'Cybercell' Teardown // The Generation 2 4680 *Bonus Content*
发布时间 2024-08-14 13:59:23 来源
Raw video from the teardown of Tesla's Generation 2 4680, aka the 'Cybercell' with myself and Weikang Li and Weiliang Yao of ...
Welcome back everyone, I'm Jordan Geesege and this is The Limiting Factor. As I said in my last video, I'm currently working with UC San Diego to tear down the 4680 cell that was provided by Monroe and Associates. Part of that tear down process was doing a video call with UC San Diego to disassemble the cell. So today's video is the recording from that call. It's not super information dense like my typical videos are, so I'd consider it bonus content. With that said, to make the best use of your time, I've trimmed it down from about an hour to 15 minutes.
欢迎大家回来,我是乔丹·基瑟杰,这是《限制因素》。正如我在上一个视频中所说的,我目前正在与加州大学圣地亚哥分校合作,拆解由Monroe and Associates提供的4680电池。这次拆解过程的一部分包括与加州大学圣地亚哥分校进行视频通话来拆卸电池。所以今天的视频是那次通话的录制内容。与我通常的视频相比,这段视频信息密度不是很高,所以我将其视为额外内容。话虽如此,为了充分利用大家的时间,我已将它从大约一小时剪辑到15分钟。
The key points from the disassembly are that from the generation 14680 cell to the generation 24680 cell or cyber cell Tesla trimmed about 20 grams of weight from the cell can. That was achieved by making the cell can thinner and by removing two parts at the copper anode terminal, the copper current collector and the plastic gasket. As I suggested in previous videos, that in turn was achieved by welding the cell can shut rather than crimping it and by welding the tablet's electrode directly to the lid rather than using the current collector as an intermediary. The next video, which will release in two weeks, will be an in-depth look at the energy density of the generation 24080 cell and how it compares to the other battery cells that Tesla uses.
Then in the following video, I hope to release all the specs and data gathered from the teardown by UC San Diego. Before we begin, a special thanks to my Patreon supporters, YouTube members and Twitter subscribers as well as RebellionAir.com. They specialize in helping investors manage concentrated positions. RebellionAir can help with covered calls, risk management and creating a money master plan from your financial first principles. I'd also like to say thank you to the people who made this video possible. Shirley Mung organized funding for the work as a professor at the University of Chicago and an adjunct professor at UC San Diego. Additionally, thanks to Y Cong Lee and Y Liang Yao, who tore down the 4680 cell and will also be doing the analysis.
接下来的视频中,我希望能发布由加州大学圣地亚哥分校拆解所收集的所有规格和数据。在开始之前,特别感谢我的Patreon支持者、YouTube会员和Twitter订阅者,以及RebellionAir.com。他们专门帮助投资者管理集中持仓,RebellionAir可以帮助进行备兑期权、风险管理,并根据你的财务基本原则创建财富管理规划。我还要感谢使这段视频成为可能的人们。Shirley Mung作为芝加哥大学的教授和加州大学圣地亚哥分校的兼职教授,组织了此次工作的资金支持。另外,感谢Y Cong Lee和Y Liang Yao,他们负责拆解4680电池并进行分析。
You know, it's been two years since the last teardown. I can't believe that. It's been a while. Hopefully we will verify the dry capital from this cell. I don't think it's going to be dry cathode based on Tesla just announced a couple of weeks ago in their portfolio that it's already in mass production. They've done one test pack for the cyber truck and they plan on putting into mass production later this year. The main thing we're going to be getting out of this now is just confirmation of that. Also, we'll get confirmation of how much nickel is in the cathode and whether there's any silicon in it.
Okay. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. Can you see it? Clearly? Yes. Yes, I can. Is this okay? Yeah, it looks good to me. This looks like it's going to go much faster than last time with that pipe cutter. Nice. Interesting. There's no. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it's really muffled. It sounds like somebody's hand is covering the microphone or there's something going on. Okay. That's a lot better. I can hear now. Okay. Can you hear us? Yeah. I can hear you now. Yeah. There's no power and collector plate. Yeah. It's just welded directly to those, uh, the tablet's electrode. Yes. Correct. Sweet. Nice. Okay. Well, that's one last part. Yes. So. You want to see some, like, some more details off this? Oh, well you can take. Yeah, that helps. But you can take photos as well. That'll be, uh, get where we'll get most of the detail, but that looks good.
Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So that probably saved them a gram and one process step. Or maybe a couple process steps. A couple of more or less steps. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty awesome. Yeah. Uh, what's your feeling as you are peeling it open? Is the metal thinner? Yes. It's thinner. I should, at least I feel it's thinner. Okay. It's not as hard as last time. Not last time, but the last last time. Yeah. The first time. Yeah. Yeah. That time. That was really bad. It was like crazy. And I just realized this time because it looks like the top was welded on. There was also no gasket. Yeah. Last time there's a gasket. So that's two parts eliminated.
Yes. Yeah. Yes. Okay. Oh, okay. Oh, that's what you want to go. Yeah. Can you bring that? Oh, gosh. We need to, we need to collect all this more than we did. This is a day with. Yeah. Okay. You want to see the details? So. Uh, these are all plastic, I think. This is the top that the welded. It's the, well, it's connected to the nipple here. So the. I think it's because the residue metal from here is actually tear it down from here. So I think it's a whole piece. You see that it's like some of the metal is just the same shape as here.
Yeah. So you still have a. I think it's, we call it what we call it last time is cattle, current collector plate. Yeah. Yeah. They still have that here. Okay. Let me try to see if we can. Carry it down completely. So full piece. Okay. So this time. It looks like a solid piece of metal rather than an intricate flower design. Oh, it can be a four. I think it can be toward that. Yes. Yeah. That's great. And the welding is completely different. See the patterns here. It's completely different from last time. Yeah, there's a lot more metal there. No. Beautiful. There's another layer. No. No. Okay. Just one layer. Okay. That's fantastic. But. Yeah, if I had to guess on the copper current collector, they probably weren't having any. Resistance issues. And they were, it might have actually helped welding it directly to the bottom. Mm hmm. Maybe they needed a little bit more metal there to reduce the resistance. Yeah. More direct pathway or more connection points. Is this time rather than a few welds on top, it looks like. Thousands of tiny pin point welds.
So what. How do they. It's the. We completely removed that part. That that weight. So this is a real JD roll. And we did, we even removed the tape. So. Yeah. Yeah. So that's separated. You want to work away the whole part. In between the shell and everything here. Yeah. Way the shell separately. And. Separately from the jelly roll. And that way we can get an idea of how much lighter. How much. How much. How much. How much. How much. Inactive material. They've removed. Okay. So do that later because I need to transfer all these part off. Don't have a. A very big balance inside the. In side to the. The. Okay. You are that's it. Nothing. Surprising inside.
Yeah. I think that the more. Pretty basic what we're after today. I still have the last time. J.D. Raul. You say I can have a comparison. Okay. Yeah. If you get if you could. Get a comparison of those two, that would be fantastic. Yeah. Let me try to see if I can. I still store the previous journey. Row inside my glove box. Okay. Let me. I'm surprised. Still have it. Okay. Here we go. I just said almost the same.
好的。我觉得今天我们要做的挺基础的。我还记得上次的情况。J.D. Raul,你说我可以进行对比。好的。如果你能把这两者进行对比,那就太好了。好,让我试试看能不能找到。我还把之前的行程记录在手套箱里。好的,让我看看。我很惊讶它仍然在。这是几乎一样的。
Yeah, this is the. Here is one. I think this is the second one. Not to the first one. Okay. Yeah, this is the one we. We tested the charge and discharge. Yeah, the. The last Monroe cell that we got. So both of these cells were were from Monroe. And how does that white strip. Compare. Yeah. I think that's a good question. I think that's a good question. I think that's a good question. I think that's a good question. Compare. Okay. Pretty similar. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Too much. What about the width of the material? How does the width compare? Don't. Maybe slightly like. No. All the same.
The same. The same. The same. You're the same. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're transferring. Okay. Well, just on a visual inspection, it looks like they're exactly the same width, which is a surprise to me. I thought they would take. I thought they would make better use of the internal volume of. Yeah.
That's. Somebody want. Somebody want. Okay. Okay. The white part, it will be 72. So. One millimeter for the. White part. Yeah. Yeah. One millimeter. One millimeter. And. Still four millimeter. I think. Okay. All right. So that's our each of those measurements. The same as last time. Okay. Pretty similar. Yeah. Pretty similar. Okay. Yeah. Let's see the animal side as well.
Yeah. 74. Okay. And why is it a bit wider? Just so you have a little bit of overlap there to make sure you collect all the left he want to hit the other side. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is from a lot of time. Yeah. That copper current collector. Yeah. Right. Just to hear. There's. Okay. Okay. We're trying to wait a. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. that was fast. That was it. Fifty. Forty nine. Fifty. That's everything. Forty nine. Yeah. Almost everything. Okay. I'll give it a few seconds. Forty nine. Forty nine. Yeah.
Okay. So last time. I think it was sixty eight or seventy grams. So they cut about. So do you remember if it was sixty eight or seventy last time? I think it's sixty six or sixty eight or sixty eight or seventy eight something. So they caught like twenty grams. Yeah. They cut twenty grams out of the cell. Pretty much. That's where they got most of their energy density increase then. Yeah. Yeah. Or see the chemistry. There were no more. Even if you're the. Cool.
Yeah. I think it's not strictly major. The sickness of the. You're active. For the kind of information. Five hundred six. Micro. So it's thirty one five six millimeter. Okay. Yeah. Hmm. So it's not that much. Yeah. It doesn't make sense because it's some. They cut. You know, thirty percent of the weight out of the cell, something like that. But the thickness is the same. So. I remember last time he was six hundred six hundred micro. It's a five forty four. That's getting better.
So for this time is. It's a thing is cleaner. Hmm. Well, I do know one thing that we might be encountering here is that depending on where you measure it, you're going to get a thicker, a thinner reading because these cells can be used. These cell cans are deep drawn. So at the top or the bottom, it's going to be a very different thickness. Yes, it's possible. But the roughly is like a five hundred five micro, a five hundred fifty micro. Okay. It's like five forty four five six. Yes.
So it wasn't handy. It's a ring. It's all depends on if there's a deformation of the scale. Okay. That's ways to actually make it a complete plan. Yeah. Yeah.
So it is, you know, at least by a rough guess would be 10 percent thinner at least. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So it's probably better to go by the weight then rather than the, um, the caliper reading. But that does verify. Provide some verification. Yeah. So it's always a zero point five five millimeter, which is five hundred fifty. Okay. Well, I got that gets me the key specs. That's great. And probably the, I guess my only other question is,
for the, the characterization, characterization test that you're going to be doing that we listed. Um, how long do you think it'll take you to get all those done? Uh, several days. Because we also need to analyze the data. So okay. Yeah. Yeah. All right.
So probably something by the end of next week then. Correct. Correct. All right. Fantastic. Mm hmm. I think, I think that covers it then. Mm hmm. We'll try to have a comparing slides. We'll put the new data and the, in the compare it with the old data. Awesome. All right. Well, I'm looking forward. Uh, thanks for your time again.
Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much. All right. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye bye.
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