The FSD Update Everyone's Waiting For / Tesla Megacharging Rollout / Ford Blows Up EV Plans Again ⚡️
发布时间 2024-08-22 00:26:02 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patron, Jeffrey S. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Finally, we get some movement when it comes to FSD and hardware 3, FSD version, which is now rolling out to Tesla employees, has been confirmed to support hardware 3. Not a Tesla app has confirmed, Tesla has hardware 3 vehicles running this latest FSD update. Elon made that 10 day promise on July 29th, so turned out to be 23 days, but who's counting? To be clear, there may still be a wait here if you have hardware 3, Tesla may want to publicly roll this out to hardware 4 vehicles first to ensure there aren't any regressions, and then they can proceed to the non-employee rollout to hardware 3 vehicles, so it may be another few days. Not to be the bearer of bad news, but there's also a chance with big point releases like 12.6 and 12.7, it's still easier and faster for Tesla to launch on AI 4 and then spend a few weeks refunding the code for hardware 3. That would mean there's at least a chance that hardware 3 runs on a lag going forward, but that's just my speculation to prepare everybody. On X, a shock did say Tesla got similar performance as the AI 4 12.5 release with a relatively smaller model for AI 3, so at least right now there may be some different driving behavior whether you have hardware 3 or 4. But a shock did say we think we can run the same 12.5 model on both the hardware platforms in the future. The team is already working on that now, using some model compression techniques. As a reminder, a shock said, parameter count is just one way that they can improve performance, you also look at data set distribution, data set quality, the model architecture, and the training compute. These all have a tremendous impact on the final performance. It sounds like these performance differences may be negligible to the common eye, but something to keep in mind until we get to the exact same model on hardware 3 and 4 sometime in the future.
欢迎来到Electrified节目,我是主持人Dylan Loomis。先向我的最新赞助人Jeffrey S. 致以最诚挚的感谢,谢谢你选择支持这个频道。
终于,我们在FSD(全自动驾驶)和硬件3方面有了一些进展。FSD版本12.5.1.4现在已经开始推送给特斯拉员工,确认支持硬件3。据Not a Tesla app确认,特斯拉的硬件3车辆正在运行这一最新的FSD更新。埃隆在7月29日承诺10天内发布,结果用了23天,但谁在乎呢?
不想带来坏消息,但是像12.6和12.7这样的大版本更新,特斯拉还是更容易也更快地在AI 4上先发布,接下来花几周时间针对硬件3进行代码调整。这意味着硬件3在未来可能会滞后,但这是我的猜测,以便让大家有所准备。
在X平台上,Ashok确实说过,特斯拉在AI 4 12.5发布版本上用相对较小的模型也实现了类似的性能,所以至少目前不管你用的是硬件3还是硬件4,驾驶行为可能会有一些差异。但是Ashok也说,我们认为将来可以在两个硬件平台上运行相同的12.5模型。团队现在已经在使用一些模型压缩技术进行这项工作。
A shock also said the Cybertruck will start by getting parking assistance features given that it's not exactly the easiest vehicle to park. The initial release is slated for the end of this week, FSD for Cybertruck is expected in September. At a recent auto symposium, some industry players had some comments on autonomy. An executive from Cruise said a future where autonomous vehicles are widely commercially deployed to saving lives every day is not a given. I guess that really shouldn't come as a surprise though given Cruise's accomplishments to date. The industry highlighted some challenges like the standards and best practices are still under development, the regulations are fuzzy and incomplete and safety benchmarks do not exist. Despite that, Zooks is looking to start commercial services in Las Vegas by the end of this year. Cruise has said they intend on restarting commercial services by early next year. And three autonomous trucking companies, Kodiak, Aurora, and Gaddick are expected to begin commercial services without drivers by the end of this year. But federal regulations mandate truck drivers should they pull off to the shoulder of the road, place warning triangles behind their trailers.
据消息称,Cybertruck 将首先推出停车辅助功能,因为它并不是最容易停车的车辆。首批车辆预计将在本周末发布,Cybertruck 的完全自动驾驶功能预计将在九月份推出。在最近的一次汽车研讨会上,一些行业人士对自动驾驶发表了评论。Cruise 的一位高管表示,未来自动驾驶汽车广泛商业应用并每天拯救生命并非必然。考虑到 Cruise 迄今为止的成就,这一点其实并不令人惊讶。行业内指出了一些挑战,例如标准和最佳实践仍在制定中,法规模糊且不完整,安全基准尚不存在。尽管如此,Zooks 计划在今年年底前在拉斯维加斯启动商业服务。Cruise 表示他们打算在明年初重启商业服务。而Kodiak、Aurora 和 Gaddick 三家自动驾驶卡车公司预计将在今年年底前开始无司机商业服务。但是联邦法规要求卡车司机在车辆停靠路肩时,需要在拖车后方放置警告三角牌。
One possible solution for these trucking companies with no humans on board is to have front and rear-facing lights that flash and signal that a vehicle is parked. Aurora and Waymo have already asked the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration if those lights would count as a suitable alternative, but the agency has not yet responded. And that was over 17 months ago that they asked.
Everyone was saying the same thing, they want a systemic way to assess risks and identify weaknesses with autonomous driving. They say the industry needs safety metrics and benchmarks that make it easy for the public to scrutinize the safety of autonomous vehicles. Until we get those standards out there, I think larger deployments are tough. It'll happen, but it's challenging for all stakeholders, including the general public.
The problem here is there won't be an apples-to-apples comparison. What's a disengagement? How are remote interventions counted? How are we going to compare highway miles with city street miles? What about rural driving versus city driving? How about accounting for weather and road conditions? When do you factor in the time these autonomous trips take?
I think you get the picture, it's just going to be incredibly difficult if not impossible to have true apples-to-apples safety data unless it's broken out by geography and season. It just highlights what I've been saying that it's tough to draw meaningful conclusions comparing Waymo's safety data in a select few cities to Tesla's safety data in vehicles operating everywhere in the country.
In Australia, the trial for Tesla's charge on solar is now over and it's now officially available to all Australian owners with a power wall and a compatible Tesla vehicle. Plus, it should work with any hardwired home EV charger, not just a Tesla wall charger. The vehicle will adjust charge power approximately every 10 seconds, matching surplus generation and electricity consumption elsewhere in the home. Things like storm watch, backup reserve, self-powered and time-based control modes will work seamlessly with charge on solar.
在澳大利亚,特斯拉的太阳能充电试验现已结束,并且正式向所有拥有Powerwall(电池墙)和兼容特斯拉车辆的澳大利亚车主开放。此外,它还可以与任何硬接线的家用电动汽车充电器一起使用,不仅仅是特斯拉的壁挂式充电器。车辆大约每10秒会调整充电功率,以匹配家中多余的发电量和电力消耗。像Storm Watch(风暴监控)、备用电量保留、自供电和基于时间的控制模式等功能将会与太阳能充电模式无缝配合使用。
So for example, you could start topping up as usual using power from solar and the grid for daily driving once you get to 40% state of charge. Then from there, you can go only with surplus power from your solar up to 90%. And for customers without a favorable net energy metering plan to be compensated for excess energy, this is a nice alternative to keep that solar energy behind the meter if you will and channel it directly to your car with plenty of flexibility.
On the Tesla configurator for the Model S and X, Tesla has renamed this drive anywhere package. It was $5,000 but now if you add FSD at full price, they bump that down to $2,000 for free supercharging and premium connectivity for three years. The break even on this one after taking out the $300 for three years of premium connectivity would be $1,700 over three years in free supercharging costs which divided by 36 months is about $47 per month.
在特斯拉的网站上,针对Model S和Model X车型的配置页面,特斯拉重新命名了这个“随处可开”的套餐。这个套餐之前的价格是$5000美金,但现在如果你全价购买自动驾驶系统(FSD),他们会把这个套餐的价格降到$2000美金,附赠三年的免费超级充电和高级连接服务。如果剔除掉三年高级连接服务的$300美金费用,这个套餐在三年内的免费超级充电成本大约是$1700美金,平均每月约为$47美金。
But very important right here in the fine print it says vehicles for commercial use are not eligible so Uber, Lyft drivers you cannot have this plan. Now will Tesla actually enforce that and track people down? It's anybody's guess but it does say it right there.
Baltimore's board of estimates which is basically their spending panel just voted at a meeting to spend up to $5 million to buy EVs made by Tesla for use by city employees. This was the first time city officials have voted to purchase vehicles from Tesla. It was also the first time Tesla responded to a request for bids from car makers looking to sell cars to Baltimore. Baltimore issued a request for bids from companies that would sell EVs to the city.
Tesla was one of two companies that responded. The other was Waldorf Ford in Maryland and they were looking to provide the Mach-E. Now they said the reason Ford's bid was not accepted because the Mach-E is classified as a five-passenger SUV and this contract is specifically for passenger cars and sedans.
But if you keep reading the contract also enables the city to buy two models from Tesla the Model 3 and the Model Y. Doing the math depending on the split between Model 3's and Model Y, this will end up with the administration getting around 150 Tesla vehicles. The cars will be used across all agencies primarily as administrative vehicles.
但是,如果你继续阅读,这份合同还允许城市购买两种特斯拉车型:Model 3 和 Model Y。根据这两种车型的分配比例计算一下,市政府最终将获得大约150辆特斯拉汽车。这些汽车将用于各个机构,主要作为行政用车。
With other police departments across the country like Pasadena reporting incredible savings from adopting an electric and specifically a Tesla-based fleet, this type of thing really should be mandated to save the taxpayer money and to protect the officers in the safest cars out there.
These next three stories may very well be something that protects you or your family from avoidable harm. The FTC recently said X-mode, a data broker, sold consumers raw location data without consent and without limits. X-mode got some of this geolocation data from apps and other info from other data brokers.
More recently, National Public Data, a company that does background checks, was hit with a data breach exposing nearly three billion personal records with things like names, addresses and social security numbers. And third, just a few weeks ago in a letter to the FTC it was revealed that Honda and Hyundai sold driver data to Varisk, which is yes, a data broker. This is exactly how phone and email scams are possible. These bad actors have all of your personal information, making it seem legit and they keep getting better. That's just part of why I've partnered with DeleteMe, the sponsor of this video. DeleteMe erases all of your personal information from all of the hundreds of data brokers and the new ones that keep popping up.
最近,进行背景调查的公司National Public Data遭遇了数据泄露,导致近三十亿个人记录被曝光,其中包括姓名、地址和社会安全号码。第三,几周前在一封给FTC(联邦贸易委员会)的信中透露,本田和现代向Varisk出售了驾驶员数据,没错,Varisk是一家数据经纪公司。这正是电话和电子邮件骗局得以实现的原因。这些不法分子掌握了你的所有个人信息,使其看起来可信,而且他们的手段不断高明。这就是为什么我要和DeleteMe合作,也是这个视频的赞助商。DeleteMe可以从上百家数据经纪公司和不断涌现的新公司中删除你的所有个人信息。
I researched DeleteMe for an entire weekend, watched all the YouTube videos out there, read many blog posts and I came away very impressed. They're an American based company and this is all they do, it's their specialty. In my most recent quarterly report, DeleteMe reviewed over 3700 listings and removed 23 new listings that had my personal data, saving me over 60 hours in total. And DeleteMe shows me the status of every single data broker and whether my data removal is in progress or if it's clean and complete. And yes, as you can see, DeleteMe continually scans these data brokers making sure my information stays off of these platforms.
And just so you know, their customer service is awesome if you need it and you do get your own personal advisor to talk to anytime you have questions. I know many of you have already signed up, but if so, don't forget, you can share this with your friends and your family that may be clueless when it comes to data brokers and their data being sold. So if you'd like to get you and your family's privacy back and support a great US based company, you can head to join slash electrified to get 20% off using my code electrified linked below, or you can use the QR code right on the screen.
顺便告诉你,他们的客户服务非常棒,如果你需要的话,你会有自己的私人顾问,随时可以解答你的问题。我知道你们中很多人已经注册了,但是别忘了,你可以把这个信息分享给你的朋友和家人,尤其是那些对数据经纪人和他们的数据被出售一无所知的人。所以,如果你想要保护你和家人的隐私,并且支持一家优秀的美国公司,可以访问 join 使用我的折扣码 electrified 享受 20% 的优惠,链接就在下面,或者你也可以使用屏幕上的二维码。
On XCam shared a picture of a new mega charger from Tesla into Ellie, Utah, sharing this image. And it appears as though this isn't exactly a permanent setup just yet, as it's still sitting on a pallet. At the bottom, you see MC1 for what we believe is mega charging unit. And then if you scroll down, you do indeed see a picture of the mega charger connector. I think the most interesting thing here is the location this photo was in to Ellie, Utah, which is out here. And to date, most of the Tesla semi mega charger talk has been in California and Nevada. This could be a new customer for Tesla in Utah, or it could just be Tesla building out the network ahead of higher semi production toward the end of next year. Either way, it's what you want to see Tesla also has a new job posting for the Tesla semi and they're looking for a test engineer for abuse engineering. It's exactly what you're thinking. They're looking for somebody to push battery systems to their limits and beyond using specialized equipment.
This team is working at a remote off grid test site near Giga Nevada. One part of the job description, the engineer will build test equipment like a car crusher, a replica building with fire extinguishing battery chargers and power cyclers, and electrical and thermal data sensors and acquisition and continuous video recording. We believe that the total address of all market for gravity is six times that of Lucidair. This is a huge product for us. We just in the process of completing the build out of our factory in Arizona to a capacity of 90,000 units per annum. We're on track for manufacturing around 9,000 Lucidair's this year. Gravity is going to come in and our finances are dominated by scale. It's all scale scale scale and this is a big step in that scale.
Clearly we have the best technology in the world. We've now taken the mantle from Tesla and we have the best tech and that is widely recognize it. Right, so you'd say that Lucidair surpassed Tesla in terms of technology. Oh yes, absolutely. We've taken the mantle without a doubt. I mean everyone is striving for how far can you go with our little battery space. We are considerably ahead of what Tesla is. We've taken that mantle. When I was at Tesla, Tesla was the tech leader. They become distracted and we have taken that place. It's quite ironic actually. The tech Peter is referring to as Lucid's efficiency from its power train advancements and props to them for that. But the question is how far can that tech really take you?
He said it himself, Lucid needs scale and they're currently operating at less than 10% of their new capacity. They need the gravity to be a home run and despite Peter's hubris and marketing games, I'm still rooting for them. There was some new research published by the American Council for an energy efficient economy and they said the Model Y, the best-selling EV in the US, can go about 3.5 miles per kilowatt hour while many vehicles get closer to 2.5 miles per kilowatt hour. Then they said at today's battery prices, reducing the size of a battery by 40% while maintaining the same range translates into a $4,800 savings.
他说过,Lucid需要扩大规模,而他们目前的运作仅达到其新产能的10%以下。他们需要靠Gravity车型大获成功,尽管Peter有点自大并且喜欢玩营销花招,但我还是在支持他们。美国能源经济效率委员会最近发布了一些新的研究,他们说美国最畅销的电动汽车Model Y每千瓦时能行驶约3.5英里,而许多其他车辆每千瓦时只能行驶接近2.5英里。然后他们说,以现在的电池价格计算,如果在保持相同续航的情况下减少40%的电池容量,相当于节省4800美元。
So thanks for the math here guys, but the question is how to pull something like that off. They did highlight Hyundai's Aionic 6 getting 4.2 miles per kilowatt hour and the Lucid Air Pure up over 5 miles per kilowatt hour, the first in the industry to do it. But the rest of the article was centered around this insane premise that companies like Tesla just magically wave a wand and cut battery pack sizes by 40% while keeping everything else the same. Ford has said that the next generation F-150, Project Code Name T3, has been delayed yet again. This time it's been delayed back to the second half of 2027 and Ford said it's working on taking all the feedback it's gotten from F-150 Lightning customers to make a better product in that regard, with features and experiences never seen on any Ford truck, a list that includes bidirectional charging and advanced aero.
感谢大家在数学方面的帮助,但现在的问题是如何实现这样的目标。文章提到,现代的Aionic 6每千瓦时行驶4.2英里,而Lucid Air Pure每千瓦时行驶超过5英里,这是业界首次达到的成绩。但文章的其余部分集中在一个疯狂的假设上,认为像特斯拉这样的公司只需魔术般地一挥手,就能在保持其他方面不变的情况下,将电池组尺寸缩小40%。福特表示,下一代F-150,代号为T3的项目,再次被推迟。这次推迟到2027年下半年。福特说,他们正在根据F-150 Lightning客户的反馈,努力打造一款更好的产品,这款车将具备福特卡车前所未见的功能和体验,包括双向充电和先进的空气动力学设计。
Farley has referred to this new F-150 as a Millennium Falcon with a Porsche attached so Star Wars fans will like that, but they also said it'll be a superior option to the Cybertruck calling it one of the most thrilling vehicles I've ever seen in my career. Let me be specific, stunning performance like no truck has ever performed, ability, unexpected innovation for truck customers far beyond the normal truck attributes, a super flexible cabin that feels like a lounge or a tiny office. So Jim Farley better be careful setting the bar extremely high for a truck that maybe will come out in 2027 that gives the Cybertruck 3 years to get a footing in the market and we know that vehicle is going to continually get better as well.
Farley称这款新F-150为“连接了保时捷的千年隼”,星球大战迷们一定会喜欢。但他也表示,这款车会比Cybertruck更出色,并称其为他职业生涯中见过最令人兴奋的车辆之一。具体来说,这款车具有前所未有的出色性能,超越普通卡车特性的惊人创新,为卡车用户提供了超乎预期的功能,以及一个灵活的车厢,感觉像是一个休息室或小型办公室。所以Jim Farley要小心了,他将这辆可能在2027年问世的卡车标准设得如此之高,而Cybertruck还有三年的时间在市场上站稳脚跟,而且我们也知道那款车会不断改进。
We also learned that Ford is now cancelling its plans for an all-electric 3-row SUV. Instead, Ford's going to prioritize the introduction of a new all-electric commercial van in 2026, followed by a more affordable mid-sized EV pickup and the full size in 2027. Their CFOs set our focus here is to remake Ford into a higher growth, higher margin, more capital efficient and durable business and that means these vehicles need to be profitable. And if they're not profitable based on where the customer is in the market, we will pivot and adjust and make those tough decisions. The CFO said Ford determined the 3-row electric SUV would not be profitable within the first 12 months of its launch.
So instead, the company will make a hybrid 3-row SUV. This upcoming commercial van for Ford will be assembled in Ohio. Ford also said it's planning to move some Mach-E battery production from Poland to Michigan in 2025, helping customers qualify for the tax credits. Reading between the lines, Ford is now laser focused on higher margins, which means we should be expecting a lot more hybrids from Ford. And we should expect more full EV delays because if they're not going to sell them at a loss, then they're not going to be able to sell them the next gen ones that is for quite some time. Tesla did debut Optimus at the World Robot Congress today, but it was just stationary in glass, so nothing really to see here.
因此,公司将会制造一款混合动力三排座SUV。这款即将上市的福特商用货车将在俄亥俄州组装。福特还表示,计划在2025年将部分Mach-E电池生产从波兰转移到密歇根州,这将帮助客户获得税收减免。 从字里行间可以看出,福特现在非常专注于提高利润率,这意味着我们会看到更多的混合动力车型。而我们也应该预期到全电动汽车会有更多的延迟,因为如果他们不打算亏本销售,那么在相当长的一段时间内他们可能无法销售下一代全电动汽车。 特斯拉今天在世界机器人大会上发布了Optimus机器人,但它只是静态展示在玻璃柜里,所以没有什么值得关注的。
We got the pricing for VW's upcoming ID buzz that will make it to the United States later this year. The Pro S starts at $59,900. The Pro S Plus will be $63,500, and then the launch only first edition will be $65,500. Rear-wheel drive models will have 234 miles of EPA estimated range, and the all-wheel drive models will offer 231 miles. This is achieved with a 91kWh battery pack. This vehicle will come only in 6 or 7 seat configurations, but if you want the all-wheel drive, you'll be stuck with the 6 seat option.
我们已经得到了大众即将在今年晚些时候在美国上市的ID Buzz的定价信息。Pro S起价为59,900美元,Pro S Plus价格为63,500美元,而仅限首发版的价格为65,500美元。后轮驱动车型的EPA预估续航里程为234英里,全轮驱动车型的续航里程为231英里。这是通过配备91kWh电池组实现的。这款车仅提供6座或7座配置,但如果你想要全轮驱动,你只能选择6座版本。
Toyota plans to install a 9,000-ton Gigapress machine at a Japanese plant as soon as this year, but this article is why we have to read beyond just the headline. Toyota plans to start Gigacasting with an upcoming Lexus LF-ZC. The body will be divided into front, center, and rear, and the front and rear portions will be Gigacast. But here they say the machine is expected to be used to prototype EV components and not be for mass production. Toyota still needs to assess whether the tech leads to a reduction in parts and processes, as well as to lighter EVs. Which is foolish because they already know that it does if they open their eyes and look in Tesla's direction, so what they're really saying is, hey, we need to figure out if we can do this successfully first, because it's not just like you buy these machines and you're good to go.
Tesla is issuing a physical recall for 9,100 Model X vehicles from 2016. A trim piece on the roof could separate from the vehicle, but Tesla set a change in process had been made at the supplier in July 2016 to prevent the issue in later models. Tesla will test the adhesion of the roof trim and reattach the trim pieces as necessary at no cost to owners. Rivian has officially obtained approval for its expansion at its plant in Normal, Illinois, which is expected to be for the upcoming R2 production. The state still needs to do some testing before Rivian can break ground, but Illinois has already granted $827 million in incentives for Rivian making the R2 there.
特斯拉正在对2016年生产的9,100辆Model X进行实物召回,因为车顶的一块装饰条可能会脱落。不过,特斯拉表示,2016年7月供应商已经进行了工艺改进,以防止这个问题在以后的车型中出现。特斯拉将免费为车主测试车顶装饰条的粘合情况,并在必要时重新粘贴装饰条。
Carlos Tavares, the CEO of Stellantis, will be visiting Detroit this week for any emergency meeting of sorts. They'll be looking to develop a fix for their North American operations. Tavares wanted to make it clear he was handling this personally because North American operations are basically funding the rest of the company. Stellantis' first-half operating income fell 40%, mainly thanks to performance in North America. Tavares said we were arrogant, and I'm talking about myself, nobody else. Some industry players are not commenting on the possibility of losing the tax credits for EVs, Rivian senior director of public policy said it's basically yanking the rug out from underneath all those suppliers and manufacturers that invested domestically or in some of our trading partners. And he added, that's really scary. Companies have already allocated $223 billion to EV specific facilities and initiatives in the US in recent years. The National Resources Defense Council warned that $89 billion in investments companies have announced, but not yet allocated, could evaporate if the legislation is repealed. Wall Street would most likely adjust its model significantly if the tax credits were taken away. A Bank of America analyst said I bet we'd have a pretty significant decline in EV penetration in the US.
Stellantis公司的首席执行官Carlos Tavares本周将访问底特律,参加一场紧急会议。他们将寻找方法解决其在北美的运营问题。Tavares明确表示,他将亲自处理此事,因为北美的运营几乎支持着公司的其他部分。Stellantis上半年的营业收入下降了40%,主要是由于北美的表现不佳。Tavares承认我们(尤其是我自己)太自大了。
I did want to highlight this C2 initiative, which is basically the US Navy adopting Starlink. They scaled up the bandwidth by connecting multiple Starlink antennas to achieve the objective of 1 gigabit per second. This initiative was 20 times faster than any other program in the past. They said this is a once in a lifetime transformation for the warfighter and we're pressing to deliver it to the fleet as fast and aggressively as possible. C2 is entirely up and running on Abraham Lincoln, the ship and has completely revolutionized what life at sea means. Sailors' morale and work output have been bolstered by the fast, stable, and secure connection. While they were testing it, they were able to host a Super Bowl watch party. They said we want to escape the mindset C2 is only for tactical use. Right now, it's all about getting the best of our sailors by keeping them connected to home in a way they're used to and giving them the tools to do their jobs more effectively. C2 is on the cusp of being available on every navy ship and more shore sites as well. The article didn't say specifically, but I believe they're actually using SpaceX's star shield. That's the tech that's designed specifically for government use. If you're wondering about those pictures, I did go find a separate article that said the US Navy is using both Starlink and Kimetta terminals aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln. So what you were looking at was likely the Kimetta U8. Kimetta is just another US-based satellite communications company.
Tesla stock closed the day at $223.27 up 0.98% while the NASDAQ was up 0.57%. It was another quiet volume day for Tesla trading about 29 million shares below the average volume in the past 30 days.
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