting how you see the world? No, I don't think so. Look, I've been there for four years. I could have done a big number in Hillary Clinton. I thought it looked terrible to take the president's wife and put her in prison. She's so lucky. I didn't do anything. She's so lucky. Hillary is a lucky woman because I had a lot of people pushing me too. They wanted to see something.
But I had, I could have done something very, but I thought it looked so bad. Think of it. You have the president of the United States. And you also had Secretary of State, right? She was. But you're going to put the president's wife in prison. And yet when I got out there, they have all these hoaxes. They're all hoaxes. But they have all these dishonest hoaxes, just like they did in the past with Russia, Russia, Russia. That was a hoax. The 51 different agencies or agents. That was a hoax. The whole thing was a hoax. There were so many hoaxes and scams. I didn't want to put her in jail. And I didn't. And I explained it to people. They say, lock her up, lock her up. It doesn't. We won. I said, we don't want to put her in jail. We want to bring the country together. I want to bring the country together. You don't bring the country together by putting her in jail.
但我本来是可以做点什么的,但我觉得那样看起来太糟糕了。想想看,你有美国总统,还有国务卿,对吧?她以前是国务卿。但你要把总统的妻子关进监狱。而当我出来后,他们有各种骗局,都是骗人的,就像以前的“俄罗斯、俄罗斯、俄罗斯”那样,那也是个骗局。51个不同的机构或特工,那也是个骗局。整个事情都是骗局。有那么多骗局和诡计。我不想把她关进监狱,而且我也没那么做。我向大家解释,他们说:“把她关起来,把她关起来。” 我说,不,我们赢了。我说,我们不想把她关起来,我们想让国家团结起来。我想让国家团结起来。你不是通过把她关进监狱来让国家团结的。
But then when I got out, they went to work on me. It's amazing. They suffer from massive Trump derangement syndrome, TDS. And I don't know if they're excurable from their standpoint. A lot of people are very interested in footage of UFOs. The Pentagon has released a few videos and there's been anecdotal reports from fighter pilots. So a lot of people want to know, will you help push the Pentagon to release more footage, which a lot of people claim is available? Oh, yes, sure. I would do that. I'd love to do that. I have to do that. But they also are pushing me on Kennedy. And I did release a lot, but people come to me and thank me not to do it. But I'll be doing that very early on. Yeah, no, but I would do that. There's a moment where you had some hesitation about Epstein releasing some of the documents on Epstein. Why the hesitation? I don't think I mean, I'm not involved. I never went to his island, fortunately. But a lot of people did. Why do you think so many smart, powerful people allowed him to get so close? He was a good salesman. He was, you know, a halo and hearty type of guy. He had some nice assets that he'd throw around like islands. But a lot of big people went to that island. But fortunately, I was not one of them. It's just very strange for a lot of people that the list of clients that went to the island has not been made public. Yeah, it's very interesting, isn't it? Probably well be, by the way. So if you were able to, you would be. Yeah, certainly take a look at it. Now Kennedy's interesting because it's so many years ago. You know, they do that for danger too, because, you know, in danger is certain people, etc, etc. So Kennedy is very different from the Epstein thing. But you had been trying to do the Epstein not have no problem with it. That's great to hear. What gives you strength when you're getting attacked? You're one of the most attacked people in the world. I think you can't care that much. I know people, they care so much about everything, like what people are saying. You can't care too much because you end up joking. One of the tragic things about life is that it ends. How often do you think about your death? Are you afraid of it? I have a friend who's very, very successful, and he's in his 80s, mid 80s, and he has been the exact same question. I said, I turned it around. I said, well, what about you? He said, I think about it every minute of every day. And then a week later he called me to tell me something, and he starts off the conversation by going tick, talk, tick, talk. Yeah. This is a dark person, you know, in a sense. But it is what it is. I mean, you know, if you're religious, you have, I think, a better feeling toward it. You know, you're supposed to go to heaven, ideally not hell, but you're supposed to go to heaven if you're good. I think our country is missing a lot of religion.
好吧,但当我出来后,他们就开始对付我了。真是不可思议。他们患上了严重的“特朗普妄想症”(TDS)。我不知道从他们的角度来看是否能治愈。很多人对不明飞行物(UFO)的视频很感兴趣。五角大楼已经发布了一些视频,还有飞行员的轶事报告。所以很多人想知道,你会推动五角大楼发布更多被认为存在的视频吗?哦,是的,当然。我愿意做这件事,我也必须做这件事。但他们也在敦促我公布肯尼迪(相关文件)。我已经发布了很多,但很多人来找我,希望我不要继续。但我会在早期阶段继续做这些事情。对,没有错,我会那样做的。你对于发布爱泼斯坦(Epstein)的一些文件有过些许犹豫。为什么会犹豫呢?我觉得我没有参与其中,我从来没去过他的小岛,幸运的是。但很多人确实去了。你为什么认为这么多聪明、有权势的人允许他接近自己呢?他是个好推销员。他是一个看起来健康强壮的家伙。他有一些好资产,比如岛屿。但很多大人物去了那个岛,幸运的是我不是其中之一。很多人觉得奇怪的是,去过那个岛的客户名单从未公开。是啊,这很有趣,不是吗?顺便说下,可能会公布。所以如果有机会的话,你会的。是的,我会考虑的。现在说回肯尼迪,这已经是很多年前的事情了。你知道,他们出于安全考虑,也会有某些人的危险,等等。所以肯尼迪与爱泼斯坦的情况非常不同。但你曾试图不发布爱泼斯坦(文件),没有问题的。这听起来很好。当你受到攻击时,是什么给你力量?你是世界上最受攻击的人之一。我认为你不能太在意。我认识一些人,他们非常在乎每一件事,比如别人怎么说。你不能太在意,否则你会被压垮。生活的悲剧之一就是它会结束。你经常想到你自己的死亡吗?你害怕它吗?我有个朋友,非常非常成功,现在已经80多岁了,接近85岁,他也被问过同样的问题。我反问了他一句:"那你呢?" 他说,他每分每秒都在想着这个问题。大约一周后,他给我打电话说了些事情,开头就说"滴答,滴答。" 是啊,这是个很阴暗的人,从某种意义上说。但事实就是这样。我觉得如果你是宗教信仰者,你对这种事情会有更好的感觉。你知道,你应该去天堂,最好不要下地狱,但如果你是好人,你应该去天堂。我认为我们的国家现在非常缺乏宗教信仰。
I think it really was a much better place with religion. It was almost a guide, you know, to a certain extent, it was a guide. You want to be good to people. Without religion, there's no real, there are no guardrails. I'd love to see us get back to religion, more religion in this country. Well, Mr. President, thank you for putting yourself out there. And thank you for talking to me. Look, I love the country. I want to see the country be great. And we have a real chance of doing it, but it's our last chance. And I appreciate it very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for listening to this conversation with Donald Trump. To support this podcast, please check out our sponsors in the description. And now, as I've started doing here at the end of some episodes, let me make a few comments and answer a few questions. If you would like to submit questions, including in audio and video form, go to lexfriedman.com slash AMA or get in touch with me for whatever other reason at lexfriedman.com slash contact. I usually do listen to T-shirt, but I figured out for this episode, I'll keep my suit and tie on.
我认为有宗教的地方真的要好得多。宗教在某种程度上起到了一种指导作用。你会希望对人友善。没有宗教的话,就没有真正的、明确的规范。我希望我们能找回宗教,让这个国家有更多的宗教氛围。总统先生,感谢您站出来,并感谢您与我交谈。看,我爱这个国家,我希望国家变得伟大。我们有一个实现的机会,但这可能是最后的机会。对此我非常感激。谢谢。谢谢。感谢大家收听与唐纳德·特朗普的对话。为了支持这个播客,请查看描述中的赞助商。现在,和我在一些节目末尾开始做的事情一样,让我发表一些评论并回答一些问题。如果你想提交问题,包括音频和视频形式的,请访问 lexfriedman.com/AMA 或者可以通过 lexfriedman.com/contact 联系我做其他事。我通常会穿 T 恤,但这期节目我决定穿着西装打领带。
So first, this might be a good moment to look back a bit. I've been doing this podcast for over six years. And I first and foremost have to say thank you. I'm truly grateful for the support and the love I've gotten along the way. It's been, I would say, the most unlikely journey. And on most days, I barely feel like I know what I'm doing. But I wanted to talk a bit about how I approach these conversations. Now, each conversation is its own unique puzzle. So I can't speak generally to how I approach these. But here, it may be useful to describe how I approach conversations with world leaders, of which I hope to have many more and do a better job every time. I read a lot of history and I admire the historian perspective. As an example, I admire William Shire, the author of many books on Hitler, including The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. He was there and lived through it and covered it objectively to the degree that one could. Academic historians, by the way, criticize him for being a poor historian because he editorialized a little too much. I think those same folks criticize Dan Carlin and his hardcore history podcast. I respect their criticism, but I fundamentally disagree.
So in these conversations with world leaders, I try to put on my historian hat. I think in the realm of truth and public discourse, there's a spectrum. Between the ephemeral and the eternal. The outraged mob and clickbait journalists are often focused on the ephemeral. The current thing, the current viral shitstormer of mockery and derision. But when the battle of the day is done, most of it will be forgotten. A few true ideas will remain and those, the historian hopes to capture. Now, this is much easier said than done. It's not just about having the right ideals and the integrity to stick by them. It's not even just about having the actual skill of talking, which I still think I suck at. But let's say it's a work in progress.
You also have to make the scheduling work and set up the entirety of the environment in a way that is conducive to such a conversation. This is hard, really hard, with political and business leaders. They are usually super busy and in some cases, super nervous because, well, they've been screwed over so many times with clickbait got your journalism. So to convince them and their team to talk for two, three, four, five hours is hard. And I do think a good conversation requires that kind of duration. And I've been thinking a lot about why. I don't think it's just about needing the actual time of three hours to cover all the content.
I think the longer form with a hypothetical skilled conversationalist relaxes things and allows people to go on tangents and to banter about the details because I think it's in the details that the beautiful complexity of the person is brought to light. Anyway, I look forward to talking to more world leaders and doing a better job every time, as I said. I would love to do interviews with Kamala Harris and some other political figures on the left and right, including Tim Walz, ALC, Bernie, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary.
And on the right, JD Vance, Vivek, George W and so on. And on the topic of politics, let me say as an immigrant, I love this country, the United States of America. I do believe it is the greatest nation on earth. And I'm grateful for the people on the left and the right who step into the arena of politics to fight for this country that I do believe they all love as well. I have reached out to Kamala Harris, but not many of the others. I probably should do a better job with that. But I've been doing most of this myself, all the re-child scheduling research prep, recording and so on.
And on top of that, I very much have been suffering from impostor syndrome, with a voice in my head constantly pointing out what I'm doing a shitty job. Plus, a few folks graciously remind me on the internet, the very same sentiment of this aforementioned voice. All of this, while I have the option of just hiding away at MIT, programming robots and doing some cool AI research with a few grad students, or maybe joining an AI company, or maybe starting my own, all these options make me truly happy. But like I said, most days, I barely know what I'm doing so, who knows what the future holds. Most importantly, I'm forever grateful for all of you, for your patience and your support. Throughout this rollercoaster of the life I've been on, I love you all.
Okay, now let me go on to some of the questions that people had. I was asked by a few people to comment on Pavel Durovara's and on X being banned in Brazil. Let me first briefly comment on the Durov arrest. So basic facts. Pavel Durovara's CEO of Telegram, which is a messenger app that has an encryption mode. It's not on by default, and most people don't use the end-to-end encryption, but some do. Pavel was arrested in France on a long list of charges related to quote-unquote criminal activity carried out on the telegram platform and for quote-unquote providing unlicensed cryptology services. I think Telegram is indeed used for criminal activity by a small minority of its users, for example, by terrorist groups to communicate. And I think we all agree that terrorism is bad. But here's the problem. As the old saying goes, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. And there are many cases in which the world unilaterally agrees who the terrorists are.
But there are other cases when governments, especially authoritarian and client governments, tend to progandize and just call whoever's in the opposition, whoever opposes them terrorists. There is some room for nuance here. But to me, at this time, it seems to obviously be a power grab by government wanting to have backdoor access into every platform so they can have censorship power against the opposition. I think generally governments stay out of censoring or even pressuring social media platforms. And I think arresting a CEO of a tech company for the things said on the platform he built is just nuts. It has a chilling effect on him, on people working at Telegram, and on people working at every social media company, and also people thinking of launching a new social media company. Same is the case of X being banned in Brazil. It's, I think, a power grab by El Shandre de Marias, a Supreme Court justice in Brazil. He ordered X to block certain accounts that are spreading quote unquote misinformation. Elon and X denied the request. Then, de Marias threatened to arrest X representatives in Brazil, and in response to that, X pulled the representatives out of Brazil, obviously, to protect them. And now, X having no representatives in Brazil apparently violates the law based on this de Marias banned X in Brazil. Once again, it's an authoritarian figure seeking censorship power over the channels of communication. I understand that this is complicated because there are evil people in the world, and part of the role of government is to protect us from those evil people. But, as Benjamin Franklin said, those who can give up a central liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. So, it's a trade-off. But, I think, in many places in the world, many governments have leaned too far away at this time from liberty.
在巴西禁用X平台的情况也是如此。我认为这是巴西最高法院法官El Shandre de Marias的权力争夺战。他命令X(即Twitter)封锁一些传播所谓“虚假信息”的账号。Elon Musk和X拒绝了这项要求。随后,de Marias威胁要逮捕X在巴西的代表,为了保护他们,X撤出了在巴西的代表。现在,根据de Marias的说法,X在巴西没有代表显然违反了法律,因此X在巴西被禁用。这再次显现了一位威权人物试图掌控通讯渠道的审查权力。
Okay, next up, I got a question on AI, which I emotionally connected with. I'll condense it as follows. Hello, Lex. I'm a programmer, and I have a deep fear of slipping into irrelevance because I am worried that AI will soon exceed my programming skills. Let me first say that I relate to your fear. It's scary to have a thing that gives you a career and gives you meaning to be taken away. For me, programming is a passion, and if not for this podcast, it would probably, at least in part, be my profession. So, I get an uncomfortable feeling every time Claude, the LLM I use for coding at this time, just writes a lot of excellent, approximately correct code. I think you can make a good case that it already exceeds the skill of many programmers, at least in the same way that the collective intelligence of stack overflow exceeds the skill of many programmers, many individual programmers. But, in many ways, it still does not. But, I think, eventually, more and more, the task, the profession of programming, will be one of writing natural language prompts. I think the right thing to do, and what I'm at least doing, is to ride the wave of the ever-improving code generating LLMs, and keep transforming myself into a big-picture designer versus low-level tinkerer. What I'm doing, and what I recommend you do, is continually switch to whatever state of the R2 list for generating code. So, for me, currently, I recently switched from VS Code to Cursor, and before that, it was Emacs to VS Code switch. So, Cursor is this editor that's based on VS Code that leans heavily on LLMs and integrates the code generation really nicely into the editing process. So, it makes it super easy to continually use the LLMs.
你好,Lex。我是一名程序员,我非常害怕自己会变得无关紧要,因为我担心人工智能很快会超过我的编程技能。首先,我非常理解你的这种恐惧。当一个能提供职业和意义的东西被夺走时,那种感觉确实很可怕。对我来说,编程是一种热情,如果不是这个播客,至少部分时间里这可能是我的职业。所以,每次当我使用Claude(我当前用来编程的LLM)写出很多优秀且大致正确的代码时,我都会感到不舒服。我认为可以说它已经超越了许多程序员的技能,至少像Stack Overflow上的集体智慧超过了很多个别程序员的技能一样。但在很多方面,它还未达到这一点。不过,我认为最终程序员的任务和职业会越来越多地转向写自然语言提示语。我认为正确的做法,至少我正在做的,是顺势而为,利用不断改进的代码生成LLM,转变自己成为一个宏观设计师而非低级操作者。
我正在做的,也是我建议你做的,就是不断切换到当前最新的用于生成代码的工具。所以,对于我来说,目前我最近从VS Code切换到Cursor,在这之前是从Emacs切换到VS Code。Cursor是一个基于VS Code的编辑器,它非常依赖LLM,并很好地将代码生成集成到编辑过程中。因此,它使得持续使用LLM变得非常容易。
So, what I would advise, and what I'm trying to do myself, is to learn how to use it into master its code generation capabilities. I personally try to now allocate a significant amount of time to designing with natural language first, versus writing code from scratch. So, using my understanding of programming to edit the code that's generated by the LLM versus sort of writing it from scratch, and then using the LLM to generate small parts of the code. I see it as a skill that I should develop and parallel to my programming skill. I think this applies to many other careers, too. Don't compete with AI for your job. Learn to use the AI to do that job better. But yes, it is scary, and some deep sort of human level, the threat of being replaced. But at least I think we'll be okay.
All right, next up, I got a very nice audio message and question from a gentleman who is 27, and feeling a lot of anxiety about the future. Just recently, he graduated with a bachelor's degree, and he's thinking about going to grad school for biomedical engineering. But there is a lot of anxiety. He mentioned anxiety many times in the message. It took him an extra while to get his degree, so he mentioned he would be 32 by the time he's done with his PhD. So, it's a big investment. But he said in his heart, he feels like he's a scientist. I think that's the most important part of his message, of your message. By the way, I'll figure out how to best include audio and video messages in future episodes. Now, onto the question. So, thank you for telling me your story and for submitting the question.
My own life story is similar to yours. I went to Drexel University for my bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees. And I took a while just as you're doing. I did a lot of non-standard things that weren't any good for some hypothetical career I'm supposed to have. I trained and competed in Judo and Jiu Jitsu for my entire 20s. Got a black belt from it. I wrote a lot, including a lot of really crappy poetry. I read a large amount of non-technical books, history, philosophy, and literature. I took courses on literature and philosophy that weren't at all required for my computer science and electrical engineering degrees, like a course on James Joyce. I played guitar in bars around town. I took a lot of technical classes, many, for example, on theoretical computer science, that were way more than were needed for the degree. I did a lot of research and I coded up a bunch of projects that didn't directly contribute to my dissertation. It was pure curiosity and the joy of exploring.
So, like you, I took the long way home, as they say, and I regret none of it. Throughout that, people around me and even people who loved me wanted me to hurry up and to focus, especially because I had very little money. I had a sense like time was running out for me to take the needed steps towards a reasonable career. Just like you, I was filled with anxiety and I still am filled with anxiety to this day. I think the right thing to do is not to run away from the anxiety but to lean into it and channel it into pursuing with everything you got, the things you're passionate about. As you said, very importantly, in your heart, you know you're a scientist.
So, that's it. You know exactly what to do. Pursue the desire to be a scientist with everything you got. Get to a good grad school, find a good advisor, and do epic shit with them. And it may turn out in the end that your life will have unexpected chapters, but as long as you're chasing dreams and goals with absolute, unwavering dedication, good stuff will come with it. And also, try your best to be a good person.
This might be a good place to read the words if by Roger Kippling that I often return to when I feel lost and I'm looking for guidance on how to be a better man. If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blame it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you but make allowance for their doubting too. If you can wait and not be tired by waiting or being lied about don't deal in lies or being hated don't give way to hating and yet don't look too good nor talk too wise.
If you can dream and not make dreams your master, if you can think and not make thoughts your aim, if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same. If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by naves to make a trap for fools, or watch the things you gave your life to broken and stoop and build them up with worn-out tools. If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch and toss and lose and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss. If you can force your heart to nerve and sin you to serve your turn long after they're gone and so hold on when there's nothing in you except the will which says to them hold on.
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue or walk with kings and lose the common touch if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you if all men count with you but none too much. If you can fill down for giving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run yours is the earth and everything that's in it and which is more you'll be a man my son. Thank you for listening and see you next time.