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Tesla's FSD 12.5 / Optimus Production / RJ Scaringe Interview ⚡️

发布时间 2024-07-22 23:02:05    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis, quick shout out to my newest patrons, Timothy S, LisaW, and Randy L. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Today's episode will be an abbreviated one as a family pickleball game has developed for later this evening, so I'm going to do my best to make it over there. John Carmack, a very well-known computer programmer and video game developer, said Tesla's FSD has made significant strides in the last year, feeling very confident about this bet. I've made multiple two-hour drives without touching the wheel.
欢迎来到 Electrified,我是主持人 Dylan Loomis,先感谢一下我的最新赞助人,Timothy S、Lisa W 和 Randy L。感谢你们选择支持这个频道。今天的节目会比较简短,因为今晚有场家庭匹克球比赛,所以我会尽量赶过去。著名的计算机程序员和视频游戏开发者 John Carmack 表示,特斯拉的全自动驾驶(FSD)在过去一年里取得了显著进步,他对这个技术非常有信心。他说自己已经多次在不碰方向盘的情况下完成了两个小时的驾驶。

The bet that John made, a $10,000 bet that by January 1st, 2030, completely autonomous self-driving cars, Level 5 will be commercially available for passenger use in major cities. John did complain about the hands-free aspect of 12.4 going away when you wear sunglasses, but Elon had some good news, saying that should be fixed in 12.5. In this thread, Elon also said Tesla has done so much that would be considered AI research breakthroughs but were laser focused on making it work rather than crowing about breakthroughs. Having a large fleet is only one piece of the puzzle.

Plenty of other car companies produce way more cars than Tesla but are nowhere on generalized self-driving. There you have Elon saying we're laser focused on making FSD work and, for whatever it's worth to you, Elon's profile picture on X is now him with some laser eyes. Naturally, the crypto community is pumped about this as this did happen after Biden dropped out, which is generally seen to be a positive thing for the crypto world and blue eyes specifically have referred to Ethereum. But publicly, everything we've heard from Elon is that he's not really that into crypto, he supports doge as the coin of the people.
许多其他汽车公司生产的汽车远超特斯拉,但在通用自动驾驶方面却远不如特斯拉。这就是为什么埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)会说我们正集中精力让全自动驾驶(FSD)工作,不管你怎么看待这件事,马斯克在X(之前是推特)上的个人资料照片现在是他带着激光眼的形象。自然,这让加密社区非常兴奋,因为这发生在拜登退选之后,这通常被认为对加密世界是个好消息,尤其是蓝眼睛特别指代以太坊。不过,公开来说,我们听到的埃隆的话是他并不是特别热衷于加密货币,他支持狗狗币,因为它是大众的货币。

But this could be FSD related, it could be tech or AI in general, so I'm not going to speculate there are a few options, let me know what you think, or it could be nothing at all. Ashuk Eliswami said if you liked FSD12.4, you're gonna love 12.5. But as we know, not everybody actually liked 12.4. I do think one of these releases will feel like another breakthrough or a step change but we have to keep in mind that pretty much every release has been hyped up by Elon. Here are some of Elon's past comments to make a point.
但是,这可能与FSD(全自动驾驶)有关,也可能与技术或人工智能有关,所以我不会在这方面做过多猜测。有几种可能性,让我知道你是怎么想的,或者这可能根本没有什么特别的。Ashuk Eliswami 说过,如果你喜欢FSD 12.4,那你一定会喜欢12.5。不过我们也知道,并不是所有人都喜欢12.4。我确实认为其中一个版本会给人一种突破或重大进步的感觉,但我们要记住,几乎每次发布都有Elon(埃隆·马斯克)的热情宣传。以下是Elon过去的一些评论来说明这一点。

12.4 is a big release should arguably be 13. Then he repeated the same thing once again. He also said 12.4 is roughly 5 to 10x improvement in miles per intervention, verse 12.3. 12.4 is a major improvement and 12.5 is a whole other level. When in reality, version 12.4 so far hasn't made it past about 5% of the fleet. So even if things look great at the validation stage, once it begins the wider rollout that doesn't always mean things are going to go how Tesla and Elon are expecting.

But 12.4 may never go to a wide release and that's because it's being reported 12.5 is now available and being sent out to employees. Here's the screenshot on software 2024.20.10. Three big things we're expecting with 12.5. It's available on the Cybertruck and we know plenty of celebrities and people with huge audiences have the Cybertruck so that will be interesting. Second you should be allowed to wear sunglasses and still have the hands-free function work. And three it's supposed to finally actually merge the city driving and the highway stack into one.
但 12.4 可能永远不会大规模发布,因为据报道,12.5 现在已可使用,并且正在发送给员工。以下是 2024.20.10 版本的截图。我们对 12.5 版本期待的三大亮点是:首先,它适用于 Cybertruck,而且我们知道很多名人和拥有大量粉丝的人都购买了 Cybertruck,这将会很有趣。其次,你应该可以戴着太阳镜仍然使用免提功能。第三,它最终将城市驾驶和高速驾驶功能合并为一。

And who knows if it'll be included in 12.5 but in may Elon did say that both banish and actually smart summon are coming soon. This all but confirms our speculation last week that 12.4 may not actually make it to a wide release and that it would be replaced with 12.5. Here we are. On X, Elon confirmed what he said earlier this year, Tesla will have genuinely useful humanoid robots and low production for Tesla internal use next year and hopefully high production for other companies in 2026. I would emphasize hopefully for that latter point but if Tesla can keep giving good updates on Optimus progress, we know the market starts pricing events in roughly 6 to 12 months in advance.
谁知道12.5版本中是否会包含这些功能,但在五月份,Elon确实说过“banish”和“actually smart summon”这两个功能即将推出。这几乎证实了我们上周的猜测,即12.4版本可能不会广泛发布,而会被12.5版本取代。事情发展果然如此。在X平台上,Elon证实了他今年早些时候所说的内容,特斯拉将在明年推出真正实用的人形机器人,并进行小规模生产用于特斯拉内部,希望到2026年能为其他公司进行大规模生产。我特别强调“希望”这一点,如果特斯拉能持续给出关于Optimus的良好进展更新,我们知道市场通常会提前6到12个月对事件进行定价。

So if Tesla proves Optimus is useful internally next year then we may start to get a pricing in of future Optimus production starting next year. As always, absolutely no guarantees this actually happens but I think it's going to be a major deal when it does because most analysts are including $0 of valuation for Tesla's Optimus line. That includes even the most bullish of analysts like Cathy Wood and Tasha Kenyett are convinced their model still has $0 priced in for Optimus. Which means this is another alpha opportunity.

Somehow, protesters in Gigabrelin are still up in arms complaining about Tesla's water use. We've debunked this many times but the Prime Minister of Brandenburg said we're well advised to use water sparingly, Tesla is the wrong one to criticize in that. Tesla represents a huge benefit for the capital region and shows that we can start investing very quickly in the current conditions in Germany. Elon has made significant contributions to this investment and for that we are grateful. During phase one of construction at Gigabrelin, Tesla got permission from the Water Association to use up to 1.4 million cubic meters of water every year. Last year, only one third of that volume was used. And car production at Gigabrelin requires 2.28 cubic meters of water per car. That's a third less than the industry average of 3.68 cubic meters of water.

A Tesla supplier, Futronic, which creates and builds vehicle transmissions and power trains is now setting up its first ever US location in Buddha, which is roughly 30 minutes from Austin. Futronic aims to start finishing the space by at least a third quarter of this year and production is to start by the end of the third quarter 2025. This is more of the same, Tesla slowly but surely localizing its supply chains. We talked about the crowd strike outage on Friday and how it did have an impact on Tesla and its suppliers. Well, the word is now that Gigabrelin and Model Y production was able to bounce back quickly within the day. The word is vehicle production is already back to normal. Elon said nice work by the XAI and X teams, NVIDIA and supporting companies getting the Memphis super cluster training started at around 4 20 AM local time. With 100,000 liquid cooled H100s on a single remote direct memory access fabric, it's the most powerful AI training cluster in the world.
特斯拉的供应商Futronic公司,专门制造和组装车辆传动系统和动力系统,正在Buddha设立其在美国的首个办事处,该城市距离奥斯汀大约30分钟车程。Futronic计划在今年第三季度末前完成空间布置,并在2025年第三季度末开始生产。这体现了特斯拉逐步将供应链本地化的趋势。 我们周五讨论了CrowdStrike的停机事件,它确实对特斯拉及其供应商产生了影响。不过,现在消息称,Gigaberlin和Model Y的生产在一天内迅速恢复,据说车辆生产已经恢复正常。 埃隆·马斯克表示,XAI、X团队、NVIDIA及其支持公司在当时时间凌晨4点20分左右成功启动了孟菲斯超级集群的训练工作。这个超级集群拥有10万个液冷H100系统,连接在一个单一的远程直接内存访问结构上,被誉为世界上最强大的AI训练集群。

This is a significant advantage in training the world's most powerful AI by every metric by December this year. And you better believe that the learnings that come from getting this cluster up and running will in the future be transferred to Tesla getting its super computers up and running quickly. As of tomorrow, the Cybertruck will be making its debut in Rocket League. And not only that, but the Cybertruck will also make its debut in Fortnite. As of May this year, Fortnite was averaging around 230 million monthly active players. And Drive Tesla reported that Tesla has been granted an exemption to allow the Cybertruck steer by wire tech on Canadian roads the exemption expires in 2029. There are still other things that need to happen for Cybertruck to be sold in Canada, but a step in the right direction.
这是一个显著的优势,能够在今年十二月之前,从各个指标上训练出世界上最强大的AI。你最好相信,未来从这个集群的启动和运行中获得的经验将会被转移到特斯拉,让它的超级计算机快速启动和运行。从明天起,Cybertruck(赛博卡车)将在《火箭联盟》中首次亮相。而且,Cybertruck还将在《堡垒之夜》中首次登场。截至今年五月,《堡垒之夜》的月均活跃玩家数约为2.3亿。而Drive Tesla报道特斯拉已获得豁免许可,允许在加拿大道路上使用赛博卡车的线控转向技术,该豁免将于2029年到期。赛博卡车要在加拿大销售还有一些其他要求需要满足,但这是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。

The official Cybertruck account replied saying still aiming for this year. Tesla is now offering $1000 off your next Tesla if you upgrade your enhanced autopilot to FSD and transfer it to a new Tesla and you take delivery by September 30th this year. If you take delivery by August 15th, you'll also receive 3 months of free supercharging. You may look at me now and think, I don't know Dylan, you look pretty average to me, why should I listen to what you say about training or wellness? If I had more time, I'd share some stories, but for now I'll just say, don't judge a book by its cover. I'm slowly working my way back from some setbacks that were out of my control and for the record happened long before I even knew what AG1 was since I get that question a lot. I want to bring you along and show you this unfiltered journey.
官方的Cybertruck账户回复说,仍然计划在今年发布。特斯拉现在提供一个优惠:如果你将增强自动驾驶(Enhanced Autopilot)升级为完全自动驾驶(FSD)并转移到一辆新特斯拉上,而且在今年9月30日前提车,你将得到$1000的折扣。如果你在8月15日前提车,还会获得3个月的免费超级充电服务。 你现在可能会看着我想:“我不认识你,Dylan,你看起来挺普通的,为什么我要听你讲训练或者健康呢?”如果我有更多时间,我会分享一些故事,但现在我只想说,不要以貌取人。我正在慢慢从一些我无法控制的挫折中恢复过来,顺便说一句,这些挫折发生在我甚至不知道AG1是什么的时候,因为大家经常问我这个问题。我希望带你一起见证我这个不加滤镜的旅程。

And a quick tip, rather than seeing how many reps you can do, see how few you can do while only targeting a specific muscle. Control every second through the full range, in this case squeeze your chest to start the movement and the same at the top. Try to relax all other muscles and place all of the tension directly on your chest. I did 3 reps here and it took me to failure. You really don't need much to stimulate muscle growth and in the coming months, more will be revealed. AG1 is the sponsor of this video and let me tell you, I had plenty of other options for sponsors in this category but I chose AG1 for 2 simple reasons. It's backed by studies and research and the ingredients are of the highest quality. With Huberman and Atia on the AG1 team, I knew they'd keep making the product better.

In a recent independent study, AG1 found that 91% of customers needed less coffee after just 60 days of taking AG1. Personally, I've not been able to find anything nearly as nutrient dense. I do like the taste and I like how I feel when I take it consistently more than when I don't. So if you ever want to try it for yourself as a way to support Electrified, the link is below and it's drinkag1.com slash Electrified or you can use the QR code on the screen to get 5 travel packs and a 1 year supply of Vitamin D3K2 for free. Enjoy.

CNBC put out a video and an article about the Gigacast movement and Tesla's role in it. But in the article, there was some disinformation. They interviewed a professor who happens to be from Germany who said there are concerns that any damage to large megacast will be tougher or more expensive to repair or replace simply because of their sheer size. Even in low speed crashes that occur at about 10 miles per hour, you have a deformation of these big parts and currently the car is impossible to repair. And he said that's why companies like BMW and VW have so far steered away from the technique.

Well, I beg to differ because if you go back to Tesla's Q2 call last year, that exact problem or criticism was raised. Elon's response was, that must be why everyone's copying us. But then Lars said, that's like simply not true. There's a misconception that traditional bodies are easy to repair but they're made of multiple materials and multiple joining methods. Using an example of replacing a rear cast rail on a model Y to do that versus like what we replaced it with from the model three, it's 10 times cheaper and three times faster to do it with a cast rail. My design team works with our collision repair team since we're closed loop on this with insurance. Plus I've shared pictures on the channel in the past from subscribers that have actually had their Gigacast repaired and they are modular in a sense where they have individual parts that can be removed and replaced.
好吧,我不同意这个观点,因为如果你回顾一下特斯拉去年第二季度的电话会议,这个问题或批评当时就被提出了。埃隆(马斯克)的回应是,这可能就是为什么大家都在复制我们。但后来拉尔斯(焦点人物)说,这完全不是真的。传统车身很容易修理是个误解,因为它们由多种材料和多种连接方法组成。举个例子,替换一辆Model Y的后铸梁,与我们之前从Model 3替换的相比,用铸梁来替换要便宜10倍,速度也快3倍。我的设计团队与碰撞修理团队合作,因为我们在保险方面是一个闭环系统。此外,我之前在频道上分享过一些来自订阅者的图片,他们实际上修复了他们的Gigacast,这些结构在某种程度上是模块化的,个别部件可以拆卸和更换。

So it's not really a situation where if part of this giant megacast is damaged, then you have to replace the whole thing. That's just not true. This seems like a German professor just providing a justification for the lack of innovation from BMW and VW. RJ Skoringe gave a very long interview to Decoder, which is part of the Verge and in it he did say that other companies need to stop copying the Tesla model Y because they can't do it better than Tesla.
所以,真实情况并不是说如果这个巨大的压铸件有部分损坏,你就需要更换整个部件。事实并非如此。这似乎像是某个德国教授在为宝马和大众缺乏创新找借口。RJ Skoringe在接受Decoder(它是The Verge的一部分)的长时间采访时确实提到,其他公司需要停止模仿特斯拉Model Y,因为他们无法比特斯拉做得更好。

And that the EV market is already saturated with Teslas and Teslawannabes. But the reason I'm sharing this is because RJ added some more color to the new VW partnership. He said we will provide the topology of the ECUs electronic control units along with the base operating system. That's both for the infotainment platform but also for the real time operating system. There's a few different operating systems we've built and then everything around over the air updates and connectivity. But what we won't be providing is our user interface. In all the different products this platform will go into, the user interface is actually an abstraction on top of the stack. A vehicle may have three screens, it may have two screens, it may have 10 screens. That's relatively simple to change what the UI looks like but everything underneath will be really heavily commonized using our architecture. And he said things like drive units, battery systems, vehicle platforms, our autonomy system, our perception stack, steering systems, braking systems, all those systems stay fully within Rivian. What goes into the joint venture is this family of ECUs.

RJ also said this deal with VW gives it a lot more negotiating power when it comes to its suppliers. Specifically with semiconductor companies as after the announcement RJ got a handful of phone calls from CEOs saying that they're able to do a bit better on pricing now that Rivian is expected to have much greater volumes. RJ did spend some time praising Tesla talking about the Model Y he said I think it's an awesome car. I've owned one before it's just to say I think the world needs more variety. Rivian has also introduced its first charging outpost they're calling it this one is near Yosemite National Park. The indoor amenities will be available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven days a week. But the fast chargers in the bathrooms will be open 24 seven inside they'll have a lounge and some snacks and some merchandise available and they did say this is a blueprint that they plan to expand.
RJ 还表示,这个与大众(VW)的交易让 Rivian 在与供应商谈判时有了更多的谈判筹码。尤其是与半导体公司,在宣布消息后,RJ 收到了几位 CEO 的电话,他们表示在 Rivian 预计将会有更大销量的情况下,他们现在能够在价格上做出一些让步。RJ 还花了些时间称赞特斯拉,谈到 Model Y 时他说:"我认为这是一辆很棒的车。我以前也拥有过一辆,只是想说我认为世界需要更多的选择。" Rivian 还引入了其首个充电站,他们称之为 "充电前哨" ,这个充电站位于优胜美地国家公园附近。室内设施将会在每天早上 7 点到晚上 7 点开放,但快速充电站和卫生间将全天 24 小时开放。内部还有一个休息室、一些零食和商品出售,他们表示这是一个计划扩展的蓝图。

Peter Rawlinson was asked how Lucid is going to respond to the Rivian and VW partnership. To that he said you could say how is Rivian gonna respond because the gravity is gonna be the best SUV out there and no one will be able to compete with it. To me product is king bring it on I've driven the R1s and I've driven the gravity I'm not worried. He also said if you only come away with one thing from this meeting with me today do not think of Lucid as a niche luxury car company. We are gonna be huge I want us to sell a million units a year and have a much bigger impact than that. And you know Elon I love Elon Musk do we love him my love. And I'm constantly talking about electric cars but I don't mean I'm again I'm totally for them but whatever the market says and if it's 10 percent of the market 12 percent seven percent 20 percent whatever it is it's okay but you can't have 100 percent electric cars and you know so Elon endorsed me recently the other day actually. He's great Elon Musk he's a brilliant guy every time I call him he's talking about I got a new idea for a rocket you have to hit us. No it's true you know the first time I ever saw this I'm watching television like three years ago and I see a rocket engine motor engine come down landing straight up into no wings no nothing and it's landing I thought I was seeing things what is that.

Now if that were government you wouldn't see that for another 50 to 100 years but it was Elon you know he's a very advanced person and he's doing other things at a great and so are other we have to make we have to make life good for our smart people you know we have some smart people we have to make life good for our smart people and he's as smart as you get. No he's he's a great guy he really is but you know he's never mentioned to me why are you hitting the electric cars because he understands I'm not hitting it I think it's incredible I've had them I've driven them they're incredible but they're not for everybody some people have to drive long distances. On ex Elon was asked are you going to comment on Trump's EV policy announcements or what to which Elon said it will be fine. Porsche just said they're expecting their EV transition to take longer than they originally thought. The goal was to shoot for 80% of sales to be all electric by 2030 but now they're saying they're going to tie it explicitly to customer demand and developments in the sector so now they're only going to hit that 80 target if those factors warrant it in a statement they said the transition to EVs is taking longer than we thought five years ago.
现在,如果是政府,你就得再等上个50到100年,但这是埃隆做的事,你知道,他是个非常先进的人,他在做其他伟大的事情,其他人也是如此。我们必须让聪明人的生活变得好一点,你知道我们有一些聪明人,我们得让他们的生活变好,而他就是最聪明的那种人。他确实是个很棒的人,但你知道,他从来没有问过我为什么要对电动车有意见,因为他明白我并不是反对电动车,我认为它们很了不起,我试过也开过它们,它们真的很棒,但它们不适合所有人,有些人需要开长途车。在 ex(旧 Twitter)上,埃隆被问到是否会对特朗普的电动车政策发表评论,埃隆的回答是“一切都会好的”。保时捷表示,他们预计电动车的转型比起初预想的要花更长时间。原本的目标是到2030年实现80%的销售都是全电动的,但现在他们说会明确地将这个目标与客户需求和行业发展挂钩,所以只有在这些因素成熟的情况下,他们才会实现80%的目标。保时捷在一份声明中表示,“电动车的转型比我们五年前想的要慢。”

VW is still scrambling for answers in the EV world as now we hear about this new partnership between X-Pang and VW where they've established project houses for engineers they'll be located in China and they'll be warehouses for engineers from both parties to work together they're saying from 2026 all EVs of the VW brand in China will be equipped with this very powerful and efficient architecture Tesla stock closed the day at $251.51 cents up 5.15% while the NASDAQ was up 1.58%. It was a normal volume day for Tesla trading about 10 million shares below the average volume the past 30 days. Don't forget Tesla's Q2 earnings will be tomorrow on Tuesday so no video from me I'll catch up with you all again on Wednesday. Thank you for bearing with me for this abbreviated episode and don't forget if you're interested check out AG1 linked below. Hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did you can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters. you.
大众汽车在电动车领域仍在努力寻找答案,现在我们听说X-Pang和大众之间建立了新的合作关系,他们在中国建立了工程项目中心,这些中心将为双方的工程师提供工作场所。他们表示,从2026年起,大众品牌在中国的所有电动车都将配备这种非常强大且高效的架构。 特斯拉的股价今天收于251.51美元,上涨了5.15%,而纳斯达克指数上涨了1.58%。特斯拉今天的交易量是1000万股,低于过去30天的平均交易量。别忘了,特斯拉的第二季度财报将在明天星期二发布,所以明天不会有我的视频。我会在星期三再次与大家见面。感谢大家收看这个简短的节目,如果你感兴趣,可以查看下方链接的AG1。希望大家度过愉快的一天,如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。你可以通过下面的链接在X平台上找到我,非常感谢所有支持我的Patreon赞助者。谢谢你们。