Tesla Warns Suppliers / Tesla Delivers Smart Summon / VW's "Very Alarming" Situation ⚡️
发布时间 2024-09-04 00:49:46 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patron, Ronald M. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. By now, I'm sure most of you have heard the news Tesla may be planning to host their Robotax event at Warner Bros. Studios, which is a more controlled environment likely for demos. There's been plenty of coverage on that the last few days, but green the only did add Tesla started extensive data collection in the Warner Bros. studio area at the end of August.
欢迎来到 Electrified,我是你的主持人,Dylan Loomis。首先要感谢我的新赞助人,Ronald M. 谢谢你支持这个频道。到现在,我相信大多数人已经听说了,特斯拉可能计划在华纳兄弟影城举办他们的机器人出租车活动,因为那里是一个更易于控制的环境,适合做演示。过去几天已经有很多关于这件事的报道,但 Green 还提到,特斯拉在八月底开始在华纳兄弟影城区域进行大规模的数据收集。
That's in addition to other areas like the Tesla diner and places in San Francisco and the Bay Area. At this point, it's not clear whether this data collection is HD mapping of specific areas or if it's just a higher volume of the regular video data that Tesla's feeding into the neural nets. If I had to guess, I would say it's likely a bit of both. Just bear in mind, there's a difference between geo-fencing your entire technology and collecting extra data for a specific event in a specific area.
除此之外,还有 Tesla 餐馆以及旧金山和湾区的其他地方。 目前尚不清楚这些数据收集是对特定区域的高清地图绘制,还是只是 Tesla 向神经网络输入的大量常规视频数据。如果让我猜测,我会说可能两者都有。 需要注意的是,将整个技术进行地理围栏和为特定区域的特定事件收集额外数据之间是有区别的。
Plus, I'm on record saying that I think it would be great for Tesla to choose one location or one city to begin rolling out and testing its Robotaxi deployments. Test the app, get feedback from users, earn credibility with the regulators, serve a local area, have plenty of media coverage, and they can obviously still work on solving generalized FSD while they do that. Just remember, we don't have official confirmation that the Bloomberg report is true, but the event on 1010 will hopefully turn out to be a 10 out of 10.
This firm, EpicVin, just did a study ranking car brands with the lowest percentage of fatal injuries in accidents. The results, Tesla was dubbed as one of the 10 least likely car brands to be involved in a fatal accident. For the study, they used data from NHTSA between 2017 and 2022. The top 3 brands that were least likely to be involved in a fatal accident, the number one was Ram, number two, Land Rover and Tesla came in at number 3.
这家公司EpicVin刚刚做了一个研究,排名显示哪些汽车品牌在事故中致命伤害的发生率最低。结果显示,特斯拉被评为最不可能涉及致命事故的十大汽车品牌之一。研究中,他们使用了2017年至2022年间NHTSA(美国国家公路交通安全管理局)的数据。最不可能涉及致命事故的前三个品牌分别是:第一名Ram,第二名Land Rover,第三名特斯拉。
What this data says is that during that time period of the 490 total occupants involved in fatal accidents, only 141 of them had fatal injuries, which is just under 29%. You can certainly poke holes in this data, just think about the brands that have bigger vehicles, one they can carry more passengers, and two in the event of an accident, more areas of the vehicle have a higher likelihood of being unaffected by an accident. But the data confirms what we've known to be true. Tesla makes some of, if not the safest vehicles on the road.
Finally, we have actually Smart Summon rolling out to some Tesla owners update, with some breaking news, TechGeek Tesla on X shared that his hardware 3, Tesla is now getting actually Smart Summon. He shared the image installing the software update. So hardware 3 owners, you may be in luck much earlier than we thought. Dumb Summon, just moving forward or back through the Tesla app is still available. Now with Smart Summon, you get a live feed from your car's cameras to guide your supervision you have come to me, where you press and hold to bring your Tesla to you, or go to target where you press and hold and have your Tesla drive to a specific location.
最终,我们终于见到了 "智能召唤" 功能,部分特斯拉车主已经开始收到更新。最新消息来自TechGeek Tesla,他在X平台上分享了,他的硬件3版特斯拉现在已经获得了"智能召唤"功能。他还分享了正在安装软件更新的图片。这意味着硬件3版特斯拉的车主,比我们预想的要更早体验到这一功能。"傻瓜召唤"(即通过特斯拉应用让车只前进或后退的功能)仍然可用。而现在有了"智能召唤",你可以通过汽车摄像头的实时视频指导,按住按钮将特斯拉召唤到你身边,或者按住按钮让特斯拉前往指定位置。
I think some people are assuming that the go to target feature is the banish feature, which is supposed to be auto park. But the way I'm interpreting things, I believe that still may be a future release. In May, Elon did say actually Smart Summon and banish, which is auto park, with no one in the cars coming soon. To me, this makes it seem like two separate features. And because I've seen a lot of questions out there, yes, you have to have FSD in order to have Smart Summon as a feature. As whole, Mars showed when you use Summon, your mobile app will show you the live camera feed. Hopefully the connection for this is rock solid because sometimes when I try to access my cameras via the mobile app, it's not always great.
我觉得有些人认为"目标导航"功能就是那个可以自动泊车的"消失"功能。但是根据我的理解,这可能是将来才会发布的功能。5月份的时候,Elon 确实说过智能召唤和消失功能(也就是自动泊车)即将推出。对我来说,这听起来像是两个不同的功能。而且因为我看到很多人都有疑问,是的,要使用智能召唤这个功能,你必须拥有全自动驾驶功能(FSD)。总的来说,当你使用召唤功能时,你的手机应用会显示实时摄像头画面。希望这个连接非常稳定,因为有时候我通过手机应用访问摄像头时,效果不总是很好。
Actually Smart Summon is part of software 2024.27.20 and this update does also include FSD version 12.5.3. Confusingly, the release notes do say it allows your vehicle to come to you, or head to a spot that you choose all on its own. From the video demonstration so far though, you have to have your finger on a button on the mobile app. Plus, I haven't seen any videos of vehicles going to actually park. You can halt your journey anytime by just letting go of the button, and these features should only be used in parking lots or driveways.
Maybe most importantly, you are still responsible for your vehicle, Tesla is not taking any responsibility. This feature does require mobile app version 4.36.6 or later. Undercoming soon, they have HomeLink and MyQ Garage integration, usage without the continuous press and longer range. And a quick hat tip to Tesla app updates as they were right about predicting the release of Smart Summon. I'm sure many of you have already seen AI drivers videos of this feature in action. As you can see, the shifting does appear to be at least a lot faster than it was in the prior iteration. And I've said for a long time, this feature has huge viral capability. As these videos start to spread around the internet of cars driving without anybody in them, people will be turning their heads and asking a lot of questions. Hallmar shared a video where he was sitting in the back seat of his Tesla watching some television while his car drove him around the parking lot without a driver.
也许最重要的是,你仍然对你的车辆负责,特斯拉不承担任何责任。此功能需要手机应用版本4.36.6或更高版本。即将推出的功能包括HomeLink和MyQ Garage集成、无需连续按压的使用方式以及更长的操作范围。特别提醒一下,特斯拉应用更新非常准确地预测了Smart Summon功能的发布。我相信很多人已经看过展示这一功能的AI驾驶视频了。正如你所见,档位切换的速度显然比之前的版本快了很多。我一直认为这个功能有很大的病毒传播潜力。当这些没有人在驾驶的汽车视频在网络上传播开来时,人们一定会回头看并提出很多问题。Hallmar 分享了一段视频,在视频中,他坐在自己特斯拉的后座上看电视,而他的车在没有司机的情况下带他在停车场四处行驶。
The range that actually Smart Summon will work in has not yet been officially confirmed but prior versions had a range of about 65 meters, which is 213 feet. Which is also equivalent to 71 yards, which is probably a lot easier to visualize. For what it's worth, there is some chatter that actually Smart Summon will be available outside of North America to customers with enhanced autopilot or FSD at some point in the future. Tesla is clearly working on the final preparations for the Robotaxi event and hopefully they can demo all of these features on that day. So as evidenced by that AI driver video with the end to end tech now deployed, it should have a much better understanding of actually navigating complex scenarios to not break any rules as the car comes to you.
实际的 Smart Summon 召唤功能的工作范围尚未得到官方确认,但之前的版本约有65米的范围,大约等于213英尺,也相当于71码,这样可能更容易理解。有传言称,未来某个时候,具备增强自动驾驶或完全自动驾驶功能的客户在北美以外地区也能使用 Smart Summon 功能。特斯拉显然正在为 Robotaxi 活动做最后的准备,希望他们能在当天展示所有这些功能。根据那个人工智能驾驶视频,现在已经部署了端到端技术,预计能够更好地理解如何在复杂的场景中导航,而不违反规则,准确地把车开到你身边。
Not that it's going to be perfect but it should be significantly better. Plus with another FSD feature now being delivered, Tesla may begin recognizing more of that FSD revenue upfront as well as recognizing some more of that deferred FSD revenue. But I think we'd all agree we need to see this in action in a busy parking lot on a Saturday at a place like Costco or Wegmans or Walmart to see how far along this feature really is. The first person to demo this in a busy parking lot in the rain showing the vehicle leave the parking space to come to you and pick you up, there you have a viral piece of content. It's really easy for all of us Tesla owners to get greedy when it comes to wanting all of these features immediately but if we can take a step back and just realize that we're getting features like this through a software update, it's a pretty cool thing.
虽然它可能不会完美,但应该会有显著的提升。另外,随着另一个全自动驾驶(FSD)功能的推出,特斯拉可能会开始提前确认更多的FSD收入,同时也会确认一些延期的FSD收入。不过,我想我们都同意,需要在一个像Costco、Wegmans或Walmart这样的地方,看看这个功能在繁忙的停车场,比如周六时的表现。 第一个在雨中展示这个功能的人,让汽车从停车位开过来接你的演示将会成为网络爆款。对于我们所有的特斯拉车主来说,很容易急切地想要立即拥有所有这些功能,但如果我们能稍微退一步,意识到我们通过软件更新就能享受到这样的功能,还是挺酷的。
The weekly Tesla China number came in at $14,400 which compared to the same weekend quarter two that number was $15,000. So quarter over quarter Tesla China is now up 23.9%. If we compare to the same week in quarter three last year that number was $11,800. Thus year over year Tesla China is now up 11.7%. Tesla does still have a chance to set a new quarterly domestic record they would need to average over $14,925 per week for the remaining four weeks of the quarter. Now historically the last month of the quarter can be volatile but there's at least a chance. We also got the wholesale figure for Tesla China for the month of August it came in at $86,697 which is the second best month of the year falling short of only March which was just over $89,000.
Reuters released an early report today saying that domestically the number was over $63,000 will get the official number here in a few days which would leave about $23,700 for export. The wholesale number for the month of August was just over 2,500 units more than the wholesale figure for August of last year. However zooming out to the numbers that actually carry some weight looking at the wholesale figure year to date January through August Tesla China is still down 6.4% year over year. We also got the production figure for the month of July which was $88,600 but looking at year to date through July, Gigas Shanghai production wise is still down 7.8% year over year. And we'll wait for the official domestic and export numbers to come in to update those figures.
Now just to prepare everybody synthesizing all of the global sales data that we have it's still looking like Tesla may come in annually under last year's total delivery number for the year which would mean 2024 could be the first year that Tesla deliveries fall year over year. And I can guarantee you if that does indeed happen there will be plenty of negativity on all mainstream media. And in places like the US and China for a majority of the year Tesla has been heavily incentivizing new car purchases. Not only on Tesla's end but the governments have been offering many incentives as well. And I know I'm well aware the future of Tesla is far more reliant on autonomy and AI with things like Optimus and Tesla energy but that does not mean we should totally forget about what's going on with Tesla's car sales.
On that note drive Tesla Canada saying that Tesla is about to begin production of the 7 seat Model Y at Gigas Shanghai to export to Europe. The word is the 7 seat option will still only be available for the long range variant. BTC said this third row would be added to the Model Y that's currently in production at Gigas Shanghai meaning this would not have anything to do with project Juniper. Then today Reuters came out with an exclusive saying that the Model Y in a 6 seat configuration is slated for 2025 in China. Specifically from late 2025 Tesla has asked suppliers to prepare accordingly for a double digit increase of Model Y output at Shanghai which is incredibly vague double digit could be 10% double digit could be 50%. They said Tesla is awaiting approval to expand 172 acres of former farmland at Gigas Shanghai. On the project Juniper front Reuters said that that variant will seat 5 and will launch in early 2025.
关于特斯拉加拿大的消息称,特斯拉即将在上海超级工厂开始生产7座型号的Model Y,并将出口到欧洲。目前消息是,该7座配置仍然仅限于长续航型号。BTC称,第三排座椅将被添加到目前在上海超级工厂生产的Model Y上,这意味着这与“Juniper项目”无关。随后,路透社今天发布独家消息称,6座版本的Model Y计划于2025年在中国推出。具体来说,特斯拉已要求供应商从2025年下半年开始为上海工厂的Model Y产量增加做准备,增长幅度为两位数,但具体是多少未明确说明,可能是10%,也可能是50%。此外,他们还表示,特斯拉正在等待批准,以扩建上海超级工厂附近的172英亩农地。关于“Juniper项目”,路透社称,该项目将推出5座版本,并计划于2025年初上市。
In China the Model Y is the best selling car among all power types in the January to June period this year. So we might get the 7 seat for Europe and a new 6 seat for the Chinese market where the Model Y does face a lot of new competition. But I think the most important takeaway was this line right here that they're telling suppliers to prepare for a double digit increase in Model Y output from Shanghai. As a frame of reference Tesla produced just under 641,000 Model Y's from Gigas Shanghai in 2023. So if that double digit number is on the low end at around 10% that would be an extra roughly 64,000 Model Y's built throughout the course of the year. And the second thing was a new source is saying that project Juniper will launch in early 2025. That has been the expectation but it's good to hear it confirmed albeit from an unnamed source.
在中国,今年1月至6月期间,Model Y 成为各种动力类型汽车中的销量冠军。因此,可能会为欧洲市场推出7座版本,并为在中国市场面临大量新竞争的Model Y 推出新的6座版本。但我认为最重要的一点是,这里提到他们正在告诉供应商准备应对上海工厂Model Y 产量的双位数增长。作为参考,特斯拉在2023年从上海超级工厂生产了不到64.1万辆Model Y 。如果这个双位数增长率在下限,即大约10%左右,这意味着全年将额外生产约64,000辆Model Y 。 第二件事是,有一个新的消息来源表示,代号“Juniper”的项目将在2025年初启动。这一直是预期的,但听到确认消息还是让人感到高兴,尽管消息来自未透露姓名的来源。
Here's where I think a lot of people are going to end up wrong about the Cybertruck. Michael Whalen from CNBC just did a bit of testing with it and he said the Cybertruck is not a direct competitor for electric trucks from traditional automakers. He said it's a truck for Tesla fans and owners and an experiment for the company in many ways regarding its technologies. Now that former point I think by the end of this year people are going to be forced to start changing their tune especially if and when the price of the Cybertruck starts to come down. In fairness, at $100,000 and above I understand all of the pushback when it comes to the Cybertruck most people can't afford that. And if it stayed there it would be relegated to a more niche product. But there's also videos like this from the CarCareNet reviews on YouTube, a mechanic talking about the Cybertruck that plenty of people were talking about.
这里我觉得很多人会对Cybertruck(赛博卡车)有误解。CNBC的Michael Whalen做了一些测试,他说Cybertruck并不是传统汽车制造商的电动卡车的直接竞争对手。他认为这款车更像是为特斯拉粉丝和车主准备的,也是公司在技术方面进行的多方面试验。我认为,尤其是在Cybertruck的价格开始下降时,到今年年底,人们会不得不改变这种看法。公平地说,目前Cybertruck售价在10万美元以上,我理解很多人的质疑,大多数人都买不起。如果价格一直这么高,它确实只能是一个小众产品。但是,也有像CarCareNet这样的YouTube频道发布的视频,一位技师谈论了很多关于Cybertruck的事情,很多人都在讨论。
He absolutely had some positive things to say about the Cybertruck and I'll share those momentarily but he also said some things that I really am not on board with. We'll start with the good. This is the Tesla part. This is the marvel of Tesla. This is why they are successful. Not the rest of the car. The presser car is so close to junk. This is the part. This is the marvel. The level of engineering that goes on in this little section here not only from a function standpoint but from a packaging standpoint like manufacturing as well. This system is not ahead of the fact of the rest of the competition by a mile. It's ahead by 10 miles. He then went on to speak very positively about the thermal management system and the octavev and the heat pump for about 10 minutes. But he also said things like this. Big bed that is actually not usable because it will talk about this a little bit. If you think you will buy this and use it as a truck, please reconsider. This is not a truck. This is a Cybertruck. This is a leap, a demo of technology basically. I'm sorry what? You can't use the Cybertruck as a truck. Please go on and explain. By the way, something he never actually did to prove that point.
I'm pretty sure people like the Cybertruck farmer would have some problems with that statement, people that are actually using the Cybertruck to do real work, not just receiving it in a shop and walking around and talking about it. I mean, if you ask me, videos like this are kind of proof that you can actually use the Cybertruck to do real work for real truck things. I don't like how it looks but that doesn't matter. Your matter is this is a brave move. But now that we have gotten away from that cloud and back to the real world, let me say one thing. If you look at this and consider it or own one and you are going to use this as a truck, yeah, that, no, you can't use this as a truck. I'm sorry, I just have to say this because first the price, I mean, if this was $60,000, $70,000, we can live with that maybe you can swing it.
It's horrendous and every level as even as a truck. Horrendous in every aspect sounds like he has a bit of an axe to grind and not exactly an unbiased mechanic just talking about engineering. And there's the price complaint again. Clearly these people either don't care about the truth or don't know the truth in that eventually the Cybertruck will be more affordable. But for Tesla to implement all of this new technology and the new manufacturing techniques, obviously they're going to sell as many at higher prices as they can to improve the margins. So either this guy doesn't understand business or he has some even more nefarious intentions. The day that people will actually use trucks like this as a work truck is the day we have flying cars. But this is a very cool demo. I take it as a demo. I don't think it'll ever be a work truck. You know, you guys have all watched, we've all watched Whistling Diesel and the thing rip out in the back. Oh my God, this is horrible. That's a problem. And the build quality is horrendous. And the cherry on top, he went ahead and referenced Whistling Diesel and his review of the Cybertruck. In my opinion, that marketing stunt that Whistling Diesel did had endless problems with it. And to draw any conclusions about how the Cybertruck would handle normal work based activities is a fool's errand. And look, you don't have to like the Cybertruck. It's very polarizing. Plenty of people won't like it. But to make baseless accusations when you have a large audience is not something I can let fly. Go watch the video throughout the entire thing. He never really gave any tangible evidence of why he's saying you can't ever use the Cybertruck for work. But that's enough on that.
这真是糟透了,就像卡车一样糟。说每个方面都很糟,听起来像是在挑刺,不像一个只谈论工程的公正机械师。而且又在抱怨价格问题。显然,这些人要么不在乎真相,要么不知道最终Cybertruck会变得更加实惠。但对于特斯拉来说,为了实施所有这些新技术和新的制造工艺,显然他们会尽可能以更高的价格卖出更多,以提高利润率。所以这个人要么不懂商业,要么有更险恶的意图。人们真正把这种卡车当作工作车使用的那一天,恐怕就是我们开上飞车的那一天。但这是一个非常酷的展示。我把它当作展示,不认为它会成为一辆真正的工作卡车。你们都看过,我们都看过Whistling Diesel的视频,看着它在后面撕开。天哪,这太糟糕了。这是个问题,制造质量也很差。而且,他还引用了Whistling Diesel对Cybertruck的评测。在我看来,Whistling Diesel 的那个营销噱头本身就有无尽的问题,对如何处理正常工作任务得出任何结论都是愚蠢的行为。听着,你不一定要喜欢Cybertruck,它确实很两极分化,很多人不会喜欢它。但在拥有大量观众的情况下,做出毫无根据的指责,是我不能容忍的事。去看看整个视频吧,他从未真正给出任何为什么说Cybertruck不能做工作车的具体证据。好了,就说这么多吧。
Tesla has released a new winter tire and wheel package for the Cybertruck. These come in at 20 inches for $3,000. These are 285, 65, R20s and their Goodyear Duratrack tires. The package is compatible with all Cybertruck vehicles. Some grant awards have been announced and the California Department of Transportation is set to get just over $102 million for EV and Hydrogen Semi-Truck Charging. This will be across California, Oregon and Washington. But per the usual with government projects, there are some let downs. They're only planning 34 truck charging stations with 550 kilowatt dual port chargers. And get this, future proofing will support an upgrade to one MCS port. So only one port will be future proofed for the megawatt charging system and further they're planning 5 hydrogen stations. If you've been following along, Tesla was looking for $100 million to build 9 semi-charging stations. Theirs would be from Texas through California. Had Tesla received the funds, each station would have had 8 750 kilowatt chargers for Tesla Semi's. But also 4 chargers for trucks made by its competitors. 9 stations times 12 ports would be 108 ports, a majority of which are much closer to the MCS standard. But we haven't heard anything about that project, so far it sounds like Tesla has not received those funds, although an executive earlier this year did say that they're most likely going to build that charging corridor even without the funds.
特斯拉为其Cybertruck推出了一款新的冬季轮胎和轮毂套装。这个套装包含20英寸的轮胎,售价为3000美元。轮胎规格为285/65 R20,选用的是固特异Duratrack轮胎。这个套装适用于所有Cybertruck车型。
The California DMV has unveiled plans to eventually allow driverless trucks on highways across the state. However, final approval on their proposed testing and permitting process could still be a long road, it could take one year or longer. That's because they're going to get input on this proposed plan. There's also a bill in California that's been approved by legislators that would prohibit the use of large, self-driving trucks weighing more than 10,000 pounds on public roadways unless a human safety operator is in the vehicle. The bill still requires approval from Newsom, who vetoed similar legislation last year.
For my Canadians, you can now buy the Cybertruck in British Columbia for 10,000 Canadian dollars less thanks to a provincial rebate. Tesla's also working on getting the Cybertruck eligible for a 10,000 Canadian dollar federal incentive. But both of these incentives are only available to business owners. VW is considering factory closures in Germany for the first time in its 87-year history. After years of ignoring overcapacity and slumping competitiveness, Europe's efforts to compete with Chinese rivals and Tesla and electric cars are faltering. VW is recognizing just how serious the situation is.
With car sales still nearly 20% lower than pre-pandemic levels in Europe, manufacturers like VW Stellantis and Renault are operating more than 30 factories at levels analysts consider unprofitable. An analyst said if even VW moles closing factories in Germany given how hard that process will be, it means the seas have gotten very rough. The situation is very alarming. Electric car sales in Norway took a 94% share of the market in August, a new world record. The Model Y accounted for 18.8% of sales. It'd be crazy to think that Norway is well on its way to achieving its target of 100% of new car sales being zero emission vehicles by next year. That's 10 years ahead of the goal that the EU currently has laid out.
随着欧洲汽车销量较疫情前水平仍然低近20%,类似大众、Stellantis和雷诺等制造商在超过30家工厂的运营水平被分析师认为是无利可图的。一位分析师表示,即使大众考虑关闭德国的工厂,鉴于这一过程的艰难,说明局势已经非常严峻。情况非常令人担忧。8月份挪威的电动汽车销量占市场份额的94%,创下了新的世界纪录。Model Y占据了18.8%的销量。可以认为挪威在实现明年新车销售100%为零排放车辆的目标方面已经走在了前列,比欧盟目前设定的目标提前了10年。
This one's new. Tesla has installed a vacuum between two stalls at a V4 supercharger in Germany. It doesn't look like the vacuum itself is made by Tesla, but this would be an awesome feature to have available. Hopefully, there's some sort of technology where you have to be using the supercharger to use the vacuum so people looking to charge aren't blocked by people just looking to use the vacuum. Hyundai USA said starting this fall, all of our 2025 IONIQ 5s will come with a Tesla Naxport natively. The word is that BYD is not going to announce any plans for a factory in Mexico until after the United States election. I think we'd all agree there's just so much uncertainty for electric vehicles in the next few years when it comes to tariffs in geopolitics.
这件事是新的。特斯拉在德国一座V4超级充电站的两个充电桩之间安装了一个吸尘器。这个吸尘器似乎不是特斯拉制造的,但这个功能非常实用。希望有一种技术,可以确保只有在使用超级充电桩的时候才能使用吸尘器,这样就不会有人因为只想用吸尘器而挡住了想充电的人。现代汽车美国公司表示,从今年秋季开始,他们2025款的IONIQ 5将会原生配备特斯拉的Naxport。据悉,比亚迪不会在美国大选之前宣布在墨西哥建厂的计划。我认为大家都同意,未来几年由于关税和地缘政治因素,电动车市场充满了不确定性。
And subsidies and incentives. And interest rates in customer demand so it's a very tough challenge for legacy auto and to some degree even for Tesla. Tesla stock closed the day at $210.60 down 1.64% while the NASDAQ was down 3.26%. So all things considered Tesla stock held up quite well today. It was a normal volume day for Tesla trading about 5 million shares below the average volume the past 30 days. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on XLink below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.