Making Tesla's Unboxed Process Work // Seven Key Technologies
发布时间 2024-07-26 14:00:34 来源
Tesla's been setting the stage for the unboxed process for over a decade. In this video I'll walk you through seven technologies ...
Welcome back everyone, I'm Jordan Geisigee and this is The Limiting Factor. Tesla's unboxed process is expected to be a revolution in automotive manufacturing. Rather than the vehicle being assembled as a box piece by piece on one production line, it'll be assembled in multiple subassemblies on parallel production lines.
欢迎大家回来,我是Jordan Geisigee,这里是The Limiting Factor。特斯拉的拆解流程有望在汽车制造业引发革命。与传统的整车逐步在一条生产线上组装不同,新流程将通过多条平行生产线进行多个子组件的组装。
However, what I don't think has received enough attention is that several other smaller revolutions were and will be required for the unboxed process to work. Those range from the gigacastings introduced in the Model Y to the Etherloop network introduced in the Cybertruck. Whether that's by design and Tesla's been preparing for the unboxed process for years or the unboxed process has emerged naturally as a happy accident from Tesla's first principles thinking, or both, I don't know, but one thing is for certain it's taken Tesla over a decade to develop the expertise and innovations necessary to make the unboxed process work.
然而,我认为没有得到足够关注的是,为了使这种非盒装的生产工艺能够运作,已经需要并且将来还会需要一些其他较小的革命性变革。这些变革包括Model Y中引入的巨型铸件技术和在Cybertruck中引入的Etherloop网络。我不确定这是Tesla有意为之,准备了多年的结果,还是这种非盒装工艺自然而然地从Tesla的第一性原理思考中诞生的意外之喜,抑或是二者兼而有之。但有一点是确定的,Tesla花了十多年时间才积累了必要的专业知识和创新,才能使这种非盒装工艺得以实现。
So today I'll walk you through those innovations, why they're important as standalone innovations, and why the unboxed process wouldn't be possible without them. Before we begin, a special thanks to my Patreon supporters, YouTube members and Twitter subscribers, as well as They specialize in helping investors manage concentrated positions. Rebellionair can help with covered calls, risk management, and creating a money master plan from your financial first principles.
Let's first start with gigacastings. Tesla introduced underbody castings in their vehicles in 2020. The purpose of gigacasting was to reduce cost, weight, and complexity by replacing hundreds of small steel parts in the front and rear underbodies of their vehicles with two large aluminum parts. That allowed them to eliminate stamping machines and hundreds of robots and replace them with a few massive casting machines, or gigapresses.
However, there's another benefit of casting. With a typical steel part, the metal is as thin as possible to reduce weight, and the parts are welded together to form assemblies, which results in wobbly and imprecise assemblies that are difficult to work with. That's as opposed to cast aluminum, which is lower density and results in thicker parts, which in turn makes the overall part much more rigid. The nature of casting also means that the mounting points will always be exactly where they need to be, which makes for a solid base to build up from on the production line.
That rigidity also means that the front and rear underbodies, which take most of the structural stresses in the vehicle, can be bolted to other parts like LEGO pieces with fewer concerns about structural stability. That makes gigacastings perfect for the unboxed process. Next, while we're on the topic of vehicle structure, let's talk about the next innovation necessary for the unboxed process, the structural battery pack.
The reason Tesla and other auto manufacturers are switching to structural battery packs is to reduce weight and complexity. In Tesla's earlier vehicles, the battery packs had several layers of protection and support, like plastic modules around the cells and structural beams that ran through the pack and around the pack to make it rigid. Beyond that, the battery pack, which has a steel lid, was installed in the vehicle below the steel floor pan, which resulted in the vehicle having two layers of steel below the passenger cabin, which was redundant.
With the structural battery pack, Tesla eliminated most of the weight from the structural beams and the modules by entombing the cells in a hard adhesive foam and got rid of the redundant floor pan by mounting the seats directly to the top of the battery pack. That is, much the same way gigacastings allowed for the front and rear underbodies to become their own structurally sound sub-assemblies that could be bolted to other sub-assemblies, the structural battery pack will do the same.
It'll also serve as the core of the vehicle that ties together the front, rear, and sides. After that's in place, all that's left would be to mount the closures, glass, and wheels. The next innovation that's necessary for the unboxed process is steer by wire. Tesla moved to a steer by wire system in the Cybertruck to eliminate parts and improve vehicle handling. How does that work?
In a conventional vehicle, the steering wheel is connected to the steering rack by a steering shaft. In the Cybert truck, the steering shaft was eliminated by putting sensors in the steering wheel that communicate by wire to a fully powered steering rack. As for how steer by wire improved handling, it allowed Tesla to use speed variable steering ratios, allowing for more maneuverability at low speed and a more muted steering response at high speeds.
How does steer by wire help with the unbox process? The first vehicle Tesla is expected to build with the unboxed process is their robo-taxi. That vehicle won't have a steering wheel, which means the steering shaft would be redundant and would have to be removed anyways. Some people might assume that steer by wire could help with the unboxed process by allowing the steering wheel, shaft, and rack to be separated into different subassemblies. And that's true. However, in Tesla's unboxed video, they show that the steering wheel is part of the front end assembly, not a separate subassembly from the steering rack. So it appears they could use a steering shaft in the unboxed process if they wanted to for non-robo-taxi vehicles. Not that that's what I expect. Steer by wire will likely make vehicle assembly easier and could perform better in crashes, but it seems the main purpose of steer by wire is to increase functionality and prepare for the driverless vehicles that'll be built using the unboxed process.
The next innovation to discuss is Tesla's new 48 volt architecture. Although Tesla probably could have done the unboxed process without a 48 volt architecture, it certainly makes it easier. Why? Tesla switched from a 12 volt to a 48 volt wiring architecture and the cyber truck because high voltage reduces the amps that need to be pushed through the electronics, motors, and wiring system. That in turn means smaller electronics, motors, and wires. That's especially helpful for a steer by wire system because without the redundancy of a steering shaft, which is needed if the power steering goes out, steer by wire needs an extra steering motor or actuator for redundancy and safety. So with a 48 volt system, Tesla was able to make the two motor steering rack assembly more compact and with thinner wiring.
Another system that would benefit from 48 volt wiring is the braking system. Unlike steer by wire, in my view, rather than being a nice to have, electric brakes would be a necessity for the unboxed process. Typically brakes are hydraulic, meaning thin metal pipes are used to carry high pressure brake fluid to the brake calipers on each wheel. That's not compatible with the unboxed process because the hydraulic lines would span the four corners of the vehicle, which would prevent it from being broken down into separate subassemblies. Yes, the hydraulic lines could potentially be installed after assembly, but that would be a clumsy and time-consuming process. It's better to have all the assembly snap together as fully functioning units. With electric brakes, small, powerful 48 volt actuators would power each set of brake calipers. All they would need is a 48 volt wiring connection for power and communications. So far, Tesla hasn't announced they'll be using electric brakes, but it seems like the most common sense and obvious choice for an electric vehicle built with an unboxed process.
What about redundancy? First, each brake could have two brake actuators or motors. And second, as Brian of Futuraza has pointed out, the electric motors serve as redundancy through regenerative braking. Yes, typically, regenerative braking doesn't provide a huge amount of stopping power. However, in the event of a brake failure, the region could be increased by increasing the power sent to the battery pack. That might cause some additional degradation, but safety is always the top priority. But wouldn't the wires also need to span the vehicle to connect each brake to a central control system? In a sense, yes, but that's where Tesla's ethernet ring or ether loop comes in. As I showed my last video of the series, vehicles currently use what's called a CAN bus network, where specialized controllers for each vehicle system have to be connected to the same main bus wire in order to access the network. With Tesla's ether loop network, they're using a point to point ethernet network, where general purpose controllers are connected to each other and manage a range of systems in their local area.
With this architecture, the network can be accessed through any of the controllers in the vehicle. The primary reasons for shifting to an ether loop network are that it allows a huge amount of redundant wiring to be eliminated from the vehicle. It increases bandwidth by 100 to 1000 times, and it potentially allows for more standardized controller design, because the controllers are general purpose rather than specialized. But of course, as a side benefit, because the network can be accessed by plugging into any of the general purpose controllers, rather than hardwiring into a main bus wire, it allows the vehicle to be manufactured using an unboxed process as separate sub-assemblies, and then bolted together at the end of the manufacturing line. It's plug and play. One last innovation that'll be helpful for the unboxed manufacturing process is the new wiring that became possible with 48 volts and ethernet. As this image from Monroe shows, the thick and complicated CAN bus bundle is replaced with two ribbons that provide communications, power, and redundancy.
That ribbon will make assembling the vehicle easier because it's thinner and more flexible than a CAN bus bundle, which will make it easier to route the wire through the sub-assemblies and easier to hide behind trim and paneling. Additionally, as you can see, the ether loop wire has fewer connectors, which means faster production rates. The reason it has fewer connectors is because, as I said earlier, rather than using many specialized controllers to serve each vehicle system, each ether loop wiring connection will serve a controller that handles multiple vehicle systems. In summary, all the technologies I covered today are big innovations in an industry that's seen relatively slow and incremental improvements over the last 100 years. They're all jewels in Tesla's manufacturing crown, but the crown itself will be the unboxed process.
That's because, in my view, with the unboxed process, Tesla will, for the most part, have maximally simplified and accelerated the vehicle manufacturing process, while at the same time offering vehicles with the greatest efficiency at relatively low cost and are the most well adapted to a future where the vehicle becomes an entertainment and productivity platform. Now that I've covered the major requirements for Tesla's unboxed process, in the next video of the series, I'll walk you through the unboxed process itself. If you enjoyed this video, please consider supporting the channel by using the links in the description. Also, consider following me on X. I often use X as a test bed for sharing ideas, and X subscribers like my Patreon supporters generally get access to my videos a week early. On that note, a special thanks to my YouTube members, X subscribers, and all the other patrons listed in the credits. I appreciate all of your support, and thanks for tuning in.