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Giga Mexico Update / Elon's Had Enough / Elon's Secret Obsession ⚡️

发布时间 2024-07-17 01:03:30    来源


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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Loomis. 24-7 Tesla gave us an update on the Tesla Diner in Hollywood. Apparently, the power lines that were holding up the screen going up have been removed. So the second screen should be installed soon and they're still making progress on the building itself. I'd say there's a chance it opens later this year but I'd be expecting early 2025. Tesla is now ramping up its hiring efforts once again. There are approximately 800 jobs posted just for the US alone. Just two months ago there were only three jobs posted so quite the contrast. It may not be the thousands of jobs we're used to seeing but given the layoffs earlier this year we know that Elon likes to cut a lot and then slowly add back once he sees areas that need more employees. There are between 50 and 100 job postings for each of the following job categories. AI and robotics, energy solar and storage, engineering, and then manufacturing. There are 44 for construction and facilities and then there are 275 for vehicle service.
欢迎来到“电气化”节目,我是你们的主持人迪伦·卢米斯。24-7 Tesla给我们带来了关于好莱坞特斯拉餐厅的最新消息。看来阻碍屏幕安装的电线已经被移除,所以第二块屏幕很快就会安装好,而餐厅建筑本身也在不断取得进展。我认为餐厅今年晚些时候有可能开业,但更有可能在2025年初开业。 特斯拉现在又开始大规模招聘了。仅在美国就有大约800个职位开放。仅仅两个月前,还只有三个职位在招聘,所以这次变化很大。虽然这次的招聘岗位数量不像以前那么多,但考虑到今年早些时候的裁员,我们知道埃隆习惯于大幅度裁员后再根据需要逐步增加员工。 在各个职位类别中,每类有50到100个空缺,包括人工智能和机器人、能源太阳能和储能、工程以及制造。建筑和设施管理类有44个空缺,而车辆服务类有275个空缺。

In terms of location most of these jobs are in Palo Alto roughly 150 of them followed by Austin with about 75 then Fremont around 50. Lathrop has around 20 and then Sparks Nevada has roughly 40. If you know anybody last night on X Elon said Tesla and X AI are looking to hire networking engineers and technicians. Brian from Futuraza actually went to Gigamexico and visited he also did an interview with Adrian who was our resident drone flyover operator for Gigamexico. Some of the highlights from the video and the interview the ground for this factory seems quite rocky which may complicate things a bit if Tesla ever wanted to deploy the boring company on site. The terrain is also quite steep and that may make it tough for trains right out of the factory. Tesla still has not disclosed the exact footprint of the factory or their land and the slowdown for this factory the reason we haven't seen groundbreaking is not bureaucracy in Mexico it's just that Tesla is not currently pushing for the factory.
在地点方面,大部分这些职位都在帕洛阿尔托,大约有150个,其次是奥斯汀,大约75个,然后是弗里蒙特,大约50个。莱斯罗普有大约20个,然后是内华达州的斯帕克斯大约40个。如果你认识某人,昨晚在X(可能指的是推特)上,埃隆说特斯拉和X AI正在寻找网络工程师和技术员。Futuraza的Brian实际上去了Gigamexico视察,他还采访了我们Gigamexico的无人机航拍操作员Adrian。视频和采访中的一些亮点是,这个工厂的地面似乎相当崎岖,如果特斯拉想在现场部署Boring公司(挖隧道公司),这可能会有些复杂。地形也相当陡峭,这可能会为工厂的火车出行带来困难。特斯拉尚未披露工厂或其土地的确切面积,工厂的缓慢进展并不是因为墨西哥的官僚主义,而只是因为特斯拉目前还没有在这个工厂上发力。

The local government is 100% behind the project. A few reasons why Monterey is an attractive choice for Tesla there are already industries established like steel, glass, concrete, electronics and other car parts as there are other car factories that have been in and around the area now for six to seven years. Brian was getting a lot of questions about the cartel in the area and the word from Adrian is that Noevo Leon has a pretty secure border so it's mostly controlled and cartel activity is very limited. It's about a two and a half hour drive to the border from Monterey and Mexico has plenty of free trade agreements as they're part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The US is actually not a part of that agreement. The water consumption should not be a problem they just had a rain storm and the three dams in the area are full so if they had no rain so if they had no rain for a few years they should be fine. They also pointed out the power rates so in the US the average residential rate is 18 cents per kilowatt hour but in Mexico it's only 4.1 cents per kilowatt hour so electricity is comparatively very cheap.

And Adrian was saying how Monterey and the area has very solid engineering talent and that Tesla has already been trying to recruit engineers from Mexico every year for the past few years to get them to move up to Austin. So shout out to Brian and Adrian for the on-field reporting. You love to see it if you're not following them both already I'd encourage you to do so I have their links below.
Adrian 说了,Monterey 及其周边地区有很强的工程人才,而特斯拉过去几年每年都在努力从墨西哥招募工程师,想让他们搬到奥斯汀去。所以,向 Brian 和 Adrian 致敬,感谢他们在现场的报道。如果你还没关注他们,我建议你去关注,下面是他们的链接。

As Sawyer pointed out today Tesla has filed for new trademark applications for four different types of candy. The official names supercharged gummies, cyberberry, mango bolt, and dog mode chill. I did head over to the USPTO and it is indeed real. Now this does actually reveal Elon's secret obsession. A secret no more. If you go back to some of his prior posts he said in 2018 I'm starting a candy company and it's going to be amazing. 2019 what's the platonic ideal of the perfect candy really feels like candy R&D has not improved in ages. 2019 may be a musket with candy ammo 2020 now I want candy 2018 okay okay just for the sake of argument what do you wish for in candy 2018 Warren Buffett is huge in candy it's actually true 2020 making great candy is harder than it seems 2020 explains the sad lack of progress in candy research 2019 candy is coming 2020 seriously big candy is suppressing R&D when's the last time you heard of a great new candy bar so I think you get the picture but the truth is I could keep going for the next five to ten minutes we'll see if they actually get and use the trademarks but I bet you they do and they will obviously not going to move the needle when it comes to Tesla's P&L but a fun project for Elon and the team if you read the pinned comment from my video yesterday you would have seen this report from the Wall Street Journal that Elon was donating $45 million per month to a pro trump super pack to that Elon shared a meme that said fake news and news was at GNUS which yes is an animal also known as wildebeest and the meme is funny because these news have human legs as always with Elon's public denials like this we don't know if he's playing a semantics game maybe it's just that the amount was slightly off or maybe he hasn't donated yet at all but I wanted to correct that pinned comment and just FYI sometimes if there is breaking news after the video is already uploaded I'll put it in the pinned comment but Elon did donate $100,000 to the families of those that were wounded or killed over the weekend at the rally which is just a gut wrenching tragedy for the comparator family but the GoFundMe has already raised over $5 million of the $1 million goal.

Tesla China sales are off to a good start for the first two weeks the number for this week came in at $11,400 so quarter over quarter Tesla is up 120% and looking at the year over year figure for the first two weeks in quarter three Tesla's up 36%. However there is an asterisk for this quarter over quarter number because week one of quarter two was when China had the tomb sweeping holiday from April 4th to the seventh because of that sales were very slow in week one.

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如果我告诉你,政府正在从你的互联网服务提供商那里获取你的信息,了解你访问的网站、在Google上搜索的内容以及你进行这些活动的时间呢?几十年来,人们已经知道国家安全局(NSA)一直在拦截美国人的互联网通信。不仅如此,互联网服务提供商(ISP)还可以将你的数据卖给企业。这也是为什么在多年后,我依旧使用Surfshark的原因之一,最早是为了支持Undecided的Matt Farrell。Surfshark,这个视频的赞助商,通过将你所有的网络流量路由到一个加密连接的远程服务器来提升你的在线隐私,甚至连Surfshark自己都不保存你的在线活动日志。使用Surfshark意味着你的ISP再也无法看到或出售你的在线活动。如果连Reddit上的评论都是正面的,你就知道这个服务真的不错。

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Some of you early electrified viewers may remember this video from three years ago about the untold story of Tesla that included JV Jayon and Tesla's Warp Drive project. Warp Drive is basically Tesla's ERP software that they developed in house vertically integrated enterprise resource planning. AKA the software that helps you run your whole business and connect different departments. In this case it's one of the ways that Tesla can actually see all of its real-time sales data that many other car companies don't have and that's being proven out here that JV Jayon that helped Tesla set up their ERP has since left Tesla and started this company Tekkion.
一些早期关注电动汽车的观众可能还记得三年前的一段视频,讲述了特斯拉不为人知的故事,其中包括了JV Jayon和特斯拉的Warp Drive项目。Warp Drive实际上是特斯拉自研的ERP软件——一种集成企业资源计划系统。也就是说,这款软件能够帮助管理整个业务,连接不同部门。在这种情况下,特斯拉通过它能够实时查看所有的销售数据,而很多其他汽车公司没有这种能力。视频中提到的JV Jayon曾帮助特斯拉建立其ERP系统,他如今已经离开特斯拉,创立了一家公司名叫Tekkion。

After their latest financing round this company is now valued at four billion dollars with a B. An early investor said selling cars is a big chunk of the American GDP and the industry needed better tech. The startup has grown so much it's on its way to being a publicly traded company within the next two to three years and they still see significant growth potential for Tekkion because there are still a lot of prospective customers especially as car dealership ownership consolidates. Tekkion is not yet profitable but its goal is to be at break even by next year.

Just remember a lot of the Tesla efficiency that we've come to know can be attributed directly to Tesla taking the time and money to actually establish their own ERP software. Most companies just go off the shelf something from maybe SAP or Oracle and then customize within that framework but Tesla didn't choose that route. Fun fact BMWs venture capital arm iVentures was actually an early investor in Tekkion. I'm sure you've seen or heard a comment by now of somebody saying that well after three or four years Tesla's need a new battery and it's gonna cost 30,000 dollars so I'd never buy one.

Next time you hear that remember you can go right to the warranty as Tesla said at the least you're covered for eight years or a hundred thousand miles. So if something were to happen to the battery after four years it's not coming out of your pocket. I'm gonna read this post from AJ because Elon did respond to this. Democrats are upset. Elon's voting Republican. They should remember Biden called Mary Barr the leader in EVs. The Biden administration did not allow Tesla to attend the EV summit at the White House. Biden's administration nearly pushed through the EV tax credit excluding non unionized EV makers. And as we talked about yesterday Biden has played a role in weaponizing federal agencies against Elon and his companies. Just so you have an idea where Elon is coming from to that he said I try not to start fights but I do finish them. And to confirm one more from whole Mars I'm not going to read it but Elon again agreed saying yeah.
下次你听到这件事时,记住你可以直接参考保修,因为特斯拉说至少你有八年或十万英里的保修。因此,如果电池在四年后出现问题,费用不会由你自己承担。我先读一下AJ的这篇帖子,因为埃隆(马斯克)确实回应了这个问题。民主党人很不高兴,埃隆要投共和党的票。他们应该记得拜登称玛丽·巴拉是电动车领域的领袖。拜登政府没有让特斯拉参加白宫的电动车峰会。拜登政府几乎推动了电动车税收抵免政策,但排除了没有工会的电动车制造商。正如我们昨天讨论的那样,拜登在利用联邦机构对付埃隆及其公司的过程中起到了一定作用。这样你就能理解埃隆的立场了。对此,他说:我尽量不挑起争端,但我会结束它们。再补充一点,另一个Whole Mars的帖子我就不读了,但埃隆再次同意了,并说“是的”。

Charlie Billello gave us an updated chart for the average price of a used Tesla once again setting a new low currently sitting at $30,900 which means this number is now down 55% from the peak back in the summer of 2022. AI driver shared a cool graphic of the high fidelity park assist display going through a drive through window and it actually shows the window opening. So that's cool but I wanted to bring this up to ask you guys that have this feature how is it actually work for you because for me and my garage which is pretty small it's basically unreliable. For me things that have a hard edge and should just be stationary seem to move around so I can't really tell where it actually is. I still have hope it'll get better in the future but honestly at least for now I would much rather have a front bumper camera or a bird's eye view.
Charlie Billello给我们更新了特斯拉二手车的平均价格图表,再次刷新了新低,目前为$30,900,这意味着这一数字比2022年夏季的峰值下降了55%。AI驾车分享了一个很酷的高保真停车辅助显示图形,它显示了一个车窗开启的过程,可以通过车窗进行点单。我觉得这挺有意思的,所以想问问你们有这个功能的人,你们用起来感觉怎么样?因为对我来说,在我的车库里,这个功能基本上是不可靠的。那些有硬边的、应当是静止的物体好像会移动,所以我看不清它们的实际位置。我依然希望这个功能将来会更好,但老实说,至少目前,我更希望有一个前保险杠摄像头或一个全景鸟瞰图功能。

Gavin Newsom signed a bill today that bans schools from making rules requiring parental notification if a child identifies as transgender which I have to say seems pretty crazy to me and because of that Elon said this is the final straw because of that law and the many others that preceded it attacking both families and companies SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne California to Starbase Texas. Here's a photo of the current SpaceX HQ in Hawthorne and the most recent data I could find has this building employing roughly 10,000 people. If this move happens maybe the SpaceX engineers can start hanging out with some of the Tesla engineers a bit more since they'll just be a short drive away.

The say website for Tesla investor questions is now live for quarter two some of the most popular questions so far when exactly is the Robotaxi event if not August 8th. I'd guess that right now Elon and the team don't even know this answer when do you expect the first Robotaxi ride which is a good question but the team might duck it waiting for the Robotaxi event will Tesla energy continue to see rapid growth in gigawatt hour deployed going forward the answer is yes. What's the updated timeline for gigamexico and what will be the primary vehicles produced initially. What's the current status of 4680 cell production and how is the ramp up progressing any update on dojo what's the schedule for the Tesla van the Tesla shop has two new accessories for the Cybertruck one is the Cybertruck tailgate shield for $300 they also have a Cybertruck jump seat for $100 but it's currently out of stock. I'm sure you remember for most of this year the hot topic was reporting that EV sales demand is gone but having a look at the numbers kelly bluebook said 330,000 EVs were sold in the US during the second quarter this year which is up 11.3% over the same time period last year full EVs made up 8% of all new vehicle sales in Q2 which was up from the prior record of 7.2% set one year ago a director at Cox automotive said EV sales exceeded expectations during a record breaking quarter increased competition is leading to continued price pressure gradually boosting EV adoption in the US behind the Model Y and three which still lead the way was Ford's Mach E selling 12,600 in the second quarter the 2025 lucid air has retaken the US crown for EV efficiency from Hyundai's ionics six thanks to lucid adding a heat pump and a few other features they've achieved five miles per kilowatt hour of energy in EPA testing the 2025 air pure will start at the same price as the outgoing year model $71,000 but it will have an additional 10 miles of range it also has new computer processing hardware and dream drive premium leucids driving assistant software will be standard across the lineup it's a great accomplishment for lucid it's no surprise they have some of the most efficient power trains on the market I did check on fuel economy.gov they do not have lucid 2025 lineup yet but for 2024 the lucid air pure gets 137 miles per gallon equivalent for comparison to 2024 model three rear wheel drive gets 132 also just for comparison most of Tesla's lineup will fall in the middle threes to low fours when it comes to miles per kilowatt hour to do that calculation on your own you just take the range of the vehicle and then divide it by the battery pack size whole Mars said Tesla does not need subsidies the other unprofitable e-t makers do to which Elon said take away the subsidies it will only help Tesla also remove subsidies from all industries this one is somewhat out of the scope but I think it's really cool Andre Carpathi just announced that he's starting in AI education company called eureka labs the teacher designs the course materials but they're supported leveraged and scaled with an AI teaching assistant who is optimized to help guide the students through them the teacher and AI symbiosis could run an entire curriculum of courses on a common platform their first product will be the world's obviously best AI course and it'll be an undergrad level class that guides the student through training their own AI Andre said his default thinking is that the content itself is free and permissively licensed the revenue comes from everything else he did say imagine working through very high quality course materials together with Feynman who's there to guide you every step of the way certainly early days but I think this paints a pretty exciting picture for the future
Tesla 投资者提问网站现在已经上线了,针对第二季度的一些热门问题,目前最受关注的问题之一是:如果不是在8月8日,Robotaxi发布会到底是什么时候?我猜现在Elon和他的团队也不确定这个答案。另一个好问题是,你预计什么时候可以进行首次Robotaxi乘车?但团队可能会等到Robotaxi发布会再做回答。Tesla能源业务能否继续在部署的千兆瓦小时数上快速增长?答案是肯定的。Gigamexico的最新时间表是什么?初期生产的主要车辆是什么?4680电池的生产现状如何,产能提升进展如何?有任何关于Dojo的更新吗?Tesla厢式货车的时间表是什么?Tesla商店现在有两个新的Cybertruck配件,一个是售价300美元的Cybertruck尾门护盾,还有一个是售价100美元的Cybertruck加座,但目前缺货。 我相信你还记得,今年大部分时间里关于电动车销售需求消失的报道成为热门话题,但数据显示,Kelly Bluebook称,今年第二季度美国售出了33万辆电动车,比去年同期增长了11.3%。全电动车占新车总销量的8%,比一年前创下的7.2%纪录有所上升。Cox Automotive的一位主管表示,电动车销售在这个破纪录的季度中超出了预期,竞争的增加导致价格压力逐渐提升了美国的电动车普及率。紧随Model Y和Model 3之后的是福特的Mach E,第二季度售出了12600辆。2025款Lucid Air凭借增加热泵和其他一些特性,再次从现代Ioniq 6手中夺回了美国电动汽车效率的冠军,他们在EPA测试中实现了每千瓦时五英里的续航。2025款Air Pure的起售价与之前的车型相同,为71000美元,但续航里程增加了10英里,还配有新的计算硬件和标准的Dream Drive Premium驾驶辅助软件。这是Lucid的一个重大成就,不奇怪他们拥有市场上一些最有效的动力系统。我查了一下fueleconomy.gov,目前还没有2025款Lucid的相关信息,但2024款Lucid Air Pure的MPG当量为137英里,作为对比,2024款Model 3后轮驱动的MPG当量为132。也顺便提一下,大多数Tesla车型的每千瓦时英里数在中等值到低四值之间波动。要进行这个计算,你只需要将车辆的续航里程除以电池组容量即可。 Whole Mars表示Tesla不需要补贴,而其他尚未盈利的电动车制造商则需要,Elon回应道,取消补贴只会对Tesla有利,也应该取消所有行业的补贴。这有点超出讨论范围,但我觉得很酷的是,Andrej Karpathy刚刚宣布他创办了一家AI教育公司叫Eureka Labs,教师设计课程材料,但这些材料会被AI助教优化、支持并规模化,以帮助学生理解课程。教师和AI的共生关系可以在一个平台上运行整个课程体系,他们的第一个产品将是世界上最好的AI课程,这将是一门本科级课程,带领学生训练自己的AI。Andrej说,默认的想法是课程内容免费并有宽松的许可,收入来自其他方面。他还提到,想象一下与费曼一起学习高质量的课程材料,每一步都有指导,当然目前还处于早期阶段,但我认为这为未来描绘了一幅非常激动人心的蓝图。

Tesla stock closed the day at 256 dollars and 56 cents up 1.55 percent while the NASDAQ was up 0.2 percent it was another high volume day for Tesla trading about 21 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days don't forget check out surf shark linked below if you haven't already if you missed it it's true even Elon is a fan hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did you can find me on x linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters you.