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Markets Weekly July 13, 2024

发布时间 2024-07-13 20:26:44    来源


federalreserve #marketsanalysis Surprisingly good Inflation Data Japan Defends the Yen How Treasury Issues Debt 00:00 - Intro ...



Hello my friends, today is July 13th and this is Markets Weekly. So this past week another exciting week of markets, we had the S&P 500 make new all-time pies. However, on Thursday though we did get some volatility. The Nasdaq was down 2% S&P 500 down 1%. We haven't seen that kind of volatility in some time. Is that the start of the long awaited correction or merely noise? I have no idea, but looking at price-caction on Friday, I'm actually becoming less cautious on the equity market. So let's see what happens in the coming weeks.

Today I want to talk about three things. First, this past week was CPI week and we got some really good CPI data with CPI printing negative 0.1% month over month and that is changing the market landscape. Secondly, this past week it seems like the Ministry of Finance of Japan also intervened in a very well executed currency intervention to strengthen the yen. That seems to have also impacted equity markets. So let's talk a little bit about what the Bank of Japan did and how Japan is potentially rolling out new tools to strengthen the yen. And lastly, so many people have been thinking that the US Treasury is guosing their equity markets by adjusting how they issue debts.

This past week we had Assistant Secretary Joshua Frost, who is actually the person who calls the shots on debt issuance, come out with a lengthy speech detailing how the Treasury issues debt and pushing back against the notion that they are guosing the markets. Let's listen to what he has to say. Okay, starting with inflation data. So this past week, CPI week, the expectations were that CPI would be benign, but it was actually much softer than expected printing at 0.1 negative 0.1% month over month. So some slight degree of deflation. Looking under the hood, headline CPI was dragged lower by moderating energy prices, as we see oil has been trending lower, and core CPI was dragged lower by shelter disinflation. Now the way that the CPI measures shelter is basically on the basis of average rent.

We've been seeing for some time over the past couple years that on the margins, new leases are being signed at very low increases in very low rental increases. So the expectation has always been that eventually this would drag average shelter inflation lower. So many people have been expecting for shelter to disinflate over the past several months, but that just hasn't appeared until seemingly today. So potentially this may be the beginning of the long awaited shelter disinflation, but we'll have to see those forecasts have been very wrong for some time. In any case, this was a very benign CPI print.

This past week, we also got PPI inflation, which is basically inflation for prices paid by businesses. Now, PPI usually not that important, and it printed a bit higher than expected. Market though did not seem to care too much. However, as we all know, what the Fed cares about when it comes to monetary policy is not CPI, it's not PPI, it's PCE, which is a measure of consumer prices. Now we don't get PCE until later in the month, but when we have all the data we have today, we can make a pretty good estimate as to what PCE will be. The Cleveland Fed has PCE now casting a webpage, and when you look at it, taking into account the CPI, the PPI, and other data, it's actually forecasting PCE month over month to be negative 0.1%.

Again, that is a very positive print when it comes to the Fed's efforts to get inflation back towards 2%. The market has been ticking into account all this inflation data, and it's changing the landscape. So heading into CPI, the market was thinking that we would get two cuts this year. Now the market is thinking maybe we'll get two and a half cuts, so basically the market is pricing in a more dovish Fed. And that viewpoint is also impacting other markets as well, the dollar we can notably, and if you look at gold, basically surged. And honestly, it is looking really good. Yields of course came down notably this past week, but most interestingly though, was the reaction in the equity markets.

Now if you were to tell me how the equity market would behave, if we had a very soft inflation print, I would say obviously, the equity markets would go to the moon because it's pricing in Eastern monetary policy. On Thursday though, the surprise to me was that equity markets actually sewed off quite notably in the face of the soft CPI print. And my best guess is that has to do with the reaction in the market to the strengthening Japanese yen, which leads us to our second topic. So it seems like this past week, the Ministry of Finance intervened in the market for another intervention to support the Japanese yen.

Now if you look at the price chart for USDJPI, you notice that over the past couple years, the yen has been depreciating against the dollar quite notably. No surprise, interest rates in Japan around 0 in the US, around 5.5%. So you can have a lot of investors in Japan moving money out of the yen into dollars to capture that higher return. The Ministry of Finance in Japan doesn't really want the yen to depreciate uncontrollably. And so it has intervened periodically. A couple years ago, it intervened and strengthened against significantly sending USDJPI tumbling lower. Then earlier in the year, the Japanese authorities intervened again. This time though, their intervention was much less effective because not too long after the intervention, USDJPI was back pushing against 160 and more recently was around 161. Now the impact of these currency interventions has been increasingly less effective.

The market seems to be increasingly confident that USDJPI is just going to the moon. Now the Ministry of Finance has been telling us that it's not too much worried about the level of the Japanese yen, but more about disorderly depreciation. But it seems like they are actually becoming more worried about the level as well. Now looking into surveys in Japan, businesses in Japan are thinking that the weekend, you know, that's not as good as we thought maybe it's getting a bit too weak. There are also opinion polls that suggest that the public is becoming unhappy with the depreciating yen and that's impacting the approval ratings of the current government. So it seems like there's more of a public policy impetus to try to check the depreciation of the yen. So the moment that the CPI print hit Thursday, of course everyone expects USDJPI with weaker inflation data, but it seems like just at that moment the Ministry of Finance left into action and taking advantage of market moves, again, weakening USD, just poured gasoline on the fire and exacerbated that move by interviewing, meaning to the tune of an estimated, say, $20 billion, not a very big intervention, but because they were pushing right at the time when the market was, USDJPI was on a downward trend in light of inflation data, got a lot of bang for their buck.
市场似乎越来越相信美元兑日元(USDJPI)将在大幅上涨。尽管日本财政部一直告诉我们,他们对日元的汇率水平并不太担心,更关注无序的贬值。但是,似乎他们实际上也开始对汇率水平感到担忧。 根据日本的调查,日本企业认为日元贬值并不像他们之前想的那样好,可能变得有点太弱了。同时,民意调查显示公众对日元贬值越来越不满,这也影响了现任政府的支持率。因此,看来有更多的公共政策动机来尝试遏制日元贬值。 当星期四的消费者价格指数(CPI)数据公布时,大家预期因为通胀数据较弱,美元兑日元将走低。然而,财政部似乎在这一刻采取了行动,趁市场波动之机,加剧了美元的疲软。据估计,他们进行了约200亿美元的操作。虽然这不是一次非常大的干预,但由于他们选择在美元兑日元因通胀数据走低的时刻进行干预,效果显著,得到了非常高的投入产出比。

And that was, you know, honestly, really well timed, really well executed. I'm not sure it was at night in Japan at that time, were they on standby? Did they know in advance? I don't know, but it was very well executed and did push USDJPI down a few percent. Now that seems to have actually been negative for the equity markets because looking across the markets, buying USDJPI, so that is to say, buying dollars against the yen has been a very popular trade. In fact, a lot of sophisticated investors who want to buy USDJPI right now have been funding their dollar assets by borrowing in yen. So if you think about it from their perspective, if you were buying this in P500 using yen over the past year, you would have made a lot of money as the S&P 500 appreciated in price and you would have made a lot of money as the yen depreciated. So it was a double play. Now that trade seems to have been very popular and as the Ministry of Finance shook that tree a little bit, it seems to have prompted some deleveraging across the board. And so I think that's the reason for that odd price action in US equities.
这真是时机把握得非常好,执行得也非常准确。我不确定当时日本是否是晚上,他们是否处于待命状态,他们是否提前知道?这些我都不清楚,但操作执行得确实很好,推动美元兑日元下跌了几个百分点。这对股市似乎产生了负面影响,因为在市场上,购买美元兑日元(即用日元换美元)是一笔非常流行的交易。事实上,许多想要买美元兑日元的高级投资者一直在通过借入日元来为美元资产提供资金。 从他们的角度来看,过去一年里如果用日元购买标普500指数,你会因为标普500指数价格上涨而赚钱,也会因为日元贬值而赚钱。所以这是一种双重收益的交易。现在这种交易似乎非常普遍,而日本财政部的操作似乎引发了全面的去杠杆化行为。因此,我认为这就是美国股市出现奇怪价格波动的原因。

So the question for me right now is just, is the deleveraging done or do we still have some fragility we need to shake off? Friday things seem to rebound a bit. It seems like there was not that much damage done to those people who had lever trades. And for all I know, and looking at what happened in recent months, they just go right back to work, shorting the yen and buying stocks. Now we all know that Japan can't intervene indefinitely to support the yen because the fundamentals are just so dire for the yen. The interest rate differential is just too wide. Now the way that the Bank of Japan is thinking about handling that is that it's forecasted to continue to raise rates, even as the Fed is cutting rates and the Bank of Japan may do a bit of quantitative tightening as well. So going into the coming months, that favorable interest rate differential towards the dollar may shrink. Now just in case that's not enough, it seems like the Japanese authorities are also thinking about adjusting their pension fund allocations to try to strengthen the yen. Let me explain.
所以现在对我来说的问题是,去杠杆化的过程是否已经完成,还是我们仍然有一些脆弱性需要摆脱?周五的情况似乎有所回升。看起来那些有杠杆交易的人并没有受到太大的损失。而根据我对最近几个月发生的情况的了解,这些人可能会马上重新开始,做空日元并买入股票。 现在我们都知道,日本不可能无限期地干预以支撑日元,因为日元的基本面实在是太糟糕了。利率差距实在太大了。日本央行的应对策略仍可能是在美联储降息的同时继续加息,并且日本央行可能也会进行一些量化紧缩。因此,在未来几个月,利率差距对美元的有利情况可能会缩小。 若仅仅依靠这些措施还不够,日本当局似乎还在考虑调整养老金基金的配置,以试图增强日元。让我来解释一下。

So over the past few times as the Japanese authorities have intervened to strengthen the yen, what they've been doing is that they've been taking their farm reserves. So basically their trillion dollar farm reserve fund and selling dollars buying yen to strengthen the currency. They can't do that indefinitely though. What they're thinking of doing is that using the giant government pension fund, which has 1.5 trillion dollars in assets and about 40% invested abroad and trying to take that money and move it back to Japan.

So over the past few years as interest rates in Japan have been very low, the government pension fund has been investing a lot in foreign assets. And Treasury's French Oats, UK guilds have been much higher yielding than Japanese government bonds. And so it makes sense for the government pension fund to be investing abroad. But now that GGB yields have been going up and maybe because the yen has been so weak, the government seems to want the pension fund to move some of its money from abroad back home. And that would involve significant amounts of the yen purchasing.

So the government pension fund sells some, say, Treasuries or U of Stocks, take those dollars, sell them and buy yen. And that is over $100 billion in purchases of yen depending on how quickly they want to do that process. So that portfolio rebalancing process would be a tailwind to come strengthen again without having the government further exhaust their foreign reserves. So the government has a lot of tools over there to try to strengthen the yen. And if they don't want the yen to weaken any further, they have ways to do that. So personally, I would not be negative on the yen right now. The authorities have told you they don't like what's happening.

And the last thing that I want to talk about is how the Treasury goes about issuing debt. So many people have been thinking that the US Treasury is gooseing the stock market by issuing more bills than coupons. Let's take a listen. As you know, the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee recommends that T-bills comprise between 15 and 20 percent of total US debt. Right now, the Treasury is issuing T-bills significantly above that recommended range. Some people, including myself, believe that this is being done to artificially stimulate markets in the run up to the election.

So that is a sitting US Senator basically saying that, you know, the US Treasury gooseing the stock market to help Biden. Now the person who actually decides how debt is issued is Assistant Secretary Josh Frost. Now many people say it's Yellen. Of course, Yellen is the big boss. But let me tell you, I'm pretty sure that Yellen is not so much into these details and is not well versed in the plumbing. But Josh is. Josh was actually my former boss at the New York Fed and he had a speech this past week detailing the Treasury's debt issuance process and pushing back against the notion that they are gooseing the market.

First, he describes just how the Treasury figures out how much debt to issue. Then he goes about how they go about deciding the composition. So the US Treasury first looks at, again, so three things determine how much debt to the Treasury has to issue. First, of course, obviously the deficit when the government spends more than it takes in taxes, it has to be fine. It's not spending with debt. Secondly, when there's old debt that's maturing in practice, it doesn't get paid down. It just gets rolled over.

So looking to how much debt the Treasury has to issue in the next quarter, you have to take into account the deficit. But also how much debt is maturing because that maturing debt has to be rolled over. And lastly, the US Treasury also wants to see if there's any changes in how much cash balances it wants to hold. So the Treasury General account right now, say, $800 billion, if it wanted to increase that, it would have to issue more debt to finance that.

So changes in the TGA also increase overall debt issuance. Now, after you determine how much debt you want to issue, you have to say, how are you going to go about financing that? How many bills, how many coupons, what tenors, and so forth. The way the Treasury goes about doing this, of course, first they use bills as a shock absorber. Bills are issued regularly on a weekly basis, but in the event that you have these unforeseen circumstances like COVID or in the event you have fluctuations in tax receipts, say during April when the Treasury suddenly has a big influx in cash receipts, you would adjust bill issuance to accommodate that.

That's your shock absorber. When it comes to coupon issuance, though, the Treasury aims to be regular and predictable. What that means is that so every month they'll tell you that we're going to issue, so they're going to issue have monthly issuances of all the key benchmark tenors, and they will telegraph in advance just what the sizes are. The Treasury does not issue opportunistically. In the past they did, but they realized it wasn't very effective. In the past maybe they would see, man, interest rates are low in the tenured sector. I'm just going to go and issue a bunch of tenured notes, but they don't do that anymore. They realize that basically they're not that good at predicting what interest rates would be in the future. You could be issuing a bunch of debt when you think interest rates are lower, but it actually goes further lower.

Also when you issue opportunistically, it actually makes things more difficult down the line. In the past when the Treasury did issue opportunistically, let's say they thought that longer data interest rates are low, and so they issued a whole bunch of tens or thirties, then eventually one day they're going to have to refinance those tens and thirties, and that makes things quite lumpy, and it made it difficult to refinance this big lumpy chunk of debt. They realized that wasn't a good way of doing this. Over time, what they've come to see is that being regular and predictable is actually the best way for Treasury to minimize their cost of issuance over time, because it increases the liquidity premium of Treasuries. One thing people will note is that on the run, Treasury debt has a lower yield than off the run.

That's the liquidity premium, and having this regular and predictable schedule increases the liquidity premium and makes it actually cheaper for them to issue debt as it ensures to the market that they will be liquidity in their products, again, no lumpiness, and also allows investors to prepare for upcoming issuance so that they can digest it better. In the event, though, that Treasury has to adjust their coupon issuance because of changes in deficits and stuff like that, the way that they would go about doing this to finance higher deficits will first and foremost, they would just adjust coupon sizes higher, which is what they've been doing. So let's say that normally they were issuing $50 billion in two-year notes a month, they could adjust that to $60 billion a month. Secondly, if that wasn't enough, what they could do is they could actually sell debt more frequently.

So in the past, they've increased their frequency of tip sales to raise more money. The third thing they could do is that they could increase more tenors for existing products. For example, recently they rolled out a six-week bill. Again, new product, you're able to raise more money. And lastly, if they still wanted to raise more money, they could come up with a new products to appeal to a wider investor base. More recently, of course, floating rate notes and several years ago, inflation protected securities. So that's how the Treasury goes about doing this. Now Josh makes it a point, goes out of his way to say, we are definitely not trying to goose the markets by issuing more bills.

So he notes that Treasury does have this self-imposed guideline of having bill share be between 50 to 20% of outstanding debt. But he thinks that this is something that is relatively recent. If you look further back through time, the bill share has actually been much higher. And of course, we're telling everyone that this is temporary. Eventually, we're going to go back to that 15 to 20% line. The decreases in coupon sizes in the recent past, again fewer coupons, more bills, is just a modest tweak, not a big deal. So that is his explanation as to why the Treasury bill share has been increasing. And he could be totally true, totally correct.

But again, you have to be aware of the fact that he is a Biden appointee, totally on team Biden. And so it is in his interest and interest of his boss to have easier financial conditions, which many people do perceive of higher bill share as doing. In any case, I don't know one knows the truth unless you can read their minds. And it's fair to have both sides of the story.

Okay. So that's all I've prepared for today. Thanks so much for tuning in. If you're interested in hearing my thoughts, make sure to check out my blog, petguy.com. And of course, don't forget to like and subscribe. All right. Talk to you guys next week.