Tesla Semi Impresses Again / Tesla Gets Good News / Tesla's Industry Leading Scores ⚡️
发布时间 2024-08-20 23:59:13 来源
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He gets up every morning thinking what can I do for humanity today? How can I do something that will be impactful to humanity of the future? That's what he's focused on. Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. Real quick, yesterday I mistakenly referred to Ashley Vance as a she when in fact he is a he so my apologies. My COVID brain isn't as sharp as usual and if you missed yesterday's video, that's why I'm still not back to being on camera. Hopefully that'll change later this week.
The European Union has cut its planned extra tariff on Tesla EVs imported from China by more than half. This new reduced rate is going to be 9% which is lower than the 20.8% that we were expecting it to be back in July. These new tariffs are on top of the EU's standard 10% duty on-car imports. Initially when the tariff rate came back for Tesla at over 20%, Tesla requested a recalculation of its rate and the commission just said it verified that Tesla received less subsidies from the Chinese government compared to China's ED makers which Brussels has investigated.
This is not official yet though as interested parties have until August 30th to submit their comments. For comparison, BYD's new tariff rate is 17%, Glee is at 19.3%, and SAIC is up at 36.3%. And the other companies that have cooperated with the EU investigation will see tariffs of 21.3%. Then for those not cooperating they'll see tariffs of 36.3%. Right now on Tesla's Chinese configurator the cheapest model 3 variant is $32,500 so the base 10% tariff would be $3,250 and then the additional 9% tariff would be $2,926. Thus the new total tariff rate for the cheapest model 3 from Shanghai to go into the EU is now going to be around $6,177. So yes it's great that Tesla's tariff is not over 20% because that alone would have been $6,762 on the base model 3. So while it could have been much worse for European customers wanting a Tesla from Shanghai, this is still going to be an additional $2,900 cost that these customers have to bear. And I said the customer will bear those higher prices because it's likely that's what actually happens after the first round of EU tariffs took effect in July. Tesla did decide to hike the price of the model 3 in Europe by about 4%.
尽管如此,这还不是官方的决定,因为相关方有直到8月30日提交评论的时间。作为对比,比亚迪的新关税税率是17%,Glee的是19.3%,而上汽则高达36.3%。与欧盟调查合作的其他公司会面临21.3%的关税,而不合作的公司则会面临36.3%的关税。目前在特斯拉的中国官网上,最便宜的Model 3型号售价为32,500美元,因此基本10%的关税是3,250美元,而再加上额外的9%关税是2,926美元。因此,从上海出口到欧盟的最便宜Model 3的新总关税将约为6,177美元。所以,特斯拉的关税没有超过20%还是很好的,否则光基础款Model 3的关税就会是6,762美元。所以,尽管对于想要从上海购买特斯拉的欧洲客户来说情况本可以更糟,这仍然会是客户需要承受的额外2,900美元的成本。而我提到客户将承担这些更高的价格,是因为在7月,第一轮欧盟关税生效后,这似乎确实发生了。特斯拉确实决定在欧洲将Model 3提价约4%。
I think the most likely outcome is that Tesla may raise the prices of Giga Shanghai vehicles headed to the EU by a few percent and then Tesla will bear the burden of the remainder by accepting lower margins. And it's worth noting that competitively speaking given that most other automakers were hit with tariffs over 15%, that does actually increase Tesla's competitive positioning relative to those other Chinese EV makers sending cars to the EU. EU officials did say one reason Tesla got the lower rate was that Beijing appears to provide fewer subsidies to foreign-owned companies. The bulk of the benefits Tesla got were in the provision of batteries at below market value and they got perks like land use rights, income tax reduction and grants in different forms including a national subsidy that all exporting producers received. The European Commission will publish a final regulation on the tariffs by October 30th. The duties would then remain in effect for 5 years and could be extended after a review.
When it comes time for EU member states to vote on the final tariff numbers, there would have to be a blocking majority for these tariffs to actually be stopped. And despite some companies like Germany and Hungary being against these tariffs, it seems unlikely that they would get a majority vote against. On LinkedIn logistics company NFI said over the past few weeks they've been piloting Tesla semis in their daily operations. Their team delivered goods on routes between 250 and 450 miles. Over 6000 miles the semi demonstrated an efficiency of 1.64 kWh per mile, with 60% of those miles covered at speeds of 50 mph or greater. NFI has also been testing some Freightliner E-Cascadia's and some Volvo VNR's. The numbers from NFI were even better than the numbers that PepsiCo was talking about as they were citing an average efficiency of 1.7 kWh per mile with the Tesla Semi. Both figures materially better than the 2 kWh per mile that Tesla has been advertising on its website. Just some basic math, we know that the Tesla Semi has a 900 kWh battery pack, so if you divide that by 1.64 kWh per mile, that would give you roughly 548 miles on a single charge. If you haven't been following along, effectively all of the public feedback from all of these different companies, testing the Tesla Semi have been incredibly positive.
当欧盟成员国投票表决最终关税数额时,需要达到阻挡性多数才能真正停止这些关税。尽管像德国和匈牙利这样的国家反对这些关税,但似乎不太可能获得反对的多数票。在领英上,物流公司NFI表示,过去几周他们在日常运营中试用了特斯拉的半挂式电动卡车。他们的团队在250到450英里的路线间交付货物。在超过6000英里的行程中,这款电动卡车展示了每英里1.64千瓦时的效率,其中60%的里程是在车速达到50英里每小时或更高时完成的。NFI还测试了一些Freightliner E-Cascadia和Volvo VNR。NFI的数据甚至比百事公司谈及的情况更好,百事公司引用的特斯拉半挂卡车的平均效率是每英里1.7千瓦时。两个数据都明显优于特斯拉官网上广告的每英里2千瓦时。简单数学计算,如果特斯拉半挂卡车有一个900千瓦时的电池组,除以每英里1.64千瓦时,大约可以行驶548英里。如果你一直在关注,这些不同公司对特斯拉半挂卡车的所有公开反馈都非常积极。
On Weibo, Grace Tallin said Tesla's Megapack factory is now sitting at a progress of about 45% striving to run at that Tesla speed. Don't forget, this factory broke round toward the end of May this year, so in under 3 months time the factory is already nearly 50% complete. This megapactory is set to cost $204 million, and at 10,000 megapacks per year at full capacity, if they charge $1 million per megapack like they do in the states, although it may be a bit lower, we'll just use that number, that's $10 billion in annual revenue. And if you put a 20% gross margin on that, that's $2 billion in gross profit per year from this factory that only costs $204 million. This factory will largely be exporting to the Asia-Pacific region, but hopefully we see another 2-3 of these megapactories globally over the next 2-3 years. ACSI or the American Customer Satisfaction Index put out its 2024 report on automobiles. Just so you know, the ACSI auto study for this year was based on 12,173 completed surveys. These customers were contacted between July last year and June of this year. Tesla is in the luxury category, and they had the same score year over year, staying steady at 83, tied in first place with Mercedes-Benz, who went from a satisfaction score of 80 last year up to 83% this year, which was largely driven by their customer satisfaction with hybrid offerings. The study said Tesla's pricing strategy may be helping with value perceptions while improved complaint handling appears to offset some customer concerns in other areas over the past year. In last year's study, Tesla was tied with Toyota and Lexus for the first overall spot. Now they're tied with Mercedes this year. Zooming out, based on fuel source type, it showed that hybrid drivers scored 82 on average, and they're more satisfied than gasoline drivers at 80 and EV drivers at 77. Additionally, hybrid vehicles have the highest average customer satisfaction for both the mass market and luxury segments.
在微博上,Grace Tallin 表示,特斯拉的 Megapack 工厂现在进度约为 45%,努力以特斯拉的速度运作。别忘了,这个工厂是在今年五月底破土动工的,所以在不到 3 个月的时间里,工厂已经接近完成 50%。这个 Megapack 工厂预计耗资 2.04 亿美元,满负荷运转时每年能生产 10,000 个 Megapack,如果像在美国一样每个 Megapack 收费 100 万美元,虽然可能会稍微低一些,但我们就用这个数字计算,那么年收入将达到 100 亿美元。如果毛利率为 20%,那么这家工厂每年将产生 20 亿美元的毛利润,而这座工厂仅耗资 2.04 亿美元。这座工厂主要将产品出口到亚太地区,希望在未来 2-3 年内我们还能在全球看到另外 2-3 座这样的 Megapack 工厂。
美国客户满意度指数(ACSI)发布了 2024 年汽车报告。顺便提一下,今年的 ACSI 汽车研究基于 12,173 份完整的调查问卷。这些客户是在去年 7 月到今年 6 月之间联系的。特斯拉属于豪华车类别,和去年一样得分 83,稳居第一位,与梅赛德斯-奔驰并列第一,后者的满意度评分从去年的 80 分上升到今年的 83 分,这主要是由于他们对混合动力车型的客户满意度推动的。研究显示,特斯拉的定价策略可能帮助了价值感知的提升,同时改进的投诉处理似乎缓解了过去一年中一些客户的担忧。在去年的研究中,特斯拉与丰田和雷克萨斯并列第一。今年他们与梅赛德斯并列第一。整体来看,根据燃料类型,混合动力车主的平均得分为 82,比汽油车主的 80 分和电动车主的 77 分更满意。此外,混合动力车在大众市场和豪华车细分市场中均拥有最高的平均客户满意度。
The weekly Tesla China number came in at 14,300, comparing that to the same week in quarter two, that number was 13,900, and oddly enough, if you compare that to week seven, quarter three last year, that number was also 13,900. So quarter over quarter, Tesla China is now up 34% and year over year, they're up 16.6%. For Tesla China domestically to have a new record quarter, they would have to average just over 14,717 for the remaining six weeks.
Uber just had a really nice hire, acquiring former Tesla executive Rebecca Tenucci. Rebecca was let go from Tesla earlier this year as the senior director of Tesla's charging infrastructure. She'll start at Uber on September 16th as the global head of sustainability. Uber's aiming for all of its rides and deliveries globally to use zero emission vehicles by 2040, but they're looking to do this in the US, Canada, and some European cities by 2030.
Uber 最近进行了一个非常不错的招聘,聘用了前特斯拉高管Rebecca Tenucci。Rebecca 今年早些时候被特斯拉解雇,当时她是特斯拉充电基础设施的高级总监。她将于9月16日加入Uber,担任全球可持续发展负责人。Uber 计划在2040年之前实现全球所有的出租车和送货服务全部使用零排放车辆,但他们的目标是在2030年前在美国、加拿大和一些欧洲城市实现这一目标。
While at Tesla, Rebecca was instrumental in closing the legacy OEM supercharging deals that opened up the Tesla supercharger network to other companies. At the end of Q1 this year, Uber said 8.2% of their rideshare trip miles in the US and Canada were completed with zero emission vehicles. In Europe, it was up at 9%. So Uber has a lot of electrifying yet to do, but Rebecca is a great person to help them do it. And as I've been saying, I'm confident we're going to see a lot more from Uber and Tesla together over the next few years.
S&P Global put out a new report tracking what powertrain buyers purchase when returning to market for a new vehicle. When looking at all BEV return to market activity, there's an overwhelming commitment to the powertrain with around 68% of those households remaining loyal to full EV. However, a key driver of this loyalty is the strong retention and popularity of Tesla, which accounts for most of these households. Tesla's industry leading 67% brand loyalty and 65% share of all BEV return to market volume makes them the primary driver of any activity among BEV owners with the households next purchase. However, without Tesla in the mix, return to market activity among the BEV households shows less of a commitment to the electric powertrain. Only 47% so less than half of non-Tesla BEV households choose another BEV vehicle for their next purchase, preferring instead to move to either a gas vehicle at 38% or a hybrid at 14%. Translation, less than half of non-Tesla EV owners buy another EV when returning to the market. This figure with Tesla owners is up near 70%. And if you look at just Tesla, the loyalty numbers are even higher, 76% are loyal to the fuel type, so full BEV and 67% are loyal to the brand Tesla. Removing Tesla from the mix causes a drastic shift with loyalty to full BEV dropping to 47% and brand loyalty falling to 42%. What the data shows is non-Tesla households who come from either a hybrid or BEV are not very loyal and are more likely to defect away from both the powertrain and the brand with the next purchase. I don't think this will be that surprising, but relative to Tesla, legacy OEMs are struggling to maintain their EV customers when those customers return to the market. But in fairness, you always have to keep in mind how these numbers can be manipulated. You have to remember all of these legacy OEMs do now have more and more hybrids available, which gives these customers more options than just Tesla, they don't have a hybrid option. That definitely skews the non-Tesla numbers, but there is certainly some truth in that customers are not super satisfied with legacy OEM EVs.
Tesla Energy posted on X congrats to the Tesla Nevada team for hitting a new record of more than 500 powerwalls in a single shift. A director from Waymo just said that their cars are no longer going to honk at each other when they're near each other. He said the cars honking was an intentional feature for taxis cruising on public roads to avoid collisions, but honking at each other while idling in the parking lot was never intentional. The taxis have now all been updated to solve the issue. The co-CEO of Waymo just said she's thrilled to share they've surpassed 100,000 paid trips per week. Thus if you assume about 5 million paid rides per year and let's just say on average they charge $15 per ride, that would be about $75 million in annual revenue for Waymo in terms of a run rate using this data for the next 12 months.
And if you assume Waymo has a fleet of about 700 vehicles right now, that means each week each vehicle is doing about 143 trips divided by 7 would be roughly. 20 trips per day per car. Joe Tettmeyer confirmed that at Giga Texas they have transitioned to a new e-coding system for the Cybertruck when previously they were using the same system for the Gigacast to e-coat these castings for the Model Y and the Cybertruck. And Joe said this was a significant change because previously this was actually a bottleneck for both Cybertruck and Model Y production. In early July the new Cybertruck specific e-coding which is the picture on the right which is black, started operations. Significantly improving production capacity at Giga Texas and simplifying the production lines.
如果你假设Waymo现在有大约700辆车,那么这意味着每辆车每周大约执行143次行程,除以7天,每辆车每天大约执行20次行程。乔·泰特迈尔确认,在德州Giga工厂,他们已经为Cybertruck转换到了一个新的电泳涂层系统。之前,他们使用同样的系统给Model Y和Cybertruck的铸件进行电泳涂层处理。乔说这是一个显著的改变,因为之前这实际上是Cybertruck和Model Y生产的瓶颈。今年七月初,右图显示的新款Cybertruck专用黑色电泳涂层系统开始运营。这显著提高了德州Giga工厂的生产能力,并简化了生产线。
Now my understanding is that this electro-coding is essentially for extra corrosion protection. Shout out to Luca Greco on X for being in touch with TPI technology or thixotropic piston injection. They have some upcoming products that will enable Giga castings that are 30% lighter, stronger and more cost effective. TPI has some technology using magnesium instead of the aluminum that Tesla currently uses for their Giga cast. So the Model Y with one of these magnesium Giga cast would theoretically be about 22 kilograms or 48 and a half pounds lighter. So it's great that effectively the problem here has been solved for magnesium castings but it's likely going to be a few years before we see this in production on a commercial scale outside of China.
现在我的理解是,这种电镀本质上是为了额外的防腐保护。感谢Luca Greco在X平台上对于TPI技术(即触变成型活塞注射技术)的关注。他们即将推出的新产品将使Giga铸件重量减轻30%,更加强韧且更加经济高效。TPI还采用镁代替特斯拉目前用于Giga铸造的铝。因此,采用这种镁Giga铸件的Model Y理论上会轻大约22公斤(约48.5磅)。所以,问题在镁铸件方面已有效解决,但要在中国之外的商业规模生产中看到这个技术应用,可能还需要几年时间。
The supply chain needs to get built out and the technology needs to be adopted but this seems to be where things are headed in the coming years. Starting tomorrow Wednesday in Beijing the 2024 World Robot Conference will begin. There will be a total of 27 different humanoid robot manufacturers showcasing their products and one of those is indeed Tesla. Tesla will be showing off its optimus but also the Cybertruck and FSD along with some other products and tech. I doubt we'll learn anything new about optimus from this event but just another opportunity for Tesla to begin earning its designation as a real world leader in AI, not just a car company.
A senior leader at Rivian has just left the company Rivian's vice president of manufacturing operations Tim Fallon has left forced Atlantis. The royal family is looking to include some EV chargers at Buckingham Palace as King Charles is hoping to electrify the entire royal fleet in the coming years. In a letter it said after trialing the EV chargers for a few years the royal household intends to take a step forward and shift their car fleet from petrol to electric vehicles. There's some speculation out there that Tesla may have removed the no sale clause from the Cybertruck order agreement and it would make some sense given that most people that want a foundation series Cybertruck now have access to one.
Rivian的一位高级领导刚刚离职,Rivian制造运营副总裁Tim Fallon离开了公司。与此同时,英国王室正在考虑在白金汉宫安装一些电动汽车充电器,因为查尔斯国王希望在未来几年内将整个王室车队电动化。在一封信中提到,经过几年试用电动汽车充电器后,王室计划进一步迈出步伐,将其车队从汽油车转向电动汽车。
But for me I think the prudent thing to say here would be just look at your own Cybertruck order agreement to see what yours specifically says because this could change theoretically day to day week to week. The last thing I would ever want is for somebody to see this video and think it's. free rain out there and then they end up getting blacklisted from Tesla because of this post right here.
但对于我来说,我认为最谨慎的做法就是查看你自己的 Cybertruck 订单协议,看看上面具体怎么说,因为这些条款可能会每天或每周有所变动。我最不希望的就是有人看了这个视频后错误地认为可以随意操作,结果因为这个帖子而被特斯拉拉黑。
On X Brett Winton from Arc said generally I think people underestimate the operational complexity of Uber's model relative to Tesla's positioning. Recruiting drivers, qualifying in cars of varying quality, trying to do quality control, appropriately incentivizing the drivers and retaining them, spinning up the eats business including all of the restaurant partnerships, menus in every city. These are massively costly labor intensive on the ground operations. Tesla conceptually has a much lighter lift to which Elon said yeah.
在X平台上,来自Arc的Brett Winton说,总体来看,我认为人们低估了Uber运营模式的复杂性,而特斯拉的定位相对简单。Uber需要招聘司机、审核各种质量的车辆、进行质量控制、适当激励和留住司机,还要发展旗下的Uber Eats业务,包括与餐馆的合作关系、每个城市的菜单等等。这些都是极其昂贵且人力密集的地面运营。而特斯拉在理念上要轻松得多。对此,Elon(马斯克)回应说:“是的。”
Tasha Kinney from Arc shared a post about her Weamo experience in LA that really wasn't what I wanted to highlight however if you scroll down. Also rumors suggest Weamo's vehicles cost over a hundred thousand dollars a contrast to the Tesla Model 3 around 40,000. If Elon's predictions hold true we might soon have the chance to compare these services directly.
塔莎·金尼(Tasha Kinney)在Arc分享了一篇关于她在洛杉矶使用Weamo的体验的帖子,虽然这不是我想重点讨论的内容,但你可以继续往下看。有传言说Weamo的车辆成本超过十万美元,而特斯拉Model 3的价格大约为四万美元。如果埃隆的预测成真,我们很快就能直接比较这些服务了。
Elon has high confidence Tesla could deliver a fully driverless experience by the end of next year to which Elon said the trend is promising. It's tough because one of these times Elon is going to be right about FSD but until then I'll be honest I have very little confidence in his FSD predictions. He did say FSD 12.4 was going to be 5 to 10x better in miles per intervention than 12.3 and 12.4 never even made it to a wide release. And as far as I can tell 12.5 has not fulfilled that expectation either.
埃隆非常有信心特斯拉可以在明年年底前实现完全无人驾驶的体验,对此他表示趋势非常乐观。不过,这真的很难,因为埃隆总有一次会在全自动驾驶(FSD)方面说对,但在那之前,我必须坦诚,我对他的全自动驾驶预测几乎没有信心。他曾说FSD 12.4版本在每次干预的行驶里程上会比12.3版本好5到10倍,但12.4版根本没有进行广泛发布。而据我所知,12.5版本也没有达到那个预期。
Tesla stock closed the day at $221.10 down 0.73 percent while the NASDAQ was down 0.33 percent. It was another quiet volume day for Tesla trading about 28 million shares below the average volume the past 30 days. Thanks again for your patience with me last week and this week. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.